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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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secondly, i think that all connoisseurs of ruslan baginskyi, our hat designer, have already recognized these famous hats of his, i just admire how he works specifically in the marketing, this, this marketing direction, we see several hats from ruslan baginskyi at once, you can, maybe some of our viewers even have these hats, they are terribly expensive, but they are well made, and they are recognizable. not only because ruslan puts very huge logos, which i don't really like, airb, here are his letters so huge, but his hats are recognizable enough, and he tries to promote them precisely through the stars of show business, through tv series, through this, this sphere of entertainment, to be kyiv, not outside the borders of ukraine, and we also saw him... on the beyoncé tour, such there were huge
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hats with a mirror surface in which she performed, and they were very recognizable hats, and there are still many moments when we saw photographs, when madonna was there, for example, wearing a hat by ruslan baginsky and so on and so forth , it's very cool move, and it seems to me that the baginskyi brand is one of the most recognizable truly global brands, but here... it is necessary to note the following very important thing: every time we see some world celebrity wearing clothes from ukrainian brands, it happens enough often, and it happens like at some iconic events, for example, there are engagements or weddings, or shooting of a music video, or a photo shoot, or just going out somewhere to a party, some star was photographed by photographers, we often see,
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in the news, even that such and such a celebrity appeared in a dress from a ukrainian brand, that 's all great, of course, but you need to understand that not always, and it seems to me, almost never, interpretation, motivation to wear this or that, this or that outfit from ukrainian designers, this is no no no and the motivation, that let's support ukraine, we are for ukraine, we are rooting for it, it also happened, you know, the same jenny... in the clip, lopez went out in a ukrainian dress, and then she did a photo shoot in a dress of a russian brand, that is, it is simple aesthetic choice, people like it a dress by some ukrainian designers or some accessory and they take it to work for a photo shoot or wear it, and on the one hand , the fact that this is not support for ukraine may disappoint someone, but on the other hand it is an indicator. that clothes or accessories
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of ukrainian brands are absolutely competitive on the world market and they are chosen simply because they are cool, simply because they are liked, and there is no such thing as, well, we will wear this hat just to support ukraine, no , these hats are showing off because i like them and so do i it seems that even this is the main thing, that is, that our manufacturers of clothing or accessories can hold off such ... and huge competition at this level, this is a great indicator, and therefore we are always happy to talk about these facts, but let's move on to the email in paris, and very much, if we recall the first season of this tv series, which was released in 2020, we can recall a lot of outrage there from, for example , the french, because the tv series, let me remind you, was filmed precisely in france, in paris, and it is actually built on... . stereotypes, i don't know
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the producers say, the authors say that it was they who played these stereotypes like this, but many people somehow did not understand such a play, because the french there are necessarily snobs who refuse to speak any language except french, although they know english there, but on purpose do not speak, but who do not treat foreigners very well, who despise people who are not so aesthetically attractive. like them and everything else, americans in the image of our main character are depicted as very simple, even primitive, but hardworking people who love their work, they know how to sell, which is what the main character does, but they are a little bit not culturally developed, let's say, and these americans are also a little bit a little bit. they
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did not like it, there are also images of homosexuals, which are also quite caricatured, so usually mannered, which they also tried to portray stereotypically. earlier, that 's how we see them in this series as well, and we can also remember the case that we discussed in ukraine, because in the second season, such a small, small character appeared there, or rather a little she took up screen time, but it was enough for us to be outraged, like the americans and the french, because this character's name was pat. first of all, some non-ukrainian name, and i can explain why it is petra, because very often to americans, because the producers of the series are americans, eastern europe is all the same, what is poland, what is russia, what is the czech republic, what is ukraine, and that's it we see this character petra, she is as unattractive as possible, she
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is as rigid as possible, and what's more , she steals things from shops and wants to... to teach the same to our main character, the main character, realizing that this is some kind of not very successful friend for her, tries to gradually distance herself from her. there was a lot of talk in ukraine that, well, if the series is based on stereotypes, and if the heroes there are not just heroes with their own characters, but representatives of the nation, this is the concept of the series, well, if the french are so stereotypically snobbish, then the ukrainians come out.. . very, well, let's put it this way, not impure, here again we are tying the issue of corruption, which is constantly talked about and they talk and exaggerate her a lot, and then, in addition to the public discussion itself, an interesting case also happened, because the then minister
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of culture and information policy oleksandr tkachenko was also terribly indignant at this heroine and he even wrote a letter to netflix, it seems and with that. .. look, how can you insult our entire nation here, and it already became funny to me, because oleksandr tkachenko, as a media manager who ran the 1+1 channel, during his stay there, came out quite a lot on this channels serials that also used this unattractive, exceptionally rural, some very archaic and funny image among... now, we see such series on ukrainian television, also on other different channels, we often
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had comedies like this, once near poltava there was a series on the tet channel, also from the plus holding, and there must be some such ukrainian, must he must be in an embroidered jacket, that's how he is some... he should be so picky with lard, and he is not very, not very, not very smart, cunning, well, everything, as we like, and it was all on ukrainian tv channels, and it is still being presented sporadically by people who have not yet had time to understand that after the full-scale invasion of us, society has changed a little, and the countries have changed, and there are already such images of ukrainians, thank god, but they are not well tolerated by the public, but... they still sometimes continue to slip through the cracks we are on television, we are more than once on our broadcasts they talked about the show of the 95th quarter, about the diesel show, it all continues there, but i think, at least i want to hope for it, that it will go away someday, thank god, well, i also want to say
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about the bridgertons, to remind you and about this series, you outlined a certain trend that exists in the production of global series, well, at least on netflix, it is... exactly, because they have two such hits, these are emily in paris and bridgertons, in of which there are already many different site-projects, and this series tells about britain, about the royal family and the pro-aristocracy, and there was a lot of talk about this series at the beginning, when the first season was launched, because there were many non-european, i don't know, actors not with european appearance, but with and... and indian origin, of african origin, an actress of african origin plays the queen, and there were also discussions about, oh my god, this is a historical lie, but now it seems that everyone has calmed down, because it has become more or less clear that this concept is also such, that is, there are many films and series about
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the british aristocracy, where everyone is a pain, the historical truth is just a very true truth, but they made a series like this, well, that is, it is deliberate. historical untruth, but the series is extremely popular and it is similar to the series emily in paris, because there is also a completely meaningless plot, something like that happens there, firstly, completely before... heard, and secondly, there is also not very often you will meet real chemistry between the characters, that is, you are watching some love story, it should touch you, but you understand that you don't believe these actors, but because there is simply no physical connection between them, they obviously don't even like each other, but we watch because the series is beautiful, that is, we conclude that, in principle, it is for a hit, for a serial or for a movie a hit... sometimes it takes something completely different than, well, it seems
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to be common to think that the audience needs, no, often the audience just needs a beautiful picture with all the components from costumes, bunnies to scenery, and this is enough for the series became a hit, and that's it of course, a good marketing campaign and that's all, let's take a look then and listen to an excerpt from such a small, small program: where, in particular, designers, game designers, costumers told how they work on images. each dress needs to be tried on three or four times while it is being created, which is why we put so much love and passion into each costume. and the bridgerton team works with hair and makeup designer erika. when creating hair or makeup for any character, it's always a good idea to start by looking at their costumes. next, we consult with the artistic department about the right colors, even if it's lipstick, we take into account the decorations
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and the rest. and i want to tell you that it works with ukrainian series as well. unfortunately, we have very few series that can boast of a good budget, and we usually have everything very cheap, and accordingly, almost nowhere on television you will find series in which ... there are some cool dresses, in which there are bright images, interesting, in interesting interiors, so that it was all filmed, no, everything is as gray and economical as possible, but still we have serials of costume dramas, and we can recall the super success of the tv series "fortress of sleep", this is of course such a story, about which you can also argue a lot, because this series was produced, i think, first of all ... for the russian market, because the main russian language was spoken there the heroine, and one and the other were russian women,
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russian actresses, but she was already there, firstly, before the full-scale invasion, it was a total story, and secondly, in this series at least, although there was a little ukrainian language, and they told where exactly happens, it seems, it all happened in nizhyn, and then it all happened in kyiv, that is , it was at least clear there that it was... because in other series it was not at all clear where the actions were taking place, but there was also, you know, all the aristocracy spoke russian, although this was not the case, our aristocracy also spoke ukrainian, we can even remember the family of lesya ukrainka there, but the serfs, all the serfs spoke ukrainian, and that, you know, a little, like with the russian version , with such gogolian, in gogolian stylistics, but less so, but to the audience. i really liked looking at the cool costumes that were there, at the fact that
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the interiors were so interesting, and that the series was a huge success and in particular in different countries, in poland it was just a super hit, you see, for us in our part the world is sorely lacking in such costume dramas, the second season of the series coffee with cardamon is also being shot now, too, such a costume drama, and it is also successful, everything is already in ukrainian, by the way, they are shooting in mukachevo. and it is very gratifying that we have finally started the series to film in the ukrainian language, let the quality there still need to be thought about, to praise it or not, but at least in the ukrainian language, you already know that, an accomplishment. let's move on to oleg vynnyk, friends, why are we suddenly starting to mention him, but because oleg vynnyk is trying to break into the ukrainian scene in ukrainian show business, and all these attempts, in my opinion, have a rather funny look, because again.. after all, i don't want to predict like that, because i'm not a forecaster, but it just seems to me that oleg won't succeed with
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this breakthrough of his, because every attempt he makes, starting with the period of the full-scale invasion, aa is more ironic than supportive, but now we can remember how oleg vinnyk, what he looks like, is very handsome, he had many admirers, but let me remind you that after the full-scale invasion, he simply disappeared , everything, there is no oleg vynnyk, where is oleg vynnyk, we do not know where oleg vynnyk is, and there were a lot of rumors and in the end, we found out, we have already confirmed in the opinion that he is in germany, he came there, he... lived there and besides, as far as i understand, he has it there apartment, but that's all, he went there, and it was necessary to somehow explain why he went there, and first through some of his colleagues in show business, and then himself, he said that he was very sick, he had some kind of terrible disease , which he did not say, but he went there and he is being treated, but he also
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apparently donated a lot of money to the defense forces, he started at some point. still think about returning to show business, because of course he cannot perform in germany, he is unknown there, he must somehow go to ukraine, that is, he obviously he wants to earn money somehow further with his music, but also to stay in germany, not to return, but what is called, he does not do, you have to choose something, but oleg vinnyk does not want to choose, he wants to combine, and somehow it does not work out very well, and here he is, for a while. quite recently, the head of his fan club, and there is a head of his fan club, posted the following information that oleg vinnyk is going to release a new track on august 23, there will be some super mega sensation, but now the singer has appeared on social networks, first announced that in some new social networks appeared there, and
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secondly, he recorded a six-minute appeal to his wolves, to his female fans, and, well , apparently somehow too... trying to explain his absence once again and to emphasize this song, as it turned out for me a little chaotic, to say the least, and to be honest, it's some complete nonsense, well, let's just listen to a snippet, maybe you'll understand what i mean, i'm the kind of person who sings about the pain of my people, i also belong themselves to their people, as they say, it's easier in a group and beat my father, i know that you believe and no one has ever looked for me, i know that you have never asked me any questions, where are you, oleg, what are you, how are you, what is wrong with you, everything is with oleg, thank you, god, it's okay, only sentimentality has appeared, it's on my stage, but now it's still here, i 'd rather give you two concerts now than,
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rather than go out, as they say, with this debut, i don't know, do you think something is not very clear to you, friends, what exactly oleg vinnyk wanted to say with these words, but it was not clear and last time, because it was a little over a year ago, he did two big interviews, they were very interesting, because it was on youtube, the youtube channel was actually created for this interview, because later on it appeared several the video and everything, everything, and this channel died down, and there was first an announcement of this interview, then two parts. this is usually done, it is divided into two parts, if the authors think that it will be a sensation, and to get more likes and views, but a sensation did not happen, many people watched the first part just out of curiosity, and the second one was not watched very much, as it happened with the journalist, they went there, she asked him something, it was a very complimentary interview, and when the journalist asked
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him something about his illness, or why he left, or something like that, oleg appeared ... began to say some such things, which, to be honest, absolutely did not stick to the cubes, as the editor dmytro tells me, this is a cringe, absolutely, this is what is called spanish shame, when you look, listen to a person and think, my god , what are you, what are you saying, come on let's listen, i think that here you will also understand what i mean, i do not owe anything to anyone, today i began to speak more, more, because the lord god is revealing to me. for everything, i have something to say, i'm not afraid of things, the ones that are obvious, the ones that maybe no one knows, i have something, i have something to fear, i have someone to protect , but at the end of the day i am a free person, and sooner or later we will all go where we came from, no one has yet managed to escape from this earth alive, and we will take only
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emotion, i can only interpret what oleg had in mind for him, he tried to clearly explain why he is in germany, why he does not come to ukraine, he somehow philosophized that we will all die anyway, so what is the difference, and i will die, and the military will die, and then, what is the point to travel to ukraine, i don't know how to explain all this, because on the one hand he talked about the fact that he was ready to take up arms, but on the other hand, in an excerpt from this conversation, he says that no, no, it is necessary for everyone to do... their work, by the way, this is a very, very frequent argument until now, everyone has his place, everyone, so someone is born to die, someone to die, unborn, but here is such a story, well, i don’t know, it seems to me that... this thesis will live for a very long time, no matter how much it is not, no matter how many people take offense at it or our military, who don’t think either, i think they were born to die, but
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they continue to use it, by the way, bloggers, and now, not so long ago, a video was posted by one of the bloggers, who also, somehow, they made such a scene and tried to their to convey to the audience the same idea that bloggers should not fight, because they are bloggers because of what they do in their place. a lot of good things and sending them to war is not very smart because they are such valuable people, collecting money there or whatever they do. okay, let's also talk about, well, i just want to summarize this whole story once again with oleg vinnyk, that it is unlikely that he will be able to make such a big comeback, because ukrainian society is quite negative about changeless people, in particular, those who went abroad, and how no matter how they make excuses, no matter how they explain, it doesn't work absolutely, potap, the male members of the hartkis team, sergey babkin, left, vladyam,
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all these people are gradually being forgotten, and if they are remembered, then only because of some ironic news or ironic comments, so you see, it still seems to me that oleg the culprit was lost by our suffering, it can certainly be called his performance style, and on the one hand. it's a pity, because oleg vynnyk very precisely occupied his niche, which in fact none of the ukrainian musicians occupied before him, but we see that there is still someone to take his place applicants, but - there are no successful ones yet, we will follow them, we also have the following good news, if you remember, last time we talked about the film about nazarry yaremchuk, the incomparable world of beauty, and here i said that... maybe it there will be such a move and they really announced the first box office, this film collected almost uah 2 million in the first weekend, 1.9 million, to be precise, for
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a documentary it is very, very good, we will watch on monday, tuesday, when the box office for the second weekend, i'm all for you i advise you to go to this film, it seems to me to be quite simple, i have a special desire for the image of the main character nazai yaremchuk, it seems that he could have been written much more interestingly, but many viewers liked this film, i think that it is very timely, this is the kind of film we need right now, so be sure to go to it, watch it, take the children along, teenagers and young people really like it, there are a lot of positive reviews, the publishers' forum also announced the program and, well, partially announced mainly the guests, first of all... the topic of the forum will be related to various post-colonial studies, as it is customary to say, among
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intelligent people, post-colonialism, they will reflect, but how do we live in such a period, they will also discuss this mutual assistance, civil society , what we have are all horizontal connections, what we are used to being proud of now, and there will also be many foreign guests, recognized, cool... famous, of course, they will be a video link, especially i am waiting for salman rushdie, the writer, and also, well, let me tell you, that this forum will take place in october from october 3rd to october 6th, and also, finally, i will say that our cultural diplomacy is working, do you remember when a russian missile hit the kharkiv printing house in may, there was a lot of printing factor. a lot of attention was paid to this event, and ukrainians put a lot of effort into the restoration of this printing house, and especially now, when
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our reading and books in general, literature have reached a new level, and it has become very popular to talk about ukrainian writers, read ukrainian books, discuss them, that's why it immediately arose the idea that some of these burned or half-burned books, set on fire, i don't know what it's called. it is necessary to broadcast somewhere abroad, to make some kind of exhibitions, because many foreign audiences, especially from countries that care about their culture, including france or britain, they are very horrified and are very affected by this cultural genocide, like russia destroys some really interesting sights and architecture and everything related to culture, and this has a wonderful effect on them emotionally, and we must use this in ours. cultural diplomacy, actually, and when this idea of ​​taking these books to various exhibitions began, you see, there have already been several such cases at various events, and now the ukrainian
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institute... sent cambridge university some of these books from the vivat publishing house, and here they are there, we have now shown them, they are also there, i think that they can be considered, but this is a very good, good action in such a pragmatic sense, and i think that it is not surprising that the ukrainian institute did it, because it is one of the the most effective we have now, the most effective is the state institution that deals with culture, because, unfortunately, the rest of our state institutions, starting with cult changes and ending with state cinema, are constantly exposed to criticism, for inaction or for inefficiency. so, friends, that's all, i think we will continue to follow what is happening in ukrainian culture, be sure to join us, watch espresso, we will talk and meet with you next week, and now i say goodbye and i wish you a restful weekend.
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there are discounts until independence day on citramon darnytsia 10% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. the book women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. the book is based on the reports of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories. fate, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts until navizyn independence day. 20% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. dynamo kyiv, red bull, salzburg, only on mego. for a chance
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to enter the champions league, kyiv from will give all their strength on the field, cheer on august 21 at 10:00 p.m. exclusively on megogo, there are discounts until independence day on pills, 10% at the pharmacies of plantain, bam and savings. in the august issue , krania magazine will tell about the return from captivity. how ukraine is looking for its own, will we return all the children abducted by russia. the country touches on painful topics for all ukrainians. we talk to experts, listen to the stories of soldiers who were captured, ask country at press outlets or pre-pay online. fm, galicia. listen to yours. there are
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10% discounts on valeriana bolgarska until independence day at travel bam pharmacies and thrift stores. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast winters a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives, through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians. public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol,
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the founder of the subdivision. svetlana povaliyeva, about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the espresso tv channel. in ukraine, at 5 p.m., the news department will talk about the main thing. annaeva melnyk is with you. congratulations all espresso viewers. the ukrainian military occupied the village of koreneva in the kursk region. photos of fighters in this settlement were shared by domestic telegram channels, although there is no official confirmation from the general staff yet. at the same time, the deep state resource also presents koreneve as under the control of the armed forces. it.


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