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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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so it is, well, you can consider it as a good anti-tank ditch, and even so conditionally, that is , consider it some kind of water obstacle that will be difficult for the enemy to cross, if he has the appropriate intentions and forces and means for this, i would be fine with that did not deceive, he cannot be regarded as a seversky donets, who stood in the way of the enemy's advance in the direction of the slavs there in the 22nd year. this, unfortunately, is not the right, wrong scale water obstacle, so here we definitely need the leading edge and brigades that keep along this channel somewhere, or behind it, we still we are behind him, but they are holding the defense, they still need to be filled with personnel, because unfortunately for him, in fact, you actually gave the answers here, the question was, what is most needed, you already more than once. it
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's been repeated, and it means that you think about it, and it definitely lives in your head, it's something that needs people, educated, motivated, you know, i'm just curious, for understanding, there are people who are now possible in educational centers, there are people who are preparing to go there, there are people who know why they will not go, well, there are people who are ready to go, there are people who understand that they will have to leave, i will go, well, not everyone runs by themselves, but in fact many, but recently. well, again, your colleague , the soldier volodymyr omelyan, took a beautiful photo with, well, i won’t say a boy, with a man, 18 years old, who came as volunteers, he says that many young people volunteer, it is clear that they should be trained as such, you know the cossacks jurors for a person to mature to a certain level, but it shows that there are people who have the desire, but in your experience, it's just again for the understanding of those people who are not yet at the front, but may be there soon, and the period of preparation with... of course, the preparation is already partly
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clear, but the period of combat experience in order for a person to really be burned by this fire, in a good sense, preferably, without any injuries, and became effective already on the battlefield, and in understanding, and in coordination, and in reaction to shelling, and in behavior, in stressful situations, how much time should pass for this, or is it up to everyone - different, well , of course, of course, that everyone has somewhere different. because each person has his own physical and psychological capabilities, and he has to adapt to the conditions in which he will be, well, in my opinion, this is so that the fighter becomes more effective and his survivability increases, well, it is at least a few months six months, well, i don't know, i won't speak for all units of the defense forces.
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we have, as far as i know, the replenishment that comes in, no one immediately throws it there to the front line, but of course no one will guarantee it, because we have a war, if there is one somewhere there, god forbid a breakthrough, then it will have to be plugged not only there at the expense of replenishment, but also at the expense of some itel units, but still we try to give people the opportunity to adapt by being somewhere on the second line of defense there and the like. therefore, everyone understands that sending a fighter who came from a training center or went through military training and additional training at the base of the brigade and send him immediately there on a combat mission to a zero position greatly increases the risk of losing him, no one doesn't want to lose people just like that now, well, it's absolutely clear that there may be people who, on the contrary , will show themselves in such a stressful situation. on which side, but there is, well, there may
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be a different reaction, therefore, of course, for this it is worth and we need experienced instructors, specialists, already on the spot, experienced, in particular, senior sergeants, like you, mr. vitaly, in order to to understand how to bring people to harmony, to effectively counter the enemy and to effective activity on the battlefield, we were not able to discuss all the questions, but actually, i think that what we talked about is really interesting, important, to understand, first of all for... people who today or are already going to become a resupply, or are at the front, or are preparing for it, and this is very important, because many people are now mobilizing, and therefore, well , it is also very necessary to understand the reality of the front, the tasks and your capabilities, thank you very much for joining, thank you for your comments, take care of yourself and success in the battle, vitaly pyasetskyi 100, call sign, senior sergeant 93- of the separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, was with us in touch, this... these were the military results
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of the day, well, actually... of course, talking with the military, telling more about the war, about the front, informing the population is very important, very important, but what it is much more important, if you are in the rear, of course, to contribute to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, because this saves lives and destroys the enemy. so, let's move on to donations, there are new needs in our units, the spresso tv channel and the charity fund. opened fundraising for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade, also for the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended
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the avdiiv direction in the spring of this year. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones, in a word, we need drones and we need slaves. we. the goal of this is 3.5 million hryvnias, and believe me, this is not much, these things are expensive, with your help we have already collected almost 990, well let's say almost a million hryvnias, and believe me, after a million, everything goes much faster, it's just me, based on the experience of these meetings, which we are holding for the third year of this war , i will tell you, so remember that every donation of yours is important , the words of ours, which you will hear now, will only confirm this. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against small uavs of the enemy and drones comic, we really
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ask for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, so we will donate, i think that during our ether will appear. this is also this qr code, you will be able to follow the link and follow the link and transfer money to the needs of the 47th, 110th and the third separate assault brigade. now we will talk about the situation in sumy oblast. vyacheslav ryabchenko, deputy of the sumy district council, volunteer. mr. vyacheslav, i congratulate you. you are greeted by a nameless crowd. greetings from the studio. greetings to all tv viewers. glad to see and hear, and... i say this completely sincerely. let's talk in general first about the security situation in sumy oblast in the sense of enemy shelling. it is clear that where active hostilities are currently taking place, from that side, but the enemy is also firing. i'll just say that russia hit, this is information for the last day, hit 36 ​​settlements of sumy oblast.
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unfortunately, there are also victims, and there was also a blow to the gluhiv community. and also today there were explosions in the very regional center in the city of sumy. but as for the day that has passed and the night can also be remembered, please tell me. more details about enemy attacks, the nature of these enemy strikes, and the means of defeat that the enemy mainly uses, for today or at the present time, the enemy does not, let's say, spares his efforts, so to speak, and hits everyone , as much as possible , the iskanders are hitting it, yesterday there were explosions of such iskander missiles, these cabs are constantly flying, constantly in... or drones, shahedis, drones, reconnaissance drones, that is, the situation, let's say , in the last 10 days , eh, it’s quite complicated, every day there are explosions, every day there are arrivals, arrivals either via sumy or
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the suburbs of sumy, or along the district cens, well, along the outskirts of the sumy district, along, let's say, along the border, very often he... very, let's say, sharpened his attack, that's how it started, that is, it is clear that the enemy is raging, well, from the view to the situation when already on his land, taking prisoners and destroying the same enemies, units of the defense forces, the armed forces of ukraine are marching, but of course, well, even if we talk about the kursk region, not all of it is under the control of our formations today, so the enemy has he uses his otrk quickly. tactical missile complexes, in particular, which ones, with which he launches the iskanders, and the humanitarian situation, first of all, now i will say about the citizens of ukraine, are there still people in the border areas at all, are they no longer there, civilians, i mean first of all,
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is it possible to intensify the process of evacuating people from sumy oblast or simply leaving people for a certain period, realizing that the situation is tense, and it will, in principle, be tense. there are ongoing hostilities already on the territory of the enemy, has this process accelerated or scaled up, just not that that evacuation, even departure to people from sumy oblast for a certain period of time? so, this process has now accelerated and scaled up, there is a decree issued by the head of the sumy military administration, volodymyr artyukh , on the evacuation of the 20-kilometer zone, that is , somewhere around 60,000 people must leave the border, but unfortunately, at the moment, very little, very much...
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why little, because, unfortunately, there used to be more housing where the population could be resettled, even in the sumy style, in the sumy style oblast, in the sumy region, that is, to date, all housing is almost occupied, rent even in the regional center . shooting range no longer has such an opportunity, it is already very problematic, very, well, let's say this , very difficult, not to mention the suburbs, it is generally impossible to rent private houses, people are used to living in private, and therefore settle in dormitories, that's when i communicate with people, many do not want to, they say, we are used to private life, we will already live on our territory, well, at home, well... now here is our charitable fund, i'm sorry, now our charitable fund here is already addressing many heads of communities,
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other regions, cities, i am writing official requests as a deputy of the district council, as the head of the fund, to give information on where it is possible to go and how many people one or another region can accept, well, while we are waiting for an answer, i think when will be specifics, where to leave. only, then people will feed themselves more, because at the moment they don't want to just leave their homes, we talked just a few days ago with a wonderful a journalist from pokrovsk, where evacuation is also taking place now, because the enemy is there in a few days, 10 or how many days, more kilometers somewhere in the area from pokrovsk, and it is clear that the situation is threatening, and then khmelnytskyi accepts, let's say, lviv, lviv oblast accepts, but there are prepared places, shelters, some other things, well again, you say? that people want to live in nature, well , here again it is a matter of organizations of officials, there are many villages where there are abandoned huts,
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but the schools are closed, well, i have a village in vinnytsia region, dakhtalia, this is vinnytsia region, luchynsky district, once kryzhopolsky, well , because my mother is from there, there are many immigrants there, well, not so many, but there are people who come, just live in huts, there are simply abandoned ones, there are those who somewhere there have to pay something to buy them , some pennies, that is, but again this is a matter of organization, well , the map of the free... ukraine, we have been talking about this for quite a long time in ether, even i once had this idea, well, i think, it is not only my idea, many people think about it , create a house, maybe there are free apartments in ukraine, people will go, occupy this house, it will not be to fall apart, but against the background of what is happening now , and what is happening now is that the local residents, who are under the threat of artillery strikes, drones, ballistic missiles every day, there is nothing there, except for satellites from space, and they have nowhere, as they say... accordingly, to receive more or less quality shelter, and at the same time, i am not saying
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that it is bad, but i just want to understand and hear your opinion, how to explain it to people, and at the same time, ukraine will open humanitarian corridors to kurshchyna, writes iryna veryshchuk, vice prime minister. yes, that is, now how should the inhabitants of the country be settled? although again, this is a civil right, we have to ensure it, everything, i understand everything here, that is, i am not criticizing this idea, but you voiced the fact that there are no places for our people now, and we are opening or planning to open humanitarian corridors, and how will it be, just you as a person who is there, how you see it, your opinion and understanding of this is simply important, i will say frankly, this... this, you know, i don't want to say this, it's nonsense, i just don't push it, well, don't
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let it go to your head, what it is now is happening, and i communicate not only with people from the city of sumy, from sumy oblast, i spoke today with, let's say, internal affairs bodies, i spoke with some friends, and no one, well, let's just say, no one understands why this is being done. we cannot resettle our 60,000, and now take 160,000 of the population of kurshchyna and bring them to us, well... i already had a conversation today, we talked about this topic, we talked, and i said that people, well, we have to think too, this is for the sbu authorities and everyone else, because with this corridor, where will they go peaceful residents, subversive groups who will surrender, unfortunately, will surrender the positions of our military, our
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defenders, our deftgeshniks, and it is possible, it will all be possible, because there will be free space, let's put it this way, go where you want, take what do you want, and from now on all these people will stay with us in sumy oblast, or will disperse around ukraine, because they will not return to russia, because russia does not accept them, so let's put it this way, why not immediately open a corridor from kursh oblast to russia, a humanitarian corridor, and let with god they go there for themselves, that's why people... we have a very negative attitude towards all this, well, let's say this, very, very, very much, because we have many zhduns, unfortunately, we have many zhduns in sumy oblast who are waiting for russian peace, so we are trying to fight with these people, special services are fighting, dftg are fighting,
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we are fighting, volunteers are fighting, well, but, let's put it this way, but it exists, thank you. first of all for the work and thanks for the comments. vyacheslav ryabchenko, deputy of the som district council, volunteer. we will say goodbye to mr. vyacheslav, but this is really a topic, here, here, you understand, here now, we listened to mr. vyacheslav, he is in sumy oblast, he understands the situation, and 60,000 people who are our citizens of ukraine, the reason they are leaving, leaving their places of residence, their settlements, their homes, is russia. all of russia, all of them, those who chose putin, those who did not go for, they are all guilty, and on the other hand, it is clear that we must comply with international law, but our people, 60,000, who are suffering today from russian aggression, and missiles are launched, not putin, they are launched by a specific pilot, guns artillerymen, ordinary people,
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citizens of russia also work there, and there is no place for everyone, but... well, the decision must be weighed, prepared, because when there are promises, statements and you start doing something, and then chaos begins, and then incomprehensible things begin, here you have to be ready for everything, and in any case, first of all , you have to talk at the humanitarian level, we are talking about the exchange of prisoners, let's say, then at the humanitarian level you have to talk with the authorized representatives of the country even an aggressor, well, if people want to... get away with it don't take your people, at the same time, i watched a video today, even the military was filming there, or was it filmed by the locals, the russians themselves in kurshchyna, people go with their carts to a small shop there or a district center or something, and they approach , they say that you are sitting in the basement, i speak ukrainian now, they don’t speak russian, those people say sumshchi na
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na kurshchini, but no, he says, not in the basement, we live at home, well, the military came and said, we don’t touch you , feed yourself, he says, and what about canned goods? he eats canned food and says everything that is, people live, our soldiers do not touch them and of course they will not touch them, no one will threaten them, they live for themselves and do not want to go to sumy oblast, rivne oblast, or zhytomyr oblast, they are comfortable in kurshchyna, who is there where, but on the other hand, it is primarily the responsibility of russia, then take your citizens to the further regions of russia, if you started this war, then act according to the rules of war, and do not abandon your citizens, whom you condemned, both ours and ... their own suffering, humanitarian suffering, and therefore, yes, then we will talk about our pain, and our pain, not ours, ours, it is a man's thing, our pain is, of course, corruption, and here today it played with new colors, with its hideous
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and disgusting colors, martyna bohuslav, with us, the head of the border anti-corruption center, ms. martyna, i congratulate you, good day, congratulations. and i will not , like old man boyan, undermine the raztyakashi, i will give specific concrete examples of corruption and we will discuss them. today, in the top discussion, well, in the focus of attention, is the detention of the heads of the territorial centers of recruitment and social support in in the cities of kyiv region, bucha and boryspil, more than 1 million dollars were found there during the search, that's how it is... the level is that, firstly, the fact that they were discovered and found, how positive is it, and on the other hand, according to your , according to your understanding, the further course of such cases is similar, because this story is ode. odesa briber from tsk, it is already going on, because with this much and unknown because with so much it will continue, please, mr. vasyl, good
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evening once again, the fact is that we are talking about 1,200 thousand, which the leaders of tsk actually profited from, providing lime information about the impossibility of being included in the military service due to the state of health, and... one such certificate cost 37 thousand dollars, it is very easy to calculate how many men, how many men they made such certificates, 12,000 divided by 37, we are talking about about 33 people , but let's be serious now, we understand very well that this is just what is on the surface, we understand very well that in this case, the fact that these... heads of the tcc were detained is definitely not about 33 people, it is about what is shown to us, what we see, what is in public, is clearly more than 33 people, for the third year we
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are in a state of war, they issued these certificates, i am not even so saddened by this news, because this news, for me, it still has the flavor of, you know, such everyday corruption, when physical individuals in... ukrainians are trying to solve, to solve, through bribes and what they encourage, and yet the people who are in the positions of the tsc some of their own issues. i was terribly saddened by everything that we witnessed in the last week, because much more global processes took place there, and when, i'm sorry, but a top official of category a, and this is the head for a moment. of the monopoly committee of ukraine, kirylenko, and already an ex-deputy minister, and from the entire minister of energy, mr. heilo, oleksandr, when we are talking about such
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top officials, and when we are not talking about 200 million, but when we are talking about even one bribe, one bribe , yes, and these bribes can be imagined, how many there were, we are talking about half a million dollars, about 500 thousand, only. transfers, when it was detained by nabu, and when we are talking about uah 56 million, this is the amount of illegal enrichment for more than seven apartments for 700 square meters, cars, bmw, plots of land, houses near kyiv, all this on this, she was actually detained on this and earned all this for herself, of course, with such conscientious work, it is now... said the head of the anti-monopoly committee of ukraine during the war. you know what is so tragicomic about this whole situation.
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journalists, investigators, friends were talking about all these corruption cases that we hear about this week, six months ago, eight months ago, a year ago. that is, now we already are. we see this in official criminal proceedings, to which i have no reaction of the bank, when such a journalistic investigation comes out, you could make your life easier, by you, i mean the leadership of the president's office, you could, why am i saying so directly that the president's office is behind this, because if we are talking about the head of the antimonopoly committee, then he is generally appointed by the law of ukraine by the president, to make life easier for himself when this journalistic investigation comes out, not to appoint these people to top positions, not
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to reward these people with positions, not to give these people the opportunity, for example, if we if we are talking about the head of the antimonopoly committee, then imagine the situation, in march a journalistic investigation of the editorial board of the scheme about the possible illegal enrichment of 56. million hryvnias is published, then it was about 60 million hryvnias of the head of the antimonopoly committee, and in june the president of ukraine zelensky signs an official order, how many 3-4 months after the public investigation with a huge number of views, which was seen by the whole country, the president signs a decree and introduces kyrylenka, the head of the antimonopoly committee in the official delegation that is going to... brussels and this delegation is engaged in negotiations on the part of ukraine for the accession of ukraine to the eu. i don't know what people are thinking.
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are sitting in the office at the bank, because it seems to me that the cause-and-effect relationship is completely broken here, because if you fired this person, terminated his powers, removed him from his position at least for the period of the investigation, well, you understand that all these detention and all these suspicions that were announced this week to top officials, then it would be to an ex-official, and it would not be perceived that way by ukrainians. it would not be perceived that way by one million boys and girls who are on the border and by international partners, which is important, it would also be perceived, it is a completely separate language, mr. vasyl, for this it is a completely separate language, because they, well, imagine, and now the language about international partners, but look, we have just three minutes, what we need to say about okhmadite, but what is interesting is that all these matters somehow came up immediately after the visit of mrs. pritzker, who, by the way, is finishing her term of office already in the position of a person who is responsible for
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the restoration of ukraine, but here... after her visit, well, after not everyone wanted to meet with her in a unified way for some reason, but she gave a very clear signal about corruption, somehow immediately started to arise these things, well, this is already inspiring, of course, but i and we will talk about partners, i just want to briefly stop by, because here the situation is very, very strange according to ohmadit, there is a fund called ndsl ohmadit became and he collected funds. charitable for recovery ohmadit, and there was no doubt that these funds would be used for the restoration of ohmadit. similar, it was even impossible to imagine that it turns out that these funds, now okhmadit, as a hospital, cannot somehow be attracted at all. so, this okhmadit fund is not planning to transfer funds to the okhmadit national insurance fund account, but that's right, i'm sorry, but
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the charity fund does not want to transfer funds to the hospital account. explain more, there is already such confusion with this, with these stories, with these inflated prices, failed tenders, because simply once again, journalists and anti-corruption officers also got in, now it’s a different story, well, that’s it, sorry, well, there has to be some kind of limit somewhere, today yes, today there was a meeting, and for us there was such a shocking phrase that sounded, and it sounded it's roughly like that, well, we can't transfer the money collected for the reconstruction of ohmadite. for okhmadita himself, that is, for the state, because there are big corruption risks in this, and in the commission, we know that olena zelenska is in the commission, there was also an investigation recently into him literally less than an hour of journalists from fellow journalists, we will verify that these funds will go to a fund that belongs to olena zelenska, we will check this information tonight, so when
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the officials tell us: that the collected funds the whole country and not only ukrainians cannot go to the reconstruction of okhmadita and be transferred to okhmadita, because the money will be transferred, they say , to the state and thus it will be stolen, then i don't even know what you and i are talking about, which anti-corruption reform, ending with international partners, please imagine the situation, in june you open the official order of the president of a country that is applying to join the european union, you see the name kirylenko there, you are, for example, an official in brussels, for example, in the structure of dgineer or dj justice , or dg home, these are all structures of the european commission, which are responsible for working out all our requirements and fulfilling our requirements for access to the eu, and literally, literally, one month passes, and you see the name of this person in a loud corruption
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scandals and not just a journalist. investigation, in this case already in official criminal proceedings with official suspicion, do you think that it contributes to the accession of ukraine and whether it accelerates the accession of ukraine to the european union. i guess the answer to this question is rhetorical, could this have been prevented? of course, without entering this person after a journalistic investigation into an official decree. who could do it and zelensky personally? unfortunately, it was not done. well, as ivan yakovych franko used to say, stick to the rock, no matter the heat the cold won't stop you. well, let's do it. thank you very much, martyna bohuslavets, head of the border anti-corruption center, was in touch with us, but of course, the level and scale of corruption, simply, to be honest, you think about it, and you realize that you don't even imagine how big they are huge, unfortunately, although i determined for myself absolutely clearly that...


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