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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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turn on the survey and turn on. verdict with serhiy rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. however, how? to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. ukraine is the country of sunflowers. every field our national treasure. each nastyanina has its own and... story, each story has its own
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price, ukraine is a country of heroes, we remember, good evening, we are from ukraine, and we are returning, and i will just briefly say that as a result of the attack on kupyansk already 14 victims, well, but i will follow the events and announce them promptly, but now... morchaka will talk about money during the war. oleksandr, you have a word. i congratulate vasylya, i congratulate the audience. let's talk about taxes. there is already detailed and specific information about the reform. you will also learn about immigrants, how can you get a job and the government hopes to find another 2 million workers, so that the labor market will revive and the taxes that will go to the treasury will revive. more on that in a moment. this is a column about
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money during the war, i'm oleksandr morchivka, i'll be telling you about today's economy in the next few minutes. there is no danger of the dam breaking for the kakhovskaya hydroelectric system, and there will be no flooding of the territory. this was announced by the general director of the ukrhydroenergo company ihor syrota. during the attack on the station on august 26, no employee was injured, added the top manager. he also informed that ukrhydroenergo will make losses. more than 40% of production capacity, more than 130 blows were inflicted on the company's stations in the first full-scale invasion, now kakhovska hydroelectric power station is lost, dniprovska is not working, other hydroelectric power stations are in the process of restoration. a bail of uah 30 million and an obligation to wear an electronic bracelet. such preventive measure was chosen by the higher anti-corruption court of the head of the anti-monopoly.
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committee pavlo kyrylenka. he continues to perform the duties of the head of the department. during the investigation, the employee was not removed from his position. let me remind you that kyrylenka is suspected of illegal enrichment of more than 56 million hryvnias. and the increase in taxes for banks is canceled by the head of the specialized parliamentary committee, danylo hetmantsev, for removing this issue from the agenda. it was opposed. the ministry of finance and the national bank and the international monetary fund. government officials and partners are concerned about the possibilities of financial institutions to invest in ovdp, in bonds of the domestic state loan. banks are now actively buying these government bonds papers, thus supporting the filling of the budget. according to forecasts, it is possible to raise more than uah 200 billion by the end of the year thanks to bonds. last year they already raised taxes for banks, they reported to the imf that this was a one-time action. well, it became known that
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the tax reform is ready, the deputies agreed on a number of such points, and danylo hetmantsev announced that the planned resource, which was expected to be 125 billion uah, has increased to 30 billion, that is, a number of planned levies have been canceled. to present to the parliamentarians and vote, well, you know what the main thing remains the collection of the military levy, it will be increased from 1.5% to 5% for ordinary ukrainians, for individuals, there will also be an increase for fops, we will monitor this, tell you in detail later, and the state program for the exchange of incandescent lamps for the so-called letka has ended, the ministry of economy reported that... during
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the initiative, 40 million light bulbs were exchanged, which were provided by the european union within the framework of the program to support the ukrainian energy industry. people did it in ukrposhta branches. later they joined to the exchange for energy-saving lamps of schools, hospitals, then cultural institutions, condominiums, libraries and museums. it was a great initiative. well, we are joined by ilya neskhodovskyi, head of analytical networks, analytical direction of the ans network. we will talk with him about the labor market. good evening. good evening. mr. ilya, prime minister shmyhal announced yesterday the introduction of the so-called the principle of fight or work, he says that this will revive the labor market, activate income in the budget, well, i could not understand this principle: fight or work, where will the two million workers that the head of our
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government spoke about come from, some are already fighting, some are already working, some are abroad, what are your expectations? well, my expectations here are more like a slogan. to have is not so much invested in the very principle that is laid down, what he said, he spoke precisely about the principles of economic mobilization, about the fact that finally, it seems to me, they have already reached a certain agreement on how it should work, and accordingly, based on that there were three options: the first option is an increase in the military levy, in fact, this there was a buyout of workers, that is, a worker is paid 20 thousand games, independence from wages, and anyone who pays enterprises for whom, respectively ... he cannot be mobilized, that is, he will be reserved for a given enterprise. the second principle is the amount of wages, what they settled on, and the third is combined. you need to understand the very principle of economy booking, it is not to fill
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the budget in the first place, economy booking is necessary for the economy to work, so that people, so that companies can keep those people who are key for a particular company. and whose work, on whose work the work of dozens of other enterprises depends, for example, if the chief engineer or the director of the enterprise or the head of some department is mobilized there, then in his absence the enterprise can simply stop, and those dozens of people , who work, they may lose their jobs, how to highlight the importance of this enterprise for the enterprise of a particular person, i believe that it's a salary, and that's basically it. stopped, where will they take workers in order to recruit, well, here is the question, let's say, in the next one, if economic booking works, then it will in a certain way protect the work of the relevant enterprises, and they will already recruit new people, well, without
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waiting for that , that tomorrow something may happen, they will take away the relevant key employee, the head of a department, and then the company will become everything, that is, we will remove this one. riskiness and give appropriate stability for the enterprise, mr. ilya, but my question is whether there is an understanding, well maybe not only an understanding, but concrete initiatives in the government, in the expert environment, to return from abroad, well at least women who can return, to work, to raise the economy and help with revenues to the state budget, or are these slogans for now, ukrainians, come back, and we can divide. for two things, firstly, indeed, these are certain slogans, that return, it is necessary to return, here is your homeland and so on, they are more directed, let's say such an emotional component, but there are also certain initiatives that, well, we can say certain are threatening, for example, the president announced an initiative regarding the forced return
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of men from abroad to ukraine, i believe that such an approach, well, it is unreasonable and wrong, that is, if you have reason to believe that people... violated the law accordingly, initiate a criminal case, prove his guilt and demand extradition accordingly, then it is reasonable, if all this is not there, then simply return, well to what extent it will positively affect what is happening in general, i believe that it will not affect, i am talking about the motivation of women to work in ukraine, to earn money here, and not, for example, to receive assistance while there in poland or in germany, or to work for those countries and pay taxes there. that it can be done here, i absolutely agree, if there is a corresponding workplace with a salary that is enough to receive, if we will say to take some basic option, then this is a woman who usually has or one child, or maybe two children, and
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consider the fact that she needs, first, a working kindergarten to give her child in order to be able to go to work or do her work at home once, the salary must be enough in order to... support themselves, their children, does the government in this context create jobs accordingly, there was a program, let's say, there was a call that 500 jobs would be created, well, it was not implemented, because... these were mainly housing and communal workers farms and those who work accordingly on the landscape and so on, i believe that this is not sufficiently substantiated, here it is important that the state creates jobs with high wages, and this is a high added value, this is appropriate labor productivity, which means that the state, first of all , in order to implement this principle, must place a state order with ukrainian manufacturers so that they have sales of their products and have... the opportunity to provide appropriate work for those who apply to them, and this can realistically be done now such
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program, or now during the great war, well , it’s not worth it, well, look, now you can substitute two programs, buy ukrainian, but as for me, i think that this program is not appropriate enough, that is , it redirects funds, because we are products we mostly buy ukrainian food, that is, in other words, the state will pay for what ukrainians already do, and if we talk about something else. products that compete with imported products, then it is necessary to help precisely at the point, and this can be done, you can redirect the relevant state financial flows, in particular, this is the issue of the military industrial complex of the military-industrial complex, this is also the issue of direct procurement of state procurement, to give preference to the ukrainian manufacturer, understanding that he provides jobs, wages to ukrainians, and now these times are difficult, this is clearly for today day should be a priority. thank you for the conversation, i really do. but the programs must exist, illyaneskhodovskyi, the head of the analytical direction of the ans network, was in
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touch, well, about one of such small, but in terms of effective programs, i will continue to say, 700 entrepreneurs received compensation for the employment of immigrants, this figure since the beginning of the year, deputy minister of economy tetyana berezhna reported. the amount of the payment is now 800 hryvnias, it is within three months to receive it. funds, the employer must conclude an employment contract with an internally displaced person and submit an application for receiving funding from the state budget through the "action" portal or in paper form at the employment center. the purpose of the program is to speed up the adaptation of people who were forced to move to safer regions and increase the level of employment among the population. this was the last information from the world of money for today, i will say goodbye to you, but... the big broadcast is going on, there will be more, watch us, thank you
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very much oleksandr, and i read such an interesting opinion on a social network: thought, it is like transport, who does not have his own, uses the public opinion, serhiy rudenko always has his own opinion, and he definitely has his own opinion... guests in the verdict program, which starts at 8 p.m., and they express it, what will be discussed today speech, now we will ask serhiy, serhiy, good evening, please speak to you. good evening, vasyl, today we will talk about the events in france, in particular the trial of pavel durov, today the court was supposed to issue a verdict regarding the detention of the founder and owner of the telegram platform in russia, there is a lot of howling about this detention. then the statements of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, threatens the french, says that it is not possible
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to treat our citizen this way. well, in short, russia is fighting for the platform it uses in the russian-ukrainian war, and not only in the russian-ukrainian war, in the war against the whole world. about how this platform should work in ukraine and according to what rules, we will talk with people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, because he is one of the authors of... the draft law that regulates, legislatively regulates the activities of telegram in ukraine, and in addition, knyazhytskyi is also one of the co-authors of the law or the initiative to ban the moscow church in ukraine, let's talk with him about the reaction of the world and, in particular, of the ecumenical patriarch and pope francis, because it is very important to know what...they think outside of ukraine regarding these nine months,
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according to which the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate must decide with whom it will continue to be, with the russian orthodox church or with the orthodox church of ukraine. all about this in a conversation with mykola knyazhytskyi. in addition, we will have a military expert, aviation expert bohdan dolintse, with whom we will discuss the topic of using the f6'. 16 when repelling a missile attack, a massive missile attack by the russian federation, zelensky said that for the first time these planes were used to shoot down missiles. that flew over the energy facilities of the ukrainian state, and zelenskyi boasted that we will now have a drone missile, which will be called the plianytsia and will fly deep into the russian federation, and the test passed, the first one is a ukrainian ballistic missile, it too should be put
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into production from here, a word about what flies and what can reach the russian federation, we will... talk with bohdan dolintse, in the third part of our program we will have mykola malomuzh, former head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine. let's talk about the work of ukrainians on the territory of the russian federation, how the armed forces of ukraine, how the main intelligence agency works on objects located on the territory of the russian federation, what effect this can have, and of course, the course will be in the center of our attention. the operation that is currently being carried out by the armed forces of ukraine, and what the ultimate goal of this operation will be, and what ukraine itself will achieve, we will talk about all this from 8 to 9 p.m., at 9:15 p.m. there will be a studio with political scientists, valery dymov and vitaly kulyk will be in our studio,
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we will talk about those who are fleeing from ukraine, those who are trying to escape from ukraine. the bottom points are to escape from criminal responsibility, as did artem dmytruk, a people's deputy of ukraine who was elected to the verkhovna rada with the help or support of a servant of the people, was a member of this faction, and about how zelenskyy now looks inside the state, why i'm talking about this because volodymyr zelenskyy's big press conference was held yesterday, a lot was said, he also showed his character to zelenskyi, and the fact that, as usually happens, the president is hindered by journalists who push the noses where they want, well, in a word, about the president, about his team, and about those who have already escaped and are fleeing abroad , we will talk about all this in our political science studio, which will start at
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9:15 p.m., in 13 minutes we will go on the air, vasyl zima's big broadcast continues, well, vasyl, i promise you, we will be back in 13 minutes, as i said, at 20 we will wait with impatience, thank you very much serhiy, serhiy rudenko on the 20th, the verdict program, regarding, by the way, ballistic missiles, you know, ballistic missiles, which countries that do not have a nuclear warhead, but have ballistic missiles that cover a distance of 500 +km, these are the so-called non-nuclear deterrent missiles, usually such countries are not attacked, if ukraine makes a lot of these missiles, and they really fly 500 plus km, that will be enough. factor of influencing the demons from the kremlin, well, but you can also influence the demons from the kremlin by helping the armed forces of ukraine drive them out of our land therefore, i will donate the espressu tv channel and the vesna charitable fund. fundraising for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade, as well as for the 110th and 47th
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mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, was opened. the defenders in the donetsk direction hold back every day. enemy attacks defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in that difficult spring of this year. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is ambitious - uah 3.5 million. well, but that's what boys and girls, warriors, men, women, those who are in pixel today need. and we will do it for them. you can see all the details on the screen. join in, please. and dynamo, you know, despite the fact that it didn’t make it, i will do it, as they say, i will say in advance, to the champions league, it’s probably not a secret, but all the same , shovkovsky and his team were praised in europe, about other results and the events of yesterday and today in the world of sports in a review by oleksandr baschuk.
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kyiv dynamo could not overcome. the champions league qualification playoff round. oleksandr shavkovskyi's team lost to the austrian red bull-salzburg after the results of two matches. the chances of an intrigue after the game of a week ago were deceiving. and although the ukrainian team played better in the first minutes, the opponent opened the scoring after their first attack. in the 12th minute, dane adam dagim shot into the corner of the goal. white and blue did not give up and in the 29th minute vladyslav vanat scored after a great pass from yuvnyi taras mikhalko. unfortunately, all attempts. champions of ukraine to score, and 19 shots and 16 corner kicks did not bring results. draw 1:1. salzburg will listen to the champions league anthem, while dynamo moves to the europa league. according to shevkovsky, this is only the beginning. i've always told my guys that the only person you should look back to is the you in the past, the only person you should be better than is the you
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in the present, i think we've definitely taken a big step forward and now will be, and secondly, what can i say that, first of all, we are on the right path, and this we must continue, go. further, after the last failure, i believe, last year's failure of performance on the international arena, i think that we have taken a confident step forward, well, further, it is just beginning, i am sure, the head coach of the ukrainian national team, serhii rebrov , has decided on the list of football players called up for the september matches of the league nations with albania and the czech republic. uaf presented the composition of the national team. at the first matches in the league of nations with a creative video that was shown in the center of kyiv. as for the called players, there are no surprises from the coaching staff. unless let's note that for the first time a call to the national team
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was received by dynamo player vladyslav kabaev. legends of ukrainian football, oleg luzhny and vladyslav vashchuk, who voluntarily joined the national guard and is currently fighting in the storm brigade, held the draw for the 1/8 finals of the cup of ukraine. already at this stage there will be several very interesting confrontations. this is lviv. the carpathians moved, as well as the draw, between dynamo and vorskla, shakhtar and zorya and polissia and kryvbas. the basic date of the games is october 30. today in paris , the opening of the 2024 paralympics will take place. this ceremony will be the first in history of the paralympic games, which will be held outside the stadium in the very center of the french capital. the parade, in which 4,400 para-athletes will take part, will start on the champs-élysées, followed by a show called paradox. hundreds of thousands of people will be able to witness the holiday. 140 ukrainian
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athletes will compete in 17 sports at the paralympic games in paris. most of ours are in swimming and athletics. the competition will last until september 8. six ukrainian tennis players started on us open tennis championship. marta kostyuk, elina svitolina and angelina kalinina won in the first round. the last two will play each other in the second round. kastyuk will meet the british harried dart. unfortunately, dayana yastrymska, yuliya steradupseva and lesya surenko ended their fight at the tournament already after the first match. we also hope for success in doubles from nadia and ludmila kychynok. cheer for your own. it is nice to hear oleksandr shovkovskyi, the ukrainian coach. by the way, dynamo kyiv is the only one a team in the champions league, in general in all rounds, there in the third, second qualifying round, that is the playoff round, it is the only team that comes out and in the starting
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lineup there are representatives of only one country, its native country of ukraine, that is, no team in the league there are no champions wherever there are legionnaires in the starting line-up, well understand now what shovkovskyi and the team managed to do, that this is really the only team where ukrainians play, from bushchan to vanat, concluding, well, we have it. this is lonwick lonwick's legionnaire, but he didn't play yesterday, well, this is already a plus, and i will only remind you that, by the way, last year dynamo could not even get into the lowest status european tournament, league conferences, we were relegated from beşektazh, this year dynamo considers not getting into the champions league group a failure, but the europa league was already guaranteed to us, so i think this is a big step, we wish success to our team, and i will also say at the end, take care of yourself, i think... air raid signals, donate to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine and keep an eye on espresso at all possible platforms where we are. i'm just now the weather from natalka didenko, and on the 20th the
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verdict program, i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 18:10, goodbye, take care and stay with us. everything is naptic, hello to all, dear ukrainians, we will, of course , talk about the weather that is expected in the coming days, and although summer is gradually coming to an end, well, at least according to the calendar, i will still secretly say that the heat will still be enough, but that's all but autumn is already making itself felt in cooler nights and especially in the leaves, which are starting to turn yellow, and we are today let's talk about why the leaves on the trees turn yellow in autumn, well, the blame lies entirely on chlorophyll and... which helps to produce sucrose, it is destroyed, because as the daylight decreases, photosynthesis weakens and the leaves lose their green, beautiful color. why
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do leaves fall? well, there are several reasons. firstly, with the onset of cold weather and a decrease in humidity, the root system absorbs less liquid, and dropping leaves helps to reduce its evaporation, thus the tree seems to drop ballast and evenly distribute nutrients to other parts of the tree, this helps, by the way, better survive frosts or, for example, heat in the case of a temperate climate, well, at the end of summer, at the beginning of autumn , the metabolism between branches and... leaves slows down, the stem becomes brittle and leaves fall under wind movements, and we know , that the autumn winds are quite strong, and also november and december protect the tree from the accumulation of snow on the crown, and in the opposite case, a large amount of snow under its own weight could break the branches and lead to the death of the plants, and so they do not die, but just quietly sleep , well, not snow i'm going to scare you, snow is still a long, long way off, we're still having heat, but now we
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're going to talk about... about magnetic storms, which , fortunately, are not expected to be strong or even moderate tomorrow, but as you can see from the forecast chart, certain fluctuations will be observed , but nothing so threatening, and therefore we calmly move on to the actual weather forecast for the next day, and we traditionally start from the western regions of ukraine, which, by the way, have very often different weather, because there are transcarpathia and mountains here carpathians, there are plains. so, just in this case, the weather will be quite homogeneous in the western part of ukraine, tomorrow and tomorrow , august 25, without significant precipitation, the air temperature is 28-31° above zero, in the north of ukraine, it is still hot, 30-33° heat, without precipitation, dry,
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sunny, high. fire hazard. in the east , the air temperature remains high - 31-34°. no precipitation is expected. anticyclonic nature of the weather, high atmospheric pressure. in the central part of ukraine it is 30, 34, 30, 35°. also no precipitation. well you see, as i already said, fairly uniform weather is expected everywhere in the next day in ukraine. in the south, as i just said, for homogeneous weather. i was immediately startled and said for a moment: the proximity of the cyclone over the black sea will cause short-term rains and thunderstorms in the south, of course local in places, but nevertheless, the air temperature will not be too high, i.e. 35 should not be 35 tomorrow in the south at 29:32 above zero , here is such a synoptic exclusive for the southern part of ukraine, unusual, and the weather in kyiv tomorrow
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status quo, no precipitation is expected. dry, sunny, hot, 32-33 degrees above zero, this is the closest synoptic perspective in ukraine, of course, keep a close eye on our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel, good evening, we are from ukraine, today in the verdict program with serhiy rudenko. the danger of a nuclear accident, the head of magate warns against active hostilities near the kurdish nuclear power plant, which rafael grossi plans to discuss with volodymyr zelensky after his visit to kurshchyna. ukrainian riot against the russians aggressors dozens of enemy airfields were in the range of the latest drone missile. that
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is ukrainian. a miracle weapon that was developed in record time. telegram without a fool. the arrest of the founder of the popular messenger highlighted his role in the russian-ukrainian war. are ukrainians ready to abandon an information platform with russian roots? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, about war and about our victory. and of course, let's talk about how the world reacts to the attempts of the ukrainian state to limit the activities, or simply put, to ban the activities of russian religious organizations.


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