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tv   [untitled]    August 27, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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currently, forcing the siverskyi donetsk-donbas channel is such an obstacle, one could almost say natural, it is a man-made obstacle, and along this channel the defenders of ukraine have now taken up the defense, and if the russians go to these heights near the temporary ravine, it will open, well, first of all all fire control over kostiantynivka, which is already suffering from russian shelling significantly, but will suffer more. more, that is, kostyantynka is next, if the time of the ivars will be taken, i will only remind you that viktoria melina died in kramatorsk in the summer of the 23rd year, then an enemy hit the restaurant, and there was also a terrible story, unfortunately, literally 20 seconds, but i still, without giving the location, they write a lot, we need to dig fortifications, more fortifications so that the enemy does not come, but the authorities someone there is not doing this, i am again, i am not there, i cannot judge, but... can you say that certain
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works are being carried out, well, preparatory works, fortifications, fortifications are being dug along the entire front line from dnipropetrovsk to donetsk, kharkiv and sumy regions, i see all this, how sufficient they are, but not here i'm going to judge, i'm not a military person, let the military people comment on it, but they are constantly digging fortifications, building new ones both in cities and outside cities, and they are so multi-layered, i would say, thank you very much for your work, first of all, and thank you for joining ours and for your comments andriy kremchenkov, editor-in-chief of public donbas about the situation after the enemy attack on kramatorsk and today in donetsk region, especially of course in the pokrovsky agglomeration, literally in a moment the news is on the big airwaves.
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greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze, political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive
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interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their... price and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow see saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and substantively,
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there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and unbiased, you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. so, one of the things happened today of the largest enemy air strikes, one of the largest enemy airstrikes on the territory of our country, according to the president, more than 100 missiles landed there and more than 100 strike drones were launched, kyiv region came under attack, a total of 15 regions, but let's start with kyiv region, and passage through the kyiv embankment hes had to be restored by 5 p.m., at least i didn't read reports that it was restored, but it was reported to the kyiv regional military administration.
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according to preliminary data, in the morning the russians tried to destroy the hydroelectric plant, as a result of the shelling, there are hits and damage, said the top manager of the state energy company. at the same time, the threat of a breakthrough of grapes. there is no critical damage to the station, also four people were injured in the kyiv region, including one child. destruction is recorded in all seven districts of the region. almost 20 enemy drones were destroyed on the approaches to kyiv. today, the air alert lasted 8.5 hours in the capital. well, and, let's say, watching over what is happening from the north, i have such a very large observation deck on the balcony, then i can say that somewhere from three o'clock in the morning actually. these explosions and this aerial battle of our soldiers with enemy drones and missiles did not stop for a very, very long time. one man died, an elderly woman was also injured. such are the consequences of the morning rocket attack on zaporizhzhia, as reported by the head of the region, ivan fedorov. a russian, the russians hit
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the residential sector of the vilnius community. at least six rockets were fired, two dozen private homes were destroyed. in addition, the occupiers targeted the power plant. structure in the region. it arose in the city large-scale fire and not only on the territory of ukraine, enemy targets were captured and fortunately shot down. during today's massive attack , one of the russian drones flew into the airspace of the republic of poland, due to which the poles raised their planes to intercept the target. however, they could not shoot down the russian drone because, well, this is the official statement of the weather. conditions, or, as they said, meteorological data - noted the operational commander of the polish armed forces, general macy klish. the search for the drone is still ongoing, the object disappeared approximately 25 km away border of ukraine and poland. in donetsk region
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, the zone of forced evacuation of families with children has been expanded, this is due to the deterioration of the security situation in the region, the head of the regional military administration , vadym filashkin, said. he noted that... from now on , families from kostyantynivska and selidivska territorial communities will be forcibly deported. filashkin also reminded that the evacuation is free of charge and called on all civilians to leave for safer regions of ukraine. well, today it flew far to the western regions of our country state, one dead and five injured. these are the consequences of hitting two high-rise buildings and... an object of critical infrastructure in lutsk, volyn . our correspondent emma stadnyk kemo is currently near one of the buildings. as of now? vasyl,
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congratulations, behind me is a high-rise building, which was hit by an enemy russian shaheed this morning. locals are slowly recovering. from these these this morning incident, however, not everyone came to their senses, in particular, the residents of this building still refuse to give any comments due to great stress, but we still managed to communicate with the resident of this high-rise building, and this is what she told us, i say, the power of god saved me, that i wasn't at home, it's true, i'm a miracle, i guess my neighbors also survived, i don't know, i live on the third... floor, that rocket hit the fifth, i just don't know what's going on in my house, i i don't know where my things are, i don't know, at all. debris the damaged house is still being disassembled by the state emergency service. emergency responders told us
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that they received the call about shahed being hit at approximately 8:26 a.m. and all relevant services immediately responded to the scene. from the first possible minutes to... the liquidation of the consequences , units from the regional center were involved, and first of all , 19 personnel and five pieces of equipment were concentrated at the scene of the incident, later this number increased and the equipment involved in the liquidation of this event changed , then 12 people were evacuated from the building rescuers, police officers who arrived at the scene, as well as other services helped, hospitalized... the first, first priority actions were one person who sought medical help, and in the future , help was already provided to psychologists, who have now deployed their tents, as well as volunteers, and
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rescuers continue to work at the scene of this event. near the damaged high-rise building , immediately after the end of the air alarm , a point was deployed for... straws there , representatives of various services provided, provided for seven hours, residents were provided with various assistance, including medical, psychological, and legal assistance. we contacted the state emergency service, we were told by the team to leave, we left and the state emergency service told us to hand them over, or rather evacuate people with limited mobility from the upper floors, there were four of them, as for injuries, there were no severe injuries, they were small cuts, small gardens due to broken glass, deployed an emergency psychological assistance point to provide various... assistance to cover basic needs, charge phone, get a drink of water, find someone,
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look after children, less mobile or older, elderly people who need some kind of, i don't know, support, a kind word, and psychological help, we have a lot of children's work at this point, a lot of work with by those in need. literally half an hour ago, the residents of this high-rise building had the opportunity to enter their apartments with police representatives, assess the level of their damage, and all relevant services recorded all this. vasyl, as of now i have everything, i give you my word. thank you very much, emma stadnyk, our correspondent from lutsk, where fragments of an enemy drone hit today. unfortunately, a person died, and there are injuries, and ... work is ongoing to overcome the consequences of the enemy's night attack. now is the time to talk about
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events that happened outside the borders of our state. yuriy fizar chose the most important and now he will tell you in detail. yury, good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us. big air, finally international review on big air the world about ukraine breaks into a new one information week. we are breaking into such a difficult day for ukraine, but no one will bring us to our knees, we continue to live and show. to them, that we do not give up, and today about this, in particular, another scandalous statement by pope francis: armenia wants to improve relations with ukraine, and georgia is crying again. about this and the other in a moment. let me start with this: we have supported, are supporting and will continue to support ukraine on its irreversible path to nato. this is in an article for the british newspaper daily mail, said the foreign minister of great britain
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david lammy. at the same time, he also emphasized that his country continues to be one of the largest suppliers of military aid to ukraine. official london continues to train ukrainian troops. what's more, the head of the british foreign office reminded everyone that his country became the first european state to provide military aid to kyiv. and indeed , when the leaders of many european countries continued to go to moscow and sit at this long table, as you remember, with putin and to somehow try to persuade him to abandon full-scale aggression, then great britain began to give us military aid, so it was not enough for us then, so even now it seems a little ridiculous what they started to give, but we thank them for pulling the locomotive . behind us the whole civilized world and thank you for helping us to endure. by the way, about
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ukraine's accession to nato, you remember that last week in the column world about ukraine, i talked about how the president of the czech republic, peter pavel, said in an interview to the czech to the novinka publication that it is possible that ukraine's accession to nato should not be tied to borders that are internationally recognized, so ... peter pavel said that if kyiv establishes a temporary border at a certain moment and controls this territory a certain territory, then nato could accept ukraine into its membership with exactly the territory that we will control at that time, well, then there will be liberation, about advancing to the temporarily occupied territories, and gradually this entire territory will also join nato. relations between armenia and ukraine. are built on centuries-old friendship and mutual respect between our peoples, and
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the intensification of contacts at various levels has given these relations additional impetus. armenian prime minister nikol pashinyan wrote about this in a message to volodymyr zelenskyi on the occasion of independence day. at the same time, the head of the armenian government wished peace to the friendly people of ukraine and added that he very much hopes that joint efforts will contribute to the long-term development of relations between armenia and ukraine and... er, continue mutually beneficial cooperation on a new level of higher quality. that is, we see such a departure. the government of the leadership of armenia from russia and towards the western world, towards western civilization from the east, that is, what he wants, he wants cooperation with ukraine to a higher quality , a new level, and that's good, it's very good. china will continue to make every effort to facilitate a political
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settlement as a mediator, and then there is that word again: the crisis in ukraine. this was said in the ministry. of foreign affairs of the celestial empire. yes, there they commented on the plans of official washington to discuss the ukrainian issue during the visit to china of us national security assistant to the president jake sullivan. this visit is scheduled for august 27-29. according to the representative of the chinese government, her country continues to promote peace talks and promote political settlement and the implementation of mediation, as she called it, diplomacy. and that's why - says the preacher. the official washington should not apply unilateral sanctions, as well as lie to china, put pressure on it and even blackmail it. so far, answers from washington is not there, maybe this answer will be tomorrow, because jake sullivan's visit begins tomorrow in the celestial empire. well, this one, unfortunately, again for its own sake, no
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christian church in the world can be banned. pope francis said this the day before during his sunday sermon in the vatican. this is how he commented on the decision of the verkhovna rada of ukraine to ban the russian fsb organization, which continues to call itself the ukrainian orthodox church, although in fact it is a branch of the russian orthodox church in ukraine with all the corresponding consequences. at to this, the pontiff expressed concern about the restriction of the freedom of the faithful and added, and here is what pope francis added, let's listen. his in direct speech. if someone does evil against his people, he will be guilty of it. but he does not do evil because of what he prays, and let him who wants to pray in the place he considers his church have the opportunity to pray. please, let no christian
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church be abolished directly or indirectly. the church cannot be touched. well, i completely agree. touch the church with pope francis it is not possible, but this is not a church, an organization whose representatives, they cannot even be called priests, whose representatives consecrate weapons that are launched against peaceful ukrainian cities, this is an organization that authorizes and has authorized this war from the very beginning, it cannot be called a church , and that's why i don't know, maybe it's not up to pope francis... they say, maybe it's worth asking more about the organization that he calls the church and through which he reproaches the ukrainian people and the ukrainian verkhovna rada. he should figure it out. let's go further: the situation in the middle east has reached a critical level of danger for the region and beyond.
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the head of diplomacy of the european union, josep borel, wrote about this on his page in the x microblogging network, which is the former twitter. in this he also emphasized that he supports the call of the lebanese authorities for the immediate application of un security council resolution 1701 in addition to the necessary ceasefire in the gas sector. i will remind you that this resolution calls for a complete cessation of hostilities and deployment lebanese forces in south liana, the parallel withdrawal of israeli forces beyond the blue line, the strengthening of un forces and the creation of a demilitarized zone. the un would be even more actively involved in the conclusion of a peaceful end to the russian war in ukraine. the closer the parliamentary elections in georgia are, the more often the leadership of this country continues to mention ukraine and the russian war that is ongoing in our country. georgia did not succumb to
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severe pressure, did not open a second front against erefia, and thereby preserved the peace. prime minister of the republic irakli kobakhidze said this said the day before during a speech at a pre-election rally. according to him , the external pressure on georgia was incredible, but official tbilisi did not succumb to it. according to him, the government of the country did not participate in the anti-russian sanctions of the west, and therefore, further - a quote from mr. kobakhidze: it averted an economic catastrophe. and war, well , the impression is that history does not teach this country anything, they have already had a war that was unleashed against them by russia and... they know from the example of the same ukraine, from our example, that it is impossible to pacify russia, not you can to talk about the fact that it is worth being friends with this country, because otherwise we can
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anger it there and it will turn on us, no, you can't, you can't do that, georgians know this very well, they know it perfectly, but they continue to say things like that things, i don't know, maybe the georgian authorities simply stubbornly refuse to understand it in order to promote their flight. no agenda, i'm not agents, i don't know, let's move on, donald trump said that he does not see the point in the debate with the candidate of the democratic party, kamela harris on the abc news channel, he wrote about this on his page own social network trump social, according to the 45th president of the united states of america, he does not understand, quote further, why he should conduct a debate with garis on this channel, if a so-called group of trump haters appears on his air... in addition, he condemned the refusal of ms. harris to host the debate on some other american television channels. well, donald trump said earlier
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that he would like to hold three rounds of such meetings. the first round was supposed to take place on september 4 on fox news, september 10 on the site of abc news, and the third round of debates could to take place at the site of the nbc television company camela harries only agreed. for the sept. 10 debate on abc. well , trump somehow didn't like it, because on his favorite republican-controlled fox news channel, kamela harris refused, well, until she agreed, at least i don't know if she refused to participate. north korea needs more drones, the leader of the world's most closed country, kim jong un, said today. and immediately ordered to increase their production, he stated this during a visit to the plant, where drones must be made, besides, the sunshine marshal, well, of course, in quotes,
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was present during the test of ready-made drones, and according to kim jong-un, because of the threat that loomed over his country from all sides, drones are needed to do more, and they should be different, and in the end, this can only be... well, while the russian and the federation order of kadyrov is for kadyrov, it is about the beloved son of the current leader of chechnya, adam kadyrov. the most interesting thing is that the minister of national policy is presenting this award of external press and information relations, ahmet dudayev called it a well-deserved recognition of his, that is, little adam's, high moral qualities and dedication to work, this is a quote. well... to emphasize the fact that since october 23 , adam kadyrov began to receive various awards, he has already received more than 10 of them, in october he was awarded the title of hero of chechnya, later
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he was declared a hero of all muslims, he was awarded the order of merit to karachayevo - circassian, for merits before uma, in the end i will not list all the orders, because there are many of them there is a lot and it is not worth listing it all, i will only add so that you understand that in november this young man turns only... in other words, at the tender age of 17, he is already a full knight of all imaginable and unimaginable orders that can be awarded in the chechen republic. well, for today i have everything in the world about ukraine column, that's all only for today, tomorrow there will be more, there will be more in our next broadcast, so don't switch.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, back to the conversation and... from international news to our money, i am money during the war with oleksandr morchivka, of course energy is in the center of attention today, oleksandr, please, thank
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vasyl, i congratulate the audience, we really will. to talk about the energy sector, what to expect us ordinary ukrainians and how to prepare for the authorities, because it is clear that the russians will continue to attack our energy infrastructure, all about this in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. we really focus today on the topic of energy. russians which attacked precisely the critical infrastructure, in fact they are trying to leave us without light, also on this was emphasized today by the minister of energy herman galushchenko, and the president of ukraine noted that more than a hundred rockets of various types, about a hundred shaheds were fired by the enemy in our country. let's listen to the direct speech. a lot of damage in energy, but everywhere there is a power outage.
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restoration work is already underway, our repair crews will work around the clock, we will restore electricity, in all cities and communities that need it, invincibility points should be opened now. indeed, many points of invincibility have already started working in ukraine, precisely from today, the consequences of the missile attack on our country were also felt abroad, about power outages, she said. before that, there were also power outages in places, and in rivne they were working on restoring the water supply, which had stopped due to the current enemy attack. employees of the state emergency service have connected generators for water supply, the head of the region oleksandr koval said. almost fifty settlements in the rivne region were left without electricity today and the current is being restored. and
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will be served at home. after today's a mass attack will have to adjust plans for preparing for winter. this was announced today by yuriy boyko, advisor to the prime minister, member of the supervisory board of ukrenergo. now it is difficult to say to what extent the situation will affect the announced opportunity to provide electricity to consumers without restrictions in september and october. just before the weekend, the authorities sincerely promised that they would be simple. residents will now start autumn without turning off the lights, it was even announced that kilowatts will be sold abroad, we have a surplus, but unfortunately, we see the situation the other mykhailo gonchar, president of the center for global studies strategy 21, joins us . good evening, i congratulate you, mr. mykhailo, well , today we are not evaluating and discussing the situation that happened, in fact,
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it is clear. that the enemy attacked critical infrastructure, let's talk with you about how we can continue to live, in particular, what to do, well, here's the trick, i'll start with the fact that russia tried to attack the kyiv hydroelectric plant, in general, how important is it to the enemy now to destroy our hydroelectric plant industry because previously we know that the enemy has repeatedly aimed at the zaporizhzhya hpp, but today's attack was aimed mainly at the transmission. infrastructure, these are high -voltage substations of 750 kv, 330 kv, rather here, let's say, some strikes, including on the kyiv hydroelectric power station, well, to a greater extent, this is as if a hint that we can and yes, we can repeat what is called, well, in the context of that , which used to be the zaporizhia hydroelectric power station there, but the bet was made on two things, in my opinion, the first is to try
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to cut off the energy system of ukraine from the european one, and the second is an attempt to isolate our nuclear power plants from the power grid, therefore, in principle, if their idea, well, it is not new, they actually tried to do it back in 22-23, the autumn-winter period, now, why was this particular time chosen. because probably, in my opinion, they were looking at meteorological reports, forecasts, and now it is just the second powerful summer temperature peak, that is, accordingly, a high level of energy consumption, and even under such circumstances, the energy system is the most unstable, that is why, if they were to hit some key points elements


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