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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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before launch, an intercontinental ballistic missile, a mine there is different, they are already with a nuclear charge, and it is a tactical nuclear weapon, it is in warehouses and only before use it is loaded into missiles, and when the movement of these munitions from warehouses to missiles begins, we immediately we are recording this, so far there have been no movements, no downloads, and according to our still given intelligence, it is not expected in the near future, i'm sorry, i'm going to move on. and also fix countries that actually also have nuclear weapons, control the movement of nuclear, of the nuclear charge being transported, it is clear that in a situation where putin and lukashenko declare that there are some warheads, nuclear warheads, they are located on the territory of the belarusian state, this is not included in these agreements of international, international treaties, when it comes to states , who... possess a nuclear state,
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weapons, declare and live according to certain rules, i.e. the fact that putin uses belarus as a warehouse for nuclear weapons, and that is not a fact, as kostenko has already said, it is not a fact that these are there warehouses with nuclear weapons, but it is the last, yes and the last, here are all these missiles, iskanders, x101, all these missiles that use ballistic and... tactical missiles that are used against us, they can all carry a nuclear charge, that is, they were developed for this, so to say , what they put there, you know, so pathetic, they put in belarus, for example, there are missiles that can carry nuclear charges, they can all carry a nuclear charge, and x101, and x550, and caliber, dagger and all, except for these s300 , c400, everyone can carry it, they are based on this calculation, that is , you can load it there, landmine, cassette ammunition, nuclear ammunition, what was being loaded? will fly, that is why it is said
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that it is so frightening that they gave some missiles that can bring in, yes, they could do it initially in russian and can, well, that is absolutely correct, mr. major, president zelenskyi says that the ukrainian defense forces already control more than 1,250 km of enemy territory in kurshchyna and 97 settlements, let's listen to what zelensky says. ukrainian soldiers continue the defensive operation in certain areas of the kurt region. today, our forces control more than 1,250 km of territory the enemy and 92 settlements. strengthening of our positions continues, stabilization is determined. districts, and what is very important,
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the replenishment of the exchange fund for ukraine. mr. major, how long will the ukrainians be able to hold out and what might be the consequences of the presence of ukrainian troops on the territory of the kurdish region, and how will it affect the ukrainian-russian war and the front. well, it already affects. how long can we be there? i think that by the end of the war, because by blowing up the bridges across the river, across this one, we did, the diet, yes, we did, practically attacks by our groups that are there are impossible , well, they are so fast and maneuverable, where the russians have nothing to attack there, what they are gathering there, 10, 20, or 30 thousand, different estimates, it will not be enough for something it was possible to do there, we will conduct defensive maneuvers and we can do a lot of things there so that they do not succeed in displacing us, we must get. these positions, we
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are starting to form a military commissariat there, because according to international humanitarian law, we have to provide food and medicine for these people who remained there the civilian population, because nothing works there anymore, everyone has left, and if people want to eat, we have to feed them, as strange as it sounds, if they are sick, we have to treat them, if they need medicine, we have to provide with medicine, well, water, to ensure that they have electricity, so that, well... in short, let's have a pension too, well, this is international humanitarian law, you won't get anywhere here, what kind of military, you know, i think very much, it's not it is not quite correct to divide exclusively, but what kind of military is there component, and what is the military-political component, and what is the military-media component, and what is the international component, these are all connected things, and when we cross something out separately, well , it may turn out that it seems to be... so good
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everything happened as we would have liked, well, if we exclude the purely military component, well , firstly, we forced the russians to withdraw troops there, and secondly, we, no less, canceled it. or, well, not at best they canceled, at worst they suspended the possibility of the russians to attack the sums, as they planned, taking into account the attack on kharkiv oblast, well, if it is related things, then the ruckus in the russian military command is starting, the arrests of generals are planned there, our actions from the point of view of our international partners are encouraging, already encouraging, there is no such word, but some countries have also invented to increase aid , who hesitated. can join the help, well , maybe not for nothing, the minister, yes, the prime minister of india should arrive in ukraine on flag day on the 23rd, it is unlikely that he will come with ultimatums, he will come, he will agree on something , well, something, i i think to agree, and there are a lot of such things that they are related to,
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but what has happened now is that the commander of the kurdish operation was removed there, the fsb was put in charge. well, other things, so as not to enumerate in a circle, it also has an effect on the troops, on the combat action, on the results of the war, just take it as a breakdown, well, you know, i was once such an example, he was not a military man, they taught how, well, no it is important that who taught what, and there is such a very interesting thing, that is, when a person, well, a child there fell in love there stupidly, well, that's how it is for me. grandfathers and grandmothers were told by the old people there, how it is possible to repel a person from her, well, the stupid infatuation of a childish , youthful one, in order not to regret it later, eh , and you have to ask two questions about this child who is growing up, do you
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love this girl, yes he says yes, and what exactly is it about her you love more than anything, and a person falls into a stupor, then you... you see the general picture, well, it may be such a mean little thing from the point of view of parents, but immediately from the image, from the general picture, you distinguish what can be clarified there, you more i like there hands or feet or there eyes or, that is, everything, and when you that's how you lay out the general picture on the shelves, then take something separate and it may not be right, and that here are very beautiful eyes, but no, maybe the eyes are more beautiful. that is, and then the overall picture is lost, it is such a rather vile pedagogical move, well, i was told that if necessary, well, thank god, i have grown children, so i did not have to do such a thing, but the same thing can be done, maybe not the best example, but i didn't find another one, because i
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was so prepared for such examples, but if you put everything that happened in the chicken coop on the shelves, and what kind of international is there, well, what influence is it? great, could more have been done, and so on, and it is then wasted. come on, we have made a very powerful and very influential action, which in the complex will give us many advantages in the future, not only the exchange fund, everything else, and it already gives and will continue to give advantages in international relations, in the destabilization of the situation in the russian federation, the rise the morale of our troops, including the people in the rear, who started there, some are already so depressed... their condition is starting, that's why i to be honest, i don't think it's right to single out something and discuss it without connecting it to something else, well, that's not how it works, beyond any doubt, obviously, obviously
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, we will still have to see the development of this operation, because we are only witnesses two weeks of fighting by ukrainians in kursk oblast, let 's see. how these events will develop further, i hope that in the next broadcasts we will definitely analyze it in detail with you, thank you for participating in the program, mr. major, it was oleksiy hetman, a military analyst, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. friends, we continue to work live, and of course, in addition to information about the situation in kurshchyna, we monitor what is happening in donetsk region, the situation... in the pokrovsk direction, the enemy is advancing, but, as serhiy tsehotskyi says, this is the press officer the ukrainian army will not allow the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade, yakov handziuk brigade, to capture pokrovsk, despite the intense pressure
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of the enemy, serhiy tsehotskyi said this on the air of the tv channel, let's listen, unfortunately, somewhere we are on... we have to retreat in the sense that it is necessary to preserve personnel, that is , the life and health of everyone, even one military serviceman, is very important. but at the same time, there are those moments that we should not approach, and uh, this is exactly the kind of city pokrovsk is, because it is logistics, it is a combination, it is already such a stave, you know, a symbol of uh, donetsk region, that the city of pokrovsky, there, well, the residents, and the city itself is big, and so on, i hope that the general staff is closely monitoring this and... plans an operation in such a way as to prevent this from happening, it was serhiy
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tsekhotsky, he is the press secretary, press officer, excuse me, of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk. meanwhile, the american institute for the study of war reports with reference to geolocation footage that russian troops have advanced to the southwest of novoselivskyi, that is southeast of. kupyanska and southwest of andriivka, west of svatovo. also, according to analysts, the russians seized a settlement southeast of pokrovsk, and another settlement a little north of novozelandna. besides, russian troops advanced in the northwestern part of pavlivka, to the southwest of ugledar. deeppstate is a ukrainian project that reports in turn that the army... russia occupied the border of the pokrovsky district of the donetsk region, boring and crane,
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and also advanced near grodivka and in zavitny, heavy battles for new york continue. well, there's a lot of information coming out in the last few days and a lot of different information, so we're trying to verify it and give you accurate information because there's a lot of information coming out. unverified information. today i read , in particular, on social networks that there in new york ours seem to control 20% of the territory of new york in donetsk region, the exact information will obviously be available tomorrow morning from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, we will find out, in fact, what is there is happening, and in the meantime, the russians reported that after the arrival of the armed forces... they created the belgorod, kurssk, and
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bryansk military groups on the territory of the kurt region, which are supposed to protect the territories from drone attacks and other means of attack, well at least this information indicates that the russians will prepare, obviously, new strike groups in the northeast, that is , in ukraine, above the sumy region. and in the kursk region, and probably in the bryansk region, in the voronezh region, and also in the belgorod region, at the same time, as bild analyst yulian robka reports, after the ukrainian strikes on the three main bridges across the seym in the kursk region, well, it means the seym flows both in the kursk and sumy regions, this part of the sejm, which flows near ee... near sumy region, but in the direction of the kurt region, up to
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3,000 soldiers may end up in kazan, because the bridges there were blown up, and the military group is in a rather critical condition, again , we will discuss all the information about how events will develop already in the next broadcasts, because this is operational information that is received. from news feeds, and we follow her throughout the day. i would like to remind you, friends, that we are conducting a survey throughout the broadcast today and we are asking you the following: will you stop activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine after the adoption of the law by the verkhovna rada of ukraine. today, the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted the law on the activities of religious organizations in ukraine, and we are talking about related religious organizations. with the russian federation, and here we are asking whether, after
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the adoption of this law , the roc will stop its activities in ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, you can write your own comment under this video, if you have a separate opinion, if you watch us on tv, take your smartphone or phone with you and vote for the numbers if you think that after the adoption of this law... the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine may stop here is this law that was passed today, it is better known as the law on banning the activities of the russian orthodox church, and today in the second reading during consideration in the verkhovna rada, this
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law was supported by 265 people's deputies, which provides for this law, this law. implies that the russian orthodox church should be banned as a religious organization. the activities of all organizations affiliated with the russian orthodox church will be terminated according to a clear procedure, which will include an investigation, an order for the execution of the law and a court injunction. the russian orthodox church and its affiliated structures will not be able to use state and communal property. transition of communities to ukrainian. of the local orthodox church will be simplified, and actually this transition can last up to 9 months, that is, this is a very long transition period from the conditional existence of the uoc mp before the transition of the parishes to the orthodox church of ukraine can be approximately 9
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months, then these regs'. organizations that do not transfer to the ocu, or do not declare that they do not cooperate, or do not provide documents that they do not work with russian structures, means that there will be an injunction through the court, but it is also interesting that today the security service of ukraine. published statistics on how moscow popes work on the territory of the ukrainian state, how they work against this state, first a full-scale invasion, against more than 100 criminal cases were initiated against uoc and mp priests, more than 100 priests
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worked for the russian federation, almost 50 of them have already reported suspicion, and... 26 received, 26 received court sentences, and this is also indicative, because in principle we understand that in the current situation , the russian special services are working quite actively on the territory of the ukrainian state, the russian orthodox church was and remains the tool used by vladimir putin during this war against the ukrainian state, because it is a very large organized structure a branch of the russian orthodox church, the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, although in may 22 , at its council, this church or this organization decided that they are a separate, separate church from the russian
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orthodox church, they have no relation to the russian orthodox church, but the fact remains that... the priests of this church worked and apparently some of them continue to work together with the russians, because the fact that more than 100 priests of the uoc mp initiated criminal cases during the full-scale invasion is still a serious number and shows that russia was and remains that... country that influences the ukrainian orthodox church of the ooc mp, including through the russian orthodox church, but in this case the security service also did not report, unfortunately, how much , during the great, i mean the entire russian-ukrainian war,
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criminal cases were initiated against the priests of the uoc, mp, taking into account the fact that... in the first year of russia's invasion of ukraine, we saw both churches and monasteries of the russian orthodox church were used by these russians organized orthodox structures in order to hide there russian secret service agents who, as was the case in donetsk region, were hiding there. in the premises of the ukrainian, ukrainian orthodox church, and of course there are a lot of questions about that. and how, how will this whole procedure take place, and in what way will the branch of the russian orthodox church, which has always been the ukrainian orthodox
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church of the moscow patriarchate, disappear from the map of ukraine. perhaps maksym rozumny, political expert, doctor, will answer these and other questions political sciences. mr. maxim, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, zelenskyi calls the law passed today in the verkhovna rada a law on spiritual independence, what will change in ukraine after the adoption of this law, and does this mean that the adoption of this law puts an end to the existence of a branch of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, and we understand that we are talking about a church that has a long history of cooperation. with the russian orthodox church, this is the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, and what can prevent ukrainians from
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get rid of this church? i think that we are facing a long period of such certain uncertainty, that is, the law puts an end to the issues of legal entities, that is, these... communities, issues of property, but about which, which way these, uh, religious organizations will go , these priests and their parishioners, for now we can only predict, study options, uh, and it is obvious that this process will be accompanied by... some new decisions that no longer lie within the scope of ukrainian legislation, i.e. no longer in competence verkhovna rada, for example, but in the competence
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of other decision-making centers, let's say this, recently this story appeared on the agenda, and they started talking about it, about trying to get a second tomos, for example. parallel to this, there was another, but already very insistent, appeal by metropolitan epiphanius of kyiv, the head of the orthodox church in ukraine, to metropolitan onufry with a call for unification, unconditional, without preconditions, and so on. all this signals to us that the path will be long. but i would call the adoption of this law such a point of no return, that is, that church, that branch of the russian orthodox church,
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which remained with us literally until today, well, until the moment the new law comes into force, this organization will no longer exist, but those people who were part of it and those people who, so to speak, support it, they remain in ukraine. and their path to , so to speak, ukrainian church affiliation, it will obviously be long and these people will take different paths, i think someone will join the ukrainian of the orthodox church in ukraine, someone will, so to speak, move to some kind of illegal status, someone will look for... forms of self-organization, well, for example, patriarch filaret broke with the orthodox church in ukraine and created his own
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religious organization, that is , some other religious organizations will emerge, who will insist on their understanding of canonicity there, something else, it will be a long and obviously difficult process, but the main thing is that the church that will be subordinated to... we will no longer have in moscow, but what will be the reaction in your opinion, from the side of russia, because the russian orthodox church has always believed that everything that is on the territory of ukraine is originally russian, and theirs, including the church, all these parishes, they controlled all these structures for a long time and probably they also partially control, er... both for putin and for russians in general, this existence of the russian orthodox church, this, this, this is a very important element of their policy towards ukraine.
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of course, of course, for them it is such a painful process, and in fact there is already a first reaction, a very sharp one, that is, they are all earthly and heavenly punishments on our heads, so to speak so to speak, they call for this decision, but here we should also pay attention to certain such moments, which i would associate with such a specific sphere of church politics, we remember. what was the reaction of the same onufry to the beginning of a full-scale invasion, that is, it was not rejection and rejection, and i think, for a certain part of the clergy, the ukrainian orthodox church, it was treason, russia's attack on ukraine, since she, so to speak, this act he er... well, he is openly
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hostile, and this has undermined the position of this church in ukraine, and we remember that if so to speak, there were certain contradictions, that is, uh, i think that the crack in the relations between the kyiv metropolitanate and the russian orthodox church, it has passed and it has existed for quite a long time, so on the ideological front, so to speak... on the ideological front plan, of course, russia will try to use this event to the fullest and will talk about the catastrophe, orthodoxy and all that, but in a certain, in a certain moral sense and in a certain, probably also in an organizational sense, i think that it did not become a surprise for cyril and for the clergy roc, and in general... this is a natural step
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that was already impossible, so to speak, to stop. i think there is such a perception somewhere in the majority, clergy and parishioners, of the ukrainian orthodox church in ukraine itself, i think they understood what was going on, and already, so to speak, this broken, broken cup will already be glued together, it will be impossible , well... and obviously, the current decision will also affect russia's position regarding possible negotiations, which have been talked about a lot in the western press over the past few months and talked about the fact that these negotiations seem to be proceeding. lavrov says that, especially after what happened in kurshchyna, the possibility of negotiations with ukraine is almost zero. let's listen to what ribbentrop says.
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after the attacks on the kurdistan region began, even the invasion of the territory of the kurdistan region, there is no talk of any negotiations. and the president also said a very important thing that i would like to draw attention to, that we will definitely evaluate this situation a little later. well, the rumors about certain hidden contacts to prepare for negotiations with issues of energy facilities in russia and ukraine with the mediation of qatar, no matter what anyone says about any hints that russia will somehow be involved there, it's all from the sly, because i say once again, it's about the bürgenstock process, which is unacceptable for us , which has the sole purpose of promoting an ultimatum called the zelenskyi formula. mr. maksym, do you agree that this whole story with the kursk region,
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the west. for the armed forces of ukraine in the territory of the region, and now there is also a decision regarding the ban of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, which they simply put a cross on, well, at least in the near future, in possible even hypothetical negotiations of advisers or third assistants in qatar or in other countries, so of course now in this situation. that is, the prospect of any negotiations is remote, so to speak, although, so to speak, the situation on the battlefield continues to remain at a dead end, and so our offensive on kurshchyna simply leveled our chances to a certain extent and does not allow putin to speak from a position of strength , in those conditions when the russian troops slowly, but...


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