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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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told about what is happening in different directions of the front and in particular what is happening in the kharkiv region, where the third assault brigade is moving forward little by little, dear friends, by the way, the third assault brigade, a separate assault brigade, is the brigade for which, among others, we are collecting drones and on repstems, and in addition to it, we are also collecting for the 47th and 110th, look at the qr code on the screens, scan, you see, we collect for them, and they... meanwhile, they knock out the enemy from our territory, do a good deed, clean our land from moskal, and that it would be even better for them to do it, let's we will donate to the drone and rebsystems, the qr code is here, scan it or take a photo, you and i have already collected 18,000 for this morning, we are not a little closer to the 1,900 mark, if we add a few more hryvnias, then it will be like that. uh, as much as anyone can. we are going for
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a break, we will return, we still have an hour and a half of our participation in the marathon ahead of us. so be with espresso. in the third year of the war, the enemy wants to plunge us not only into darkness without light, but also into the darkness of despair. what dream victory is accelerated by the ukrainian rear? see in special projects espresso: bright people in dark business times. imperial tobacco is one of the largest producers of tobacco products in ukraine. the company says that the war was a great test. at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, it was necessary to completely rebuild logistics and focus only on the domestic market. the most difficult test for the factory was the attack of russian thrones in may 2023. the enterprise suffered significant destruction, but survived and continues to work.
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liquidation of the consequences also takes place on today, and we drew up an action plan, because production, warehouses, and logistics were also attacked, that is, the destruction was really quite serious. during this attack, none of the employees were injured, because everyone was in shelter. to date, the company has invested more than uah 50 million in the security of the state and equipped its own bomb shelters in accordance with all state regulations. as soon as we hear the alarm, we are here, we stop production and all ours. employees, we are all going to shelter. over the past two years, the altobaco empire kept all jobs and even expanded the staff to 70 employees. in addition, 40 employees joined the ranks of the armed forces. our company has decided that we will support our employees. we keep the workplace, we keep the wages and all those bonuses and all those additional payments that our employees who work in the company have. in the company, we created a program for the reintegration of veterans together to take care of... employees who
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are being demobilized. this program provides support for military, veterans and their families families, and the entire team of the company undergoes training on how to communicate environmentally with demobilized colleagues. in august of this year, we also received from the veteranhub organization, recognition of the company as a friend to veterans, this is a very, very huge contribution, and our tools, our programs, they are defined as one of the best in ukraine. as noted, the tabaco company will continue. challenges of war and help ukrainians and the state. in 2023, the company paid uah 23 billion in taxes to the state budget, and for next year, there are plans to fully restore exports in order to attract foreign exchange earnings to ukraine.
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the agar sector is one of the most affected industries, but ukrainian farmers continue to work for the food security of the country and the world with the support of big responsible business. the international company corteva agriescience, which is a producer of seeds and plant protection products, completely withdrew from the market of russia and belarus after the start of armed aggression and continued to work so that domestic farmers could sow their fields. not stopped and produced. your seeds at the company's production complex in ukraine, of course, taking into account modern realities, as noted by top managers, for them the safety of employees is of primary importance. the plant has adapted since the 22nd year, it works within all the safety measures that we can provide for ourselves, including a complete shutdown and evacuation of personnel during an air alert, the plant is not working, we do not take risks, for us, after all, human safety - this is the highest value.
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the company directly supplies seeds to more than 500 farms throughout ukraine. our team, she goes to the farmers, they talk about how they see theirs. what crops do they plan to sow, because at the farm level it is important to have a certain set of crops that allows you to get maximum yields, that is , it will not be very advisable to sow one crop there for several seasons from an agronomic point of view, so they communicate with farmers, generally their about their vision for crop rotations for the crops they will sow, then we already offer, based on their technologies, based on what crops they want get and... in which climate zones they are located, we offer the best set of seed hybrids that can meet their demand. another important vector of the company's work was charity and support for the affected households, and at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, more than 2 million us dollars were directed to support
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the affected ukrainians. it also became a partner in programs to provide seeds to small farmers from the most affected areas of ukraine, in particular together with the american background. so we are somewhere distributed about 50,000 seed units, which made it possible to provide more than there, i would say, 150,000 hectares of land to sow there, actually thanks to the fact that in this partnership we provided this seed material, and another program with fao, this is food and the un agricultural organization, and we in partnership with them, provided sunflower units in order to provide farmers in dnipropetrovsk, zaporizhia and donetsk regions, well, actually with seeds so that we could sow. with the support of the ministry agricultural policy, the company implemented an initiative to test soils in the affected regions of the country. after demining
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, heavy metals that harm the human body may remain in the ground, so korteva suggested farmers make sure their land is safe. every farmer can send samples. soils according to the instructions we provide, we, for our part, fully organize the transfer of samples to italy, the processing of the results there, the return of the results to us, the interpretation here in ukraine and certain recommendations in case of finding deviations in one or another, materials or metals. company representatives note that korteva continues to maintain the pace of business development in ukraine and help domestic ones. efficient crops, even in conditions of full-scale war.
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yeoselya is a state program of preferential mortgage lending, until august 2020. in the third year, it was available only to military personnel, educators and doctors, later it was expanded to other categories. tatyana, a mother of three children, says that she and her husband are looking closely at a larger apartment that can be purchased under the eooselya program, they are looking for new buildings, attention was drawn to the residential complex molodist. i like that the territory is closed from cars, that is, all cars are parked behind the residential complex, there are many different leisure activities for children here and... there is a swing, and you can also play chess, and a table for table tennis, well, there is a lot of everything. tatyana notes that it is important for her that the new home is close to the capital, so that the children can study in the current school until they are transferred to the local school. the residential complex
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is located with a good junction to kyiv, my children can go to school in kyiv. the state programs of evodnovlny and yeosel are an example of how the state began to influence ... the real estate market and raise the demand for new housing. developers of the kyiv region say: it is very felt that the program is popular among the population. we have come to the point that the state does not have enough financial resources to cover all the demand, and now the queues for eu renewal have already formed. currently, financing of state mortgage programs has slowed down, but the youth company expects that it will recover soon. at the same time. it is emphasized that all apartments suitable for the e-housing program are also suitable for the e-recovery program.
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when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon. and with toper matrik you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order the mattrik topper for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in... convenient packaging that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory one films, it can be used. a unique cover, in which you can hide your topper, will become not only a new item of interior, but also quite a functional thing. you can use it both while relaxing and while working at home, the toper itself is quite easy to take out and spread out. a topper from the factory means faster production, one to three days and prompt delivery. delivery. is carried out throughout ukraine within two to five working days. with us, you
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know what you're buying, not choosing a set of features. mattrick is your all-rounder a thin mattress for uneven surfaces at an affordable price. order topper matt from one of the country's largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture, and also with a 20% discount. almost any sofa, even a small one, will become a comfortable sleeping place. spread the sofa, spread the topper. and enjoy a flat sleeping surface. joints are almost always an integral part of folding sofas. simply spread the toperk to get a flat sleeping place without joints and unevenness. buy a matryk topper, join the families who have already forgotten what it is the inconvenience of sleeping on folding sofas. orthopedic air foam, a cover with a winter-summer function and an affordable price thanks to an order from the manufacturer. here are three advantages for which ukrainians choose topper matryk. call or follow the qr code and order right now. ordinary things
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become unreal. heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. when buying a large package of 150 g save up to 50%. there are discounts until the day. plantain bam and oskad are available in pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on citramon darnytsia 10% in pharmacies psyllium bam presso. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts. based on the facts, they give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. a symbol of our
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struggle. he is in military uniform, on the front line, on the liberated ukrainian lands, a symbol of the native home, it is in children's drawings, at concerts. rallies over our cities and villages, the personification of victory and a better future, the personification of freedom. the national flag of ukraine, ours, native. friends, we are coming back, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working for you in this studio, we remind you, until 12 o'clock, we have a few more guests, a few there that we want to discuss, and i want... we also remind you about our compilation , while we 're talking, you scan that qr code,
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this is the same qr code that we show on the entire screen, this is the same assembly for 3.5 million, and you and i have already made good progress, we already have uah 1,221.54. and for this morning you and i have already collected 20,000, it's going well, dear friends, thank you to everyone who joins. well , in total, 3.5 million must be collected, a huge amount, and you and i have already started to collect the third hundredth of the second million, well, we hope that even today we will reach the third dozen, all this is possible with your help, all this is possible when you will scan this one qr code and rewrite as much as you think is necessary, then you don't have to be. huge sums, well, in the meantime, we will talk about what awaits us in the fall and winter. stanislav ignativ,
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energy expert, chairman of the board of the ukrainian association of renewable energy is already with us, mr. stanislav, we congratulate you, good day, glory to ukraine, and greetings to everyone and you and all ukrainians with this outstanding holiday, the day of the ukrainian flag. thank you very much, well, i don't know the audience anymore, i listened in the morning, they know, well, but... thank you, thank you very much, andriy does not celebrate, because he believes that historical justice must be restored and this day should be restored, first of all today, today is actually international. black ribbon day is a day when the world commemorates all those who died as a result of the crimes of nazism and stalinism. today exactly 85 years ago, the secret pact of ribbentrop's hammer was signed, which actually began
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the great war in europe, already in 8 days moscow and russian troops entered, for example, the territory of western ukraine, and immediately repressions began, literally on the same day, tens of thousands of people were killed, shot, tortured, thrown with grenades behind the walls of various of the nkvd and so on, well, that is , this day has weight and, in fact , the most important thing for us is that it has nothing to do with the flag, because on the 23rd nothing happened with the flag in the session hall, it was brought to the session hall on the 24th, raised you know when over the purchase of the verkhovna rada september 4. kravchuk was very worried, kravchuk was very worried, afraid that, what, whatever, until september 4th, finally a crowd of people gathered, who chanted, and finally decided, i propose to postpone it to september 4th, in fact, and then everyone will congratulate each other, and i will take it as something personal, but serhii zhadan is against it, because today seems to be his birthday,
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we will talk with serhii zhadan, but now we are talking about energy and whether we will be in the light , in the heat, already? they say that this will be the hardest winter in ukraine since world war ii, you see, here we are again , again the bridge is between that molotov ribbentrop pact, the worst winter since world war ii, do you agree with such predictions? yes, i absolutely agree, because even today we have a deficit of electric energy at the level of 2.4 gw, this is during peak hours, we partially cover it at the expense of the import of electric energy, and it is possible that there will be... disconnections in the evening, if our energy system, we energy workers are not able to cope with this generation, and ukrainians will not save and will use the big one the volume of electricity for, first of all, for cooling and own rays and premises and retail and so on. as for winter, we understand that in the winter period, as we say in the energy industry, the autumn-winter period, in everyday life we ​​say the heating period, then in this
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period the consumption of electrical energy increases by about 30% compared to summer. that is , we understand that this can also provoke a shortage, and at the moment we have two power units of nuclear power plants that are undergoing scheduled repairs, here are nuclear engineers, guys who engineers are working directly on these works near the reactors, they are doing it all ahead of schedule, this is showing for the second year in a row, but at the same time there will not be such a large volume, primarily solar generation, today solar generation has 18% of the total energy balance in electricity consumption. therefore, we will predict a shortage especially in the morning and evening hours, besides, we understand that the most important thing is to provide heat carrier, that is , heating in a multi-story building, and here is the narrowest place, such an achilles heel, because if there are restrictions on household consumers, then the condominium, especially if it is
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a modern high-rise building above the ninth floor in kyiv, it will not receive through. the hydraulic system does not receive coolant, that is, condominiums and management companies need to think about backup generators in order to provide a pumping group directly in these multi-story buildings. as for the thermal utility company, for example, in my native kharkiv, which is celebrating its 370th anniversary today, the city government there is currently purchasing gas pistons at the expense of the local budget installations primarily for water supply and heat. komununergo, to provide pressure and water and heating in multi-story residential buildings, there are already successful such implemented projects in the city of khmelnytskyi, in the city of zhytomyr, which have been implemented for many years and they have shown in the two previous winters that it is effective, so the responsibility here
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is now a on the side of condominiums and management companies, b) it is not even a responsibility, but the ball is in the playing field, it would be more accurate to say, b - it is at the level of local self-government bodies, so that to provide heat to every home for citizens, well, if we live in a private building, that is, there are cottages or houses, then it is also necessary to take care of the fuel supply for generators, for your solid fuel boilers, if there is no gas pressure, let's hope that we will provide it own production, so it is true that the winter is going to be hard enough with blackouts and the factor called putin is very important, because we do not know how the enemy will continue to aim at our energy system elements, first of all, precisely in your background, these are large transmission networks. of electric energy, which is located in the state company ukrenergo, and precisely these substations, which are large for the third year
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in a row, 912 days, are precisely the target for attacks on our energy system. mr. stanislav, there are two minutes left, i will ask a practical question for those viewers, in particular, what kind of middle class people are, who live, for example, in their own house, they, i think, many are now thinking, they can try some solar batteries. to put your own mini power plant on the roof, but whether does it make sense in the winter, will it give enough in the winter, firstly, and secondly, so that it is a real effect of full provision, how much should be invested in such a case, the minimum investment is 18, 20 thousand dollars, that is, it is the minimum will be equipped, currently there is a state program for a 5-year interest-free loan in state banks, that is, you can apply, but the most important thing is that the solar plant will only provide up to... 20 at the latitude of kyiv, that is, up to 20 % of its own installed capacity a small amount of electrical energy, which can cover only your critical, roughly
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speaking, the infrastructure of your home, for example, there is a refrigerator, an electric kettle and probably a pump for your boiler room, so it is very important that this electrical energy is not produced during the day when we are mainly or at work, children in schools, students in education, if they study well, and older people. somewhere, well, not in the awards in winter, but still somewhere busy, so it is necessary to combine it with electrical energy storage devices, there are a lot of them on the market now, so that you have during peak hours consumption, when there will be the largest disconnection, it is the morning and evening hours, because of accumulation, they could take this electric energy for their own needs, 20 thousand dollars for with a minimal return, this is not a not quite a good package for the middle class, probably the middle class needs to think and not only that. class about portable charging stations that will allow you to survive a power outage for several hours. i understand that while we have nuclear power plants, there is no light at all, well, again anyway, we won't stay like that at all, well, mr.
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stanislav, thank you very much for these tips and for the assessment of the situation in the industry, stanislav ignatiev, an energy expert and chairman of the council of the ukrainian renewable energy association, was with us. we still have an hour of our participation in the marathon ahead of us, lesya vakulyuk, andriy seichuk, all of us. we work for you in the studio until 12 o'clock, then we will talk about international politics and money, and i want to remind you, dear friends, that on august 24, that is, tomorrow , the espresso tv channel has prepared a special project bright people in dark times, watch stories about heroes, watch conversations, interviews with viktor yushchenko, svyatoslav shevchuk, serhiy plokh, and much more, at 10 p.m. don't miss the documentary 10 years. war, all this will be on independence day, so be with us tomorrow from 8 in the morning until midnight, well, stay now, tired of the mess in the kitchen,
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call. there are discounts until independence day on esthesiphin 25% in pharmacies plantain bam and oschad there are discounts until independence day on motororex tablets 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. leading the ukrainian people through the centuries. celebrations on the occasion of the national flag day took place in kyiv. president volodymyr zelenskyy congratulated ukrainians on the holiday. the colors of our flag unite ukrainians across generations, wherever they are. blue-yellow flag.


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