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tv   [untitled]    August 27, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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what accents would you distinguish? please. well, at the moment when they have problems in the kursk region, they decided to resume offensive assault actions precisely in the volodarsk direction. this is true. ah, for them the goal is water. and, why exactly that one, because it is a settlement located a little west of route 0532, and it allows not only to cut this particular route, but also to make such a semi... make a semi-coverage from the north of the collier, and the collier can be in situations where the russians may launch offensive actions as with from the southern part, as well as from the northern, that is , hanging over the coalfield, in general, they are now using the same tactics that they used before, that is, they are looking for such a mechanized column and are going to break through our borders, as of today, the situation...
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very difficult, but these columns, they are destroyed, and our guys are holding positions there, in fact, replenishing the number of destroyed russian equipment. we still have a minute of time, and a little more, or a little more, and i would like to talk about one more topic, it concerns belarusians, yes, many of our citizens. even now they are scared, they believe that there may be some kind of offensive, it is clear that according to the data we have, it is unlikely to happen, but still the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine warns belarus against an offensive, against any unfriendly actions near the border , in particular, if we are talking about the statements of the spokesman of the state border service andrii demchenko, on the air of the espresso tv channel. then he declared that
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the situation at the border is essentially unchanged and under control. let's listen. for that what is happening deep inside the territory of belarus is, of course, monitored by intelligence units in order to understand how much the situation is changing, how threatening it is for ukraine in order to respond accordingly and strengthen those directions where tensions may grow, however. if we talk about the immediate proximity to our border, then we do not notice the movement of equipment or personnel there, or the accumulation, mr. oleksandr, why is lukashenko doing this, why is belarus doing this, and should we expect, well, we will attack of course, we practically rule it out, but still any provocations that can distract our troops and... disturb
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the consciousness of our citizens, if it concerns the border with the republic of belarus there, relatively speaking? well, they can be provocations, of course, but not at such a level that it distracts our troops, everything is very simple here, and training is constantly taking place in belarus, and now they have really sent about a thousand personnel to training . their units, and mainly there are conscripts, so what are thousands? well, there is nothing to talk about here, it is not even close to the potential that can go on the offensive, but this is the work of our ministry of foreign affairs, and when such events occur, and some movement occurs near the border, they must react to it, and in in this case, there was an appropriate reaction, the fact that it was... accepted by
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civilians, well, average ukrainians is not quite right, well, well, in the third year of the war, they should already perceive it correctly, since belarus is constantly being talked about, and as of now yes, it is true, near the border with belarus, not from the side of belarus there is no shock group or group that could be similar to a shock, and even the number that is concentrated there. it does not correspond to the number that could threaten, well, for example, a breakthrough to kyiv 2.0. and as for the provocation near the border, it is quite possible, sabotage activity, it is always possible, especially in the conditions in which we are now, but, believe me, lukashenko is now so scared after the kurdish operation that he himself is fine so that no provocations and to be close... to nothing
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was happening because he is frightened by the fact that, well , listen, in the kursk region, the contingent of the kursk group is actually identical to the entire belarusian army, and what... the effect of this, well, that's why lukashenko understands that if the kursk region is repeated in belarus, then he will stay without his minsk throne. mr. oleksandr, we are grateful to you for joining the broadcast of the espresso tv channel, for your thoughts and your analyst oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political commentator of the information resistance group, was just a guest in new week, and we remind you about our survey, which. today we are discussing in our program whether you think it is necessary to regulate the activities of telegram, well, it is possible in general to regulate the activities of social networks there, and if you think so, then please take your smartphones or phones, absolutely free of charge, call:
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0800 -211-381, if you think not, then 0800 211 382, ​​i emphasize once again, all calls are a... absolutely free, and at the end of this hour we will tally up the interim results, at the end of the next one, the final results, well happy welcome to contact us in the new week now volodymyr yelchenko, diplomat, ex-representative of ukraine at the un from 2015 to 2019, former ambassador of ukraine to the united states in 20-21, mr. volodymyr, glad to see and hear , good evening, this is me, with your permission, you are a person with a ... crazy professional diplomatic back, please explain to us what is happening between these diplomatic signs, in particular between ukraine and belarus, the fact is that our ministry of foreign affairs rolled out a statement and warning for belarusian visas,
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in general for the belarusian state, but the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus, anatoly glas, states that minsk has not received official appeals from ukraine with the demand to withdraw troops from the common border. we ourselves would be grateful if someone could explain to us the logic of such statements, which, in our opinion, are very cunning and wise. this is an attempt, you know, to include a fool, i apologize for the word, what are those who consider themselves officials in belarus doing now? you know, it seems to me that they just don't know how to react to this, because the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs is quite serious, it is specific, it shows that ukraine will not... leave unanswered any serious provocations from belarus, so, let's put it this way, to react to this statement with some accusations or in such, you know, forceful way, well, start threatening ukraine, they don't they dare, they can't remain silent either,
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well, you know, it's just funny to me to hear what the belarusian official representative said, that they didn't get anything because of the statements of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. it is precisely this official reaction, and there is no need to write any notes here, especially since we now have a very the diplomatic presence between the two countries is greatly reduced, there is no ambassador of belarus in kyiv, there is no ambassador of ukraine in minsk, so let's say to summon the ambassador there or do some other traditional diplomatic things, it is inappropriate and simply technically impossible, because there is no one to call, and such a statement by the ministry of foreign affairs is this... this is a completely normal step, and the fact that the belarusians cannot react normally to it, then i will say that i have not been sure for a long time, or rather i am sure that there is no independent country in belarus of foreign policy, and in general this country
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is under the occupation of the russian federation, it is actually absorbed by russia, it is part of the so-called union state, in fact it is actually russia, just a plus... there are several belarusian regions, no matter what lukashenko says, russia is quite satisfied with this state of affairs, it seems to me, in general, that this is exactly the path that it was going to take with regard to ukraine, but it did not work out, and that is why russia began a large-scale aggression against our country, since it is clear that it should be subordinated to them peacefully ukraine will not succeed, and the ministry of foreign affairs of belorussia, if it still has this sign and considers itself a ministry, let it react as if it does not react at all, i am sure that our signal has reached them, and let lukashenko draw conclusions from this. mr. volodymyr, i would like to talk to you about the visit of the prime minister of india mr. modi to kyiv, which is often called
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the visit of the month, relatively speaking, because it is essentially one of the first visits of mr. modi, in general after. .. a full-scale invasion and in general the first visit to ukraine, we saw all kinds of information that mr. modi had given certain proposals to volodymyr. and some certain message or position of putin there, india stated that it does not support initiatives to end the war, which will be based on the violation of the territorial integrity of our country, at the same time, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said that he proposes to hold the next peace summit precisely in india, by the way, let's listen now to what the president of ukraine said. i absolutely support and said and shared this with
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prime minister modi to hold a global peace summit in india, but it is a big country, a big democracy in the world, yes, but i want to be frank, this is not only about india, but any country that would be, which would have a positive attitude towards the adoption of the second summit. therefore, we will not be able to hold a peace summit in a country that has not yet joined the peace summit communique, well that is, i think you understand it, it's just that no one is pressuring anyone, yes, but it is logical, but if we return to the very visit and... the fact that this visit really took place, mr. volodymyr, how do you evaluate it,
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this visit, its necessity, its importance, conclusions from this visit, was it necessary, and what is ukraine, what ukraine received, well, it is clear that this is a logical and important question for us , and what india got most from this visit please. i think that the visit itself and the time in which it was carried out is very important, such a historical fact, it is really the first visit of the prime minister of india, well, if i am not mistaken, the first in all the years independence of ukraine, eh, and the fact that prime minister modi is the first is 100%. ee, we had several visits at the highest level from ukraine to india, even president kuchmo, i think, visited twice. in india, maybe even later, after him, i just can’t remember now, and in general our contacts were
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normal, but when this russian aggression began, somehow everything quieted down, well , maybe we overestimated it a little, well, let’s say yes, the potentially positive role that india could and we would like india to play in settling these. war or its termination, india has taken such a neutral, positive position, here the word is positive towards russia, although it seems to me that the most important result of this visit is modi's words that india will not support any peace formulas or proposals , which will not contain the principles of respect for the territorial integrity of ukraine, i.e. , by doing so, he described... he categorically rejected all the plans that had been put forward before that, i
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mean the same chinese peace plan, others, well, in general, he cast great doubt on constantly the words of putin, lavov, and other factors of russia, who constantly repeat them that any proposals in the future negotiations between russia and ukraine should take into account, well, as they say, this... the situation on the ground or the realities, i.e. give it to us, and also together with the remnants of donetsk and luhansk regions, plus kherson and zaporizhzhia, and then we are ready to talk with you, but the indian minister actually rejected such a narrative, rejected such rhetoric, plus you asked which pluses for ukraine, for india, well, for ukraine a plus in itself, is that we heard the position. i am sure that not everything came out into the public space, i think there were serious
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conversations and in a one-on-one format, in closed regimes, i think that our position was absolutely clearly explained to the indian side, our president, other leaders of ukraine, i.e. the positive thing is that india went home, or primodi went home already fully understanding the position itself. country, the fact that this visit took place after his visit to russia is also important because he will now be able to compare the narratives he heard in moscow and in kyiv, draw certain conclusions for yourself. er - well , it is also important that this visit took place, as it seems to me, and not only to me, as some western experts believe, from what i read yesterday and today in the western press, that this visit was so quick after the visit to moscow, precisely because the indian side wanted to a certain extent somehow to settle
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the negative balance that remained after modi's visit, and we remember that he met with putin on that very day, a few hours after mass attack on ahmedit, when many children died of our other citizens, that is, it was somehow , well, at least it looked quite inappropriate, he didn't say anything about it then, but today he, he visited some objects in kyiv, near kyiv, he drew attention several times to the fact that, well, the most a heinous crime is death or murder. eh peaceful people, especially children, so this is a direct reference to what happened in ahmadiyya, uh, eh, what are the pluses for india, i think india is looking for its place and it should do it, as a huge country, well it today at all the world's largest country by population, it's the largest democracy, uh, it's a country, uh, that
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has a lot of its own border problems with the same china, well, pakistan. it goes without saying, we have known this for many decades, india wants to find its place, to strengthen its role not only in the region to which it belongs, but also, for example, in eastern europe. it is not for nothing that after kyiv, if i am not mistaken, the prime minister of youth flew to warsaw, and this is in general, they say, his first visit, and in general the first visit of the prime minister of india, well, somewhere in 45 or 50 years, that is, india has not applied until now. considerable attention to the region of eastern europe, and today i think they have understood that this is the region of the future, this is a region on which a lot of things depend, some of the countries are already in the eu and nato, some will still be there, ukraine itself is important for india and because, well, again, i don't know the latest figures, but there was such information a few years
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ago, that more than 20,000 indian students studied in ukraine, this is a very large number, maybe not so for india. big, but for this is a large figure for ukraine, and although it is clear now, during the war it was all curtailed, probably, well, we have few indian citizens who are studying, but nevertheless, india sees a future in ukraine both for education, and economic potential, and transit potential, and everything else, for this it is necessary to clearly stop this war, india is looking for its place, wants to be a mediator, before that, it has, let's say, no offers of mediation. did not offer, now mr. moidiv said that he, he is ready, but he does not insist on it, he did say that he will be ready to take any steps personally, as the prime minister of india, if ukraine and russia so desire, i just want to clarify, do you really think that india is looking for its place in the mediation between russia
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and ukraine, because exactly wants to preserve ukraine's potential. for myself, whether india is more interested in its cooperation in the energy sector with the russian federation, i will simply remind you that it seems that in april-may of 2024, breuters gave this information, and india increased its oil imports from the russian federation to a record federation, if we take into account the information that russia and ukraine may have recently planned some negotiations to prevent strikes on energy facilities. and we are hitting their oil refinery in omsk, in particular today, it is possible that mr. modi, in the context of his trip to moscow, kyiv, and now warsaw, was looking for some, well, opportunities to restrain us and our western partners so that we do not hit the russian oil refineries, any oil
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capacities of the russian federation, because india is interested in russian oil. in different format, i don't think so, well, first of all, you know, our attacks on russian refineries, they in no way concern india, because india actually buys completely russian raw materials, oil and gas, and it obviously does not come from the european part of russia, where they get our drones, other weapons, and from siberia, eh, and yes, india very skillfully and successfully took advantage of the moment when the prices in... were for russian energy sources and began to purchase a record number of these energy sources, that is, india is primarily interested in its own national interests, if it is cheap and can be bought - it is so. on the other hand we know that... india, for example, does not want to settle with russia in any other currency than its own rupees, and you know, this puts russia at a very disadvantageous position,
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because it is already selling, well, in fact, for next to nothing these energies of india and still receives rupees, which it does not know what to do with, that is, in fact , it can simply buy indian goods with these rupees, that is, even more, well , increase imports from india, which are already huge, uh, well this is a friend widely used, as a rule, in this way india , i repeat, is taking advantage, taking advantage of the moment and does it in its own interests, so i don't think that there were any problems in fashion there to stop our shelling of russian mpzs, especially, well, it would be very strange, i repeat once again, india, you understand, them, them we need a peaceful ukraine, because they want to have normal relations with us, we are a huge market. including foreign goods, but it is clear that during the war, about which the expansion of exports or imports can be discussed, this is now unrealistic, so india wants
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to do something to stop it all, and india is by no means interested in this war continuing indefinitely, well more so we are interested in that in the first place, i mean, but if india so desires and if the youth prime minister hears our arguments and to them will listen and... at some stage , well, he will become a really real mediator, not one who will take putin's interests into account first of all, but will bring up the realities that exist on earth and the realities of this war, and the realities are such that it can be ended only fair on the conditions it puts forward ukraine, everything else, will either not stop the war, or will simply postpone the continuation of the active phase of this war. many years, mr. volodymyr, i would like to talk with you more about the united states of america, well, in particular , about the now official candidate from
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the democratic party, ms. kamala harris, the current vice president, well, if we speak in general based on the information we have during in recent days, firstly, kamala harris is increasing the distance from... trump, that is, if we talk about ratings, then we see that, in fact, behind in the polls, in fact, she already has 7% more than trump, well, there are different polls, but more than that, the trend is clear, harris is gradually, gradually gaining more weight every week, and what worries us is her statement about ukraine, about... supporting ukraine, this is what we were waiting for, and what she did not talk about for a long time. so, let's
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listen to what she said during her speech at the pre-election rally, that if she is elected president, she will strongly support ukraine. trump threatened to withdraw nato. he encouraged putin to invade countries that are our allies. he said that russia can - i quote: do whatever it wants. 5 days before the russian attack, i met with president zelensky to warn him about putin's invasion plan. i helped mobilize more than 50 countries of the world to defend against russian aggression. and as the president, i will stand firmly on the side of ukraine and our nato allies, but mr. volodymyr, as i already said, kamala harris
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spoke for the first time, to what extent these statements of hers can really be considered direct support of ukraine and should we expect something more in the future? yes. we waited a little for her statement from the side of ukraine, but you know, the explanation for this is very simple, the fact is that, in general , foreign policy issues are far from the first places for the american voter, and therefore, first of all, there are other issues, the economy, health care, the consequences of covid, there is education and such other nonsense, but it is clear that without the topic of ukraine you will not get anywhere, this one. the topic is becoming today, well , the number one topic in international politics, yes or otherwise, it doesn't get any better, it's been a long time since, well, at some stage, it's a bit of
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a backstory. was pushed aside by the events in the middle east, but now ukraine is back on the front lines again, well, this is also the kurdish operation, this is of course today's frenzied shelling of ukraine again, including kyiv, i think we will still hear the reaction to this, it just hasn't come yet time, all the consequences of this next terrorist step of russia are not counted, so i think that this is only the beginning, this is... only the first statements of ms. haris regarding ukraine, i i think that she will continue to develop this topic, since she perfectly understands that this topic is also of interest to the americans, well , at least to all the western allies of the united states, regarding your question, what can we expect more of, of course, we can and must, therefore that, at a minimum, she will continue the policy currently pursued by
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president biden. but we all know very well and understand that, well, no one hides this, that some steps of president biden were too slow, these constant delays, let's say, with the supply of weapons at the initial stage after february 2022, then this is 6.5 or even eight months of delay in the congress, well, here it is not biden's fault, but he could about ... how the blockade began in congresses of this next package of aid to ukraine, he could have taken some other steps that would not have stopped the supply of weapons to us, and so it cost us dearly, so we all hope , and not without reason, that ms. harris will not only continue his line, but significantly activates aid to ukraine. mr. volodymyr, unfortunately, unfortunately, time, our time, is limited, thank you for your thoughts, for that. who
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joined the air of espresso tv channel volodymyr yelchenko, diplomat, ex-representative of ukraine at the united nations, former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america. i want to remind you about our survey, do you think that it is necessary to regulate the activities of telegram by law in ukraine, yes? if you think so, dial 0800-211-381, absolutely free. if you think not, 0800 211 382, ​​similarly, all your calls from your phones, your smartphones, are absolutely free, and we are moving on, but andrii and i, i don’t know how andrii, i didn’t have the opportunity to congratulate our viewers, listeners, all ukrainians on independence day, as for me it’s been 10 years since our war with the russian federation, every day is the day of independence
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for our country. and this should be appreciated, the armed forces of ukraine should be thanked for this, and in connection with the next anniversary of the restoration of ukrainian independence, the kyiv international institute of sociology held a certain research on the perception of this day by ukrainians, and this is exactly what we will talk about with volodymyr panioto, president of the kyiv international institute of sociology, kmis. mr. volodymyr, congratulations, glory to ukraine. good evening, heroes. glory, congratulations, congratulations, so, for the absolute majority of ukrainians, independence day is the most important of all non-religious holidays. this, as we understand, is evidenced by the results of the kmis survey. today, independence day ranks third among all public holidays, after christmas and easter. it looks like that picture. mr. volodymyr, it is always interesting
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to talk about sociology. and about the research of relevant specialists in the context of certain changes in the evolution of the thoughts and consciousness of society on one or another topic. and tell me, please, what this study illustrated for you, what conclusions can we draw? it should be said that the processes in ukraine still moved in the right direction, but they moved quite gradually. and - the first such impulse was in the 14th year, when there were the first quite significant changes, but now after the start of a full-scale war, just these changes colossal, ukraine in general made their main geopolitical choice there all the time, as a country that is located between europe and...
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russia and here.


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