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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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let's try to answer the question in the format of a blitz survey: will the world's attitude to putin change after the kurdish operation? obviously, it will change and it is already changing, and i think that we are witnessing the fact that, finally, the shrill-shrill-shriek is breaking, and we are closer and closer to the situation when finally in the heads of our western partners all the red lines that they drew for themselves, they will... well, including the red lines that putin drew and proclaimed, because well, considering what is happening now in kursk oblast, according to their logic , there is an attack on their territory, on the integrity of russian territory, and they proclaimed that if this happens suddenly, they have nuclear weapons and they can use them, but you know, i agree with you, mr. serhiy , but it seems to me that the main red lines for us are not putin's, because he... bluffs, he
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lies, he makes wishful thinking, but in fact the main red lines are in the minds of our western partners, who succumbed, and still do, by the way , succumb to this nuclear blackmail of moscow, and are still afraid, well, come on, let's move around, but every day on these russian first and second, there are 25 tv channels, they are raging in the literal sense of the word, these are razhennya. and these are the deputies of this so-called state duma, some pseudo-analysts, and so on, and what they say, by the end of the earth, everything starts from warsaw to washington, and they say it all the time, and they say it all the time, what do the western analytical centers, they they collect it all, they analyze it all and release information to the mountain, they think on the mountain, well, maybe they are really crazy, or maybe both and... no
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crazy, or maybe he did press this button, that's why there are just, you know, just such restraining elements in the position, well , god forbid, now it seems, after the kursk operation, i think that this option, god forbid , gradually, gradually begins to disappear, and the last thing that appeared now, i was driving to you and reading. information that the americans are really thinking about giving us long-range missiles with a range of 320 km, the only question is how to use them, because it is necessary that both old soviet aircraft and new, or rather, these f-16s, although they are not new, but so that they have the technical ability to take them on board and use them, so...
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if you analyze the events in kurshchyna, which was once part of ukraine, but part of these towns and villages, from the judges there, it was, these villages and towns of the russian federation were transferred at one time, how can you characterize, or how can you determine the status of ukrainians in this territory, and how can you determine the status of these regions from the point of view of... the russian-ukrainian war, well, that is, after international law, we, who are in this territory, right now, mr. sergey, we, we exercise effective control over this territory, that is, we do not say that we annexed it, we bought it, we exercise this control over what is happening in this territories, well , you see, today there was a message that the first, well, so to speak, well, formal dasta appeared. a structure called
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the military commander's office, why did they appear? well, so that this territory is not a walking field, so that there are clear rules behavior, life, and so on and so forth, please, the first element of this effective control is already there, but now, god forbid , our deputies will return from the cloudy, hidden oceans, they will finally gather and pass a law that should... place president zelenskyi announced exactly these points today. by the way, the head of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi just reported to president zelenskyi today about the creation of this first military command post in the kursk region of the russian federation. let's listen to what the head said. on the territory of the region, the search and destruction of the enemy was completed in the settlement of suja and three other settlements. to maintain law and order. "provision of the primary
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needs of the population in the controlled territories, a military combidatura was created , its head was appointed, appointed. major general moskkalov. major general moskkalov is, in my opinion, wonderful, who is the first military commander in the kursk region. it is true, it is true, it may be a bit of a joke, but i think he should as well as raise the spirits of many in ukraine, and not only the military, but also us civilians, so i think that everything is going right. but here, mr. vladimir, putin himself and the russian leadership, they announced there. counterterrorist operation, who, how, how they always conduct it, it was in chechnya at one time, and in dagestan, when there were some problems with local residents, the fact that the russian federation tries to avoid the word war, and not to use the word, and not
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to declare that they are waging a war against ukraine, that is, they want to avoid a full one isolation and then legal status. the country that will be forced to pay reparations, why do they say that this is a counterterrorist operation on the absolute right, because if a country declares war, and if it conducts aggressive offensive actions, then it itself recognizes itself as an aggressor, and this entails very serious international legal consequences, that is why putin does not want to talk about the fact that this is a war, because... the consequences for russia after the defeat of russia will be, well, they will be such in any case, but at least now you can fool your own people 's population, as well as try to spread this idea somewhere and to the outside, that this is not a war, they say, but this is a struggle with
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the ukrainian nazis, with the need for denitrification there and so on and so forth, all this absolute nonsense that he issues above. the same is the case now and here, because if he declares, declares war, it means that all the necessary measures that must be carried out inside the country are immediately mobilized, and he does not have it at all now, because first of all, there are very few people can be mobilized, look, in russia today there are no people who can be... mobilized for production, the unemployment rate is now the lowest for many, many years, around 2%, that is, there are not enough people even to cover the needs of the economy, and if now we still have to raise a wave and mobilize, well, then
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the economy, which is already breathing incense, will simply stop, because if we take some 500-600 thousand or a million from there, then... and the same weapons, which are needed for the front, will not be who to do physically, that's why he has tsutsuang, if you look at the events that are happening in the kursk region from the point of view of putin and from the point of view of his classmates in this war, can we say that they are losing control over the situation in russia, because from the moment when the ukrainian troops entered... on the territory of the kursk region until now , there is panic there, it is not clear that as a center, whether something there can influence or cannot influence those decisions, people cannot, let's say, get help from his government that putin in
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in principle, he was not ready for the fact that the war would return to the place from where it came to the ukrainian territory, well, that's obvious, he himself, you remember, put forward such a thesis. what they said, we will, if we will, well, it was before, go to negotiations with ukraine, taking into account the realities on the ground, that is, he clearly assumed that the realities would be such that he captured part of the ukrainian territory, and these realities forever, well, now the realities on earth are completely different, he was definitely not ready for this and even in a stupid dream he could not do such a thing to dream that ukrainian forces would take over some russian territory, so... i think it's a huge surprise, but you know, relatively, relative to whether he's in control, i think he's in control, and the signs that now, well, the system will fall, unfortunately not yet, er, yes, this is a very serious
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earthquake for putin, these are very unpleasant things, but, well, to say that it is a shock, er, which was, let's say, after prigozhin took a course on moscow, and when putin was really afraid and fled somewhere and disappeared for a certain period of time. now i have such a feeling, well, no less, that people are suffering there in kurshchyna or belohorodshchyna, well, it has absolutely no meaning for them, it is something that is not taken into account at all, so far the situation is like this, that although he is nervous, he is definitely worried about the control over what is happening, well, in russia as a whole. will not his potential internal enemies take advantage of this new situation, because they
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feel that if the ukrainian offensive continues, then the regime will simply collapse by itself, that is, it will not hold out, because you see, behind this border line there is actually an emptiness, that is, if our troops were to advance there in the number of 100 thousand military personnel... then i think that they would not even be stopped in moscow, but behind moscow, because there really is nothing there , which is called frantic defense and so on and so on, well, unfortunately, we do not have such opportunities, it is theoretically very easy, but in practice it is very difficult, because such a number of troops involves huge logistical problems that must be solved, and solved them as well it is very difficult, but politically putin is now... conditionally in the stage of such a knockdown, not
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a knockout, but a knockdown for sure, and he is thinking, well , how to bring the situation back to some normal level, he is thinking that he will go further in the direction of donetsk, he thinks that in this way he will give a counterargument, well , you see, well, here we have some things going on... not unpleasant little things, but i still make my way further to pokrovsk, i still want to completely occupy donetsk region and so further, that is, there will be a balance somewhere, but i think for the inner circle of his entourage, these are all pretty, pretty serious signals, and i think they're starting to think the same way. mykhailo podalyak, adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine, in an interview with the russian positional publication meduza, stated that ukraine does not bet. the goal is to create occupation administrations on the territory of the kurt region, well, this is exactly what we talked about, that there are
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military commanders that are starting to be created on this territory, as podolyak says, this is a big operation with the destruction of military facilities throughout the territory of the kurdistan region, we do not set ourselves the goal that russia sets for itself when it enters the territory, carries out occupation actions, establishes an occupation administration, ukraine enters to destroy military facilities and does not intend to establish any occupations. administration, well, this is the reaction of the ukrainian authorities to and, as i understand it, the closest plans, i.e. to destroy all this infrastructure, which once shelled or struck at sumy oblast, chernihiv oblast, poltava oblast, specifically from kursk oblast that's all that happened. the most interesting thing, of course, is the reaction of the world to what is happening in kursk region, the president of the united states of america, commenting on the operation of the armed forces in the kursk region. said, this creates a real dilemma for putin, we are in direct, constant contact with the ukrainians, that's all i'm going to say
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about it while this is all in an active phase, - said joseph biden, here is biden saying that mr. volodymyr , that there is a real dilemma for putin, and what is this dilemma? uh, well, i certainly can't get into my head to president biden, but if you think logically, the dilemma, i think, is... on the surface, that is, uh, and it is that there are two options for getting out of this situation: either understand that it will be even worse next, and try withdraw, return to his territory, and then, the situation will be er, well , at least more or less acceptable for putin, because he preserves himself, or er go on this path... ultimate adventurism and move deep into ukraine, try to achieve his goals, and not
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to understand that this path will lead to the collapse of putin's regime, so here is an alternative very simple: either, or, or to understand and go back, inventing some, you know, propagandist explanations, why this is happening, well, what did they destroy. the spirit of ukrainian nazism, for example, well, it is possible to disperse such a thesis, did they really prove there that russian weapons are beautiful, well... the people of the population will believe in anything if it is two weeks, people who are engaged in this simply told me seriously, two weeks of intensive processing of some group of people, she begins to believe what they are told, that's all, well, if only spending billions on propaganda, putin cannot do it in these two or three weeks, he can remain, so to speak, well
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at least, well, in such a half-dead, half-alive form, and on... try to negotiate something with someone, well, or lose, because if you excuse me , but from the point of view of military logic, if we receive, god willing, and these technical issues will be resolved for missiles of 320 km, then we have nothing to do in kurshchyna, we have nothing to do there, that is, the things that our soldiers are trying to do there now , you can do everything by completely different means, and then that... security belt or sanitary zone that he dreamed of, it will be 320 km from the ukrainian border, this is what will bring russia to its knees. mr. volodymyr, you are talking about the fact that this is not yet a catastrophe, a collapse for putin's regime, and what elements are missing for this collapse to come to russia? in my opinion, before
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the kurdish operation, we need to think about the crimean operation, and then it will really be... the pincers that will actually end up on the neck of the putin regime, if ours remains the group in kurshchyna or develops further, we still get an additional opportunity to strike deep into the territory of russia, on the other hand, the southern flank, well then, even if the enemy reaches there and takes another... some 10-20 km in donetsk region, it will already be a disaster, so we started talking about these red lines, about the fact that these red lines no longer exist, but as of today , ben hodges in an interview with docheveli said that exactly this offensive in the kursk region
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showed , that the famous lines of the russian dictator putin do not exist, let's listen to what said the general. i believe that ukrainians need freedom of action, my criticism of the biden administration was that they pursued bad policies that hindered ukraine's ability to defend itself. so i'm glad that now kyiv was not pulled. this also applies to risks of escalation. you know, the notion that putin will allegedly use nuclear weapons. the worst thing he has done so far is shelling another ukrainian supermarket, so we held back for too long. and... as ben hodges said very correctly, this opinion was also articulated, but, nevertheless, if from the there are no red lines left for the russian federation, and from the west they remain these red lines of our western partners, so in what way can we present these red lines of our western partners, what
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other arguments are lacking for our western partners to ab... would tear down these red lines and say: listen, we need to finish with putin, and it is clear that in principle this is an achievable goal, and not just, let's say, an opportunity or an attempt to achieve such and such a goal. i watched this interview in its entirety, well, benhodges is really a great friend of ukraine and a person who looks at the situation soberly, you see, an american general who criticizes the american administration for its e. we do not even imagine the details of all the technicalities, how difficult it is to do those things so that they are effective, well, another american ex-military said , which is
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necessary for ukraine to completely dominate russia in the air. 400 f16, but realistically today, we can service several dozen of these aircraft, the question is , do we need 400 aircraft today, which will simply, as he correctly says, become just a target for a russian attack and then they will be destroyed, that is, it is all a very complex technology, it is very military mathematics, of course, and to calculate it, it is actually a very difficult thing to understand where, what and how. it is possible, therefore, criticizing the administration, of course, we want it faster, but perhaps there are certain moments that objectively suggest that we should hurry, take our time. how long it will take is the question, but somehow it seems to me that if the politicians in the united states of america
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remain, well, in this current paradigm, even despite the results of the election in november, still this flywheel has already gone, and it is already going gradually, gaining speed, and we will get to what we will get. the permission for these long-range missiles, well, not long-range, but at least 300-500 km, and therefore, it will be a game changer, as it is now fashionable to say, in a war when these factors, which add up to a heap, will make putin's victory almost illusory , and he will understand that the further he goes into this aggression, the worse it will be for himself, and who can be the final in this war for putin? well the best is gaga and the worst is that his own entourage will remove it and it could happen over there next few years
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and we won't go in no i think it's about if if if if we we will have everything we need, then it is not years, it is months, that is, there will not be these long years, as some of our political experts predict, they say that we are entering these decades of war there or several where... well, then and there are experts who need to ask some kind of, you know, ideas so that they will listen, but what the hell 10 years, i think that in russia, if you analyze its internal economic situation, there are simply no 10 years physically, you and i have already said that the demographic crisis in russia is now so deep, and if we take only this moment, that already no... there is no one to go to the enterprises that so far putin is throwing away the billions that he is still earning from oil into this furnace
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of the military industry, but how do people who understand this more deeply than you and i explain, sir sergius, that this is a waste of one's own money, which is not given nothing, these tanks that you showed how our heroes destroyed, that's actually... the same billions that went into iron, which was destroyed, it did not give any additional effect for the economy, it eats up opportunities and does not gives nothing in return, so this is a path to nowhere, this is the path to the fact that the russian economy will very quickly cross the line from which it will no longer rise, look, the rate is 18%, it is higher than ours, and what does 18% mean, it means , that the economy... cannot function, because if i am a businessman and take a loan at 18%, then i i will never give it back, especially in times of war, so where is this economy going, it is going into the abyss,
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the economy is failing, what a war, what shovels, well, it will not work, well, here is another aspect that struck me in these 10 days, while the fighting is unfolding actions on kursk in kursk region. this is such silence in the post-soviet space, informational silence, because on the one hand there is the csto, that is , the organization of the collective security treaty, well, formally, legally, they exist, that is , there are some agreements within the cis, there, and there is, as it were, some kind of space, which whether or not putin rules it is clear that the leader of the csto is also the russian federation, but we do not... see any kind of reaction, well, that is, russia, part of russia is subject to shelling and our troops are entering this territory, that is, they
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have all disappeared somewhere, except for lukashenka, of course, everyone is staring, they don't say anything, why? well, you see, mr. serhiy, and because, excuse me, they got their tails turned on the diplomatic comparison and do not understand what will happen tomorrow, and in such a situation it is much more profitable to just fill the mouth with water. and be silent like fish in an aquarium, because it is not known what will happen tomorrow and how it will turn out, but understanding this, in moscow they have already found, you know, as always a fantastic way to justify this silence, they say that since russia is the main element of the csto, then we in principle, we do not need the help of our partners in this block, we say that we can handle all this ourselves, but the csto is very good, and remember how it was in kazakhstan, when there were anti-government eyes and all the csto demonstrations,
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they appeared immediately, didn't they? for some reason , the kazakhs wanted this csto to disappear from the territory, got out of there, so, well, you see, these are all fictions in which moscow lives, which makes up something for itself, invents, thinks that it is something that does not really exist, corrections, only lukashenko, well, but he, excuse me, na na and on such a short, on such a short chain that he simply has nowhere to go, and the fact that putler calls him from moscow and says: excuse me for barking, he must be barking here already, because he barked, as you say, as what he told the russian propagandists, because he gave a long interview, we will see a part of it now, where he calls to sit down at the negotiating table to end the war in ukraine, and at the same time threatened the west with a retaliatory strike in the event of a military threat of nuclear weapons, let's hear what the self-proclaimed president
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of belarus had to say. we will respond immediately and adequately, if they want it not to happen, let's sit down at the negotiating table and end this fight, neither the ukrainian people, nor the russians, nor the belarusians need it, they need it, i cannot cite these facts, they absolutely closed, where they speak openly, high-ranking people, literally, let them beat one. one thing, ukrainians, russians, let them all die in this cauldron, what he said about nuclear weapons, i also listened to this piece, he said that we are a union state, and if suddenly someone encroaches on the territory of belarus and moves border, we, he said, we will use nuclear weapons, and until we use these nuclear weapons, here we are, with regard to
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russian nuclear weapons, it looks very strange, firstly, secondly, well, it is not a fact that these nuclear weapons is on the territory of the republic of belarus, well, it probably is, because after all most likely it was placed there, but the question in the task is completely different: lukashenko does not have access even within a cannon shot to what is on his territory, i mean nuclear weapons, that is, the key to nuclear weapons is not in his pocket, in moscow , well, it's obvious, no one there will give him... the right to use these weapons, so what he says, well, it's another attempt, first of all, to show himself in the eyes of belarusians that he is once again a serious uncle, that he can scare someone, but there is nothing to heal, well, he today he said in the same interview that we have 40 brigades there, listen, well, 40 brigades, even if you put all belarusians of draft age together and give them each a berdanka, it
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's still 40 brigades. he goes, well, this is absolute bluff and absolute nonsense, well, he just needs to be reminded that he has only two oil refineries, one in yes, not far from our border, there you can give a hand, there you can throw a fireplace and get , but the second one is a little further on the border with russia, novopolotskyi, and if these two objects cease to function, and if you imagine that they fly to... this alenia in the murmansk region 1,800 km away, then they will fly to these two in such a way that there will be nothing left, and this is also the basis of the belarusian economy, so here you can to say it differently, without a nuclear bomb, without anything, just a few key objects are covered, and on that the belarusian economy collapses
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like a... house of cards, a few days ago lukashenko said that drones seemed to have flown from the territory of ukraine, and it was august 9, the belarusian monitoring station the group said that there were no movements in the sky that day, neither military planes, nor rockets, nor drones, but the ministry of defense of belarus officially announced that they were moving tanks, iskanders and missiles, missile ... precisely salvo fire to polonaise, to the ukrainian border, he wants in this situation, meaning lukashenko, to play along with putin, and in this situation, when ukrainian troops are advancing on kurshchyna, that is, to create tension on our northern border of 1,100 km, obviously, that's how, how as we withdraw forces from done'.


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