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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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those comfort sneakers at a sale price of only uah 299. call! warning! mecca sale! cordless saws strong with a discount of only 799 uah. reliable, powerful, convenient. order while the video is streaming. strong saplings will cut trees and shrubs with ease. they are convenient to use for carpentry. this is an ideal tool for your home or backyard, and the price is only from uah 799. choose a basic model or a model on the body. oven handle and order now, free shipping is available, check with the consultants, cut branches, trim timber, chop firewood, you can do all this in one move, with strong saws, just look at how quickly they cope with even thick branches, strong saws are easy to use and mobile, once you're done, it's enough to suffer with standard dimensional saws, strong saws are convenient to use even in hard-to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only 790. uah 199 with
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the possibility of free delivery powerful strong saws what you need call there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and ochad. friends, now we will talk about our money with you, but before we start these conversations, so as not to demotivate you in any way, although we may say that this will motivate you even more. we remind you about this qr code, do not pass it with your scanner, come with your phone camera, open it and scan and transfer as much as you don't mind, so far 2000 uah, friends, it's a shame, something is not moving and our collection, i hope that little you stop it, let's make it so that our colleagues will have to collect very little tomorrow in order to approach 930 00 and turn it into 1 million hryvnias, a total of three...
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we need it, so join in, please, and we are already joining a little bit of oleg penzyn , a member of the economic discussion club. mr. oleg, we congratulate you. i also congratulate you that. mr. olezh, the council announced new restrictions on transfers between cards for individuals. this is done so that there is no use of such a so-called drop scheme. this now means that if i have to retell there are a few hryvnias for mom, so i... can't do this? no, look, let me clarify: we are not talking about the council, we are talking about the national bank of ukraine, it announced the introduction of restrictions on personal to personal short transfers three months ago , that three months, in fact, there was an interview of mr. pyshny, economic pravda, where he said that by august 13, they will finalize these,
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let's say, discussions and come to the final decision regarding the limitation of these transfers from an individual to an individual through cards, the main reason why they decided to do it, and he was explaining it, and it was actively discussed three months ago, that a large enough number of people today are using these ... cards in order to firstly, to avoid taxes, secondly, there are frequent cases when those er, let's say, personal data with card numbers are transferred to dealers who actively use other people's data, in fact, you said correctly, there is such a term as drops, er , this is actually the transmission of information for the use in the mechanisms
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of tax evasion, payment of taxes, and actually, let's say, the personal data and cards of people with a low income level, suddenly come to life and begin to pass through them sums of 1, 2, 2.5 million hryvnias, actually mr. pyshnyi cited examples when tax liabilities were added to people there, in one case 2.5 million, in the second case half a million uah due to... the use of cards with such large transactions, that is, what the national bank? he wants to use his power, he has the authority to do so, to limit the total amount of transfers from one bank card to uah 100,000 per month and the total amount of transactions to be transferred to no more than 30. that is , actually, when you mentioned that i want to transfer money to my mother, this... .
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will not affect this transaction in any way, but that is unless lesya wants to drop money to her mother every day and several times, because 30 transactions a month, well, for many. those people, especially if it is a husband and wife, and they often throw things at each other money on a card, it may still change a little bit their handling of money, look, let me explain, those powers and those obligations of control, will be transferred to banking institutions, in the banking institution there is such, such a strange division called financial monitoring, anyone who has encountered that financial monitoring knows in principle what it is about, he follows it anyway. transactions that fall outside the boundaries of, say, ordinary ones, that is, you have, for example, a card, you are there and conduct some operations, the bank clearly conducts operations identifies you as a person, it definitely has information about your first
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-degree relatives, or even second-degree relatives, that is, i think that when it comes to people who receive money from you, and you are related to them, i think that the bank will not have any issues related to, let's say, similar transactions, that is, look, in fact, this gives additional powers to financial monitoring, well, so that you and i just clearly understand who will implement those regulatory things that introduces the national bank of ukraine. when you transfer money to a third party, when this third party, by the way, there are certain... responsibilities associated with volunteers, and the volunteer community, the volunteer community, raised the question of what was actually quite active discussions for three months, which in a way to remove from its restrictions similar volunteers who receive
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donations to help the armed forces in this way, but here , again, it is clearly enough tracked that this is a volunteer, they are properly registered , they carry out this activity, and banks won't be will have claims against the volunteers, their cards will be clearly identified and thus none of this operation will be blocked, but when it comes to random, let's say transfers of a large amount, when it comes to ee, well , sorry, business activity is not formalized in the form of an individual entrepreneur, this is also sufficiently clearly monitored by the bank and will be unambiguously transferred together with the tax office to the appropriate sanctions. so it's not about transferring funds there from you to your mother, i think that in no way will it be limited to a banking institution, it will definitely be necessary, if you exceed the limit of uah 100 there, to inform the bank, and they will definitely ask you
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about it, in connection with what is going on like this transaction and so on, and so i think that you absolutely 90% of citizens will not feel such things in any way, well, let's be honest. i would like it to be possible to transfer for 100 hryvnias, but, but there is no such money, okay, mr. oleg, i think that everything is fine, i think that our viewers are those who do not have a business and they are not hiding anything, you have calmed down, but what about those who are hiding, is this such a step to withdraw a certain amount of money to the wall and what amount can it be within the boundaries of the whole of ukraine? well, look, we have 40% of the shadow sector of the economy, and let's be absolutely sober that the majority of this shadow business is small businesses, well , they are natural persons who carry out their activities without registering themselves as a natural
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person- an entrepreneur, but simply conducting certain operations through using a card accounts of oneself as a natural person, so the total volume... of what the shadow sector of the economy does not pay for the state budget, these figures were mentioned repeatedly, it is of the order of 700 billion hryvnias per year, but we are talking about the entire price sector of the ukrainian economy, when we we are talking about this segment, well , we may be talking about several billions over the course of a year, but again , i am absolutely sure that in this situation it will be easier for many ukrainians who currently carry out their entrepreneurial... activities in this way and easier to register as an individual entrepreneur and thus avoid such restrictions, in no way will this restriction apply to the accounts of a person who is registered and for whom this activity is an entrepreneurial activity, that is, i repeat right away, we are talking
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exclusively about transactions between an individual and an individual person, if the individual is registered as a private entrepreneur, there is no question there, and after that it will be filed. everyone will already be registered for taxes, well, they are going to raise them anyway, and by the way, this is an increase, let's be frank again, this is an increase for you and me, because who pays excise taxes? does the entrepreneur pay excise duty, does he have a cash gap, i.e. he paid, and then collected it from us, and what does the entrepreneur pay for the military levy, well no, it is translated into the price of the product, or the person who works for him will pay from the income , that is, in the end, all this is for an individual, and a possible option is to raise the value-added tax from 20 to 23%, well, who is the final payer of vat, and we by you, i.e.... the entrepreneur in any case has an income, an income, he will decode it for himself, that is, all the taxes
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that we are talking about today are the taxes of conscientious ukrainians, citizens, individuals who go to the store and pay this everything you and i are talking about, we will face further increases in the price of things, which, to one degree or another, yes, of course, that will be all, why, in fact, next year, the government in the budget declaration predicts inflation by... 10% , despite the fact that we are planning to freeze social standards, that is, for next year neither the living wage nor the minimum wage is expected to increase, while at the same time inflation is set at 10%. these 10% are exactly the tax increases we are talking about. well, what is it when we have inflation, and not growing social expenses, what is it? this is a fall in real incomes. and these tax increases, mr. olezh, will cover this deficit in our budget? for the defense industry, because it is precisely for this need, no, no, we need
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half a trillion, this is tax money, the proposed tax innovations are a maximum of 130 billion, they propose to borrow uah 160-170 billion from the population and enterprises at the expense of domestic state loan bonds. in my opinion, this number looks completely unrealistic by itself. for that reason, and so since the beginning of this year, every tuesday the ministry of finance sells at auctions ovdp bonds, domestic state loan bonds, and the amount that was planned for those 1.7 trillion revenues, it is already scheduled until the end of the year, that is, they want in addition to the amount that is available today, another 160 billion will be borrowed somewhere, at the same time, it should be understood that as of the end of july... "the ministry of finance did not even implement the plan for those borrowings that
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were prescribed within that 1.7, and in the event of failure to implement the plan for 1.7, you want an additional 160 billion take it out somewhere, well, i have a question, where will they get it from, well, because in reality people today have no money and even you, well, look, before our conversation with you, you once again pointed to this qr code and said: "boys, let's go girls": to give, because it is necessary, because the nose is bleeding, eh, and it’s going very hard, actually, i ’ve already been on several broadcasts today, fc presenter, believe me, before starting to communicate, they point to qr codes and call to help the armed forces of ukraine, you and i will donate very powerfully, really , and everything we have the opportunity, we do it, do you think, in addition, it will be possible to find some penny somewhere in order to collect those crazy games, money? that is why i have certain doubts about the ovdp, that is why
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there is currently no value-added tax on tax innovations, but when they will understand that they will definitely not collect domestic state loans from bonds, i think that at the end of september, at the beginning of october , we will also see vat in the verkhovna rada, so mr. olezh, fines for not updating data, fines for traffic violations, well, different options for punishment , the state can? some regulatory rules, let's say so, to launch our levers of influence in order to accumulate a certain amount up to this amount that we need. well, not that money, well, just so you understand, these fines, all the last ones, are not the money that can, well, significantly, well, this well, in the best case, a few million, well , let's say tens of millions of hryvnias, but it's not hundreds of billions, well, that is, you just need to clearly understand the scale of the sums, so i repeat once again, well, the only option is that they will probably offer us a tax on added to increase the cost additionally, i have other sources, well, there is also
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economy booking, but this is such an unpopular thing today that i frankly do not see any progress in this direction, although i repeat once again, this is what we started with , there is such a lady penny pritzker, you probably heard about her, and she was finishing her term... the special representative for ukraine from the president of the united states of america and her last visit, she directly pointed her finger at the ukrainian customs and said: "well, listen, do something in ends". uh, uh, actually, what i'm talking about, i'm talking about the fact that all the draft laws that were submitted to the verkhovna rada today, uh, there is not a single word about the detinization of the economy, any measures to combat the shadow sector. this is what the national bank is doing now with that p2p, and in the grand scheme of things, it's
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a small step to, uh, make it harder for those who aren't registered. as an individual entrepreneur, this is an extremely tricky segment, this is what i want to tell you, these are the blogs that start catching when a big carcass runs somewhere, well, for now we start catching blogs, god forbid that on those blogs it still did not finish, because you know, there is a very big joke, yes, there is a very big joke that in the process of research the most important thing is not to lose yourself, well , unfortunately, thank you mr. liege, briefly the rest, what's wrong with the dollar? every day it grows and grows, but very briefly, well, it doesn’t grow very much, listen, the budget of the 24th year, the average annual exchange rate is 4.7, we started with 39, we will end the year with an exchange rate of 42.5, for the next year in the budget declaration, the average annual exchange rate for the 25th year, 45 hryvnias per dollar, well, take
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mathematics, arithmetic of high school yourself, calculate how much at the beginning, how much should be at the end, well, that's it, all the arithmetic. so the annual average will be 4.7, at the end of the year we will finish 4,2,5, well, calculate everything the last thing, thank you, thank you, mr. oleg, oleg penzena, a member of the economic discussion club was in direct contact with us, now we are going on a short break, after it we will continue, there are discounts until independence day on eden, 25% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings tired of the mess in the kitchen, constantly having to sort through a bunch of pans to... find the right one, you need a sejory pro set, unpack the tv. savory pro pans fold into one another and take up so little space, and the price starts at just uah 999. the savory pro set is five pans with a volume of one to 9 l with lids for any occasion. use them on the stove and even in the oven. pans are made of
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from heartburn. i recommend izoto. isoto interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. izota is your water if heartburn bothers you. there are discounts until independence day on citramon darnytsia 10% in podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on carsil tablets of 10% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours in... time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who.. . became familiar to many, as well as honored guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care,
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in the evening at espresso. verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives. we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? on these and other questions. which concern ukrainians, the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. well, let's get back to you and already add the next guest to our broadcast, ihor stukalenko, head of energy programs the center for global studies of the 21st century strategy is already in touch with us. mr. igor, congratulations. i congratulate you very sincerely, the audience from the press, now we do not have blackouts, and this is good news, the bad news is that it will not last long, that is what
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is predicted at least in detek, they say that with the beginning of the heating season, blackouts may begin, and actually this it will also depend on whether or not russia continues to shell the energy infrastructure, how long do you think we can last without blackouts in this year? ah, i think we need to act in this way, we all need to come together, understand that the situation is difficult, and we felt it in july this month, i think the whole audience felt it, because of that we need to come together and - well, we must persevere, er, everything that is possible at all levels must be done at the physical level as well. at the personal level, and at the level of state structures, and most importantly at the level of business, and then we will come out, and you agree with the statement
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that it is from october that shutdowns will begin, and september will be our month more or less calm in this regard, the situation is like this, it depends on many facts, primarily on how much we will be able to restore. what was destroyed in the spring, and 9 gw of power was destroyed, taking into account what was destroyed earlier, this is a lot, it is very important that the balancing generation itself was destroyed, what, it is not the main one, but it provided us with peak consumption , that is, how much we will produce, and the second factor is how much we will consume. we are right that in september we usually consume less, because there is no of peak summer consumption, and winter is still
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quite far away, eh, but we need to prepare now and already yesterday, preparations are underway, m, if we continue, then i think we should remember yesterday's restorative program. the plan , the national renewable energy plan, which was adopted by the cabinet of the minister, the government, here, but this is a continuation, but this is a continuation and the search for stimulating investments specifically in balancing energy, it will not be very fast, although there are also quick solutions, well , for example, under the ucadd program . this american intelligence agency has already received quite a lot
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of mobile generation in cities and now it is important that all these installations are mobile, that they were installed and could generate electricity and heat, this is very important, but we have to watch. next, because there is a lot of generation missing, one of the ways that must be done immediately is precisely the construction of new generation, the plan that i mentioned to the government yesterday, as i have not seen it yet, as far as i know , out of print, but from the information that is already available, it is clear that it is very important ... what is there expressed, these are certain incentives for investments, that is, we must understand, only in the case
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of investments. that is, business investment in development, well, roughly speaking, this is the construction of a new generation, only in the case of business interest, it can be very fast, what do you mean when you say that people have at their level, it is clear, there everyone purchased with some batteries, some charging stations, but when you talk about business and about... well, look, i can give an example here, how ukrenergo, our state company, worked now, on the 5th on august 5, they gathered all those involved in energy, business, more than 300 people, and told how they understood
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the way out of the situation. uh, they, well, in addition to the fact that they gave a plan, what we need, what we need, uh, what kind of energy to have now, it is primarily gas, gas generation, uh, heat generation, uh , highly mobile, wind, uh, solar generation, uh, that is, they clearly said that we need to build no less now immediately. highly maneuverable gas generation, this is first of all, then they will be able to balance the market and as a result er, to reduce or avoid disconnections, when there is something to balance, then you can balance, there is nothing, it is very difficult for them, they... they
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are forced to disconnect according to the schedule of consumers, that is, but in addition to what they called numbers, how much is needed, which generation, the most important thing, and it is very important now, that they give, provide incentives, clear incentives for business to invest in ukrainian generation, we have very little time, because we have a resource, i have in mind money in order to restore this amount of this generation, because we we understand that everything rests on the ability to do this, financially, including, absolutely, but when a business is undertaken, the money is there, but the business must understand that it is profitable for him, well, and he will make a profit, this is the essence of the business that offers ukrenergo, they offer literally from... tomorrow there will already be
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an auction for the sale of the service, that is, what is meant, it is meant that the auction on august 15 is a service for loading and unloading the generation line, from the high-speed power transmission line, for example, they will be selling this one tomorrow unloading service. and loading within 15 seconds, that is, they give the command, and the company that wins the tender, it has to turn on within 15 seconds and give some power to the general grid, this is very important, they are pretending to replace, they say we need now 99 mw of such highly maneuverable power for 15 seconds on and off, which is included in the grid, such
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generation for such a service, which is the most important thing, they are ready to pay 30 to 33 € per megawatt, this is a lot, i will point out, for example, that in the european union such a service costs 1.5-3 € per megawatt, this company calculated and said, it will be profitable, and i think it is real, that the generation will be built quite quickly, thank you, ihor stokalenko, the manager. of energy programs of the center for global studies of the 21st century strategy was in direct contact with us, the time for news has already passed, so we will pass the floor to our wonderful colleague annimelnik, who is already ready to share with us an important situation at this moment. colleague, we give you the floor, please share what you have found out about. good afternoon, everyone, i will start this issue with why are planes falling in the kursk region of the russian federation.


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