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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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already less and less trained specialists are mobilizing many local people who worked before this, and more and more such public events, somewhere they open something, there a school is renovated, then something else, but it is known from the locals who are there that the repairs concern buildings, which were not badly damaged, there are still battered houses at the entrance from the navaidar side and from the starobirsk side. burned, destroyed, no one deals with them, they are preparing for the new school year, a lot of such propaganda events are taking place, new diaries are being printed with a new history, receive new daily textbooks on the history of russia, on the history of the so- called lpr, prepared by teachers. who
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will be engaged in these propaganda activities, well, once again the education system is being determined, as far as i know, it is not a fact that it will all be face-to-face, the same crimes, the possibility of distance learning is being considered in sechansk, in severodonitsk, most likely it will be either face-to-face or face-to-face distance education, so... you actually mentioned the new academic year two weeks, and about the new textbooks , it’s clear, just who are these teachers who talk about how the luhansk people’s republic appeared after the neanderthals, because we once saw it, because it’s a separate story, in the dpr they are called have their own textbooks, but who are the teachers who convey all this to the children, they are pri'. is it also their
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imported staff or local? here they go in two directions: some part of these people are really brought directly from the russian federation, the same approximate situation is in medicine, and some part is local people, whom they are also trying to relearn, to teach how to correctly teach the same story, how to wash cities to our children, a lot of different trainings are taking place, they exchanged experience. er, where local teachers are taught how to properly promote the idea of ​​russian peace. we have seen how the actual composition of the population in occupied mariupol is formed and changed, but there is at least one such understandable seaside stimulus there, and such a southern resort logic of those who want to get apartments there, what is the logic of those, you you say contingent. the logic of those
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who come to prizhyaetsk is changing, well, teachers, they will have some kind of salary from the federal russian budget, and who else comes to severodonetsk, well, yes, if at first glance, military families, these are guest workers who come here for earnings, everyone knows that russians pay a lot of money for those who want to work or move to... temporarily occupied territories of the so-called lpr, dnr, and what do they do, they build, they are builders, who comes, what kind of people are brought in? in first of all, yes, these are precisely the teams of workers who work, work at the facilities of the secret regions, they come immediately with their workers, well, plus, these are the so-called enslaved peoples, they are representative here. and
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the caucasus and siberia, buryatia, and so on, this all happened, well, during these last two or three years, and i think that the main thesis here was assimilation and preparation for all kinds of election campaigns, well, today we have a situation, when there are less than half of the locals there, compared to those who generalize the number of the population in the occupied territories is, well, the fathers who arrive, that is, we understand that... they go from rather depressed regions of russia, that is , they go to earn money, which means that they are in need, and where do they then live, not everyone there is allocated to some kind of dormitories, that is, there are already working programs of loans for mortgages or whatever, what does the resettlement of fighting buryats and other citizens of russia from the caucasus look like, yes, we, we know that
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there is an announcement that housing for sale, it is sold quite a lot, well, there at reduced prices, compare with the way it was, plus again there is a squeeze, property in the municipal property of local communities, according to our calculations, there are already up to a thousand in the occupied luhansk region , the homes of local residents who did not return have been squeezed out and nationalized, of them in pasironetsk, we are already approaching half to 500 apartments that are now in the communal ownership of the city council, and this housing is given to the families of military personnel and security forces. workers of social infrastructure and those who find themselves in principle have the opportunity to get housing temporarily, and then it is possible to privatize there , promise them. yes, but in this case , relying on such and such new arrivals in
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these occupied territories , men are regularly purged and mobilized, and this is the arrival. the new luhansk buryats, the luhansk ones there, i don’t know, the kadyrovites, they also fall under this constant, mobilization, well, there are various cases, and there was information about the fact that the yazhzhiks are also accepted by the military, the special services are accepted at the checkpoints, but really this is with a hidden mobilization, it is increasing, there is information that everyone the head... which industrial enterprises were obliged to provide lists of all those working at these enterprises who are conscripted, they are forced to hand over all information about men who work in principle in the industry of the so-called lpr in the occupied luhansk region, and plus the campaign is going
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to conclude conscripts contracts and these are all promises of higher payments. at every step, in all the newspapers, on all the pillars where they invite you to join the russian army, well, the front is not so far, so in this case it is interesting simply, that the business is now working, both in the city itself and in the surrounding area, well, there was nothing serious in principle, there was no recovery from those industrial enterprises that were there before the full-scale invasion, the service sector works there, trading. some shops are opening, the same construction crews are still there, but there is still a shortage of personnel, qualified workers, well, there is really no such work here, well, there is no global work, they promise to restore the work
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of azot, as if they leased it to some company there, this property complex , recruit people, but in addition to dismantling rubble and cutting metal. that is , the industrial cycle has not yet been launched, because we already talked to you once, then you told us that there was such an idea that there should be some kind of external owner, investor, until now it had not been launched, so the enterprise itself does not work, legally certain measures are taking place, people are hired to work. they have some pennies there, they get it, but the enterprise itself has not started to work, well, in conclusion, tell me, because we see in different cities, temporarily the occupied territories have their own problems, there, for example, as we said in mariupol, there is a disaster with sewage, in lysychansk
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, before autumn-winter, what is the biggest problem from the communal area, according to lysichansk, is water directly in lysychansk itself, and its cities are satellites . privilege and hostility, they are without any communal services at all, that is why even electricity supply has not been restored today, and people have been living without any kind of civilization for two years, lysychansk itself is, i think, there will be problems with heating in the winter, today there is a very difficult situation with water, and delivery actually takes place throughout the city and to satellite cities on a daily basis. mr. roman, thank you for being with espress viewers this morning, roman vlasenko, head of the severodonetsk district military administration, about the situation in the occupied city and in cities that are also close to the contact line only from the side of the occupied territories. do not forget that
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this qr code is a direct path to the bank fee, we will help our defenders, this is our investment in victory to the three divisions of fpv drones and... as they say, needed for yesterday, we continue to report, and in the meantime we will show you one material that relates to what we talked about yesterday with... the kremlin officials, but we talked about crimea, and now in general, because this destruction is not only the housing stock, the russians continue to destroy, in general, everything related to ukrainian, essentially ukrainian cultural heritage, and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russians have destroyed and damaged 10,602 monuments, these are those that were in official registers, well more about... this barbarism is further in our plot. for more than 10 years, russia has been waging a war
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to destroy ukrainians, our state, and our historical and cultural heritage. the enemy destroys buildings, conducts illegal archaeological excavations, appropriates museum artifacts and archives. the russians are trying to eliminate as much as possible of what constitutes the ukrainian identity. according to the ministry of culture. and information policy of ukraine only for the period from february 24 , 2022 to april 25, 2024, the russian federation destroyed or damaged 1,062 objects of our cultural spasshchyna, of which 123 are monuments of national significance. kharkiv oblast and kherson oblast suffered the most from the aggressor. next comes donetsk region, odesa region, chernihiv region, kyiv region and kyiv. these crimes began back in 2014, when russia not only illegally occupied
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ukrainian territories, but also began destroying and looting cultural monuments. during the active hostilities in the east of ukraine, russian troops dug in burial mounds and settlements. how many mounds were destroyed is not known for sure. according to calculations ukrainian historian serhii telzhenko, no less than 60, and if we also take the occupied luhansk region, the number is much higher. after the occupation of the crimean peninsula, contrary to the norms of international humanitarian law, russian scientists began to carry out illegal archaeological excavations. they appropriated valuables and exported them en masse to the territory of the russian federation. since december 2017 , the occupiers began to dig everything in a row in the buffer zone of the chersonese tavriysky reserve museum. they seized a considerable collection of dishes, metal and glass. and bone products, jewelry, lamps and over 600 coins. according to ukrainian
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experts, during the occupation of crimea, russia took away at least a million archaeological artifacts. in october 2022, the russian occupation authorities announced the so-called evacuation of the kherson regional museum of local history. the russians ransacked the archaeological and historical exposition, stole archaeological finds. today's location of these museum objects is unknown. the fate of the skivsk gold collection from the melitopol museum is also unknown. to protect the exhibits from the occupiers, ukrainian museum workers, as in the second world war, even froze the exhibits in the walls and buried them in the ground. however, the russian marauders got to that. at first, the occupiers claimed that the collection remained in melitopol. then it was lit up in the cultural center in berdyanka. where is the collection actually located and what is the exact list of exhibits
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of skov gold stolen by the russians is an unanswered question. cultural heritage is a very important story not only for ukraine, but also for the international community as a whole, because we are such a part of world cultural heritage and must be protected, taking into account various tools of interaction, therefore, as of now , we have more than 200 objects of cultural heritage and infrastructure damaged and destroyed, and now we have... such a challenge to interact with law enforcement agencies to document these damages in the context of the maximum quality bringing to justice in the international arena those responsible for what is happening in our country. according to unesco, ukraine needs $9 billion over the next decade rebuild its cultural sites and tourism industry after a large-scale russian invasion. the organization also notes that intentional destruction of objects. cultural heritage, including religious buildings and artifacts,
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and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until navizyn independence day. 20% in pharmacies. travel book, memory and savings. good morning to everyone who is holding espresso from this morning, in just a few minutes, the team of journalists and khrystyna parobiy will give you a more detailed picture of the night, night defense of the country, because they were combined attacks, there was a threat of ballistics, air defense forces were working, more details on the scale of the country in a few minutes, we are collecting information for you from our guests, and the head of the kupin city military administration, andrii besedin, is in contact with us. mr. andriy, good morning, glory to ukraine. good morning, glory to the heroes. tell us a little more about the consequences of these
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strikes that took place yesterday, we understand that kupinsk was deliberately targeted with kabami, that is... what, what and how, were they not kabami? unfortunately, cabs and the artillery and rocket systems of the hurricane fire, and the number of use of enemy fpv drones in the central parts of the city, kupyansk, populated points of the kupyan community is increasing, the number of use of semi-drones against the civilian population is increasing, the day before yesterday , again a terrorist act was committed on... in a civilian car, with a civilian person, the man was injured, was injured, actually waiting for his wife, who was receiving humanitarian aid in the extradition center, located 50 m from this building, the enemy took aim at a private a car, knowing that these are ordinary people who
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are in the territory of kupyansk, the kupyansk community, who are trying to live and survive in those conditions. which is created by the terrorist, and in general, in terms of the intensity of fighting, the front line is very close to kupinsk in the last week and a half, or has something changed, because in this way we are trying to find out in which areas of the front, at least it has become a little easier for the defense forces, and then we understand whether some subdivisions of the first were filmed. lines, because, because in some areas we see that the reserves are mainly on the north was dragged by the russians, that is, as in your direction, what do the military say? unfortunately, it is difficult, the situation does not change, the enemy is pressing in all directions, striking in all directions, having tactical successes, throwing a very
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large number of forces, unfortunately, in our direction, the troops were not withdrawn, yes, there, or in the kurtsk region, the defense there of its territory, or to other directions, therefore, unfortunately, we do not feel that the enemy is really trying to reach the boundaries indicated by their alleged command, that is... the bank of the oskil river, directly in the kupyansk community kupyansk-kuzlovy kivsharivka, the left bank of the city of kupyansk, attacks with huge forces, throws a very large amount of manpower, equipment, the use of aviation, artillery, reactive zamp fire systems, but again, despite this, despite all the complexity, the heroism of our forces defense, the armed forces of ukraine, boys and girls, does not give. the enemy's ability to carry out those plans, and we are holding back the enemy with really great efforts, well, i'm just looking at the deep
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state map now, i decided to look at the direction of the strikes, well, near lehman, the first sinkivka - that's in the principles are constant and their attempts to beat the reports, and i also see some operational ones in the area of ​​the steppe novosilka. there were also attempts at offensive actions, but i do not observe any advance on the map, the enemy is very actively trying to push through, this is the direction of kolyasnykyvka, krulgyakivka, glushkivka, the direction of the settlements of senkov, zagryzov, izum district, this is petro-pavlivka, the direction of kupyansk, kupyansk knotty, the enemy is also trying. but to move forward senkivka is a permanent hot spot on the territory of kupyan district and devorog is constantly trying to push through and in fact
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there are no tactical successes there, so yes, the debstate may not show, maybe not those, thank you, i want to point out to our defenders once again, not the volumes that the enemy would like, but these are great forces , large forces on our side... which hold back the enemy, prevent him from carrying out those plans, and do everything possible to wait for the moment when we will go on our counter-offensive in our direction, and liberate those territories which are now occupied , and i see that in there are still children left in the kupyansk community, including, as a whole, from kupyansk to the front line, here i have a figure of 150 children still remaining in the kupyansk community. that is, do you plan to announce a mandatory evacuation at least for those families with children, or is the situation still not the same and they can stay? at
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the moment, there are 7150 civilians in kupyansk granvada, 161 children - this is the right bank of the city of kupyansk, prishtinsk starosttyn district, forced evacuation has not been announced yet, the question is constantly on control of the manager. oblast, we are constantly communicating about this, we are now trying to explain to parents and children the urgent need to evacuate and leave for safer places in our country, the algorithm has been worked out, all the mechanisms are in place, we are currently working on the possibility of children resting in safe regions of our country, including abroad, there is such a possibility, we offer all the mechanisms, but i want to point out that they neglect, neglect thereby putting themselves, their loved ones, especially children in danger. distance to the front line, if we talk about the city of kupyansk, it is 6 km, the enemy is insidious,
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i want to note once again, the use, in addition to this available weaponry, of fpv drones, which actually fly over the central parts of the city, and they do not choose, yes, there are military targets, they hit the civilian population, on civil, critical infrastructure, back then. for now it is better to leave the territory of the kupyan community to safer places, protect yourself and your loved ones, material values ​​will be compensated by the state if they are damaged or destroyed, unfortunately, life no one compensates for health, but now, because it was difficult to realize that this is the shortest route to kupyan-sinkivka, yes , 6 km, this is the distance covered by the fpv drones of the russian invaders, right? yes, it is true that it is 6 km from senkivka, liman is the first, petropavlivka, there is a little more distance, the closest one, but we remember
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more than once, we have already mentioned about this kupinsky drone project, that is, accordingly, they receive in exchange from the defenders to the invaders, i.e. what state are we in now in the air, because drones are becoming more threatening to civilians, we see this not only on the example of kupinsk, the left and right banks of the dnieper also look the same, here are the same stories, does the kupinsk drone cope? effectively destroys, thanks to our boys and girls, a large amount of equipment, manpower, these are tanks, bmps, and other equipment that transports personnel, ammunition of the enemy there, certain material is being prepared now, there is a certain interim conclusion about the destruction and use of precisely kupyansky drone, for now
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there are already more... 40 - 240 engineers are assembling these drones, 136 drones have already been handed over to our guys, now there is a big batch being prepared, i know, being tested, it's more than 50 fi drones, which will be handed over to our guys and girls in the near future, if we are talking about the use of fpv drones, then here most likely we have a certain parity, if we are talking about the means of artillery there, fszv, then unfortunately, the enemy... exceeds, much exceeds our guys, so it makes sense to join, there is the meaning of constantly helping our boys and girls, and i want to emphasize that it depends on everyone, regardless of whether you are reading copies or on the front lines , whether you are in kupyansk or in zhytomyr, in lviv, in rivne, in chop, you can be relevant, register on the platform, assemble a drone, transmit, and guys will surely be destroyed, and
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we will ... as the forces, yes, and the means that can help our armed forces, cover our boys and girls from the sky. i also wanted to ask you, i see that in fact, if you look along the line of sight from liman and all the way to the north to the russian-ukrainian border, well and everywhere i see that this is just a positional line, that is, there is a skirmish to the north of you... no, we are not observing it with such intensity as in the kupinsky direction, how can you explain it, or is it simply not strategically interesting for the enemy? i think the enemy is focused on the tasks, you know, if we analyze their actions there, what they are doing, yes, there is a clear set-up, and according to that clear set-up, they are going, regardless of how much manpower they will lose there,
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the technician . they try to pass but fail they are trying, our boys and girls are destroying, so thank you, not all the front line is active, not all the front line is holding there, there are large areas, yes, including in the kupyansk kupyansk district, which are not in an active phase, yes, which are there receive shelling, yes, constant from the enemy's territory, but there are active assaults. no action is being taken, mr. andriy, we wish you successful development, actually your drone, which you bought, it is like a whole conglomerate of your own, and thank you for sharing operational information with the audience from the press, andriy besedin, chief of the kupin city military administration, this is one of those important strategic directions that the enemy, kupiets and kupinsk nodal, on the skilovi river, has determined for himself. this is what
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the picture looks like on this part of the front, the bigger picture of the night and morning was gathered by the espresso news team and khrystyna parobii will definitely tell us about all these events. greetings roman, thank you for the situation in the regions after the russian shelling, i will tell you in a moment in the release, as well as to whom our athletes donated the olympic prizes. next about everything is detailed. don't miss it yet. news on the air espresso. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the occupiers bombed the civilian infrastructure of the krasnopil community in the sumy region.
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a 40-year-old man died. a free man, three more suffered.


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