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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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two hours to learn about the war, about military, frontline, component, serhii zurets and what the world lives by. yuri fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yurii dobrovecher, two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war, romorchavka, next to me, and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. news from cultural chechenina, our tv viewer, is ready to say good evening. presenters who have become like relatives to many. yes. according to the weather on these weekends, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. it's about politics, about a holiday. it is about politics, about the world. maria gursk. ukrainian journalist
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of the sestry and pavel koval tv channel and portal, head of the council on cooperation with ukraine and the foreign affairs commission of the polish sejm. congratulations! i congratulate you! let's start with independence day of ukraine, which is the main news of this week. august 24 marked the 33rd day of independence in the history of modern ukraine and the third during the war years. what does this event mean to you? does this mean identification for you? for me, this event reminds me of the declaration of state sovereignty by the verkhovna rada, when politicians decided that they wanted an independent ukrainian state, but i also always remember that the price of independence was much higher, it was the price of three subsequent revolutions. the revolution on the granite preceded the act of proclamation.
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independence of ukraine, and for me, it is the basis of the ukrainian tradition, the tradition of the maidan, the student protest, which consists in protesting without the use of violence. it failed then, although that is debatable. then masol was dismissed. in this way, the soviet system tried to appease the protestors, to give them redemption, so that they felt that they were not standing without meaning, and they were not standing without meaning, because they had prepared it in a certain way.
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the second level is the revolution, the enormous efforts of de facto the next three generations, who teach each other how to fight for independence and not much further, because this is not the end. then the russian invasion and war begins. it all seems to me to be a single process, a process in which the ukrainian nation chooses freedom, like all nations in the west, according to the strict logic of time. there is no french or english freedom without a revolution, there is no central europe without the spring of peoples, and there is no ukraine without this spilled blood, this is something both terrible and at the same time demonstrates that some processes in history cannot be missed. the blood must eventually stop, the question is what next and if we will celebrate the fourth anniversary
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of independence in free european ukraine, under a peaceful sky. yes. yes. yes, yes. i think today we can risk imagining such a scenario. when it comes to the script. i always clarify, it's a script. this is an unfinished detailed plan. we don't know what the future holds, but the scenario is emerging today. according to which the super-bold decision of the ukrainian authorities to enter the kursk region gives ukrainians new arguments for election. i think, and i repeat, serious peace talks with putin today impossible, but i think that the russian system, which is often called collective putin, these people, this kremlin team is looking for a certain way out, how to do it without putin, to save their skins, with putin, i think, is looking for the same systems of russia, because they know
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that without putin today it is easy to start and conduct negotiations, with putin, in my opinion, it is absolutely impossible. bez bez putina, obje sobie uratować tyłek, bo oni wijaan a... secondly, you have to be prepared for the fact that it won't be complete peace, i don't think it could be very soon a certain peace treaty was concluded. temporary solutions are being prepared, but it is important that these temporary solutions are beneficial to ukraine, that is , that they do not force ukraine, and this raid, the offensive on the kursk region in a strategic sense increases the probability of a positive solution for ukraine. we will return to this topic in a moment, you know, i remember what my last peaceful day of independence was, then in the 21st year we were standing on
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the european square in kyiv together with my colleague bianka zalewska, the polish correspondent of tvn discovery and made straight report from the military council in kyiv. for years, we have been organizing these discussions with the participation of ukrainian and european leaders, scientists, military, journalists, politicians, where experts presented their visions of what will happen next, military from this european question, who presented their position vision that. and no one predicted
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a full-scale war then. if we sum up the previous ukrainian revolutions, we can say that each of them gave ukraine significant capital, which is not... asked, and i often talk about it with by western politicians, and they ask, and what did it give, what were the results, in washington, for example, about the room negotiators? such were the results that today there is a ukrainian society, and neither in paris, nor in berlin, nor in washington, can
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a decision be made about peace negotiations that the ukrainians would not accept. today, ukrainians are a completely subjective nation, they are in the process of transformation, for which many difficult moments await after the war, but ukrainians are super-subjective, no one is capable of deciding the fate of ukraine for you, and this is a real achievement. i remember the emotions of the time of the revolution of dignity, you and i knew each other well then, these are unforgettable evenings spent on the maidan with mykola knyazhytsky, and with petro poroshenko, with other ukrainian politicians and friends, i remember how people were moved, how they promised themselves that the world after the revolution would be different, that the polish-ukrainian
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victories, from my point of view, the key is to strengthen the middle class in ukraine, to already think about what ukraine will be like after overcoming the problems that the central europe, it's a weak middle class, let it be people... earn so they don't fall back into the trap where only the richest earn. many people in the west are now beginning to understand that it is necessary to think positively about the development of the middle class and to use
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the power that exists in people. there is a lot of energy in people in ukraine right now and it needs to be channeled into economic development. it is also necessary to create development opportunities for veterans. i think that is one of the most important. problems for ukraine in the future will be veterans and everything related to this: medical assistance to veterans, psychological support, as well as opening new opportunities for them. returned from the front, because i want to understand how they think and what they need, i also want and i communicate a lot with people who understand how poland can help. it strikes me that often and probably, it is always like this after the war, people do not know what to do with themselves next, whether to start a car service or go into politics, or go abroad and work in... i see changes in ukraine, through the middle
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class, through education, through the creativity of young people, the process of european integration will undoubtedly serve this purpose, it is supposed sounds general, but in fact it is about the fact that everyone should preserve his subjectivity, which now forces him to protest, post on social networks, demand support from the authorities or local self-government, protest somewhere in the usa, great britain. france and demand military support, then the key moment will come to turn it into something constructive, and in addition, the process that is being prepared, the reconstruction of ukraine, which i am engaged in, the integration with the eu, it will be great, these will be mechanisms that will work, integration from unio, then you were super, that's the mechanisms that i'm working on, 4 days before the day of independence, the supreme council of ukraine, on the eve of the celebration of the independence day of ukraine, the verkhovna rada passed. historic decision to ban the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine. what do you think
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about this decision and its importance for the development of the country. i remember i remember how some people laughed at the importance of ukraine's ecclesiastical independence from moscow, and i believe that it was one of the most important decisions of the last decade. i consider that if you were the last one, it was one of the most important. every one anyone interested in the history of the russian empire knows how important an element in moscow's approach to conquered countries is the use of the orthodox church to build a sphere of influence. the russian church actually became an element of influence on ukrainian society, of silent propaganda. these are not only public sermons or official documents, often they are simply whispered information, gossip, disagreement with the actions of the ukrainian state, disagreement with actions. ukrainian churches that are patriotic and stand on the principles of human rights, i mean the orthodox church
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of ukraine headed by metropolitan epefaniy, as well as the greek-catholic and catholic churches, there is also a latin church, all these churches respect the identity of ukraine. what is the approach to the functioning of the church in the modern state, a tradition that goes back to ancient times. if the state exists and... recognized borders, it naturally has the right to demand adaptation of church institutions to the form of the state, their respect for the borders of this country. that is why it was so important to recognize the independence of the orthodox church of ukraine. today we see the importance tomos: ukraine has its own orthodox, separate church. note that the catholic church, both roman and greek-catholic, had no problem saying: "okay, there is an internationally recognized ukrainian state, that's why we are."
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a state is formed, it has the right to claim the creation of
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a separate church structure within its borders. in 1991, ukraine announced a declaration of independence. the ukrainian state began with the declaration of independence in 1991. ukraine declared independence and a separate structure of the cathoric church for ukraine was already ready. of course, at that time, most of the priests and bishops had connections with poland, because it mainly concerned. to a serious christian church that respects itself, in the case of the greek catholic church, it is obvious, and thanks to the involvement of ukrainian politicians, the ex-president, but first of all, patriarch bartholomew, it became possible because of the ocu. patriarch bartholomew coughed in an orthodox fit. there is a polish
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orthodox church in poland, the head of which , metropolitan sava, is in close relations with the head of the russian orthodox church, patriarch kirill. received only a few years ago, after the creation of the polish state, it was clear that the orthodox church must also be autonomous and must respect the borders of poland, this is the alphabet of the functioning of churches in the conditions of the modern world. abc functioning of koshchov.
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in fact, the head of the orthodox church in poland is elderly. man, his history goes back to fully recognizing the canonicity and even the times of communism, he has not yet decided on the conformity of the ocu with church law, this does not change the fact that this church is fully recognized, because other churches have done it, and that is enough. i just wanted to explain the situation with the polish orthodox church, most representatives of the polish orthodox church are clearly patriotic, active citizens who are proud of their autocephaly. some things are simply political decisions by a group of people in leadership positions. groups of persons in managerial positions to to wszystko. pani postawiła w takiej trudnej suktulit, because actually i would like to make a gra. you put me in an awkward position because i actually want to congratulate the autocephalous church. i am glad that poland is orthodox
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the church is independent, despite the fact that on the other hand i negatively evaluate the politics of this bishop, but his situation. special because this is just the policy of today's group of orthodox bishops led by archbishop sava, with which i do not agree, but i am glad that poland has had a separate orthodox church for 100 years, and it is also part of our independence that in 100 years our orthodox the church did not obey any cyril or other kagibist in a cassock, or some other kagybishche in a cassock, the truth and i will tell you, but the terrace, for example, in warsaw i go to... in warsaw, i go to the polish orthodox church and it is important for me that i can confess in ukrainian. priests always try to answer in ukrainian, or at least support me in confession in a foreign language. and at christmas in the warsaw
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orthodox church, the whole church sings ukrainian carols, and this is the greatest support. but part of our community, so it is even more unfortunate that the authorities of this church, which itself is independent, were not in the vanguard of recognizing the autocephaly of the ukrainian church, i would have expected that they should have been one of the first to do it. it an internationally recognized state, christian churches recognize the borders of states and adapt
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governance to their borders. but mr. teres also put me in an awkward position, you also put me in an uncomfortable position, because if we congratulate someone or something, like, for example, the autocephalous church of poland, then let's go back a little and congratulate ukraine on the 33rd anniversary of independence, we started with this, and we will agree that poles and ukrainians celebrate the 34th anniversary of independence together on the maidan, in peaceful kyiv they sing songs and eat borscht with ears, and that the situation in a year there will no longer be a situation of constant uncertainty, it is felt in the air, sometimes it is necessary to use this category in politics.
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we see how putin informationally isolates kurshchyna and tries not to notice the problems, as if these territories suddenly became invisible, the institute of the war studies believes, asvu institute of the war studies, i know, they think that this is a sign of putin's strength, and i believe that this is a weakness, i.e. kursh is such a new russian normal, but again, should we approach everything in such a way that if something was said in america, it is the ultimate truth, i...
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because someone decided, and it was also in american history, an unexpected non-standard raid, which violates a certain logic of war in an unexpected way, in america
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, in history, an american is like this in our case , maybe it will be an attack on the kursk region, the ukrainians are not given this, they are not given that, they are not allowed to shoot, to go too far, and they are breaking out of the pattern, but the ukrainians are leaving. someone keeps telling them what not to do, and suddenly they do it and say, you see, it is possible and nothing happened, thank god, and you can see that putin is disoriented, but i would like you to understand me correctly, i personally believe that situations of uncertainty are also dangerous, i don't want to. but today we clearly see that he does not know how to act, and it is obvious that some part of his
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environment closed their eyes, somewhere ignored something, and some new dynamic appeared, for me it is beyond debate, whether it is always will feel something exceptionally good, from a tactical point of view no, because in the transition period there are various threats, but strategically it definitely weakens putin, the us and allies will give ukraine not only what they promised, but also everything that is needed for our victory. there is not everything, because everything is always not enough, i can talk about what we are doing, because the polish government is the name. certainly engaged, if we talk about supply, readiness to provide energy in case of need, then international funds have been collected for this and there is money to pay for it, we can produce it,
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we can deliver it to ukraine, if necessary, and cover these needs. i don't want to go into details, we are coordinating it, but we are ready for this. we are ready to do this in order to provide more diverse power systems. we are ready to provide more different power systems, say optically to the front and to individual hospitals, so i think the west is ready for different things and will help, but it will never be as much as needed, because this is war, and it is unfortunate. the possibility of using western armor is about one decision, the possibility of using western weapons on targets in russia. it's a piece. some countries have gradually started to consent, it seems that denmark recently consented, didn't it? so, bit by bit, and i always say it here on this program,
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and i'll say it again. and... today i admire, for example, your consistency in that you can ask the same question three times over and over again, and this is also part of the war that ukraine is fighting, it is ready to say tough things, we need this solution, and this a decision, and this is a decision. but if we look at the process, i am firmly convinced that the last three years this process has been super useful for ukraine in as a whole let's go back, let's imagine it's 20. before the war, before the war, those times are almost mythical today, there's no these people who died, there's no martian fields, all that, cemeteries, there's a big parade and dads holding little boys in their arms, yeah and the older children climb on the lanterns to see the holiday better, khos powie, a ijf ruski, a ijf ruski napadnie, no to co pani wtedy powie?
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yes, but if someone had told you then, and how the russians would attack, so that you would have said then that you would probably have to wait a long time for help, because at that time no one expected that there would be such great support, so i want to say that there is something good in this misfortune, the west supported ukraine, and it is our duty to say that this is possible, and this is possible, and this. ukraine is where it is today because people, its citizens, are super active. for me, this south africa, which in general has such revolutions, they seem to continue in these people, you in poland, someone in the usa, someone in canada, everywhere? rpa, less than a year ago i was in my policy regarding ukraine, but there i also saw houses with ukrainian flags, and ukrainians live there, or people who cheer for ukraine, this is the result of a huge synergy and mobilization, so you mentioned it, and i would not
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forget to say congratulations. of spilled blood is this great synergy and mobilization of ukrainians all over the world, which manifests itself during the war, because everywhere in the world there is someone who, like you, says, but i still ask to deliver these five air defense systems to us, it is important that both europe and the world mobilized in parallel to protect the common. there are discounts until independence day on korvalt 10% in travel bam and savings pharmacies. read in
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august issue of ukraine magazine. how maidan and the volunteer movement formed a new ukrainian identity. the phenomenon of ukrainian stability. why did the enemy underestimate the power of freedom? from the gray zone to the european stronghold. what lesson did ukraine teach the world? ask at press outlets or pre-pay online. the country is in the center of the main events. there are discounts until the day. of independence on valeriana bolgarska 10% in travel bam and savings pharmacies. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with recovery in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. olga's house was like this last year.
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and what does he look like now? i'm not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, as legislative norms change our lives. what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.
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welcome to the broadcast of the special edition of the program. reconstruction and development of cities and i...


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