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tv   [untitled]    August 29, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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up to date with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about rights, opportunities. and personal experiences of people. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i don't spend any money. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project program of reconstruction and development of cities. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. 60 warheads and two cruise missiles brought this one down. at night and in the morning our defenders,
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in total there were 74 martyrs and there were three rockets, so in fact such massive attacks continue, and the target that time was largely the capital, and now we will talk about what was not today and not even a full-scale war, and what started it all, because 10 years ago, after crimea was illegally annexed and the russians invaded in donetsk region, in luhansk region, they actually started a big war even then, and it was then that one of the most tragic pages of this war took place, i am talking about the battle for ilovaisk and the ilovaisk tragedy, when the russians, putin's army simply shot ukrainian soldiers, allowing them to go green corridor how it all happened, let's remember together these events of the 14th year.
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it took time for the command of the armed forces of ukraine and security forces to recover from the revolution of dignity, and already in the summer of 2014 , the terrorist operation to liberate donbas gained momentum. the occupiers were expelled from lysychansk, severodonetsk, and mariupol. the climax was the battle for ilovaisk. in early august, volunteer battalions of the national guard and the armed forces of ukraine surrounded the militants in the city. i succeeded on the 18th.
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to liberate part of ilovaisk. russian fighters lacked the strength to hold back the offensive, so the kremlin openly entered the war for the first time. on august 23, before ukraine's independence day, the invaders crossed the border and entered the rear of our troops. the invasion forces were unprecedentedly large on that period of war. according to official data, the group of russians consisted of 35 people, up to 60 tanks, over. 300 combat vehicles, more than 100 guns and mortars, as well as five anti-tank missile systems. ukrainian defenders found themselves literally in a trap, in front of the fighters of the so-called dnr, behind - regular troops of russia. on august 24 , units of the 92nd brigade and the 42nd teroborona battalion were sent to help our surrounded soldiers. the detachments were destroyed by russian artillery. ukrainian defenders
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were under intense enemy fire for five days. russians they used everything they had, tanks, mortars, hailstones. on august 28, the then commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine viktor muzhenko began negotiations with the russian military command on the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from ilovaisk. 12 phone calls, constant changes in time and conditions. the invaders deliberately delayed the time. to arrange tactically advantageous positions. in the end, russia agreed to the conditions for the withdrawal of our troops, the safe withdrawal of the army from the encirclement was guaranteed. on august 29, ukrainian fighters began to go out along the agreed green corridors, walking in twos columns and, contrary to the agreements, the russians opened fire on the columns. vonik is alive. according to official data, 366 ukrainian
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soldiers were treacherously killed, 429 were wounded, 300 were taken in... espresso journalist yehor vorobyov was among the prisoners. for 38 days, hired fighters of the so-called dnr destroyed our colleague. he was tortured and beaten with an ax, his arm was broken in two places. at least four of the prisoners died from their injuries without receiving proper medical care. only a small part of our fighters managed to get out of the ilyvai cauldron, but the ukrainian military and journalists managed to collect evidence of the presence of regular russian troops, this is indisputable proof that russian armored vehicles and russian troops are located here, this is a packing list with a seal, in russian, here are
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russian uniforms, a first aid kit, a long investigation into the causes of the tragedy ended in 2020, 500 interrogations of victims and witnesses, 600 examined documents, the verdict of the prosecutor general's office was obvious: the russian federation is guilty. in addition, the investigation established a number of violations on the part of the ato leadership, which did not take into account intelligence and dynamic changes in the operational situation. ukraine sent the collected evidence to the international criminal court. the ilovat cauldron remains a demonstrative example of russia's treachery and proves the point. the price of any deals with this country. we will talk about these tragic events and what connection they have with today with maria ionova, people's deputy of ukraine. actually, mrs. maria was the deputy head of the tsk regarding the events near
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ilovaisk. in the 14th year, mrs. maria, glory ukraine. glory to the heroes. many people say ilovai boiler, i tend to think that it is ilovai. there was a tragedy, and when we talk about the investigation, about the commission, about the conclusions that were made, then in the 17th year the conclusion was that there was a low level of combat readiness, combat capacity, many facts of desertion, szch, that is, the emphasis was on , as well as individual mistakes of the leadership, i.e. the emphasis was on the fact that the military was somehow not like that, a little later... actually, in the 21st year, they were already talking about the improper organization of defense countries and promised to declassify most of the materials. why does this happen? we have been at war with the russians for 10 years, now we have similar, in some places, similar situations, and
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again, we seem to be on the same rake. thank you for the question, first of all, you brought up the fact that, ah, this is... really the biggest tragedy between us and you is that in ilovaisk they were looking for the culprits in ukraine, not in russia, and on this day when we we speak and remember the memory of our defenders, it really is still such an open wound in the heart of each of us, you and i, it seems to me that there are many of us for these 10 years have buried an innumerable number of the best blue scumbags, we know that it was really a russian... struggle, and we fought for every life, and then they, we have an obligation to fight on, because when the ukrainian defenders left the encirclement of zalovaiska, we really saw the full bloody face of the russian federation at that moment,
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unfortunately, the world did not see it, and therefore reconciliation is really impossible, and that is why we are doing everything to strengthen, and we must do everything, and since 2000 , 14 have also done everything to strengthen the army to strengthen the defense and really preserve the state, and the most important thing is the life of our military, and you know, i also remember that many years after the ilovak tragedy, many people justified putin, consciously or unconsciously, let's say, fighting for some political dividends, they blamed not the russians, after all, someone inside the country, what and then... there was mariupol, bakhmut, vovchansk, now in a terrible premonition about pokrovsk, and we really have to remember the role that ukraine pays for freedom and independence. what regarding the ilovai tragedy, you know, and indeed, unfortunately, at that moment there was more
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of a political color than what was related, let's say, to work with our international partners on the fact that russia is to blame for this, i tell you... will say that ah, it was the first invasion, the first invasion of the russian federation, and at that time, even then, it was a full-scale second. and no one understood such a large-scale threat, indeed the army was in a completely different state, you and i remember what yanukovych did and how he weakened our armed forces, and moment, let's be frank, there were a lot of traitors who later fled to the russian federation, and there was, unfortunately, a lot of speculation, but let's also remember that after 2019, the prosecutors general venediktov and bakano, they confirmed... that it was an invasion, because it was regular russian troops, and by the way,
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the commission from the international criminal court was also working then, and you and i remember that russia then promised corridors, how they treacherously completely violated the agreements and shot our servicemen, plus, our, our armed forces, they were failing. and because russia violated any agreements at that time, it really says that, well, how are they following those agreements, so it was definitely putin, and it's his responsibility, and we have to continue to fight for them to bear this responsibility to the international criminal court, and you know, but every day we hide our soldiers, and now, unfortunately, such numbers, which... are also very painful, because at that time we really did not fully understand what
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the number of killed, wounded, disappeared without mercy, and how many of our servicemen were taken prisoner, but again, the lessons are definitely not to lie, not to believe any of their words, we have to greatly strengthen our defenses, as you rightly say, fortifications, unfortunately, we can see in the example. how these delays with the defense lead to, oh, terrible consequences, that 's why ms. maria, because you worked like this, you worked in this temporary commission, and is it possible now once again, perhaps to raise those documents, those conclusions that were reached then, so that it was still possible to avoid the tragedy with pokrovsk, we simply see avdiyivka, ocheretyne. it is obvious how they are moving and what are the rates of advancement there, so that there are not just
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similar stories, again, so that it is not that the fighters are to blame, because the fighters there are doing something wrong, maybe we should also think about the organization of the defense, the fact that from kyiv, from the general staff, uh, what concerns the temporary investigative commission, at that moment, indeed, not everyone who was summoned by the temporary investigative commission gave evidence, and those who did, really it was very... very difficult and very tragic, but again, the state of the army at that time, the interaction and the coordination and the support, well, were just at the lowest level, and that's why they were really leaving, and you know, other areas were opening up of the front, that is , the facts, they are really scary, but we are now drawing conclusions and drawing conclusions, and that is why we have repeatedly repeated since 2019 that we need to... continue to strengthen the army, continue to strengthen and work on fortifications. after
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a full-scale invasion, we appeal attention again, that we must strengthen our defensive lines and prepare so that there is no repetition, no encirclement, no ticks, and none of those moments that were at that moment. believe me, ah, i won't talk now about the fact that tsk really was a factage, where there were retreats, but... there were approaches, there were different moments, and those who were there, they are heroes, they held the line, but again after all, the strength and training of the russian troops was so many times simply exceeded, and in such and such, and there were concrete, regular troops, and we understand this, ms. maria, because all ukrainian fighters, everyone, whether they left or not, kept the defense until the end, everyone, everyone who is at the front, everyone is a hero, this is indisputable, and actually in our material, which we will show...
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the courage and strength of our military. one more question, we remember, after ilovaisk, the next step, what happened, it was minsk, the minsk agreements, and now we are constantly hearing again that negotiations with russia , a peace summit, at which russia can also be to be present, why is it so, please reflect briefly. because we already have a lot there is little time, you know, the recent press conference of the president, to be honest, we did not hear such general words, we would like to hear a really clear plan, what... let's say, preparation and the diplomatic way should sound, that's true, but the main thing - we should work with our partners so that they provide us with more weapons and strengthen sanctions against the russian federation. we need such means, where we can still defeat the russian federation with modern weapons, we will never
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defeat it with manpower, and we must convey this to partners, and therefore our task is to work every day. to ensure that our military have weapons, so that they do not count, and this is the main task, and believe me, when we have such successes, and we have fewer losses, then russia itself will look for ways to some negotiations, now that that the conclusion of the olovai tragedy also suggests that no negotiations are bilateral in any case and they do not keep their word, that is, there must be a third party who will guarantee which words, but for now, for now we... we just have a criminal , we have talk about those war crimes, they should already bear responsibility. thank you, maria yeonova, people's deputy of ukraine and deputy chairman of the tsk regarding the events near ilovaisk, and further on the affairs of ukrainian emergency workers, oleksandr
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khorundzhiy, press officer of the state emergency service of ukraine, was with us. we are in touch, mr. oleksandr, glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. about what is happening now, about the consequences of constant russian shelling and the darkness in ukraine, i am talking about turning off the electricity, we will talk, more than once, emergency workers too they talked about the fact that when there is a power outage, they have much more work not only because of the shelling of the russians, for example, in sumy oblast, in the border areas, but also because they do not correctly observe the basic ones. ukrainians themselves do not follow the rules of electrical appliances, and as a result , fires often burn whole houses, not only appliances, i am asking you briefly this list of basic rules that each of us must learn and know now, so indeed, during power outages, people use
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alternative sources, respectively connection electricity and this... can lead to fires and such cases usually happen and there are many of them, which i would like to pay attention to: first of all, this is the use of generators, and here we must clearly understand that we do not have the right to a generator, and this it is dangerous to install them at home or in basements, according to recommendations, they should be installed at a distance of at least 6 m from the entrance of the entrance. doors or windows so that people do not get poisoned by products from the generator. second, it must be certified products, and this applies to both generators and possibly those gas burners that people can use. we do not recommend, of course, to do this
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at home, because they are not designed for this, but we know that people use it. when turning off the light, and therefore the products must be certified, must be on, if you take gas tourist burners, then all the connections must be intact, this is easy to check, if we apply a soapy solution, and if there are certain bumps there, then this this can already mean that there is a gas leak, and it can this will lead to an explosion, of course, you need to use ventilated rooms. and most importantly, when we heat something, when people heat something, it is desirable that the gas, so that this gas cylinder is as far as possible from the very surface that is heated, because this surface is heated, heat can be transferred according to the gas balloon, and it expands and can explode,
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there have been such cases, and people should still definitely not forget them there on electric ones... which can then turn on when the lights are turned off and heat the gas cylinder again, there may be an explosion, explosion, separate use of candles, the distance from the use of candles to combustible materials should be at least one meter, more is better, these are the basic tips that i would highlight for people when turning off the lights , of course and more importantly, switching on. the base of several powerful electrical appliances, such as an electric stove, respectively, such as an electric kettle, a microwave oven, and so on, they can also lead to overheating. short circuit and fire, so we do not recommend doing this simultaneously. thank you, mr. oleksandr, about some other things, because in addition to electricity,
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disconnection of electricity, there remains the problem of shelling, and often after shelling, as a result of shelling, we also have fires, most often in the border and front-line areas, or in these areas , emergency services are handled, i know , you say. we cope, we do our best, but is there really enough equipment, enough people to work in the usual, normal mode, because we understand that the russians often attack emergency personnel, purposefully, and well technology is timeless, just like people? and i will simply tell you in a few words how the state emergency service of ukraine and its divisions work, and every day you stand in for duty with... approximately 7,200 , 7,500 rescuers and, accordingly, somewhere around 200-300, 2,300 pieces of equipment in case of
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a complication of the situation, correspondingly large-scale shelling , large-scale fires, according to the liquidation of large-scale emergency situations, we have clearly allocated priorities for the collection of personnel and equipment in order to... liquidate as quickly as possible large-scale emergency situations, unified squads are formed, therefore, where reinforcement is needed, of course, we coordinate this work, the operational coordination control center, and thus there is enough equipment, because reserves are created accordingly, of course, large-scale fires of ecosystems, they involve the involvement a large amount in person. staff, i will simply cite the figure that for a day only 2,250 rescuers and 670
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units of equipment were involved in extinguishing fires in ecosystems, in particular in open areas, this is a huge force, but at the same time, all fires are localized, extinguished and there is no threat of spreading now, so there is enough equipment due to the same thing... that it is clearly uniform and developed algorithms to distribute it correctly for localization and elimination of fires. and briefly, please specify literally 30 seconds, and these seasonal fires, their time has already passed, do we still have it, safety continues, how is it? of course, seasonal fires, they will continue, and we are coordinating here with the ukrainian hydrometeorological center, which provides us. forecasts regarding the duration of the fire-dangerous period, the fire-dangerous period is currently ongoing, and of course we coordinate
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the deployment of our forces and means accordingly, and during this period i would like to appeal to the people, because the vast majority of fires, after all, do not come from shelling, but from violations fire safety rules by the people themselves, dry burning. here i would like to point out that during the fire-risk period visiting the forests is not recommended, and it is possible, well, i will just give an example that even a glass can due to solar radiation, it can create a lens effect and the grass will simply catch fire, this is actually a very important remark, thank you for it, mr. oleksandr, i urge all people to listen to what mr. oleksandr told and take care of safety themselves as well. well, don't set anything on fire, of course. oleksandr khorundzhiy, the press officer of the state emergency service of ukraine was with us, don't miss the news in a few minutes, then we will return to our analytics.
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11:00 am
unpack it. in the pharmacies of psylszynyk, bam and ochsad, there are discounts until independence day on magne b6, 10% at pharmacies psylszynik, bam and ochsad. at 11 o'clock, it's time to find out what's going on in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. at night, the russians attacked ukraine with three kh-59 missiles and two unidentified missiles, and also launched 74 shahed missiles. defenders of the sky shot down two guided air missiles and 60.


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