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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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everything that happened at the chicken should be laid out on the shelves, and what is international there, well, what a great influence, could we have done more and so on, and it is then wasted, let's see, we have made a very powerful and very influential action, which in the complex will give we will have many advantages in the future, not only the exchange fund, everything else, and will already give and will continue to give advantages in international relations in... raising the morale of our troops , including people in the rear, who started there, some are already there depressive state in them begins, therefore, well, i honestly do not think that it is right to exclude one thing and discuss it without connecting it with another, well, it does not work like that, beyond any doubt, obviously, obviously it remains to be seen. in
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the development of this operation, because we are witnesses of only two weeks of fighting by ukrainians in the kursk region, we will actually see how these events will develop further, i hope that in the next broadcasts we will definitely analyze this in detail with you. thank you for participating in the program, mr. major, it was oleksii hetman, military analyst, major reserve of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. friends, we continue to work directly. on the air, and of course, in addition to information and the situation in kurshchyna, we monitor what is happening in donetsk region, the situation in the pokrovsk direction, the enemy is advancing, but, as serhii tsehotskyi says, this is the press officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, the ukrainian army will not allow the capture of pokrovsk despite the frenzy. pressure
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from the enemy, serhii tsehotskyi said on the air of the espresso tv channel. let's listen. on it's a pity, somewhere we have to retreat, in the sense that it is necessary to preserve personnel, that is, the life and health of everyone, even one claimant - is very important, but at the same time there are those moments for which we should not approach , and just such... and the city is pokrovsk, because it is logistics, it is a combination, it is already such a pond, you know, a symbol of the donetsk region, here is the city of pokrovsk, there, well, the inhabitants, and the city itself is big and so on, so on i hope that the general staff is following this closely and planning operations so that to prevent this, it was serhii tsehotskyi. he is the press secretary,
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press officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk. meanwhile, the american institute for the study of war reports with reference to geolocation footage that russian troops have advanced to the southwest of novoselivskyi, that is , southeast of kupyansk and southwest of andriivka to the west of svatovoy. also, according to analysts, the russians captured for... southeast of pokrovsk and another settlement a little further north new zealand in addition, russian troops advanced in the northwestern part of pavlivka to the southwest of ugledar. deeppstate is a ukrainian project that reports in turn that the russian army occupied the border of the pokrovsky district of the donetsk region, boring and crane, and also advanced. near grodivka and in zavitnoy
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there are heavy battles for new york, well , a lot of information appears during the last days and a lot of different information, so we try to verify it and provide you with accurate information, as it appears a lot of unverified information, and today i read, in particular, on social networks that there in new york it seems that our... 20% of the territory of new york is in donetsk region, the exact information will obviously be available tomorrow morning from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, we will find out, actually, what is happening there, and in the meantime, the russians reported that after the entry of the armed forces of ukraine into the territory of the kursk region, they created groups of military councils, kursk and bryansk, which... should protect the territories from attacks
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drones and other means of attack, well, at least this kind of information indicates that the russians will apparently prepare uh... new strike groups in the northeast, meaning in ukraine, above sumy, and in the kursk region, and probably in bryansk, in voronezh and also in belgorod regions, at the same time, as bild analyst julian ryobke reports, after the ukrainian strikes on three main bridges across the diet in... in the kurs region, well, it means that the diet is also running in the kurs region, and in sumy region, this part of the sejm, which flows near, near the sumy oblast, but towards the kurt region, up to 300 military personnel may end up in kazan, because
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these bridges were blown up there and the military group is in a rather critical condition, again, all... information we will discuss how the events will develop in the next broadcasts, because this is operational information that comes from the news feeds, and we follow it throughout the day. let me remind you, friends, that we are conducting a survey throughout the broadcast today we are asking you about whether the russian orthodox church will cease its activities in ukraine after the adoption of the law of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. today, the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted a law on the activities of religious organizations in ukraine, and we are talking about religious organizations connected with the russian federation, and we ask whether, after the adoption of this law
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, the russian orthodox church will stop its activities in ukraine. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, you can write your own comment under this video if you have there is... a separate opinion, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote by numbers, if you think that after the adoption of this law , the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine may stop (0800-211-381), no ( 0800-211-3822) all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of our voting, well actually... this law, which was adopted today, is better known as the law on the banning of the russian orthodox church, and today in the second reading during consideration in the verkhovna rada, this is a law supported by 265 people's deputies, what
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does this law provide for? this law provides that the russian orthodox church should be banned as a religious organization and activity. of all organizations affiliated with the russian orthodox church will be terminated according to a clear procedure, which will include an investigation, an order to enforce the law, and a court injunction. the russian orthodox church and its affiliated structures will not be able to use state and communal property. the transition of communities to the ukrainian local orthodox church will be simplified, and in fact this transition may continue. uh until 9 months, that is, this, this big transition period from the conditional existence of the uoc mp to the transition of the parishes to the orthodox church of ukraine can be approximately nine months. further, those religious
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organizations that will not transfer to the ocu, or will not declare that they do not... work or will not provide documents that they do not work with russian structures, then there will be an injunction through the court, that is interesting also that today the security service of ukraine published statistics on how moscow priests work on the territory of ukraine state, how they work against this state, first a full-scale invasion, criminal cases were opened against more than 100 priests of the uoc and mp, more than 100 priests worked for the russian federation, almost 50 of
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them have already reported suspicion, and 26 received, 26 received court sentences , and this is also indicative, because in pri'. in principle, we understand that in the current situation, the russian special services are working quite actively on the territory of the ukrainian state, russian. the glorious church was and remains the instrument used by vladimir putin during this war against the ukrainian state, because it is a very large organized structure, a branch of the russian orthodox church, the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, although in may 22, at its council, this church or this organization decided that they are ... a separate church from the russian orthodox church,
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they have no relation to the russian orthodox church, but the fact remains that the priests of this church worked and apparently some of them continue to work together with the russians, therefore that the fact that more than 100 priests in the ukrainian orthodox church of the russian orthodox church have been prosecuted during the full-scale...invasion is still a serious figure and shows that russia was and remains the country that influences the ukrainian orthodox church of the russian orthodox church of the russian orthodox church, including through the russian orthodox church, but in this case the sbu also did not report, unfortunately, how many criminal cases were initiated against the priests
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of the uoc mp during the great, well, that is to say, all... of this russian-ukrainian war, considering that in the first year russia's invasion of ukraine, we saw how the churches and monasteries of the russian orthodox church were used by these russian organized orthodox structures. in order to hide there russian special service agents who, as was the case in donetsk region , were hiding in the premises of the ukrainian ukrainian orthodox church, and of course, there are many questions about how, how this whole procedure will take place, in what way the russian branch will disappear from the map of ukraine. orthodox church, as it has always been ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow
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patriarchate. perhaps maksym rozumny, political expert, doctor of political sciences, will answer these and other questions. mr. maxim, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. well, zelenskyi calls the law that was adopted today in the verkhovna rada the law on spiritual independence. what... after the adoption of this law will change in ukraine, and does this mean that the adoption of this law puts an end to the existence of the roc branch in ukraine, and well, we understand that we are talking about a church that has a long history of cooperation with the russian orthodox church, this is the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, and what can prevent... ukrainians from getting rid of this church? i think that we
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are facing a long period of such certain uncertainty, that is, the law puts an end to the questions of legal entities, that is, these communities, questions of ownership, but about which... which way these religious organizations, these priests, and their parishioners will go, for now we can only predict, study the options, and it is clear that this process will be accompanied by some new decisions that are no longer within the scope of ukrainian legislation, i.e. no longer within the competence. of the verkhovna rada, for example, but in the competence of other
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decision-making centers, let's say this, recently this story appeared on the agenda, and they started talking about it about an attempt to get a second tomos, for example, another one appeared parallel to this, but already a very... persistent appeal of metropolitan epiphany of kyiv, the head of the orthodox church in ukraine, to metropolitan onufry with... a call for unification is unconditional without preconditions and so on, all this signals to us that the path will be long, but i would call the adoption of this law such a point of no return, that is, for that church, that branch of the russian orthodox church, which remained with us
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literally until today, well, until the new law enters into force, this... organization will no longer exist, but those people who were part of it and those people who, so to speak, support it, they remain in ukraine, and their path to, so to speak, er, ukrainian, er, church affiliation, it will obviously be long and these people will take different paths, i think some will join the ukrainian orthodox church in ukraine, some will, so to speak, move to some illegal status, some will look for forms self-organizations, well, for example, uh, patriarch filaret broke with the orthodox church in ukraine and created his own religious organization,
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that is, some other religious organizations will arise there, which will insist on their understanding of canonicity there, something else, it will be long and obvious complex process, but the main thing is that we will no longer have a church that will be subordinate to moscow, but what will be the reaction in your opinion from russia, because the russian orthodox church has always believed that everything that is on the territory of ukraine is originally russian , and theirs, and including. and the church and all these parishes, they controlled all these structures for a long, long time, and probably still partially control, both for putin and for russians in general, the existence of the russian orthodox church, this is a very important element of their policy towards ukraine . of course, of course,
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for them it is such a painful process, and in fact, there is already the first reaction to... very sharp, that is, they call all earthly and heavenly punishments on our heads, so to speak, for this decision, but here we should also pay attention to certain points that i would relate such a specific sphere of church politics, we remember the reaction of the same onuphrius to the beginning of the full moon. headquarters invasion, that is, it was not rejection and rejection, and i think, for a certain part of the clergy, the ukrainian orthodox church, it was treason, russia's attack on ukraine, because she, so to speak, this act, he, well, is
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openly hostile, and this undermined the position of this church in ukraine, and we remember... that there were certain contradictions, so to speak, that is, i think that a crack in relations between the kyiv metropolitanate and the russian orthodox church, it has existed for quite a long time, so on the ideological front, so to speak, on the ideological level, of course, russia will try to make full use of this event and will talk about... the catastrophe, orthodoxy and everything is different, but in a certain, in a certain way, moral and in somehow, probably in an organizational sense, i think that this did not come as a surprise to kirill and to the clergy of the russian orthodox church, and in general, this is
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a natural step that was already impossible , so to speak, to stop. i think there is such a perception among the majority, the clergy and parishioners of the ukrainian orthodox church in ukraine itself, i think they understood what was going on, and already, so to speak, it will be impossible to glue this broken, broken cup together, well and obviously, the current decision will also affect russia's position regarding possible negotiations, pro which... over the past few months , there has been a lot of talk in the western press about the fact that these negotiations are apparently underway. lavrov says that especially after what happened in kurshchyna. the possibility of negotiations with ukraine is almost zero, let's listen to what putin's ribbentrob says. after
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the attacks on the kurdistan region began, even the invasion of the territory of the kurdistan region, there is no talk of any negotiations. and the president also said a very important thing that i would like to draw attention to, that we will definitely evaluate this situations a little later, well, the rumors about certain hidden contacts to prepare for negotiations on the energy facilities of russia and ukraine with the mediation of qatar, no matter what anyone says about any hints that russia will somehow be involved there, this is all from the sly, so what i say once again, it is about the bürgenstock process, unacceptable for us, which has the sole purpose of promoting an ultimatum called a formula. mr. maksym, do you agree that this whole story with the kursk region, the entry of the armed forces of ukraine into the territory of this
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oblast, and now the decision to ban the russian orthodox church in ukraine, that they simply put a cross on, well, at least in the near future, possible even hypothetical negotiations of advisers or something. third assistants in qatar or elsewhere in another country? yes, of course , now, in this situation, this is, so to speak, a remote prospect of any negotiations, although, so to speak, the situation on the battlefield continues to remain at a dead end, and so our offensive on kurshchyna would simply to some extent leveled our chances and does not... does not allow putin should speak from a position of strength, in those conditions when russian troops are slowly but still advancing in the donbas, but here i
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think that this is the pause taken by the authorities in the person of the president and the leadership of the verkhovna rada and the servants of the people in implied in the support of this church law, it was largely still connected with the fact that... expected, obviously, both our leadership and our western partners, with whom we must, so to speak, coordinate our steps, and which are an important part of the negotiation process, so i am i think that until recently there was hope that russia would abandon this tone and letter of the ultimatums, the last of which was actually announced by putin about the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from the four guests and so on, and only after it became clear that russia was not going to to make any compromises, ee
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russia continues to try to speak from a position of strength, ee ukraine allowed herself, and it was obviously allowed by our partners to do it, also to hurt russia, that is, by entering the kursk region, by adopting this law on eh... religious organizations are connected with the aggressor country, ukraine, for its part , raised the stakes and, so to speak, put forward its demands rather radically and categorically. under these conditions, the possibility of negotiations has not disappeared, but these will no longer be negotiations in the wake of putin's ultimatums. it is obvious that they should reconsider in moscow. their positions, whether it will be putin or someone else, if there is a change of power there, it is already so to speak, the question is technical, it is already clear that
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there will probably be negotiations someday, but they will no longer be under the dictates of moscow. thank you, mr. maksym, for the conversation, it was maksym rozumny, political scientist, doctor of political sciences. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, let's look at... the interim results of our survey, today we ask you about whether the russian orthodox church will stop operating in ukraine after the adoption of the law of the supreme radio of ukraine, so what are our interim results of the survey on television 47% yes, 53% no. well, in the meantime, i want to remind you that until august 24 , espresso is preparing a special project of light people in dark times, interesting stories about heroic people, interviews with viktor yushchenko, svyatoslav shevchuk. serhii plokhy and much more, at 10 p.m. the documentary 10 years of war on independence day at espresso, from 80 am to midnight, be there. with espresso,
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friends, the politclub program is on the air. on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, read the entire narrowing. accept my singer, i thank you, it was difficult, but i was just curious, but this is absolutely not cool, help to understand the present and predict the future, offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us. project for those who care and think politklub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. television
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the premiere of a documentary about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, founder of the angel taira unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana povalyaeva. about how we changed, what lessons we learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war. exclusively. on the air of the espresso tv channel. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest conversational format of ukraine in evening prime. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing is that every thursday at 21:15 velikiy lviv speaks in the project. on the air of espresso tv channel. greetings
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, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, and for the next 45 minutes we will talk about the following. a difficult spiritual choice. the ukrainian orthodox church should break canonical and organizational ties with the russian orthodox church, or. disappear, will the kyiv metropolitanate dare to get out of its 350-year dependence on moscow? war does not prevent stealing. law enforcement officers expose corruption in ministries and departments almost every day. why has zelensky still not fulfilled his promise to equate corruption with treason? effective control in the border
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areas of russia is created in... ukrainian military commandant's offices, what does this mean and in what way ukraine will administer these territories. friends, we are working live and throughout our broadcast we are conducting polls, today we are asking you about whether the roc will stop its activities in ukraine after the adoption of the law, well, we mean the law that was adopted today by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if... you have a separate opinion, please write in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote by calling 0800 211 381, if you think that after the adoption of the law of the supreme verkhovna rada, which reads as follows, regarding activity of religious organizations in ukraine, will activity of the russian orthodox church in ukraine
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(0800-211-380) has been suspended.


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