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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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but we see that what was once called nationalism, i.e. radicalism, has gradually become mainstream, and now it is not enough that is prescribed in the legislation, it is already these people who profess such and such views, they sit, for example, in the offices, perhaps not in all of them, but they sit, they are generals, they sit in the headquarters of the special services, they plan operations, and they are ready to... fight on and defend those values, about which, even 10 years ago, someone could to speak, so to speak, with caution, because it might be so say to split society or not not to be perceived in the sociological dimension, and this is also a fairly simple answer to this question, and ukrainian society and the state also have to carry red lines, hoping that russia is shamenets, this also did not happen immediately, you know, we we will carry out... in the 14th year, decommunization,
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please stop, because you are destroying our common, uh, heritage, no, we are going further, you know, in this situation, we are introducing language quotas, we are passing a law on language, stop , please, you see how everything how our people are changing, no, we are moving on, well, then we will de-russify, we will not have pushkin monuments and lermontov streets, you understand that you are completely destroying our common ku'. space even to the depth there of 200-300 years, when we did not have such a mutual rejection of some of your cultural values, they absolutely do not stop, no, we go further, we do not have absolutely everything, we will conquer you and name everything, we will kill everyone , and those whom we do not kill, we will drive through the filtration camps and, so to speak, and force to surrender pushkin and lermontov in these filtering tabs and.
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to read barodino, well, by the way, it’s good, if it was god’s will, they wouldn’t have been handed over to moscow, by the way, they wouldn’t have been handed over to the judges, if it wasn’t, it wasn’t god’s will, on the other hand, it’s also, well, we understand, that this is a very serious parallel, yes, because napoleon took moscow, took it and burned it, took it and burned it, and so to speak, i think that not a single architectural monument was harmed, relatively speaking, well, i'm joking, but it's about that there is so-called depth. it's about symbols, it's about the regional center, and the city of kurchatov, this is about aes, yes, yes, and if there was such a symmetrical situation, well , first of all, it would excite our european and american friends very much, because they... would understand
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that this is not just aggression against ukraine, that is , it is ukraine's readiness to stop the enemy by all possible means, of course, we understand that no one would resort to these or other unconventional things, i.e. , forcible seizure, the russians forcibly seized power plants, trying to shock the west, yeah that is, it is not only the zaporizhia nuclear plant, it was chernobyl, that is, when they shoot at the nuclear plant... in brussels they are extremely worried and not only in brussels, but i also worry when something like this happens, i understand, but again, well, there is art desire, art is possible, and it is what it is, this art is possible, in any case, it is absolutely obvious that the very raid on kurtshchyna is the transfer of red lines, they continue to be transferred, that's it too, now the war on the territory of the russian federation, this is also a call to be ashamed, because see... it may be so, and then there may be
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some kind of offensive in the korchatov region at some point, despite the russian fortifications, well, many, where they were fortified, ukrainian troops were fortified in avdiivka, where avdiivka is now, this is exactly how russian troops can strengthen in kurchatov, and then it will turn out that they are not able to work long and tediously, the french built the maginot line, yes, and then it turned out that it can be bypassed, for example, a great example, or here is the story with the law on the prohibition of churches that have centers management in moscow, well, for a very long time they also pretended that this is how it should be, we can’t do anything with this church if there are so many parishioners in it, well , it turned out that we can, that this is another red line that crosses is moving, it will continue like this, the russians are burying with their own hands everything that connected them with ukraine, we mentioned it for a reason, here we go back to the history of the gkchp, yes, at one time... this communist
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surge accelerated the dismantling of the communist system , so now you are absolutely right because this is stupidity, bloodthirstiness. gluttony is russian, it leads to the fact that ukraine has the opportunity to very quickly implement, well, the necessary internal policy. antin, i will tell you honestly, if it were not for vladimir putin, not only i would not have seen all that we are seeing now in terms of cultural, humanitarian, language policy and so on in my lifetime, but you too did not see life, we would live in a policy of constant compromises and would be forced to defend our there... historical interests in the conditions of eternal a compromise with a large part of society, which would say: "listen, we live here , we are not russia, but we have russian culture, we love philip kirkorov and yosyp kobzon, why should we bother here, we don't want to listen to your
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country singers, to watch your country performances and speak your secondary language, is a great language, well, we heard that recently." yes, i.e., i.e., if there was a collective there of this or that lithuanian or this or that character, yes, who would be ready to make a permanent compromise with the russians, and the russians were ready for this compromise, this is also very important, that is, it would be a model of continuation of what was called there, i don’t know, the ukrainian soviet socialist republic with all the relevant attributes, if viktor chornomyrdina was the president of russia , leonid kuchma remained the president of ukraine, or this is volodymyr lytvyn or serhii tegibko. this ukrainian soviet socialist republic could even join the european union, and friedman aven and all other russian oligarchs who would have business, and it was just perfect hungary and we would only speak with horror, listen, but the use of the ukrainian language has already
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accelerated to five or six regions, so what, but we are in the european union, we live wonderfully, we are developing here , russia gives us cheap gas, friedman finances. times, one could even write patriotic poems about it, they would write, they would write, of course, and even in the ukrainian language, but by the way, the key story, that is, in principle, in the history of ukraine, there has never been such a great peak of state formation, as now, that is full-fledged and multifaceted, that is, i tried, well, what period during the time of hetman mezepa, well, i am not sure during the time of the ukrainian people's republic, no, because it is a short period, that is... balakh was powerful, but the period was short, and kyiv voted for russian the block is called in the elections to the constituent assembly. during the time of our great hetmans, neither, well , because the moscow church felt under khmelnytsky, in principle, in a single space, because even then the ukrainian orthodox
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church was in the union with constantinople, but, but, i.e., the moscow church gained its voice, of course, and they controlled constantinople, so we can sum up our conversation in this regard. to say that this great tragedy, which you and i are going through, and which we remember even today on this festive day, it led to such changes in the state system of ukraine, which will not be able to be canceled by any other processes, and this is which we should remember, but this is what our countrymen and you are shedding blood for, it would all be better of course peaceful, but we don't choose historical eras, we'll be back just a few minutes before our conversation with... borkovsky, so please stay with us on the spresso tv channel, and now there's a short break.
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saturday political club on the air espresso, ansin borkovskyi, vitaly portnikov, well, let's talk about the most important thing, that is, of course we talk. in the context of the fact that today we are celebrating the day of ukrainian independence, and this is not just about a calendar moment, not just about three decades, not even about the fact that, yes, so to speak, about the peak of ukrainian statehood and the triumph of ukrainianism, we also talk about certain specific processes, we talked about politics, we will talk about politics, but now there is still the question of the church, it is generally about civilizations, the civilizational dimension. that is , right now , history is happening literally before our eyes, we are trying to unravel the whole layers
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of imperial policy, imperial scheming, because the imperial policy of russia is not only about soldiers, not only about tanks, about cavalry and the capture of certain forces the way of certain peoples, this is also theirs, about their cultural and religious colonization, that is, it is such a very difficult moment, and moscow is like the third rome in quotation marks. of course, it is, this concept was formed over the course of a century, it is the cornerstone for the functioning of russia, and without ukraine they could not build it, yes, because where the baptism of muscovy took place, in ukraine, they cannot survive it, because the prince of kyiv baptized his people, because yes, not moscow, and not even volodymyr suzdal, and not even novgorod. not even the novgorod prince, well , the prince of kyiv could be the prince of novgorod, the prince would have wanted something, but he was from kyiv, in
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fact, well, let’s start from the fact, but here is a simple thing: of course, the russian orthodox church is, i would say the most effective tool for the russification of this entire space, and she used the kyiv metropolis as a part of this, this approach, and the kyiv metropolis was needed precisely as an element of the russification of the union in circles. because, strangely enough, the kyiv metropolitanate from the point of view of church efficiency was much more capable and capable of working with people than the moscow patriarchate, this is one moment, and another moment, this process lasted for centuries, that is , certain people were nurtured, certain values ​​were nurtured, and short ways to their hearts and explanations were found, that is, those here are the rituals, they entered into life, well, i don’t know, relatively speaking, how those... on the heads, that is , we don’t let a woman in without her and so on, there are some local ones, i want to remind you
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of one more important thing, that the ukrainian peoples, this too must be realized, that is the population of the modern country, all this time, even the soviet ones, did not lose its connection with the church, as it happened with russia, with the russian people, because in russia this loss occurred as a result of the reforms of patriarch nikan, the appearance of the old believer church, all this rebellion, the fact that people... dug into the woods just so they wouldn't burn themselves, and they didn't just burn themselves, mass suicides of old believers burned themselves by the thousands, well, of course, that's why the russian people in general are a people who broke with the traditional church, real believers in russia, that's right old orthodoxy, we are not talking about archaism, about archaism of approaches, but these are people who believe in churchization, as they like to talk in church, and they are other people. horizontal bars, because they didn't believe in it, they just went there because the authorities said so, authority
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and faith are not the same, went to the church to work, yes, to work and to survive, and by the way, you know that did the old believers in ukraine after 2022, here we have the old believer church, the way they behaved in contrast to the uoc of the moscow patriarchate, they declared that they could not have any religious center in moscow from. immediately refused this center, declared that they are an independent religious community, and now the question is, who can they turn to so that they have a metropolitan to whom they can turn for their sacraments there, the metropolitan in braila in romania, the belokrynytskyi metropolitanate was transferred, as is known, after the soviet occupation of bessarabia, it was also transferred to bukovina to the romanian city. and they turned to him, by the way, this is the real one the old believer metropolitan, the one in moscow, he is subordinate, and this is the metropolitan
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that existed from the time when the old believers in bila krynytsia, this village in the territory of the chernivtsi region of modern ukraine, created a hierarchy for themselves, and everything, that is, it turned out that it was possible to do so, and nothing will come of it, if the issue for you is the preservation of the community and faith, but for the old believers, this is the main issue for them, and this , by the way, is usually ethnic russia. in contrast to the uoc and mp, and the main thing about them is this, they carried through the centuries, they need to preserve the community and faith, not the religious center, not moscow, and they did it, they are wonderful. knows that they can calmly carry out everything they want to carry out, in addition, you have already touched on the topic of the old believers, i will just briefly say, yes, that is, that in ukraine they were hiding from russian persecution, and the key centers, for example, that of book printing itself, they were, well, on our territory and on the territory of ukraine, as even, that is, there was a different climate, that is, the same
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wedges, yes, that is, a well-known center old rite, well, this is severshchyna, huh. approximately where our glorious fighters are in kurshchyna, this is in this direction, that is why i always want to ask the hierarchs of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, what do you need, checkers or go, if you need real grace, real communication with the world orthodox well, you also have such a political situation here, well, the church with which you had a canonical connection, it turned out to be a supporter of the war, well, it is probably from yours. points of view are sacraments, grace, all these are, but well, but the problem is that this church supports the destruction of your flock, well, such a moment is historical, but here is the great world orthodoxy, next to it, the patriarch of constantinople, who gave thomas rome, that is , instead of aiming at the third rome , refer to the second rome, to constantinople, or to
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the first rome, so feraro, the florentine union, which was signed by the patriot of constantinople. that is, there are options, there are, but they do not want these options, simply because they believe that without moscow there is no grace, there is no faith, there is no grace, there is no salvation, then the question arises, where do they want to save themselves now, or after all, when neither patriarch kirill nor patriarch putin will be near them, but here is an interesting moment, it is possible there will be a big global internal change, well, i believe that part. clergy of the uoc, so she wants to go, for example, to the orthodox church in ukraine, we remember in our time under metropolitan volodymyr, there were much more such people, so the current head of the uocp, and his officers are a little different, i also think that in any case they need to go somewhere
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to the orthodox church of ukraine, to some orthodox churches of other european... countries, which may be located on the borders with ukraine, if they do not want communication with the orthodox church so much the church of ukraine, with the ecumenical patriarchate, but the only thing i can say to these people is what they were told from the beginning of the restoration, not even of ukrainian independence, but of ukrainian civilization on these lands, and by the way, with these words we can absolutely calm to end our conversation today, away from moscow, thank you for being with us on this broadcast and we congratulate you on the independence day of ukraine. victory and peace to you, friends, good luck. two hours in
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the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events a day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. mrs. olga was born in a polish family, however , one of her grandmothers comes from the sumy region, so over time, interest in her roots led olga before learning the ukrainian language at the age of 15. yae studied at the jagenon university in krakow, at the beginning she studied ukrainian philology, graduated from ukrainian philology and decided to continue her studies. in lviv, and i am a folklorist, ethnologist, i was engaged in folk magic, folk healing. mrs. olga knows the history of ukraine well, so she could not have been aloof either during the revolution on the maidan or when the russian invasion began in 14. a full-scale war did not jump the volunteer znenatska, because she already knew what to do and
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who will help i am helping the 128th tro brigade, this. brigade of the city of dnipro, and it just so happened that since the 14th year i had been helping the fighters of the aidar battalion, and when the full-scale invasion began, they are old-timers from luhansk region, it is clear that they could no longer hold roadblocks there, because the column on muscovites went such that they had to retreat already, and they joined teroo, dnieper. for more than two years, the woman regularly travels from poland to the front. volunteers are important... to personally hand over aid to the military, without intermediaries, war is very much dynamic, and what was there at the beginning, now it is not so necessary, now we continue to drive cars. spare parts, which happen to be very difficult to buy something in ukraine, we are looking for them in poland, well, this is also a very important element, as if small, yes, but it is logistics, without cars
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the guys actually cannot perform tasks, friend, besides that, but of course medicines , tactical medicine, so honey, drones and anti-drone systems. mrs. olga not only collects funds and gives the necessary things to the military, but also stays at the positions for a certain time. from a week to a month, she says that it is important for her to live the experience of the war with the boys, as well as to film their lives for the story, they have actually become a kind of big family for me as well, and that's how it is, i miss them when i come to posh, i'm just plain bored, i'm thinking about the fact that i want to sit down and have dinner together, and that today there will be fried potatoes with a fried egg, for example, in the life of the military there is a place for ordinary ... daytime joys - says mrs. olga. in the summer, they try to go out, swim in the pond and always celebrate all birthdays. she herself lived her days, also her
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birthday with the boys, and it is very nice when we celebrate together, they congratulate me, and there i am one of the 100 guys who congratulate me, well, it is pleasant and unusual. however , most of the soldiers have already returned to the front after being wounded, the war does not improve their health - says the volunteer. mrs. olga has also changed. over the years, her views have become even more unshakable, so i am radical, i don't even try to somehow smooth myself and relativize and pretend that someone has the right to be interested in the war and so on and so on, i believe that the real men are at the front, i am absolutely annoyed by the indifference and lack of responsibility for their country, i believe that any process always happens because of the fact that citizens countries, they assume part of the responsibility for changes, you cannot rely only and exclusively on the fact that the state will do something.
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it is impossible not to get tired of the war, says the volunteer, but she feels her responsibility and knows that it is even harder for the military, so she continues help. in may of this year, ms. olga received two honorary awards for volunteering, and the military calls her otamansha. but i also learned one thing from the boys, what it is. very often the guys say, it's all for living, especially those who lost their houses in the occupation, it's all for living, and i think that when i live to old age, it will be more pleasant for me to remember that i did go through something, that i helped someone, that i took part in absolutely overwhelming world processes, i don't care, only as a participant in those processes, and it's better than having, i don't know, there the fifth an apartment that i don't know what to do with. it is shared, magical thinking is also present at the front, everyone watches what they say, for example, they say goodbye without
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saying goodbye, so as not to offend. maria chernyakhivska, ihor antoniuk, for espresso tv channel, from warsaw. readbull, salzburg, dynamo, kyiv, only for megogo, for kona, a place in the champions league. and the people of kyiv will prove that they are worth it, cheer on august 27 at 10:00 p.m., exclusively on mego, there are discounts until independence day on detoxyl tablets, 15% at the pharmacies of plantain, bam and ochad, there are discounts until independence day on imodium, 20% at travel bam pharmacies and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, it's a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours
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to learn about the war, about the military, front, component , serhii zgurets, and what does the world live on? yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time talk about money during the war, olsen morchivka field with me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation for two hours in the company of favorite presenters about cultural news chikchenina, our art viewer is ready to tell rome good evening presenters who have become like a day for many , he is ready to talk about the weather for this weekend , as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people is with us in touch, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you on a good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast of winter, a project for intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel.
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the most relevant topics of the week for nato member countries are huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project read the entire condemnation. thank you, it was difficult, but i was just curious, but this is absolutely her, they help to understand the present and predict the future, they suggested to the united states, to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us, a project for those who care and think politclub, every sunday at 20:00 on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more.
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important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. congratulations you. dear tv viewers, today we have a conversation that is worth hearing, on the spresso tv channel we will talk with the head of the ukrainian greek-catholic church, vladyka svyatoslav. i congratulate you. glory to jesus christ. glory forever. independence day, plus the third year of a full-scale russian invasion federation. if at the beginning of the invasion there was a tendency for people to run to god, these are understandable, understandable things. many people.
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someone converted, they came with prayers, they came with requests. now there is such a trend that somewhere people may not come as often, or pray less, or maybe someone is losing hope, and are there any, do you observe something like this, if we talk about your church or maybe in other churches , having, having communication with your brothers and sisters in the faith, and how to explain it, or how people to keep that, drunkenness and hope, which should be present for such a difficult situation that exists today, well, we as pastors keep our hand on the pulse of our people, really, or another comparison, we listen carefully to the heartbeat of our people, and i can say , that indeed the beginning of this full-scale invasion was
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a great shock to everyone. we have all changed radically, although the war has been going on for more than 10 years, but perhaps this calamity touched every ukrainian, every citizen of ukraine so personally a full-scale invasion, and i do not observe any, shall we say, hardening or, on the contrary, distancing people from... from the theme of the eternal or from god, on the contrary, we see a colossal conversion, many, let's say, from other branches of human knowledge, doctors, psychologists noted that when the war began, all human relationships became empty, a person's relationship to himself,
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to his personal life. the relationship between people, even, the relationship with the closest people, the relationship with the state, with the church, all this is in a state of rethinking, in that including when a person is looking for god, or has already had a certain, spiritual, religious experience. the war intensified man's search for ... meanings, man asks himself: why did this happen to me, god, where are you when we are killed, how to choose the right path, landmarks during such a great disorientation, and all this, let's say, pushes a man , look for these, these from...


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