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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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before his detention and accusation, and only international publicity and the work of the ukrainian ukrainian authorities and our citizens in the diaspora made it possible to break the situation and free him, i think that such processes can be, i say that this is this is very unpleasant be a thing, but at the same time, well , we decided that we will join the majority, well, let's see how it ends, thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was viktor yagun, major general of the sbu reserve, former deputy head of the sbu. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook. please like this video, subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey. today we ask you the following question: does the moscow church threaten the security of ukraine? yes, no, although sort of. then
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rhetorical questions, maybe there will be different answers, if you have a separate answer, please leave it in the comments under the video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for the numbers, if you think that the moscow church threatens the security of ukraine, 0800 211 381, no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, call at the end of the program . we will sum up the results of this vote, then we have roman tsimbalyuk, a journalist, former vlaskor unian and unian in moscow, and a person who has a large youtube channel, 1,230,00 subscribers, so roman, i congratulate you and i invite you to the conversation and i invite our viewers subscribe to your youtube channel. sergey, congratulations, thank you for such a wonderful promotion. roman, let's get started. our conversation from
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kurshchyna, because the offensive of the ukrainian army has been going on for two weeks, more than two weeks, 93 settlements are already under the control of the ukrainian army, 1260 km, probably this number has already increased, because syrskyi spoke about it yesterday, and what do you think , whether the reaction of the current russian authorities and putin to what is happening in... kurshchyna is adequate, because one gets the impression that they are doing it in order to to reduce the threat to russia, from the ukrainian army, putin to aliyev, there for tea, then to ramzan kadyrov, then he demonstrates, then these apples, somewhere there he ate apples at this or tried them at some exhibition of an agro-industrial complex, well , the impression is that a person does not have more problems,
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how to fly to baku, to grozny and visit the agricultural exhibition with the farmers, kursk is on fire, he pretends that everything is fine, well, sergey, there were not only apples there, there was also apple puree without sugar, and this seems important to me, well this this is age-old, just apples without sugar, mashed potatoes, and... as for the visit to baku, it was obviously planned in advance, and here, apparently, they simply decided not to cancel it, well, it actually corresponds to this behavior that putin is pretending that nothing is reflected, well, it is true, and today in the public space, everyone is waiting for putin to do something like that, so he will punish us all here, so he will start bombing us, he will probably start, because what else can he offer , here, even in the public space what... when
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lavov is asked, so what are we going to do? the answer is always the same, like, it ’s a maniac who has to decide, but not putin, i understand it that way, and maybe he thinks that some kind of secession is happening, my personal opinion is that he’s just confused, and i feel a certain tension in general in this russian the political class, there are generals who, who began to be imprisoned en masse, the fsb, which is responsible for the war within the framework of the kto, and the kto, as we... know this negative sfo, that is, the war on russian territory, that is, many nuances of such that they say that not everyone is putin are satisfied, and there are corresponding statements among the so -called zpatriotic community, that is , ultra-nazis, who say this, including on state tv channels, and it seems to me that he is silent and thinks how to sweat it all out, because what are the conclusions, mobilization must be carried out and...
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by and large there are no other options, and it's not that we are these people, it's a pity for boys in panties 18 plus, the question is that loot, oh... it is not bottomless, not immeasurable, and they are still they say that they have a lot of problems with working hands, and about demobilization, this situation will become even worse, well, that is, he has a difficult situation, the only thing that is clear, it is clear at the moment, that they will bomb kurshchyna, and you know, when we talk about the kursk region, we are of course happy to analyze all this, but the war , she ruled it everywhere in the same way as in donetsk region. in kurshchyna, it's life, life and life, and we just wanted, as part of our objective joy here in the rear on this occasion, on the successes of our military, not to forget about this important aspect, and not only about kurshchyna, roman, and about sumyshchyna,
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because this is my native land of sumy, and i was born and grew up in the sumy district right where the border of the russian federation begins, understand. that the russians are already trying to destroy these villages, which are closer to the ukrainian, ukrainian-russian border, and in the event that the front moves back, then obviously they will already try to create their own buffer zone in the sumy region, and this is also certain risks is generally for the entire sumy region, but here is what you said about the general. that he started jailing generals, the generals are also annoyed, and the fact that the kto is being carried out under the auspices of the special services, there is also obviously a certain distrust of the military, which allowed the entry of the ukrainian army into the territory of the kursk region, and
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obviously another force that putin is trying to rely on now, that is the chechens, that is , the kadyrivites, because the visit, which was the first after... a year to grozny, can be interpreted as an attempt by putin to enlist the support of the kadyrivites, the akhmatovites, or is that so? i was just thinking about this on my youtube channel , i really come to such conclusions, because against the background of all these scandals, when the rating of the kadyrivets as soldiers, the akhmat as a whole, well, everyone laughs at them or looks at them and is afraid. indeed , the russian soldiers are very afraid of them, because they can be punished for some wrong word against the kadyrivites, but the fact remains that here are the conversations of aronovich and luudiny about the fact that we got away with the ukrainian army, and so six times, well, excuse me, well, it
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looks a little bit strange, i remember here another old man, almost kremlinsky, his name was yevgeny prigozhin, and here is such a quote was you can't throw out the words from the song, and if we are, i apologize for the direct language, but as they say, we can see that the kaderivites never, well, they came under artillery fire near kiev once at the very beginning, we killed many of them there, but not all of them . but since then , the glory of the tiktok troops has gone to a great extent, because everyone fought, except for the chechens, and they were photographed, and now, well, i want to say, if someone thinks that the chechens will run to the ukrainian machine guns in the kursk
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region, well, i have big doubts that they are so stupid, the more they obey after all, not yerasimov, but kadyrov, then obviously this resource of soldiers... will be used precisely in order to keep the power inside, inside russia, in order to hang the generals, to hang this patriotic community, which, by the way, apti aronovych called these are not chickens, nor chickens, but male chickens, well, it seems to me a bit, not like the army, like the cock zone, you wanted to say, well, yes, thank you, well... i had to say it, because the audience, maybe the continuation of this series was not entirely clear. look, putin met with mothers of beslan, and by the way, he was also there in beslan for the last time, if i am not mistaken, in 2004, that is, he
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did not come to this place, he suddenly came here and during a conversation with the mothers of beslan, he accused of helping terrorists, some ground forces, which are allegedly still trying... let's listen to russia, what he said. as for our adversaries and enemies, they continue this work with an effort to shake ours. this is obvious, and the way we fought terrorists, we will have to fight those who commit crimes in the kurdish region, on donbass and novorossiya, but just as we achieved our goals in the fight against terrorism, we will achieve our goals in this direction as well. well, putin fought terrorists so much that he himself became a world terrorist and headed the largest terrorist organization, which is called the russian federation, and here he ... says that now we will fight those who commit crimes in
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kursk region in donbass, he started repeating novarossia again, this is a long-forgotten word, but eh, this is what he is saying now, or will it have such quick consequences for implementation, that is, does he just say these blanks and other phrases and... these phrases, they are simply devalued, as with any phrases that he spoke for 2.5 years, there is denazification, demilitarization, well i.e. the fact that simply these words have already ceased to be perceived as some kind of action, yes, i would like this new russia to grow in his mouth together with the spire, and with great probability, it will, but first a stake in berezovy's heart, well, there you can... choose the trees to everyone's taste, well in general, this is a very strange situation, first of all
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, someone wants to rock russian society, well, first of all, it is not rocking, putin simply arranges such urinotherapy for them, and they pretend that they do not exist, so it is very difficult to rock what no, because there are people, but society as such, well, to be honest, i do not see it, that is, it is such an amorphous component, everyone looks... not in front of themselves, down, at the floor, at their feet, and this is the principle they live by , and it's really, really hard to roll them out, and everyone, it all started with the wording, we are not interested in politics, and this is how it happened in general, so that our little son or someone close to us there is not touched and is not sent to the war or to the railway, what he says is to mothers without a plan, well, probably it is also to a certain extent just such an insult. and he says it like that, it’s so strange, he has everything, because of whom, beslan, this despite the fact that everyone
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knows, and by the way, the investigation of this terrorist attack, it is not finished even in russia, but beforehand all those who conducted some research on this matter, journalistic and not only that most of the children were killed during the assault by the russian security forces, because well, i don’t know, maybe... it’s such a tradition, they see children, schools, so children, let’s drop them, or aerial bombs, well then just with grenade launchers were thrown from machine guns, and so on and so forth, and there is no investigation, and here it is, if the events that were significant, they simply do not overlap in time, not illogically, children are helpless, unhappy, killed, murdered, etc. the beginning of russia's invasion of ukraine, and then kursk, that is, somehow he i mixed all my own there. do you want this rage that people in russia had back then in 14 during the besklan period, i will remind you that we
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sympathized with them then in general, absolutely sincerely, and now of course no one will sympathize with these dogs, that is also understandable, but it looks somehow well, as far as i'm concerned, it's not that absurd, putin himself is absurd, he's just pathetic, he 's a fool, he's walking around his novorossia, he'll get on his knees somewhere, well, that's probably the only thing... he did something useful, i haven't seen it before, let him somehow behave like that somewhere gets used to standing on his knees, and with great advantage later it turns out that he was the one who gave the order to carry out such an operation, when, well , i don't know, i'm not from the special services, but it seems to me that if there are children in the school, then the school should be shot with the grenade launcher is somehow wrong. but taking into account what putin is doing in ukraine,
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it is quite possible to think that it happened with his participation, in such a way, if earlier it was possible to doubt it, but now no one seems to have such doubts, you rightly called a maniac, but medusa writes about the fact that the kremlin believes that the battles in the kursk region, where the armed forces entered due to optimistic... can last several months and are preparing russians for a new normality, a new normality in quotes, in the conditions of control of the occupied territory of the russian federation by the ukrainian military, it is necessary for people.. . considered that what is happening is not a deviation, but a new norm, let it be a temporary one, it should be reassuring, in a deviation from the norm it is difficult to exist in a norm, let it be a new one, this is quite an interesting thought in the context of what has appeared information that putin said that
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the kursk region should be freed from the ukrainian military there by october 1, but this norm... what is the norm for russian society and they captured 1,260 km there, they lost 93 settlements, and the reason for this is the war, which was developed putin spoke against ukraine, that is , russian society is not used to thinking with such categories and such inferential constructions, well, you see, we actually talked about this, that he does whatever he wants with them. and it seems, well , it seems that this is an emergency, as they say, we are the first the first foreign army after the second world war that entered this territory, and at that time it was not russia at all, but the soviet union, or they are pulling something very hard over there , because fascists are still in ukraine in the forties years went by, and now the
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same fascists and the same center group, yes, the soldiers of the center group are coming. well, that is, here and now i talk to many interesting and intelligent people here in the context of the fact that they can be swayed, yes, they are good guys, that is, i don’t know now, but my wife sent me something that the messages she received about the state services are like, well, i don't know, an analogue of our action or what to call it, and here they write, snap, snap. well, something like that, help the residents of kursk oblast, as they say, this is just about this new normality, you can help the residents of the affected districts of kursk oblast, in some places they write about the victims of individual districts of kursk oblast, what kind of damage they suffered, whether there was rain there , was there a fire there, or what happened there, you see, it’s abstract, abstract, the main thing,
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not to mention the most important thing, and by and large. i saw one interview here, and i was impressed by the russian volunteers on the course, and there is a girl who appears to be saying: well, now it will be like federal journalists will go and kursk will simply turn into donetsk, somewhere they are constantly shooting and this is simply not a federal, federal agenda , that is, they have already made a montage in their heads that they are happy here that they destroyed... that's fine, well, i hope that the drones of the main development department will fly to moscow more often, so that the rest of the inhabitants of russia say: thank you, they will say yes, thank you, kirill budanov, because we cannot
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suffer alone, well, it will be said in russian, and these for... do not feel the war, well, that's how it is in they have it arranged, the state is big, everyone hunts each other, and this is a fact, well, that is, what is happening in the kursk region cannot disturb the neighboring region or two regions further into russia, that is, everyone lives the way he lives, and there is no ... to the feeling that the war is on the territory of the state and not just there in the kurshchyna, well, it is russian federation, territory of the russian federation? well, it turns out that way, but come on , we, we are not lazy, we will simply repeat once again that this is a consequence of russian foreign military policy, military
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aggression, it's nato, get out of here, you are all paying attention to us, there are some images of a maniac that... to the alliance, all the statements that ukraine has something there, that it should join somewhere, that it doesn't go anywhere, that it should agree on its future with the russian nazis, all of this was based on cartoons that showed rockets flying into the states, well from this is the result, and no one has corrected it, you know, i have a friend in moscow, we still communicate with him a lot, and he says that in general... and putin is the best tsar in the world, because he is nothing doesn't force you to do it, even now, uh, for money, when there was mobilization, each of them could sit down and go to... go to kazakhstan, to armenia, then it was generally simple, and now it is possible, no one kept you border, everyone who wanted to go and not participate in the war, they
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did it, so it all started in the 14th year, when the russians, they simply supported the annexation of the ukrainian crimea, and it went on, it all goes back from there, they supported it then, but now 10 years have passed, get a russian monster, a russian nazi, that's it. "yes, he is terrible, and it is terrible for us, and it will be terrible for them, and we just need to stop shooting, as one of the candidates for the presidency of ukraine, our presidential candidate, said, eh, roman, one more important question, and the topic is very important, it is a reaction to what is happening on the territory of the russian federation now, from russia's allies, the so-called allies of the post-soviet countries space". because there is the cis, the commonwealth of independent states, of course, but there is the so-called military union of the csto, and accordingly, in
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the current situation, in principle, the csto would be enough, putin should turn to the csto and say: listen, we were attacked, we need to defend ourselves, well, at least some formal things should be done in order to show that this csto is alive, and not only... it exists there in the form of a russian contingent that once flew to kazakhstan, but thanks to china was very quickly expelled from kazakhstan, remember, in in january of the 22nd year before the war in ukraine, they landed there and very quickly got out of there, i.e. these are all the structures after what the ukrainian army did in kursk oblast, well, in fact, they are dead, they died, well, this proves it. this situation, well, let's just name the states that are participating in this, this is kazakhstan, yes, well, this state, well, let's put it this way, i think
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that in the matter of war, they are still more on our side, than in russian, there even according to the vote in the un, there it can be seen that they either vote neutrally there, well, that is , they do not support this war, and even i have on my channel according to the number of comments with kazakh flags, well... it is clear that this is not a representative story, but still, well, even the president of kazakhstan, he once nimtsovai gave an interview at the very beginning of his arrival in their main office, and he had the following phrase there: well, what is this annexation, what kind of annexation is this, well, that's what i just wanted, like, well, let's not talk about it, let's move on the position in general is public political, it is pro-ukrainian, at least that's how i saw it. maybe specialists will correct me, then there is kyrgyzstan and tajikistan, these countries, they, well, first of all, they have their own cinema there, they are far away, and something
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tells me that we have no contradictions with kazakhs, tajiks, kyrgyz they won't, well, and they participate because they are small and so on, and they have their own problems, well, it just looks kind of absurd, and even, well, even political participation. looks absurd, because they, again, they do not politically support russia in this case, remains in armenia, well, armenia has de facto left, and belarus, alexander hryhorovych, he is trying to save the honor of the union state, if they don't laugh here, yes, and that's all, he drives tanks there, at least he declares that he drives tanks near the border , transfers aviation to the borders, i want to say, belarusians, to russian airfields, the tactical variant, on the contrary, must be taken away from the border, well, if you want to fight with us, and if you just want
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to document your planes on your territory, then at least stand on your head , it's not us avoids, well, it is simply to the fact that here we are already trying to set fire to a deer, which is 1,800 km near finland, then to oleksandr hryhoryovych, his... krinin, well, look at the theater of combat and remember that you will behave badly, you will be left without the moser oil refinery, well, this is an obvious thing, which officials and i do not really talk about, and we are not ashamed to say it out loud, so this story is about the csto , there is no csto, there is no cis, cis, there is no no eurasian union, as it turned out, because in case of what, if to me if he doesn't like something, he just... cuts down obstacles in manual mode and that's it, that's how it all started back when it was banned in our country.
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roshen candies in russia sometime in the 14th year, i will just remind you that they said that the candies are bad, i don't know what kind of candies, i know that many people like them, the question is not their quality, the question is that it was a political movement , a political decision for and they began to break this free trade zone within the framework of the cis, that 's how they do it everywhere, and in these and that is, no matter what anyone says, in nato anyway there is this one consensus, if it didn't exist, we wouldn't be reading here a lot of news about orbán and hungary as a whole, who blocked something again, and everyone there is thinking how to convince them to unblock it, here it's a completely different story, and when it was created dkb, it was an organization that recorded those countries that look at moscow, but now at moscow, it seems to me, well, who is only
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looking at grigorych, and then... well, he is looking at both russia and china at the same time, that's why i i think that china is more likely to play along with china than putin, but in this situation of course, these past 2.5 years simply showed the cardboard structures that in principle do not solve anything, which were part of the government. in the post-soviet space, and they are also simply, well, they are sham organizations that do not solve anything at all, cannot do anything, are not capable of helping anything, including russia, and russia cannot help them in any way, that is, the situation on kurshchyna, she once again simply demonstrated that putin as such does not have support at all in the post-soviet space, because this whole history, that the soviet union will be restored,
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but with... such an administration, it is impossible to restore anything at all, to mold something and say that it is a single whole, well , that's the end, we have one minute on the air, which can be a further scenario of putin's introduction of war, they will play a people's war, we should not relax for a second, they wanted to kill us all, and they want to, and now plus bomb kursk. region, so it is necessary to demand from the allies weapons, planes, pilots, ah, and negotiations, pilots and negotiations, bombs and negotiations, and look, look, we will come to an agreement somewhere in the middle in kursk region. thank you, roman , for the conversation, i will remind our viewers that it was roman tsymbalyuk, my colleague, blogger, a person who has 1,230,000 subscribers on his youtube channel, join the youtube
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channel. roman tsimbalyuk. friends, we conduct polls throughout our broadcast. today we ask you about whether the moscow church threatens the security of ukraine. let's look at the interim results of the survey. 93% - yes 7% - no. i remind you once again, we remind you on our broadcasts that until august 24, espressa is preparing a special project "light people in dark times". interesting stories about heroic people, interviews with viktor yushchenko, svyatoslav shevchuk, serhii plokhey and much more. and on... august 24, the documentary film 10 years of war on independence day at espresso from 8 am to midnight, be there, and stay friends with us, in 15 minutes we will return to the studio, we will have viktor boberenko and sergey taran, let's talk about russian orthodox church and kurshchyna and putin's strategy in the next few months, stay with us.
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ukrainian forces are gradually advancing in the kursk region at a time when the russian army has increased its pressure on pokrovsk. will the advancement of the armed forces in russia force? pull the forces of the russian federation from the eastern direction, we are talking about this today on the bbc, in the studio of jafer umerov. the ukrainian offensive in kurshchyna has been going on for more than two weeks. during this time, as of august 20, ukrainian troops control 93 settlements in the region. this is oleksandr silsky's statement. on on this map you can see approximately where the battles are taking place. conclusions about the presence of significant forces.


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