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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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to the territory around your country? certainly there is some movement, i think that most likely indicates that there is also some lack of resources and some vulnerability on the russian side. let's not underestimate russia, don't underestimate russia's disregard for human life, do n't underestimate russia's aggressiveness. let's also not underestimate russia's readiness to put everything on certain military-military rails, but at the same time, let's not overestimate. russia has its own vulnerability. candidate for the presidency of the united states from republican donald trump held his second news conference in a week on thursday, while his democratic opponent, vice president kamela harris, spoke alongside president joe biden for the first time since he withdrew from the race. during a speech at his golf club in new jersey, trump emphasized that
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food prices in the united states are high. on friday , kamela harris laid out proposals to cut taxes for most americans, as well as ban price hikes on stores and support of affordable housing. trump has also criticized biden's immigration policies again, but has inflated the number of people who have crossed the us-mexico border during biden's presidency. in speeches this week, trump also resorted to personal criticism of harris. critics of vice president kamela harris say, both veiledly and quite frankly, that a woman cannot hold the most powerful position in the world. gender scholars point out that those who criticize harry for her gender also use another line of attack, her racial affiliation. details in the story of natalia leonova. the desire of vice president kamela harris to occupy the highest office in the country caused. a flurry of sexist
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attacks aimed at her personal life, her style of dress and even the characteristics of her laugh. all these attacks, experts say, have classic signs of misogyny. garis is trying to change the narrative that has persisted for more than a century since the first time an american woman ran for president. but experts say garis faces an additional challenge she can't avoid, her mixed race. here's what race belongs... republican presidential candidate donald trump says to harris. she has always been of indian descent and she has only promoted indian heritage. i didn't know she was black until she became black a few years ago and now she wants to be known as black so i don't know if she's indian or black. scientists say this is a textbook case of misogynist. misogynoire is a monstrous hybrid. between
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sexism and racism, which is directed specifically against black women, and this is based on stereotypes about black women, as well as the perception that they do not conform to the heteropatriarchal norms of white men. these personal attacks have prompted even some of harris's staunchest republican critics to try to change the narrative. this is not personal against kamela harris, her ethnicity, her gender. it has nothing to do with this. scholars say there is overwhelming support for women adhering to traditional roles in society, as seen in the growing russian tradwife social networks, where women act as housewives, mothers and helpers, but some women in the electorate reject these gender attacks. it's sexism, it's people who support men in everything, they said, even when mrs. clinton was swamped, no, she's a woman, what if she's on her period, she 's going to start a war? suggests that trump is resorting to
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personal attacks because he is afraid to face harris on the debate stage. in recent days, harris and trump have sparred on social media, blaming each other avoiding the debate scheduled for september 10. i think this is probably a smart move on trump's part, given that kamela harris is a former prosecutor and what we 've seen of her and her debating skills lead many people to believe that she will use donald trump. like a floor cloth. since women gained the right to vote in 1920, their participation in presidential elections has increased significantly. natalia leonova, anita powell, voice of america. sanmarino, a european republic surrounded on all borders by italy, became an object scrutiny due to this year's reports of ties to russia. although san marino officials have denied wrongdoing, european union officials have expressed concern. that
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the financial services sector of san marino can become a backdoor for the entry of illegal russian money into the eu. i had the opportunity to prepare for you a story by henry wilkins with details about this tiny europa. the state ala kusin manufactures built-in furniture in san marino. a tiny sovereign state located in the center of italy general manager lorenzo arcangeli says the company is looking forward to full access to the lucrative european union market. but currently, selling to customers in the european union requires additional bureaucracy. this requires additional costs and is therefore an obstacle for customers. for our company, this is also an obstacle. it is not so easy to explain the documentation to european users. manufacturers in san marino should gain access to the eu's single market, the largest trading bloc in the world. according to the agreement, which should be operational by the end of the year. at the same time, the country's financial sector is excluded from the agreement. western media reported on
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san marino's ties to russia. eu representatives also expressed concern that the country's non-compliance with certain standards of financial regulation could open a black hole. a move for illegal russian money to the eu. in april, the publication described san marino's relations with russia as alarmingly friendly and unusual. the country has appointed as its ambassador to algeria emmanuel ghouta, a frenchman with long-standing ties to the kremlin, and has also not identified him dual russian citizenship. a san marino official in a comment to the voice of america noted that the information in the article is false. it's not just inaccurate, it's an attempt to sell the story, and as it says. to those who paid them for it, because surely it will not be good for san marino, these doubts that were spread around. the dikonovist article also points out that until february, sanmarina's honorary consul in moscow was volodymyr lisin, the third richest man in russia, according to the forbes ranking. in response to braganna's comments
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to the voice of america, the editor of the european of the economist department noted that the publication confirms the veracity of their information. violating his traditional policy of neutrality, san marino condemned. of russia to ukraine during the vote at the un in march 22. dmytro potapenko, a russian economist and politician, notes that relations between sanmarina and moscow deteriorated after that. changes in the fact that relations are tense. are they intensifying and will the russian federation use san marino to circumvent sanctions? i don't think so. analysts note that officials of banking institutions the eu has substantial reasons to carefully investigate the application. on access to the eu financial sector. if the eu notes certain problems, it is very serious and they are engaged in a thorough investigation. it may be unusual for san marino officials to feel this level of pressure, because the world may not be paying as much attention to them and these issues, but that
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doesn't matter. while manufacturing businesses such as arcangeli's are looking forward to benefiting from full access to the eu market, other european. the microstate of monaco pulled out of similar talks with the eu last year after regulators raised concerns about its financial practices. henry wilkins, oleksii kovalenko, mr. america. american wine with a ukrainian heart. in the sonoma valley, in the north of california , an exclusive organic wine with blue-yellow branding was released, its cost. $100 per bottle, and the task is to raise funds to support ukraine. about original wine and support of ukraine by california winemakers, in the story of khrystyna shevchenko. an hour and a half by car north of san francisco is located in the sonoma valley.
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stretching along the pacific coast, between mountain ranges, it is characterized by special climatic conditions and is considered the place where california wine was born. work robert rex, owner of deerfield ranch winery in kenwood, has been growing grapes for nearly half a century and recently released a special bottle. this is a bottle we created for fundraising events to help ukraine. for the design of the label, a blue-yellow heart from a children's drawing was used, with a fragment on the back from taras shevchenko's poem "caucasus". and glory to you, blue mountains, covered with ice, and to you great knights, not forgotten by god, fight, you will win. god helps you, for you is truth, for you is glory and holy will. inside is what they do
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best here, says robert. red from shira grapes. it tastes a bit like blackberry, you can feel it at the bottom of the filling, and it has an earthy taste, like you're grilling a steak with a dark crust on it. such a bottle costs $100, all the money earned will go to aid to ukraine. i believe that despots, dictators and warmongers must be controlled, and aggression must be stopped, not encouraged. ukraine is in a terrible situation, it is a young democracy with a long history, and we have the strength and desire to help. the wine was made to order. olga kelly, a good friend of robert, is originally from ukraine, but has been living
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in california for many years, received her legal education here and works in the prosecutor's office. since 2014, olga has been actively volunteering and helping ukrainian however, she says that already three months after the full-scale invasion , it became difficult for the military to shut down large gatherings through social networks, so the woman decided to raise funds in another way. i thought that, since i live here, i knew where... a few people who work in wineries, how i decided that it would be very cool, because well, it's beautiful here, look, the nature is beautiful here, the place is beautiful, the people will have a little rest, and you can somehow come up with it so that it is interesting, and you can gather a good group of people and good funds, and this is another winery, lendmark vineyards, olga often came here with colleagues and knew the local event organizer olivia well, olga will offer her... it's all because of my relationship with
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olga, we have developed a really great relationship, and i just thought it was very important to be a part this and show your support, because what is happening on the other side of the world is terrible. yes, auctions and fairs, where ukrainian craftsmen are invited, began to be held regularly here. people who prepare food come to us here. we sell, for example, there are kavovar from san diego from kharkiv, he comes to our events, then we have this woman, galina hostetler, she makes embroidered shirts, t-shirts, and she has her own business, she sells designer things there, but she is in her free time on saturdays and sundays makes t -shirts, flags and embroidered shirts, and it's all sold here. in total, olga organized more than 10 events at two wineries, where she managed to collect a total. now the focus of the americans has somewhat shifted to the upcoming presidential elections,
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so it is more difficult to raise funds than at the beginning 2022, but here in sonoma they say that people are still rooting for ukraine, it’s all the same to me, even the americans expressed their dissatisfaction when this ep with these 60 billion dragged on for six months, that the congress did not want to vote, the americans themselves were dissatisfied , that as it is, ukraine must be helped. people are dying, i wouldn't say that the support has significantly decreased, the fact that the media doesn't cover it certainly doesn't help, but i still think that the local americans believe in this cause when we talk about our event, what's going to be here fundraising event, there are still people who are extremely interested in coming and supporting us. the events are actively supported by the members of the clubs of the wineries themselves, as well as people from ukraine. robert rex says that the latter helped him a lot to look at ukraine. at a different angle. all we knew about ukraine was
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that all these cities like odesa were russian in our books, and suddenly ukraine becomes an independent country and a democratic republic, and then i began to learn that it has such a long history of independence and conquest by other peoples, and it gave me a completely different angle of perception, and then i started meeting all these ukrainians who came to our events, and they are... beautiful, wonderful people, they have a great love for their country in difficult circumstances, which last for centuries. they are preparing to hold the next event in support of ukraine on august 19, promising live music, a fair and lots of wine. khrystyna shevchenko, viktoriya ivaskevich, bohdan shevchenko, for the voice of america. to restore not only the body, but also the psyche of veterans of the russian-ukrainian war. with this purpose in the fall of the 23rd, volunteer and vocal coach darina. introduced free singing courses for rehabilitated soldiers. since
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the spring of this year, the veterans have formed a singing group under her leadership and now perform at city cultural events. anna kustyuchenko and pavlo sukhodolsky found out if singing really heals the military. singing therapy is the best, as i believe, kind of therapy, when you sing, your mood rises. three- year-old daryna kyrylko, a volunteer and vocal teacher, is the initiator of the creative rehabilitation of soldiers through singing in one of the medical institutions of kyiv, where ukrainian military personnel undergo treatment and recovery. do you have super low notes right now? last october, daryna held the first singing club for veterans, and since then she has been coming here every week. don't look for a redhead in the evenings, i have the only one, only you.
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we have a community of veterans with whom we are already friends, we take them to various creative events, we create communities to make it easier for them to socialize and return to civilian life. one of the participants of the singing circle, ex-trainer from eastern martial arts , 54-year-old yuriy semenenko. for farewell, first confessions. very highly trained, yuriy has been involved in martial arts since 1984, a master of traditional wushu and confucian sports, before the great war he had his own sports club where he was a coach. from february 22, yuri went to fight in the 241st separate brigade of tro. after
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the kyiv campaign, yuriy defended the donbass as a machine gunner, there under the kli'. in september of last year, kyivka received a serious head injury. it was not possible to remove all the fragments from the skull, during the rehabilitation he met darina and joined the singing group. we are nations that love each other, respect each other, help each other, this is the strength of the nation, the love that ukrainians have for each other, from the song, it is one of the components of our life, our air, our love, which is transmitted from generation to generation, is sad songs when we cry, there are songs when we are happy, there are songs when we are... inspired to fight. another member of the singing club is 38-year-old ex-military volodymyr tuka. he comes from kherson. volodymyr is a professional dancer who was there before the full-scale invasion a member of the ostradno-church studio jean rog. after the occupation of kherson, he participated in anti-russian rallies, but within two months he dared to leave the occupied city. there were
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rumors that the boys from kherson were going to be taken, even for zero, so that they would dig. cops, well, it 's clear that it won't lead to good, moreover, to help the occupiers, there was no desire at all, at the russian checkpoint, volodymyr's car and money were taken, but he was released - says the man. having reached odessa, volodymyr went to the military commander, but he was summoned only on the morning of the 22nd. at the front, he participated in a fighter for marenka. there, in december 22, he received a bullet wound in his arm. after treatment, he returned to the front for another three months, but was no longer able to fight, says volodymyr. after the injury, well, i got scared. here. and, er, well, on duty, i just, well, the adventure began. that's me, well, then i went to
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the command, i told all these things, that's it. and after the treatment i did not have vlc, uh, well, unfortunately, this happens, this is often, and i was sent to vlc, after vlc, i was recognized as limited fit, well, they took me away from scratch volodymyr went on errands and stayed to live in kyiv. during one of the events for veterans in the fall of 2023. met volunteer daryna and started singing. later , volodymyr and his brother serhiy began attending the course at the bip theater studio in parallel. 33. ships. mykhailo miskun is the founder of the studio and acting teacher. in the summer of 2024, for the first time, he offered
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such courses for veterans of the russian-ukrainian war. we want to find. what tools for acting skills, psychology, coaching, and emotions to work, which will help veterans to open up, relax, forget, get interested, we don't know, this is such an experimental moment, we see the result, how they open up, how it all happens, what emotions, the main thing is that this is a positive space, so far he attends theater courses only six veterans, a different number of people come to daryna's singing each time, she says. a twenty-year-old military man with the call sign of the 72nd brigade came singing circle. for the first time, from the age of 19 he went to serve under a contract, at first full-scale the invasion, he fought in reconnaissance, received a severe contusion under the great dane of solodarsk in july
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2022, after that he lost the gift of speech for more than a month, says romashka. i was very, very, very angry that i couldn't talk, but eventually she came to me, it was pavlograd, my wife came and they started. to work on somehow restoring the language resource. love works wonders. in the spring of 2024, four of the most active veterans under the leadership of darina formed their own singing group, which was called the veteran band and began to participate in creative events of the capital. america from kyiv. download the voice of america mobile application. the application allows you
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to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read news, watch informative programs and videos, and also listen to podcasts of the ukrainian voice of america service. and on this we will say goodbye. see also our daily. on youtube and facebook, where you can ask us your questions live, subscribe to the pages of voice of america in ukrainian on social networks on youtube, facebook, twitter, as well as new voice of america ukrainian pages in telegram and whatsapp. thank you for staying with us, good night and good morning. oleksiy kovalenko was with you. see you soon.
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there are 10% discounts on citramondarnitsa until independence day at psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. the book of a woman at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. the book is based on the reports of christina, the host of the espresso tv channel. parubiy 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in
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the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the kostyantyn zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts until navizyn independence day. 20% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isoto interacts with acid. stomach, which leads to a decrease in heartburn symptoms. izota is your water if heartburn bothers you. ci3lev will overcome allergy, neche lev. citylev neo protects against the most common allergens. there are discounts until independence day on baneocin 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings. there are discounts until independence day at edem, 25% at psaryznyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who
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became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish the truth from the hostile. ipso the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch aktum every tuesday at 7:55 a.m. in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.
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the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, founder of the yangola taira unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana povaliyeva, about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the air of the espresso tv channel. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. the situation in donetsk region is dangerous. the enemy approached the pokrovsk community. authorities urge residents to evacuate immediately. how long will the enemy be able to put pressure on the east of ukraine despite successes of the armed forces of ukraine in kursk region. slow and
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scattered reaction. ukraine's partners note the kremlin's lack of determination in response to the introduction of ukrainian troops into the territory of the russian federation. where did putin's red lines go? ratification of the rome statute. zelensky suggests that the verkhovna rada urgently introduce changes to the ukrainian criminal legislation, which will give ukraine full membership in the international criminal law. this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. over the next two for hours we will talk about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory. let's talk about the current situation in kurshchyna, about the reaction to the offensive of the ukrainian army on russia from our western partners,
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and of course about how and in what way the ukrainians will develop military operations, among the topics that will be during today 's two-hour broadcast, is the story of how the head of the anti-monopoly committee, who previously ruled donetsk region, pavlo kyrilenko, is accused of in illegal enrichment, and that. as on the organization of schemes to evade mobilization caught two heads of tsk buchanskyi and boryspilskyi. we will talk about all this in the next two hours. in the first part of our program, we will have major of the armed forces of ukraine ihor lapin, diplomat oleksandr khara and political expert volodymyr tsibulko. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour. we
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will have a traditional friday. olga len and bohdan butkevich, my colleagues, will comment on the events of the week. however, before starting our big broadcast, i suggest watching the video of the first hours of the attack on kursk region of russia, this video was published by the command of the armed forces of ukraine. in the video, demining, breaking through the border, destroying the enemy's defensive lines, the work of aviation, artillery and prisoners. let's see how ukrainians go west. on enemy territory.
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the video is dated august 6, 2024. glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. throughout our broadcast, friends, we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether the ukrainian orthodox church can become independent from.


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