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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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thank you, yevhen bilov, head of the volunteer organization rukh vilny kharkiv, was in touch with us, oksanka and i are already saying goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, take care and stay away from espresso. all is well, thank you. greetings to everyone from espresso. i am anna yavomelnyk and this is news. at approximately 3:30 p.m., russian troops hit a civilian enterprise in the kupyan district of the kharkiv region with guided aerial bombs. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration, oleg synyogov. according to him, two people died. also one more employee of the enterprise was previously injured. emergency services are working at the places of impact. in the afternoon, explosions thundered in
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pavlograd. after the flight , a fire broke out in a non-residential building. a 21-year-old boy was injured. he is in the hospital in a moderate condition - said the head of the region, serhiy lysak. also, due to the emergency situation, the transit passage through pavlograd on dniprovska street is temporarily closed. the enemy came almost close to the outskirts of pokrovsk in donetsk region. this is reported, reports the head of the city's military administration serhii dobryak, according to him, remains a little more than 10 km from the outskirts of the city, enemy shelling does not stop, people are dying, so he called on civilians not to delay and evacuate from the city, especially families with children. ukrainian troops were involved during the offensive.
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british challenger 2 tanks on the territory of the kurdish region of the russian federation. this was announced on the sky news channel with reference to its own sources. journalists note that if this is confirmed, it will be the first time that british tanks have been in combat on the territory britain's ministry of defense declined to comment, as did the command of the armed forces of ukraine. instead, great britain confirmed that ukraine can freely use british weapons on the territory of russia in accordance with the government's. policy, however, restrictions on the use of storm shadow missiles remain. the first commandant's office in the kursk region in the town of suja was headed by major general eduard moskalyov. oleksandr syrsky reported about this at the supreme commander-in-chief's meeting. according to him, the situation on the territory of the offensive operation in kursk region is controlled. first.
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today, our troops advanced from 500 m to 15 km in separate directions, repelled three enemy counterattacks, and will continue to conduct offensive operations. in total, since the beginning of the operation on the territory of the kursk region, our forces have advanced with battles into the enemy's defenses for 35 km, and 1150 km of the territory of 82 settlements have been taken under control. citizens demand justice. residents of the town of komarno, in lviv oblast, protested against the illegal power outage. 8 hours in a row people blocked the road so that the local authorities could hear them. our correspondents will tell you how this situation was resolved and where the population's debts came from. we have been here since 1. arrived without warning, turned off ours. and that's all. ms.
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oksana stapai protested after her apartment building was cut off. fifty residents of the town of komarno in the lviv region blocked the local road with the demand that the lights be returned to their homes. we walk around the pedestrian crossing, we pass five cars on one side, on the other, we quickly pass them, military we pass, we pass cars with small children. that's all. half a thousand consumers were left without electricity. lviv-oblenergo cut off electricity to 200 apartments due to the debt of the local utility company komarno-service, which is subordinate to the city council. we are talking about a debt in the amount of more than uah 800,000. the debt of the mosquito service has been accumulating for years, no one worked with it, did not file a lawsuit against the debtors. and they want to divide all this debt into... the entire mass of the population that properly pays
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its utility bills, for example, i don't have debt, i think that most, well, almost all people here have no debt either, people faced a similar situation in february this year, then they also had to turn off the lights, komarny city council allocated more than a million hryvnias to repay the debt, where the new one came from, it is not clear , people are fighting, earmarked funds were allocated to pay off this debt to zero, but during this period from february 7 to now, this money partially paid off the electricity debt, and the rest was paid for water. for all our other needs, we don't care in principle, we can influence how these funds are distributed, and this debt has popped up again. the conflict between the residents of several apartment buildings and the utility company has been going on for months, says roman yurga, a member of the komarnytskyi city council.
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and i, as a deputy, initiate this and say: conduct an audit of where the money goes, because people all pay 100%, 100% of the people who are here pay, yes. debt, so everywhere in ukrainian families there is debt, there are some 5 or 10 apartments there, a maximum of 10 apartments, that have debt, not 800 thousand, i believe that that this is mismanagement on the part of the city authorities, in fact, because they did not deal with it, the mayor of komarno, ihor cherevichnyk , did not answer our calls and did not reach out to the citizens, the number of the subscriber you are calling is busy, but at night people did turn on the lights and ... the test stopped, however, the debt did not go anywhere and this situation may repeat itself, so the residents want to terminate the contracts with the komarno service company and conclude direct agreements with lviv-oblenergo. kateryna oliynyk, yuriy melnyk, espresso tv channel. in poltava
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met boxer oleksandr hyshnyak, who won gold at the 2024 olympics. today he is together with his coach and father oleksandr. khyzhnyak came to the city council, where he was solemnly met and congratulated, the athlete became the first poltava resident to win olympic gold. i am very happy that everything was successful, an extremely valuable historical medal for our city, of course for our country, i am very proud of it, thank you to everyone who supported and helped me in this. therefore, the path was really not easy, especially the last period, the last year of preparation for olympic games, because i was injured, the injury was quite difficult, and for more than a year i did not enter the ring, after the european games, since
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i got my license, of course there were certain plans, certain tournaments were built in preparation for these competitions , but i missed all of them in the last, in the last year already in... the last period of training due to injuries, but thank god, after i had an operation, i passed the recovery period and already continued training. a comical incident happened in the chinese city of guangzhou. on a wild boar ran into the local railway station. he scared the passengers, so the local rescuers and the police took it upon themselves to drive out the uninvited guest with the help of irons. zhertyn: the boar resisted for a long time, and then simply went outside through the thick steel glass. and the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of
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modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the ssu. defenders in the donetsk direction. deter enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. and remember that each of your donations is important. join this gathering. you can see all the details on the screen. these are the things for the moment, i tell you, see you at 18. i will wait for you in the final issue, you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, support our youtube channel, see you at 6 p.m., later on the air , meet the perceptive olga len.
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bribe? the record holder simply for the first closure of cases. on thursday, august 15, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22 . congratulations, endlessly, you know, for a long time you can watch and wonder how the russians every time
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fall into such hysteria and stupor when they receive something like they do themselves, but every time it causes them just some kind of surprise, why are we, well, of course, i am talking about what is happening in the kursk region, but it turns out, you know, to attack ukraine... territory is possible, but when this happens on russian territory, then some, you know, such the level of incomprehension and surprise, and even some such literally comical statements, well, on russian television in this regard, well, it just goes off the scale, and here is the most beautiful, perhaps, from what was said, here are these two small such episodes, they entered the territory. peaceful a village where there are old people and children, vile behavior
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is not at all sportsmanlike, not military, if you approach it from an ordinary human position, but because i am also a person, i feel very sorry for those people who suffered, this is a civilian population, they are not to blame for anything, of course, our citizens of the russian federation in no way expected that in the 21st century they could be treated like this... we are actually watching the retribution now, about how in the 21st century russia attacked ukraine, in what century, what in the 19th, in the 18th or 20th, no, she attacked in the 21st century, 10 years ago, let me remind you, and it also continues to attack peaceful villages and peaceful citizens, but you see, they didn’t wait,
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they didn’t wait and they were terribly surprised, and the first thing they rushed to was literally to... , and let's arrange a truce, because they attacked us, why don't you demand a truce now? when the zsu attacked our kursk region, the olympics were not over yet, we did not hear a single call for an olympic truce, we were also addressed with this, here the invasion begins , not a word, macron is silent, is silent premier... what they say, they say, and we didn't know, we didn't know, it's a terrible surprise for us, let's believe them for a second, although we have no faith in them, we didn't know, but now we know where your olympic truce is' i, where there is a call for this, nothing sounds, well, where, where, there it is, and all this can be understood, here are all
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the cries, astonishment, if you understand why exactly they speak like that, and from this point vision is very eloquent, i think, one such post that appeared on the telegram channel, as if, who is leading there, a bomber pilot of the russian air force, i don't know if it's real or some kind of fake, but it's interesting what was written there, and he wrote this, i personally thought in all seriousness that there was some kind of agreement with nato. that if even one ukrainian enters our territories, then everything will immediately come to an end in all senses, writes this russian, for example, a suitcase is given to anatoliyovych for the night, well, i mean lukashenka, and then even if the grass does not grow, neither will the ukrainians stepped, even though they could for a long time, well, that is, somehow, he understands that ukrainians in fact, they could have crossed the border
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of ukraine a long time ago if they had not been hindered, but there is no logical justification for the reason why the ukrainians did not attack russian territory earlier, except for davarnyak, he writes, that is, with nato itself, and there is no logical explanation for the violation of this agreement, in addition to the certainty that the promised end is guaranteed, not guaranteed and unlikely, what i just read to you is actually a symbol of faith that the kremlin, well, somehow spread to the deep russian. deep russian simply believes in his impunity, and until the moment when the defense forces of ukraine actually entered the kursk region, all their actions in ukraine can be explained by only one thing: this confidence that the response will never come exactly like this. that's all you heard there, that's about it,
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probably with nato, with whom, i remind you, they say that they are fighting with nato. but it turns out nothing of the sort, they are not afraid of nato, because as if with nato, they believed that they had agreed that no one would ever attack, especially the ukrainians, would not attack russia, and here, you know, several questions at once, and if you are so sure and actually always believed in this and that is why you attacked ukraine, let 's remember what was the explanation for the attack on ukraine from the very beginning, well, by the fact that... here they are they are afraid that ukraine will attack and that ukraine is preparing, now it has to happen, but it turns out, no, nothing like that, no one ever believed in it, and only now, when it finally happened, they realized that this is a violation of all agreements, this is probably because they are not afraid, and the first reaction, of course, after that was to tell
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to all russian tv channels that nuclear weapons are needed immediately... where to strike some acts of revenge, reprisals and so on, and really all this was about some acts of reprisal in the first days on russian tv, well , it is happening in some places now, but i will say so, a lot , much more carefully, just as we all hope, now they say that putin is preparing something like that, but at the first moment the reaction was, well, that's exactly what it was. demonstrations of revenge are necessary. the necessity of destroying critical infrastructure objects of ukraine undoubtedly follows from this. in first of all, power plants, for this we have all means of destruction. there are these objects, they
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are indicated. accordingly, the adversary and western curators will understand something when they hurt him very much. get on your knees and let the snorer beg. they underestimate such a rather scary scenario that if suddenly, if somehow the situation in some place gets out of control, they are absolutely sure that russia will not strike with nuclear weapons, hit them from behind with tactical nuclear weapons, pull up the guns and fire the damn mother ukrainian nazis, everything will be quiet noise that the russians have gone mad. why are you fighting like this, well, enough of the cocks, well, actually, this is also, again, a symbol of the faith of the deep russian, that hitting somewhere there
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with a nuke, well, what can i tell you, they have been talking about it for a long time and have been talking about how to destroy the whole ukraine, we have not heard anything new for this more than a week of the operation that is taking place in the kursk region, and you know, with a high probability we will not hear anything new, somewhere it will be... there will be all this noise, but in general, if you look , than in both the russian propaganda and the russian government reacted to the reality, and they reacted immediately by starting to talk about the fact that nothing was actually happening and everything had already stopped, and it started literally not until the second day, but at once everyone came out and started talking , that all are already destroyed and nothing. people invaded russia, at least
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660 were destroyed, the information is as of this morning, closer to noon, and the ministry of defense of russia has just shown new footage of the destruction of the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of kursk region armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine were destroyed in kursk region. in particular, 11 tanks. well, you see, on the first day, everyone was destroyed. who has been fighting there for a week? it is not clear. well, what else did she somehow say so little. there , the chief of the russian general staff surprised everyone the most, gerasimov, who spoke about the fact that more were destroyed than entered. that is, he even agreed to this, that is, there. first 1000 destroyed 600 first then 1000 more destroyed that and in total 1000 entered, well in short no one understood how they managed to destroy twice
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as many as entered, but in fact this is them they have been telling about all these events since the first day, and you know, the russians believe, but i will tell you right away, don't think that the russians don't believe, the russians do believe, they repeat all this, but they believe exactly before... are not disconnected from russian television, but in these very territories of the kursk region there has already been a disconnection from russian television in most areas, and i know, and suddenly the population that lives there somehow began to speak differently, and moreover, i suddenly noticed , which turns out to be lying to them constantly, and they also started crying about it right away, villages are being destroyed there, you probably don't know anything, but there is the fear of god, what is being done there. on tv, they lie, they lie, they lie and they lie, the creatures lie, that’s why the disconnection from russian television, you know,
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it works, it’s a working technology, let’s say , it is necessary for a few days to pass and it is possible for something to fly somewhere nearby, then somehow, this income is even better, but without this , there will definitely be nothing, that is, this, this , you know, reality and... and this reality from countering russian propaganda, well, that's the only way this countering helps, and well, that's what was told at first, and what is being told now, well, it will probably be even more ridiculous, because for some reason, in these literally the last two days, they actively tell that it turns out that the ukrainian troops did not capture suja. well, that is, let's recall that this happened a few days ago, but they continue to this day to say that nothing happened, in general, the court was not
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seized, and... it's even more interesting that uh, well , since there no one believes kanashenkov anymore and somehow, they now let the head of the akhmat unit, this kadyrivsky alaudinov, tell all this, who is now literally on all tv channels constantly chasing some kind of fantasy, well, one of these fantasies is actually what i am saying, that the court turns out to be unimpressed, by the ukrainians, she is like that, somewhere there, around... suja, there are a lot of rumors under our control, not under ours, and in general, does it make sense to pay attention to individual settlements now. units of the ministry of defense of russia are also located in suja, the enemy is located around and in some parts of the city, there are active clashes every day, the opponent cannot say that he has full control of the court, because he does not really
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control it. questions about our border line. i want to tell you that a large part of our first border line is still under control. as the units of the border troops sat there, they are still sitting there, no matter how it was, but the same conscripts are still in some parts. and special forces, that is, fighters of akhmat chechnya. until now, these three divisions are on... somehow, you know, they are gradually disappearing from there, maybe someone is sitting in the bunkers somewhere, but yesterday they literally took the largest number of prisoners there at the same time, 100 or more people, just in that bunker, which they were sitting somewhere there.
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well, as you know, they didn't shoot, they didn't do anything, they just sat, hid, finally they were found, there was a bunker there that was quite strongly fortified, you can see it right there, some kind of hangar is huge, very deep, good, you can't say, that there was no fortified line there, it was there and is there, but they did nothing there, they just waited until they were taken into polun, but now they have already been taken, so somehow the fact that someone is sitting there somewhere, may be sitting, but... you see, this is a temporary phenomenon, today he is sitting, tomorrow he is not sitting, the day after tomorrow he may go for exchange, or maybe not , well, this kind of work is creative, and actually, the judge herself is also very interesting, because this is all they are saying now about the fact that, i do not judge, something is not controlled there, well, it is very strange to hear, because they have already reached there even foreign journalists, not only ours, and for several days now all of them have been transmitting and showing what is actually happening in this court
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is happening, and the russians... "when the russian tricolor falls to the ground, it is dangerous in the villages closer to the suzhan district, and you cannot go there under any circumstances, people of suzhan, do not return, and whoever lives nearby, under no circumstances, well, at the same time suja, everything is fine, but there is no need to go back there and somehow it is, now it is new that they are actively telling about it, which is still
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not exciting." there is still no kursk, no kurchatov, no kursk nuclear power plant, and this is actually the main thing, on which all russian propaganda now emphasizes, telling that you see, they still haven't captured kursk, nothing, and that's very good, and how can i tell you, well, in principle, well, compare it with kiev in three days, and now they still haven't captured kursk, yes, this is the result, probably svo . putinsky from kyiv three days before, they still haven't captured the kurdish city of belgorod, and that's how they talk, you know, now about this, and in general, let's stop talking about what cities have been captured, which ones have not been captured, let's stop altogether these conversations, it is now such a popular trend in russian propaganda to talk about things that are not follow in general what cities are there, what was captured there, what is the difference.


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