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tv   [untitled]    August 26, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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incontinence can make itself felt , feminost uro helped me. thanks to natural feminost uro component helps restore control over urination. feminonost uro - urination under control. there are discounts until independence day on estezipin 25% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. tingling, numbness bothers you. the dolgiit antinevro complex helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolghiet antinevro capsules - help for your nervous system. there are discounts until independence day on linex. 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshchad. a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program. clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion,
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spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about rights, opportunities and personal experiences of people. this is how olga's house was last year, and this is what it looks like since... now i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. we return to the conversation and from international news to our money, i am money during the war with oleksandr morchev. of course today the focus is on
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energy, oleksandr, please, thank you, vasyl, welcome to the audience, we will really talk about the energy industry, what to expect to us, ordinary ukrainians, and how to prepare for power, because it is clear that the russians will continue to attack our energy infrastructure, all about this in detail in a moment, i am oleksandr morshchenko, congratulations. this is a column about money during the war, we are really focusing today on the topic of energy, the russians have once again attacked critical infrastructure, they are essentially trying to leave us without electricity, this was also emphasized today by the minister of energy herman galushchenko, and the president of ukraine noted that more than a hundred missiles of various types, released about a hundred shaheds enemy in our country. let's listen to the direct speech. there is a lot of damage in the energy sector,
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but wherever there is a power outage, restoration work is already underway, our repair crews will work around the clock, we will restore electricity, in all cities and communities that need it, points of unbreakability must now be opened. indeed, many points of indifference have already started working in ukraine, precisely from today. the consequences of the missile attack on our country were also felt abroad, moldova announced power outages, there the lights were also turned off in some places, and in rivne they worked on restoring the water supply, which had stopped due to the current enemy attack. employees of the state emergency service have connected generators for water supply, the head of the region, oleksandr koval, said. almost fifty settlements in... rivne region were left
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without electricity today, and electricity is now being restored and will be supplied to everyone. and after today's. this attack will have to adjust the plans for preparing for the winter, the prime minister's adviser, a member of the supervisory board, announced this today company ukrenergo yury boyko. now it is difficult to say to what extent the situation will affect the announced opportunity to provide electricity to consumers without restrictions in september and october. just before the weekend, the authorities sincerely promised that ordinary consumers will now start autumn without turning off the lights, and even announced. it happened that kilowatts will be sold abroad, we have a surplus, but unfortunately, we see that the situation is different, mykhailo gonchar, president of the strategy 21 global studies center, joins us. good evening, i congratulate you, sir mykhailo, well, today we are not evaluating and
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discussing the situation that happened, in fact, it is clear that the enemy attacked the critical infrastructure, let's talk with you about how we can continue to live, in particular, what... to do, well here focus, i will start with the fact that russia also tried to attack the kyiv hydroelectric plant, in general, how important it is for the enemy to destroy our hydropower industry now, because we already know that the enemy has repeatedly aimed at zaporizhzhia hydroelectric power plant, well, today's strike was aimed mainly at the transmission infrastructure, these are high -voltage substations of 750 kv, 330 kv. rather here, let's say, some blows, including on the kyiv hess, well, to a greater extent, it was a hint that we can and yes, we can repeat what is called, well, in the context of what was previously there , the zaporizhian hess, but the bet was made for
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two things, in my opinion, the first is to try to cut off the energy system of ukraine from the european one, and the second is an attempt to isolate our nuclear power plants from the power grid, so in principle, if their idea is, well, it is not new, they actually tried to do this back in 22-23, the autumn-winter period, now, why was this particular time chosen, because probably, in my opinion, they were looking at the meteorological reports. forecasts and now just another second powerful summer temperature peak, i.e. a correspondingly high level of energy consumption, and under such circumstances the energy system is the most unstable, that is why if
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some key elements were to be hit, the energy system will blackout, disintegration will occur and so on. well, mr. mykhailo, well it is clear, but... why, well, in your opinion, was it necessary, especially before the weekend, this information appeared, i will repeat myself, to announce that ukraine will export electricity, because you are talking about the plans of the enemy, they are not new, i am sure, it was also known in the cabinet of ministers, it is clear that the enemy is trying to cut us off from the european network, so how now can the cabinet of ministers build some kind of energy, let's say, a sustainable one. the policy of energy supply of ukrainians, well, look, this is really the case when you need to talk less and do more and not engage in pr, but on the other hand, well , the system and flows of electricity and export-import operations, you can
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watch them online, which is called on the european platform, so one way or another, here the government was in in a difficult situation, on the one hand, don't say anything, someone will look and... say: oh, you see, we said that they sold and are selling electricity, we have problems here, so if there is such an ambiguous thing here, er, with on the other hand, here i absolutely agree with you that you need to work quietly, without unnecessary publicity that it was restored there, even that after the repair the power unit went out there and so on, it will be felt by itself, well , the way we felt, say... in august, that there were no outages, so it is clear that it was possible to improve the situation, now, if the situation looks like this, of course, time will pass and practically the time that remains there before the formal onset of the autumn-winter
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heating season, it is mid-november here, if it is accepted, then we are probably in this mode , which we have already managed in a month forget. the month of july, that is, when there were long-term outages, we will probably spend some time in this mode. but one way or another, i emphasize again that energy. the system withstood this largest massive combined strike, one way or another, the means of anti-wind defense worked well enough, well, this is in the conditions of their lack in principle, because here, no matter how hard the generating companies, the operators of ukrenergo, no matter how well the engineering protection systems were arranged , when the combat part of the missile arrives for... with a weight of half a ton, if so, it
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is not necessary to count on the fact that there will be some small damages. mr. mykhailo, i read on your facebook page that the enemy also targeted the gas infrastructure, in particular in the lviv region, and this is not the first time. in your opinion, why is this object particularly interesting to muscovites? well, not only this object, it is the critical gas infrastructure there. well , actually speaking, when we talk about russia and the strategy and tactics of defeating our critical energy infrastructure, it is often reduced to only objects the power industry, there is generation there, or there is transmission power, in fact, this is a broader concept, and let's remember the strikes on the same oil depots, and last week, what happened there in ternopil, the strike on the oil depot. hit the base of, let's say, one of our operators, it also applies
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to the gas transmission and gas storage system, that is, if there is no news, and we will remember that at the end of march, the beginning of april, there were also strikes there, why precisely there, because there are important elements and systems of underground storage gas, and gas transportation. and to a large extent it is also designed for european partners, traders who used the services of our underground gas storages, this is a way, so to speak, to scare away, to show that there are unacceptable military risks, and there is nothing for you to use there, nothing to work with ukraine, it is not a reliable partner in general, yes, yes. therefore, in this context, of course, when there were many people talking about the fact that we need to preserve
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gas transit, because it will be a guarantee that that we will normally pass the winter without damage to the objects of the motor transport system there and so on, well, they showed these events, as a matter of fact, back in the spring, and now they show that, in fact, what is believed is that gazprom is now in such a difficult financial situation , it is important for him to sell more gas there. in the european market, which he lost. for the kremlin, it is now important to achieve military goals, including the damage to ukraine's economic and energy potential, and this is a priority, not to, so to speak, provide for the gas industry there some additional ones there, tens of billions of cubic meters of gas for export to europe, there, it doesn't matter in what form, whether in the form of azerbaijani gas or in any other form. way, that is why it would so clearly highlight the insides
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of the kremlin regime once again, that it is absolutely risky to agree with it on something, because if the total disregard of international law, the principle of the sunservanda pact, agreements must be fulfilled, then where is the guarantee that agreeing on something will not happen. this is the scenario we are currently witnessing. sir mykhailo, that is, what are your forecasts regarding the continuation of the transit of russian gas through the ukrainian gts. it is worth stopping here, or should we continue to wait and see, because the authorities say that we are fulfilling our international obligations. we also cannot, perhaps somehow, stop this transit. no, what concerns there, let's say, the completion of this, this agreement, by the end of the year of the current agreement between. naftogaz and gazprom about transporting gas there for european consumers, then i think that it will be completed by december 31
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, 2024, and that's it, that's it. in principle, today's strikes there once again confirmed that there is no perspective for this, and besides, what we will earn from transit, if we abstract from the military circumstances, let's say so, and approach it by commercial standards, what we will earn... transit, then we will give the enemy an opportunity to earn almost ten times more through gas export operations. is there a question, is it in our interests to help. it is not in our interests for the enemy, so to speak, to finance the war budget, well, i support you here, there really are no questions, the enemy will earn much more, and it is better to end this agreement, which is coming to an end, especially at the end of this current year. mykhailo gonchar, president of the strategy 21 global studies center, helped
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analyze today, the enemy once again took aim at the energy infrastructure. we will monitor the situation and i will finish my column for today, but the big broadcast is going on, there will be more to come, watch us! thank you very much oleksandr, thank you to the guest who joined, here i am reading analytics, forecasts from specialists, what can we expect, one or two queues will be turned off, in any case one must prepare for difficult times. they were easier and were not, in fact, chickpeas, because the war continues, and what topics will my colleague khrystyna yatskiv discuss today in the program novy vyeden, now we will ask her, good evening, khrystyna, please, good evening, vasyl , i greet all our viewers and listeners, the new week starts already at 20 o'clock on espresso, let me remind you that in this project we are talking about the most relevant
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today with a perspective for at least the nearest foreseeable future. let's talk about the next wave. rocket, no, not rocket, you know, combined russian terrorism across the sky, let's talk about the consequences and whether the russian federation fulfills its promises in the context of the attack, well, at least on the kyiv hydroelectric power station, and about the possibility of opening another phase on the line of combat, or rather activating another phase in the ughledar area, well and threat from the side of belarus, all this is in the first part of our program, we will talk about it with oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group, a little later let's definitely talk about what is happening in the united states, because these are things that are simply inextricably linked with the situation inside our country. we will add
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volodymyr yelchenko, diplomat, ex-representative of ukraine to the united nations in 2015-19, to the conversation. years and the former ambassador of ukraine to the states in the 20th and 21st, and at approximately 8:40 p.m. we will talk about the vision and feeling of certain things by ukrainians, the results of the next sociology from the kyiv international institute of sociology, in particular independence, cathedralism, perception of ukraine in the ussr, approximately as follows. volodymyr panioto, president of the kyiv international institute of sociology kmis, will tell us and analyze the questions sociologists asked the respondents and what they received at the exit. we really hope that all our guests will be able to join, we understand how difficult the energy situation is, and therefore the situation with communication across the country, so fingers crossed. well , in the second hour of the new week, ours with andriy
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smoly, an analyst without pretensions to... effectiveness, we are simply sharing our thoughts with you and waiting for reflections, waiting for feedback, there will definitely be a survey on a hot topic, it is important for us to know your opinion, so join in if possible, well, we will talk about the fate of telegram as a social network and why pavel durov was arrested in france, how it affects the situation in our country in general, by the way it would be somehow, i don't know, to normalize telegram, at least in our country where there is a war. we will also talk about dmytrouk, who has dawned abroad, and if we have time for the specifics of information policy, all this will be the focus of our attention with andrii i dare you, i will remind you already in the second part of the new week. well, in the meantime,
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vasyl zima is finalizing his big broadcast, and i will give him the floor. thank you khrystyna, so khrystyna yatskyi. i expect at 20:00, the president of the french republic, emmanuel macron, has already spoken about the fool, but i think that khrystyna and andriy will tell about it without me, what the french president said, well, how was a very hot, somewhat sensational week in ukrainian football, these weekends and other sports events from oleksandr vashchuk in review, this is... a match in the fourth round of the ukrainian premier league, there was a meeting in oleksandria, where ruslan rotanya's team hosted the champion donetsk shakhtar. and the game was successful, everything was here. by the 25th minute, the miner had a comfortable advantage. balls first , artem shobanov scored in his own goal, and later dmytro kryskyi doubled the score. however, the hosts managed to quickly recover. forward oleksandr
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filipov scored in the 37th minute, and ivan kalyuzhny equalized in the 41st minute. at the start of the second half, filipov put ruslan rotanya's team ahead by converting a penalty. on the 57th forward designed by hebtrick. compensated before the second half of the meeting, the legionnaire miner pedrinho played one ball. 4:3. alexandria won. consecutive victories in the upl season and leads the standings. shakhtar suffered its second defeat in four matches. about other results of the tour. polissia obolon - 4:0, rukh zorya - 3:0, kryvbas ingulets 1:1. today's matches did not start on time due to the attack of the russian federation. dynamo-olexandria will play in september. only two weeks after the olympics , our athletes are pleased with new achievements. another stage took place in polish silesia diamond league. olympic bronze medalist mykhailo kohan won silver in the hammer throw sector, and oleg duroshchuk won bronze from the podium. we are talking about athletics, we are thinking about yaroslava maguchykh.
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our champion came to ukraine to take part in solemn events on the occasion of independence day. she received the order of princess olga of the first degree from the president, and then in the center of kyiv she decided to once again remind the world about the captured defenders of azovstal. how did you spend your weekend? ukraine finished in top-five medal tally of the kayaking and canoeing world championships in uzbekistan. lyudmila luzan won in the single canoe at a distance of 500 m. for the first time , another representative of the hirnyk horichni plavni club, lyudmila kuklinovska, became the world champion in the single kayak at a distance of 200 m . we also have two bronzes. august and biathlon. things seemed incompatible. but we are talking about the summer biathlon world championship. where they ride not on skis, but on roller skates, and ukrainians triumphantly performed on it, winning the all-around, one gold for dmytro handyman, two gold medals and a finish with
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a proper by the junior vitaly manzin, we also have two more silvers and one bronze, even in winter, cheer for yours! thank you alexander for the sports review. events, and now i will call you to report again, so the spresso tv channel and the vesna charity fund have opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade, as well as for the 110th and 47th mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine . defenders in the donetsk direction every day deter enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these wars that stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction. in the spring of this year. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. every donation you make is important. join,
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you can see all the details on the screen. i want to say that at the beginning of our program, two hours ago, we already collected almost uah 2 million. in any case , we are going to win this particular story, i believe we can close this collection as soon as possible. well, one more reminder about this. colleagues write, you know, russians, they are somewhat nervous, because they say that ukrainians post bad videos on various social networks, and therefore we cannot know where we hit and where we did not hit, the russians say that the sbu trained the ukrainians, but we see that there are videos, about everything, someone wants to show, hype, get views, attract attention, listen, you don't need to attract attention in this way, because in this way you can only attract attention to yourself.. to regional employees of the security service of ukraine, i do not advise you to attract their attention in this way, take care of yourself, pay attention to alarms, let's go to victory and fight together,
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everyone where he is, well, what about the weather in ukraine, tomorrow, and in general during this week , natalka didenko will tell you literally in a moment, be from espress, it will be interesting, synoptic greetings to all, dear ukrainians, you and i... start a new synoptic week together as usual, this is the final week and august and summer, but summer is still going on, and today we will talk about phenomena, about dangerous phenomena, well, of course , mainly summer, but we will also mention about winter, in general, meteorological phenomena that are dangerous for the sky - these are phenomena that can cause damage, it is clear, for each of them there is a gradation, we have already talked about it in some way, and today we will just... touch on the list, well, in the summer and now , severe heat or extreme heat is a dangerous phenomenon, and we, unfortunately, or i don't know how to...
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it was experienced, but given the fact that this is a dangerous metrogic phenomenon, of course it is unfortunately, heavy downpours can and did cause damage, of course, during the past summer, we witnessed heavy downpours, and sometimes these downpours exceeded not only the daily norm, for example, the weekly norm and even more. well, of course, hail, hail, this is such a local metallurgical phenomenon, but very dangerous, it can... cause a lot of damage, a squall is also a significant increase in wind, a very dangerous phenomenon, such as a tornado, it does not happen so often, but also local very much, that is why it is difficult, so to speak, to predict and catch, but a tornado is obviously a dangerous meteorological phenomenon, drought, dust storms, this also happens in the summer and belongs to this meteorological list that
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needs special attention. when forecasting, well, i don't think it's worth touching on dangerous winter phenomena today, it's still winter, maybe we'll talk then, so let's briefly mention that it's obviously heavy snowfall, ice, sleet, and by the way, it can also be a dangerous phenomenon, both in summer and winter, heavy fog. well, we talked about these dangerous phenomena that weather forecasters are now quite successfully predicted, eh, and now we move on to the behavior of the magnetic field. of the earth, for your attention is a prognostic chart, with it you can see that the fluctuations will not be excessive, but if you react to even slight fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field, please listen more carefully to your well-being. well, finally , we traditionally start the weather forecast for the next day from the western regions, and i want to say right away, even before the forecast for the western regions, that this time the forecast is very interesting especially for the southern part. but
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of course a little more about that later, so in the western regions of ukraine there is a possibility of local short-term rains at night and in the morning, although there will still be more sun and dry air. the air temperature is 28-31° above zero. a hot, dry, sunny air mass will remain in the northern part of ukraine. air temperature is 30-34° above zero, increased fire danger. in the east of ukraine it is also dry, hot, anti-cyclonic weather, high atmospheric pressure, 30-36° heat. in the central part of ukraine 30-34°. with more intense, somewhere solar heating, it can jump out by 1-2° more. no precipitation is expected, dry weather, high fire danger. well, here is the southern part, about which i wanted to say, well , first of all, there is a possibility
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of a local one tomorrow. short-term thunderstorm rains, which is extremely rare, well, at least for such a long past time, and attention tomorrow in the south of ukraine the air temperature will be high again, but this combination of rain and high air temperature can naturally have a negative effect on the state of health in general, therefore please listen more carefully to yourself and , of course, to the weather forecast, well , the weather will be hot tomorrow in kyiv, the maximum air temperature will fluctuate. in the range of 33-35°, there will be no precipitation in the capital, sunny, dry, hot weather will prevail, carefully follow our detailed weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. new week. and here we go,
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khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoliy, well, it's finally the two of us, it's been three weeks, and we're finally back to our traditional format, when we're in studio, when we have guests, experts, and when the two of us are here, actually on the espresso tv channel, analyzing, discussing, talking, unfortunately, about the new week. today began, to put it mildly, very difficult for our country, for our energy, for our people, sad, difficult, but no matter what, we must hold on, we must continue to fight, and we must understand that a terrorist can to win


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