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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EEST

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this is already these conversations about how it will turn into some kind of third world nuclear war, well, we have been listening to this for three years and even more, but this is new, you know, let's arrange something somewhere, i will tell you, we have a fascist government and the nazi woman is only in one place, in russia, so really, well, you see, they are calling you. come out and protest, come out and protest, russians, if you don't want your children to be chased away by the people of akhmat, who then rape them and sometimes kill them, this is the only option, otherwise they will simply dispose of you all on the joy of kadyrov, who will finally be able to make even more money from this, and prosper in this situation, only putin, his closest entourage and the kadyrovs who protect him will really be there. such is the story, well, what about us,
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what can we say, we will look at this situation and see you, of course, there are discounts until independence day on magne b6, 10% in the pharmacies psyllsnyk, bam and oshchat. we were once told that independence fell from the sky for ukrainians. were wrong, our independence is the result of a century-long struggle that continues today, why our own state is the highest value for ukrainians and how we have changed in 33 years, we talk on august 24 on fm halychyna and listen to independence hits, happy birthday ukraine, allergy, neche lev will overcome citrelev, citrelev.
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neo protects against the most common allergens. there are 25% discounts on estefin until independence day at podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from mi. live events, kamikaze drone attacks, political analytics, objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, free openly and impartially, you draw conclusions yourself, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours. to keep abreast of economic news and
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sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on espresso. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years in... life through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, founder of the taira angel unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana povalyaeva, about how we have changed, what lessons were learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the espresso tv channel. a symbol of our struggle. he is on military training. on the front line, on
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liberated ukrainian lands, a symbol of the native home, it is in children's drawings, at concerts, rallies, over our cities and villages, the personification of victory and a better future, the personification of freedom, the national flag of ukraine, our native, the weekly saturday political club helps to understand... processes , taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts. based on the facts, they give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club every saturday on espresso. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. report.
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why did the ex-chairman of the supreme court lose his position for renting an apartment? dismiss knyazevalod serhiyovych from the post of judge of the administrative court of cassation. but who in the vrp helped the prince? greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tetyana shostrova. for four years of work, the higher anti-corruption court has already passed more than 20 verdicts in corruption cases against ukrainian judges. almost all were accusatory. however, there are many high-profile cases involving multimillion-dollar bribes and abuses still not completed. moreover, servants of themis. who have committed serious crimes and are involved in high-profile cases, have not been dismissed from their positions for years, they continue to receive hundreds of thousands of salaries every month, even in the interim, without carrying out judicial proceedings, the ex-head of the supreme court, vsevolod knyaz, who is suspected of corruption, the supreme council
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of justice recently dismissed for the largest multimillion-dollar bribe in history, and for the extremely low price of the apartment he rented in kyiv. why is it so difficult to bring the biggest judges... shareholders to justice, let's talk today, first to the news. the higher anti-corruption court has stopped the consideration of the case of the judge of primorye district court of odesa ilya lonskyi. he was mobilized to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. ilya lonskyi is accused of attempting to give an illegal benefit to another judge of the same court for making a positive decision in an administrative case, as well as taking part of a bribe by deception. national. the corruption bureau of ukraine published an excerpt from the conversation of the participants at the time of the transfer of the illegal benefit. damn, i'm somehow so sorry in general, to be honest, all the work, i run for someone, i sit damn it myself. and you don't have anyone, right? yes, i have nothing interesting. the office of judge ilya lonsky
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was searched, as a result of which the security forces found a bribe. interestingly, after that, lonsky not only pleaded not guilty, but also filed a complaint with the supreme council of justice. he said that law enforcement officers are putting pressure on him. and interfere with the activities of the judge. lontsky was informed of the suspicion of corruption, but now that the judge has been mobilized to the zsu, the case has been stopped. note that this a very popular scheme among the servants of themis in an effort to avoid responsibility. in fact, he is not the only one, and he is not the first, and maybe not even the last, who does such a thing, because there are other judges who are also suspected of committing other crimes, in particular corruption, and have also mobilized, and thus... obviously they are trying to wash off, hang out somewhere, somewhere, i don’t know, god, forgive me, take a picture with a machine gun, or in pixel, and then tell what heroes they are, how they defended ukraine, and therefore they should write off all the crimes they committed before, this is a very dangerous
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story, a member of the higher qualification commission of judges of ukraine, volodymyr luhansky, turned out to be a fake doctor of philosophy in the field of law. the anti-corruption center sent a request to the ministry. of education and science of ukraine, regarding whether luhansky has a doctor of philosophy or candidate of sciences degree. it turned out that none of them is owned by a high-ranking member of the commission. volodymyr luhanskyi, former judge, siverodonetskyi of the city court and a military officer. during his participation in the competition for the position of a member of the central committee of the central committee, we emphasized his alleged dishonesty and wealth of dubious origin. during the interviews with the members of the tvrp competition commission, volodymyr luhanskyi stated that the defense dissertation at the international academy of personnel management in 2011, however, at that time this educational institution was not among the subjects of issuing phd diplomas. moreover, only in september 2014, the verkhovna rada adopted changes which equated the title of candidate of sciences with the scientific
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degree of doctor of philosophy. luhansky could not explain how it happened, nor could he remember the name of the specialty on which he wrote a scientific dissertation. the specialty you defended, the name of the specialty, clearly, i defended myself, my topic was article 382, ​​this is criminal responsibility for failure to comply with a court decision, i remember, well, i haven’t seen my diploma for a long time, i took off the photocopies, i just don’t remember, should to note that it may not only be a matter of lying when taking office, but also it is possible to steal from the state, because for... having a scientific degree, judges and military personnel receive a supplement to their official salary. however, it is still unknown whether volodymyr luhanskyi received such a supplement when he worked as a judge and served. the supreme council of justice finally dismissed the judge of the makariv district court
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, oleksiy tandyr, and the judge of the cassation administrative court, part of the supreme court, vsevolod knyaz. employees of themis were fired for committing a significant disciplinary offense. we will remind you, oleksiy last year, tandyr, while in a state of alcohol intoxication , killed national guard soldier vadym bondarenko. all volado knyazev is suspected of receiving a record bribe - almost 3 million dollars. however, the prince was released not because of the biggest corruption in the history of the judicial system, but because of the undervalued value of the rented apartment. the supreme council of justice decided to dismiss knyazevalod serhiyovych from the post of judge of the constitutional administrative court as part of the supreme court on the basis of clause three of part six of article 126 constitution of ukraine. instead, the complaint to the vrp submitted five years ago by the dere foundation, which was directly related to khabar and should have resulted in the prince's dismissal, was never considered. the work on the complaint regarding the bribery of the ex-chairman of the supreme court was assigned to a member of the supreme council of justice,
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a person involved in our investigations, serhiy burlakov, in his turn, he was in no hurry, the record holder simply for, firstly , closing cases, and secondly, for not holding judges accountable where they need to be held accountable. according to the words experts consider borlakov to be a creature of borys gulko, the head of the civil cassation court within the supreme court, one of the most influential. judges and a member of the so-called judicial mafia, which destroyed the judicial system of ukraine all these years. since serhii burlakov himself currently holds an influential position in the supreme administrative court, he has all the leverage to manipulate the consideration of judges' complaints. so in order to dismiss knyazev from his post, while not investigating the facts of global corruption in the supreme court , a completely different, much smaller one was initiated and in fact an artificial affair. in december 2023 , to the pechersk district court of kyiv. materials have been received from nazk about bringing the prince to administrative responsibility for renting
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an apartment with an area of ​​133 square kilometers at a price lower than the minimum market value, namely for 100 uah per month. such prices really cannot be found even on the outskirts of the capital, unlike in the very heart of kyiv, the government quarter, where knyazum lived since 2017. at the same time, the ex-chairman of the supreme court and his landlord were not close relatives, so accepting a gift from in the form such a significant discount on the housing of the princes was not entitled. from the resolution of the pechersk district court of kyiv. knyazov, during the discussion of the rental price of housing and the approval of the rental offer in the amount of 1 thousand uah, despite his private property interest, was obliged to immediately take such measures, to refuse the offer, to attract witnesses, if possible, to notify in writing about the offer of the immediate supervisor for the presence or head of specially authorized entities in... the fight against corruption. instead, knyazov accepted the offer housing rent for 100 hryvnias per month and
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systematically used the received gift. in this way, over the years of renting the princes , he saved almost 1 million hryvnias. the court prosecuted him for this administrative offense and imposed a fine of uah 2,500. information about non-compliance with anti-corruption legislation was also transferred to the supreme council of justice, and instead of increasing corruption with it... the story of the prince with a bribe, the vrp actually undertook to consider only the misdemeanor of renting an apartment. council member serhiy burlakov yes delayed the consideration of the complaint about bribery in the supreme court, which finally released knyazev only on the basis of low rent. i'm sorry, the circular bailout has already had enough, it has been going on for years, decades, and citizens are suffering, ukraine is suffering. the supreme council of justice never managed to establish justice. at the same time, it loses relevance. a case about an alleged corruption crime, in which, in addition to the prince , the vast majority of the members of the grand
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chamber of the supreme court could be involved. we know that at least 13 judges were there in the panel the case where knyazev took a bribe, and with great probability many facts in this case indicate that this bribe could be intended not only for knyazev, but also for some other judges from the grand chamber, i.e.... key conclusion, the highest judicial instance, the supreme the court in our country urgently needs to be cleaned. vsevolot of the princes , based on the decision of the vrp, promised to appeal his dismissal in court, and it will only be about the circumstances of the housing lease. meanwhile, the story of the largest bribery in the judicial system, thanks to such members of the vrp as serhii burlakov, lost any chance to be considered by the high council of justice. today , the volunteer movement has formed a new ukrainian identity. the phenomenon of ukrainian stability.
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why did the enemy underestimate the power of freedom? from a gray area to a european stronghold? what lesson did ukraine teach the world? ask at press outlets or pre-pay online. the country is in the center of the main events. the book women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the publishing house. the spirit and the letter is a book based on the reports of the tv channel host christina parubiy's espresso. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book, and for women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military, women at war, look for it in bookstores of ukraine, with the support of the konstantin zhivago charity fund. namego national db is a lot of channels, well, a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows. turn on mego on various devices without unnecessary wires and antennas,
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and all this from uah 49 per month. there are discounts until independence day on gelt. length up to 30% in plantain, pam and oskad pharmacies. a special project for independence day, about the present and future, about war, loss and pain, about dark times, and also about people, people who influence our future, people who give strength to fight, people who fight, help and believe in victory, people who do not give up and destroy the enemy. bright people special project bright people in dark times. august 24 at espresso. people who choose independence, people who inspire by their own example, people who bring victory closer. volodymyr boychyn, chief physician of the nizhnyosirovka dispensary, personally went to collect medicine from volunteers in sumy. on one of
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these trips, doctor boychyn had a shootout with the russians, who without hesitation shot his car. fortunately,... only the car was damaged. we cannot be defeated as long as there are such people, bright people in dark times. people who choose independence, people who inspire by their own example, people who bring victory closer. air force pilot, lieutenant colonel rostyslav lazarenko, flew more than 400 sorties. he was one of the first to be awarded the cross of military merit. he is a knight order of bohdan khmelnytskyi. three degrees, the hero of ukraine, we cannot be defeated as long as there are such people, bright people in dark times. see this week in the collaborators program. fake ministers of the temporarily occupied luhansk region. thanks to the leadership, today our region is flourishing and developing. who received a mandate
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from the occupiers and russifies the captured territories. we are for a strong russia, it has only such a future. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets , went to serve the rashi occupiers. on in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, russia creates such ministries and many collaborators prefer to take positions in these illegitimate bodies there. becoming a minister, deputy or at least director of a department is the main goal of almost every salesperson. today i will tell you about such fake institutions, who runs them and how they use them. the occupiers let's start with the ministers of the temporarily occupied luhansk region. the first in line for defamation is the so-called minister of culture of the lpr dmytro serhiyevich sidorov. when in september 2013 kyiv sent information about the fact that the status of the russian language as a regional language will be banned, it was luhansk, donetsk
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that were the first regions to say that we think and speak in russian, and if you want to ban it, then... we are no longer on the road, this supporter of russian language and culture 34. he was born in the city of lysychansk, luhansk region, graduated from the bohdan khmelnytskyi donetsk lyceum with enhanced military and physical training, and later entered the luhansk state academy of culture and arts. when luhansk region was occupied, dmytro became connoisseur of the so-called great russian culture. young sidorov, then he was 24, did not leave for controlled territories. of ukraine, and began building his career under the occupiers. today, three government orders were adopted, which allow us to sign an additional agreement with the ministry of culture of the russian federation. to get a seat in high offices, you must first prove to the system that you are worthy of holding the title of kremlin henchman. this is exactly what dmytro set out to do, he started small and became
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an organizer of sports events under the coat of arms with chicken at competitions, he handed out russian diplomas, medals and... with his head proudly raised, he listened to the howling of the russian national anthem, then he joined the city center for the physical health of the population, sport for all under the occupation authorities. fortunately, in the liberated territories, boys are already actively involved in the processes of interaction with sports federations, classes have been resumed in club institutions. with each year of the occupation of luhansk region , the traitor's career went up, well, it seemed so to him, but in reality it hit the bottom, after all... dmytro then headed the committee on security issues health, education, culture, sports, tourism and social policy, the so-called lpr. it is not clear how you can lead what is not there, but he is. the sand castle that this traitor has been building for himself, where he is a big official in the pseudo-political arena, well, very funny. thanks to the leadership, today our region
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is flourishing, developing, and we all contribute to make life better for all our residents. in 2017 , the leader of the fake lpr, leonid pasichnyk, by decree appointed sidorov as acting minister of culture, sports and young people in the chair, dmytro... oversees youth patriotic movements with the aim of propagandizing the russian world, among the local population and young people, and also accuses ukraine of zombifying children through literature. just listen to this delusion of the obsessed. a very serious psychological training was introduced with these people, because they even have fairy tales, even ordinary textbooks in schools, but in fact, they are raising a rather cruel generation from their children, there is a lot of russophobic and extremist literature. calls for war, calls for blood, calls to the murder of russians. minister sidorov travels to all kinds of russian forums, develops
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poor russian culture on the territory of luhansk region, russifies libraries, theaters and cinemas, glorifies the russian army, putin and the kremlin. in general, the typical routine of a traitor to the motherland. the ministry of internal affairs declared sidorov wanted. he is also on the lists of sanctioned persons, according to the decrees. this is only the beginning, this is the first result, but very soon it may become your end, dmytro, and you will have time behind bars to delve into the wonderful ukrainian culture the next traitor with the rank of minister is oleg viktorovych shereneshev , born in 1988, originally from krasnodon , luhansk region. we are for a strong russia, it has only such a future. oleg graduated in 2009. state university of internal affairs, in 2012 he headed the department for children's affairs of the executive committee of the krasnodon city council. he was a ukrainian official, but
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when the occupiers captured krasnodon in april 2014, shereneshev began to serve the russians. and so inspired that they appointed him head of the physical education department and sports, and last year was made the minister of sports of the so-called luhansk people's republic. our people. citizens, athletes, children, people of different ages will be able to take advantage of modern facilities that meet all the technological standards of a sports facility that was previously unavailable in the republic. the modern sports facilities opened by shereneshev are old, mutilated gymnasiums built almost a century ago and taken over by the occupiers, where children are herded for propagandist television and pretend to care for them health, painted the cracked walls with green paint and here they are, dreams of innovation in the ehler style. of course, all this is thanks to russia. as a respected official from reshi, oleshko puffs out his cheeks, calls for support for putin,
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organizes sports events in honor of buried svo soldiers and forces children to write letters to them. all pro-russian activities and, at the same time, reports for curators from the kremlin are actively broadcast on social networks. the fact is that every russian fake ministry has a telegram channel, it is there that they actively promote minister, i explain. his work, the channel called the ministry of sports of the lpr can become an excellent evidence base of sherenneshev's treason. with inspiration and special joy, i heard with pride that our president is paying attention to sports and its development. for more than 30 years, sport has not had such support. we very much hope that soon there will be someone willing to write an inspired letter to oleg himself when he is serving his sentence for. treason in a ukrainian prison. our next collaborator with the mandate of minister makarenko is olena serhiyivna born in 1968, originally from luhansk region.
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today, the government adopted a resolution on employee wages. the positions of which are not public. after the occupation of luhansk region , makarenko immediately understood the rules of the russian world and began to realize herself in it. she quickly received the position of minister of labor and social policy of feykova lpr. through. it turned out to be so comfortable that the traitor does everything to stay in it as long as possible. this is a large-scale event for the whole of russia. we, as a new region, are voting for the president of the country for the first time, and we are voting for future, for our happy future. votes for putin, talks about regular shelling from ukraine, popularizes russian programs among the local population. today , the government of the luhansk people's republic adopted a resolution that provides. annual monetary assistance until victory day. suspicion and a fair sentence from the ukrainian themis have already awaited this fan of the bloody dictatorial regime. it was about...
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the collaborators and i program by olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week at eter espresso. then i take the ribbon, fold it in half. that's right. i put it in a cell, each knot tied by the hands of 89-year-old anastasia lastivetska filigree forms a complete picture. in uzhhorod, the city's oldest volunteer weaves chugaistry for the armed forces of ukraine. this is what the locals call camouflage suits. the work is not difficult, but it requires a good memory, because
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mistakes can be made. the worst self to quarrel, because it is so difficult to sew, like embroidery, well, god often helps me that i will not make a single mistake, i am happy. anastasia is the seventh of 11 children, her family was subjected to repressions twice. first, they were resettled from poland to ternopil oblast, later to lviv oblast, after the start of the full-scale invasion, the family took her from there to uzhhorod. here she could not sit idly by and joined one of the volunteer organizations. a weaving woman from 2023, at home, works every day. if it's a camouflage suit, it can be used by someone save life after all, it is my work, so maybe something will help a little, i think, and i put all my heart into it and i am happy when i weave something, i am
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happy, such a weirdo. that i can still do something for my ukraine, and he also says that he wants to wait for the disintegration of russia, so he will work until victory. i believe that at the moment i have 33 costumes, so completely ready, how many of those parts i knitted, i don't know, i didn't count, but i confess, i always dreamed of becoming a volunteer, and i dreamed of being... but how could i to be, everyone does something like that, and that i couldn't do anything to do, well, god sent me, and you see , maria kochmar, from uzhhorod, became a volunteer for the espresso tv channel.
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ukraine continues its offensive inside russia, retreats in donbas. this is the interim summary of the two and a half years of the great war. how will the situation develop, will the war continue to be intense, or will negotiations begin soon. let's discuss. well , the prime minister of india arrived in kyiv for the first time during the independence of ukraine, what did he bring with him and how will china react? about this and not only in svoboda life. my name is sashko shevchenko. let's start. ukrainian troops managed to avoid encirclement in donbas, but for this they had to retreat to the southeast of pokrovsk. the american institute for the study of war writes about this in a recent report. according to analysts, the withdrawal of the armed forces from the position could have taken place during the last weeks, and it was not chaotic. this is evidenced, in particular, by the lack of quick tactical successes of the russian army. in addition, as analysts note.


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