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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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povalyaeva talks about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war. exclusively, on air espresso tv channel. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the government of poland for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and how? will look like our entry into the eu in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with sestra eu. ukraine is history, freedom and ours future. ukraine is war, pain and belief in victory. but the main thing is that ukraine is people,
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bright people in dark times, happy independence day to us, mr. taras, thank you very much, first of all, for agreeing to the interview, well, you are already used to, probably, that everyone calls you a legend and i. i congratulate myself on the fact that i finally met a legend, i have been your supporter for a very long time, but we are talking about the days of independence of ukraine, and when they talk about the day of independence, they always touch more on the past, it is history, achievements, heroes, but i still i would still like to from the future literally yesterday i talked to my friend, he is a very young guy and said, i slandered that i will communicate with you, it was such a violent reaction, he said that he is a terrible fan, he started writing to his. that ms.
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natalya will meet with taras petrinenko, they listen to your music, the patterns of the paths are very small, they are very small, i was impressed by the way, well, to be honest, and he says: please ask mr. taras, i wrote it down, he , why are you so cool, that's what he asked to ask, and that's why i pick up this idea and ask you why you are so cool, but seriously, what do you think shaped you. roots, mom, dad, environment, maybe some authority, environment, whatever you can say about this, why are you so cool, it is better to be cool than not cool, i am very grateful for such an assessment, and what shaped me, and mom, and dad, and the environment, and well , a lot of things, and maybe my love for nature, for everything, for everything of this kind... something that
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never disappoints, and well, as a result, i became who i became, but well, i've already happened, well, many years ago, already on... quietly moving to some kind of epilogue, yes, in fact, all my life i tried to choose the right path, you can say so, every person always faces a choice at this or that crossroads, and of course i was sometimes wrong, sometimes i probably did some shameful things, i don’t know them anymore i'll remember, i don't want to mention them, and like every person, she can't be absolutely correct, well, i also probably have some skeletons in my closet, but with all this i tried to be frank, honest and not to cause harm to anyone others, and carry, say, something from the stage or in one's works something that could benefit people, that's
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the most important thing, not something that they will jump to and, let's say, just have fun, because there are other performers for that, for some reason i have all my life... starting from, well, actually from a young age, i tried to do something to do something that would leave a mark on me while we are telling the news and our end will not come soon, this can be done with our hearts. praises the hearts of ten, that our candle did not burn, for our youth is with us,
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and where is our work, some people will say. ukraine, ukraine, we prayed, that, bring the heart, god's son, i am a quad, ami, you were such
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young man, did you already think at a young age that i, who i should leave. yourself, maybe someone influenced you in this sense, well , the beatles, if they gave birth to me, i should be, i was either a pianist or a conductor in my time, well, classical music, academic music, but the beatles brought me down from this pin, and i decided that i will do exactly this, because it is a very democratic form of art, a song or such works, er, it actually applies to... and the poetry that is laid in the song, because for some reason we have little are now paying attention to what word is embedded in each song, they listen more, or they don't even listen, and if they react, it's all your lyrics, they were for me, honestly, they were
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discoveries for me, because always taras petrenko is music, well, that's it the fact that these are your texts, i just find it very positive, for some time i was looking for some poets who could... give me some texts from which i could do something, what i like, what i like, and it turned out that there are no such poets, well , around me, at least there are none, and i had to try to do it myself, at first there was something very much, as they say clumsily there, but gradually it somehow turned out that when there is a person who has critical thinking and is critical of his creativity, sooner or later something can come out of it, you mentioned the beat... interesting, i i sing in an amateur baroque choir, and we recently had a concert, and we were there, well, obviously in the arrangement we performed a choir, a large choir, 40 people, we performed beatles songs, and at first we were very worried about how it would turn out, it turned out well, and i thought what a wonderful idea it would be for taras petrynenko to perform with the choir, for example,
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well, you know, these kinds of collaborations are very interesting, well, you have to put it on the back burner, so soon we did some things, that was all, i also wanted to know what to ask, i almost always ask everyone this, and myself i ask this on august 24, what is personal independence for you and what is the independence of the country for you? what would you sacrifice for the sake of your independence to keep it, what sacrifices could you make, and i'm spying here, yes, and in order not to lose the independence of the country, what are you ready for, well honestly, personal independence and the independence of the country, what does it mean to you? well, in fact, these are identical things, because my independence depends directly, probably , on how independent my country is, but there is not much independence, i apologize, because here... independence in itself is a good word, but it should probably be changed also pay attention to
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what is happening in this country, which calls itself independent, because, well, let's say, now we have, we know who our main enemy is on our borders, like what kind of war is going on now continues, but from time to time, and practically every day , the internal enemies that are here appear here and there. in our country, and something must be done about it, probably, because independence is a good thing, but someone is taking advantage of the fact that there is democracy here, and even with that church, well , the moscow patriarchate, you understand how many people tried to get out of this in one way or another , so as not to take part in banning it, well, can't you see that this church is simply destroying our country and, accordingly , our independence, and unfortunately, many more people's independence is a process, it is not that...
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all the time we need to confirm that we are independent, that we are moving in the right direction, and this is confirmed today by our soldiers who die every day for this independence and for this country, you understand, and in this wait, i don't even know how to say animals, well , i don't want to offend animals, those who inside the country are trying to... destroy in one way or another, this is me, this is very confusing to me, well, we say about the war, as we can , he doesn't talk about it now, you know, me i was terribly impressed by this fact, here i look at the date, on june 2, in kyiv, they said goodbye to the paramedic iryna tsyboh, who died in russia, and i was terribly impressed, it turns out that she had, this is a battalion of hospitalists, she had a death certificate, a testament before her death, in which she verbatim asked, wants everyone. sang in farewell, learned at least ten meaningful songs and sang them in unison to soothe the grief with a native
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song, and she asked for 10 songs to be performed on the maidan when she died, and she, unfortunately, died, and among these 10 songs, and among ten of these songs are two of yours, she asked ukraine, obviously, and spring to come, this is also mine, this is one of my first songs, and this is my most favorite song, to be honest, i believe that bad weather will die. and failures, your quiet sadness, fly away, i want to see in your eyes again, the sweetness of the sun and no good. and we already talked a little about it, what is
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the meaning of this war for you, but i think that it is normal for every ukrainian, it is clear, what is the news, but here are these songs that were already there, and this iryna has already died , asked everyone sang, and this phrase really struck me, to learn ten meaningful songs, and will there be new songs by taras petrinenko, which we will sing alive and well at the meetings after... the victory, you see, i can't wait to do something for some historical moment, respond immediately and write something, because my colleagues do a lot of this, and to be honest, it’s a conjuncture, conjuncture, but we don’t take it for a conjuncture, something happens in the soul, you what for this i can’t say when it will appear, i hope that something will appear, something really valuable, here, but... how it will be, when it will be, i want something to work out for me,
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you have to look at these things a little from a certain distance, you understand, because there is such a desire, well of course, of course, i am still, i am still here with you, thank god, but my god, young man, what can i say, look, there is another topic, i would like to talk to you, a lot of ukrainians have gone abroad, and not it's a secret that a lot of them plan to stay there, and what do you think... should we fight for every ukrainian so that he came back, whether to allow people to make their choice in peace, and how to fight for them on some human level of ours. you know, it's not a simple question, i 'll say it right away, because each person chooses his own path, where to live, someone said, you should live where it's better for you, well, if it's better for you, if you don't have anything inside, it doesn't hurt, when you see what's happening to us here, well, that's your choice, but at the end of the day, a lot of people i know
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who are there, say my godmother with two kids, who's also in recovery right now, they're already return in autumn. here is such an example, i think that it is not an isolated one, people do not find themselves there, it is something else, europe is also not an easy thing, just like america is not an easy thing, well , you have to search where your roots are, as they said, where, where your umbilical cord is too buried, yes, here, i would advise of course to return here and try, no matter how difficult it is, it will be difficult after the war, because during the war it is only about... there will be problems after the war, they will not be less is 100%. i'm just the only thing i can, i can call these people just to return, because without them, well, there will be someone here, someone else, because they are foreign people, i don't know, there are vietnamese, koreans, i am very grateful to you, mr. tarast and i call on all ukrainians to return to ukraine, because i am
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nothing i don't have anything against the vietnamese and koreans, let's say, but i have against the fact that ukraine will be just... not ukraine anymore, but some kind of international vinaigrette, it's a shame, the main thing for us is to wait for the victory, which of course, especially, well of course, that it will be, i have absolutely all such faith on some such level, well, such, i don't know, intuitive, our souls read poems, but the ray of faith did not go out. god, save ukraine, lord, have mercy on us, sinful children, children of strangers, our father, hear their sincere voice, god, save ina,
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and tell me please, well, now of course, well , the media has always been of great importance, and of course the rules of good they say a lot that the media should always be quarreled, by the way, everyone always curses weather forecasters and tells jokes about them, well , by the way, artists too, but we understand why the media should be quarreled, but... and what would you praise for media is now during the war especially? well, it depends on which media, because if we are talking about that one marathon, well, i don’t watch it at all, because everything there is somehow banal, everything is simplified and you can feel this direction in which our entire population is trying to be kept, and those media that are trying a little
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to dig deeper, to somehow consider the nature of these... things that happen to us, well, this is sometimes interesting, and again, it depends on which journalist takes up this matter, but you look, sometimes i look, of course, of course , because it seems to me that you are like that man, you hardly watch tv, no, sometimes i do, sometimes i do, i can’t say that this is some kind of constant passion, but first of all, now you need to be aware of events and what is being done on our fronts, and what is being done in general and inside the country, you just have to come across those people. whom you trust, those who tell you the truth from the screen, and not some clichés, which we have to, let's say, accept what is behind them, they are clearly trying to push someone somewhere, or to extinguish someone, well, it's unpleasant, but tell me be please, in your opinion, what is the role of an artist in
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the formation of civic consciousness and taste, because well... they are aware of such a thing here, and mom and dad can help very well, namely taste, musical taste, some kind of formation of such a general culture , well, there were such cases, for example, when people are young, they absolutely did not know any very famous artist, very famous writer, they did not hear about them, it is incredibly simple, should an artist help to educate not only youth, but society in general, an artist maybe... and shouldn't be, shouldn't be an educator in that literal sense of the word, but an artist should have some opportunities to influence people, i'm very... well aware of what it's like when you just like they completely shut off the oxygen, and you seem to be gone, how many people were told that petrynenko moved to canada, he lives in
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canada, now he is not in ukraine, and someone says that he tied his career, i went to canada more than once , and to america and europe, i traveled everywhere, but i kept coming back, and someone was probably, i don't know, somehow... it's nice to understand that you can move me, or to lift someone up, or just push me away, because i, i'm an independent person, i try not to obey anyone, and in fact, that's why i've never been a member of any party, because there is discipline, you know, you have to do not what you understand, but what the party said, well, haven't you tried to exert this influence through social networks, run your blog, is there any youtube? channel, that is, you are not interested in it, the fact is that i am by and large an introvert, well, it can be seen, yes and yes, if a person in myself, i observe life, and
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accordingly, what i bring to people, i bring to the stage, or to some albums, or something else, this is the place where i can communicate with people, and so it's banal somehow bloggers here everyone, well, i don’t know, there are already as many of them as unkilled dogs, well, in general, the internet has done a lot of good, but it has also done a lot of... harm, you know, there is so much crap that is being reported, i don’t know who , well, a lot, a lot, that’s why i don’t want to dive into it either, well, well, then, if, i think, yes, well, it can be summed up, if you, you have your songs, if my young friends, young, you can say, in fascination, they constantly listen to the same patterns of paths in headphones, i think that you have already formed this taste, well that very good, i wanted to be like that. many young people don't even know that i exist in the white world, and then they come to the concert by chance and there is some kind of reaction, it's good, it's a shame that
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somehow it, you know, this time brings to the surface some simplified things, extremely simplified, commercialized for so, so because people who, well, primitively we... think or try not to think at all, because it is unnecessary, they are easier to manage, you see, and a country consisting of such people, of course, it will move somewhere, i obviously listened there before the meeting of music, i remembered something so, so delicate, like patterns, i remembered how we waved lighters in the stadiums to ukraine, and look, i was just somehow... the song red wind just hit me, well, it’s not like that there, well, but it's just fantastic, you are a prophet, the red wind blows black from the east
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dreams to the idlers, who is still standing for freedom today, if not you, if not me, boys, we gather, girls, we unite, the time is calling, us again, these are amazingly prophetic words, amazingly simple, and i just wrote it more than 30 years ago , this is fantastic, i thank you very much for this, again, my sons. they wanted war, they crave blood, but we will stand up, and the teeth in our chests, the fierce breath of winter, the faces of the east, the black moles, the hollim, who still stood today. a child for freedom, if not you, if not me, boys, let's get ready, girls,
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let's unite, time calls us again, in labor, not let's be afraid, be proud, don't be afraid, because this is the last chance, i congratulate you on the independence day of our beloved. ukraine and i personally thank you for the patterns of the ways, thank you very much, thank you for listening, there will be no one to listen, and there will be no need to write, we are listening very much, thank you very much for spring and for ukraine, thank you, let's hope for that spring, which will put everything in its place, because ukraine can disappear without our love, we must love her, just love and sacrifice a lot for her, i think, then everything, everything will be with us. ok, we are terribly grateful to sir taras for his meeting, and always watch us at espresso, always at espresso such interesting, incredible ukrainians as mr. taras petrynenko.
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tomorrow, look at saturdays. club, every saturday for espresso. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become languages ​​for many relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening.


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