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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EEST

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they have no way to prove who did it, why does such information appear today, why does it appear in one of the leading american newspapers, i think there is no need to go to vorozhka here either, someone needs to spoil the image of ukraine, which is now after the kurdish operations, well, went galloping up the hill, that is, suddenly everyone from this, you know... situation of such uncertainty and the fact that russia is still advancing, that it is moving forward, that it is necessary to go to some negotiations, to some compromises, suddenly turned around in the fact that ukraine can be a victorious country, because it demonstrates that they themselves , even in their best dreams , could never imagine that there would be a foreign army on the territory of russia, well, i don't think so, not in the pentagon, no, no in the bundeswehr they could not do it anywhere. imagine, now it
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has turned around, and it provides opportunities for the further development of this military cooperation, and here we need to, well, this is a classic of the genre, here we need to find something that, firstly, diverts attention, and b, makes ukraine guilty, well right there well, just cards in hand, well, remember, mr. sergey, when this topic was hot immediately after these events, eh, and you have here in the studio and and... and not only experts who understand this, proved on their fingers, that a group of five people on some boat or some boat, well, physically cannot do such a thing, because it requires colossal, technical capabilities, explosives, financial capabilities, well, it is not a suitcase somewhere to move from one cabin to another, it is serious things. this is
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a one and a half meter pipe, imagine how much you need to go there in both directions, so that it breaks, how do you exactly get to this very place, because if it's 10-20 meters, that's all, consider that it flew past, because the water column is the same , so to speak, a protection against this, that is, it is jewelry work, and some group of three or four... people can turn it around, well, believe me, it's all a complete delusion, it's a pity that these people are, which are unproven, because, well, then give us the facts, if you have the facts that volodymyr z was there, give us any information please, what he did, when he did it, with whom he did it, give pictures, give intercepted conversations, give an analysis of what you found on... on the bottom of the sea and so on
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and so on, all this is not there, this another, another dump of information that is beneficial only to someone, russia, so let's look for the answer there, then it was beneficial to russia, because they thought that they would freeze western europe without gas, remember all those videos about that they are sitting there, everyone is shaking and so on, and it was necessary for this stop the supply in some... way, in any way, well, simple, the baltic fleet, despite the fact that it was a wooden trough going there anyway, and some kind of schooner, consisting of four or five people, well, it’s simple, well, it’s just a laugh, well here is the reaction of the president's office in the mouth of the adviser to the head of the president's office, mykhailo podalyak, who denies involvement. of ukraine to blow up
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the nord stream 2 gas pipelines in 2022, and in a comment to reuters, he said that russia was to blame for this. but this, mr. volodymyr, is not enough to kill the information one the wave that the wall street journal made, because it is clear that no matter what we say, there is the authority of the american press, especially such a solid publication. and well , then the question arises, if this is not true, then does russia have such opportunities that they can throw this information into the american press and manipulate the consciousness of the world community, not just the american one, well , mr. sergey, i recently came across a figure that russia annually spends on propaganda.
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spends from 2 to 5 billion abroad dollars per year per year, please tell me whether? you can't find someone who was pushed directly for god's sake, it's all done not so rudely and banally through someone through five -tenths hands to push information that some journalist, well, will just eat with pleasure, because it's a sensation, you know, in such a situation, i would simply go the legal route and hire some legal structure in the usa and submit it. a lawsuit against this respected publication with a request to prove what they write with figures and facts, if you are talking about such things, well, please, give a table, put what you have, how you can prove it, who was a witness, and so on, that is, it can all be done very simply, well, the only thing is that you do not
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want to spoil relations with it publications, although on the other hand it can be, well, this is a normal civil-legal relationship, do you blame me? in some way, please, i ask you to prove it through the court, please go ahead, i think that very quickly the arguments will disappear, and the very end, the postponed war in the middle east between iran and israel, or with what is the reason that iran, despite all the threats, still did not implement its intentions, well , i think mr. serhiy took a piece of paper. divided it into two parts and thought, i will strike and get this, whether the balance converges, it does not converge, well, and on that, i think, the decision was made that it is necessary to shout menacingly, to blackmail
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israel once again, to say, that we still uh-huh, well, when it comes down to it, it's the same as with nuclear threats from russia, they shouted and talked. and the fact that serhiy was flying to iran at the peak of this escalation was kept silent what shaigu, what does this indicate? well, you know , there are many topics that are beneficial to russia, first of all, i think, it was a topic about military cooperation after all, and secondly, what later went to the press, which putin allegedly passed on to the iranians through him , as it were... the opinion that they say, no, don’t get involved in this trouble, because it will be worse for us, and there is logic in this regard, because putin needs, at least some iran, he can still make decisions through it at least some military problems of their own, if iran is in ruins, that means
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this is a minus of another partner of putin, it is absolutely unprofitable for him in this case, and a minus of a country from the axis of evil, well conditionally. i am talking about this, that is, it means that from this axis minus one participant, and this is still a weakening of the axis itself as a whole, and russia cannot help itself in this situation, because it is clear that now there are enough problems in russia without i doubt it, especially since very serious objects on the territory of iran were under attack, and this could simply knock it out of this nuclear program for dozens of years. and everything something else that he is currently developing. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, it was volodymyr ogrysko, a diplomat, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9, friends, throughout our broadcast we conducted a survey, and we asked you, friends, whether the exchange rate operation would change
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attitudes world to putin, let's look at the results of our television survey, 72% yes, 28% no, these are, i remind you, the results of television. survey, friends, we put an end to this, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, this there was a verdict program, it was conducted by serhiy rudenko, bye, there are discounts until independence day on decatelene, 15% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. when you sleep on an uneven surface. the spine is in the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with the matryk stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface, order a topper for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose the
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of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day: in two hours . vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow? watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso.
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greetings, i'm olga len, these are chronicles of the war, and during the time that we haven't seen each other, important events have happened, which we will definitely talk about, but first i will remind you that the spresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund are collecting funds for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. it was these soldiers who defended to the last. actually, that's why they need a renewal of resources, drones and rap are very important things, and these flying weapons and means of countering enemy drones are urgently needed, these technologically, technologies are critically important for the protection of our fighters, we have to collect uah 3.5 million, now we have more than uah 9,000 in our accounts and . so please join in, you see the qr code, there are bills, very important directions, very
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important crews and very important help, so please help, any help will also be appreciated here, well now let's see, what happened last time a week, our map of hostilities, and then let's discuss. map of hostilities for the period august 8-14, 2024. the drama on the pokrov-turkish front and the fury near kursk. meanwhile, the russians continue in donetsk region. pati, moving forward, every day the armed forces are doing the same thing in kurshchyna, whether it is the fighting in russia or other factors, but during the week the number of offensives in the entire section of the front decreased significantly, but at the beginning of this week, the fighting broke out with new and even greater force, especially on pokrovsky and lyman directions. through the destruction of two airfields in russia, as well as a significant supply
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of kabs, the bombing of the defense line was reduced, and in some areas of the front , it completely disappeared for several days. the southern front practically froze, offensive actions decreased in other areas. in addition to pokrovsk, the front around siversk and the southern part of luhansk region became a special area. however, despite considerable efforts, the enemy was unable to achieve anything here. just like in the temporary yar, where defense forces continue to hold defense lines along the canal. the russians entered toretsk, new york is being prepared environment. from the village of severniy, the occupiers broke through for 1 km along the main street of dzerzhinsky, bypassing it. in the manner of the terekon of the severnaya mine. if this breach is not urgently eliminated, the enemy will have the opportunity to storm terekon from several sides, in the event of its occupation, it will equalize the high-altitude possibilities of fire dominance over the central street, along which the defense forces are currently holding the front. in fact, this terekon will be the gateway to the city for the rashists. the occupiers continued
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to expand their control on the flanks, completed the occupation of the village of pivdenni, joined with forces advancing on the eastern flank. of new york. here the armed forces were forced to retreat to the pond system, because otherwise they were threatened by the environment. thus, from the left flank, the enemy has finished capturing the outskirts of toretsk and new york and is ready to attack the city and begin the encirclement of the village moving from zalizny to nelipivka. in the central part of new york, the armed forces managed to conduct a local counteroffensive and retake the area around the school, but these are our only successes. on the western flank of roshisto, the area was significantly expanded. between yuriivka and panteleimonmonivka. our garrison in alexandropol, which was stationed on a commanding height throughout the summer and kept the defense of the highway to kostyantynivka, found itself in a rather difficult position. in the case of the encirclement of alexandropol, this section of the front may again dynamically change not in our favor. in the coming days, the occupiers will continue to advance to the west of new york in order to create a threat
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to surround the village and force the defense forces to leave it. pokrovske. it was hell all week in the pokrovsky direction, the number of battles was reduced by 30-40% every day, but already in monday attacks increased to a record number of 50. due to the decline in intensity , the enemy did not manage to occupy the almost surrounded desired defense forces in the future control half of the village. also, our soldiers held back the offensive and did not allow a breakthrough to the eastern bank of the vovcha river in the area between novoselivka first and yasnobrodivka. so are our heroes. repulsed all assaults on mozdvizhenka, which is the last obstacle before the enemy's exit to the pokrovsk-kostyantynivka highway and on karlivka, which is holding back the advance on selidove. also do not rush managed to make their way further along the railway to novogrodivka. the only thing that the russians managed to do was to complete the occupation of sergiyivka and expand the zone of their control along the left bank of the breech end, capturing
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sverodonivka and lysichna. the armed forces of ukraine has completely retreated to the right bank of the river and is on the defensive. in the key fortified village of grodivka. the russians began an assault on this village, which may give them the key to getting behind the defense forces and the opportunity to break through to mirnograd. the battle for grodivka will be one of the climaxes among the battles on pokrovsky direction the angler is getting closer. approach to the road ugledar-kostyantynivka - village. the russians have been successful here for the third week in a row. they managed to repel the defense forces from several more positions and completely. push out of the way. the front line now runs along this road, and as a result, it has lost its logistical functionality. at the same time, the occupiers entered the southeastern streets of kostyantynivka and expanded the gray zone to most of the eastern part of the village, as well as to the entire neighboring paraskoviivka. the next kopyansk, although the number of battles on kopyansk direction decreased by 30%.
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however, the rashists managed to break not only one kilometer to the west of pischannoy and ... 2.5 km from tabaivka, at the same time, on the left flank of the offensive, they significantly expanded the control zone between the previously occupied villages of berestov and novoserivske, as well as by almost 4 km launched an attack on stelmakhivka and began an assault on its northern outskirts. in this way, the occupiers ensure the width of the front before attacking the villages covering the southern flank of kupyansk. kursk shock and panic. exactly one week has passed since the beginning the arrival of our troops on the territory. of russia during this time, unknown good forces were legalized due to the statement of syrskyi and zelenskyi. at the same time, this week was spent in perfect informational silence from both the general staff and all other branches. the authorities allowed the armed forces to shock and panic the russians and to develop their offensive in five districts of the kursk region, as well as in the belgorod region. most of the data
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we have to study comes from russian sources, which are obviously lying. in their social networks, the ukrainian military provides cursory information for two or three days ancient times, thereby also leading the enemy into oman. russian local authorities recognized the occupation of 28 settlements, the military, not having all the information on approx. counted almost 50, and the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, officially declared 74 cities and villages under our control, however , no one except the general staff knows exactly where the battles are currently being fought with the esu and where they are advancing without an opera, so our map is quite indicative and shows only those sections of the front, about which there is already confirmed information, sujo was occupied on the first day offensive, then our troops split into many small groups, which began to advance half. night, west and east, going behind the enemy and surrounding him from different sides. thus, they advanced 35 km to the northeast, approached the district center
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of korinivo and began to cover it from the north and south. moving in parallel along the border, they liberated all the villages from suzhia to snyagosta. it is quite likely that this movement in the corridor between the borders and the left bank of the seim river will continue all the way to our border in the area of ​​the tetkino crossing. by the way, there is information that a thousand russian troops... who were stationed in this area and were preparing for an offensive on sumy oblast may now find themselves surrounded by those of our forces who came out from the side of ukraine to meet those who are advancing from suja. the russians lost contact with tkino a few days ago. to the north of suzsu, they advance in several branches in the direction of the cities of lhov and kurchatov. if the russians themselves admitted that the ukrainians came within 40 km of kursk, then apparently the defense forces got even closer to these cities. however, on... it is known only about the battles in the vicinity of the village of kromski bulls in the lhiv direction and the transition of the village of bolshoi soldatskae under our control. however, tracing the direction of the offensive of the armed forces, it is logical
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to assume that here, too, they intend not only to cut the rylsk-kursk highway, but also to reach the shores of the diet. to the east of suzhi , the advance of the armed forces of ukraine is currently the most modest, and it is also here that they met the greatest resistance from the russians, because the threat of cutting the belgorod-kursk highway will be a threat to them. despite this , our heroes here made their way at least 18 km to the village of bjelica, moving along the right bank of the psiol river. at the same time, they managed to force river and occupy several villages on its left bank. it is interesting that further south along a significant section of the border, ukrainian derge were spotted in the villages of demidovka, kolotilovka, and poros, and it is likely that there were more of them. however , the offensive of the armed forces east of vovchansk could be a shock for the russians. already now our forces have advanced in the villages of pankov and leninskyi. one of the goals of the operation in the kurtshchyna can be not only the curtailment of the russian offensive on vovchansk, but also the encirclement and destruction of the entire vovchansk
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group. the defense forces have already started a powerful offensive in vovchansk itself and push the occupiers out of the city. however, strong support from the belgorod region can not only significantly speed up this process, but also trigger panic in belgorod itself. the new multi-thousand army of refugees will definitely destroys military logistics in this direction. currently, we can record that the armed forces of the russian federation are pulling their reserves back to russia from all directions of the front, except for donetsk, where they still hope to maintain the pace of the offensive. instead, the armed forces are formed daily on its northeastern border a new demilitarized zone between the psel and seim rivers. we win daily: death to enemies. well , we were joined by oleksiy hetman, a reserve major of the national guard, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. i congratulate you, mr. hetman. i congratulate you. of course, the most interesting story is what is happening near kursk, but it is also interesting, in fact,
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the most recent such events are the attack on russian military airfields, which was carried out this night by drones of the security service of ukraine, the defense forces. and the interesting thing about all this is that it is probably the largest such attack during the war. uh, in particular, the resort of savasley savasleyka in the nizhny novgorod region, baltimore near the city of voronezh, borysoglivska in the voronezh region and the resort near kursk were attacked. and it was such a big operation, it is interesting what exactly this operation can give us and what its significance can be, it can be seen that there is a video about the fact that there are fires, in one place, as if a warehouse, fuel, in another damaged planes, well, that is, there are many such stories, that is, what could it be? well sausages, the airfield, it is generally 1000 km away, that is
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, again, long-range drones, even according to the message of the russian mass disinformation media, there were at least 10 hits, what exactly, what exactly was the damage, the planes, well, the planes that were damaged, so far the official there is no information, the fact that the infrastructure of the airfield is damaged, then it is obvious, well , what do such blows give, well, i think that all of you and i, the audience, perfectly understand that... those airfields that are located not far from the front line and even beyond 1000 km, if they are vulnerable to our means of impression, then the russians will have to transfer their planes even further somewhere, which will increase the time of landing, well, in general, this will break a lot for the ability of the russians to deliver precisely the kind of kabami strikes that they began to actively use, and several dozen, there are sometimes up to a hundred, it happens in a day... .
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on different objects along the front line after the front line, so if it is possible to destroy these resorts, it cannot help but essentially complicate such opportunities, well , here, you know, the question is almost rhetorical, which gives , if we destroy airports or warehouses, or some bases, or headquarters, well, it works, it bled the enemy. well, you know, it seems that the attack on morozivsk, yes, for a few days even there stopped such active bombardment by kabami, but life still shows that the russians are recovering quickly enough, and here, of course, the question still remains, what to these blows were more, well, there were more of them and somehow the gaps between them were less, but it is more like this, probably wishes have to be made, well, we can't
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make them. uh, there are thousands of these drones out there a day, and let's remember that a drone cannot carry its combat part, it is several tens of kilograms, and the destruction that occurs there is not as significant as from an impact, for example, a rocket that carries explosives, well, 10 times more, if it flew over the airfield five or six 10 unmanned aerial vehicles there, and five or six missiles, then this airfield could be written off, well, against the background of the fact that... it is already clear that the ukrainian troops entered the territory of the kursk region to tell about the that you can't hit the territory of russia with atakams there, well, that's a little it is already starting to sound like some kind of anachronism and some unclear requirements, but come on, you can't hit on the territory of russia, we are told by our partners from the territory of ukraine, and from the territory of russia on the territory of russia, a very good question,
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actually. well, let's move on to this operation in the kursk region, we obviously can't say anywhere now where we advanced, how we advanced, simply because we don't know, only the general staff knows, as was mentioned, but we can at least talk about what the results are already there are, and what could still be, and if we talk about the results, one of the important results that we could expect is the pretense of reserves and... some other troops, well actually to try to stop this ukrainian breakthrough into kursk , and from this point of view, what can you say, that is, what do we see, what has already happened there, and what else would we like to see happen? well, of course, this is one of the goals of this operation, it is to force the russians to withdraw troops, or from those that are not fully
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prepared, because they are withdrawing troops not only from the front line, but also from the reserves, which are inside the russian federation, there is information that the troops that were planned to be sent to the pokrov direction, where the russians are the most, well, where the fiercest bi is taking place, then these troops will apparently be used in the kurdish direction, it is also information that troops are being withdrawn from the kharkiv direction, troops being withdrawn from crimea are being loaded onto platforms. and they will be thrown over, well, this is already, this is already an effect, speaking of the fact that we all expected offensive actions on sumy, well, on sumy oblast, something similar by the russians planned to do, as they tried to attack kharkiv and come within a distance of no less than a shot.


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