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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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and so we decided that in order to reduce the number of these fees, we went to the manufacturers of armored vehicles of ukraine, manufacturers of armored jeeps, cars, and offered them a partnership in the form of the fact that we will equip all the equipment from the factory, this gives the advantage that when, for example, the novator 2 cars that the national guard ordered there are leaving, they are already equipped with countermeasures. with a half-drone, and they can immediately perform their functions in full, without waiting for the car to be picked up, then sent for repairs, and then someone will understand, what's up dad, it was probably necessary to supply some means of reb, and this is our first such contract with a manufacturer of armored vehicles, and we are developing our relations, at first we equipped only innovator 2 cars, and now we plan to... expand our cooperation
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to 25 -th year for absolutely the entire line that will leave the assembly line. well, it's not a sin to show your developments to the international community, to show what ukraine achieved during the great war, in particular, the exhibition in paris, was your company there and what were the reviews? yes, our company was at the euroster exhibition in paris, we were part of the national association of military equipment manufacturers of ukraine at audi, and we showed our advanced equipment, which today... perform their tasks at the front, this is also our headliner, such durable anti-drone guns, means of combating fpv drones and also we showed kwertus azmut, and i want to tell you that our products, they cause very frank interest from the international community, why yes, because those means of world manufacturers, which were presented at the exhibition... i
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specifically took the time to look at what is available, they are relevant for about 20-21 years, according to the frequencies, according to the powers, according to the way they work, they are currently within the framework wars in ukraine, they would not be relevant at all, and this is the first and second, er, the threat of drones, it is growing not only in ukraine, but also all over the world, and where only in some country a drone flies somewhere and something explodes, they are immediately looking for a solution and... but ukraine is in a leading position in this right now occupies and defends the lives of our boys, soldiers and girls by its means, she is exactly the advanced developer that can be trusted, because everything has been confirmed in combat operations. thank you for the conversation and thank you for bringing victory closer with your developments. i will remind the audience that this was the general director of the kvertus company and the program, which is dedicated to independence and bright people in dark times, business. thanks for watching, stay with
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taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. ukraine is history, freedom and our future. ukraine is war, pain and belief in victory. but the main thing: ukraine. these are people, bright people in dark times, good day independence, i congratulate you, dear
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tv viewers, today we have a conversation that is worth hearing, on the spresso tv channel we will talk with the head of the ukrainian greek-catholic church, vladyka. svyatoslav, i congratulate you, glory to jesus christ, glory forever, er, independence day, plus the third year of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, and if at the beginning of the invasion there was a trend that people ran to god, these are understandable, understandable things, many people came, someone was converted, they came with prayers, they came with requests, now there are such a trend that somewhere people may or may not... come as often or pray less, or maybe someone is losing hope, and are there any, do you observe something like that, if we talk about your church or maybe in other churches, having, having communication with your brothers and sisters in the faith, and how to explain it, or how to keep people the patience and hope
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that should be present in such a difficult situation as it is today, well, we as pastors, keep our hand on the pulse of our of the people, really, or another comparison, we we listen carefully to the heartbeat of our people, and i can say that the beginning of this full-scale invasion really was a big shock for everyone, we have all changed radically, although the war has been going on for more than 10 years, but maybe... so personally this calamity touched everyone, everyone ukrainian, every citizen of ukraine only with that full-scale invasion, and i do not observe any, shall we say, hardening or, on the contrary, distancing people from
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the theme of the eternal or from god, on the contrary, we see a colossal conversion. many let's say, from other fields of human knowledge, doctors, psychologists, noted that when the war began, all human relationships were zeroed out, a person's relationship with herself, with her personal life, relationships between people, even her relationship with the closest people, relationship with state, to the church. all this is in a state of rethinking, including when a person is looking for god, or has already had a certain, spiritual, religious experience, the war
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intensified a person's search for meaning, a person asks himself, why did this happen to me, god, where are you there are times when on... we are killed, how to choose the right path, landmarks during such a great disorientation, and that's all... let's say it pushes a person to look for these er these answers to such very difficult questions, and we all understand, that no person can answer these questions, the answer can only be given by the one in whose hands lies the fate of man and the whole world, er, and man, even a non-believer, he is looking, looking for those eternal values, without which... her life has no meaning, and it is obvious that reevaluating all her spiritual and
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moral guidelines, her person in one way or another approach to god and the church, i want to tell you that we have experience that certain of our parishes, in particular in central, eastern, southern ukraine, have changed by 100%. there are such communities where 100% of people were evacuated, but new ones came, this year, uh, for example, all our prayers, pilgrimages that we had, we could not organize them, because we live under martial law , but all were very crowded, people are looking, people, people are thirsty for god. and that christian community that feeds people is real
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spiritual food, it is very popular today. therefore, i can say that the ukrainian people today, in a state of war , are experiencing some kind of especially spiritual conversion, that matter for god is especially acute, and all our... we are full, and there is not a single priest who would feel unemployed, we we all really work, well, at the limit of our strength and capabilities, but we serve god and our ukrainian people with great joy. if in the christian sense, at least in the evangelical sense, so what such is the freedom that christ gives, christians. they understand independence, spiritual freedom, as where the spirit of the lord is, there is freedom, jesus said
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that i give you freedom, see that, well, and further on, it is true that your freedom is not an excuse to please your flesh, but the essence of that freedom is independence, which is marked by the ukrainian state, political, cultural, spiritual, however you would characterize it, we are independent from what and how... as they say, this independence relays us, how to explain it? well let me use this one opportunity to congratulate all our listeners on the independence day of ukraine. today, this day is a personal holiday for every ukrainian, every ukrainian family, because we feel that our lives directly depend on whether we will have a free, conciliar, independent state. the issue of our independence, our freedom is a matter of life and death
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for the entire nation, therefore it is a personal holiday. i remember how, when we only got this independence, in the 91st year, in all our churches, spontaneously, on august 24, it was a spiritual, almost religious holiday. i remember how in those first years of independence, on that day, people put everything aside, and the first thing they did that day was go to church to pray, it was a very, well, spontaneous movement, this independence, first of all, had a spiritual meaning, and there are several dimensions here of this spiritual significance of our state. the first thing we all understood was that
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the independence of ukraine is a gift from god, we saw then how at the dawn, let's say, when this independence was only, only, only here was shown, like the sun rising from the horizon, the ukrainian greek-catholic came out of the underground the church, which became, as it were, this stone that hit those... uh, clay feet of that soviet colossus, it simply crumbled. we understood that independence, our state is god's yes. as a gift, as god’s answer to these centuries-old struggles of our people, which we call today national liberation, the crown of these struggles was the martyrdom of the ukrainian greek catholic church, in particular during the communist regime, so the people
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gave thanks, but this gift had to be kept, we all see... what this state is was born after the collapse of the soviet union, it is still a post-soviet state, that freedom is a multi-meaning concept, it has not only a legal or political meaning, but first of all a moral one, in christian philosophy and theology we are always used to... talking about freedom in this double meaning, freedom from and freedom for, so when we talk about our national freedom, this is how we talk about the independence of the beginning, this is freedom from enslavement, freedom from those
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neo-colonial encroachments of moscow, which today especially manifested in all their gluttony during this full-scale invasion, but this is also freedom, for this freedom we still need to be able to use it correctly, we, as christians, have been convinced many times that freedom is the ability, the opportunity to do good, if this opportunity, the opportunity to choose. we use good for evil, then we can easily lose this gift of freedom, so, let's say, this period, which we call the young independent ukrainian state of the 90s, opened the way for us to transition into
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from post-soviet ukraine to a truly democratic one. state, and this period was very difficult, marked by several revolutions, when the people did not want to lose their independence, but took responsibility for their freedom, true freedom is always connected with responsibility, and here it seemed that we all really want to benefit from the fruits that independence. but not everyone is ready to take responsibility for it. and here i think that the role of the church and churches in the process of transformation of ukraine is very important. in particular, our church immediately started working education of one's people, education to
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dignity and freedom, to responsibility for one's state. i recall... the words of my predecessor blessed lubomyr in the first days of the orange revolution, because some in power said, here is a crowd that went to the square, blessed lubomyr said, no, this is not a mob, these are responsible citizens who not only exercised their free and democratic choice by coming to vote. these are citizens who are ready to defend their vote. and i remember his speech on the second maidan of dignity. and when, oh when did this event happen, which we will call the revolution of dignity, well, this responsibility for dignity, it manifested itself at an even higher level than during the times
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of the orange revolution. obviously. that educating citizens to realize their dignity is already a revolution, so this process of transformation of ukraine from a post-soviet state to a free democratic state, as well as the construction of a society that is not only free from, but free for this process is still ongoing, i think, that uh... uh, the war we 're going through today is another stage of this process, but i have a feeling that all those previous years of the construction of independent ukraine were only preparation for the exam, the real exam, unfortunately, was this terrible
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war, and watching how my people pass this exam today, well, we all thank god for the fact that our people today, even in the context of this tragedies they are creating a political nation of a new type, and today our independence is valued in a new way not only by ordinary ukrainians, not only by ukrainian society, but also by the world community. how will you explain, well, now about the explanation, asper, that during these more than 30 years, huge... the moscow church had an influence on the minds of ukrainians, i will generally call it the moscow church, because their patriarchs were commemorated there, alexy was there first, then cyril, they exerted political influence,
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they exerted financial influence, they cultivated oligarchs, they cultivated politicians, they campaigned for certain politicians simply in their churches, and for a long time all this was perceived as the choice of the people, we have such and such a ukrainian church there conditionally. orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, and even a full-scale invasion of a thousand killed ukrainians, killed priests, by the way, the blessing of the moscow church, the weapons with which ukrainians were killed, all this did not immediately give a decision to ban this church in ukraine, why could not all this be born for so long, why could they not just to clearly put a full stop, and before that... in your opinion, people who have gotten rid of or will get rid of this moscow word, they will be tormented by its
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absence for a long time, as they say, or if they want god, they will come to you, to epiphanius, to others priests, and they will listen to the word of god, everything will be fine, well, you see, the spiritual enslavement of ukraine began right from when... the russian empire began step by step to colonize the territory of ukraine, starting from the 17th century. the history of our church here is a vivid example: uh, step by step, as soon as russia, the russian empire annexed new ukrainian lands, it began to destroy our church, and here is the final... destruction of our church in the then russian borders happened in 1839 and
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it is obvious that then russia was trying to e to russify this territory with the help of various symbols, even monuments, everything possible was used in order to approve this, you know, this, well , simply murderous ideology, orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality, and even then, the russian imperial power saw the church as an instrument of enslavement, and this i am very sorry to say, as a person who represents the church, it was such, i would say, a shameless instrumentalization of the church. in the name of imperial interests, and then obviously that church, which even lost the right to have its own patriarch, it turned into a department of the state
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machine. metropolitan andrey sheptytskyi called it kazon orthodoxy. it was obvious that there was a minimum of spirituality and religion, and a maximum of loyalty to such a kason state. controlling the conscience of millions of people. for example, when this autocracy fell during the february revolution of the 17th year. i remember, er, er, these statistics, when for the first time during the first world war, er, russian soldiers at the front did not have the obligation to go to confession. by this time, everyone had to go to confession and to receive a certificate of beneficence from the father, ugh, and here for the first time there is no king, and there is no such and such an obligation anymore, typical for
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those times. in the 17th year, before easter , only a couple of percent of the soldiers in the russian army went to confession, and this caused a huge collapse of the ability of this church to control the sublimation of people at that time, and then everything went downhill with the speed of a snowball, which simply washed away this church, then already in of the bolshevik revolution, unfortunately, all... these consequences were fully felt by ukrainians, in particular, when stalin revived the instrument of manipulation of the religious feelings of believers in the soviet union, reviving the russian orthodox church, actually concluding a cooperation agreement with it, raising it, then it became a tool not of the tsarist, but of the communist regime.
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it was not surprising to us, but i remember my childhood, seeing orthodox fathers with communist awards, and then the bishops of the russian orthodox church received state awards for closing their own churches. ugh. at that time, we, the children of the underground persecuted church, watched it, well truly with horror. and so, when ukraine became independent, this independence. ness began to demand certain changes, we all today remember and know the term decommunization, yes, it spontaneously began to happen in western ukraine, that fall of lenin happened back in the 90s , here, but unfortunately, the central-eastern, southern ukraine still lived according to other rhythms, and
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here uh... when the whole neo-colonial face of the russian government and the uh face of the moscow patriarchate appeared in ukraine, then the ukrainian people made a demand for decommunization, even moscow orthodoxy on the territory of ukraine. i don't want to go into the analysis any further. these processes, because i can be accused of meddling in some orthodox events, but these are more political events, an ordinary citizen of ukraine, at a certain moment, said to himself, well , enough of how much you can fool us, and it is obvious that today the ukrainian state feels its the duty, in particular in the conditions of a full-scale invasion, to take care of
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state security on... when it comes to threats to state security, which, therefore, come from the bosom of followers of the moscow orthodox church in ukraine, so i think we should all be honest, honest before our own conscience, before the lord god and before the ukrainian people, if we really seek god and want to live a spiritual life, then it will be.. . on the road to liberation, to freedom, even to the decommunization of the church, even to those new demands that today's ukrainian believers make of their spiritual leaders, i can say this not only about the believers of the orthodox churches, but also about the believers of our church, protestants and other churches, that is, we want
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to be free on... kind and the church as a medium of liberation here must fulfill its mission in new historical circumstances, you know, i remember such two moments that i witnessed 90 there in my opinion it was the first year or so, somewhere at the very beginning of independence , alexei came to the second in my opinion, and then he was the head of the russian church, and he was on the black volga, and people were shouting for the moscow priest to go away. this is one thing, by the way , masolo kravchuk extinguished the period of independence, that's one thing it was, because i used to go to all these rallies before the verkhovna rada, but the moscow priest was there, and he was riding such a black volga, and people were chasing him in the center of kyiv, and they couldn’t escape, there was such a cavalcade of these cars, and they you, that is, people chased the moscow priest, it was the beginning of the 90s, and then i remember 2000 , god knows what year, when yanukovych was the president, when he came...


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