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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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corruption scandal and not just in a journalistic investigation, in this case already in an official criminal proceeding with an official suspicion, do you think that this contributes to ukraine's accession and that it accelerates ukraine's accession to the european union? i think the answer to this question is rhetorical, could it have been prevented, of course yes, by not introducing this person after a journalistic investigation into an official decree. who could have done it, and zelensky personally did not do it, unfortunately. well, as ivan yakovvych franko used to say, go for it rock, don't let the bitter cold stop you. well, let's do this. thank you very much, martyna bohuslavets, the head of the anti-corruption center, mezha, was in touch with us, but of course, the level and scale of corruption, simply, to be honest, you think about it, and you realize that you don't even imagine how much they are huge, unfortunately, although i have determined absolutely clearly for myself that... people who
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during the war steal from the state, from the troops, from the poor, are simply moral scumbags, and they should be studied by such people, well, normal people, normal people cannot do that, but there is a criminal code, courts, and judicial processes, everything must be in accordance with the current legislation, as they say, if guilt is proven, they will be punished, but these are already legal issues, and there are moral issues, they are separated here.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. i will start the news by announcing the following information : an air alert has been announced in several regions of our country, well, there are almost half of them, these are zaporizhia, donetsk, well , luhansk, kharkiv, sumy, there in this period of time, there is an air alert almost always, and therefore dnipropetrovsk. chernihiv,
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kyiv, the city of kyiv, cherkasy, kirovohrad oblasts have been declared to be on alert, i will not just go to telegram channels of our air defense forces and other official resources now, my colleagues will tell me what is going on, whether it is a threat from the shaheds, or whether it is the threat of ballistics, because voro now very often activates operational-tactical missile complexes with a missile flying towards the dnipro, my colleagues tell me, well, let's track it, now it's simple. again these ot iskanders, otrk are used. stay in shelters, in any case , protect yourself as much as possible, well, let's talk about what happened today. russian troops are located 6 km from mirnograd. this is donetsk region, and the enemy is advancing little by little, and almost 20,000 residents remain in the city. this was announced by the acting head of the city military administration yuriy tretyak. according to him, the situation in the city is frighteningly stable, people.
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are leaving, but not as briskly as the situation requires, explosions are constantly heard, shelling, even on the outskirts of the community , they plan to evacuate all the people from myrnograd by the end of august, tretyak noted. when the flight arrived in donetsk, temporarily occupied by the enemy , thick clouds of smoke rose above the city, the video was released by the local public of the hit, it went through the galactic shopping center. propaganda channels report on the dead. buffalo in service with the armed forces of ukraine, the ministry of defense of ukraine allowed the buffalo armored engineering vehicle to be delivered. mpvv, it is called one of the safest in the world. the agency reports that it is engineering the machine of the army of the united states of america, made according to a special technology, belongs to the class with increased ballistic protection, the windows are protected by 15-centimeter.
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the armored capsule made of composite armor is additionally protected by cumulative gratings, the car is equipped with a nine-meter manipulator with a built-in camera, sensors for explosive devices, it is noteworthy that there were no casualties in any of the cars that were bombed and shelled. thanks to our partners, of course, for this miracle machine, for this bull, which now, well, as translated from english, and who will now fight, as they say, for us, the luhansk partisans are working, local patriots paralyzed the movement of trains at the station in shchastynskyi district by those... of the occupied luhansk region, as reported by the center of national resistance on the railway, another relay cabinet was destroyed, paralyzed again the movement of military cargo, trains with ammunition and replenishment of brain cells. and this is good news. and
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so, now to our household news: hourly blackout schedules may return from next week. why? now i will tell first of all, i will say that i warned about this. deputy minister of energy svitlana grenchuk, the cause is the heat and the increase in electricity consumption, the official also noted that a repair campaign and restoration of equipment damaged as a result of enemy attacks is ongoing throughout the country. let me remind you that kerenergo has not used shutdown schedules for several weeks in a row. well, actually, that’s all the news that i’m going to tell you about in a nutshell, now the plot is for your attention: the russians continue to destroy, unfortunately, ukrainian cultural legacy from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the enemy country destroyed or damaged 1062 monuments, more about this later in our story. for more than 10 years, russia has been waging
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a war to destroy the ukrainians of our country, our historical and cultural heritage. the enemy destroys buildings, conducts destruction. archaeological excavations, appropriates museum artifacts and archives. the russians are trying to eliminate as much as possible of what constitutes the ukrainian identity. according to the ministry of culture and information policy of ukraine only for the period from february 24 from 2022 to april 25, 2024, the russian federation destroyed or damaged 1,062 objects of our cultural heritage. of them, 123 are monuments of national importance. kharkiv oblast and kherson oblast suffered the most from the aggressor. next comes donetsk region, odesa region, chernihiv region, kyiv region and kyiv. these crimes started back in 2014. at that time, russia
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not only illegally occupied ukrainian territories, but also began to destroy and loot cultural monuments. during the active hostilities in the east of ukraine, russian troops entrenched themselves in burial grounds and settlements. how many mounds were destroyed not known for sure. according to the calculations of the ukrainian historian serhii telizhenko, at least 60, and if we also take the occupied part of luhansk region, the number is much higher. after the occupation of the crimean peninsula, contrary to the norms of international humanitarian law, russian scientists began to carry out illegal archaeological excavations. they appropriated valuables and took them out en masse on the territory. since december 2017 , the occupiers of the russian federation have started digging everything in a row in the buffer zone of the museum of the chersonese taurian reserve. they seized a considerable collection of dishes: metal, glass, stone and bone products, jewelry, lamps and more than 600 coins. according to
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ukrainian experts, during the occupation of crimea, russia took away at least a million archaeological artifacts. russian in october 2022. regional authorities announced the so -called evacuation of the kherson regional museum of local history. the russians ransacked the archaeological and historical exposition, stole archaeological finds. today's location of these museum objects is unknown. the fate of the collection of scythian gold from the melitopol museum to preserve is also unknown exhibits from the occupiers, ukrainian museum workers, as in the second world war, even walled them up. exhibits against the walls and buried them in the ground, however, the russian marauders got to that. at first, the occupiers claimed that the collection remained in melitopol, then it came to light in the cultural center in berdyansk, where the collection is actually located and what is the exact list
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of exhibits of the gold of skov stolen by the russians is an unanswered question . cultural heritage is a very important story not only for ukraine, but also for the international community as a whole, because we and of the world's cultural heritage and must be protected taking into account various tools of interaction, therefore, as of now , we have more than 200 objects of cultural heritage and infrastructure damaged and destroyed. now we have such a challenge, in cooperation with law enforcement agencies , to document these damages as efficiently as possible in the context of bringing to justice in the international arena those responsible for what is happening in our country. according to unesco, ukraine needs $9 billion over the next decade rebuild its cultural sites and tourism industry after a large-scale russian invasion. the organization also notes that the destruction was intentional. objects of cultural heritage, including religious buildings and artefacts
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, may be equated to war crimes under the norms of international law. tatyana golonova, espresso tv channel. well, indeed, russia is probably the only country, the only army in the world, which so mercilessly destroys cultural values. this was not done by the empires, the armies of many countries, which understood the value of culture and culture feature this or that nation, even against whom they are waging war, where there are no russians, nothing sacred, so now we will talk about our mundane, but very important affairs. natalya pushtyna, a lawyer with us, ms. natalya, i greet you, congratulations, good evening, and let’s talk about this, the prosecutor general’s office presented a draft of amendments to the criminal procedure code, called on entrepreneurs to report cases of pressure on business, which is positive in principle, as do you think that this kind of cooperation is real? will make it possible to more effectively fight against undue pressure on business? as you
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know, this proposal was made within the framework of the round table, the round table was called seven cases of illegal pressure on business and the presentation of the project of changes to the criminal procedure code of ukraine. by the way, it was prepared precisely by small and large businesses, this round table, and by the way, and this project by none. but the office of the prosecutor general has nothing to do with this project, i would like to emphasize that, as usual, they are creating such a a picture, they create an activity, they imitate, but i would like to note that the business, both small and large, united and did a good job, who has seen this round table, i recommend watching, they worked well business on the project. there, because it hurts business, we were even talking about proposals to make
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changes to the criminal procedure code, we were even talking about the introduction of a new concept, this is critically important property, that is, it includes labor tools that are a component of the economic activity of a legal entity, according to of these grounds for arrest or confiscation, confiscation of such property can... stop production completely, by the way, by the way, this is what is happening today, property, funds, accounts are seized, assets, funds, accounts are seized , the activities of enterprises are completely blocked, and this is very a big problem for business, and identified the key, the key grounds for seizure, special attention was paid, well, i think respect from ... to the little one and everyone who worked on this project, special attention was given to the searches, both urgent
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and authorized by the investigating judge , namely on the ban on the seizure of things, documents, which are not specified in the decision of the investigating judge, and therefore the disorder that occurs during these searches, in particular, they worked on fixing the maximum amount of bail, which could not exceed the minimum amount of incriminated damages. confirmed precisely by the conclusion, well, expert, why, because we repeatedly spoke about the fact that today pledges are excessive and unrealistic for any person who is established, well, the business stated that on today it is simply a horror that is happening, that today the business has zero chance of its protection, namely... from law enforcement, all law enforcement agencies, and ee for today these
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violations, by the way, for me it was just déjà vu, it fully corresponds to the case of our client kostyantyn zhivaga, these are groundless swindles, searches without a court order, these detentions are groundless, arrests are groundless, arrests are excessive, unbelievable. pledges, by the way, the business noted the political motivation, which we have repeatedly talked about, the ordered nature of repressive actions, about the procedural terror of the sbi and other law enforcement agencies that do not comply with the judges' decisions, and we have repeatedly emphasized that they do not respond, and it was business that stated that they do not respond to business appeals , and also do not execute the decisions of the judges, the business said that the court and the prosecutor and the prosecutor's office are a monolith that cannot be simply overcome, and
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the arrests cannot be removed, and all this is done in the name of ukraine, and... i will only add from myself, these are all the monolith you said which one somewhere there someone feeds, maybe someone there somewhere from the officials feeds all these, and then the question, why do they open a business in poland, somewhere else, somewhere else, somewhere else, or imagine for a moment the situation when the business left ukraine. i have a lot of respect for businessmen who honestly pay taxes, work, it's a lot of work, not having people, looking for sales markets, organizing the process, it's very difficult, looking. start-up capital, investments, this is not and when these people, instead of developing, have to constantly fight back, as if from a wind such biting people from all this, but just for a second, these people would imagine there is no business, well , no, everyone gathered and left, there is no one, who will you buy, what will you do in this country, with what money will you finance the army, which protects you sitting in the rear from the enemy, this is it, forgive me for the emotional
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insertion, but we will continue on the topic, what other mechanisms, in your opinion, exist, or are they possible... to introduce protection of entrepreneurs from the very illegal, because there are and well provided by law, there are checks and so on, but undue pressure from law enforcement agencies, what other means do you consider to be the most effective, and how can they be improved? you see, the business talked about the fact that everyone agreed that it is necessary, first of all, to work constructively and make real changes to the criminal... procedural code, which will expand the rights of businesses to defend their rights and freedoms, as well as , which will establish exactly the responsibility of law enforcement officers, including material responsibility, for illegal accusations, for causing damages in relation to how much time property is seized,
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economic activity is blocked, that is, these are all points, the most important thing is... well , they need to be settled, this is the most important thing, this is the expansion of business rights, its protection, and the second is the responsibility of law enforcement agencies and that's all, i i think that we will work when the investigator knows that he will be financially responsible, that what was said by the business, that his property, for his illegal procedural actions will be on... then it will be included the head of such investigator or prosecutor well, as entrepreneurs and actually entrepreneurs are all brave, if you start your business, you must be a brave person. and how to protect the anonymity of those entrepreneurs who report cases of pressure on business, so that it does not happen that what you reported, then it
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was passed on somewhere along some chain and they came to you and said, what are you doing here, well secretly, of course , inform. what you don't like, maybe, maybe i can help you with something, well , i'm usually ironic, but we understand that in this irony there is obviously fate bitter truth, please, and you know, this proposal, and it, by the way, i see that the mass media, it is simply reproduced, it was voiced within the framework of, well , these round table, by the head of the department of criminal and legal policy and investment protection, office... of the prosecutor general alexey beniuk, she was thoroughly criticized by business representatives, thoroughly criticized. today, business does not have any trust in any law enforcement agency, and the sbi, it was noted, business representatives simply turned into ram, which trying to put pressure on the business, keep the business on the hook and provide crushing services,
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that is, all the business said that all. the dragging of prosecutors and other law enforcement officers happened only thanks to the fact that the active position of business and their lawyers was active, and i can just summarize it at the end, that it is very unfortunate that business invests in its development and the development and security of the state as money, heart, soul and is constantly at risk in... including both legal and economic, and law enforcement officers, our elected officials, judges, about whom decisions are made illegal. is maintained at the expense of taxpayers, that is, at the expense of the work of such a business, therefore, business needs to create conditions for development, investment,
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and the state is constantly knocking at the bottom, that was brought up and a red line was drawn during this round table. thank you so much for joining in, thank you for your comments. natalya pushyna was a lawyer. in touch with us, ms. natalya and i are saying goodbye, we wish her a good evening, but you know, here is what i want from myself to add, if there are certain people who, let's say, went to tire shops, to power structures for certain salaries, for certain prospects, but want to live like millionaires, businessmen and think how to beat someone there, do business like this, include bridges, take risks, invest, lose, take loans, stay awake at night, well no, it's easier to come and give someone a gift, i think that this will be a change in ukraine. definitely, especially since there are wonderful, honest, responsible people in these structures, and i hope there will be more, more and more of them. well, now sometimes you talk about events that happened outside the borders of our state. yuri fizar is already next to
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me. yury, good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time. today is about this. will the us allow atakms missiles to hit targets deep inside russia? kim jong-un continues to get closer to putin. and a complete blackout in the still russian far east. in the temporarily occupied crimea, but not in the kurdish region. the united states of america does not allow ukraine to use atakms long-range missiles for strikes on the kursk region, which is still russian and still a federation, because it is impractical. this was reported by journalists of the american tv channel cnn with reference to their own sources. joe biden's administration. according to the information received, the usa maintains such a position not because of the risk of escalation, but because it does not have sufficient stocks of atakms missiles to be sent to ukraine.
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that is why the official washington believes that it is better to use them to continue attacks on targets that are temporarily located on the territory occupied crimea. well, in the pentagon, which is the ministry of defense of the united states of america, they do not rule it out. there will be no changes in the policy of using american weapons by the ukrainian military, taking into account the dynamics and changes on the battlefield, the deputy official representative of the us department of defense, sabrina sinct, said during the briefing. she explained it literally like this. quote: whenever the battlefield changed and adapted, so did we. so we're just not ruling anything out right now because the dynamics on the battlefield are changing, we always are we give to ukrainians. what they need is the end of the quote, and as an example, ms. sing gave the f-16 fighter jets, according to her, kiev did not need them before, but now they are already at the disposal of ukrainian
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military personnel. well, we already have attack missiles, we just need to be allowed to use them to strike targets deep into russian territory. but canada, a neighbor of the united states of america, allowed ukraine to use weapons provided by it, weapons provided by it, on the territory of russia. this was announced in the press service of the ministry of defense of the country wedge leaf. they added that the ukrainian military knows best how to defend its own homeland. currently, there is no official information on whether the armed forces of ukraine used canadian weapons in kursk oblast, but the day before, journalists filmed a canadian -made patrol car crossing the border with russia. and new aid to ukraine. brotherly lithuania also provided us. this was reported to the ministry of defense of this country. this time , the armed forces received forklifts,
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trailers and folding beds. also in august to ukraine will send armored personnel carriers, short-range air defense launchers with missiles, anti-drone systems and ammunition. well, in general, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the official vilnius has already provided more than 640 million in aid. well, now let's move away from ukraine, russia will win in quotation marks, i'll take it to the holy war for peace and justice. the leader of the world's most closed country, north korea, kimchen wrote about this in a telegram to russian dictator vladimir putin. he did this on the occasion of celebrating the anniversary of the liberation of korea on august 15. the text of the message was published by the central telegraph agency. dprk, in particular, it says that putin is protecting the sovereign rights and interests of russia, and this - says sontsyetiny and marshal kim, it turns out that putin
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is doing this with his actions. to achieve peace and international justice, well, this is such an open snub to putin, well, but here it is also interesting that they also talked about cooperation between russia and the dprk, in this telegram, he also thanked for this cooperation, i will remind you that yesterday i literally read the interesting information that russia gave north korea more than 100 goats, it seems, goats, yes, in order to develop agriculture there, this is really a very strategic cooperation. well, now a few words about the current president of the united states of america, joe biden. two days ago, he jokingly announced that he was looking for a job in the field of digital technologies. during a speech at the white house to a group of experts in the creation of digital content, joe biden specifically said that now more and more people
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go into this business, for his... you are the programmers who can change a lot of things in the world, especially in the way people communicate information, and he added, a short quote from joe biden: where do you think i'm going to go when i retire, i have connections, that's why i invited you to the white house, because i'm looking for a job, well, programmer joe biden, of course it was interesting, and finally, vladivostok and a lot of other ... the smallest population centers still in russia of the far east remained completely without electricity today, there was a complete blackout, there were problems with the mobile internet, almost the entire city was without power for a certain time, there were complaints from all areas, not only vladivostok, but also from other cities of the region, the seaside, the lighting, traffic lights did not work, there were problems with the mobile internet, they stopped people got off the trains and just walked...
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on foot, the elevators also stopped, got stuck. the funniest thing is that in the morning the energy and gas workers of vladivostok held a scheduled training session to work out a freelance situation related to the emergency disconnection of the high-voltage power line. well, because you have to think about what you have to think about, about your people, about your country, and not go somewhere for something, it is not known why, to fulfill the whims of some slightly sick grandfather. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, there will be more on monday, because i will meet with you right then, but there will be more in our future broadcast, so don't switch. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, for two hours airtime, two hours of your time.
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my colleagues and i will talk about... most importantly, two hours to learn about the war, about military, frontline, component, serhiy zgurets and how the world lives. yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchuvka is with me, and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. chechen's cultural news, ours art viewer, ready to tell, good evening. leaders who have become many. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, thank you for missing us, thank you for waiting, the big one continues, and now.


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