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tv   [untitled]    August 19, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EEST

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free delivery, powerful stroon saws , what you need to call, there are discounts until independence day on linex forte 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and ochadnik, there are discounts until independence day on magne b6 10% in pharmacies podorozhnyk bam and ochadnik. news time on espressu tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the russians attacked kyiv region with drones that night. anti-aircraft defense destroyed all enemy targets. debris fell outside the population centers. this is reported in the regional military administration. fortunately, no one was hurt i hit housing. infrastructure objects were not
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recorded. and three dead and nine wounded as a result of shelling in donetsk region. this was reported to the regional police. the russians hit mirnograd and velika novosilka with guided aerial bombs. toretsk, rozlyv and kostyantynivka were also shelled. as a result of the attacks, 36 residential buildings and an educational institution were destroyed. power grids and motor vehicles were also damaged. three people were wounded each as a result of an enemy attack in the kherson region. the occupiers targeted educational institutions and shops and residential areas. 49 private houses, gas pipelines, farm buildings, cars and agricultural machinery were damaged. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. the russians carried out airstrikes on kamiansk and gulyaipol in zaporizhzhia, and also shelled robotyne and levadne. this was reported by the head.
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ivan fedorov of the regional military administration. during the day, the occupiers ransacked the zaporizhia region more than 300 times. destroyed residential buildings and infrastructure facilities. fortunately, no one was hurt. explosions destroyed a bridge over the seim river in the village of karish in the kursk region, russian media reported. this was the last crossing through which the enemy organized logistics. therefore, the russian military remained cut off between the rivers. and the ukrainian border, the video was published on social networks, we are waiting for official confirmation from the armed forces of ukraine. a restless day in russia, this time a petrochemical plant in bashkiria is on fire - local media reports. it is already known about three victims, they are employees of the enterprise. they blew the pipeline, resulting in an explosion. a large-scale fire broke out, emergency services are on the scene.
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a traction substation of the krasnoyarsk railway is on fire in kemerovo region of russia, local media reports. train traffic has been stopped for now, the nearest city of marinsk is completely without electricity. the cause of the fire was an alleged technical malfunction. they worked for the enemy. the sbu neutralized the russian agent network, which included current and former law enforcement officers. the suspects spied on defense forces and critical infrastructure in mykolayiv region, dnipropetrovsk region and ivano-frankivsk region. in order to obtain information, the traitor used his own official position, and also asked for information from his work colleagues. during the searches , mobile phones, computer equipment, documents with evidence of crimes, as well as russian symbols and rubles were seized from the detainees. lithuania plans to... extend temporary
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residence permits for ukrainian refugees, western media reports citing a new project from the country's ministry of internal affairs. in the document states that the term of temporary protection for refugees will be extended until march 2026, so the authorities hope to reduce the burden on employees of the migration department. currently, more than 44,000 ukrainians have residence permits in lithuania. and in the usa , the congress of representatives of the democratic party is starting, where kamalo harris will be officially announced as a candidate for the president. this was reported by the american media. online voting was held earlier. garis officially confirmed her status as the leader of the democrats earlier this month. therefore, the announcement of the decision of the current congress is called a formality. he caused an accident and resisted the law enforcement officers in bukovyna. the police
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arrested a drunken clergyman while driving. previously, the truck driver ran into a pole and fled from the scene of the accident. however , a 42-year-old man was stopped on one of the highways. later, to blame for the accident caused bodily harm and tried to take possession of policemen's weapons. the law enforcement officers sported drager found in the priest's blood an excess of the permissible alcohol limit by almost 10 times. and blackouts are predicted in ukraine. due to the intense heat , the electricity blackout schedules will return today. this was stated by the head of okrenergo, volodymyr kudrytskyi. according to him, this week at work. days , the load on the power system will be significantly increased, and the deficit, unfortunately, cannot be covered either by increased production at hydroelectric power stations, or by additional volumes of emergency aid from europe. the heat from africa is returning to ukraine with
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thermometers reaching +30 again, so even in spite of the war, the holiday season is in rozpala. this summer, if compared with the previous two during the full-scale russian invasion of ode. a record number of tourists came. for the first time since 2022, there have been no vacancies in hotels, which indicates the adaptation of ukrainians to modern conditions, even on the shores of the black sea. my colleagues found out how odessa lives now and whether it is ready to take care of all its guests. a ballistic missile flies from crimea to odessa in just a minute. however, despite this, the city looks like the third summer of a full-scale war between russia and ukraine and feels like a resort. near the sea and in the city center, it is very crowded, there are almost no free places in the hotels. as of mid-august , 19 beaches are officially open in odessa. for comparison, in august 2023 there were six. people are not
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stopped by the risk of encountering a landmine, nor by water pollution after the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant was blown up, nor by escherichia coli, which is traditional for a warm summer. more volume. for people in wheelchairs, it is impossible for them to swim in the sea without the appropriate infrastructure on the shore, and there are still few equipped beaches in ukraine. i saw a little bit like that equipped places, beaches, but they were very expensive, very expensive. this is mrs. olena, her son oleg, a child with disabilities. so showing him the sea is a challenge for mom. however, this summer, the woman and her son are vacationing at the inclusive. a lively beach in odessa, a place where everything necessary was built so that everyone who wants to can swim in the salt water. it is so convenient here, everything is arranged here for such people with disabilities, there are raincoats, there are beds, there are
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umbrellas, everything is free, there are ramps, there are elevators, you can go down, you can go up, you are met by guys who are just in they help with everything. the barrier-free inclusive beach is still far from the shore. electric cars transport visitors as needed. then there is a choice of a forty-six-meter ramp or an elevator. near the water there is a wooden deck, tactile tiles for the blind, sunbeds of different levels, specialized bathrooms with buttons to call an assistant and ramps, directly into the sea. this inclusive beach was built in 2021 and without state aid. designed, invented everything, everything ourselves, designed for about two years, we thought about it, revised it, studied on mistakes, we also made a lot of mistakes, because it was very difficult to consult in person , there were very few professionals in this field, we
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consulted with various organizations of people with disabilities, we asked them to help us, to give us advice, but we made a lot of mistakes. on average, about five hundred people visit the beach every day, among them many military personnel with amputations. a favorable climate, physical activities and pleasant emotions are important for successful rehabilitation. a lot, this year especially, we work with hospitals, different, they ask us not to name them, just a group of military men. we are simply sent from different parts of the military to rest with us. odesa, as one of the largest resort cities of ukraine, cannot yet boast of many such beaches. shops, parks, and attractions are also not
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for everyone, but locals assure that there is progress. during the two years of the full-scale russian invasion, the number of people with disabilities in ukraine increased by 300,000 . the figure was announced by the president's wife olena zelenska. all these people for sure deserve a comfortable and barrier-free rest and living space. so our society still needs to work a lot to make our cities and villages inclusive and convenient for all citizens. kateryna galko, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have launched a fundraising campaign for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction hold back the enemy every day attacks, defend our freedom. and the future, it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades
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urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. thanks to you, we have already collected uah 450,000. remember that each of your donations is important, so please get involved. you can now see all the details on your screens. to learn more. interesting and relevant information, follow updates on our website, as well as on our social networks, we are with you see you in less than an hour, my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will be waiting for you on the air, stay with espresso. friends, we are coming back, this is our final hour. and you still have the opportunity to donate, look for the qr code on our screen,
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more precisely, if you are looking and cannot see it on our screen, then there is andrii on the side, and now where am i, you see, this is magic, here is the qr code , in fact, if we collect another 1000 uah with a small tail, or 200 uah with a small tail, then we will have this morning 30,000 hryvnias. this is such a success, but for this we still need to add 2000 with a small tail, dear friends, the qr code is here, drones and people, for this we are collecting for three brigades, and in total we have to collect as much as 3.5 million, we already have the first million, and we have 76,000 from the second million, so join us, and now we will talk a little about international politics, andrii vasilovskyi, diplomat, ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary. ukraine is already with us, mr. andrii, we welcome you. good morning.
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the times reports that the us is blocking, for now british permission for ukraine to hit russia with storm shadle missiles. why do you think this happens? they write that this is, as it were , a bit of american bureaucracy, or is it just a matter of bureaucracy? they write differently. that bureaucracy, the second write that there are people who do not want it, and the third write that coordination has already begun and the latest events in kursk region affect it, we do not know the truth and will wait for the result, the fact is that in serious decisions, on serious weapons, our partners in the west as as a rule, they agree on their position, it was on planes, it was on there... although the honorable british slightly disrupted the consensus, they went
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first, well, but in all serious cases this happens, and the provision of long-range weapons has a certain not only psychological, but also international legal dimension, and that is why they are very carefully and carefully preparing the wording there, when the ru... will feel that these missiles have hit them, then it will be necessary to formulate an answer, why it should be ready as well. it seems to me that this is not such a big obstacle that will never be crossed, it turns out that way the impression that the partners understand both the necessity and the inevitability, in the end we will persuade them. how long can it take to press? do we have a lot of time was spent on everything from the very beginning, remember, from helmets to the next step it was very, very difficult, to
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even to large-caliber machine guns it was very difficult, and it was like that every time, and we have to prove our subjectivity and our ability correctly use what is given to us in all specific shades of time. look, we've had the f-16 for like a couple of weeks now, do we know anything about their departures or do we know anything about the results? no, we don't know why? because this one is happening now. the process of mastering real weapons in real conditions, and not there in the dutch training ground or in the state of arkansas, this is serious, in order for the enemy to feel great losses, they must be carried out precisely, clearly, well, in short, yes,
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yes, like on the training ground, it's not easy, and let's talk too. what is happening now with the presidential election race in the united states, trump recently said that he looks better than kamala garis, i don’t know, it’s just some kind of argument from trump, they always come up with a special term for this in america, it’s called meltdown, and all the time the guardian attracts, for example, donald trump in the is in full meltdown mode , or sunday meldown trump flutes through. in the word so special, you translated it like this , but the scum is, in principle, this, let's say you put butter in the sun and it melts, you know, and the whole pile
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gradually turns into a sprig, there was a poor sleeping nut, but something he swam lately so maybe maybe they have. i mean, the supposedly iron-clad support he had, and the number of potential liberals who wanted to vote for him, is gradually melting like ice cream in the sun, maybe it’s, you know, trump, well, it’s it, it, it's basically not bad when competitiveness appears, because three weeks ago there was no competitiveness. water gates, we cannot predict who will win, in the end, even if trump is conventionally, let's say, not a very high-quality politician, but he has high-quality political technologists, those people who work for such money, they are specialists in their field, that is, we cannot say that trump will not
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change something in his behavior, and we cannot say that... monotonous manner, which is now so far kamelagaris demonstrates that everyone will like her, uh, that is, it is a long game and there are still three months to go, and we will not nitpick, but the very fact, i repeat, that there is serious competition, and it is important, because in the process of this serious competition external... floor inadequate some and speeches and opinions are discarded, a more or less crystallized position of the candidate for us and for america is gradually formed, it is very important that there is not bare populism, but something more or less defined,
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which we can then hold on to, let us work at least with that, though with that president of the united states, it is necessary, that is the question. life and death and you know what's interesting, there was news recently, which seemed a little strange, that germany would apparently not support ukraine, then there was a clarification that this message manipulative, in the end we will receive military aid from germany or not, we will receive aid from germany, we... point one, and we will not receive it as we received before point two. i will give my guess. somewhere a couple of weeks ago, such a short message appeared, then disappeared, that olaf scholz is going to be nominated again for the position of chancellor for the next term. and now a message has appeared, there are already talks
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about ukraine getting its 4 billion euros for... military aid, which were provided initially, but there will obviously be no additional amounts, because there are no requests and there is no, there is no clarity, and there is no understanding, the ministry of finance does not see something, i have the impression that scholz has decided to tell the germans, in particular in the process of preparing for his re-election, that he cares first about them, and then about ukraine. china, italy and so on. and this is the reason for this formal, four-billion dollar package only. and refusal to give anything more. in fact, these two events, they are in time such that first scholes is re-elected, and then there are corrections, and it seems to me that
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if he is re-elected, or if not, then there will be corrections anyway, because in german politics, in the broad sense of the word, there is now no doubt that if ukraine cannot hold back. the russian federation, the baltic states, poland, and germany will be next, and putin's gang will not stop before er attempts to break the united europe. because germany is the backbone of this united europe, both economically and demographically sensei, uh, she's going to get the next hardest hit, so. it is unpleasant to read that they will not give as much as they gave last year at once, but somewhere there is an opinion that these political games are necessary in order to
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pass a certain election round, it will improve further, especially since we know that minister of defense pistolius is not the kind of person who will give up on achieving his goals, by the way, many people talk about him as ... a possible contender for the position of chancellor, another important and diplomatic issue, the washington post wrote about something that, like this month or next month, was being prepared for a month, was being prepared in doha, doha, this is the capital of doha, yes, qatar, and actually there were to be talks, as it were, in russia. of ukraine and there was supposed to be a peace conference there, there is partial confirmation from the commentators around the presidential office that it seems that this conference was really being prepared,
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but it is not known at what level of representation and whether russia was supposed to be there, nevertheless, the next round was indeed planned there peaceful, peaceful conference, and so on all this has now been disrupted by an unexpected offensive in the kursk region in russia, or really. this is how close we came to the possibility of a cease-fire, if so, has russia really revised its plans now, at least that's what putin said, any contacts between ukraine and the russian federation, not direct, maybe, maybe through third, fourth parties, they have happen and they happen, we see it in the exchange of prisoners, but not only, in the attraction of children suddenly appears. that the children were returned, what is it like in the kremlin, everyone became wiser, no, something something goes somewhere, someone gives something to someone, and so on, it cannot be ruled out that someone from the same
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russian side, looking at how all the bashkir oil refineries are burning, asked, put forward the idea, let's ask those khokhlas that they don't kill us they are, and we will not beat them, and it went somewhere, maybe in the party, but... the americans benefit from it for the russians, they have, let’s say, the infrastructure and energy resource is practically unlimited, we have it very limited, if we if we suddenly make a moratorium on this topic, then the russians will win, and we will lose, it is clear, and it is clear that someone could put forward such an idea, and it is clear that someone could let it into the western press in order to somehow compromise ukraine, you see, they are negotiating with us again, they are asking you for weapons, in fact they are negotiating with us and so
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on, it could be an operation and pso, it could be an attempt by her to cast a shadow on ukraine, and i don't rule it out, why are persons, unnamed persons around the op or in the op itself saying this. when we're here, i'll be a little harsh: unnamed persons are zero, around op is zero, op as a whole is zero, we don't have such a concept of "op" around "op", we have the office of the president of ukraine, we have officials there , these officials are authorized to declare something, even when they are advisers, assistant advisers. advisers, assistants and so on, or deputies, that's all, sorry, restovych in a square, it shouldn't be, because if it is, then sum appears. the doubts of ukrainians
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in civil society that everything is normal, that everything is brewing in their heads, that there is actually some kind of leadership, well , one comes and talks about what is going on something is happening, and the second one, which was in istanbul, you remember, the third one says that we still have an agreement there about africa and so on, all this is delusional, and it is desirable, of course, that the officials, precisely the officials said the washington post. you are wrong, this did not happen, you are melting down, stop, okay, we literally have a minute left, roitas writes that the prime minister of india , narendra modi, may come to ukraine on august 21-23, this is what i understand, great step, your short comment, what on or possible, almost, almost exactly, and it's a very, very big step, it's just, i would say, it's a huge
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achievement of ours. i am a diplomat myself, and to the credit of my colleagues, i think that this is the result, in particular, of the visit of minister kuleba to india, about one and a half to two months ago, and i think that it is the influence of our american friends, well, actually, common sense, there is enough understanding in fashion that putin is a maniac and an inadequate person, and he told him this on the air a couple of times already, and during the last meeting. in moscow, although they hugged there, and we know that in addition to these hugs, there were very harsh statements by modi against putin, after that, by the way, modi went to austria and he also hugged there, that is, maybe he has such, you know, physical contact for him, this is a common phenomenon, we will see , whether he will hug zelenskyi and everyone else
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who will be standing next to him. to follow the embrace of the indian minister, thank you, thank you, mr. andriy, andriy vasylovsky, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary, ambassador of ukraine, was with us, we are going for a short break, more let's continue, there is half an hour left, stay with us, i adore our viewers, we already have 30, we have collected uah and even a little more, donate more, thank you, you want to wake up rested and full of strength, but... the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress, on the sofa no matter what, you can't find a comfortable position, you need to improve your sleeping place, meet matratstoperight from matrats tv experts, an instant solution to the problem of an uncomfortable sofa or an old mattress at a good price, only 999 uah, also with the possibility of free deliveries, old sofas, uneven mattresses, protruding springs, all this is in the past, the stopper ortolight mattress is your deep
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