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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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antin and i are finishing work for today, we will continue from monday, so take care of yourself, take care of your families and respond to the airborne alert signals and have a restful weekend, all the best and stay with the espresso. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, iryna koval is working for you in the studio, and i'm just now going to tell you about the most important events at this time: four people who died as a result of the attack on kharkiv, among them a 14-year-old girl. the child was on the playground at the time of the shelling, and at least 28 other people were injured.
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there are also children among them - said the head of the region oleg sinigobov. the russians hit various parts of the city with guided aerial bombs. they hit a high-rise building in an industrial area. emergency services are on site. rescuers take people out of the burning house. a partial collapse of the building occurred. elimination of consequences continues. volodymyr zelenskyi has already reacted to the cynical attack on... the occupiers in kharkiv, the president once again called on western partners to give ukraine permission to strike on russian territory with western weapons. zelensky emphasized the importance destroy enemy military aircraft at base locations. it is this decision that will save the lives of civilians from the guided air bombs of the occupiers. the spresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have announced. collection for the purchase of
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modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring the brigades urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is 3.5%. you can now see all the details on the screen. good health, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, urgently need your help. we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the malykhbyl, the enemy and the komikata drones. we really appreciate your help. glory to ukraine, heroes. glory, free everyone in the international
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on the day of the missing , a peaceful rally in support of prisoners of war and the missing took place near the monument to taras shevchenko in lviv . now all its participants peacefully marched under the walls of the lviv regional military administration. our correspondent ema stadnyk also joined the action, and she is now live with us. emo, i congratulate you, i tell you, whose great man. campaign this time and for what purpose did people come to the regional council? irina, congratulations, behind me there really is a peaceful action: free everyone, which was organized by the families of prisoners of war and missing persons on the international day of missing persons, hundreds of caring lviv residents and guests of the city came to the taras shevchenko monument. then together, they all marched peacefully to the lviv regional military administration. and it's not for nothing, because exactly
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one week ago, at the same action, the families of prisoners of war and all its participants wrote a joint letter to the regional council to strengthen the work and release of prisoners of war and join a more extensive and detailed search for the missing . as of now until anna kozyuta, the head of the western coordination center, took part in the action. behind me , right now, several are being viewed in real time. real cases of specific people, in particular five minutes ago the creation of military checkpoints was also discussed here, under the walls of the administration several times the participants of the action shouted various slogans, in particular the word shame, families of prisoners of war and those who simply do not care organize similar actions every week in all major cities of ukraine, they stand with posters, photos, flags and with appeals to return relatives home, on the posters there are various inscriptions...inscriptions, in particular
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, return home, don't be silent, captivity kills, become the voice of the captives, my heart is in captivity, as well as those between heaven and earth. relatives of our soldiers emphasize that every voice, every person. which came here today is important, because it is publicity and giving this whole matter such a greater and greater media coverage that helps to return our prisoners of war and missing persons to their homes. irina, as of now , i have everything, we will keep you updated. i give you the floor. thank you emo. it was our correspondent ema stadnyk, who was currently talking about the action that is currently taking place in lviv, to free everyone, and now for now. the relatives of the missing and prisoners of war are at the table of the regional military administration, and we are moving on, and the defense forces have advanced in the kursk region to another 2 km, sirskyi reported from the head of the pond, they took control of another 5 km of territory,
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the commander-in-chief also spoke about the next replenishment of the exchange fund. also the president listened to oleksandr syrskyi's report. regarding the situation in the pokrovsky direction, in addition , they discussed the preparation of schools for the academic year, as well as the energy situation after the shelling. now without friendship, ukraine will stop the transit of russian oil. this was stated by the advisor of the president's office mykhailo podolyak. therefore, from next year , the transit of russian gas, as well as oil, through the friendship line will be stopped. from now on hungary, the czech republic, slovakia and others. countries that consumed russian oil should switch supplies outside of ukraine. about this it is stated in the resolution of the european union. we could not make a decision alone, but from january 1, 2025, the transit will end, and if
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any european country wants to receive kazakh or azerbaijani gas, then ukraine is ready to transport it, but according to logistics. rules through a formal legal request. mykhailo podolyak, adviser to the head of the president's office. stripped to a thread. the state bureau of investigation has exposed a large-scale corruption scheme in the lviv region. the criminal plan was organized by the officials of the state consumer service. the suspects demanded money from entrepreneurs for issuing phytosanitary certificates. such documents are necessary for importing plants from abroad. in this way the rank and file. received from several hundred to several thousand hryvnias in their pockets. one of the suspects was detained while receiving a bribe in the amount of 3,000 dollars. during the searches , about 1.5 million hryvnias and 120 thousand dollars were found and seized from the persons involved in the case. speed, accuracy,
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result. a separate unit of unmanned special purpose systems was presented in kyiv typhoon at the base of the national guard of ukraine. a new unit was created this year, it will provide combat brigades with operational support. the detachment commander emphasizes innovation in weapons and approaches to combat tasks. the core of his team included vets from various special purpose units. the first combat crews are fpv drone crews. this is the first thing they will do. next we type. crews, multirotor-type crews, aircraft-type crews and aircraft-type crews shock type, the first group are already performing a combat mission, we use the latest technologies on the battlefield, as michael said, we work closely with everyone, with most
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ukrainian manufacturers and are always open to working with new ones, we use this technology. on the battlefield, analyze what happened, how successful our operations were, and then draw conclusions about strengths and weaknesses. three people died in kyiv due to west nile fever. since the beginning of summer , 17 patients have already been hospitalized at the capital hospital. ten men and seven women are among the patients, the kyiv city health department reported. state administration. in ukraine , the west nile virus was classified as the first group of particularly dangerous ones. it is a viral disease transmitted through the bites of mosquitoes that become infected while feeding on the blood of infected birds. since the source and
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reservoir of west nile fever in nature are certain species, mainly migratory birds. a person infected with this viral disease is not contagious. and you will find more information at our youtube channel, there are live etru broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as short videos on hot topics in the shorts section. subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us. and that was all the news for that time. our team is working to ensure that you see an updated news release already at 6 p.m.
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tablets detoxyl 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshchad. there are discounts until independence day at eden. 25% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshchad. there are discounts until independence day at valeriana bolgarska. 10% in travel bam pharmacies and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as respected guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is
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mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done that, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from the head. no, not off the top of my head. but beyond it. and then who is china? my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18.15 for espresso. greetings, dear viewers. today we have a conversation worth hearing on the spresso tv channel with the head of the ukrainian greek-catholic church, vladyka svyatoslav. i congratulate you. glory to jesus christ. glory forever. independence day. plus the third year of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, if
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the trend at the beginning of the invasion was that people ran to god, these are understandable, understandable things, many people came, some were converted, came with prayers, came with requests, now there are such a trend that somewhere people may either not come as often or pray less, or maybe someone is losing hope, but are there any? you observe something like this, if we talk about your church or maybe in other churches, having, having communication with your brothers and sisters in the faith, and how to explain it, or how to people with... keep that patience and hope that should be present for such a difficult situation as it is today? well, we as pastors keep our finger on the pulse of our people, really, or another comparison, we carefully we listen to the heartbeat of our people, and
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i can say that the beginning of this full-scale invasion really became for everyone... a big shock, we have all changed radically, although the war has been going on for more than 10 years, but perhaps this calamity touched each and every ukrainian personally , every citizen of ukraine, only with that full-scale invasion, and i do not observe any, shall we say, callousness or vice versa. distance of people from the theme of the eternal or from god, on the contrary, we see a colossal conversion, many, for example, from other fields of human knowledge, doctors and psychologists noted that when
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the war began, all human relationships were zeroed out, a person's relationship with himself, with his personal life, relationships between people, even relationships with the closest people, relationships with the state, with churches, er, all this is in a state of rethinking, including when a person is looking for god, or has already had a certain spiritual, religious experience, the war escalated. a person's search for meaning, a person asks himself, why did this happen to me, god, where are you when we are killed, how to choose the right path, landmarks during such great disorientation, and all this, let's say,
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pushes a person to look for these, these answers to... such very difficult questions, and we all understand that no person can answer these questions, the answer can give only the one in whose hands lies the fate of man and the whole world, er, and a person, even a non-believer, he is looking, looking for those eternal values, without which his life has no meaning, and it is obvious that reevaluating all his... spiritual and moral guidelines, a person in one way or another approaches god and the church. i want to tell you that we have experience that certain of our parishes, in particular in central, eastern, southern ukraine, have changed by 100%. there are
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communities where 100% of people were evacuated, but new ones arrived. this year, for example, all our prayers, pilgrimages that we had, we could not organize them, because we live in martial law, but all were very crowded, people are looking, people, people are thirsty for god, and and a christian community that feeds people. real spiritual food, she uses today huge popularity. therefore, i can say that the ukrainian people today, in a state of war , are experiencing such a special spiritual conversion, that thirst for god is especially acute, and all our churches are full, and
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there is not a single priest who feels unemployed. we all are. we all really work to the limit of our strength and capabilities, but we serve the lord god and our ukrainian people with great joy. if in the christian sense, at least in the evangelical sense, what is the freedom that christ gives, christians understand, and independence, spiritual freedom, as where the spirit of the lord is, there is freedom jesus. said that i am giving you freedom, see to it that, well, further on, it is true that your freedom is not an excuse to please your flesh, but the essence of that freedom, that independence, which is... marked by the ukrainian state, political, cultural, spiritual, how would you characterize it, we are independent, from what, and
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how, as they say, this independence relays us, how to explain it? well let me take this opportunity to wish all our listeners a happy independence day e of ukraine, this day is today a personal holiday. every ukrainian, every ukrainian family, because we feel that our lives directly depend on whether we will have a free, conciliar, independent state, the question of our independence, our freedom, it is a question of life and death for the entire nation, that is why it is a personal holiday, i remember how when only we got this independence... er in the 91st year er in all our temples spontaneously on august 24 it was a spiritual, almost religious
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holiday. i remember how in those first years on that day of independence, people put everything aside and the first thing they did that day was go to church to pray. it was such a very, well, spontaneous movement. this independence primarily had a spiritual meaning, and there are several dimensions of this spiritual meaning of our state independence. first, we all understood that the independence of ukraine is a gift from god. at that time, we saw how at the dawn, let's say , when this independence was just, just, just now showing itself, the sun rising from the horizon, the ukrainian greek-catholic church came out of the underground, which became, as it were with this stone, which hit those clay
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legs of that soviet colossus, it simply crumbled. we understood that independence, our state, is a gift from god, a gift as god's answer to this century-old competition. of our people, which we call today national-liberation, the crown of these struggles was the martyrdom of the ukrainian greek catholic church, in particular during the communist regime, for which the people thanked, but this gift had to be kept, we all saw that this state, which was born after the collapse of the soviet union. she is still there post-soviet state that freedom is a multi-meaning concept, it has not only
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some legal or political meaning, but not the first moral one, er, in christian philosophy and theology we are always used to talking about freedom in such a double meaning, freedom from and... freedom for , speaking of it for our national freedom, this is how we talk about the independence of the beginning, this is freedom from enslavement, freedom from those neo-colonial encroachments of moscow, which today especially manifested themselves in all their bloodthirstiness during this full-scale invasion, but... this is also freedom, for this freedom you still need to be able to use it correctly. we, as christians,
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have been convinced many times that freedom is an ability, an opportunity to do good. if we use this opportunity, the opportunity to choose good, for evil, then we are this gift of freedom. will be easy to lose, therefore, let's say this period, which we call the young, independent ukrainian state of the 90s, the path of transition from post-soviet ukraine to a truly democratic state has opened up before us, and this period was very difficult, marked by ee... several revolutions, when the people did not want to lose their independence, but took responsibility for their freedom, real
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freedom. freedom is always associated with responsibility, and here it seemed that we all really want to use the fruits of that independence, but not everyone is ready to take responsibility for it, and here i think that the role of the church and churches in that process is very important transformation of ukraine. in particular, our church started right away. engage in education of their people, education to dignity and freedom, to responsibility for one's state. i recall the words of my predecessor, blessed lubomyr, in the first days of the orange revolution, because some in power said: "the crowd has come to the maidan." blessed lubomyr said: "no, it's not a knock,
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it's an answer, an answer." citizens who not only exercised their free and free democratic choice by coming to vote, these are citizens who are ready to defend their vote, i remember his speech on the second maidan of dignity, and when, when did this event happen, which we will call a revolution of dignity, well, this one responsibility for... dignity, it manifested itself at an even higher level than during the orange revolution. it is obvious that educating citizens to realize their dignity is already a revolution. therefore, this process of transformation of ukraine from a post-soviet state to an arbitrary democratic state is like
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construction. a society that is not only free from, but free for, this process is still ongoing. i think that, uh, the war that we are going through today, this is another stage of this process, but i have the feeling that all those previous years, that construction of independent ukraine were only preparation for the exam. the real test, unfortunately, was this terrible war, and watching how my people pass this test today, well, we all thank god for the fact that our people today, even in the context of this tragedy, er, they are creating a political a new
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type of nation. and today, our independence is evaluated in a new way not only by ordinary ukrainians, not only by ukrainian society, but also by the world community. how will you explain, well, now about the explanation, asper, that during these more than for 30 years, the moscow church had a huge influence on the minds of ukrainians, i will generally call it the moscow church, because it was commemorated there. their patriarchs, first there was alexy, then cyril, they exerted political influence, they exerted financial influence, they cultivated oligarchs, they cultivated politicians, they campaigned for certain politicians simply in their churches, and for a long time all this was perceived as, well, this is the choice of the people, we have such a church, the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, and even a full-scale invasion of thousands...
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killed ukrainians, killed priests, by the way, the blessing of the moscow church, the weapons with which ukrainians were killed, all this did not immediately give rise to a decision to ban this church in ukraine, why could all this not be born for so long, why couldn't they just put an end to it, and before that, in your opinion, people who have gotten rid of or will get rid of this... moscow word will torment them for a long time, as they say, its absence, or they, if they want god, they will come to you, to epiphanius, to others priests, and they will listen to the word of god, everything will be fine. well, you see, the spiritual enslavement of ukraine began immediately when the russian empire began to colonize step by step. of ukraine.


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