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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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in the open area, we definitely check, we monitor the sky, we keep an eye out, and the most important factor in preserving, first of all , the personnel and then the equipment, is the speed of working on the target, the faster we work, the more complete the calculation will be, unfortunately, on in the zaporozhye direction , we had the opportunity to see the work of the lancet with our own eyes, thank god, the guys were alive, yes, they were wounded, but the equipment was intact, the guys were cured and everyone returned to the formation, and in this, the only protection is vigilance and calculation speed. roman, on addition to this question, eyes, lattices, nets, masking smoke, these means of protection, they... are effective, or is it still necessary, as
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he says, as you say, to be on the lookout, to choose a place, to carry out a volley and quickly leave the positions , is it the most effective way of protection? unfortunately, the enemy, just like us, changes his tactics, he constantly mutates, and precisely for the purpose of protection against lancets, the same nets that... practice shows, unfortunately, they are not effective, and the most important thing is to disguise them as best as possible, because we work on call, and in order for our place, duty, not to be noticed, we necessarily change position constantly, without looking at the fact that we worked with this position or not, even more so, the very... mobile
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artillery, means that we can mislead the enemy, constantly change positions, and this helps us first of all camouflage, speed and vigilance, and now we see more than once in the video that our directors show us, this is precisely about the use fpv drones of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, we know there are many such good examples of the effective work of your unit, to what extent it now complements the work of mlrs and barrel artillery, precisely the fpv of drones, did such a tandem or trio use of these tools form an impression, and this is a very effective weapon in relation to fpv. yes, we do not, we do not take laurels from the artillery, according to the damage, about 90% of the damage. of the enemy,
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this is the work of artillery, but fpv is like a cherry on the cake, which can reach deeper, reach more accurately, and in principle, the economic component of fpv application, it is already significantly more profitable and cheaper, when you can destroy a tank with one mavic, sorry, one fpv drone, you can. you bbku, i’m sorry, in the same barrel artillery, if you take a gun to, this is very high professionalism, but according to the standards , you need at least two, or even three projectiles in order to aim and hit the target, this is normal practice, this three projectiles, already at the height of professionalism and skill, is to hit, destroy the target with the first projectile. these are relatively
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artillerymen and farts, and they are handsome. and roman, regarding replenishment and mobilization, what is the situation on the example of your brigade within the limits of what is permissible, what can be said, which specialists are most needed, or exactly your unit needs soldiers? for mobilization, our brigade has a recruiting center, has recruiters who work in the interests of our brigade. where ee where a civilian, if he, when he likes our approach, our work and has the desire, he can join our ranks by applying through recruiters. unfortunately, we all understand very well that the infantry is the biggest, has the biggest losses, and with that the reason is that the battalions... need
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replenishment, because in some cases these are irreversible losses, in some cases, as you can see now, the guys were evacuated, they managed to evacuate, but you... they were out for a while due to an early wound time from the battlefield, but they will definitely return to our ranks, and now we communicate, for example, on the example of our jet battery, we have a certain number of vacancies, and through recruiters we communicate with the guys, with applicants, coordinate their position, we tell the principles of our work, what... we do, what they will be doing in the future when they join us , and so the future soldier has the perspective of understanding where he's going, who he's going to, and one of the examples when a civilian
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was interviewed, he went to through the recruiting center, went through mandatory training and arrived on the same day, as he was already prepared. he was taken to study and now he continues to work, fulfills his duties in the profession that he wanted, and he is with us, as well, because if, when, civilians want to join ours, thank you very much for what you, personally, your brigade is doing to protect our country, and i will remind our viewers that on the air was roman bugayev, a senior officer of the jet... artillery 47- of the cream mechanized brigade, which is currently operating in the pokrov direction. these were the main military results of this day, then the broadcast will be continued by vasyl zima, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much
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to serhiy zhorets, thank you to his guest. we continue with a lot of interesting and important things ahead information now let's remember the coup of 1991, let's talk about... why the government decided to cancel the living wage and what will be in return, this is all ahead with our guests, it will be in the conversation, and now i urge you to join the meeting as needed armed forces of ukraine. therefore, the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade, as well as for the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. defenders in donetsk. the direction is restrained every day enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future, it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in that militarily difficult spring, when there was a shortage of ammunition, and the enemy was overwhelmed by all the forces that the brigades urgently needed
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flying weapons and modern countermeasures to enemy drones, our goal is 3.5 million uah, and with your help we have already collected more than 1.80 uah... it's a lot, actually, thank you very much, let's join and we will be able to overcome this mark of 3.5 million, remember , each of your donations important, so join, you can see all the details on the screen, good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front line, we urgently need your help. we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpols and comikatu drones. we really appreciate your help. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes. get involved. gorbachev, blocked in the crimea in his
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residence in foros. gkchchp, in ukrainian, is a state committee for emergencies situations, and this is already popularly known in history , after all, as gkchp, state doctor. the committee heard these incidents and everything that happened at that time, is there anything similar now in russia, at least approximately, at least approximately similar to those events of august 1991, we will talk about it, and of course we will try to draw a parallel with the events of today, with we are in touch with ivan zayets, politician, people's deputy of ukraine of the first first. of the sixth convocation, mr. ivan, i congratulate you, good day, glad to see and hear, let's restore in memory and in general, celebrate the role of ukraine, maybe this way, or how ukraine prepared, influenced, reacted to what
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happened then in moscow, on august 19 , 1991, could everything have gone according to the plan of those who gathered with... childish hands in moscow, those , who demanded that gorbachev draw up the powers of the president, already the president of the ussr, like pugo and all of them. comrades who were with him, please, yes, i do not think that it could have gone the other way, because the soviet union had already been fundamentally undermined, er, already the will of many peoples er-er in soviet union was clearly aimed at independence, and i think that such a nuclear force of aspirations for freedom, it could not be overcome by some coups, the fact is that on august 20... of the year 91, these so-called reactionary forces of the soviet union were planned such
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a coup d'état, they understood that without ukraine, and ukraine then refused to sign a new union treaty, the soviet union as a russian communist empire would no longer exist, and therefore they bet not on some reform, as gorbachev did, or as yes, he thought to... bend again, all these republics in the new so-called soviet union, and they decided to keep the soviet union by force, by means of weapons, it is clear that they did not succeed in this for several reasons, the first reason is, after all, the desire of the peoples for independence, and the second reason was that the soviet union was then represented by two such centers, the imperial union is the union power headed by gorbachev, which... wanted to preserve the soviet union through such manipulations,
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pseudo-reforms, and the second power, the second center of power was in the russian government headed by yeltsin, yeltsin was just counting on keeping ukraine within the soviet union, and then dragging it back to the status of a colonial colonial structure, so i think that this is the gkch. it was precisely a reaction to ukraine's reluctance to rewrite or join the new union treaty, that is, to continue its existence as part of the russian communist empire. august 19, 1991 in kyiv, so briefly, perhaps, in strokes, what happened, because that's how you read, i'm now reading a wonderful book by oleksandr zinchenko about how ukraine destroyed the empire of evil, there are a lot of different nuances. which people don't know about in general, but right now for
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eteru i would like if there were those who were waiting, and what will happen there, and maybe not everything is as clear as many expected, by the way, when the russians invaded on a full scale in ukraine, too, some people thought, well, suddenly now, if anything, we will already cooperate as a congregation, there are different people, but that day kyiv, was there any unambiguity in choosing an independent. independence, but precisely when well, in fact, maybe in kyiv, maybe in moscow, it was more obvious, kyiv was still not the capital of the ussr, although centrifugal processes were taking place here, what happened then and again, was there an understanding that everything was unambiguous with the choice to be away from moscow and not be in the ussr. at that time, it can be said that there was such a consensus among all political forces that at least the level
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of sovereignty of ukraine should have been much greater than before, and on june 27, 1991, we refused to consider the draft treaty that was submitted to our verkhovna rada for consideration then gorbachev, and this was such an application, we postponed this issue for an indefinite period, it was already such a... signal that ukraine does not want to participate in the restoration or preservation of the soviet union today. what happened on august 19 in kyiv? two such phenomena should be noted here: first, it is the pressure of the union authorities headed by general gorennikov, who came to kyiv and had meetings with the chairman of the verkhovna rada, lenid kravchuk. he threatened kravchuk with the fact that if ukraine... will now make some such decisions against the authorities of the gkchp, then
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they will introduce a state of emergency in ukraine, or at least in galicia, kyiv and crimea. the introduction of a state of emergency meant that the ukrainian government, which was elected legally, was removed from its positions and the military took power. then leonid kravchuk, i think, played very clearly. this party, he told barennikov that everything is calm with us, that we have to finish, finish the harvest, or if we do not harvest, then there will be nothing for him... the soviet union, in this way he somehow weakened this pressure moscow, but in fact the situation was different, moscow was not able to put pressure on ukraine at that time, they did not have enough strength even to resolve the issue with the russian authorities, not to introduce a state of emergency in
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ukraine itself, and those politicians who were aware of this, they just asked the question of the 20th. in august in the verkhovna rada , the issue of declaring independence, the independence of ukraine, is one such branch, it is a process at the level of government, but there was also another process, it is the process of the people's struggle itself. in in kyiv on the 19th, people had already gathered on the square, the current independence square, kyiv had already been plastered with leaflets about the fact that it is not necessary to recognize the government of the gkchp, that this is a coup d'état, that this is not... the law is the government and one must act in accordance with to its constitution and to its own laws, strike committees have already begun to form or gather, which also developed proposals on how to oppose the gkchcp, so we can talk about the resistance of the ukrainian government, and we can talk about
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the resistance of the people themselves, but the ukrainian government does not was homogeneous, there was a so-called communist party of ukraine. this is a kind of piece of the cpsu of the communist party of the soviet union, and it is the secretariat of this party, the very top of this party, they were exactly expecting this force option, and when the documents, resolutions there, then various statements were sent from moscow to ukraine, then the secretariat of the communist party tsivaga supported ukraine, unfortunately we have time, i literally say yes or no, because there is no time, but i want to hear your opinion at least yes or no... in russia it is august, let it be september, it doesn't matter, the coup against putin, but effective, is it possible? i believe that it is impossible today that there are no political forces that would operate outside of this imperial ideology. today, russia is fighting for its imperialism,
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there are no such forces there, neither good russian forces, nor any communist forces or any others, they do not think. if the armed forces do not help, then nothing good will happen in russia, as far as i understand, so we need victory on the field, on the battlefield, and then we will solve the issue not away from moscow, but away from moscow, only then ukraine will live a peaceful life, so we must strive for nato, we must defeat russia on the battlefield, thank you very much, mr. ivan, and for your work, first of all for many years for the benefit of ukraine, of course for the comment you gave us, ivan zayets, politician, people's deputy of ukraine from the first sixth term. galloping, i'm watching an archive video, while i was listening to mr. ivan, here is shovkoshitny, and the young, headstrong, hrynov, and the late ivan stepanovich, ivy, the late ledyn makarovich and porovsky, many, many people, and now we will talk about there are, let's talk about the innovations that are proposed, at least in the government, that's not what we say, the government in general, no, it's not
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the government in general, it's a government proposal, but it must be understood, maybe there's nothing wrong here, or maybe the situation - it doesn't look like that optimistically, andrii reva is with us, minister of social policy of ukraine in 16-19 years, mr. andriy, i congratulate you, good evening, i will briefly formulate the question, the idea was voiced by the minister of social policy , oksana zholnovich, that in ukraine they are planning to abolish the subsistence minimum , at least a draft law is currently being prepared and discussions are taking place with various tangents and points. replace with some kind of targeted help, please clarify what the matter is, maybe they will cancel the living wage, just no one will know how much money is needed to survive for a month, so it is better not to know than to write, relatively speaking, there 2 a year or a half, for which it is impossible to survive, what kind of symptom is this, what does it indicate, please, you know, here i have already
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commented on it on several channels, and you are the first a journalist who is right. understood what zholnovich is proposing, she demonstrated her absolute incompetence with this statement, she does not understand that the living wage is not a payment, it is a state social standard, a norm, relatively speaking, you need, for example, to measure the distance from your house to the store, and they gave you a ten-centimeter ruler, and they say, here is a device for you, please measure it, and you say, well , wait, how will i measure, i will use this ruler for a week, so i will measure, this ruler is small, we need another one means a device for measuring, well, for example, a meter, yes, a meter, i will do it faster, and what she says, since the living wage is small, a small ruler, then she does not ask the question, let's
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increase it, take another device, bigger, let's cancel it altogether, and the purpose of this is exactly what you said, that is , the task is that if we have today, and the world bank recognizes this and this, for this year the amount. no increase in social norms is expected, i.e. more money for social welfare the state does not collect the protection of people, well, at least the power in the state is not going to increase, then the question arises, how to deal with the growing poverty, and here they left. in the way proposed by galina mykolaivna tretyakova, you remember what she said, in order to overcome poverty, it means that we need not to stimulate families, as she
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said, where low-quality children are born, that is, if we stop them , if, she even said that in singapore, for example, they are sterilized so that these children are not born, and they say that this experience should be studied, and so zhelnovych is following this path, if we cancel the standard, the state social standard, then the concept of poverty will disappear, because we cannot prove that this person is poor, so why did you decide that he is poor, there is no standard , so we give some money there, that's all, let him live, let him spin, eh, what's the problem? the problem is that this state social standard, it is not for nothing, it is constitutional, it is laid down in the constitution of ukraine, in article 46, part three, it is written: attention, i will simply quote: pensions, coma, other types of social payments and assistance, which is the main source of livelihood, must ensure
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a standard of living not lower than the subsistence minimum established by law. that is, if you want to abolish the living wage, then at least you need to amend the constitution, if we are talking about the legal way. and the 46th article is the section called the rights and freedoms of people. citizen, even in order to make changes there, according to the procedure for making changes, a referendum must first be held, so imagine referendum in ukraine on the proposal, let's cancel the living wage, how many people will vote for it, but the point is that if my colleagues, i don't know who asked the question, maybe they didn't emphasize the fact that the payment and standard - these are different things, then it is not a sub. not everyone understands , maybe i understand, well, what you
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explain is good, but i understand that not all citizens can understand, and someone will think, really, what’s the matter here, well, it’s the same, you know, let's say for hospitals we will cancel the measurement of the body temperature, here is a person who got there, as if he was healthy, no, well, you, well, look, you are like, oh, already dead, he had a temperature of 40, 40, but we didn’t measure it, but he seems to be alive, he sweated before he died yeah that's good yeah yeah well that's that 's actually a criose dare but here to understand what if we're saying okay they're offering payouts there's a discussion going on maybe you have some insider information , and with whom these discussions should be held, well , it is clear with the specialized committee of the verkhovna rada, but i think that everyone is aware mps from any party will be... in the interest of the people, this is logical, at least the majority, this is logical, because they are these people, they may still dream of getting to the verkhovna rada, and perhaps they do not know about the article of the constitution, perhaps not all of them
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the government knows about this article that you mentioned, but if payments, how to determine them, well, how to measure, how much to give, if we do not have the same standard again, let's give uah 800 and say survive, you see you are absolutely looking at the root of the matter, i pa... i remember when they were here came to power, i met on the air then, they were still on the air, i met with tretyakov on the air, she sharply criticized us, you raised the minimum wage there, you increased the average wage there, you raised pensions there, but you forgot about the subsistence minimum, and we will now focus our main efforts on revising the subsistence minimum, then by the way, when we left, it was uah 1,564, remember this figure, it is as of the moment when the green... se doladi uah 1,564. and what do they do? think about it, they are putting a new amount in the 2020 budget subsistence minimum - 4251 hryvnias.
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remember this figure as well, this is such a jump, well, to be honest, i threw up my hands, well, what can i say, well done and go ahead, after that, at the very first review of the budget, this figure disappears from there, the result of the five-year reform of the subsistence minimum , they did not define a new methodology for its calculation and are guided by the methodology that we approved after 20 years of the absence of any methodology, and managed to increase the subsistence... minimum, attention, to 2361 hryvnias, again i call the figures for such category of people, as persons unable to work, that is, there were 1,564, it became 2,361, we came, less, less than 1,000 hryvnias, relatively speaking, there were 800 and kopecks, we came, there were 949, we raised it to 1,564 in 2 years, and they in 5 years for the sixth year rose from 1,564 to... 2,361, and
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now they want to liquidate it altogether, for 795 hryvnias, if i calculated correctly, this is the end of the era of poverty, and now zholnovich, because they walked like a cat around the fat near this ridiculous minimum , did not know what to do with him, and they decided, let us give him we will cancel it, and then everyone will be happy, there will be no poor people, because there is no poverty criterion, this is know-how from the green government, i think that now everyone should applaud volodymyr oleksanich. i will comment then, since we are not in the studio, well, we invite, they don’t always come for some reason, we are always glad to see representatives and factions of the servant of the people, and government officials, they are always ready for a constructive dialogue, that is why we always invite a great audience, in general, to the tv channel espresso, there is and cannot be any prejudice against the representatives of the current democratic government the tv channel that is espresso
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announces it so simply. an invitation is suddenly wanted, but in this situation there is a hole in the budget, there are needs for the army and they are undoubted, there is no army, there is no state, there is nothing to talk about at all, then any things can be calculated only by the army or the government that will come on the bayonets of a foreign army, we do not need it, but in this situation we still need to act, there are many vacancies now, there is a huge shortage of personnel in ukraine, then people can offer, go work, pensioners, no, again, there are pensioners, who work for my mother and... 56 years old, yesterday was my birthday, well, people work, work as much as they can, but, but other options are possible, to ask for help in the event again, in the last month or so , billions have been financed pensions, social benefits, these are huge funds, and partners are ready to give more, that is , there should be some understanding of how to act in this situation, so that people can simply survive and get some opportunities, you know, we must
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understand one simple thing with you: when you if you listen to green freaks, you must understand that you cannot believe them at all, everything they say must be checked. so, when we talk about the fact that we cannot raise social standards because our western allies are preventing us, then this is not true. central payment, as, by the way, when i read you this part of the 46th article of the constitution. the central social payment is called a pension, so pension payments are financed at the expense of the pension fund of ukraine, and they do not depend on what help the event gives us. you will be surprised, but i will give you a figure: at the end of last year, 2023, in december, the ministry of finance of ukraine withdrew
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uah 20.9 billion from the pension fund, well, according to the ministry of finance, these funds were superfluous for pensioners, and before that they were frozen for several years the living wage was uah 2,093, and they did not raise it, so having money for the increase, this money did not go to pensioners, it went to the state budget of ukraine, and then they tell that it is all a western ally and so on, if these 29 billion they sent for promotion. minimum pension, and this is precisely the subsistence minimum, then today it would not be 2,361 hryvnias, but much more, but the practice, the practice followed by the green government today, that these funds that are today in the employment fund, that are today in the pension fund, they stupidly take it out and direct it to other needs, and then they say that it is the western allies who are to blame for the fact that we have such low social
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standards, but i want people to me... i thank you very much, people heard .


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