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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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vitaliy portnikov and the guests of the project read the entire condemnation, accept my song, thank you, it was difficult, but i was just interested, but this is absolutely not true, they help to understand the present and predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us , a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovsky and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton. every week, maria
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gurska meets with the head of the foreign affairs committee of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. the project is close to politics close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 3:30 p.m. at 22:00 in cooperation with au sisters. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. prospects for conflict resolution. indian prime minister naren ramodi brought a new peace plan to kyiv. has india's neutral position regarding russian aggression changed? in ukraine and how can modi affect
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the situation? putin's nuclear hysteria. the kremlin dictator is trying to scare the world with the threat of an accident at the kursk nuclear power plant. what does the fire control of the armed forces of ukraine over the station mean and will the russian blackmail with help stop zaporizhzhia as. postponed personnel changes in the ukrainian government. zelensky is in no hurry with the announced dismissals and appointments of ministers, what role does the cabinet of ministers play in the system of power, where everything is managed by five or six presidential managers? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, and the war. and about our
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victory. first of all, i congratulate everyone on national flag day, tomorrow is independence day, well, today the indian prime minister narendra modi visited kyiv and brought the peace plan to zelensky, or his vision of the peace plan, about all this, about the visit to narendra modi and how ukraine is looking for ways to win over the russian federation, not only in ukraine, already on the territory. we will talk about the russian federation for the next two hours. we will have two parts of the verdict today. the first part of our program will feature people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy honcharenko, military expert dmytro snigiryov and political expert volodymyr cebulko in the second part of our program, which starts in an hour, we will have a journalism club, a traditional journalism club that we hold every friday. kateryna nekrecha, marina danyliuk yarmaleva will be our guests. studios, and
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wait for their conclusions regarding the main weekly events that took place in ukraine and abroad. however, before starting our big conversation today, i suggest watching a video of how ukrainian fighters struck from the air at a russian platoon stronghold in kurshchyna, beat with high-precision american bombs, as a result of which it will strike. drone control post, electronic warfare unit, machinery and up to 40 invaders, let's watch this great video.
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friends, on the last day of our broadcast, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about this, whether it will speed it up. the transition of the uoc mp parish to the ocu after the adoption of the law, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you do not have such a clear answer, you can, a separate opinion, you can leave it under the video in the comments, well, if you watch us on tv, take it in your hands smartphone or phone and vote for the numbers, if you think that after the adopted law the transition of parishes from pcmp to ocu will be accelerated, 0800 211 381, 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote , i would like to introduce today's first guest, oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, president of the committee of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe on migration and refugees.
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mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you on the national day the flag mutually, mr. oleksiy, let's start our conversation with... to kyiv today, for the first time in 30 years of modi's independence, the prime minister, let's say, of india came to kyiv, brought a peace plan, modi himself, after the meeting with zelenskyi, said, that a month ago he met with the head. kremlin by vladimir putin and tried to convince him to stop the war. let's hear what modi said. a month ago i visited russia and met with putin. i clearly told him that problems are not solved on the battlefield. the only way conflict resolution is dialogue and diplomacy. and
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that's why we don't need to waste time, we need to move in the direction of negotiations. mr. oleksiy. narendramodiy talks about peace, about what peace should be, obviously he talked about it in more detail to zelensky, but considering that he first visited putin and then came to kyiv, and putin's position is clear, this is a plan, his peace plan is a plan for the surrender of ukraine, what kind of plan can the indian prime minister's plan be? i don't know, i don't want to guess here on coffee grounds and... on unfortunately, at the moment i don't know that, and to be honest, while this visit of the prime minister of india, according to those statements, the results, what i see, is more like, you know, an attempt by fashion to balance his trip to moscow, to balance it by coming to kyiv, in any
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case it is good, because modi is one of the key world leaders, india is the number one country today. by population in the world, a member of the top twenty in terms of economic potential, and of course, india is a very large trading partner of russia, and it is trade with china, india, that is, with these countries, in the first place, with these two countries, that gives russia the opportunity to continue the war and fill the budget and, therefore, to kill us. therefore, of course , cooperation with india is very necessary for us, but also for now, well, from what i saw, this is more of a symbolic protocol visit, i think, although maybe some
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things were heard there that you and i do not know, some messages , which have been transferred one way or another, although from my point of view, even if we talk about peace, then i... i strongly doubt that there is any space for peace before the end of the wars, before the end, excuse me, of the elections in the united states of america, because putin does not want to talk with ukraine, not with modi, not with the european union, yet someone, putin wants to talk to the usa, there is no one to talk to in the usa yet. well, that is, we can state today that it was a protocol visit, even a mirror visit, because we remember. that when modi was in moscow, then it was the russian federation that attacked okhmadite kyiv okhmadite, and this whole story, the tragic story in kyiv unfolded before the eyes of modi, who communicated with putin, and modi
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was reproached that he met with putin at a time when the dictator was making such aggressive attacks on the ukrainian capital, how much is the economic factor and cooperation between russia and india, as far as it is a valid argument and in... the current situation in order to force russia to go to some negotiations with ukraine or withdraw troops from ukraine, i.e. to what extent can india influence putin? you know, the main question here is how much india wants to influence putin? india, for sure india could influence putin, i think that china certainly has more influence, but india is also a very decisive trade. a partner for russia, but here it must be understood that india also
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benefits a lot from this trade with russia, and obviously, let's be honest, let's compare two visits, mody to moscow and mody to kyiv. mody's visit to moscow, his first visit after re-election, these are always iconic things, always the first visit matters, and he demonstrated. second, that visit, if i am not mistaken, lasted, it seems, two days something like that, well, he definitely spent the night in moscow, he did not spend the night in kyiv in fashion, and his visit lasted less than a day in kyiv, and if you look at the trade between india and russia, or between india and ukraine, well, these are all incomparable things , so whether i'm now, you know, i don't want to devalue this visit in any way, it's very good that it happened, we still need to start talking with india, i hope that you... certain foundations like that were laid today, and it needs to be developed , the situation
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will be, well, life does not end tomorrow, and neither do we it is necessary to develop relations with this very important country, it was on the periphery of ukrainian attention in our country, and ukraine is on the periphery of india's attention, and this is wrong, but to expect something from this visit, which is now in fashion, will force putin to stop the war, i don't i believe from the word of mouth and... and i don't think that this can happen. against this background, mr. oleksiy, the kurdish operation of the armed forces of ukraine is unfolding. it is already the third week, the ukrainian army is moving forward, it controls more than 94 settlements, the ukrainian army, 1,200, more than 200, 1,200 km already territory, at the same time we see statements. putin that the ukrainians seem to want to do something with the kursk eu, and here is the reaction
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of the head of the magat, rafael hrus, who said in an interview with bloomberg that after visiting the kurdish as, he will go to ukraine and hopes to talk with zelensky, grossi also explained, what is the danger of hostilities near this station, let us hear what grossi said. she has not. of the protective dome around the reactor is only a regular roof, which means that the core of the reactor is quite open, and when add to this the fact that there are troops nearby that are advancing, objectively speaking, within the range of artillery, then of course, this causes great concern for me and the agencies. mr. oleksiy, can putin resort to provocation and use russian weapons on chickens? au in order to accuse the ukrainians of stopping the offensive of the armed forces in korshchyna in this way? putin can do anything, but i think that,
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at least, he does not have such a critical situation for now, if the armed forces of ukraine were to take control of the course of the kos, then there, honestly, anything would be expected . we are still quite far from kurchatov, the course of the ks is located, so i do not think that there is such a risk today, well , after all, everything is happening on the territory of russia, so it is only some kind of extreme and i can already feel that way an operation and a step, so i think that it is unlikely, but i repeat, you can expect absolutely everything from putin, but i think that here it is necessary to tell us absolutely clearly the money, to everyone else. you are worried, well, maybe you will somehow talk about it,
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which invaded, which seized our zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest in europe, which is bigger than kursk and so on, so i would ignore it here, putin is trying to use the kos course in order to, well , of course, he will try to do it, as if to stop the armed forces with the hands of money or the world community or something else, well, of course we can't go here. we have a full moral and legal right to do in the kurdish region, as well as in any other city, city of russia, what we consider... necessary, and well, as far as we have enough, according to the forces for this. the kursk operation, i will not evaluate it from a military point of view, i am not a military person, but from a political point of view, the kursk operation is definitely a huge success for ukraine. this, we surprised the world again, we showed the strength
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of ukraine again, and this is very important, in the world only the strong are respected, everything else is all talk, and you and i are... ukraine knows this better than anyone, unfortunately , the world that all these agreements, budapest memoranda, words, concerns and everything else, all this, until the armed forces do not have their say, then all this complete emptiness, we showed the strength of the armed forces of ukraine again, and this is very important, it is very important, of course, for us, well, i repeat myself, the military, i am sure they know what to do, but i can’t help but say it, it is very important for us not to capture . and not to miss a moment when the price of this will become too great for us. the main thing, i want to remind us here, 2.5 years ago the enemy was near kyiv, took kherson, was near mykolaiv, was near chernihiv, but we kept our armed forces, and the enemy was pushed back from kyiv, chernihiv, mykolaiv, kherson,
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fired and so on. therefore, it is very important for us to preserve the armed forces of ukraine. and even any very cool, and i repeat, this is a very good and powerful and cool operation, at least politically, i think military too, but it should not be too expensive, because our human resources are limited, especially in compared to our enemy, that's why we have to be very, very careful here , to calculate carefully, but i repeat, now i believe that it is without... concluding this thought, you know, if we use boxing terminology, in our fight with russia, it's not a knockout, na it's a pity, and it's not even a knockdown yet, but we definitely earned serious points, points, on this, it was russia who missed a powerful blow, and
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this blow, which russia missed, was also seen by our western partners. the united states of america allowed ukraine to use american weapons during the operation in the korsk region, deputy pentagon spokesperson sabrina singh said. let's hear what she said. we are beginning to better understand what ukrainians are doing in kursk. our policy allows them to take participation in such counterattacks. we support ukraine in what it needs. needed on the battlefield, through various presidential aid packages, and that will not change. you know that our policy allows ukraine to fire back to defend itself against russian attacks that it is carrying out through this border region. this border region includes kursk and includes sumy, so they are defending against russian attacks in that region. well, singh also
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said that in washington they still don't know all the goals. ukrainian operations in kursk region and reminded that zelenskyi had previously said that the offensive should create a buffer zone, in addition to the buffer zone that can be created on the territory of the kurt region, what other problems did this kurdish operation reveal in the management of russia, mr. oleksiy, well , classic, we look, here is such a story, you know, theoretically, if it were some other country, exchange rate operation. could overthrow the russian government, well, because it is an absolute shame, for 80 years, not since the year 44, there has been such a thing that the internationally recognized russian territory was occupied by another country, well it is a complete shame for putin, who is trying to pretend that he is not the first in the world, but the second, well, if not
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the second, then the third, well, can you imagine if some piece of arizona was occupied there? some part of china, well, this is simply impossible to imagine in principle, but with russia it turned out to be possible, all this shame with their conscripts, about whom putin said that they would not fight, and they do fight, they are taken captive there en masse, well , well, this is definitely another evidence that russia is an empire, but the empire is such a failed one empire, a colossus with really clay feet, this is a fact, and we once again demonstrated it to ourselves. and i repeat, in another country it would have led to the fall of power, well, russia does not understand russia, and here we see that, well , so far... the question does not arise, although that too, well, we simply do not know, at what point will it all fall apart, that this structure of the putin regime will fall apart at some
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point is a fact, but when, like in a day, in a year, in 10 years, in 15 years, only with the death of putin, we cannot answer it's a question, but we demonstrated the weaknesses of this system, obviously, both for the russians, and for the world, and for themselves, once again, very important. there is the fact that this is such an elation, well , let's be honest, ukrainians waited for victories, and a very difficult year in which we did not have successes, such great successes, it was difficult for ukraine and our allies, so we are done such certain successes were needed, and we definitely achieved it today, what will happen tomorrow, how will the situation develop, what will happen in 3-4 weeks, this is... war, this is very a dynamic situation, it is very difficult to predict it, i repeat, at this moment russia has missed a powerful blow, will we be able to bring it to at least a knockdown, well, we will
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try, but whether we will succeed or not is not a fact, well , let's hope that before the knockdown we let's prove russia when the presidential elections in the united states of america will actually take place, kamala harris, who officially became a candidate for the president... of the united states of america from the democrats, said at a pre-election rally that in the event of her victory, she would resolutely support ukraine. let's listen candidate for the presidential seat. trump threatened to abandon nato. he encouraged putin to invade countries that are our allies. he said that russia can, i quote: do whatever it wants. 5 days before the russian attack, i... met with president zelensky to warn him about putin's invasion plan. i helped mobilize more than 50 countries around the world to
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defend against russian aggression, and as president, i will stand firmly with ukraine and our nato allies. mr. oleksiy, this is a serious statement by kamala garis that she is will stand by ukraine and our allies. with nato, despite the fact that i understand that the difficult conversation was with zelenskyi, she mentions 5 days before the big offensive, this means, probably, the munich security conference, so it is precisely about it, by the way, just me saw kamala arris live twice, and both times at the munich security conference, so yeah, well, that's definitely a good statement, especially against the background of other statements that sound... from other american politicians, let's say, well, but we can only watch, we observers in this situation, we are waiting to see who will be elected by the american people in
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november, whoever is elected, it is very important for us to build relations, and by the way, the elections will be very important, we talk a lot about the presidential elections, the congressional elections will be very important and in the senate, there is also a huge intrigue, who will control the lower house, who will control? the upper house and all this is of great importance, so definitely after the us elections there will be such a definite fork, it will be a moment that will determine what will happen further, because whoever wins this election, the us policy on this war will definitely change, because kamal harris is not joseph biden, and what those changes will be, that is, either she wins or tram. but the policy will change and how it will change, what position the united states of america will take, a lot will depend, this is the reality, because without american support, well, we will also,
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well, we are extremely difficult, that's putting it mildly , not to say more, so a lot depends on it, well, we'll keep an eye on it the presidential campaign is already underway in the united states of america, on september 10, let me remind you, there is to be a televised debate between... trump and harlis and we will see, in fact, what the dynamics of this election and this election campaign will be. thank you, mr. oleksii, for the conversation, it was oleksii goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please participate in to our poll, we are asking you today whether the transition of the uocmp parish to... the central orthodox church will be accelerated after the adoption of the law, meaning the law on religious organizations, which was adopted by the verkhovna rada of ukraine. so, on youtube, everything is quite simple, yes, no, or your own opinion, which you
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leave in the comments. under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on 0800 211 381, if you think that after the adoption of the law, the transition of the parishioner of the ocp to the ocu will be accelerated, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. dmytro snighir, a military expert, co-chairman of the public. you are right, mr. dmitry, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, thank you for the invitation. well, first of all, let's talk about the situation in kurshchyna. it is not so often that the general staff reports the details of how the situation is developing, what the dynamics are in the kurdish direction, but well, 93 settlements and 1,260 km. which are controlled
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by the ukrainian army, what does this dynamic of the offensive of ukrainian troops on the territory of the russian federation indicate? firstly, about the information of the ukrainian intelligence community about the plans of the russian military command, i explain what we are talking about, information was received about the formation of an invasion contingent of the suzhe tactical group on the borders with the sumy region, accordingly, information was received about the further plans of the russian command regarding a direct invasion of the territory of ukraine and repetition of the kharkiv scenario with the aim of stretching the front line and diverting operational reserves of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine to this section of the front, and there was talk of withdrawing operational reserves from the most dynamic sections of the front, and this is the donetsk direction, that is why they are currently talking about what is going on in the kursk
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region. have introduced operational reserves and are doing it with a reasonable face, i would like to note that the war was transferred to the territory of the occupier's country, and combat operations are not being conducted in the sumy region, and the ukrainian military currently they are taking control, respectively , of populated areas on the territory of the russian federation, or it is not being held near sumy, the distance from the border to sumy is 30 km, this is a criticism of the character'. actions of the defense forces of ukraine, but we are moving on. what does this indicate? about the low morale and fighting spirit of the regular units of the armed forces of the russian federation, the so-called contract soldiers, conscripts, border guards of the fsb, etc. currently , according to western intelligence , four to six brigades of the armed forces of ukraine are concentrated in the sumy region. and here
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attention, and against. before entering the territory of the russian federation , nine brigades of the armed forces of the russian federation stand before them, that is, they are talking about the fact that the defense forces of ukraine are advancing with half the number of personnel and , accordingly, already have an operational nature of advance, 1,300 km of the russian territory, and moreover. it is worth mentioning that, according to military statutes, the attacking side should have an advantage in personnel in a ratio of 3:1, that is, by nine russian brigades, which currently in defense, the defense forces of ukraine should be concentrated in 27 brigades, no one is talking about this, and why are they not talking about it? question: what is currently happening in kursk oblast is
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expansion. on the flanks of the presence zone, that is, the creation of a buffer zone, call it a sanitary zone, a security zone, as you like, but currently the width of this security zone is 40 km, at the beginning it was 10 km, this is again in accordance with the operational nature of the successes of the armed forces of ukraine, and the main thing we should talk about, and talk out loud. the russian side is currently forced to withdraw its own operational reserves to create bryansk and belgrade tactical groups to cover areas of the russian-ukrainian border, that is, these parts of the regular troops of the russian army will not go to ukraine, but , accordingly, will currently perform the functions of cover forces, this is again a success defense forces


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