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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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listen, he needs it, you heard it, of course, you heard it, listen, you read it, well done, i want to sell my old one to everyone, i need to consult with him, how to sell it for so many thousands, come, come to dnipro, maybe there will be some trainings or training courses, i think it will be very useful for us, will the mayor himself comment on this or not, i won’t comment, it’s just that i think she’s very successful... oh, well, it’s not a wrap, of course, but a very successful sale, i'm even a little jealous, i think there are some objective reasons for such a sale, but it's very cool, well, it's obvious that most likely there was, well, it can be assumed that the price should have been lowered at the very beginning in order not to pay taxes, and now you just need to withdraw some money, take it out from the wall, and once we show a big knife... profit, well
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, that's why there is money, well, we can still make a discount for the fact that it is still 2007 and the cost of $ 100 00 was not the same as the cost of $ 100 00 now $, i mean not in ukraine, in principle in the world, because we also know that the dollar is everything well, it doesn't get cheaper either, so maybe there will be some comment, i didn't look for it in this regard, how much it costs now. such rotorcraft, but i can't say that for the dnipro it is very, well, well, not that, rare, such a case, but not an average one, after all, in the dnipro they use rotorcraft, some, some people, uh, well okay, okay, good, that is, yes, in principle, you go out there on a weekday. someone there on a car, someone on
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a rotorcraft, and that's how it flies, well, i 'll tell you that quite literally there recently we drove through a small such settlement and saw there's a rotorcraft parked at the door, that's it , that's it, in the yard of an ordinary house, it was like that for the dnipro, it's a normal thing, okay, it's clear, how are things in general in the city, how are you... the operational situation, well, the operational situation, first after all, we, of course , who are looking at what is happening in the pokrovsky direction, there is very little left for the dnipropetrovsk region, and this is primarily due to the fact that, well, i think that everyone has seen, yes from pokrovsky, where the roads open up, but still dnipropetrovsk region and... there are people there, and there, it’s not just
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a road, it’s not just fields, uh, there are people, people still live there, and considering the humanitarian situation, and how to deliver humanitarian aid to people, and this is work, houses, and yet it can also affect pokrovsk, a large enough city, and it can affect precisely the fact that people will go again and again... will go through the dnipro, it will be a burden, a humanitarian burden to the place itself, the place, i mean, the road of movement of the people who will be moving, or will they stay in the dnipro, or will they go further, or in principle, maybe they won't go, because pokrovsk will remain ukrainian, under ukrainian flags, under the protection of our defenders, eh, that's why there is still more, more attention to it. society, well,
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a lot of people talk about it now, and even discuss it, but do they ask the question that, well , recently, for example, maryana is cornerless, but not only her, but a person who does not really sympathize with maryana, also similar statements , the reasoning of yuriy butusov, about the fact that according to pokrovsky there is actually some kind of superline there is no defense, and it will be difficult to restrain the enemy there, since there are few such large agglomerations, and there are no such urban ones. in a word, is this also a subject now, well , it’s just that while there is time, something can be done, or there, probably, there is probably something boiling over there, probably filat sold his helicopter for this, to build something of some kind of concrete fortifications, well, i i suspect so, well , we don't know about that, but still, it can be compared with those fortifications that were in the donetsk region, which were built over all these years, over eight years. er, our ato, now we
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we call it a war, because we understand that it began precisely with such a hybrid variant, of course, which is very difficult to build. for a short period of time, which is why all attention is focused more on these issues, because the nikopol region and, let's say, those areas in the south of the dnipropetrovsk region, those that are located, it is clear that there was water, now there are smooth. the forest is also physically, just physically close to the line of occupation by russian troops, but here the situation is a little different, so after all, it is also attention is focused primarily on
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this moment. together with a friend, i am filming, i apologize, ms. khrystyna, and tell me , please, what is the situation with electricity in the dnipro, and they promise some... large-scale blackouts in the coming week, what are people saying about it? every day we all watch the news, there will be blackouts, there will be no blackouts, of course, those blackouts that lasted for 16 hours and even in some homes there were no blackouts for 20 hours, and there were also conversations about unfair , let's say, the connection that someone was not disconnected at all, someone was constantly disconnected, at this very moment, of course, there was a lot, now the light is not turned off, or if it is turned off, it is for several hours, well, everyone looks, looks
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at it, every day, let's say , planning horizon, it's for tomorrow, huh, and mayor filato? says that it is necessary to prepare for more pessimistic scenarios, what does he mean when he says this, and how is he preparing the city, the citizens, he can somehow help, maybe some generators are purchased, er, there are programs for condominiums, er, it is these programs that are used in usb, if there is such an opportunity, some houses have installed a generator. for elevators, a lot, because well, we already survived the winter of the 22nd-23rd, and that's when people began to have electric powerbanks, which are enough not
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only for phones, but also, let's say, for something more , but in dnipro there are a lot of houses that are fully electrified and... and here, of course, an ordinary power bank cannot be dispensed with, people prepare themselves, also, because, well, in principle it is clear, yes, we, we see what a war , of what great intensity, and it is not only somewhere there on line of demarcation, but it is all over the country, so, well, when the lights went out, then... there was no light and the traffic lights didn't work, and of course there were a lot of complaints about that, because it was very hot, the traffic lights do not work, big roads, especially there when there are eight lanes, and four in
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one direction, four in the other, and it is not clear, and the exits on this road, so it is difficult, of course, which was difficult and... there was a lot about this uh, dissatisfaction, let's say, uh, the heating lines promise that they will work, but we will see, winter will come, of course, that everything is easy, everyone understands that it will not be easy, uh, how much the population in the dnipro has changed in connection with what is happening now in pokrovsky. direction, and what about housing? i read that people who come complain that they don't accept families with small children or people with animals, that the prices are terribly inflated, do they talk about this in dnipro? er, well, dnipro has been for two years, as,
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er, it is difficult to find an apartment for rent, in dnipro there has always been a high rent, of course. what to full-scale it is impossible to compare the prices in kyiv and dnipro, of course it was cheaper in dnipro, or if you compare odesa. in the summer and dnipro, of course, that it is not the season, it is impossible to compare, but in principle, in dnipro there were always high prices for renting and for buying, in principle, the same housing, uh, and it was always difficult, very often, let's say so, it is a common practice that you cannot enter apartments with animals or with small children, er, maybe now... when it is a very acute issue, people are fleeing from under shelling, and
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it was possible to do something, but you understand that, if the state will interfere in this, then this is an interference in the lives of people and in the way they, er , manage their property, er, from the point of view of humanity and humanity, then i can say, that this is certainly not... a very positive moment, because in the beginning of the 22nd year, it was probably april, may, people were being let in just like that, and in a room, and in an apartment, and refurbishing, refurbishing the first floors , which were non-residential, now, of course, massively. there is no such thing, but there is one in the dnipro the situation was always, er, just people didn't,
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let's say, didn't react. well, they say, uh, people who are fleeing from the war, that in the dnipro the price of an apartment is 10,000 uah, and there may be nothing in this apartment, that is, it will be empty, you have to figure out how to furnish, and more. luckily, when you are allowed to live in that apartment, listen, but this is actually better, probably, well, definitely a measure, than what is now in kharkiv, when an apartment in kharkiv is four times cheaper now than in poltava, it is not , by 40, by 40%, by 40%, i i'm talking about renting, you're talking about selling, then some other things, mrs. khrystyna, thank you for participating in our broadcast, thank you for the conversation, khrystyna kalyushik peltek, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was with us, i'm with you now, dear friends, i want to tell i want to show you one incredible story about a boy, a boy from
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nikopol, he says that he had a dream, and in this dream, the conclusion of that dream came to him, that he should be helped in the armed forces of ukraine. the boy is nine years old, he is from nikopol, and what did he come up with, how he collects money for... the armed forces of ukraine, he plays chess, that is, not just a child sitting and begging for money, here is this boy, playing chess and calling others to play with it, who loses, leaves a donation, well, whoever wins just leaves with a winner's smile, this myron, fast, also has the same name, look, he has a fast chess player, he has the best rank among his peers, and in... in in principle, out of three games there, he wins two, loses one, these are his statistics, and he says that in this way there are already two
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he has been doing this for months, two months, in two months he collected uah 50.00, and he wants to collect uah 200, yes, he wants to collect uah 200 in order to buy a drone, and for that drone to be like a night drone, to be able to fly even further than moscow. a beautiful boy, we thank him for what he does and for coming up with a way... to collect donations, which are increasingly difficult to collect, but dear friends, what did i tell you about myron, because i want to thank you right away, for yesterday you and i collected 86 thousand hryvnias, a record amount for the whole week, we can say that we collected such a double dose for yesterday, because on average , you and i collected 40 00 hryvnias per day. thank you for this, we understand that this is for the holiday and it was the best gift for our troops. namely, for those who are now in the kharkiv direction, who are now in the pokrovsky direction,
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in a word, where hell, drones and rebs will be very needed there, so let's remind our viewers, show the qr code that they actually scanned it now and were like myron shvydky from nikopol, well, not quite them they will be like that, but at least if you don't collect, then at least donate to the army, or we will... show the announcement, show, tell me, then i'll go to our directors, oh there is an announcement, so look at the qr code, see, see also here is such a device, one more at. all this is in photos, this is what we are collecting for, for drones and for rap systems, one will be to take the life of moskaley, the other will be to protect the life of our military, that is, two good deeds, one more good deed is the protection of our ukraine, and a good deed from you is
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a donation, no matter what size, a qr code, scan it, don't know how to scan, take a picture for yourself. screen and come show someone that picture from the screen, and he will then help you scan it, you can also scan it that way, there is no card number, you and i friends have already reached the fourth hundredth of the second million, from the fourth hundredth we currently have 20 00, well but listen, if the pace is like this, if it was 86 00 yesterday and 80 00 today, then we will already have 1 m 400 hryvnias, which is already almost half of ours. in total, we need to collect 3.5 million, and then we will use that money to transfer drones and rebsystems for the third separate assault unit, for 110 and for 47. in a word, we do good deeds from the very early morning of sunday, and even then this sunday will be good for us, and even better
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for our soldiers, because the faster and more money we collect, the faster these drones and... systems are already working at the front. let's go now for a short break, and then we'll come back and talk about mariupol. stay with us. red bull, salzburg, dynamo kyiv, only on mego. at kona, a place in the champions league, and kyivans will prove that they are worth it. cheer on august 27 at 10:00 p.m exclusively on meegogo. until the day of independence on pills 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and saver. read the august issue of ukraine magazine. how maidans and the volunteer movement formed a new ukrainian identity. the phenomenon of ukrainian stability. why did the enemy underestimate the power of freedom? from a gray area to a european stronghold? what lesson did ukraine teach
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20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. a book dedicated to women who. chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military, women at war, look for it in bookstores of ukraine, with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts until independence day on citremon darnytsia, 10% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed will tell. thinks about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovsky and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club
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helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. dear friends, i am coming back, we are coming back, and we will continue our roll call. andrew is here. no , is he telling any more recent news, then tell the audience already, well, they found him, they detained him already in dusseldorf, and it seems he was at the fair when he attacked, you know the story, yesterday some... unknown man attacked people with a knife, he killed three people, three people, then wounded many and ran away, it was a shocking
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story, of course in germany, he was already detained on suspicion, this is a 26-year-old refugee from syria, this is such a story, and this of course, you know, such a terrible thing, i think that no matter who they are... there were some of our refugees, and there are certainly many 26-year-old men now in germany and in this and in poland, for example and so further, but it is hard for me to imagine that some such idiot of ours would run around with a knife and attack people just like that out of the blue. of course not no no. not the topic of today's conversation, but the topic to think about, gentlemen, what about us time, what we are doing, meanwhile we are moving further in our roll call and the president
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of mariupol television in 2019-2023, mykola osychenko is already with us, is mr. mykola with us, is, is mr. mykola with you, good morning lesya, good morning andriy, we congratulate you, mr. mykola, at night... the occupiers hit the hotel in kramatorsk, foreign journalists were injured, do you know anything about this, what are the details of this? there are no details yet, i know that our journalists from ukraine and journalists from the states and great britain have suffered. i will tell you this colleagues, i have been giving advice to all my friends who are going to donbas, especially media people, for quite some time now, not to live in hotels, in any case. because russia, they have this idea, yes, that in every hotel there are foreign mercenaries, freemasons, reptilians,
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all of them, that is, they beat up hotels, small hoteliers, so if you go there, live only in rented, rented, ugh, how in general , the mood is interesting there in kramatorsk, slavyansk, is there now? well , the russians are advancing on pokrovsk, what are people thinking now? look, well, such a thing, yes, what what, what kramatorsk, what sloviansk, they have been living in a state of war for quite some time, so there is nothing new for them, and if everything is very loud and very dangerous there for pokrovsk, then kramatorsk and sloviansk, for now , thank god, feel quite protected. and even internal refugees in the donetsk region, they go there to kramatorsk, to sloviansk, to dobropill, because it is quieter there, yes, that is, there is no such horror as
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there is in the pokrov region, there is no such horror there at the moment, and what a great mood it was yesterday independence, how can you, i do not know where you are are you currently in donbass, but do you have a connection for sure, for sure, how, as nezala day is being celebrated now. has it become some kind of important holiday now , what is it, it has become independent, and i will tell you that it did not even start from the day of non- independence, it started from the day of the flag, there is no one like the people of donbas, now they do not feel such love for precisely our flag, because well, i will tell you from my experience, when i left marik on march 15... on march 22, i, like 99% of people , cried codes when we reached zero our roadblock behind kadyrivtsi, behind vasylivka
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, and when you see a yellow cloud when you know that everything is already at home, and you start to cry, all kinds of ants start crawling on your skin there, that is, it's a thrill, the same is not the case with... independence, that is, the people of donbas, like no one else, understand what independence is, i will tell you that, unfortunately, like in any city of our country, there are people there, yes, and they are also waiting, i'll tell you, i read a message yesterday that someone had already waited there in novogrodivka, they had already been taken to that side to the banana republic, because... the enemy, unfortunately, is advancing, yes, and the local people who left for our side, they write to them, how stupid you are, well, that is, the people of donetsk,
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i will... i will tell you , they know it, they feel it, they wrote to me yesterday even from occupied mariupol, from occupied donetsk, from occupied makiivka, they congratulated me, some in russian, some in our language, but it is not important, because they have ukraine in my heart, and today i will tell you that my hometown donetsk is 155 years old, and reports have been written to me since early morning that they they are waiting, i... no matter what, they have been waiting for all 10 years. well, i have a viewer who occasionally writes from the occupied luhansk region, and in fact, i also received congratulations on independence day from him yesterday, and he says, well, we are waiting. i watched a report of the occupying television, where they talk about a man in mariupol who, you see, shouted nazi slogans, it turns out that
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the nazi slogan is the glory of ukraine. that is , this is also the person who is waiting for the arrival of ukraine. of course, he was caught because some neighbors turned him in because they didn't like this glory to ukraine, and they didn't like what he was talking about the russian army, about russia in general, and the occupiers forced him to record a speech where he actually admits to what he said, i slightly bowed too much, and then he said glory. to the country, i repent, we understand that, in the circumstances that are there, in which people are there, that they are forced, when they are already caught, forced to speak like that, but we also understand that this is an act in occupied mariupol, this is an act , i will tell you, you say quite correctly, yes, that when a person is under pressure there, she'll say anything, anything, i'll tell you yesterday that one
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was... a very important 115 to 100 to 115 exchange, i'll explain now why i put those two things together, yes, in exchange, including we received our boys who were convicted on the territory of russia, who were convicted on the territory of the so -called dpr, lpr, yes, and here is a very important thing, because there are already quite a lot of our defenders under pressure there... mostly they condemn marines and azov people, so they condemn them for the genocide of local people, yes, they they are given 18, 20, 25 years each, and we understand that as soon as our prisoner of war is convicted, he is reclassified from the status of a prisoner of war to the status of a convict, and for the most part such people do not...
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get into exchanges, and what happened yesterday , i still can't find what those nine people were who were convicted there and handed over to us yesterday, but, but i really hope they were the same guys who were forced into the cell, and there they are all in the cell they say, yes, i shot on orders, that is, there is a place for locals there are tv viewers, yes, for them it's a show, for them it's wow. what, you see, they themselves say that it was they, they, they did, but you and i see in what condition our people come out of russian captivity, and i will tell you that i understood why they say that even yesterday there was still quite such a chic thing, yes, in this exchange 115 for 115 there were our boys, conscripts who served in the army.
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we call on ukrainians to remember the moments of silence of those who are no longer with us because of russian aggression. let's honor the memory with a moment of silence ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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