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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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enterprise, this is also a question that now arises before enterprises. there is really a lot to say, because there are many problems, but here are the key ones, i see three such directions. mr. igor, i would like to ask you about two state programs, namely the rocket-building program and the program of the supply-free industry, i understand that such sensitive topics are involved, but in general, what are the dynamics of the development of the situation under these two state programs? i would... say that the dynamics are there, they are positive, unfortunately, they are not the ones we need, because we want everything was much faster, there are also financial restrictions of the state, there is not enough money to finance such programs in full, within the time limits , and still, i can say that the problem is with personnel, from the school, because ukraine would not have... a field of interest as
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such recently, and rocketry is a new field, so it is necessary to essentially form a school from scratch, gain knowledge and independently perform the tasks that are defined in these fields, nevertheless, there are already some positive results caliber ammunition has already reached a stable volume of supply, of course it does not meet our needs during the active phase of the war, but the dynamics as a whole. positive, and what we see about the missile program, what the president announced, and there is a ballistic missile and conventional cruise missiles, there, too, the dynamics are present, unfortunately, the terms that were determined at the beginning of the active phase of the war, they have been disrupted, they have been extended, nevertheless, now the relevant enterprises and state institutions are actively engaged in the city's effort not to miss the deadlines and to provide the army. precisely these weapons of
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military equipment. mr. igor, we know the situation when, on the one hand, reid metal promises to build a plant for the production of ammunition in ukraine. recently, there was information that norway allowed or even transferred licenses for the production of 155 mm ammunition for ukraine. how much does it speed up our acquisition of new competencies, how much does it somehow allow us to speed up the process of manufacturing ammunition? taking into account the fact that in the last 10 years we have almost no ammunition produced, the most effective, the fastest way is really cooperation with one of the global players in this market, either renmetal or namma, who have a license, experience, who can quickly train and provide the necessary knowledge to our employees, who, from my point of view, should be trained on enterprises. companies
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in order to apply this knowledge here. 155 caliber is a rather specific caliber, there are two ways: either independently invent a rover, or obtain a license and under the supervision of specialists who in the system tens of thousands of such calibers are produced, mastering production here, without a doubt, is the best, most effective way to acquire relevant competencies. and we understand that ammunition is now facing a problem related to the lack of tnt there, the lack of gunpowder and so on, doesn't this mean that in parallel we still have to develop our chemical industry in order to at least fill these key gaps at the expense of one's own capabilities, as realistic as it is, as ukraine has shown , it is impossible for ukraine and ukrainians, that's why it is realistic, but step by step, first how do we... we need to master projectile cases,
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filling, then the next step is to master explosives, gunpowder, but here the issue is more access to raw materials, if we are talking about gunpowder, it is cellulose, nitrocellulose, acids and so on, there is a shortage of these raw materials in the world, this is a market where you have to fight for your quota, but nevertheless , you have to set such a goal in front of yourself... it is not a quickly achievable goal, i think somewhere two- three years to build a full cycle at stable funding, realistic figures are achievable in order to have a closed cycle, manufacturing of ammunition, whether it is necessary to solve the security issues of such enterprises in parallel, understanding the risks from the enemy, and actually, how it will be possible to secure such enterprises. from the russian
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threat, our foreign partners, they say that they are concerned about three issues and all three issues are related to security, the first is physical security. conditionally built a factory, an airport, destroyed production capacity there. second, it is a matter of protection and security intellectual property, because there are risks that those technological solutions or know-how may be lost for these companies and end up in countries, say, unfriendly now to ukraine, to our strategic partners, and the third issue is security. the issue of investment protection, unfortunately, our partners see that, what is happening in our law enforcement judicial system, there is no special trust, therefore , in all three of these directions, we need to build such conditions that are attractive for our partners,
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for those who are ready to invest or financial resources, or intellectual, we have a little er... freeze, let me remind you that this is ihor fomenko, the general director of the federation of employers of ukraine in the direction of defense, if we have a connection now, then we will resume the conversation, if not, then we now we are trying to establish a connection, and i will remind you that we have many foreign companies that want to develop production in ukraine, but we see that ihor fomenko named three holding back. factors that actually in a certain way affect the optimism of our partners, mr. igor, if you now you can hear us, i would like to say that it is possible to say that these three problems that you mentioned are actually such a certain brake for more foreign
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companies to enter ukraine and really try to create a platform here and hand it over to us new competencies that are extremely important to us for the development of our defense industry. without an answer to these three questions, the risks that investors will come to ukraine are great, that is, these issues need to be resolved, we must, during any negotiations with our potential investor partners, have the answer is how we solve these three issues: physical security, protection of intellectual property, countermeasures, investments that will go to ukraine, and then... in a parallel story, when our companies that produce technological weapons want to go outside ukraine, to open joint ventures or their own facilities there, and sometimes it seems that they are running away from our law enforcement
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agencies and from our unpredictability in terms of orders and pricing, can it be considered that these risks are really also necessary reduce so that our ukrainian companies , well... work more in ukraine itself? i would say that these are not risks, this is already, unfortunately, what we have, there are several large companies that are already relocating from the territory of ukraine, that are already building production capacities in other countries, under different legislation, therefore this trend has an increasing tendency, i apologize for the taftology, that is, yes and... from a practical point of view, this is already happening, that is why the task of our state, the government, is to make it so that intellectual property, so that professional personnel, people who invest in the development, mainly this is definitely a private business, so that they remain in ukraine, register
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intellectual property here and provide for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine here, not by import, we buy the same developments for... at a different price prices, but for it to be within the country, unfortunately, this is the existing practice today. mr. igor, thank you very much for including me, i hope that you and your experience will be extremely useful in your new position, as the general director of the federation of employers of ukraine for in the direction of defense. let me remind you that it was ihor fomenko. these were the main results of this day, and vasyl zima will continue the broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. i am very grateful to serhiy ohorets, i am grateful to his guest, i just heard the information from the wall street journal, it is already covered with details that on august 26 there was a plane crash, the pilot was killed,
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and the ukrainian f-16 fighter jet that arrived in ukraine was destroyed. the air force clarified that the information about the events. will report later, it was found out that this plane was able to shoot down three missiles and one missile, what happened next and what was the cause of this plane wreck is currently not known... well, the wall street journal provides this information with reference to high-ranking officials in the united states of america, this is war, of course, but unfortunately, well, again , they are already writing the name of the pilot, but i will wait for the official information, and whoever wrote what, of course he knew it, he, well, but we, let's wait for the official information, will learn the details of this story that happened and in any case thanks to this warrior who fought enemy missiles in the sky over ukraine, and i think, i don't think, i'm sure, saved more than one civilian life.
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today, august 29, is the day of remembrance of the fallen defenders of ukraine, who gave their lives in the fight for us and you, for ukraine, for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state. let's just be silent for literally 5 seconds and pay tribute to these heroes. thank you, i think that at this moment each of you remembered at least one face, one name of someone you knew, knew about and who already not with us, but who gave us the opportunity today to continue, again not just to live, but to continue this struggle, and in order for this struggle to be more effective, we announce meetings in which you actively participate, and we have the opportunity to give the army what it asks for is not everything. but even that particle that we collect, it, it matters at the front. therefore, now the espresso tv channel and
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the vesna charitable fund continue to collect funds for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade, as well as for the 110th and 47th mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders on the difficult donetsk route hold back enemy attacks every day, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the entire avdiiv direction. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. join the gathering, you can see all the details on the screen. and today is also the 10th anniversary of the ilovai tragedy. we will have a chance to chat with our soldier, the defender who was there then and we... we will talk with him about that day, about that time, and now we have a plot for your attention:
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the third year of the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, each of us is directly or indirectly involved in this war, but it began much earlier: 10 years ago, after the illegal annexation of the crimean peninsula, russian mercenaries led by fsb officers launched an operation to seize power in the donetsk and luhansk regions, simulating it as a civilian uprising against of the pro-european government in... on august 14 , one of the most terrible battles for the ukrainian army in the war in donbas unfolded near the city of ilovaisk. let's remember these events on the air in the plot.
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it took time for the command of the armed forces of ukraine and security forces to recover from the revolution of dignity, and already in the summer of 2014 , the anti-terrorist operation to liberate donbas gained momentum. the occupiers were expelled from lysychansk, severodonetsk, and mariupol. perogi, the culmination was the battle for ilovaisk. volunteers at the beginning of august battalions of the national guard and the armed forces of ukraine surrounded the militants in the city. on the 18th , part of ilovaisk was liberated. russian fighters lacked the strength to hold back the offensive, so the kremlin openly entered the war for the first time. on august 23, before ukraine's independence day, the invaders crossed the border and entered the rear. our troops the invasion force was unprecedentedly large for that period of the war. according to official data,
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the group of russians consisted of 35 people, up to 60 tanks, more than 300 combat vehicles, more than 100 guns and mortars, as well as five anti-tank missile systems. ukrainian defenders found themselves literally in a trap, in front of the fighters of the so-called dnr, behind - regular troops of russia. on august 24 , units of the 92nd brigade and the 42nd teroborona battalion were sent to help our surrounded soldiers. the detachments were destroyed by russian artillery. ukrainian defenders were under intense enemy fire for five days. the russians used everything they had, tanks, mortars, hailstones. on august 28, the then commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine viktor muzhenko began negotiations with the russian military command on the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from ilovaisk. 12 phone calls, constant
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changes in time and conditions. the invaders deliberately delayed the time. to arrange tactically advantageous positions. in the end, russia agreed to the conditions for the withdrawal of our troops, the safe withdrawal of the army from the encirclement was guaranteed. on august 29, ukrainian fighters began to leave through the agreed-upon green corridors, walking in two columns, and contrary to the agreement, the russians opened tritium fire at the columns. according to official data, 366 ukrainian soldiers were treacherously killed, 429 were wounded, 300 taken prisoner espresso journalist yehor vorobyov was among the prisoners. for 38 days, hired fighters of the so-called dpr destroyed our colleague, he was tortured and beaten
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with an ax, his arm was broken in two places, at least four of them. without receiving proper medical care, died of injuries. only a small part of our fighters managed to get out of the ilyvai cauldron, but the ukrainian military and journalists in the surrounding area managed to collect evidence of the presence of regular russian troops. here is indisputable proof that russian armored vehicles are located here, and russian troops, this is a packing slip with a seal. in russian, i won’t take it off, no, here are russian uniforms, a first-aid kit, a long investigation into the causes of the tragedy ended in 2020, more than 900 interviews of victims and witnesses, 600 examined documents, the verdict of the prosecutor general’s office was obvious: the russian federation is guilty. in addition, the investigation established
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a number of violations on the part of the ato leadership, which did not take into account intelligence and dynamic change. operational situation, ukraine sent the collected evidence to the international criminal court. ilovat boiler remains a demonstrative example of russia's treachery and proves the true cost of any deals with this country. well, then, we will talk with yehor vorovyov, who was actually discussed in this plot, and a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, a journalist and someone who... was in captivity, as they say, felt it on his own soul, on his own skin, on your own psyche, also yehor, congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations, heroes, you know where i’ll start, i think you also watched the plot during the broadcast, if
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we talk about those events today, i’m interested just what... what emotions it causes, why is it important to remember it today, the most important thing is to remember the heroes who gave their lives then, who even in such and such a situation, well, critical, vile from the enemy, continued to fight, inflicting damage on the enemy if possible and still getting out, of course, having lost a lot of comrades in this battle, so i want to remember your emotions and importance. it is important to remember, if only for the sake of not repeating the mistakes that were made, because the one who does not remember his history is doomed to repeat it again, now the intensity of the war is much higher,
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the war is much more difficult. than then, more large calibers are used, aviation works, but, ah, the principle remains the same, we on our land do everything possible and often impossible to defend it, that is why the memory of what happened then, despite the fact that now the war is much more difficult. it is still important precisely in order to understand that the principle is the same, and it is necessary to remember and not to repeat mistakes. by the way, the cameraman taras chkan, who was with me, he also now in the army, but now the truth is in the hospital, but it is still important to
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understand, you know, i talked with the military men who were coming out of, well , ilovaisk, i just know, today we... it is called, well , a tragedy, because ukrainian soldiers died, but writing the ilovai cauldron, can it be called that, because on the other hand, the armed forces of ukraine, despite the fact that the russians said to surrender their weapons, disarmed, and despite that that the russians had fortified, targeted positions, of course, was important to them it's easier to conduct, well, it's not called military action, it's called the vile shooting of the military, who actually believed you. but they also tried to strike back, because that is why it can also be called a battle at the same time. what do you call today what happened at the exit from ilovaisk, well, because in
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ilovaisk, of course, there were battles, perhaps, in military terminology, it can be called a cauldron, but it seems to me that it is definitely possible to talk about it in a different way, because it is there is no overshadowing heroism, professionalism and the skill of those soldiers who, despite such a critical the situation, gave battle to the enemy and went out with weapons, and came out, most importantly, it can be called a cauldron, since it was a complete encirclement, ah, and, well, the battle was during the exit, uh, they did not go out in order of battle, they left by transport, here, and already from it they deployed in... order, accepted the battle, here, that is definitely heroism,
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because no one laid down their arms, there is, well, there is still no, as far as i know, exactly the data that was one hundred percent in the agreement , oh, but what we were told that we would get out, we heard, ah then fire was opened, and there were definitely weapons. no one was going to assemble, so i think that if we went out exactly in order of battle, then it would have been more effective, the breakthrough of the group would have been more effective, and i saw such a photo today, well, not the first time i saw it today, but today it was again someone reposted it somewhere. stop in the war zone, the inscription: god will never forgive the armed forces. now i am not saying that it is necessary to take revenge on the enemy for ilovatsk, to make
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a cauldron for the enemy, or to do it somehow specifically, but in any case i think that the best revenge is to prevent the enemy from ever repeating something similar and putting him in the same conditions that he then put the armed forces of ukraine, but this desire for revenge is normal, by the way. a story in the war, it is not a call to violence, it is nothing like that, it is a normal story in the war, because you are killed and you also have to kill more, it is simply a matter of survival, but for you, a question of the fact that the russians should be individually punished , maybe in court someday it will be discussed in an international tribunal, but i think that the court on the battlefield it is much more effective that the russians should still be punished for ilovaisk, whether those who organized it or someone else. the point is not that, it is russia as an aggressor country, as a vile army, vile officers, vile military command, and therefore a vile state and a vile, as the russians themselves say, narodishka,
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because somehow it cannot be called anything else, well, that’s right, it’s not very believable in justice, let's say, judicial proceedings. if it will even be like this regarding all the crimes of russia, and in general it seems more adequate to me, this it will simply be the destruction of the empire that exists at the moment, because if it is not destroyed, but left in the form it is, even... there, according to the courts, to be forced to pay some reparations, everything is just
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a drag. time and the war will be repeated again, there must be a definite victory, this is the complete destruction of the russian federation. i saw a video this morning, well, a simple person recorded it on a social network, he also came from ilovaisk and he says that when i walk , the whiteness of memory is on this wall around the mykhailiv gold mine there. places already no, but he says: i remember when i see the faces of those soldiers who remained on the road from ilovaisk, who died, he says, i remember them, they are still alive for me, but if we talk about your memories, about the time when the city was surrounded and the fighting was going on, and what do you remember, because you know, people who, say , were not in the war, maybe still will be, we don't
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know how long this war will last. that's why everyone should understand, well, at least men, that there can still be, and that's why it's important to understand emotions, state and memory, and when talking about ilovaisk, about the soldiers, about those who remained there, well , actually, who died, what comes to your mind, well, it's difficult to say so, because i have much fresher events in my memory now, and... and they seem to supplant the old ones , well, besides , it's work, and you have to treat work a little like this, it's cold, let's say so, that's why some special ones, well, i remember, that's what i remember, i remember the boys who were with us, who
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will die who are still fighting now, because when the full-scale war began, many of those who left ilovaisk had already died, it's a pity, but i remember them, but the emotions about the war, about those events, they are already, as it were, overwritten by new, new events, new... operations, let's put it this way, thank you very much, yehor, for the fact that joined, and thank you for your work, first of all, yehor vorobyov, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, a journalist about what happened 10 years ago, the ilovai tragedy, and in memories, in memory, in emotions, and i wanted to ask, but i didn't ask, i think that this is one of those moments that finally in, well, maybe someone in mitsk had such a moment, finally in...
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this myth about the brotherly russian people and the army, which simply came here, as it were, not to touch anyone and to act according to some principles of war, then i think that it became clear in ilovaisk, the biggest and most important thing that gives ukrainians a chance to win this war, that you can never trust russia under any conditions, it is a nation or a narodishka that lives according to its distorted morality, and what is normal for us is not normal for them, what is not normal for us is for them... exactly, as it should be and now i have one more piece of information for you have before we get to the news. the days of commemoration of the heroes of the ilovai battle of the 14th year, i like that the word battle itself, although it is a cauldron on the one hand, yes, but it was also a battle, as yegor said. this is the name of the new photo exhibition dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from ilovaisk. what was called the green corridor, contrary to the agreements with the russian general staff , turned into a road of death. the russians
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shot. soldiers and volunteers who tried to get out of the environment, an exhibition with photos of those events was opened on mykhailivska square, you can get acquainted with the photos until september 22, this is one of the most difficult pages in my life, but it also gave me a lot of brothers, many friends, whom i would never have met, never seen, unfortunately this one.. . great sadness, it is impossible to express in a few words what ilovaiskyi is, unfortunately, the participants of those events that began in 2014, they are no longer there, that is why the history, those experiences, those combat actions, those local combat actions, as take ilovaisk, dap, savur, grave, history, she is dying.


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