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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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clear goal of this war, but we have to hold on, live to that moment, to membership. yes, for this, poland is the force in the talks in the north atlantic alliance, which, for example, this spring, after that difficult winter, when you lacked shells to shoot down russian missiles, not only the patriot, but also others, was the force that in the domestic . during the alliance talks, she said that we should give ukraine everything possible, but understand that we cannot give everything we have now, because , unfortunately, we have a potential missile across the border with kaliningrad danger for warsaw and for gdansk, for other cities of north-eastern poland, we cannot give everything to you now, but what we can, we give everything. it's about, for example, aviation, and with regard to aviation, do you think there will be... progress in terms of
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the number of f-16s. we understand that the most important decision has already been made, but another issue is also important, their quantity, not just quality. i will only say that what you have received so far is only a small amount of what you will receive. yes, and now we will have a short break, after which i will continue ours a conversation with marcin bosatsky, deputy of the polish diet, head of the polish-ukrainian parliamentary group. fm: galicia. listen to yours. there are discounts until independence day. 25% in the pharmacies plantain bam and
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ochad, there are discounts until independence day on valeriana bolgarska 10% in the pharmacies plantain vam and ochad. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: member countries. nato has huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics causing resonance in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project read all the condemnations. accept my union, i thank you, it was difficult, but i was just curious. but it is
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absolutely not true that they help to understand the present and predict the future, offered to the united states for including a bilateral security agreement with us. project for caring and thoughtful. politclub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours. of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. an unusual look at the news. good hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and
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competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin had done this, he would have gone to prison, a special view of events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, but for her borders, then who is china, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. i would like to... talk about the so-called difficult issues of polish-ukrainian relations, my own a rather strange conversation took place, we do not know its details, but it is about president duda and president zelenskyi, there was a kind of aggravation and cooling, there was such a rather sharp, for me strange statement of our president, it is about the un, and then we had a cooling of relations , but now, according to my feelings, it was possible to tie up new topics or unfreeze previous ones. in general , i am not sure that the russo-ukrainian war is a good time for... both you and us, who
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at all cooling polish-ukrainian relations, or aggravation, only one power will win - russia. what's more, i know this, the russians, through their agency, through propaganda, are working very hard on this, and for sure, maybe there was a real difference of interests, and indeed polish farmers suffered from the fact that there was too much ukrainian grain that was supposed to be exported further , remained in poland, here too there is responsibility and guilt of the past.
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as you know, those blockades have been gone for six months now, i have great hope that the positive attitude of poles towards ukrainians and ukrainians towards poles, built over the last years, we, the politicians. journalists , we will establish the environment of opinion leaders in the coming months and years, because strategically, if we are talking about the most important security interests of poland and ukraine, there are currently no countries closer to each other than our two peoples, that is, poland and ukraine. our strategic interests are the same. our strategic interest is the same. i totally behave. with you, and the most important thing of its time, when it was possible to defeat the russians, it was during, say, the polish-lithuanian-ukrainian combination, which was called rich-pospolita, translated as the republic, and the unification of polish-lithuanian-ukrainian forces at that time still frightens russia. obviously, they would like to play on some divided to introduce discord
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between our countries, and on the other hand you used the word allies. 100 years ago , petliura and pilsutski managed to do a miracle near kyiv and in kyiv, i.e. defeat the bolsheviks. but, unfortunately,... later it didn't work out, and we understand that in those days the polish nationalism, national democracy, polish nationalists who saw a different development concept, and now there may be some repetition, of course i would not like that, but you used the word allies, so how far can that alliance go, the polish-ukrainian military alliance, since the defense treaty is on the table, or a security agreement, one pledge of which is signed. it is signed by the polish government, instead all long-term international agreements require peace, efforts should be focused on ukraine really defeating russia in this war. in fact, the level of interest that has gained
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ukraine during the last two and a half years is colossal. but also in europe and the united states as a whole. not to mention canada, where there is a powerful ukrainian diaspora. indeed, in that war you won millions of allies who want to help you with all their hearts. this is a new situation. unfortunately, until 2014, even partially until 2022, the majority of german, french, italian citizens believed that ukraine was such a new country, uncertain, and it passed, it is no longer there, and if it is, then... somewhere on on the margins of the debate in europe or in the united states, there is a clear understanding that ukraine is part of the west and that the west, in its own interests, not only moral, but also strategic, has an obligation to help ukraine win this war with russian imperialism. you know, when
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we, poles, baltics, romanians, czechs, warned against russian imperialism 15 or even 10-6 years ago, the western elites looked at us as... russophobes, no one thinks like that anymore, everyone knows , that, unfortunately, imperialism is a part of the state and national russian thinking, never happened otherwise, indeed, russia had two very brief moments when it flirted with democracy, in 17 kerensky for a couple of months, and in the 90s again maybe two or three years of early yeltsin. and that's the end. russia, unfortunately, and also part of the democratic opposition of russia, identifies.
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and we have something similar here, but of course there is probably a difference related to nuclear weapons and so on, and the west is not what it used to be, it means that no one wants war in the west on purpose, but sometimes.. .i see that this is quite a popular view in to ukraine, so i will tell you again, i see a huge, insufficient, but huge change in a good direction, not in a bad direction, indeed, the response to the 14th year to crimea and donbas was also positive, but at a minimal level. answer as of the 22nd year. is already very serious, let's be honest, ukraine
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received roughly more than 200 million euros or dollars in military equipment, as well as financial aid. there are countries that really gave you a large part of their weapons, like poland. there were clear declarations that you will be a member of nato, i sincerely admit, a couple of years ago impossible there would be our friends from the west, who would say that they are abusing such a decision. i understand this ukrainian impatience and for the most part agree... with it, but i have had a dialogue with politicians from the west, from germany, from france, from great britain, from the usa for more than 20 years in a row, and i tell you, lately i have been thinking about russia, about ukraine, about the security of europe, in particular the north-eastern is fundamental, and it is thanks to you, is there a danger that this will change in the future, unfortunately, i do not know, in my opinion, unfortunately, part of the environment of the former the president and candidate now trump in the american elections is so ... security, but the main direction is to see russia as it is, and not idealistic
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ideas that russia is in the process of transformation to democracy is powerful. if even the germans traditionally, for various reasons, also historical, have a rather naive way of thinking about russia, even the germans have changed their position a lot, and this is to your advantage and to our advantage. i have not yet answered your question about our nationalists, nationalists are everywhere, you have nationalists. in there is a danger that nationalists will shake the good polish-ukrainian relations, but we need nationalists, now in poland there is no need to be attentive and careful, to keep this in mind and to build really stronger ties between poles and ukrainians, this is the acceptance at a certain moment of 3 million ukrainians , now there are about a million of them, and these are mainly women with children, of course, well, at some point, 3 million ukrainians and...
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with ukrainian license plates, and those who drive lamborghinis or royals royce with ukrainian license plates, you know what the saying is in poland, when in the history of poland, and maybe europe, there was the largest convention of self-propelled luxury cars, when there was some kind of usyk boxing fight, when there was some usyk boxing fight at the stadium in wroclaw, and then a couple of thousand luxury cars with ukrainian license plates arrived. these are not simple matters, but we must solve them based on mutual understanding and interests, because as
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i said, the strategic interests of poland and ukraine are practically the same. you said that we should build, i completely agree with you here, but in order to build something, we need a tool, that is, mechanisms of cooperation between governments, we understand that there is such a part. public, but there is also a practical part: we understand that there should be groups that will deal with the implementation of what the presidents of their time, president duda and president zelensky, promised, they directly said that , for example, cooperation across borders would be facilitated, and maybe there won’t be those borders at all, ukraine is now, all the more, going to the european union, but this, let’s say, is a public sphere and everything here sounds good, but when we come to a concrete, practical realization, there must be more. good communication, we now have a very good agency in poland under the leadership of pavlo koval,
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a well-known polish figure who understands polish-ukrainian issues. i don't know if there is any symmetrical structure on the ukrainian side, but there should be many more such agencies on the polish and ukrainian sides. these are different questions, questions in historical matters, in medical matters, in educational matters and in many others. i will not list everything now. it's happening tego trzeba robi więcej, między nimi moja grupa, czyli polsko-ukraińska grupa parlamentarna, it works, so it should be done more, the ukrainian parliamentary group is trying to do it. my visit to lviv and kyiv in a week is also dedicated to this. together with the presidium of our group, we were in kyiv four months ago. a month ago, there was a presidium with mykola knyazhytsky headed by artem kovalev in gdańsk. i will tell you this, for example, here in lviv, the economic meeting of the ministries of economy of poland and ukraine,
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i think in march. our closest cooperation will be related to energy in order to... help you survive the difficult coming winter. the energy bridge, which until now mainly operated from the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant to poland, will, if necessary, be a return bridge, that is, poland will export your energy to ukraine if you lack it this winter, so that your cities, your communities are not left without electricity and heat in the difficult time of winter. we know that your critical infrastructure is a russian target attacks and we want to help, but you...
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exchange young people despite the ongoing war, i believe, with ukraine, in order to get to know each other better, so that stereotypes go into the past, so that ordinary interpersonal friendships between young people are born. i urge the ministry of education and science in ukraine to do so. all this must happen now, there is nothing to wait, and one more thing, and this is the end of the answer: there is a large european resource that can be used for cooperation in various fields, in particular and precisely. governance of your government, cities or regions with our cities, communes, voivodships, we can really use european means to expand polish-ukrainian relations. polish-ukrainian relations. the case is historical, the case is difficult and historical
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questions are difficult questions, the case of exhumation of the victims of the volyn tragedy remains unresolved. we understand that it must be done, and i am surprised that the ukrainian side has not done it yet. this is strange to me, because there are dead people lying in volyn on ukrainian soil. it is obvious that it is ukrainian the party should organize the exhumation and put the bodies of those people in coffins in the normal way. we understand that during the war it is probably more difficult to organize, but there is also poland that wants it, and maybe, apart from the technical issues, please it sounds a little cynical, technical matters when we talk about burying people. however, it is certainly necessary to find out something in the historical plane. this means that i know many ukrainian and polish historians very well. not all of them, but we understand that there is volodymyr vetrovych, how gozhmotika, there is some discussion between them, but in addition to these historians, there are also western historians, timothy snyder, for example, or norman davis, and not only. these are people with authority.
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timothy garton ash. yes, who can evaluate those arguments, see. and so on, perhaps it is worth creating some kind of joint similar structure in order to, most importantly, of course, pay respect to the people who lie there, but on the other hand, we understand that this is also a political matter, and the ukrainian verkhovna rada, and the polish sejm already have many different resolutions, laws and so on behind them. in words, ukrainian and polish parliamentarians were very productive. i don't know if it would ever work, well you know communication problems are a big deal. two observations: firstly, you are right that it is necessary to start structurally at the level of historical authorities, to establish a true, fact-based common state of affairs, if it is a matter of
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historiography, only this will take time. i would very much like to appeal to the ukrainian side, regarding... exhumation, not to wait for the moment when we reach an agreement on historical issues, because there are several hundred thousand families in poland or several hundreds of thousands of people, who still very often have the graves of their ancestors in unknown places, from those forties in volyn and not only in volyn, and i think that such a human need is to have a consecrated coffin, either in ukraine or in poland, of those relatives, and it would also greatly help ukrainian-polish relations, because... in the absence of that organized and civilized method of exhumation, our nationalists also speculate: oh, you see, ukraine, we help her so much, and she does not even agree to... such things so once again we separate the dialogue of historians, which is necessary until it ends in success, because the difference in those visions is smaller and smaller, now there are fewer emotions,
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it is more possible to think about it truthfully and realistically, we separate the assessments of history from the speedy completion of the process of exhuming the victims of those terrible times. you know, i also think that the experience of the closeness of poles and ukrainians in recent years, because really almost every polish family... received guests in 2022, some for a couple of weeks, some for several months, and others still have ukrainian women and children as guests . i took 13 ukrainian women with children in their two houses near poznań and in warsaw, some went further to the west after a few days, others stayed for five months. the ladies from zaporizhzhia returned in july-august 2022, and this also brought us closer in such a human, personal sense. i hope that through this experience we will solve various other difficult things. temu izwiczczeniu we will be able
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to solve inne ciężkie, trudene sprazy too. as they say, in ukraine, god forbid, and as soon as possible. thank you very much, mr. posle. i want to remind our viewers that martin bosatskyi, deputy of the polish diet, head of the polish-ukrainian association, was currently working on spress. parliamentary group. well, our program time is up. thank you for being with the espresso tv channel and stay tuned. my colleagues have prepared a lot of extremely important and interesting programs with us, so we will largely watch them together. once again, i congratulate you on the day of ukrainian independence. there are discounts until independence day on citramon darnytsia 10% in podorozhnyk pam and oshchad pharmacies. read the august issue of the magazine
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ukraine. how maidan and the volunteer movement formed a new ukrainian identity. the phenomenon of ukrainian stability. why did the enemy underestimate the power of freedom? from the gray zone to the european stronghold. what lesson did ukraine teach the world? ask in press sales or subscribe online. the country is in the center of the main events. the book women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. the book is based on the reports of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women are military, look for it in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. red bull, salzburg, dynamo, kyiv,
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only on mego. kona has a place in the champions league. and kyivans will prove that they are worth it. cheer on august 27 at 10pm exclusively on megogo. there are discounts until independence day on normaven pills, 10% at psarynsky, bam and oskad pharmacies. e. books for independence day on estazifin 25% in pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. every saturday the political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on
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radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom to live openly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. we are looking for six-year-old valeria shtyglyan. the girl lived in the kherson region in the city of genichesk and disappeared two days later. before the start of a full-scale war. during this time , there was no information about the child's possible whereabouts, so your help is very important. valeria looks her age,
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she has. if anyone has seen the girl or knows at least some details about where she might be now stay, immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. also, important information can be transmitted using the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we continued. kherson oblast already during the full-scale war and also on the left bank of the region. her mother told us about karina's disappearance. imagine, a woman knows nothing about the fate of her daughter for more than a year. i applied everywhere i could. i'm already screaming how i can, it's like they tied their hands and said: "swim." here i am, at the moment in such a situation
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. karina's parents have been divorced for a long time and live separately. the girl lived with her mother, but on the eve of the full-scale invasion, she went to her father and stayed with him. this territory was occupied almost from the first days of the war, but from time to time, the woman says, she corresponded with her daughter on social networks. but in april of last year, the connection with karina mysteriously ended. the girl stopped logging into her accounts and where is she are you now? who doesn't know? i have already written everywhere about the search for the child, even here, in this territory, because i do not know where else to turn, how to find the child, i am adequate, mother, for me the child is my life. the girl's mother is currently also in the occupied territory, we recently contacted her again, and the woman suggests that her daughter could have been taken to russia, but it is not known exactly where. so your... i would like to appeal to
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anyone who has seen or knows anything about my child who has been missing and has not been in contact since april 2023. it karina igorivna kanivets was born on august 9, 2007. if anyone has seen karina kanivets, does anyone know anything about her possible whereabouts ? do not delay and immediately apply. to the magnolia children's search service by short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chatbo of the child tracing service in telegram. i am asking my beloved child, if you see, hear me, respond. i'm really looking forward to it. thanks to anyone who can help. i told you only two
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stories of missing children. by. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems, anyone can help find missing children. take just a minute of your time and visit the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos of the missing, who knows, maybe it's you you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. seven people were injured as a result of a rocket attack on sumy. two are in serious condition. this was reported in the regional military administration. the russians struck in private sector of the city. two hits were recorded. emergency services are on site. and six people were injured as a result of shelling in kharkiv. at night, the russians hit the city with rockets. also.


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