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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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10% in travel bam and thrift pharmacies. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isoto interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. isotaa your water if heartburn bothers you. now i have a toothpaste that does more. lacalus activ+ with plus active ingredients. i use it for gum problems and bad breath. lacquer active++ with two-phase technology. actively overcomes bleeding gums and gives fresh breath. lakal active plus - an action that you feel immediately. there are discounts until independence day on decatylene 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with...
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economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, that's my name mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison. special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from the head, no, not from the head and beyond, then who is china, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. i am currently reading an article by our colleague lena chechenina, cultural review. about how
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the ukrainian language was broadcast on russian television kuban chatter, and there are also such ones with kursk, they speak the southern kursk dialect, and at the same time he speaks pure ukrainian, and there they say, attic and ladder, and they say that this is an amazing chatter, which disappears altogether, in a word, don’t cubans are worried, i'm not going anywhere. we now add to the conversation the officer of the third separate assault unit and the historian oleksandr alfiorov. mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine. mr. alexander, can you hear us, because we can see you. yes, we are trying something with the connection, probably not very well, no, maybe the sound just wasn't there turned on mr. alexander, are you with us? good health, sorry, yes, the internet hangs a little, but. here, where i am,
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from time to time, it happens, it happens, yes, mr. oleksandr, look how many people have already and how many have not mentioned such fragments, our viewers, probably, have information, someone will learn from our guests from sumy oblast that, in fact, a huge amount families lived on both sides of the border between sumy region and kursk region, some call it the kursk people's republic and may not be far from the historical truth. that is, because i have seen historical postcards kursk-ukraine, i saw the documents of the communists from the 36th year in kursk, the documents of the cpsu were printed in ukrainian, both the form itself and the blue seals are communist, in a word, from the historical aspect, how russians look at kursk, because part already says, and we have a lot of territories, what about these settlements, how do they look at this, these areas, how? we are looking at them, thank you,
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mr. roman, look, well, here it is absolutely impossible to say that there is any certain solution from these specific lands, because in fact, the population is motley, and if we are talking about the primary population of kurshchyna, then this is a tribe of northerners, which stretches from chernihiv region to us, enters there, and it is unequivocally said that it was... some conglomerate of incomprehensible people there. you can't, these are not finno-ugric, that is, they are actually slavs, on whose territory the kursk principality was created in the 11th century, which was under the rule of kyiv, later chernihiv and pereyaslov, and finally only in the 16th century it departed from our unity, then the muscovites captured these territories that were already in the grand duke. lithuanian and russian, and then
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the processes that unfolded already in the 17th century began, this is the settlement of this region, which was emptied after the tatar raids. after the horde raids, the settlement of this region on the one hand by ukrainians who organized the sumy, kharkiv, akhtyr, zyum tastrogos, cossack, and slubitsk regiments, just a part of the sumy regiment entered the territory of today's kursk region, on the other hand, they were muscovites, who, realizing that cossack spiders already exist, they started there to resettle their serfs, all these shermetevs, styakins, mardyaks sent there, because the cossacks had already appeared, which covered this territory, and in this way the first ethnically ukrainian lands with a ukrainian population appeared on kursk, on kursk in the kurt region, we talk, for example, about suzha often now, because it is
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precisely the region of suzha, the suzha people, that is , there were two suzha hundreds of the sumy regiment and , in the end, a huge number of serfs, so at the end of the 19th century, in principle , the distribution of nationality looked like so that it was more than 20%, well, if we are not talking about the kurt province, but the territory of the kurt region at the beginning of the 20th century, sorry, already soviet times, in 26-27 years, then it seems to me that it was about a quarter the population is ukrainians, these are compact places of residence of this western kursk region, eastern slobojan region. everything else was the territory inhabited by these descendants of moscow serfs, who were ethnically different, so we say that these were transferred serfs, that is, people without specific identification, but a kind that appeared later there in the 19th century, when they were told that they were
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great russians, so for us it is an interesting territory, it is not always ukrainian everywhere, and even fables about, let's say... the presence of a huge ukrainian community there remain fables, and the palace of hetman mazepa will not even help, because mazepa himself, for example, bought brain- dwelling tyrants for himself, starting from the end of the 17th century, he simply bought up vassals, which was impossible in gidban region, because in yetman region it was not possible to buy a person, exchange for a dog or silk underpants. oh, but it was an economic investment of money, that's why mozep before the beginning of the 17th century and the 18th century bought krakosts, and before the beginning of his rebellion he sold them in order to use this money to start a rebellion against peter the first, that's why
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the variegation is present, but there is a very strong ukrainian region western kursk region, huh, and how do you think we can work with him in this region? but rather with people who can be loyal to ukraine, can help us in the fight against ukraine russia? we understood how to work with this region more than a week ago, it was demonstrated to us by the ukrainian army, but regarding the population, well, we must understand with you that if someone there speaks ukrainian, then these are people who are native speakers. languages, yes, but are they carriers of ukrainian identity? ugh, this is a big question, because khutin and the soviet authorities did not fulfill any international resolutions that they signed up for, about indigenous peoples, about
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supporting cultural, historical, there right to education, and it is clear that now you have a video is shown that went around the whole of ukraine, when two grandmothers understand ukrainian... where in general they even speak literary ukrainian, but this happened essentially on their own, let's say, primary or basic knowledge of relatives, the language continued to exist, but in the 20th century , after these territories were separated from the ukrainian people's republic, later from the ukrainian state of the carpathian palace, then in these territories russia... until mass russification, and i gave you the figure that in the krust region in the 20s in the 20th century, there were almost a quarter of ukrainians, but at the end of the 80s, there in the 89s, it seems, then in the 2000s, this figure was already 1
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to 7, 1.3%, so russification was rampant, no one there did anything ukrainian schools, no ukrainian classrooms, no ukrainian... library libraries, that is, this territory is russified, of course, mr. oleksandr, but look, in fact, this story is not unique to ukraine, it was like that in all border... borders throughout in europe, there is simply a solution for this, and all the issues of national minorities on the border have been removed the internal borders of the schengen zone were removed, that is, such a space became a separate ethnographic and ethnic space, a cultural space, and there is a separate space that seems to be delineated by borders on a map. in our case , the borders of the 91st year of international recognition, which were amended by putin, and russia, in principle, are what interests us, we... will not encroach, as the ministry of foreign affairs said, on any territory, including kurshchyna. but on the other hand, on the day of the breakup,
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do you remember the presidential decree on ensuring the humanitarian rights of ukrainians in the territories, and among them were kurshchyna, belgorod and kuban so what will be the post-war mechanism, for example, if we already offer them, open humanitarian borders, and so there was cross-border, one way or another dialogue. before a full-scale invasion, let there be those 20% of ukrainians, as you see, the mechanism for involving them later, so that these residents of the border were not the bearers of solovyov and the russian world in their heads, but at least they were within the framework of at least that humanitarian space and identity, so that they are within the limits of humanitarianism, it is simply necessary to raise them in a humane way. it is clear what we see of these people who are frightened, who are already starting
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to think about something, and i will not say that you know this, even if they are ethnically ukrainian, that they support ukraine, we must understand this issue, but at the same time we must understand that ethnically they are connected with ukraine, and they have, at least at the level of sentiments, at least at the level of such self-identification, which was even... humiliated in russia by such a frankly bad word today, khahol, that is, they were discriminated in one way or another even by the russians themselves according to the sign of the language, according to the sign so so-called chatter, although we will hear the same language now in the kuban, if our troops enter, well, they will have the opportunity to move the kershchen bridge, and in the end, what a job, well, we will see the results of this... operation, because now i i am in a region that
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was de-occupied two years ago, and you can still find a huge amount of literature, propaganda products of the russian troops, newspapers, a red star named after lenin three times and everything possible, that is , they worked, the occupiers worked even in such a way as to give the population this food, read, now, in principle, is the time when... in these territories there is an information bubble, well, in a certain way, when there is no information, when there is a limited amount of it for the population, accordingly, now it is necessary to create real propaganda units that will be able to develop it involves solving work that will be able to include transmitters on ukrainian waves, let's say so, that is, now there is this option. that we cannot say what the situation is in those parts, whether it is safe or not, but judging by the fact that we
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heard about the court, that it has been cleaned, that there is already communication with the people, that international and ukrainian missions are going to help the local population, but now those officers who have an education in history, who have an education in journalism, who have an education in political science are needed there in order to just to communicate... with people, i think it would be the most optimal option to start communicating with a population that is in a state of stress, and this is the state in which they can break through all this putin nonsense and at least to talk at the level, well, banal everyday, that is why it is very important now ukraine has enough such specialists, and does, for example, the third storm troop in... within the framework of recruiting calls to join, including historians,
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journalists and political scientists? i have a group that i manage, it is a group of humanitarian support of the third brigade of the brigade, a unique group that exists only here, it seems to me, in our brigade, and a team of six people absolutely creates all the conditions to hold lectures, you create the library. who even rescued a woman from kamianopovets yesterday at the front and was transferred to the historical museum in the days in dnipro, i am proud of this group, it is the best way to ... i think that we would also be needed in those territories where the liberated ukrainian people are currently fighting, but unfortunately, i know that humanitarian processes in the armed forces, they do not always respond, because, in general, there are no such positions in the army for historians, or political scientists, there is, there is a military accounting specialty, like my political science, but these positions do not exist, you know
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that you are , let's say, a person who will communicate with the population, this is... it's a shame, but the army is the army, we also have to understand that there can be a position of a psychologist, a press officer, but the position of a historian, well, it is not foreseen, although we do everything to make this position appear, because it is a proper cool position, starting from the fixation of those inhuman actions of the mozkovites in the liberated territories, completing the recording of archaeological finds in the trenches in the trenches, that is why this is necessary, in the future the category of... people who are now under the control of the ukrainian troops, and are of ethnic ukrainian origin, i will say that for them it is vaccination for life, because it turns out that ukraine is not so far away, as it was said. mr. oleksandr, thank you, the officer of the third separate assault unit, and the historian oleksandr alfiurov, and for the fact that it will be necessary
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to take a historical march through the same terrain where the armed forces of ukraine passed. ihor simovolos, director of the center for middle eastern studies, is in touch with us. good morning, glory to ukraine. good morning. greetings, greetings, friends. mr. igor, this is not the first time that deadlines have been set and each time they are not met. it is about what is already in three times we recorded ultimatums, now in a few hours there will be a full-scale, large-scale attack on the state of israel from the side of iran. a week and a half ago, iran said that it would attack in 72 hours, and that was the first deadline, and then there were others that, what was wrong, that is, they negotiated so well, through turkish, the americans, that they convinced queer and the ayatollah not to do it ? well, there could be a number of reasons, you see, we're all smart in hindsight, we can find any explanation for the events that happened, but in this
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case, it's quite possible that... iran and not was going to strike just like that immediately, and he is carrying out a rather large-scale information and psychological operation, while forcing the israelis and americans to be in a state of constant combat readiness and thus raising the stakes on the eve of negotiations on the possibility of stopping the war in... and it is obvious that until these talks take place, until either success or failure occurs, iran is likely to refrain from striking. ugh. and in general, the reaction to the last such ultimatum deadlines now is that
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they connect it with the same operation against hamas and the release of the hostages and say that... in fact, well, the americans are printing today, they say that it has reached a dead end, this story with the ceasefire, the release of the hostages, that there is a dead end, well who knows, there will be negotiations today, let's see, i think that the americans have both optimistic and pessimistic estimates, and i think that a tendon situation, like with a dinosaur, will happen. whether the negotiations will not take place, yes, therefore, or more precisely, whether some decision will be made at the negotiations or not, is still unknown, will hamas participate in these negotiations, the fact that israel agreed to these negotiations does not at all mean that israel agreed to the conditions that biden put forward at the time in the form of his plan, so there are a lot of
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variables, unknowns, and so it's really worth the wait. well, when these negotiations take place, it will be possible to determine whether there will be a next round, or the parties will part ways without achieving anything, then it will be possible to more or less soberly assess the possible further development of events. in any case, iran is now is arming itself, iran is now preparing for a possible retaliatory strike already from israel, and it is obvious that well... let's say there is no team that would curtail the iranian operation, that is , the iranians are also in a state of full in any case. combat readiness, nothing has been decided yet, nothing has changed, and in principle everything hangs on a very, very thin
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thread of these very hopes that the gas war will stop, the aggressors in the country, so in russia, very strongly indicated how much they care about fate palestine putin, therefore quite a lot covered this visit of the president of palestine mahmoud bas to moscow, in fact... why did he go there? well, for the leadership of the palestinian authority, moscow is an ally. ugh an ally in a global sense, that is, for a long time, russia has been demonstrating its, so to speak, commitment to the idea of ​​a palestinian state, although, as you understand, many people in the world are committed to this idea and, perhaps, mentioned the number of countries that recognized palestine, and the actual american plan, and the statements of the administrator, of the american administration that the conflict should be resolved through the creation of
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a palestinian state, but, well, these are traditionally such ties, and the palestinians believe that they should rely on three pillars in their political and foreign policy activities. the first stop is russia, the second stop is china, and the third stop is the global south, and the arab countries, yes, well , and parallel to this, to be open to communication with the west, uh, this is such, well, the most understandable position, here it is difficult to blame them, given that they are weak side sir? we still have literally a minute to understand how independently these actions are now taking place from the territory of lebanon, when hezbollah is shelling the north
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of israel, but these shellings, well, let's say this, are not very powerful, there are two in a couple of dozens of rockets, even the iron dome can handle them, but they act independently, is it actually such a disturbing shelling or what to call it, although it sounds cynical, this is a team from tehran. i don't know, that's for sure, that is, i don't have such information, i can to assume that in principle hezbollah can act independently, there is enough there, a sufficient level, an independent level of decision-making, but strategic decisions are obviously coordinated with tehran, and now, as you assess, without knowing the results of the changes, now there is a hailstorm. the radius of tension in the sense that a serious regional conflict may flare up here, or on the contrary, it grows, if, for example, these negotiations are unsuccessful today, well, it is obvious that in the event of
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unsuccessful negotiations, if the parties really break the pots for good, that is, say what no, no negotiations, pain, then we can expect an increase in the degree of conflict, and thank you, ihor simovolos, director of the center of middle eastern studies, there will be a short pause on the espresso broadcast and after that the news. khrystyna parobiy will tell about all the most important things. stay tired of a mess in the kitchen? you constantly have to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one. you need the savory pro kit. unpack tv. savory pro pans fold into each other and take up so little space. and the price of everything from 999 uah set saivory pro is five pans from one to 9 liters with lids for any occasion. use them on the stove and even
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11:00 am
11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, c khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. the most massive capture of russian occupiers since the beginning of the full-scale war. 102 invaders surrendered to the ukrainian myysk region in... region. this is all rota. the video was published by the project of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, i want to live. it is noted that the soldiers, who were left behind by their commanders, decided to lay down their arms. sbu soldiers managed to capture and clear the enemy's concrete and well-fortified company stronghold. with underground communications.


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