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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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goes to russia to serve the occupation authorities. by order of the governor, we tour the settlements. before becoming a collaborator, from 2006 to 2021, kucharko worked as the head of the melitopol district administration of the state emergency service of ukraine in the zaporizhzhia region. it is the rescuers who will provide comprehensive experience and good knowledge. people who know about the trouble. very much with the occupation of melitopol, kocherkov did not leave the territory controlled by ukraine and continued to work in the emergency services only in russia, becoming a chief there the so-called ministry of emergency situations. we responded to a report we received that pensioners aged 46 and 52 lost their homes after the shooting. the traitor called. people to cooperate with the so-called
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new leadership and how the fake head of the ministry of emergencies of russia in the zaporizhzhia region persuaded locals to go work for the newly created body, promising good privileges from the occupiers. in 2023, the sbi announced that kurchik was suspected of treason. therefore , don't forget the ukrainian language, dmytro, you still have to listen to the court sentence and repent by solov'ina. and finally, i will tell you about the major general of the sbu during yanukovych's time. who currently manages the russian military forces in zaporozhye. serhii valentinovych gandzha, born in 1959, hails from the kirovohrad region. he started his career in ganja organs in 1986. he was deputy head of the sbu department in dnipropetrovsk and kyiv regions and deputy mayor of dnipropetrovsk. in 2012, he received the position of the authorized president of ukraine for control over the activities of the security service of ukraine and was truly a true ganjab. showed during the maidan. by
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in the 13th year of viktor yanukovych's presidency , ganzha was appointed to head the department for the protection of national statehood of the sbu. at that time, i was in charge of the department for the protection of national statehood and every morning i heard everyone who spoke, who gave commands, where the leaders of the maidan met. how they then went to yanukovych. during the revolution of dignity , general ganja directly led the violent crackdown on the maidan and, according to one version , he was the one who gave it away. the order to shoot at protesters as part of the sbu boomerang operation, which was aimed at seizing the house intersections, as well as further cleaning of the maidan. on february 26, 2014, ganja was released and declared wanted on suspicion of treason. and while our law enforcement agencies were waiting for him in ukraine, he hid in the swamps, after february 24 , 2022 he went to the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. in january 2000, the russians
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appointed him the head of the so-called state security service of the zaporozhye region, and already in 2024, he received suspicions of collaborative activities from the sbu and the sbu. according to ganja law enforcement officers involved in the organization of mass repressions against civilians, their abduction and sending to russian torture camps. ganja has been waiting behind bars for a long time, but who knows, maybe before he gets to ours. ganja will end up in russian prisons, we all know well how the kremlin treats those who are no longer needed. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin sellers, write to this e-mail address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors to the trail by a russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. every week, the saturday political club
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helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso.
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we start with ukraine, which managed to achieve the unexpected. attack on the territory of the russian federation. more than a week has passed since the beginning offensive on the kursk region. today, ukraine controls this territory using missiles and drones. the ukrainian army is conducting combat operations not only in the kursk region, but in particular also in the neighboring belgorod region, whose governor recently declared
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a state of emergency. with me is our foreign affairs editor, who is ready to share the details with us. kativan, what do you think. there is a sense that the ukrainians want to attack in several areas at the same time, and this is not necessarily to overwhelm the enemy, but rather to create the impression that they active along the entire border. of course, the main focus now is on the kursk region, and this week we have seen the offensive expand. according to the ukrainians, this week they captured more than 1,000 square meters. which is approximately equal to the territory that russia was able to capture in ukraine over the past year. they also said they had taken control of more than 70 settlements and advanced at least 25 km deep into russian territory. the armed forces
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of ukraine do not stop there, they also fire at military facilities in belgorod region with the help of artillery and drones. as already mentioned. the governor has declared a state of emergency, and thousands of locals are fleeing the regions closest to the border. ukraine, according to the russians, is also carrying out a massive strike by drones on objects in the voronezh region. so, there is the kursk region, to the south of it is bilhorodsk, and then there is another region that borders both of them, as well as ukraine, voronisk. russia claims to have destroyed at least 37 ukrainian drones, but... does not say how many have achieved their goal, so there is a feeling that the ukrainians are really moving the theater of war to russian territory, not focusing only on one part of the front, they are trying to expand the zones where they create problems for the russians, i suggest that we talk about
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the strategy of ukraine, because at the beginning of this last week , the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine stated that there is no... intention to occupy captured russian regions, what is the goal of the ukrainian army? it is difficult to answer this question so far: it seems that there are several reasons why the zsu takes such actions. the official position mentioned is that it is not about capturing and holding russian territory. first of all, it is about protection, because a lot of shelling from the russian side is carried out from kursk oblast, so they want to clear it. this territory in order to prevent further shelling of ukraine. in addition, even if minimal military human resources of ukraine are involved in the operation. some russian troops will still have to move to the offensive region to protect russian territory, and this
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means that they will be pulled from the ukrainian territories where they were fixed. this will eventually reduce some of the pressure on the forward line for the ukrainian defenders. such actions also... improve kyiv's strategic position and somewhat change the narrative of this war, because there have been no significant successes or victories for the ukrainians in the past few months. before that , a slow, but offensive advance of the russian army on ukrainian territory was observed. current events also dispel the notion that war can only take place in ukraine and not on russian soil. so when thousands of russians become internally displaced. individuals and fleeing from their homes deep into russia, this creates the impression that the russians are unable to effectively control their border. it is difficult to predict what will happen next, it is unlikely that the ukrainians have enough forces and logistics to hold these territories long-term.
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perhaps that is why they declare that they are not going to occupy them, because they know that it will be difficult for them to hold these positions for a long time. one of the reasons why they succeeded in this operation is the element of surprise, which already has now lost its instant effect. however, to prevent this from happening, will the ukrainian army retreat soon or later? for some time it clearly proved that the russian army, and in particular its intelligence, has its flaws and weaknesses, so this breakthrough is at least a significant boost to the morale of the ukrainian military. thank you very much colleague for this information. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i
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will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, frontline component. serhiy zgurets and what the world lives on. it is time for me to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money, in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka is next to me, and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. knyazev's dismissal: why did the ex-head of the supreme court lose his position for renting
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an apartment? to dismiss volodyl serhiyevich knyazev from the post of cassation judge administrative court. but who in the vrp helped knyazev not to answer for a multimillion-dollar bribe. the record holder is simply the first to close cases. greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tetyana shostrova. for four years of work, the higher anti-corruption court has passed more than 20 verdicts in cases against ukrainian judges. almost all were accusatory. however , many high-profile cases involving multi-million dollar bribes and abuses have not yet been completed. moreover, the servants of themis, who have committed serious crimes and are involved in high-profile cases, they have not been fired from their positions for years. even in the pre-trial detention center, they continue to receive hundreds of thousands of wages every month, without carrying out legal proceedings. a suspect in corruption. the head of the supreme court, vsevolod knyaz , was dismissed by the supreme council of justice the other day, not for
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the largest multimillion-dollar bribe in history, but for the extremely low price of the apartment he rented in kyiv. today we will tell you why it is so difficult to bring the most corrupt judges to justice. and first to the news. the higher anti-corruption court stopped the proceedings cases of the judge of the primorsky district court of odesa, ilya lonskyi. he. mobilized to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, ilya lonskyi is accused of attempting to give an illegal advantage to another judge of the same court, for making a positive decision in an administrative case, as well as for possessing part of a bribe by deception. the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine published an excerpt from the conversation of the participants at the time of the transfer of the illegal benefit. damn, i'm somehow so sorry in general, to be honest, all the work, i run for someone, i sit damn it myself. and you don't have anyone, right? yes, i don't have any. nothing interesting. the office of judge ilya lonsky was searched, as a result of which the security forces found a bribe. interestingly, after
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that, lonsky not only pleaded not guilty, but also filed a complaint with the supreme council of justice. he said that the law enforcement officers put pressure on him and interfere in the activities of the judge. lonsky was informed of the suspicion of corruption, but now that the judge has been mobilized to the zsu, the case has been stopped. note that this is a very popular scheme among the servants of themis in an effort to avoid responsibility. he is not the only one, nor the first, and maybe not even the last, who does such a thing, because there are other judges who are also suspected of committing other crimes, including corruption, and have also mobilized and are thus obviously trying to wash their hands, somewhere to hang out somewhere, i don't know, lord, forgive me for taking a picture with a machine gun or in a pixel and then tell what heroes they are, how they defended ukraine, and that's why they should be written off. these crimes, what are they before committed, this is a very dangerous story.
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volodymyr luhanskyi, a member of the higher qualification commission of judges of ukraine, turned out to be a fake doctor of philosophy in the field of law. the anti-corruption center has sent a request to the ministry of education and science of ukraine regarding whether luhansky has a doctor of philosophy or candidate of science degree. it turned out that none of them is owned by a high-ranking member of the commission. volodymyr luhanskyi, former judge of the north donetsk city court and military officer. during his participation in the competition for the position of a member we emphasized his alleged dishonesty and wealth of dubious origin to vkks. during interviews with members of the competition commission and. rp volodymyr luhanskyi stated that he defended his thesis at the international academy of personnel management in 2011, but at that time this educational institution was not among the subjects of issuing diplomas of doctor of philosophy, moreover, only in september 2014 the verkhovna rada adopted changes that equated the title of candidate of sciences to the scientific degree of doctor of philosophy.
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luhansky could not explain how it happened, how could he not was able to remember the name of the specialty in which he... wrote a scientific dissertation, in which specialty did you defend yourself, the name of the specialty is clear, i defended myself, my topic was article 382, ​​this is criminal liability for failure to comply with a court decision, i remember, well, i already i haven't seen my diploma for a long time, i took off the photocopies, i just don't remember, it should be noted that it may not only be a matter of lying when taking office, but possible theft of the state, since for having a scientific degree, judges and military personnel receive an additional payment of official salary, however, whether volodymyr luhanskyi received such a supplement when he worked as a judge and served is still unknown. the supreme council of justice finally dismissed the judge of the makariv district court , oleksiy tandyr, and the judge of the cassation
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administrative court, part of the supreme court, vsevolod knyaz. servants of themis are dismissed for the act. a significant disciplinary offense. we will remind, oleksiy tandyr last year in a state of alcohol intoxication beat to death a soldier of the national guard vadym bondarenko. vsevolod knyaz suspected of receiving a record bribe - almost 3 million dollars. however, the prince was released not because of the biggest corruption in the history of the judicial system, but because of the undervalued value of the rented apartment. the supreme council of justice decided to dismiss knyazev vsevolod serhiyovych from the post of judge of the cassation administrative court in the composition. of the supreme court on the basis of clause three of part six of article 126 of the constitution of ukraine. instead , a complaint to the vrp was filed four years ago by the dere foundation, which was directly related to khabar and should have ended with the dismissal of the prince, but it did not was considered. the work on the complaint regarding the bribery of the ex-chairman of the supreme court was assigned to serhiy
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burlakov, a member of the supreme council of justice, a figure in our investigations. and he, in turn, was in no hurry. the record holder is simply the first to close cases. secondly, on failure to prosecute judges where they should be prosecuted. according to experts, borlakov is considered a creature of borys gulka, the head of the civil cassation court within the supreme court, one of the most influential judges and a member of the so-called of the judicial mafia, which destroyed the judicial system of ukraine all these years, since serhiy burlakov himself now holds an influential position in the vrp, he has all the leverage to manipulate the consideration of judges' complaints. so, in order to remove the prince from office, while not investigating the facts of global corruption , a completely different, much smaller and actually artificial case was initiated in the supreme court. in december 2023 , the pechersk district court of kyiv received materials from nazk about bringing the prince to administrative responsibility for the lease apartments with an area of ​​133 m2 at a price lower than
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the minimum market value, namely for 100 hryvnias per month. such prices indeed. cannot be found even on the outskirts of the capital, not that in the very heart of kyiv, the government quarter, where knyazum lived since 2017, while the ex-head of the supreme court and his landlord were not close relatives, so accepting a gift in the form of such a significant discount on housing, knyazyu had no right. from the resolution of the pechersk district court of kyiv. princes during the discussion of the rental price and agreement rental offers in the amount of uah 1,000, despite private property. the interested party was obliged to immediately take such measures, refuse the proposal, attract witnesses, if possible, notify in writing about the proposal of the immediate manager, if available, or the manager of specially authorized entities in the field of anti -corruption. instead, knyazum accepted an offer to rent housing for 100 hryvnias per month and systematically used
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the gift he received. in this way, over the years of renting the princes , he saved almost 1 million hryvnias. for this administrative law. violation, the court brought him to justice and imposed a fine of uah 2,500. information about non-compliance with anti-corruption legislation was also passed on to the supreme council of justice, and instead of strengthening the prince's corruption history with a bribe, the vrp actually undertook to consider only the misdemeanor of renting an apartment. council member serhiy burlakov dragged out the consideration of the bribery complaint in the supreme court so much that knyazev was finally released only on the basis of underpayment. i'm sorry, the circular guarantee is over, it continues already for years, decades, citizens have been suffering, ukraine is suffering, the supreme council of justice has not been able to establish. at the same time, the case about the alleged corruption crime, in which the majority of the members of the grand chamber of the supreme
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court could be involved, in addition to the prince, is losing its relevance. we know that at least 13 judges were there in the collegium in the case where the prince accepted a bribe. and with great probability, many facts in that case indicate that this bribe could be intended not only for the prince, but also for some others. from the big chamber, that is, the key one conclusion, the highest judicial instance, the supreme court in our country, urgently needs to be cleaned. vsebolot knyazum, as a result of the vrp's decision, promised to appeal his dismissal in court, and it will only be about the circumstances of the housing lease. meanwhile, the story of the largest bribery in the judicial system, thanks to such members of the vrp as serhii burlakov, lost any chance of being considered by the supreme council of justice. for today, i have everything, it was a judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to tell about
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dishonest judge, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see on your screens. see you in exactly one week. it's all good. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. well, we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00.
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welcome to espresso, it's the saturday politics club, my name is khrystyna yatskiv and i thank everyone who joins us this saturday evening, i will definitely appear on your screens with brilliant, as always, analytics. vitaly portnikov, it will be in the second part of our program, the entire first hour, a little less, we will devote to conversations with the most qualified experts, we will talk about the situation on the fronts, about affairs in international politics, and we will not forget about the middle east either. i will probably start with the main news items of this week: ukraine recognizes its presence and its operation in kursk region and even creates administrations there in order to maintain these territories accordingly. in addition, there are certain successes of the defense forces in the context of enemy logistics and fighting against it. does this mean that
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it will be extremely difficult for the enemy to knock our forces out of the kursk region and whether we will be able to create a bridgehead there for possible future maneuvers. is aviation already involved in the work in the kursk region, we will talk about this and not only for the next 15 minutes, and i am glad to welcome kostyantyn kryvolap, analyst, aviation expert, to contact us, congratulations you, mr. kryvolap, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you, very mutual, we will probably start with, and it will be fair, with the russian attacks from the sky on our cities, we see that it was hot in kramatorsk today, it is interesting to watch, actually behind the enemy logically, purely for military reasons, they are for a certain time in... from attacks on this one of the largest cities of the ukrainian donetsk region. do you have any guesses as to why and if this has anything to do with the event at all. on
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the direction and on the adjacent ones, the russians have two such main tasks, this is the infliction of terrorist attacks impression, and they do this with the help of kn-23 missiles, there is dropping the missiles, where they hit, and it doesn’t matter whether they drop on their territory or on ukrainian territory, it doesn’t matter, they drop, and the second task is a military one, it’s a defeat, well, let’s say , by the same iskanders, some serious targets of our targets or our layouts, and not only kramatorsk, today there were two powerful strikes on sumy oblast, directly on sumy, on the villages of sumy oblast, they had to drop cabs there, that is, these are not military targets, this is everything is civil population, there is no military there, there are no military targets, but this is a russian terrorist tactic. eh, if we talk about
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sumy and the attacks on sumy oblast, in the region that is across the border from our sumy oblast. quite interesting things are happening, but apparently this does not stop the russians from attacking our already more or less deeper rears. in your opinion, according to your estimates, it would be logical to push back the russian troops with all their... installations and possibly aviation, so that the entire territory of our country would be more or less safe and comfortable, well, let's say this, let's talk about the width of a possible sanitary zone, you see, they have iskander m, it's 500, the radius of action is 500 km, now they are pressuring these korean missiles, the radius of action there is 700 , 800 km, well, 800 km, it's
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almost up to peter, right? "moscow definitely falls into this sanitary zone, that is, we have no way out of this situation, how to make such a sanitary zone, well, it wants to and it looks fantastic and it's a little funny to say such a thing, but a real sanitary zone in itself is necessary understand that we will be fighting for a very long time and they will shoot at us if they have the opportunity, if we can suppress these systems with our missiles, or our partners will give us the opportunity, yes, say, jason for the f-16- yes, with a long range, jasom ir, which allows you to hit almost 900 km there, then there will be some parity and then, well, you know, the situation of israel, its entourage, you hit us, hit us, we responded, you hit, we answered, well, such a situation may exist, but there are people, let's say,
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there ee... and there they understand something about these things, but the russians do not, they, as long as they have something to shoot at, as long as they have something to cause some damage, they will do it, mr. konstantin, but please tell me here, our offensive in kurshchyna coincided with, well, at least chronologically, with the first statements that ukraine has f-16 at its disposal, i would like to quote. now the commander of the air force , lieutenant general mykola oleschuk. literally yesterday, he shared a video about the destruction of the important logistical route of the bridge over the seim and emphasizes that it is the aviation of the air force that takes part in hostilities in the course direction. ukrainian pilots use high-precision strikes to hit enemy strongholds , accumulations of equipment, as well as logistics centers and enemy supply routes. and
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about enemy logistics. if there is an opportunity and desire, we will talk with you a little later, to what extent is the aviation component from our side present now in the context of the kurdish operation? it is present there at all levels, starting from the level of uavs, in fpv of drones, scout drones that fly, this same bridge, its well, they didn't just fool around, you see, there are four such perforations, such holes are very neat, they were most likely hit by harms, that is , heimers, and this... the last one was most likely inflicted by a hamer missile, a french missile, or maybe, maybe, i think, most likely it was a humber, well, according to the damage, according to the degree of damage, maybe 250 kg, maybe a ton, it's generally such, you know, such a weapon that appeared uh-uh from the fact that the military so when the cold war ended they...


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