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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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and thrifty in the august issue of the magazine krania will tell about the return from captivity, how ukraine is looking for its own, will we return all the children kidnapped by russia? the country touches on painful topics for all ukrainians. we talk to experts, listen to the stories of soldiers who were captured. ask for the country at press outlets or pre-pay online. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. qualification assessment is under threat. why did the grand chamber of the supreme court change its practice? the case clearly shows that there are problems with the supreme court, and which of the unscrupulous can remain in office? a number of judges who are there can be. are so
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sensitive and important for the judicial mafia, watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel on thursday, august 22 at 5:45 p.m. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express yours opinion on the malice of the day for dopo'. my telephone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. dear friends, we are back, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio we work for you and continue our marathon, now we will ask about what is happening in the kharkiv direction , we are waiting for the appearance on
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our air of the officer of the rubizh brigade of the national guard of ukraine volodymyr chernyak, and we are already adding him, mr. volodymyr, good morning, good morning, studio, do you have news, please tell me, well, the night was relatively calm, if it is possible to say so, of course, clashes are constantly going on, but the enemy did not carry out active assault actions in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the fourth brigade of operational assignment of the line. the enemy is now mainly engaged in internal rotations, makes up for the losses in personnel and equipment inflicted on him by the defenders of ukraine, in particular the servicemen of our brigade, carries out constant aerial reconnaissance and mining of the surrounding territories. is it true that now in the kharkiv direction, the russians slightly lost their pace, or was it a runaway? well, in principle
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it is possible to say so, i do not think that it is connected with the fact that the russians planned to do it, i think that after all, the ukrainian side, our defenders, manage to very skillfully use the resources they have, all the advantages the landscape of the kharkiv region, which allows you to actively attack the enemy and drive them into the defensive, in particular, a few days ago in the direction where... my brigade is standing, there were successful these are such small counter-offensive actions, thanks to which it was possible to knock out the enemy from the positions he took from us earlier, which shows that ukrainian soldiers are really very strong and confidently act in this direction. er, financial times writes that the armed forces in... ukraine are experiencing
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a certain ammunition hunger, after the offensive in the kursk region in the russian federation has now begun, it is obvious that some resources have also gone there, can you confirm or deny this? i'm sorry, who is feeling projectile hunger? armed forces ukraine, well, the ammunition famine, let's say this, is not news for a long time, since from... it is clear that we are no longer the second world war, there they calculated that there was as much ammunition per day as during the second world war, there could have passed in a year, really active, both offensive actions and defensive actions require from, well , probably every army in the world, which knows what it is doing, a huge amount of just ammunition, of course, no one lowers the level of these ammunition to a critical point, yes if possible to carry out a successful
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offensive, there are really not enough shells, at least in order to carry out active defensive actions, i believe that in principle they are quite enough, we... we can see this, since in the kharkiv direction, in particular in the area of ​​responsibility of our brigade, well, our military personnel are actively maintaining the defense, not allowing the enemy to advance even a meter of our land, in some places successfully pushing it back, therefore the ammunition shortage is really relevant, we are waiting for a possible increase in assistance from our western partners, however at least for carrying out defensive actions. well , so far the situation is quite acceptable, huh, mr. volodymyr, well, it’s already august 21 , the summer ends, it’s hot, it’s dry, then it’s autumn, and i understand that forecasts
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are a very ungrateful thing in war, nevertheless, if we take kharkiv area of ​​the front, and what will autumn bring, what will bring the actual corners on... probably a slowdown of some hostilities, well , you can only predict that, yes, well, autumn, autumn, winter, in general, in some places from previous experience is characterized by a significant decrease intensity of combat operations, but of course these seasons also open up new opportunities, in particular for our military personnel, in particular for uav units, these are fpv units, units that work with heavy uav systems, and how to conduct positional warfare in the summer in cases where both sides are defending themselves, it is quite difficult because of the green areas, of which there are a lot in the kharkiv region, uh, reducing them opens up a new range
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of opportunities for us to destroy the enemy, i hope, well, i believe that he will quite successfully used, because the enemy clearly feels very insecure on the territory of the kharkiv region, and i think that we will use all the advantages and ignore all the difficulties that await us in the autumn and winter period. mr. volodymyr, we know that we, you, collect the same for the trenches for the rubizh brigade, and we actually give this account number and show it, as well as the qr code, you can see it, we also... give and account number 16 - ten-digit, so you can type it manually or write it down later drop a couple of hryvnias, and we can either take a picture of the screen, that’s also a simple way to do it, so that you can see it on the screen soon, i know that we conduct our collection and everyone knows, and for three
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brigades at the same time, but also but also to the border brigade, our viewers can also ask, mr. volodymyr, what are they doing? well, first of all, the highest priority for every unit commander right now is to save the life of an infantryman in the face of enemy air superiority in terms of fpv drones. now we know that in russia their production and the application is placed on the conveyor, on the military rails, so there are really a lot of them, and the infantry for successful assaults and... defense, they should feel quite confident, since in some places in some areas it is impossible to even raise your head, since 10 fpv to you at once flies in, and this is really a problem for every commander who takes care of his personnel, to ensure his life,
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well, the preservation of his life and health, you need to provide them with trench rebs, which are now extremely rare. relevant, as i am i often talk to infantrymen, they always point out that if our infantryman comes into contact with a russian infantryman, then in 99% of cases he comes out the winner from this fight, now rap is the only thing that exerts, so to speak, a negative influence on our servicemen and does not allow them to fully use all their advantages both during the repulse of the infantry against... the enemy and during offensive actions on the enemy's positions, so i ask all those who care, of course, to join in and support our servicemen, trench slaves are extremely relevant, you know that you will donate to preserve the life and health of your military personnel who protect you
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every day, every minute. well, i hope that just at this moment, donats from our viewers are flying either for that qr code or for that card number that is indicated: on our title, as you can see, there is now rapping in the trenches for the rubizh national guard brigade. dear friends, scan or take a picture of the screen and then you can do it. go to the qr code or the card number and transfer as much as you don't mind if you want to assemble a front line brigade, 5000 uah, i understand correctly, yes, 500 00 uah is how much trench ridges can be bought for this money , well, of course, this is not enough to provide all units with trench ridges, but at least provide them. one direction where it is most relevant, as we understand that the intensity
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of the enemy's use of unmanned aerial vehicles of this type is different and differs from area to area, in principle, in order to provide a specific unit on a certain front line, this will be enough, well, mr. volodymyr, we want to collect this amount for you as soon as possible, volodymyr chernyak, an officer of the border brigade of the national guard of ukraine was with us, we talked about what is happening in kharkiv. direction, dear friends, thank you for responding to what we say on the air, see your comments when i have time, respond, uh, join us, our, watching our air and also live on youtube, also join our youtube channel, you are there you will be able to watch not only live broadcasts of what is happening on the air, on the live air of the tv channel, but you will be able to view the content that is being made. exclusively for the youtube channel of the tv channel, you will be able to watch
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listen, yesterday we received greetings from germany, yesterday we received greetings from israel, today there were no greetings from different countries, there were some from different, so far from different parts of ukraine, but we work until 12 o'clock, so what else we hope for your greetings under our... youtube broadcast, write where you watch us, we will make a kind of roll call, we are going on a break now, actually this is an opportunity for you to write, leave your comment, well, next we have serhii zgurets, director of information -consulting company defense express, let's talk about things at the front and not only, stay with us, you want to wake up rested and full of strength, but everything constantly hurts from the old mattress. body, on the sofa, you can't turn around, you can't find a comfortable position, you need
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millions to buy drones, to buy repistems and give them, for this morning you and i have... but this is not the limit, i remind you that the calculation is like this, if 50 00 every morning, then somewhere at the beginning of october in the end drones and repsystems will be in our defenders on the front lines, so scan, and to mr. sergey we say good morning, good morning, i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers, but they say that it is not a good morning in moscow, today in moscow, they said that this is the largest attack drones on the russian capital. mr. serhiy, is it so? in fact, is this attack the largest? well, i think the largest drone attack on the russian capital is yet to come. now we are talking about the fact that the enemies are reporting that
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eight or 10 drones were allegedly shot down over moscow, they are also talking about 45 drones. i understand that this is such a planned operation of the armed security forces, the armed defense forces, the security forces, which is directed precisely at hitting objects in russia that have military and political significance, we will see which objects were under attack by our drones , let me remind you that it is more than 400 km there, and that's just right well, quite an achievable goal for our drones, let me remind you that... at one time , the americans were against ukrainian drones striking moscow. there was a certain pause, and now we see that such planned measures are taking place on the ukrainian side, which are primarily directed at strikes on targets, such as russian airfields, we know that just last week there was a whole series of such strikes on
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the airfield where the front-line forces are based bombers of the russian federation, this is precisely... lipetsk, and morozovsky, and savasleyka, where the strategic interceptors of the russian federation, these are the bearers of daggers, that is, and then we will remember the recent attack on the oil depot in the rostov region, which is still burning, where the strategic reserves of diesel fuel for the russian army were stored for the third day in a row. the russians can't put out these fires and these fuel tanks are being destroyed, there seems to be 25 out of 70 of these tanks, and the satellite images continue to confirm that these fires are continuing, so in any case we are saying that the security forces and defense forces, relying on their own potential,
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relying on the potential of unmanned systems, are now carrying out measures that are completely complementary to the actions that our defense forces are currently carrying out in the kursk region. people's deputy maryana bezugla wrote a post 14 hours ago where there is a bug. the interesting political assessments, where he calls syrsky a ukrainian bug, says that he is a master or disappeared, that the whole story is in kursk and so on, in a word, he is in a state of shock, the loss of an entire region, well, less with that word, i am everything is so simple for you briefly named for the audience, but... from what bezugla said, which is definitely worth commenting on, and according to her statements, if the enemy takes pokrovsk, she is sure that this will happen in the near future, then
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a direct road to pavlograd opens, where , i quote, right now , there are no fortifications at all, beyond the dnipro, and are there really no fortifications there, why, i think that measures... certification should have been carried out in all directions, i am sure that certain lines of defense in any in any case exist, but now, if ms bazuga emphasizes precisely the situation in the pokrovsk direction, the situation is really not simple now, the enemy there, starting sometime in may, moved about 20 km to... in the direction of pokrovsk along the railway, but all these sections of the advance were almost in open terrain without of the dominant
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heights, where the enemy used his usual tactics, the advantage of manpower and artillery aviation, now the line of defense rests in grodivka novogrodivka, these are actually densely built-up agglomerations. these are the directions where it is so easy for the enemy to advance it will no longer be possible, because it will be easier to carry out defense precisely in the built-up area, although, the word easier here is this, well, with certain assumptions, and we understand that now from this section grodivka, novogrodivka and selidove are actually, i repeat. e sections of the front, which have a different relief, precisely connected with a significant number of buildings and everything else, now i think that this line of defense will be
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the main object of russian influence, and considering the fact that a significant number of russian forces and our forces directed to this area, i think that it is hardly possible to speak about what is fast enough. which enemy will manage to push through this line of defense, and also, let's talk about what is happening now in kurshchyna, we already call kurshchyna that way, kurshchyna, as if it is already some ukrainian territory there, and it's just easier than that kursk region, they say that 300 russian soldiers may end up in the cauldron, mr. serhiy, well, yesterday we... saw a speech by general sirsky, where we saw certain new data on the situation in the kursk region, where certain maps were shown that determine
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line of contact with russian troops, it is actually a little deeper into russian territory than the maps that were used before, although i am sure that this data from silsky is not the most recent, because it was public, and we can see ... what is happening there the advance of the armed forces in several directions, now this map shows the advance of our armed forces in general, where these arrows are dark blue, this is the advance, on the left side of the map we can see exactly this area, where the russian capabilities of the russians to use were destroyed. bridges, and this area is now actually clamped on one side by the seim river, on the south by our state border, and on the east by hostilities
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. where our armed forces are advancing to kurenovo, and in fact this area is really 40 km wide and 20 km deep, and the western media assume that there are up to three thousand russian soldiers there, it is known that this number is somewhat exaggerated, they may be there, i think it is half as much, but in any case, the threat to the encirclement of russian troops in this area remains, and now the enemy... tried to use the pontoon crossings that he was building there instead of the destroyed fixed bridges, and yesterday we saw a video from the sternenko community where our drones destroy the russian equipment that provides these crossings quite quickly, and we can conclude that these events of 22, 23 24th year and 24th year, they differ significantly in terms of how quickly russian targets are detected and how quickly they are destroyed by the drones themselves, so in
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any case... this er pocket is related to the er- is a section from the diet to our state border and further east is so extremely dangerous for the russian federation, and we will see how the enemy will act, or will withdraw his troops from this trap, or , on the contrary, will take risks and build pontoon crossings and try to saturate this area with forces and means, well, with ... the reports about the fact that ukrainian troops are now entrenched in the occupied territories are still being asked, what do they testify to? well, actually, when we recall silsky's explanation yesterday, he reminded us of a number of goals for our group to the viin-kurdish region, this is anticipating the enemy's actions, perhaps it is meant that the enemy there is trying
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to carry out such... actions in his own time, then to provide just the sanitary zone that will make it impossible to shell the sumy region there, and he further spoke about that the enemy is now trying to transfer his units in this direction, to strengthen his forces in order to restrain the advance of our troops, and further everything will be determined by the operational situation, as sirsky said, so i think that for now we can talk about... anchoring our troops on a certain line, it is still premature, because now we can see what is happening and the further advance of our units in the kursk region, it is somewhat slower than it was before, because the enemy really began to transfer troops from different directions, to form such a heterogeneous and motley grouping there in the west, in the central part
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in... the east, where it is trying to restrain the advance of our troops, there it also transfers operational, partly strategic reserves, there were estimates that in general the grouping of russians in the kursk region is now somewhere up to 25 thousands of personnel, our troops there are different estimates, if you look at the publications of foreign media, it was said that at first there were 10,000, then the economist magazine said that we will increase... the number to 2,000 personnel, the enemies are there they call - they call there figures of almost 50,000 personnel of the ukrainian troops, i think that this is of course a certain exaggeration, but here the enemy is probably just scared, but in any case we understand that both sides are transferring units to strengthen their groups, and so on in everything it will depend on how the situation will be in certain directions, mr. serhiy, thank you,
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serhiy zurets, director of the information consulting company. defense express was with us, dear friends, and we are approaching the 9th, at the ninth minute of silence, let's honor the memory of those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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