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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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to monitor the reaction after reaction of the russians, because we have to do our own thing, but we must understand that this network, which now exists in ukraine, is a huge orthodox network, it has long allowed and still allows russia, apparently, to restrain or keep e- and not to give us this spiritual independence, which we aspire to, and which volodymyr zelenskyi spoke about. another topic, my dear colleagues, is the topic of events in kurshchyna, we see how events are developing there and we follow how russian cities come under control and villages under the control of the ukrainian army, already more than 90 settlements are controlled by the ukrainian army and more than 1,200 km are controlled by the armed forces, but in this situation the most interesting thing that happened during the last week is a publication: in the new york times, where they wrote about
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how the times, in my opinion, if i ’m not for the economist, i’m sorry, i’ve already mixed up a bunch of publications, for the economist, where they write that syrsky was secretly, in secrecy, preparing this plan of attack on the kursk region, and don’t tell anyone and even thetat with zelensky i discussed this without his assistants, kateryna, in this situation, does this indicate that there are people in zelensky's circle who can leak secret information, and the success of this operation was connected precisely with the fact that some people simply did not have accurate data about what will happen in kurshchyna, well, they wrote to the media, yermak did not know, the western partners did not know.
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america didn't know there, that's why the operation was successful, i don't know what is happening there in the president's office and in the cabinets, this is a really interesting moment, at least from the point of view of what was not known about this is the media, because the media knew about the ukrainian counteroffensive last year, discussed it from the beginning, so this story is really unusual for us, because there were no leaks of information, we do not know the truth. zelensky alone knew, or not, probably what a wide circle did not know, it gave its result, probably, that the commander-in-chief did it secretly not just like that, because maybe here is not the person whose last name i mentioned, but i'm not implying that it could be a leak or not, i don't know, nobody knows, but the fact is the fact that what the narrower circle of people knows about it, the better, as to whether her version, what in... in washington
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did not know and that's why everything succeeded, well, the controversial question is whether they knew or not, it is probably difficult to imagine a situation in which the pentagon would not have known or guessed or had its testimony. the media wrote to the west about the fact that earlier, they say, when ukraine had such ideas, the white house stopped ukraine from such operations, but maybe this time it was somehow done... that even if in the usa knew about it, probably knew, then publicly, maybe they decided not to admit it, and such an effect of unexpectedness for the whole world to do in this sense, so the main thing is that in principle it has already happened, and this is a historical turning point, and this, as military experts note, is a completely non-linear history and the response of ukraine, which should have been and... which should have been given, and
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it changed the course of the war, it is obvious, well , it seems to everyone that it was unexpected for the kremlin, for putin, and on the one hand it may seem that very ukrainian forces easily managed to cross the border there, because we for some time they did not know what was happening there, then two days later, somewhere there, we were already officially told that it was ukrainian forces after all, and, nevertheless, about what the military said, who took part in this operation , they told me in an interview that... it was not that simple there, and the russian forces had quite some interesting fortifications there, of course there were russian soldiers who left their positions, and we saw these shots and the dead , who are there with weapons and everything, there were those who left weapons, but obviously that no one expected such a turn, otherwise the russian army would have defended this border better, but at the same time. this is the assessment
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of the situation, which in the first days was heard by military experts, that one of the goals could be to somehow draw russian forces away from the most heated areas, no one saw this in the pokrov direction, in fact we see that a very serious situation is unfolding there and difficult for the ukrainian forces, nevertheless they are already saying little by little from different directions from kharkiv about the fact that russia is still withdrawing its troops, it is obvious that donetsk and luhansk regions are the most important for them right now, that is, there is also a military effect here, in fact the goals, whatever they are, and globally, whatever they are, we we don't know we also read in the western media and hear from president zelensky that the main issue is the permission from the united states to give permission to strike and from other partners to strike with long-range western weapons against military facilities on the territory of the russian federation. and
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zelenskyi said that if there was this permission, then would not have to enter the kursk region. and now the western media are writing about how the western world will react to this whole story, how much... it will change its support and in a radical direction for ukraine with those permits, in particular, this will also have an effect, or some very good effect , or even there are such assessments that we read with you that there may even be a negative effect from this operation, it will not make any sense, although it is probably too early to judge this, every day the assessments of the same military experts, they may change now , because everything changes a lot quickly and the expected effect. for the chief there, for the president, it can also be different, we do not know what the goals are, we have to wait, but for sure the fact of this operation, it is very important, it is pivotal, and well, for ukraine, and in the reaction of russia, that it everything is not controlled so much, everything is not so well under
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control, and putin’s power is not so strong and strong, and it is obvious that the creativity of the ukrainian defense forces is there, it is... if it shows its effectiveness, but what happened actually speaks not only that it was unexpected for the russians, but it still happened unexpectedly for part of zelenskyi's entourage, actually i mentioned syrskyi, who writes for the economist, and they write about the fact that zelenskyi outplayed the entourage there, some of zelenskyi's entourage, and alluding to the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak, or? maryna, that with the start of this kurdish operation, perhaps the decision-making system around zelenskyi, who now has monopoly power in ukraine, is changing? well, first of all, if we rely on this article from the economist, it really said that
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yarmak and the westerners did not know about this operation partners but here it is necessary to distinguish several points. first of all, what yermak did not know, thank you lord, because we remember. the february quote of this year by volodymyr zelenskyi, where he honestly said at a press conference that there are obviously rats in his environment, because, as he said, and i quote, our plans for the summer of 2023 were already on the kremlin's table. perhaps zelensky began to think, who is actually consolidating all these plans, because even in this article for the economist, it is about what happened before this, until this moment, before the kurdish operation syrskyi had two operations in development and unfortunately they were failed failed, and it was not always because of the doubts of our western partners, but because the russian federation knew about them. next, let's not
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forget how hard two or three months we had, yes, when syrskyi and the current composition of the general staff were watered daily by maryana bezugla and characters like her told what kind of syrskyi she was. what a fool he is there, i even had posts where she expressed such fantasies on anonymous telegram channels, there were also that it seems that the syrian is drinking all day long in the general staff, nothing is being done, and let's put it this way, it was very ugly in relation to the ukrainian army, and now we understand that at the moment when this mud was pouring, oleksandr silsky was obviously preparing this very thing with his officers attack, so time has shown who was actually involved in the case, who poured dirt on the internet, about that moment, why it happened, and why, apparently, zelenskyi took into account the attention of our other western partners, with whom we work closely, by the way, on some operations, well no
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secret that it is, for example, great britain, apparently, zelensky decided to include the regime of the supreme chief commissar. and some military details should not be disclosed to his close circle, and this is very good, because look, after zelensky's term of office expires, if society has them. they will ask some questions about the conduct of the war, about the activities of the supreme commander-in-chief, about the loss of some territories, about some specifics of our peace negotiations with the russian federation precisely from zelensky, and not from mykhailo podolyak or yermak or anyone else who would go and, for example, talk on feigen's channel about how we will attack the kursk region. all this shows a very good such moment that the military. operations, what money, they really like silence, and some things do not need to be told. regarding the goals of this operation,
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again what western analysts write, and such normal military men in the western press, first of all, this operation once again showed the subjectivity of ukraine, because it is no secret, that in the last six months very often completely inadequate articles were published in western newspapers, when they wrote: everything, the ukrainian army is retreating, everything is bad, the russians are taking the donbas there. moreover, without explaining that this happened precisely because of these six-month delays with weapons, because the american congress took so long to provide us with a package for 60 billion. they forget to tell about this, yes, whether some packages, for example, reached the ukrainian army , to the ukrainian front with a delay, this also affected the course of hostilities. and then, what's important, uh, you know this operation is very clear. demonstrates that russia does not need russia itself, does not need russians themselves. this is putin's reaction to the flurry of these
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social issues, because you see, now there is a situation where russia has its own refugees. according to the latest data, i saw about 200,000 people there, they do not want to be there in the war zone, they are already asking their government, and what should we do, where should we run, and the russian government does not offer them anything, because these telegram posts from margarita simonyan. we pray for you, kursk, well, they look inadequate, and you know the entire unconscious world, western analysts see that russia does not need even the area where people live more or less unconsciously, have brick houses, homesteads, but they have more joy when they destroy donbas, which in general is part of of another state, that is, this is the true face of russians, not what you read there in chekhov and before... and one more important point, we also need to raise the stakes, because look,
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putin is constantly raising them, there includes the nuclear threat, the nuclear threat, that we are there we will drop a nuclear bomb on one or the other, well, we also had to raise them, and it was also such a game, by the way, western analysts are writing to approach the future negotiations and say: look, we have the territory of the kursk region . perhaps there will be some kind of exchange for some similar territory, for example, the south of ukraine, which is also, unfortunately, under occupation, well, let's see what it leads to, again, look, i don't want to say anything extra, and i would like only one thing , great success to mr. syrsky and all those to our forces, which are engaged in the kurdish direction. i can say that excellent forces are involved there, all our glorious brigades, which have shown themselves admirably during... 11 years of war, excellent forces are entering the territory of the russian
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federation, but against this background, the vice prime minister of ukraine iryna verschuk says that we need to save russians, we need civilians, we need to open a humanitarian corridor for them, it is clear that this is obviously related to the fact that ukraine wants to look like a state that adheres to all international norms and conventions, and veryshchuk says that... still did not ask ukraine or the red cross for a humanitarian corridor, but ukraine is ready to open this humanitarian corridor. let's listen to what vereshchuk said. as of today, and this was confirmed by the general staff yesterday, russia has not appealed, it has actually abandoned these people and does not deal with them. our boys, the military, feed, provide food, provide water. all the medicines, all the necessary assistance for life support, but i record this
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fact once again: russia did not apply, and the icrc also confirmed this. the icrc is international red cross katerina, how do you feel about the idea of ​​creating such humanitarian corridors, well, i, for example, as a person who was born and grew up in... i know very well what is happening now in the sumy district, but literally two weeks ago, two cabs flew into my native school, which i graduated from, in which i studied. and this is quite a difficult situation, so personal for the people of sumy and the people who live in the territory of sumy region, because this humanitarian corridor will pass through these villages, which are now half-ruined, there yunakivka, khotyn, mogrytsa, many, many of these populated areas that suffer from shelling, including my native stykskivka, how to be civilized and
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a civilized country... and at the same time pay tribute to the russians, who are accomplices of this war crime of putin against ukraine? my colleague roman pagulych from the donbas-reality project was in this press room this week and there in his report, and one of the locals there in the court, it was somewhere in the kurshchyna region, he said that i, in general, well, he was asked, and what is war anyway when for you? it obviously looks like not quite it's true, because the truth was told, it would be difficult in sumy oblast not to notice, not to hear what is happening in the neighboring russian region, well
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, people are definitely talking about it somewhere on the benches there, and that is, it is not enough that they... fellow students, well, this is not proven, ukraine must follow the observance of all international geneva conventions, and ukraine already, and the ukrainian military already show a huge difference between what is russian occupation and what is ukrainian occupation, we even in such terms already we are talking, and also a very, very important point, we must adhere to these norms, the military is also talking about this. in the interview , the military also told me how they literally share their food, what mrs. iryna vereshchuk said, and there with their water, their food, a ukrainian military doctor comes there according to the schedule once every few days in order to help the russians citizens who need medicine or something else, an important point about whether russia really does not make corridors there
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and whether russian citizens who stayed there are judges, for example, and they are not can leave, because... because there is a curfew there, we understand, but there is also evidence that there seem to be other places through which you can get out and leave the territory controlled by moscow, that is, is there a need for people to arrange these corridors in such a way , this was doubted by, for example, roman kostenko, a people's deputy, we remember him, he was in kurshchyna, he was also on the air at the beginning of the week and talked about his experience, he says that there are ways by which people can who wanted to leave, who... those left, those who stayed, for now they are not in any danger there, well, while there is no offensive of russian troops, for example, another question, you are telling the truth about the situation in sumyshchyna, and another question we can now see, as in the pokrovsk direction, at what pace this week was happening and there is an evacuation of the local population from mirnograd, from pokrovsk, and people, people
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are being persuaded to leave altogether, people do not want to leave until the last moment, these children and these families are being taken away, these are terrible things that are already... happening, lo, lo, what is evacuation, and what other questions are there, by the way mr. and mrs. iryna voreshchuk, because we have been trying to contact her for a comment all this week, because there are questions about kurshchyna and the evacuation from there, and about what is happening to ukrainian citizens, whether they are being evacuated on time , whether any changes to the legislation are needed so that children can be taken out of the combat zone earlier, also at the beginning of the week the situation may have changed, i asked roman kostenko then whether... and he knows something about the fact that some russian citizens have already taken advantage of this corridor and maybe already somewhere are in sumy oblast, but he said that he is not aware of such information, for example, although there are some rumors that some russian citizens may have already been evacuated, there is currently no confirmation of this. marino, what are the threats posed by
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the existence of such a humanitarian corridor or the establishment of such a humanitarian corridor, because we are not only talking about the residents of the suzhan district, which once... once was a part of the ukrainian state or the ukrainian ssr, but also of ukraine, but the it is about the fact that together with this humanitarian corridor, ukraine can do a lot pass saboteurs or people who will arrange provocations on the territory of the ukrainian state. first of all, i want to say that any idea dies when iryna vereshchuk utters it. the fact is that... iryna veryshchuk has more than one voiced statement behind her shoulders, which then turned into, well, a complete collapse, and it seems to me that releasing into public communication a person who... we remember, on the eve of a full-scale invasion, literally in a week promised such trouble-free shuttles through chongar, when she is now talking about the fact that let's be
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to accept russians here through a humanitarian corridor is logical, people have such a connection that they already whispered that i don't want to go to chongar, no matter how it turned out with the sumy region, which fought back with huge battles, losses and destruction from... the happiness of the occupation of the spring of 2022 and now the border areas are still suffering and unfortunately, unfortunately, we will no longer see a number of our villages and towns in the usual form as we knew them until 2022 , it seems to me that if the ukrainian state , even for pro forma, even for international organizations had such an idea, it was absolutely not iryna veryshchuk who should have done it, because this idea did not take off. will not work because it was voiced by a person who cannot even cope with the flow of our ukrainian refugees. just the other day, information was announced
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that a thousand ukrainian children remain in the ukrainian city of myrnograd, which is already being fiercely shelled by the occupiers, where there is enormous destruction. well, it is clear that some children may not have very responsible parents, and that is the task. it would have been iryna veryshchuk to take care of exactly that ukrainian citizens, so if she has extra resources, an extra place where these people and children can be placed, then let her take better care of ours. and the second point, what are the threats posed by this potential corridor to sumy oblast, you know, this is the classic stockholm syndrome, when they want to lock both the victim and the rapist in the same room. in the role of the rapist are the russians, in the role of the victim are... residents of the sumy border. another very important point: you know, our people know how to use the internet and enjoyed these videos from
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the territory of the now de-occupied kurshchyna, and russians, especially russian women, are clearly visible there, who openly talk about the fact that their husbands are currently in the svo in donbas, that is , they are now participating in these... like in this terrible offensive , which was organized by the russian federation, they kill, including husbands and sons, many women, residents of the same sumy oblast, who stay at home and manage the economy, and we are offered to take in and warm such people, i do not know how to share food there, this is not very adequate decision, and you know, it seems to me that if the ukrainian state wanted to somehow turn this situation around in kurshchyna to its advantage, then it is absolutely no secret that our biggest catch there, as the military themselves joke, is the catch of kerassie, who are the kerassie - these are guys, russians , who
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are serving military service, and now they have been captured en masse there, and this is a very valuable resource for the exchange of our ukrainians, for the first time , if not the first time in recent times, there has been a possibility that we can exchange this resource and these conscripts and akhmatians by the way those residents of azov, who have been in captivity for a long time, and it seems to me that it would be more profitable if we invited some mothers to kyiv, and if these mothers publicly said on camera that putin is the occupier and asked to free their sons, and for this action , the ukrainian state could even pay for a ticket for this family of mother and son to some third country, that's how we should work, and not promise you here, you're here for... bombing everything, you're destroying our usual life here , please come and settle in, we will we remember that, unfortunately, on the territory of sumy oblast
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, we have districts and cities where they like this kind of rhetoric, where such an unknown deputy as andriy derkach bred complete ruskamiria there, and i would not like the people of ruskamiria, even in post-war prospects were more important in the territory of the ukrainian border. well, i absolutely agree with you, and in this situation, of course, in a single status, i would like to see the residents of russia in the sumy oblast in the status of people who, like the germans once after the second world war, rebuilt what was destroyed by the fascists, i.e. the captured germans were rebuilding, including in kyiv, by the way, they were rebuilding part of the left bank, that is, they were rebuilding what their army was destroying and theirs was destroying. president, then it would be absolutely fair, and all the more so that in the current conditions the war is not over yet, and therefore it is not clear what to expect from the russians in general, because the russians are for us...
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enemies and aggressors. thank you, colleagues, for participating in the program. marina danylyuk yarmalayeva, kateryna nekrecha were guests of today 's program, happy independence day to you and all the best to you, most importantly, victory to all of us. well, friends, i will remind you that during our broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether, in your opinion, the transition of the uocmp parish to the ocu will be accelerated after the adoption of the law by the verkhovna rada of ukraine. so there is a result. of the television survey , 40% yes, 60% no, that is, we have a majority of pessimists that the parishes of the uoc, mp will transfer to the ocu. well, friends, i want to remind you that on august 24 we will have a special project bright people in dark times, interesting stories about heroic people, interviews with viktor yushchenko, svyatoslav shevchuk, serhii plokhy and much more, already at 10 p.m. on august 24, a documentary
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film. 10 years of war, and watch it all on espresso throughout independence day, we 've got you covered. i'll put an end to this, it was the program verdict provyi serhii rudenko. goodbye, take care of yourself and your loved ones. more joints are so piercing, it does not give. to move, i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it saves me from rheumatism pain, dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain, there are discounts until the day independence on tablets carsyl 10% in pharmacies psyllium, bam and oshchad. national tv on megogo is a lot of channels, well, a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows, turn on megogo on various devices without any wires and antennas, and all this from uah 49 per month. oh, i remember.
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