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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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ukraine continues its offensive inside russia, retreats in donbas, this is the interim summary of the two and a half years of the great war. we will discuss how the situation will develop, whether the war will continue to be intense, or whether negotiations may begin soon. well , the prime minister of india arrived in kyiv for the first time during the independence of ukraine, what he brought on rendramod and how china will react. about this and not only. at svoboda live, my name is sashko shevchenko. let's start. ukrainian troops managed to avoid encirclement in donbas, but for this they had to retreat to southeast of pokrovsk. the american institute for the study of war writes about this in a recent report. according to analysts, the withdrawal of the armed forces from the position could have taken place during the last weeks, and it was not chaotic. this is evidenced, in particular, by the lack of quick tactical successes of the russian army. in addition, as analysts note. institute, conversations among
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russian military bloggers about a possible tactical encirclement of the armed forces of ukraine in the pokrovsky direction have died down. at the same time, in the north, on the territory of russia itself, the armed forces of ukraine continue to advance. in particular, according to the publication bild, the ukrainian military is likely to storm a women's colony in the village of mala loknya in the kursk region, which is 14 km from the border of ukraine. according to journalists, the russian military has turned the women's correctional colony into a fortress and is holding it. there is a defense there, fierce battles are currently being fought for it. earlier, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy, stated that one of the goals of the armed forces of ukraine in the course operation is to create a buffer zone on the territory of the russian federation. the u.s. department of defense acknowledged that the pentagon has questions about how the course operation fits into the strategic objectives on the battlefield for armed forces this was stated by pentagon spokeswoman sabrina singh. we are beginning to better understand what ukraine is. is to create a buffer
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zone. we are also talking with ukraine about how this fits into strategic objectives on the battlefield. once we're sure we understand how it's connected, we'll be able to report it, but for now we still have some questions and we'll get some answers. so, we will continue. let's talk about the advance of the armed forces of ukraine in kurshchyna and whether it can eventually ease the pressure of the russian invading forces in donbas. narodny is in touch with us member of parliament of ukraine, secretary of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, roman kostenko. good evening. good evening. so, according to the analysis of the institute for the study of war, which refers, in particular, to data from open sources, it seems that some units of the armed forces of ukraine planned to withdraw from pokrovsk in order to avoid a possible encirclement. as of now.
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how can you generally characterize the situation in this area? well, i think not from pokrovsk, but from approaches to pokrovsk, because pokrovsk is still holding on to us defense, the enemy still needs to make significant efforts to reach pokrovsk. regarding the fact that the enemy is advancing and well, this is war, and sometimes losing one position, they have to be leveled so that some positions there do not remain in the stu, or let's say, do not come under... threat from the environment, so as not to put other units are at risk, we have to be uniform due to the loss, i will repeat again, of some positions, we have to withdraw all of them, so the situation there is really tense, now in the pokrovsky direction, the command, i am the secretary the committee, communicating there with the command, the command understands that the situation is tense for all these agglomerations, and they are doing everything to prevent... er, prevent
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the further advance of the enemy, and let's say, the situation there right now is such that i see that there are a lot of people who raise panic there, that's all, it doesn't help very much, i say once again, the military is aware of what is happening there, and the panic that exists sometimes has a negative effect on the defenders. directly on the battlefield, when the impression is that everything is lost to us all that's left is to pass. pokrovsk, the enemy is suffering serious losses there, of course, we need to pay attention there, and of course, we need to do everything to inflict maximum losses on the enemy, so far we have not lost pokrovsk, and we are doing everything in order not to lose it, of course, we need reserves , reserves are needed, artillery is needed, and in particular , trained units are needed that can engage in shooting battles and direct confrontation.
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not to advance, well to prevent the advance of the enemy, because what we see now the enemy outnumbers us precisely in artillery there and in... of course in aviation they have them , but also in shooting battles, they are now mainly operating there with infantry and displacing our infantry there by 200-300 m a day. mr. roman, if we really speak constructively, it is no secret that so far, at least the mobilization resource, the human potential of the russian army is greater than that of those units that are currently defending the donbas. in particular, they talk about it. the very servicemen with whom we speak in these airwaves, and if we talk about, so to speak, preparation for any scenario, but we have to read in the western press that pokrovsky in particular is a very strategic, important target for the russian federation, which can endanger supply lines in general along the entire
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front line , in donbas, is it possible to prepare some kind of plan for this case, in order to maintain the defense in the future, to be prepared. turn further, is holding pokrovsk really the only possible option here? i still hope that our troops will stop, because we are now considering with you as the main direction, this is pokrovsk, and when we talk about the whole, the whole field, the whole, let's say, the entire line of hostilities and kursk, then everyone is engaged in order to delay, inflict maximum losses on the enemy and for the enemy to pull back, let's say, reduce the grip he has now and his task of reaching pokrovsk, when we say that the enemy has a greater mobilization resource there, we also have a mobilization resource, i will not say that it is downright small, yes, he is not enough, but me i think the problem here is more in the training and
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coordination of the personnel, which is sometimes not there, i am not talking about all of them, but now the quality of the personnel plays a very big role , and i have already repeatedly addressed this to... what do we need, except mr. roman, allow me to specifically clarify here, actually you , as a representative of the verkhovna rada and a specialized committee, you see opportunities in the defense forces of ukraine to solve the problem with the training of the reserves, to solve this problem in the near future, so that in the future there will be more effective, do you see the possibilities for it, or shall we say, it was previously allowed in some way, look, this is a direct task. general staff, and there is a complex of problems that need to be solved, this is from the draft of people and, let’s say, the category of people there up to 40 years old there, or there in general there there up to 30, who will be able to fight directly in the assault companies on the front edge and therefore raise,
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first recruit high-quality personnel, and then teach them exactly how to act on the battlefield, therefore , it cannot be done in a month, it is necessary to fully assign this task to the military leaders, because... what i've been seeing lately is that vitcomats often just, uh, let's say tick boxes, well, how to call it, they just add numbers, yes, there are quality ones, there are good personnel, but many people who simply then they do not get into the army, or into their staff, in personal files they receive a note, er, unsuitable there for this or that service, for example, unsuitable for the marines, unsuitable... for the cheap, unsuitable for the military service there, meant for fighting companies, and most of them are often suitable for the rear work, for some kind of service work there, and of course these people, well, they will not get to the battlefield, they will get into the army, and we
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will soon have more rear positions than combat ones, so now the most important thing is to keep these positions, which they directly restrain the enemy on the battlefield. and this is important, because the adversary, precisely because of the fact that he leads the mobilization, pays large sums of money and recruits a greater resource for it, recruits people, volunteers, and those people go, they know immediately where they end up, he has an advantage in this , then he them throws these people onto the battlefield without any problems, and he sacrifices them easily, of course we cannot sacrifice our people so easily, but the enemy has an advantage in this, if we cannot do this, we need a large amount of ammunition. since we have a limited resource from the very beginning of the war, somewhere we have a maximum of 50%, here we need to cover it all with trained, motivated personnel, i understood your point, we want, talking about logistics, i, well, look, after
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pokrovsky is our territory, well, that we, we we are not retreating to some island, so i don’t think that we will have any problems setting up logistics and... and continue to hold the defense and support, that’s how i understood and support the very supply lines that are necessary for maintaining the defense, let’s talk too about the kurdish operation, according to politico, the kurdish operation... can strengthen ukraine's negotiating position, at least this is what unnamed ukrainian officials involved in the process believe, and does this mean that kyiv can theoretically offer an exchange of territories, for example, the exchange of the territory of kurshchyna, currently controlled by the armed forces of ukraine, on some territory of donbas, is this a real scenario at all? look, it's going to have to be asked of those in authority, directly, that's our supreme commander, who's going to form, who 's going to be in that group and... what options will be considered at all, if they're going to be considered, i think the situation is going now,
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when everyone realizes that a lot will depend on the election in the united states, and each side, ours and our enemies now is trying to get some - let's say trumps, let's call it that so that, if there is some story, in order to be in a better position, it's not like you came to the example and you k... yes we leave this here for you, and we allocate a piece for you, and you sit there in silence, or, let's say, when we have russian territory there, it will be completely different, this is on the condition that after all there will be someone there tell us about the armistice, i still want to say that at the moment, even though we are on the kurshchyna, russia is all it is precisely there that holds the initiative in other directions, it has a greater reserve, and i am sure that... if it goes to any negotiations, then only, let's say, completely on
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its side and there, who will negotiate with them, i don't know, or try, we are theorizing now, it will be very difficult, the enemy must be inflicted more, more impressions in order to be able to return their territories, to really raise the price for the aggressor's army, i want to ask you specifically about... the situation in this kurdish direction , according to media reports, specifically the publication build, they are probably storming the women's colony in the village of mala loknya in the kursk region, because the russian military has allegedly set up a fortress there, do you know anything about it, and in general, how can you assess the current situation in this regard, or will the armed forces of ukraine continue to advance in kurshchyna? well, according to the latest information, what i know is that the enemy has started to pull up reserves after all. there are already a certain number of them there, not all of them are combat, coordinated, prepared, the main thing
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their task now is to restrain us and try, let's say, to save uh-uh in this as a bridgehead in the glushkiv district, where it is cut off by the senyu river, and they are trying to do it now in order to continue supplying tilovi there, this... in including the targeting of pontoons, which our defenders are constantly destroying, bridges are destroyed, they are trying to destroy the pontoon, to prevent the enemy from supplying forces and means there and ammunition to these troops, which are still there, so there are still some advances there, of course, these are not the same the pace that was, now on some directions, our troops are entrenched, holding the defense. on some of the more important ones , they continue to advance, and of course such
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an operation requires reserves, and everything will depend on how we use these reserves, where we find them and how we correctly throw them into battle, what plans our command will have , are we reaching kurchatov, or are we expanding the bridgehead to the right and left, only our command knows, and rfe /rl will continue to closely monitor all events. in particular in the kurdish direction and try to verify the data which they come from there, but tomorrow ukraine celebrates independence day, and on this day it will be exactly 2.5 years since russia's full-scale war against ukraine has been going on. as we have already discussed, the defense forces are retreating somewhat in donbas, but at the same time advancing in kurshchyna. we will talk a little later about how the situation can develop further, but mr. roman, i ask you to stay in touch with us. right now, we will recall how the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of the kursk region was launched and return to the discussion.
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everyone sees that the ukrainian army knows how to surprise and knows how to achieve results.
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now it becomes obvious and understandable why the kyiv regime refused our proposals to return to a peaceful settlement, as well as the proposals of interested and neutral mediators, that unlike russia, ukraine does not need someone else, this creates a real dilemma for putin, and we in direct contact, in constant contact with ukraine, that's all i 'll say about it while it lasts.
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we return to the conversation with people's deputy roman kostenko. mr. roman, now, or rather, tomorrow will be this date, when the big war between ukraine and russia will last for 2 and a half years, based on what resources are available on both sides now, and can you estimate whether the war can continue for years, maybe at the same level of intensity, but based on military logic, it is impossible for years, the war can last for years and decades, it can also end in... time because of the decision, well, we see that the decision is now russian federation, if they decide to end the war, then they can withdraw their troops from our territory, the war will not continue. regarding resources, russia has now shifted its economy there for the most part to military rails, they have raised their defense-industrial complex, well, you can say more about the defense-industrial complex, and in
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principle the shells that they use on the battlefield, they are not super-technological, and russia can without... produce them in the amount that would allow it to conduct hostilities at the same pace, there, because, of course, we need them for this, to oppose russia, we need resources, we do not have enough of our own resources, for this we need to unite around us allies, partners who would help us in this, it is a fact, it is not a big secret that most of the weapons there are on the battlefield, it after all, it's a partnership, but... or ours was bought somewhere abroad, so now make some predictions, a lot of factors can, how to continue the war, just as many factors can stop it at any moment. mr. roman, but specifically, if we are not talking about weapons, but about human resources, do you see in the future the possibility of joining the ukrainian-russian war and soldiers of other
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armies? well, i hope so, i don't see anything like that in this, and i still think, and i already suggested that, for example, europe, it should understand that this is their war too, now they are afraid to send their soldiers here , although if there... about volunteers, then yes, i myself fought together with soldiers of the united states, well , former soldiers, volunteers, let's say this, from britain, from moldova, from other countries, from countries of the former yugoslavia, who also helped us, especially at the beginning of the war, so i think that at least france already said there, to start with the fact that they can be instructors and, for example, not those who take... are directly involved in hostilities right there on the battlefield, for example, the operators of patriots, well there anti-aircraft missile complexes, this is a normal story, which,
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for example, will stand along the border, and when europe takes responsibility there, or our partners, whatever which missiles will be approaching the the border with europe is closer than 100 km there, or they will, they will see on the radar that the trajectory is flying into a civilian object, they will go astray, this is a... normal story, it can even be called a humanitarian story, and gradually yes, they can be introduced, i don't see anything like that here, this is all that can be tied even under the rules of international law and help us, but if europe does not understand that this is also their war, then they can lose it, of course, very thank you, we will actually continue to follow how the events of the russian-ukrainian war are unfolding, let me remind you that tomorrow... on the day of ukraine's independence, it will be 2.5 years since the great war has been going on. we were contacted by roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence. we already
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mentioned today about the difficult situation in the pokrovsky direction. people who want to evacuate from pokrovsk and surrounding villages and towns are being evacuated en masse to rivne. and since the beginning of this evacuation, more than 300 families have moved here, as the displaced people will tell. very beautiful, very cozy, only us here, that's all . this is our room, dear compatriots, i'm from ukraine, angelinka, katya and i live here, we have. zinoida oleksandrivna shows the room in the dormitory of the institute where she stayed with her daughter and granddaughter, each with a separate bed. for the first time in a long time, they were able to sleep comfortably, they spent the night at home in the basement. decided to leave when they saw how people in the queue for humanitarian aid died from the explosion of cluster munitions. we think that
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it will pass, but it does not pass, they will not come, they simply extinguish us with tapes, and when i thought, when across the street to the kindergarten where humanitarian aid was given, people were torn apart, it's scary, scary. the family prepares food in the common kitchen, several kitchens have been equipped here. stoves, refrigerators were installed, and essential utensils were collected in a separate room. if you didn't take the dishes, here, please, this is for those who just arrived, like us, you can take it all. zineida oleksandrivna says that there are still many people, especially the elderly, who have nowhere to go and who do not have relatives to take them out. however, the approach of russian troops and increased shelling forces it to do so. that's terrible. the scariest thing is cassettes for people who are on the street and the cassette breaks, it is not scary to die at our age, but it is scary to be crippled, you will be brought and they will
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perform an operation, here is a boy from the front line, and they will not save you, and the child will die, it is scary , if possible, you go, pokrovtsi, selidovtsi, gornyak, tsukurine, novoselydove have already left, we need such a talker to drive around the city and say, evacuation is tomorrow, what... people knew, they would go, not everyone has good phones, grandmothers have push-button phones, she can just hear, maybe she herself is in the entrance, because they will drive by, not all of them have the best phones, grandmothers have push-button phones, she can they will just hear, because there is only one person in the doorway, many people stay because they do not want to leave the houses that they have furnished all their lives, although the conditions are no longer bearable, says kateryna, well, too, yes, we will wait, yes, maybe we will wait for something, maybe will get better, but where next? there is nothing to improve, we talked a lot today everything is bad, the situation is terrible, that's it, there is no light, who will bring water, no one,
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the situation is nowhere worse. yulia, her two children and her grandfather were forcibly evacuated by the white angels in an armored car, in her newly economic village, hostilities are already underway, and before that the russian army was destroying the infrastructure. knowingly they beat the doctors, that is, the hospitals, they destroy the mines, there is no light, there is no communication, the wilderness, thank god, we were evacuated in time, and two days later, tanks and neighbors started driving around the village. 12 have already arrived from donetsk to rivne evacuation trains, more than 300 families have left, people will be resettled in hostels of the regional center, private houses will be provided in communities, rivne region is ready to receive another half a thousand displaced people. volodymyr mykolaichuk, oleksandr boyko for radio liberty. and in kyiv
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with a visit now. the prime minister of india is on rendramodi and during this visit he stated that india is ready to contribute proactively to the efforts to achieve peace. new delhi advocates achieving peace in ukraine through diplomatic means. this visit is on renermody is essentially the first visit of the head of the indian government in all the years of ukraine's independence. before his visit, the media wrote that modi could even bring a peaceful plan to settle the russian-ukrainian war. but details of this have not yet been submitted. possible plan. india is a key country in the global south and kyiv seeks new delhi's favor. in kyiv, modi called on volodymyr zelenskyi to sit down at the negotiating table with russia. the prime minister of india also said that he is personally ready to become a mediator, as a friend for the conclusion war modi came to kyiv after being criticized by the ukrainian leadership for his visit to moscow in july. then the indian prime minister's stay there and his embrace with vladimir putin coincided with
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the strike. of a russian missile at the ohmadit children's hospital in kyiv. and now, during the visit , modi and zelenskyi together honored the memory of ukrainian children who died as a result of russian aggression. president zelensky noted the historicity of this visit. for us, and today it is a great honor to receive, to receive in to ukraine on the day of our national flag, the prime minister of india, friendly india, it is very symbolic, because it is... a historic moment, a historic visit, it is the first visit of the prime minister of india to independent ukraine. we will talk about the meaning of a visit to ukraine on rendremode. with us is olena bordilovska, head of the new challenges department of the national institute of strategic studies. good evening. good evening, your holiday. and you too, thank you for congratulating, and actually, i want to congratulate our viewers on the upcoming holiday, tomorrow is independence day, in particular too. let's talk about the visit to...
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tremody, he didn't speak much in kyiv for the press, he made one statement, but in particular his minister of foreign affairs was more talkative, he said about the readiness of mody, whom, like ukraine and russia, consider a friend, and play a mediating role in ending the war, is it possible? well, first of all, not exactly, i was present at this briefing given by the minister of foreign affairs jaishen at the end of the visit, there were a lot of questions and he... said that indeed most of the negotiations, that took place today were specifically about the possibilities of ending the war, the ways to peace were discussed and the possibilities that india can offer to be applied in such a negotiation process, but as you rightly pointed out, before the visits to poland and ukraine, naren dramodin said, frankly, that he is not a mediator in this conflict,
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instead, india is ready for ... any steps to contribute to the end of this conflict, as they call russia's war against ukraine, and when this visit was being prepared during the briefing at the indian foreign ministry, on the eve of the visit, it was said that it will be more about bilateral relations, the discussion of various perspectives in completely different fields of cooperation, from cultural to cooperation in the industry. also military-technical, and therefore shankar said today that in fact the majority, the greater part of the visit, the negotiations were a little, even dragged out, took more time than planned, related to the discussion of india's possibility, but to the question of journalists, whether he brought on rendramodi, how much before that they wrote, after such a throw-in by bloomberg, brought some proposals from putin.


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