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tv   [untitled]    August 29, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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they didn't buy any fish, and even more so, they didn't use it, because no one knows how and what kind of fish will end up on the shelves of stores in our city and region, what is described in chernihiv oblast, which is a terrible smell, you can hear both rotten fish and ammonia , there is such a smell, the water has turned black, does it look the same to you? well, i didn’t see it personally, but the people i talked to say that there is such a pungent smell, they say that standing at all, well, it ’s impossible, it’s simply impossible to be near the river, that’s what i talked about, that that i well, i talked to people, what people say, what ecologists say, how long it might take to find out what the situation is until the end and... to clean this
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reservoir? well, i am not ready to answer this question, i did not communicate with ecologists, i did not communicate, but personally from myself, personally, i understand that this is not one month and probably not one year, because the seim river, well, let's say this, no a small river, it is big, has large volumes, large sizes, affected, people do not want to leave their homes, because they do not they know where to go next, they simply don’t know what the white world is like and what their goals are, they had housing here, they had things here, they earned, worked, lived, and now they have to leave, well, they can’t come to terms with it and it can’t be for them it is very difficult, that is why young people are leaving, so young people have already left the border area, young people have left, many families have already left, many have left, but they are still staying. residents still remain, and those
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who remain are self-sufficient, the necessary infrastructure is working, do they need the help of volunteers and do they have to do something pick up? well, there is, let's say, where they work, and there is also the case that volunteers carry aid, there is the case that volunteers carry aid and they need help, because we all know that we currently have a lot of damaged objects' . infrastructure, many residential buildings are left without electricity, so there is no transportation and food and everything, so the necessary things are delivered to them, they are delivered thanks to the heads of the communities themselves, volunteers are also working, we are trying to somehow make people survive, thank you, sir vyacheslav for participating in ours in the conversation, a member of the sumy district council and
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a volunteer said that a large part of the people, although they have already left sumy oblast, but mostly young people are reluctant, others leave their homes, their nested places, where they are simply used to being, cope, mostly on their own, but some need help too, especially now when it comes to major pollution along the way. the desna river, the seim river, people simply cannot take care of themselves completely and need help as well. i will remind you that support and help are also needed our defenders, especially those who are in very hot areas of the front today, i'm talking about the donetsk directions, and this qr code that we constantly show, which appears on our screen, is a way to help and support our defenders. for drones and for rebs, for
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reb means we collect, these are two very important elements that must always be present at the front in very, very large quantities, and the defenders themselves often say that there are supplies for several days, then fresh supplies are needed , fresh rides, so let's do it so that our defenders at the front do not lack these means, please add 3.5 million to be collected. that we could procure what we were asked for. now let's move to the south of our country. serhiy bratchuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, is in touch with us. mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. glory to the hero, glory to the armed forces. congratulations. and tell us what is happening there in crimea, because they say that they are shooting down uavs. well, actually, it was loud enough in sevastopol, and you have to give credit agent kolobko. he is in peace, the governor of the temporarily occupied. entertains, he always
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announces certain events, for which he is greatly thanked, he announces something every evening from shooting, the fleet is training, the question is which raft, if the main... part, at least the missile carriers, the most combat part is in novorossiya. it was loud, indeed the enemy announces that he has defeated everything, is waiting for messages from the so-called ministry of defense of the russian federation, talking about naval drones, about our combat mosquitoes, but i think that statistics and mathematics will be a little different from the one that voro always wants to demonstrate in crimea, let's wait a little, until the intelligence continues for the relevant moments, there the slaps are pampered every day, i already said something about the fact that not all combat operations are reported immediately, because there is a phased nature of them, and actually this should also be understood, but every day the occupier is not happy there, our defense forces are working, the demilitarization
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of crimea, strikes on logistics in crimea, they continue and continue every day, well, you can entertain him this time, he is very modest, he says that only two uavs shot down over the chornoy water area. they do not declare about 50-60, such a huge number, but they closed the crimean bridge again, they are doing it as a precaution, is something really happening there, maybe also on their side, well, actually the crimean bridge, it is now resting more than it is working, and this already for several months, it is very often blocked, because the enemy perfectly understands that it is their hour that must come to the crimea. it will certainly happen, so they are trying to protect, as they say, from possible blows, will it help them? well, it's a matter of time, i already said about it, that's why they are trying to take some security measures, they are trying to build a barricade near the crimean bridge, but all this
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, i apologize, is like poultices for the dead, so let them be afraid, let them be nervous, i think that they take panic pills every day, and how - how strongly is the kerch bridge protected now , how many anti-aircraft systems there are, we see that the c1 tank was fixed and demonstrated that it was installed there right on the bridge, according to your data, what else is there, well , around the bridge, if we are talking about land, there are of course anti-aircraft defenses, they have set up those positions, they are trying to continue building barrier barriers there already... more than three dozen of those barges have been thrown, whether it will become an obstacle for our naval drone, to put it mildly, i am not sure, that is, we will just have to work more creatively, that as for the construction of a certain structure there parallel to the kremsky bridge, this is also
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an attempt to somehow protect against naval drones, at least this version is the most important today, and again, not everything is reported by the defense forces, because let the enemy thinks that on... it is known and what is unknown, but it is trying to carry out some such certain defensive works, as for air defense systems, you know that they were beaten quite a bit in crimea, now they tried to restore this crazy air defense , whether it will be successful, i think that our missiles will soon have to check whether you see any reaction on the coast of the sea of ​​azov and on the crimean coast to the fact that more and more often... and more often precisely in the rostov region, in the south of russia, eh, engage in drones fly to their refineries, various enterprises, and we understand why there, because actually, this is a supply route to donetsk region, to the front, to the war, and if
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these chains are interrupted there, it will be a little more difficult for the russians. what is the reaction? it is absolutely true, this is just a logistical way, the enemy also understands this very well, the government is trying temporarily. the occupying forces reassure the residents, they say nothing is happening, there are warehouses, there are enough burning bridge materials, but you have to understand that civilians, they will be the first to suffer, because what should go on the russian army, it will be given first of all to the so-called armed forces of the russian federation, but civilians will suffer from the fact that this fuel at gas stations will still disappear, it will not happen overnight . day, but it must be understood that the logistics route is a railway, the ferry crossing is interrupted today, it simply does not exist, there is a slavic ferry, which is still left, it is damaged, and what will happen to its repair, how quickly it can be repaired, that too a matter of time,
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again these blows, they are not the last steam crossings, there are also car crossings, these are the tankers that are supposed to run, including the so-called land corridor, are actually in the war zone, so we have to understand very well that this logistical road is expensive, it will also be interrupted, of course, but for now everything will go to the front for... the civilian occupiers, difficult times will still come, you see, they have adopted such a practice that before the onset of autumn they try to hit our energy infrastructure, our tactics include destroying fuel and bridge facilities materials, to destroy the russian refineries, which go and work precisely in the crimea, to supply the troops, so everything is asymmetric and they will also feel it themselves, i think that in the near future, after... after they transferred part of their troops from the south to the kursk region , the russians, how are they
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behaving in the kherson direction, i am also talking, in particular, about our bridgehead on the left bank, if we talk about the dnieper direction, then the day has actually passed, it was without assault actions, of course, reconnaissance drones are working, of course there is little air in the chain drones, an extraordinary number of these sorties are working, such a fight is already going on in the low air, a counter-battery fight... it also continues, the enemy is using artillery, we see that the kherson region is suffering, the dnieper regions are suffering from this, and actually the regional center itself, er, the situation in this regard is under control, it has not fundamentally changed, indeed, certain units were transferred from the dnieper direction and from zaporizhzhia actually pushed a little towards kurshchyna, but the situation is like this at the moment, there were assaults the day before yesterday, yes, but they insignificant although there are no minor battles in the war, of course, but nevertheless it is not with such intensity, well, as it was
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there, for example, for more than a month, maybe a little more, the enemy is no longer throwing, by the way, the topic that they are preparing to force dnieper, to go to our right bank, to create a bridgehead there, they are dreaming with those krinkas, because they saw that it worked for us, it does not work for them, and they are even comparing that they need to create some kind of bridgehead like that. well on the right bank and from there they will again go to the heroic the offensive on odessa, for example, but today fewer such conversations have already taken place, moreover, they complain about the fact that it is necessary to save, by the way, fuel lubricants, well, this is a trend, it has been, for example, since april in some parts of russia, now again this one is slowly rising, this is related to the previous question, will the destruction of russian oil and gas facilities, oil storage facilities affect what... happens on the front, of course, it will affect, but more is needed, they have enough refineries,
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unfortunately, so the work in the defense forces enough. regarding, he can still tell, regarding actually our population on the right bank, or how people react to what is happening across the dnipro, on the other bank, and whether there is any such cooperation, coordination between the military and civilians, because we understand that the situation is changing now. this season changes, accordingly, perhaps, and the tactics will be somewhat different on the eve of winter. well, if we talk about the civilian population, of course, it suffers because the so-called russian guard is working, filtering measures are being intensified, you can see that they are also working very actively in crimea, including ours and partisans, and underground, and with coordinates help the defense forces, in fact, this applies to other temporarily occupied territories, although it is extremely difficult to do this. and a huge threat to life, so people are waiting, and very often i want
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to speak, and addressing our viewers, including, let's not forget about them, they are waiting a lot, they are suffering a lot there from the occupation, it is even difficult to imagine what is there people feel today, feel it on themselves and physically, including, uh, so we remember, let's also encourage these people, as much as possible, they work for victory, and in fact... i can say that our right bank, kherson oblast, was liberated with the help of those people who were under occupation at the time, they helped a lot, and the left bank is no exception today. mr. serhiy, maybe you know information from your beloved odessa, whether something has changed, or maybe there are some innovations, a little more attention, ee, regarding the odesa-reny highway after the last story with mondrivka. people's deputy through moldova to rome, well, they say that
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he went there on foot, yes, maybe the question after all, it is really more to the border guards that they will strengthen control over this area, in fact, well, i would really hope that there were no such cases, but unfortunately, unfortunately, there is no particular confidence today, so god bless the border guards who do not betrayed the honor of practicing these questions. i hope they will still be closed, although almost 2.5 years of war already, well somehow it looks a little bit strange on the one hand, and on the other it is no longer surprising, unfortunately. thank you thank you mr. serhiy, serhii bratchuk, spokesperson the south of the ukrainian volunteer army was with us, i remind you that we ask you to give, just a short pause, the time to do it with this qr code that is now on the screen. in a few minutes, we will move closer to the front line, pokrovsk, myrnograd and the surrounding area, what is happening there right now is being written on social networks by local
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people, who are simply posting en masse. from the post offices, your things somewhere further to the rear, what you used, we will ask our guest about it in a few minutes, be with espresso! do you want to wake up like in childhood? grandmother, full of strength and energy? then the new product from mattress market is just for you! meet the dreamlight pillowcase mattress. the perina dreamlight mattress smooths out all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, folding beds, it can... be laid for sleeping simply on the floor, soft, comfortable, beautiful, and so profitable, only from uah 499. ordinary toppers cost one and a half, two and even 300 hryvnias, and we offer you an extra-quality foam mattress for only 499 hryvnias. savings are incredible, soft, fluffy, hugs like a cloud, resembles a real one
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of ukraine. with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. we honor the memory of those who gave their lives for ukraine. august 29: the day of memory of defenders of ukraine. my colleague, a journalist, has such an orbit and resident of mirnograd. it is only a few kilometers from the front line. natalia biryukova joins our conversation. mrs. natalia, glory to ukraine. glory, good morning. we hope that the morning is good for both
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mirnograd and pokrovsk. please tell me how life is now. in the city , from what i read, what is actually already about pokrovsk, most shopping centers and beauty salons have closed, sports halls, coffee shops, all this is no longer working, some that are still working, the owners plan to close , please describe the picture of it all, pokrovsk, not yet myrnograd, now it is a city that is preparing for evacuation, very actively preparing, people are leaving, constantly loading. let's remember how the evacuation from mariupol and volnovakha took place, the war was a surprise for people, everyone left where they could, and pokrusk and mirnograd do it more or less planned. that's why they leave , perhaps not as actively as everyone would like, that is, they need to get laid off, find a job, find housing, pack things, find
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a car, but i wanted to pay attention to something, i have a lot of friends who serve exactly in the direction of pokruska, and they say that they have nothing to defend our settlements, and that is, novogorodivka in three days, and then what will happen next? perhaps it is somehow worthwhile to speak more actively about the fact that reinforcement is needed here, as the president said three days ago, and soon the city will be, well, the enemy will reach pokrovsk, and it will be painful not only for us, the residents of these cities, you say with i know, but you openly say what you know, and yet you remain, from what i know, you are now in pokrovsk, what's yours... i'm in pokrovsk, i'm in pokrovsk, i'm from myrnograd myself, i don't live in myrnograd anymore, my children have been in dnipro for a long time, that is, well, if
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the city exists, pokrovsk will become at least as myrnograd, i sat down and left. what is your motivation as a journalist to actually still be there and, as i understand it, to work and cover these events? well, who if not us? do they listen to what you say? just said that strategy needs to be rethought, reinforcements are needed, will they listen, or do you see that you hear journalists talking about what is happening near marnograd, near pokrovsk, who cover the needs of the military as well, well, it seems to me that not, and i was thinking like this tonight, when, well, you all saw that video with a military man who in july accused pokrovsk of depositing flowers, although they were not planted, but were watered there or something burned there. then the military man said that it was necessary to keep the trenches, that is , when the city was still preparing to winter, to live, to support the armed forces, it was already clear
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that nothing will happen to pokrovsky, that his future is only to become a fortress, that is , the military understood this, and not only we understood, or those trenches, fortifications, protective structures, which we have been talking about since last year, and they said that it was like actually in donetsk... everything is there and everything is waiting, have you seen them with your own eyes, do they really exist, i saw them, i saw them since the 22nd year, i saw them, in the 24th year i saw them, but if there are no people there, what can they do, that is, as far as i understand, there are simply not enough people and equipment to to deter the enemy, and this is novogrodivka - an industrial city in which 14,000 people lived before the war, several mines, and they passed it in 3 days. not because our fighters probably didn't want to fight, it's probably because there was no one to fight there, next to novogrodivka will be selydova and probably everything will be like that quickly, and
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then there will be pokrovsk. these mines are now, as i understand it, not working and there is no one there anymore. yes, mines are shelled first, industrial objects in each settlement are shelled first, and so the mines in novogrudok are now being flooded. because any production needs water pumping, and if the mine is cut off and there are no people, then all the underground workings, and they are there several hundred meters away, they will be flooded with water, then all this will happen and the water will go to other underground workings of another mine and will flooding of the entire region, this does not mean that it can go away, in how much time can that water also come to the surface and flood it, the water will not come to the surface. there will not be such a thing, that there will be an ocean here, but there will be flooding, there will be the land will settle down and there will be a swamp, well, in such mines as novogrodivsk, they are small,
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it will be there, in mines such as myrnogradsk, they are large and there will simply be a lot of water, the city will sink a little, well, it can be 20 cm there, there , well, i'm not such a specialist to operate with such numbers, how much time it may take, maybe some specialists told you the facts? information, well , when there was the second world war, all the mines were flooded in our region, then the water was pumped out, i don't know how long this process lasted, but the myrnograd mines, such as 5-6 and the central mine, are more than 100 years old, that is, they worked there under the monarchs, and then they worked in the soviet one, under the soviets, and now they are working, well, i don’t know how much, well, that is look when there are no people. there will be no pumping out of water, it will be an uncontrolled process, that is, these productions, they are many kilometers underground, these are multi-story productions, they will all be
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with water, then until... the state will have to decide whether it needs to pump it out , restore as much as it is it will be necessary, but the fact that there will be a shortage of coal for the state, i understand that it is not only me, ms. natalya, we understand that pokrovsk, myrnograd, the surrounding areas, this is now one of the most important topics for the world in general, and many journalists too are there internationals out there, have you met them, what do they say, what do they want... sats for their media? well, they are also interested in why i am here in myrnograd or pokrovsk, what is my mission, and how do i and the residents feel about kursk operations and about the place, about pokrovsk itself, about what is happening there. of course, well, they see, if they come here, they see such pokrovsky, yesterday or the day before yesterday i spoke with german colleagues, they said that they had been to
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pokrovsky, and now. because the city is empty. what else is working in the city? here is the latest statement from filashkin that as early as this week, for example, banking institutions in pokrovsk will be open until the end of the week, they will no longer be, and they will be closed. what with other institutions, what with medicine with specialized services? everything works in pokrovsk, well, unlike mornograd where everything is closed, everything works in pokrovsk, the main thing. snaps work, that is, there is a state registrar, to whom you can apply there for a record to enter your property in the unified property register, in myrnograd there is no such thing anymore, doctors work, small shops also work, and some beauty salons may still work there, but if such strict conditions that it will be necessary to close, all this will be closed and nothing will happen, in myrnograd it is no longer working, in mornogradi does not work for more than a week, in
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two districts. mernograd has been without electricity for almost two weeks, well, maybe i’m wrong, i’m wrong in the numbers, but it’s been so long, well, i understand, the railway is also working, trains are running, which directions are most in demand now, which flights have the most passengers, well, there are only evacuation flights from pokrovsk, every day there is a train to lviv oblast, and if you evacuate, you can travel for free and reach any settlement. leave there, once every 8 days a train goes to rivne oblast, and there there will be resettlement, starting next, from september, it will already happen, everyone who wants to will be sent to kirovohrad oblast free of charge with resettlement, of course, ms. natalya, thank you, thank you for staying there and actually informing, because when we talk about evacuation civilians, we understand that some may stay longer, and these are journalists
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in particular. thank you for your work, keep it up, the journalist of tk orbita and the internet publication svoi, resident of mirnograd nataliya biryukova was with us, now is the time for news and khrystyna parubiy with the news editor have already prepared the most important and freshest information at the moment, and now we will hear it, khrystyna, i give you the floor. congratulations, oksana, thank you, what is happening at the burning oil depot in the rostov region, i will tell you in the issue, and also what is happening in the crimea, don't miss it in a moment. news rubbed espresso, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. for the second night in a row, powerful explosions at the atlas oil depot in the rostov region of russia have not yet extinguished the...


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