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tv   [untitled]    August 27, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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there is in life between us, and i do not think that this will fundamentally affect the historical closeness of our states, at least i do, and we will do everything to prevent a split between our countries, i am sure it will be so, because we, we , we're really neighbors, we're really brothers and sisters, and i think that's it, yes, it's a very high value. to lose due to some misunderstandings to lose historical unity, i am sure, it will be, today the attention of the polish, polish side to our defense capability has decreased a little, i mean, surely poland gave what it could, and surely there are some things that, well, that remain in poland today, i raise one question, i
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will tell you frankly, i don't want to say only general things, there is a specific question, we really need your migs, your planes, because we 're not going to be honest, and there's good bionics, yeah, and we're not going to waste time training our pilots, and we know about these planes, and we know that amount of planes, and i was bringing it up questions with andrzej, and questions with... with donald, the prime minister, with tusk, and us it was raised at all levels, well, so far there is no positive solution, unfortunately, that is, i would honestly focus on this solution, it is these planes, the second story, there poland is an important part of this solution, it is the shooting down of missiles over our over ukraine , at least over the western part of ukraine.
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at least shooting down those missiles heading towards poland, and here we talked a lot about it, and we need, i understand, the support of several countries, and poland, i understand, hesitates to be alone with such a decision, and she wants the support of other countries in nato. i think that it would lead to a positive decision from romania as well, but i think... here we all have to work and journalists to get the united states of america to support this decision, then, then it will be easier for us, then some things, which we have in different regions that protect this or that direction, we can focus in other directions where, unfortunately,
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we do not have air defense yet, and we would very much like to have such a solution, we will work and believe it thank you media detector please mr president what are you the first thing we thought when we learned about pavel durov's detention in paris was how it might affect the use of telegram in ukraine, and in general, what conclusions can we draw for ourselves from this story? thank you, thank you. i do not know the details of this case, i will say frankly, it seems to me that no one knows all the details of this case, but nevertheless, maybe you journalists know more, for today it does not affect the fact that telegram works in ukraine, it is so and certain steps and our policy of ukraine in such sensitive issues. well, we work here
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as a country of the future of the european union, there should always be conversations, dialogues, agreements among the eu countries, in my opinion, this is what lies ahead, please, first row of sky news, artem lysak sky news, mr. president, today the minister of foreign affairs of russia lavrov said , that the use of the british storm shadow will be a game with fire for ukraine, also said that they are refining their nuclear weapons for themselves. and my question about long-range weapons, do you share the fears of the western partners about that, about nuclear escalation, and if not, why? thank you. thank you, well, playing with fire, it seems to me that he is quoting himself, he is not the first time talking about it, and every time, i think, the intelligence of the russian federation knows about our persistent steps. and he understands that we
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are close to solutions, i think when they understand that it can happen, it can happen, after all, that there will be such positive decisions, the closer such decisions are. the more, the more the media space will be strained by the russian federation, their ministry of foreign affairs, or their other institutions, as always, they always intimidate, part this intimidation program includes intimidation with nuclear weapons, so believe it or not , i talked about it, i think that putin loves his life too much, loves his too long too much, and that's why i think that... he will hold on for this chair, for his kremlin and for the support of his society, his actions, the use of nuclear weapons is hardly supported by the whole world, and i think there will be a very quick response from the whole world, or you and i
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then do not understand anything about security in the world, if someone allowed to use, even think about using nuclear weapons, thank you. and please lo figaro, from that side in the center, good afternoon, clara marchaud for figaro, i understand that you cannot give us all the details about the future operation in the kursk region, but there ukraine already controls more than thousands of square kilometers, what will you do this area, is it also an exchange fund, and will there be a green corridor for civilians located there? as i've said, repeatedly, i understand that this is a topic, it raises questions, and
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it's probably interesting to you, and in terms of future steps, in terms of information, but i can't share those details because once i start talking about this operation more... understanding all the details in more detail, i think we'll help russia block our actions on the battlefield. undoubtedly, this operation showed some things, and political ones, i think, began to show russian society that putin was captured more importantly. a city he had never heard of in ukraine, just to satisfy his ambitions rather than to protect his territories, so i think it was a little bit eye-opening, and i've
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already had some conversations with western partners, it seems to me that this operation still reveals many things about the real. putin's plans, that is , one story, when we all talk with you about his real plans and ambitions, and some believe, some do not, thank god, most of the world already believes, but nevertheless it is not enough, and now, when the global south begins to see some things, that is, his ambition is still indefensible, even what he says in his narratives of some population, he does not protect his now. in korshchyna, that is, in principle, the story with narativ, which he defends some russian-speaking population on the territory of ukraine, well destroyed, he does not protect anyone, everyone sees it, and his task is to destroy us, and he is now with this operation,
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it seems to me that he answers this question, it is also very important, what he is capable of and what he wants, and as for the capacity, it is already clear. when he says that they still have a lot of people, a lot of forces, a serious army, here is the answer, after all, this is a war of a non-serious army against us, after all, it is about the number of weapons and the number of bodies of the russian federation, and this is exactly his attitude, and this suggests that, in principle, the reduction of their armed potential. and the increase of such potential in ukraine will lead to tactical successes such as kurshchyna, and he will have issues within the state, which is very important in this whole
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war, this is the loss of faith of his society in him. his powers, those are very important things, and that's why i think this operation opens up those corridors for us as well. please, right there. at the end of radio svoboda, thank you, mr. president, my question will relate to donbas because that the russian army has increased the number of shelling in donetsk region, and military experts say that the enemy has set himself the goal of quickly reaching the borders of the region. in your opinion, how much longer does ukraine have the opportunity to defend donetsk region. and is there a plan of action in case the enemy succeeds in implementing his actions? thank you. the plan of action is to prevent him
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from realizing it. and we have been living with this plan for a very long time. and this is absolutely, absolutely open information that this is their main mission in the east of our country - occupation, full occupation of donbas. our task is not to give this possibility. and that... they constantly promised their society to do this and constantly postponed the deadlines, and this is our task in the east of the country to stabilize the situation, because in order to stabilize the situation they will have to keep their most powerful brigades there, this is very important, this is also the stage of other actions of the armed forces of ukraine , but it's not... simple, and you say, you're absolutely right, it's the most difficult thing,
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you have to stabilize the situation there, do everything for it, from this side, please, espresso, stand up to be seen, good afternoon, mr. president, the follow-up question of a colleague from the media detector, regarding telegram, is no longer stupid, and the group also stated that telegram contains risks for the security of our state, and now there is already a registered bill, ah, which has regulate the activities of telegram in general, ah, well, social media in general and telegram, in particular, i would like to hear your attitude to this initiative, and one more very short question, you have already announced a meeting of anti-corruption law enforcement agencies, and regarding traitors, who fled from... our country regarding their return home, how exactly do you plan to return them and why were they not returned earlier?
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thank you very much, and first of all, i didn't know about the registration of the corresponding regulation bill, is there such a bill? and the author, your author, but here you are asking, and i see, i don't know, well, what ruslan oleksiyovych told me. i don't know, i can't comment on this bill because i don't know the details of it, let's read it, let's understand, i am generally very cautious about regulating such processes, i'll tell you frankly, because so, gur asked for this, and then another intelligence something else, and then the security service a third, and so i think, then the law enforcement agencies will step up and everything can be regulated, i would be very careful about such steps, although i cannot... criticize the bill , because i didn't read it. as for the second part, there are
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difficulties regarding the return, and such people were violated by our legislators, traitors, collaborators, etc., as i said, there is nothing to add here, changes will be worked out, they will probably be proposed to the legislation by this team, with this platform, you can say, law enforcement officers and anti, and anti-corruptionists who have gathered, we will see this plan, we will draw conclusions, they told me that it is a very difficult process, by the way, about extradition, a very difficult process, first of all, you know , what kind of treason is there, i understand that , in principle, countries do not release or deport people who have such an article, because they sue there and say that it is post-political. the persecution of a person in its own legal structure is not
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have the right to send it, the second is that there are really , really difficulties with some countries, you know that there are countries in the european union from which it is in principle difficult to extract someone, i think that my colleagues told me that it is difficult, it is difficult with austria, i do not know all of them reasons, also said that they would write the details. and how we should move forward in this work, there is such an example, a very interesting example, regarding the crossing of borders, for example, which is, by the way, a colleague from poland said about our relations. so we have very strong relations in this direction and there are those who illegally crossed the border with the polish side, there are agreements that if they crossed illegally, they sent such people back to us, but, for example, with moldova, with romania, with hungary, there are no such agreements, well , these agreements between
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by the ministry of internal affairs, well, migration services, in no other way. i think that if we were in the eu, there wouldn't be this issue, there wasn't at all, but here we have to make a decision now, because we still have to reach the eu, yes, thank you, please asahi shimbun japan, here at the very end. your definition please? victory and what are the possible compromises in this sense, as you say, i believe that today ukraine is in a situation where we have to make compromises with people who, to be honest, came with a different mission, just to completely destroy us, and this is primarily ,
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secondly, i understand that the whole world is waiting, you know how to tell you? for us, our land is not, not news, and let the whole world would like to hear that ukraine came up with a plan of compromises, how to end the war tomorrow, i do i understand that all of this, not all, many would like to hear it, but i will not surprise you, with putin, not that compromises, with putin, in principle, dialogue for today... well, what can i say, it is empty, he pointless, because he does not want the end of the war diplomatically, that is, he, he does not want this, he is ready diplomatically, not to speak, but to give him 30% of our land, and i think that
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it is impossible to record this to him, and by the way, returning to the kursk ... operation, it helped us a lot to increase the number of votes for this one there were fewer topics. here is another important element of these steps on the chicken coop. oboz yui, here, please. mr. president, not so long ago gur made a statement that we have certain developments regarding the crimean bridge. and that sooner or later it will happen. please, at least hint, sooner or later, this issue is of great interest to all ukrainians and not only, yes, the gur can surprise the information space, and it is, i think so, that if we want something to happen sooner or later , it is necessary first for
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it to happen. and then say about it. politics europe. thank you very much, mr. president. i have a question: now ukraine controls the territory of another state, russia. when russia occupied our territories, we all know that there were murders, mass burials, and kidnappings. but now ukraine is trying to show, so to speak, the correct occupation. trying to conduct humanitarian aid as humanely as possible, i have not heard of such a correctly occupied occupation, well, there is a country that occupies or controls the territory, it represents meekly, the speaker says meekly gentle, yes, great, and i would really like to know how difficult it is to comply
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under such circumstances as we experienced? it is difficult for our troops to comply with international law in the territory that it costs them, and also why we do not see the resistance of the russians, so to speak, to the gentle occupier, while our people very strongly resisted the occupation, thank you, we are talking a lot today about legal concepts and definitions, so we don't have an occupation, let's start with this, we have a defense operation and... there is defense, we do not give the opportunity to create buffer zones on our territory, we respond with all defensive opportunities and steps on the territory of the russian federation, which... to prevent the occupation of our land, and, and this is not because we started something first, so to speak, we were threatened, that's how we started, no,
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they already occupied a part of 27% of our land there, and that's why we're making sure that they don't occupy any more, here are our steps, now, as for, and that's why you see, we do not add anything. to our state, we do not change the legislation, constitution, etc., we do not we need extra foreign lands, and we don’t need foreign citizens either, regarding the attitude, first of all, i think that our people, they, they are simply better, well, simply better, they are not treated as civilians, even if they are civilians of an enemy country, they are not treated like animals to them, just like people, do you think... are you the head or i called and said: take a bucket and carry the grandmother, give water, so and so people go and people, our military, are such normal people, of course there are different situations ,
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of course, but in the majority it is clear why, such a people, well, strong, but always a little, a little sorry for someone, those are the people, yes, what about the others? they know what 's important, it's very important for us not to be like those who brought us war, with stench, with rape and so on, i'm very proud of our soldiers that we don't have anything like that, and this, this is very important , because this will all be the attitude of the international community, and you see the attitude towards these operations, although they did not know, you see this attitude, because ... we behave as people, and it is important, to maintain this tone, and the last one, for sure , they they know that we so need to return,
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to return people, they must give these prisoners more and more, because our exchange fund was much smaller than that of the russians, you remember, the first year of the war, and therefore we need to increase it, as would... it would be fine, as sometimes, after those tortures that the russians did with ours, as sometimes you don't want to, you do want to the military so, you know, well, well, on a human level, you just want to answer, but they know , that we need captives, because there is no other way to return them. thank you, and channel 24, anastasia naritsyna, channel 24. mr. president, american congressmen recently came to kyiv, and they said that ukraine can ask retired nato pilots to join our army who can
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fly f-16s, but it is not so easy for them to become volunteers, because they need permission from countries, governments of nato members. please tell me if you are working on this issue, and one more question, the enemy often publishes videos of missile strikes on our airfields and... and we often see russian drones they scout this area, point those rockets, and of course, then adjust the fire. do you have any insight as to why this is happening, we lack air defense systems, or as some of the military are saying, the service personnel now, or those who can protect these airfields, are being sent to the infantry. thank you. well, this is the first time i've heard about the staff, we can work and talk. with the military, it’s the first time i’ve heard of such a thing, just like the military in telegram channels or, well, look, the military wrote in telegram channels, today we talk a lot about telegram, yes, you know, telegram channels, there are
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many telegrams that the russians use, and they used it with such complex topics as war, as mobilization, what is there at the front, what is missing, how ours seems to be running. and etc., they constantly launch these waves, well, you and i are already adults and must distinguish this issue, so look, shoot down these halls, eagles, etc., we shoot down, we find it difficult, it is difficult to find technically how to do it, yes, but there is a complete lack of tools, including air defense, here you are right, including air defense, but you also have to understand, for example, you won't use... and a patriot shooting down an eagle, because it's very expensive, because when kinzhal arrives at the hospital later, it will be difficult to shoot down such things, so
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they have... many, many, very many reconnaissance drones, and our military and equipment and defense-industrial complexes are looking for them, they are constantly looking for tools to reduce the impact, it is a fact that they point, it is a fact that they point everything, different weapons, and this a really serious challenge, it is exactly what is missing here, specifically the deficit regarding the volunteer, ah... the f-16 air fleet, i think it's a great idea, we've already raised it with our partners, and here the congressmen are with us on the same side, it's already a decision of the united states of america , exclusively them, we will continue to work on this, decisions from the united states to other countries, yes, to be honest, yes, in general, the f-16 is, for example, a desire, well,
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as was the case with denmark. with the netherlands, with norway, belgium, these are the four countries with which we agreed on the supply of f-16s, different, different the number of planes and different times, and the permits are given by the united states of america, even though the planes are from these countries, someone uses them, and somewhere they are them, the planes, belong to their state, anyway, according to their agreements, contracts, laws, the permission is given by the united states states of america, just like that. and with this question, colleagues, please bloomberg at the end, then the house, and i think we will conclude with this, we have been talking for almost an hour and a half, okay, good afternoon, vladimir rebyany bloomberg, mr. president, the first question about what you mentioned a certain plan you want to be given to president biden in september, if possible, please specify whether it is a plan for economic sanctions or a plan for a peaceful
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settlement, what kind of... plan, and the second question is, we saw mr. syrskyi today, who said that one , or the main goal of the kurshchyna operation is to divert russian troops from the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions, if the russians manage to capture pokrovsk after all, will you consider the kurshchyna operation as one that did not achieve its goal? thank you. syrian i i think he described this operation very briefly, he knows very well how much is involved in this operation, in my opinion, it is already successful, i really think so, and they agree with me, well, everyone, at least colleagues, western ones, that is a lot there are already solutions due to the fact that there is success on the hill, there are moments when
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no one remembers you, your country. and you can take your time with certain decisions. there are times when the focus is on other things, especially if it's a political season, a hot political season in your state. there are many different things that we are talking about today spoke kurshchyna is part of the plan that i will talk about with president biden, at least one of the stages of this plan, the main point in this plan is coercion. russia to end the war, and we really want justice for ukraine. and if this plan is accepted, the second important thing, as you and i have found out, is to accept it is one thing, and to carry it out is another. so, if these two elements work, we strongly believe that the main goal will work. thank you yes, house, please,
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here i am, congratulations, yuliya granovska, fredom tv channel. so, the question is this, regarding the law on the ban of the russian orthodox church in ukraine. the pope condemned this decision. so, what is your attitude to this, how important is this decision for ukraine, and do our partners understand that it is not about the church, but about russia's zone of influence on the territory of ukraine. thank you. i will try to start an answer. to your question from the last sentence of your question, this is influence, and therefore there is influence abroad, primarily in europe, on various religious institutions, and i believe that there is a lot of everything in the information space, the vatican is no exception, you know that statements pope francis was different, and...


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