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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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from the position of judge of the cassation administrative court, and who in the vrp helped knyazev not to answer for a multimillion-dollar bribe, the record holder simply for the first closure of cases, watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel on thursday, august 15 at 5:45 p.m. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia throws away millions of petrodollars. to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks from the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday-friday at 22:00. we will return and, as announced, we will find out how life is now.
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zaporizhzhia serhii lyshenko, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, joins our conversation, precisely for this, mr. serhiy, we congratulate you. congratulations! mr. serhiy, we understand that they continue to attack zaporozhye, 400-500 attacks per region on front-line settlements, unfortunately, these numbers remain stable, stable for the region. and at the same time they say that refugees will be taken to the coast from the kursk region, maybe even from the belgorod region , they will want to take them there later, have you seen them yet, are they really being taken to the place where they will be resettled, if they are, are they preparing places? well , according to the available information, well, i don't have, let's say, information that someone has already been brought, there is information that some recreation centers have started to prepare. whether a local
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business, they should reserve those free places for the resettlement of these people, but the specifics of when, how and how much will be brought in, so far there is no such information, and this is, firstly, secondly, there was information that a command has been given to carry out an inventory there, an audit of the hostels, maybe some local hostels are found in the territories, etc., and in this direction, let's say, they are preparing, is this... real preparation or just a desire to serve, to show that we are ready, well, time will tell , depending on whether they will be brought or not. mr. sergey, by the way, the head of the zaporizhzhia regional military administration , ivan fedorov, says that this will now be a gold mine for local gauleiters, because they will now ask russia to give additional funding for the reception of these refugees, well, this budget will be sprayed on the full program, in addition, he says that, well, they can actually use it. these displaced persons as a human
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shield, covering themselves with them, it is meant, if we are talking about some civil infrastructure there and so on, to send people there, to settle them there and as a result to make such a screen that you know about it at all, or do you know anything , and if we are talking about this sprinkling of money, how big is it there, i mean at the level gauleiter in the occupied territories? well , of course, i am not a law enforcement agency to have detailed information, but as far as i know, there are quite serious percentages embedded in almost every payment so that it can be freely, properly mastered, let's say so, and not in vain the first, conditionally the first the people of the russian federation supervise and deal with these issues, that is, the same rogozin who previously dealt with roscosmos, he will not deal with minor issues on a conditional basis... 100 dollars yes, he deals with
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serious important issues and therefore controls exactly the flows that go to the zaporizhia region, well, accordingly, this is manna from heaven for him, he will continue to do what he knows how to do, and let's hope that the zaporizhia region is not completely destroyed in this regard, in terms of human shields, it must be understood that at recreation centers and this is how the military used to live, and if now... the military and civilians, then they will automatically create a human shield, and it is not surprising that the enemy will use such means, he has covered himself with the local population more than once, so why should he not cover himself with the russian population? i want to return to the territories under our control, kyiv is under our control, we know that zaporizhzhia, like other regions , is also preparing for the academic year about what is being built, at least we have such information that there are plans for the construction of underground educational institutions and... but we hear
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that journalists and the relevant bodies do not always have access to materials, i am talking about how transparently this construction is going, whether the allocated funds... will be used for the purposes and whether the children will be able to sit at the desks no longer offline , in safer places? please tell me more six underground schools are being built, in parallel with this, another 69 schools are to start training under the mixed system, preparations are currently underway, consultations with parents are underway, and a certain procedure has been developed, this procedure is currently ongoing and by the beginning of the school year, it should already be decided which schools. go online, which go to a mixed system, and which will later be able to go fully offline in connection with the construction of underground schools. regarding access to information, according to the data available to me, that is what journalists really asked information regarding project documentation,
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corshore documentation, but it was not provided to them. well, i don't know the scope of the journalist's requests, but considering that the schools are still underground, and they can be, they can't, they must be safe for children, and accordingly, the enemy can aim at these objects, information about certain estimate data, especially design data, can be used by the enemy, so i am not sure that this information should be in public access, but personally, i was quite cautious about these issues, therefore, i am not familiar in detail with... the reasons for not giving a refusal, but if it is for security reasons, then i see a certain logic in this, well , my personal opinion, well, security issues are really important, but do you have information about whether they will be ready for 1 these educational institutions, i.e. , will children be able to sit at their desks there from the first monday, september 2, that year?
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not yet in underground institutions, they will not be completed until september 2, in those schools where there will be a mixed system, underground shelters have been prepared there. prepared classes, and in these schools are really preparing to enter the mixed system. mr. sergey, i also wanted to ask you about the possible informational and psychological effect of the information about the fire at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. the magat says that fortunately the radiophone is normal, and our officials say that the radiation background corresponds to the norms, but i think that when the footage... the residents of zaporizhzhia also saw it, they were stunned by it, and most likely , i think there were people who were concerned enough about it to see if it stunned them information, have you started any panicky moods, what's up with this now? well, in fact, the peak of panic, in my opinion, zaporizhzhia has already
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experienced, and it was connected with this fire, because zaporizhzhia still finds a city that is 30 km from the demarcation line. accordingly, there are certain threats, and the people who stayed here have already, well, as they say, gotten a little used to the existing problems, firstly, secondly, the nuclear fire itself, considering that it is on this moment is not working as it should work, again, could not to cause significant consequences, of course there was concern, but this concern disappeared when it became clear that the radiation background was normal, and the fire was most likely, well, not most likely... everything, then it turned out that this is what it is, a provocation from the russian federation , that's all, when the circumstances became clear, everyone calmed down, because, well, they are used to such things and, as they say, the local population already does not pay attention to their actions of this type, well, and we can also
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ask you a little about the situation on at the front, the orihiv direction is now also the goliaipil direction the direction is now the most active, according to the latest data, but has the situation changed now with... the fact that in the south of the country, in the occupied territories, the russian troops that were, some of them are now being transported to the kursk region, or has the intensity decreased their actions? and the intensity of actions has partially decreased in terms of the number of attacks, but the number of shellings comes in waves, that is, they are larger and smaller, and for several days there were less than that... less than 400 shellings, in recent days there is an increase again, but there is an increase account increase the use of fpv drones, that is, in fact, the enemy replaces attacks with manpower, and the number of these attacks on the use of fp drones and shelling , respectively, by artillery, including on
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the territory of populated areas, or if a few weeks ago there were five attacks per day, there are several breakthrough attempts using technology, now it's one, two, three. attacks on the day, do you have information about their logistical routes, in which way the equipment was brought to the front from crimea that time, or was it used again through mariupol. newly opened railway branch. well, the newly opened railway branch does not significantly simplify the way for them between rostov and mariupol, the distance is not so great there and there has always been the mariupol road from mariupol to rostov, so it did not help them much, let's say. they usually move around the territory of the region by road transport, using cars to transport all the necessary things, the territory contains a large number of branches. routes between villages, which allows you to transport
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equipment, food, ammunition, and personnel, etc., and the civilian population in the occupied territories, how close they remain to the line of combat, and if people evacuate, leave, then for what reason themselves, in order to be away from the front, or on the contrary, the russians push them away so that they can see and be less able to me. .. or harm, but the people who live, live in settlements near the front line and did not leave immediately after the occupation, did not leave when the front line was splashed or stood near their houses, for the most part - these are not many people and continue to live , and they leave, as a rule, if the house has been destroyed and there is nowhere to live, or the intensity of the fighting rises to such an extent that, in principle , they understand that... it will be extremely difficult to survive, and therefore they leave, but for example there is such a settlement there, nesteryanka, orihiv
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district, located almost on the demarcation line, and there are still people living there who have not left this village. thank you, serhii lyshenko, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council , was in direct contact with us, by the way, on the subject of immigrants, last night the vice minister, minister of integration, of the temporarily occupied territories, iryna vereshchuk, said that now they are ready to accept... they are the ukrainian authorities, ready to accept refugees from the kurdistan region, and in fact, this information openly outraged many ukrainians, because the people who lived in the kursk region , these are russians, yes, let's be honest, and they support the actions of their president in one way or another, even if they do not openly support him there and do not support, let's say, the russian army, then with their tacit consent they approve the policy of his russian dictator, our the authorities say that we must observe humanitarian law, well, we probably do, but on
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the other hand, we often include in our broadcasts those people who deal with the issues of displaced persons, and now our state has cut payments to many displaced persons since march, many now displaced people cannot find housing, in short, well, there are many problems that are not closed regarding ukrainian displaced persons, here the authorities are preparing to accept russian refugees, it is very interesting to hear your reaction to this in... our comments under our broadcast, and i also want to remind now that you can watch us not only on television, we have a youtube channel, so be sure to subscribe to it, watch the broadcast of our air there, write your comments, your remarks, your lines , also please share the content you like, in the video section you can find it, there are not only clips from our live broadcast, there you can also see unique content, special programs and special projects that come out for... only on our youtube channel, of course subscribe, it's very important for us and
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share, it's also very important, because in this way this content will get into the recommendations, it will be seen by as many people as possible, and please write your reaction to the news that came out, especially those , who lives in sumy oblast, because actually i can only imagine what the residents of sumy, sumy oblast, think, at the border where they go, they were fired upon every day from the border, and now here are these russians who looked at it calmly, maybe they were feeding those soldiers somewhere there , will come to their homes, well, we do not know exactly where the ukrainian authorities are going to resettle them, which regions and so on, they are just now working out a possible route of a humanitarian corridor for civilians from kurshchyna to sumy, then we do not know where they will be taken, in short here is the situation, here is the story, but by the way, about the fact that... kharkiv oblast also suffered a lot and is suffering, because the north, the northern part of kharkiv oblast
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continues there, quite active hostilities, and borov, and the kupyan direction of kharkiv oblast , they are also all on fire, by the way, what is happening there now, how kharkiv lives, how kharkiv region lives, we will talk about it in just a few minutes, so please don't switch, stay with espresso. sales progress. from unpack tv. drill screwdriver profi. compact, light, powerful, will replace a huge number of expensive professional tools. assemble furniture, hang a picture or shelf, screw almost any fastener. repair machinery and cars and even screw a self-tapping screw into a metal profile. but it is not only a screwdriver, it is also a convenient and compact drill, will cope even in the most difficult-to-reach places. the price is only 499 uah. order now and get flat and cross hardened bits as a gift. the pro works from a powerful battery built into
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we will continue to talk about kharkiv region. yevhen bilov, head of the volunteer organization rukh vilniy kharkiv, is in touch with us. mr. yevgeny slava. we know that from the russian shelling in zolochiv oblast, even in zolochiv itself, in the kharkiv region, there are several victims and among them a 12-year-old child, information from the ministry of internal affairs, please tell us in a little more detail, and in what condition are these people and this child now? yes, there was a hit today, everyone who was hurt, they got what they needed. help, i don't know about the condition at the moment. today, there were also hits in the kupinsky district at a civilian enterprise, and unfortunately, two people were also injured there. it is about the logistics infrastructure object, as we understand, which the head of the kharkiv regional spoke about military administration mr. yevgeny, we wanted to ask you about yesterday's
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shelling, yesterday russia attacked medics twice in one day. hospital workers in the kharkiv region, and unfortunately, one of them died, and it is oleksandra mulkevich with the call sign mayk, she was only 35 years old, and what do you know, they say that they were attacked by a fivi drone, their medical vehicle was fired upon from the drone, and actually one hospitalist died, another one was injured, i have slightly different information, i have information that there is a guy and a girl unfortunately, and another accompanying car, which was also with them in this direction, there are three people there, they suffered injuries, and these... two boys and a girl unfortunately died, we are crossing paths with the hospitalists on evacuations, and white the well is the same front line,
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the same as volchanskyi, there everything is sorted out by kaps, and of course you fly half-drones, and unfortunately, the enemy has half-drones that fly more than the kilometers we can count on, and therefore there is always a danger of impression on the front-line territories, they can fly...long distances and safety should never be neglected, but these are boys and girls, they have been trained, this is not their first fight like this, but it happened, as it happened, unfortunately there are wounded, do you have any idea, is it possible it is already known that they are just hunting for doctors and hospital workers, we see how many times they try to target the emergency services, the police, as was the case in this case, do you have any information and in general... how dangerous it is for these services to work in the region ? but look, i don't have this example in i have no information, but there is
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an assumption that the bus they were riding on, maybe it had some markings, or was painted green, or maybe some other story, and even if it said that they were volunteers , that this is an evacuation, that these are children, this... well, there is a risk that the enemy will strike, because it is not known whether volunteers or military are actually going there, or whether they are just hunting for volunteers, so of course there is such a danger, especially if it was crosses there, for example, on na on stuccoed, they are medical, but vfiudron you just see cross, and of course they can be like that, so periodically, if we go straight to such , well... busy cities, we remove all identification marks and give out our car so that it is without identification marks, which are not expose yourself to
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additional danger. mr. yevgeny, you mentioned that you have to go to populated areas where the danger is very, very high, or whether the evacuation is currently continuing from certain regions, from certain populated areas in the north of kharkiv region, where now, according to analysts, the advance the enemy does not... stop and the enemy's offensive does not stop, of course, periodically the evacuation crew goes to the vovchanskyi direction, this week we were forging people from the borivskyi direction, this is izyumsky district, the borivsk community, not far from pishchanny, the enemy is also carrying out offensive actions there , and while we were driving, we counted at least nine cabs that were passing through the populated areas, or through the places where we drove, and about these... news and about cabs and they are not in the news, it is impossible to read, but in fact, we saw them, but it is not reflected in the news, that is why the enemy is constantly shelling our territories and everywhere, and not only in
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the northern direction, and well, all over the entire border of the kharkiv region, where they can and have contacts. mr. yevgeny, what are you being asked to bring as a volunteer, what is the greatest need and to which areas most often. do you have to go to where is the least well-off population? look, in general there are settlements that are de-occupied, which are near-front and de-occupied territories, usually people need either drinking water, because there are cities, for example, in the uzyum community, where settlements do not have centralized water supply, they take water from wells and they do not, well, usually it is not clean water itself, we bring them either clean water or filters. and the second point is hygiene, because if food can be grown there in the garden, for example, or some volunteers can bring it or buy it in a store, then hygiene is such a story that
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you have to spend money on in order to and purchase, and usually from people in the de-occupied territories who are in the middle of nowhere villages are located, there is no place to earn money there, and secondly to buy it in general, therefore... they usually ask for sanitary kits for women, for children, for the elderly in general. and how are you coping with the heat, i see that despite the fact that the summer is already ending, there is only now a forecast for the kharkiv region that it will be the hottest days of the entire summer, but it is hard to imagine that it should be even hotter than it was, how do people cope with this? and people who live in cities, they can go out of the city in some or on recreation center. ah, but it is also dangerous, or go to places where there are reservoirs or rivers and rest there, hide from the heat there, or be at home under air conditioning, or go there, maybe to
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swimming pools, if there is such a... possibility, usually these are some natural cities. you said about air conditioners, and here it is interesting to immediately continue about electricity. currently, there are no blackouts in ukraine, but it will be hot these days and blackouts may return. what is happening now in kharkiv oblast with light? at the moment , it can be said about kharkiv that everything has not worked out as it should it was at the beginning of summer, there are no outages now, and that's good, thanks to our energy workers for this. and but we are all ready, the generators are there, the stations are charged, so if it is possible that there will be some exception, then i think that it will not be a surprise for kharkiv, regarding the reconstruction of the region, we remember that every time there are flights or when debris damages housing, then minimal assistance is immediately provided on the ground, so that somewhere there the windows can be closed, the windows are stretched, globally, if we take this case, how they are currently preparing in kharkiv oblast
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for... but i am primarily interested in this front-line and border territory in the north? due to the fact that i do not deal with this direction directly, i do not have such information, so i cannot say as an expert whether, mr. yevgeny, i actually wanted to ask, maybe you have some information from colleagues or there is some need in the region, because when it was about electricity, then it was help at the state level, and how is it now with some smaller needs, eh? what i would focus on as a volunteer is providing people, firstly, with warm clothes, and secondly, it firewood, because usually they, or the forests are mined, and it is impossible to come and produce firewood there so easily, so the provision of firewood, because sometimes they do not have enough of it, or fuel briquettes, also the issue of generators, because they also fail , or fuel to deliver them,
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periodically we deliver fuel to people, because if there is a generator, but they cannot fill them with anything, and the next gas station is very far away, then we deliver fuel to them, and in general, so that people in these territories took care of themselves, prepared for winter, because it is not known what will happen in winter, it is not known what will happen with light, especially with gas, so let people prepare, and we will help as best we can, and finally, i wanted to ask if the morale of kharkiv residents was raised by the events? in kursk oblast, how do people react and has it now given them a little more strength and satisfaction that the enemy and civilians in enemy territory will also feel what war is like? and we, as volunteers who also help the military, the problem is that we see the work of the military directly, we we see them in donetsk, in the direction of kharkiv, we know in what conditions they fight, but the civilian population lacks
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some... er, well, we understand how cool our soldiers are, and because we communicate with them directly, and through not quite, not everywhere , such victories or achievements of our armed forces are shown, so periodically people doubt whether we can win in this war, but such operations that our armed forces of ukraine have carried out, ah, and those units that took they take part in this, firstly, the heroes, and secondly, this er,... it instills such hope that not everything is bad, everything is good, we have the strength, we have the strength not only to defend ourselves and dislodge the enemy, but also to enter his territory and take some actions there, that's why this is a good moment and raises the spirit of ukrainians and just the local population, who live just an ordinary civilian life. thank you, yevhen bilov, the head of the volunteer organization rukh vilny kharkiv, was in touch with us, oksanka and i are already saying goodbye to
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you, we will see you tomorrow. take care and stay with espresso. it's all good. thank you. greetings to everyone from espresso. i am on yavomelnyk and this is news. at approximately 3:30 p.m., russian troops hit a civilian enterprise in the kupinsky district of the kharkiv region with guided aerial bombs. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration , oleg synyogov. according to him, two people died. another employee of the enterprise was also previously injured. emergency services are working at the places of impact.


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