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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on the air of the news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. three locals, as well as the driver of an ambulance, were injured in the morning in the kherson region. russia attacked with artillery. latomin beam, damaged educational institution and four private houses. two people were injured, another local 58-year-old man was wounded in beryslav. in addition, the russians dropped explosives from a drone on a family medicine vehicle in stanislav. a 53-year-old driver was injured in the explosion. he has a contusion. more than fifty people have already applied to operational headquarters in sumy regarding the damage to their home. at dawn, the russians attacked
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the city center with an iskander-k cruise missile. as a result of the attack, two people were injured. the prosecutor's office clarified that five high-rise buildings and at least 15 cars that were in the parking lot that were hit by the rocket were damaged. unfortunately, today at six o'clock in the morning there was a raid, there was a raid on the communal parking lot, this is the parking lot where the cars were. yes, a lot of cars burned. the fire was very big, you could see smoke covering almost everything city, the headquarters will be deployed, because a lot of houses were damaged, windows were blown out. around midnight, the russians attacked the village of cossack lopan in the kharkiv region, a woman was killed, and private houses were damaged. a fire broke out in one of the houses, the head of the regional military administration oleg sinyohobov reported. the enemy also attacked manned aircraft at night. with bombs and artillery,
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settlements of kupyanskyi, bogodukhivskyi, kharkivskyi and izyumskyi districts, private and commercial buildings were damaged. they were arrested in lviv on hot pursuit the alleged killer. witnesses saw a man stab another man in a residential area of ​​the city in the morning. law enforcement officers and medics quickly arrived at the scene. doctors declared the death of the 47-year-old victim. shortly after , the policemen for... detained a 27-year-old suspect, they found a knife in his possession. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade, the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. defenders in the donetsk direction every day deter enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last. defended avdiivki, the avdiiv
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direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. and with your help, we have already collected over 1 million hryvnias. remember, each of your donations is important. so get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. good health, dear ukrainians. we, fighters of the first assault battalion of the third. we are the assault brigade, who will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the malikhbyl, the enemy and komikaji drones, we are asking for your help, glory to ukraine, heroes, heroes, glory, to honor the heroes with dignity, which should be memorial complexes to fallen soldiers, proposals are being discussed at public meetings in irpen. our correspondent
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kateryna galko also listened, she is with us live. katya, i congratulate you. so, what ideas sounded? greetings khrystyna, greetings to the viewers of the tv channel. so today, on the initiative of the irpin city council, public hearings are taking place, at which citizens discuss, learn about how best to actually preserve memory, public and actually individual, talk about what places can... be, commemoration, about how best to arrange them, they share ideas and listen to experts, and today irpin mayor's adviser on artistic issues, sofia martynyuk, is next to me, she will tell us in more detail. ms. sofia, once again i congratulate you, please tell me about the public ones hearings, at how many stages do they take place, what is the final goal of such meetings? good afternoon, today we are having the first stage of public hearings, it is an educational and practical block. to which we invited
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the ukrainian institute of national remembrance to become our partner, which will share with the residents of our community the best practices of commemoration that are in the world, in ukraine, in general, the topic is complex, because our approaches to commemoration yet, even at the state level, they are just being formed now, all specialists are in certain ones in discussions, in discussions, and we would like our community to be the first to learn about the best examples of how this can be done, so today we are working with just such an educational goal and will... develop living memory practices precisely to honor our fallen, then the second stage will be a presentation of the work we will create today at today's event, and the third stage will be directly public hearings in the form of voting, where we will vote for
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the approval of places of collective memory and recommendations and commemoration of a personalized one, and could you please share a few... projects that were heard in the presentations today, that are talked about, that will be discussed in the future, in fact, what should soon appear or be finalized in irpen , ugh, and in general, today was the presentation of the proposed places of collective memory, these are more than 10 different zones, memorial places that we mark as those that are important to our community, these are places that will record the events that happened in our in in the 22nd year, the places we have no right to forget, our most important goal is the proper commemoration, we would like to use the best experience that is available, so we do not hesitate to make, to
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do something quickly and forget about it, that is, we do not pursue exactly the speed of project execution, we are looking for... interesting forms, interactive, we involve architects who create projects with some meaning, that is why today we agree on places of collective memory and work on working out how to remember our defenders, about ours civilians regularly, it's more than just memorial plaques on houses, it's exactly living memory approaches, people-centered, when we talk about these... people regularly, when we remember them as individuals, as people who had certain dreams, who had ambitions, who lived something, and we in these memorial practices will try to continue their, their plans, their life affairs and thus regularly
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remember them. thank you, mrs. sofia, i will remind you that today in irpen, up to a hundred townspeople have gathered, they will listen to what they have to say. not the best practices of how heroes can be honored, they will further develop their own and thus together, they will actually choose how to honor the hero in irpen, in the community, because actually, this is not a matter of one person, everyone will work on it, so that the memory lives on forever. that's all we have, khrystyna, i'm transferring the ether to you. thank you, katya, our correspondent, kateryna halku, told about the ideas for arranging memorial complexes that are being discussed in irpon. due to an accident on the railway in poland, international trains to ukraine, in particular the flight, are delayed warsaw-rawaruska, - warned ukrzaliznytsia. they explained that the train ran into a wild animal and this caused a delay in its movement for about four hours. because of this, the ravaruska
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kolomyia train will also leave late, because it will be waiting for passengers from the polish flight. belarusian dictator oleksandr lukashenko pardoned. 30 prisoners, among them participants of mass protests in 2020, as reported by radio liberty, 14 women and 16 men were pardoned, they allegedly admitted their guilt and sincerely repented of what they had done, after release, they will be under the control of the belarusian ministry of internal affairs. a large-scale fire broke out on the coast of turkey, 78 people were poisoned by smoke, and 17 houses in the suburbs of izmir burned down. the fire is already reaching the floors in izmir itself - turkish media reports. and the cause was two ignitions. as the law enforcement officers found out, in one of the cases, three people lit a fire for a picnic, in another, two children smoked and
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threw the sticks into the dry grass. japan is going to approve a record defense budget for next year. all because of the growth of potential. threats from china. about 54 billion dollars are invested in the defense industry. this is reported by the japanese media. in particular, the country plans to patrol the territory with drones. the remote nansei islands, which are strategically important because of their proximity to taiwan. this was the morning in ukraine, read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow, my colleagues will tell you more, stay tuned by us
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today in the program is the verdict with serhiy rudenko. the situation in donetsk region is dangerous, the enemy has come close to the pokrovsk community. authorities urge residents to evacuate immediately. how long will the enemy be able to press on the east of ukraine, despite the successes of the armed forces of ukraine? region slow and scattered reaction. ukraine's western partners note the kremlin's lack of determination in response to the introduction of ukrainian troops into the territory of the russian federation. where did putin's red lines go? ratification of the rome statute. zelenskyy proposes to the verkhovna rada urgently introduce changes in the ukrainian criminal legislation. what will full membership in the international criminal court give to ukraine? in ukraine, this is the
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verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. in the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk about the current situation in kurshchyna, about the reaction. on the offensive of the ukrainian army on russia from our western partners, and of course about how and in what way the ukrainians will develop combat operations among the topics that will be covered during today's two-hour broadcast is the story of how the head of the anti-monopoly committee, who used to manage donetsk. pavlo kyrylenka is accused of illegal enrichment and how
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two heads of tsc, buchanskyi and boryspilskyi, were caught organizing schemes to evade mobilization. we will talk about all this in the next two hours. in the first part of our program, we will have majors of the armed forces of ukraine ihor lapin, diplomat oleksandr hara and a political expert volodymyr tsybulko. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, we will have the traditional friday journalism club, olga len and bohdan butkevich, my colleagues will comment on the events of the week. however, before starting our big broadcast, i suggest you watch the video of the first hours of the offensive on the kursk region of russia, this video was published by the command of the armed forces of ukraine, in the video demining, breaching the border, destroying the enemy's defensive lines, the work of aviation. artillery and prisoners, we see how the ukrainians entered the
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enemy territory this video is dated august 6, 2024, glory
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to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. throughout our broadcast, friends, we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether the ukrainian orthodox church can become independent from the russian orthodox church, we mean the ukrainian orthodox church, which we call the moscow patriarchate. everything is quite simple on youtube, yes. no two answers, and if you have a different opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video, if you are watching us in tv broadcasts, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote by numbers if you think that in... uoc may become independent from roc 0800-211-381 no 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's first guest, ihor lapin, major of the armed forces of ukraine, special officer, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation. mr. major, i welcome you,
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thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes. let's start our conversation, mr. major, with the situation in kurshchyna, because today the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine reported to president zelensky about new advances in some directions in kurshchyna from one to 3 km. let's listen to what oleksandr syrskyi said, the troops of the offensive occupy continue to fight, they are pressing in some directions from one to three km in the direction of the enemy, fighting continues near the front line, in general the situation is under control, all measures are carried out according to plan, at the moment fighting is going on in area of ​​malachia, i hope there will be a lot of spoils. mr. mayor, how do you assess
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kursk with the special operation, i wanted to say, the kurdish operation, and let's talk about that. what is the strategy of the actual ukrainian leadership, military leadership in this operation? well, let's be honest , to date , no one knows the strategic intention of the commander in the context of this operation, and thank god that no one knows, i can't call it another way, because you can comment only when you have complete information i have information about my own strength and means, and of course regarding the forces and means of the adversaries, e. what is the ultimate goal? well, we can only guess there that the ultimate goal is to exhaust the russian occupation forces on the territory of ukraine as much as possible, so that the russians start transferring them to protect purshchyna or belgorod region and so on. this is one element we would like to see. to date, we have only seen
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the withdrawal of russian troops from certain areas of the kharkiv direction, namely near vovch. moreover, it is not very big, big, big they removed the team somewhere close to the battalion, this is according to the information that is confirmed, i don’t know the others yet, maybe there are some additional data, but nevertheless there are certain successes, as far as the exchange fund is concerned, well, there are colossal successes, he you are just showing a picture where the russians are surrendering, and in principle, in addition to the capture of russian prisoners, we see, well, let's say, that the morale, including the armed forces of ukraine, has risen very seriously. some people are starting now, you know, er, to play the pobedabesiya theme, what here is kurshchyna-kurshchyna, but for some reason the topic of the pokrovsky direction disappears from the sources of the mass media, and we see that a very serious tragedy is seriously unfolding there, but nevertheless, the transfer of the war
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to the territory of the enemy, this is an unequivocally positive moment, and we everyone said that. this time, these years, let's put it this way, if the russians do not suffer in this history and there is no war on their territory, then ukraine will be destroyed, and we will not last this way for a long time, especially since the small soviet army will never defeat a big soviet army so we have to change our approaches and as for the kurdish operation i am positive because i have always said maneuver warfare and guerilla is our everything considering that we are a smaller army like be that as it may, but... the tactical front is death for us, well, in principle, we see that the russians, having a total advantage in artillery and aviation, in fact with a static front, well, they are causing us quite serious problems, and this is confirmed there is donbas, where the hottest battles are currently taking place, of course i am not only donbas, there is the kharkiv region, and we know that
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the russians are advancing in the direction of kupyansk, and we know about the situation that is happening in other areas. in zaporozhye, but nevertheless, where there is a static front, it is much easier for the russians, because they have a lot of meat, they have a lot of artillery and aviation and cabs. as for other points related to the kurdish operation, i want to say, well, first of all, we moved away all the red lines of putin, including, and we must give credit, that the western partners also erased some of the brown lines of their fear and... stopped shouting about "god forbid", under no circumstances can this be done and so on, they supported us, there are statements from western partners, the united states, germany, by the way, they said that... what about tanks the leopard should be given to ukraine, you see how they are working well here in the kurdish direction, then we see the statements of the netherlands, which said that we handed over the f-16, and where ukraine will fly them,
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well, we are not interested in that, that is, we see that in the principle has a lot of positive statements, so unfortunately we have not yet overcome the fear western partners in the context of stormshadow on the territory of russia, i am talking about britain, we did not stop the germans from giving us taurus missiles at all. even now we are not talking about the territory of russia, although we could work on other regions that are occupied, in particular crimea, we also did not break through the situation with attacks in the united states, but these are still the first swallows, when after all the world unanimously supports actions of ukraine and recognizes the legality of these actions, and this is the most important thing, in accordance with the norms of international law, we have the right to this, and this again, we are not breaking any rules. of international humanitarian law, many ukrainians like it or not, but we give the opportunity to evacuate the residents, civilian residents who
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supported putin and the svo and so on, we give them the opportunity to evacuate, we provide humanitarian aid, we bring a humanitarian woman and so on, so here we can be accused of being bad, as they say, russian propaganda will never be able to defame the honor of our soldiers with the help of its manipulations. and their so-called war cows and strays, of course he won’t be able to, and these are already positive things, the kursk operation brought a lot of positive things in this context, well, from the point of view of an already ordinary combatant, i can say that recently somewhere there, soldiers wrote that they had a bridge blown up, why it broke, i don’t know , probably some good people blew it up, of course i’m terrified, but the blowing up of this bridge still has several crossings there that need to be destroyed, and in fact around 700 russians are surrounded there, not only cut off... but taken away from replenishment and so on, and that's it a good story, again, of the success of this kurdish work, that is, they approached creatively,
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maneuverably, well, there is no need to hold back, yes, by the way, here are the shots you show, which were, this, this is in the glushkov area, this is on the other side of the border, yes exactly, exactly, here we are, well, the most important thing, we don’t need to, we need to turn back all the time, maintain our logical paths, so that the... forces and means that we, we entered the kurtsk region, so that they do not end up cut off, because remember, the deeper the russians went into ukraine, the more our partisan could to destroy their logistics routes, and we need to understand that this war is a war of logistics, who won logistics, well, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine says that over the last day the most battles were in the pokrovsky direction of here the russian army stormed the positions of the ukrainian military 41 times, the army also approached pokrovsk, the city of donetsk
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region, almost 10 km there, some say, some say 6 km and the outskirts of the city, and now the administration, the local administration of pokrovsk is urging residents to leave the city, in addition, battles in the turkish direction are recorded. and there are attacks by occupation troops in the districts of krasnohorivka, georgiivka, paraskoivka, and kostyantynivka. in the bakhmutsky and lymansky directions, ukrainian defenders also write that the russians are attacking, and a noticeable decrease in the intensity of enemy assaults has not yet been recorded, and this was stated in an interview with espresso by an officer of the planning section. gadi rubizh dmytro kozhubenko, let's listen to what dmytro kozhubenko said, in the defense area of ​​the rubizh brigade, unfortunately, there is currently no such noticeable outflow
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of the enemy, but they both advanced, well, as they carried out their assault actions, they continue to carry them out, the only thing is that relatively recently the enemy changed the tactics of assaults, now they are there... they made the assaults smaller, but this is not connected with the fact that that our troops began active combat operations in the area of ​​the kursk region, not before the federation. mr. major, after what is happening and has happened in the kursk region, the offensive operation of the armed forces of ukraine has been going on for the 11th day, how do you assess the potential of the russian army, in terms of maneuverability, in terms of how quickly they... can make decisions about how they can defend themselves, because it is absolutely obvious that they were not prepared for such a development of events, and why were they not actually prepared for such a development of events, did they
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not think that ukraine.. . the army will never come to their land, well , your last sentence just says that they thought that the fear lines of the western partners would not allow the ukrainian army to ride on the territory of russia on leopards. thank god that we broke this stereotype. as for ready or not ready? well, in general, in the north of our country, the russians have concentrated about 70,000 according to some estimates. personnel analysts, 50 of them are involved, let's say, in the vovchan direction, well, i'm just saying now with reserves, together with everything that they have accumulated there, and they still have 10 in belgorod region and kurshchyna, well, in fact they have quite a lot of personnel there somewhere, but mainly there were conscripts, if we are talking about the fursk direction and of course the fighting spirit of the soldiers who
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saw that... and the akmat is tea, not force, of course, was greatly undermined, plus there was an absolute lack of information in the media, no one publicized the upcoming counteroffensive, yermak's office was silent , and the information did not go beyond, as they say, planning, and it was precisely this that gave us the opportunity, this suddenness, unexpectedness gave us the opportunity to achieve such results, well , i can say this, as regards the russian... capabilities and so on, listen , let's not forget, the russian army remains second the army of the world, it has, if i'm not mistaken, there in the armed forces, in addition to those currently concentrated in our territory, it still has a very serious number of personnel, they are now true, false, in fact all conscripts are starting to sign contracts, well because you remember this story with the conscripts, with the boys there in panties and so on, but of course the conscripts don't know that. what are active
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hostilities, and this hooray, their victory frenzy, as they say, has not been fixed in their heads, as gastelo said, they do not direct their cars on enemy columns and don't blow themselves up with grenades, because they saw all this in books, but when you have to do something yourself, it's not like shouting at rallies, we russians here seyachs will tear everyone, that's it, second moment, everything - be that as it may, the russians still have very serious defensive lines, we have seen these video frames. defense line in kurshchyna, the fact that we broke through them is again an element, let's say so, of suddenness and thank god and our skill, but you look at those shots, listen, well, the defense line zelenskyi and yarmak, it is not even half as much, a quarter as much as the fortifications built by the russians , including in the kursk province, let's say, now you have rightly reminded that pokrovsk and mirnograd, well, let's be frank,
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pokrovsk is less 13 km to... mirnograd five, less than five, uh, about 100 thousand civilians are currently being evacuated, but very slowly, there are 20 thousand civilians in mirnograd, i don't know when they will evacuate them, distances actually, the distance the work of the barrel artillery does not allow us to do it without problems, without problems for them, but with problems for us, and exactly what was dragged to the last one, i cannot understand, just as i cannot understand the statements of mrs. vereshchuk regarding the evacuation. and peaceful residents of kurshchyna on the territory of sumy oblast, well, this is just some trash, for me, it is not unacceptable, no, to make humanitarian corridors, of course, but not sumyshchyna, as you can imagine, well, yesterday they sent tanks to us , and today we will settle their peaceful inhabitants where, in which houses, near sumchan, well, this is some, well, this is some trash, but as for the russian army in general, it is still quite strong, they have a lot of power
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and means, so they are scattered now. they have to respond to these challenges, but i emphasize once again, i have no information that they will transfer their forces from the donetsk direction, our mirnograd city council is purchasing dragon's teeth with a delivery date of december 31, attention of the 24th year, in they are 4 km to the front, and in them, they make orders for defense structures with a deadline of december. i'm sorry for the harshness of these words, well, i can't name them in another way, this is the most important thing to pay attention to, that is, there is a stupid embezzlement of money, about how much is there, in total there are 17 and somewhere around 40 million uah for defense structures myrnograd, what were you thinking all this time, when avdiyivka was still holding, zelensky's line of defense on ocheretino, how long did they hold out, what were they building there, that's how they were building, that's how it was...


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