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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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god will grant everything god's will. olenka, well , going back to what you know about your son today, and what you don't know about his fate today? what, what answers are they sending you, what are they saying, nothing . quietly, quietly, i communicate with many of his brothers, i communicate with combrig pavel palis. i communicate with his combatant, bravo, i communicate with the financial department, because marta processed the receipt of assistance there, as a wife, she is afraid of the military, she has a terrible fear, so i had to communicate for her i want marta to receive money, and... we
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are very good friends with her, we were not so friendly before, and now we can go to the beauty salon together, well, to poop, just keep silent, even together, we are comfortable, and i think , that mykhailo is happy, if he knew it, you are lucky, because you have such a beautiful family that supports you, maybe you found out when you were traveling... i traveled with this book to different cities of our country, maybe there are some special associations , which unite such women, maybe there are some organizations that they help, because we understand that not everyone is actually sometimes lucky with family and friends, and not everyone can receive such colossal support, there are, of course, unions, there are organizations, and i have been invited more than once, i am not ready yet to unions and organizations, i communicate... with ivanka dymyt,
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this communication is enough for me, she supports me a lot, but she is not ready, tell me why, you think, we are all different, we are all different, and to be honest, i am a little afraid this communication, it seems to me that it will harm me, well, this is my inner intuition for now today prompts, maybe i will change mine later... so far you are so afraid, because there can be a lot of grief, i take each grief as my own, and listening to each story, it is another trigger for me, i have even recently stopped reading news, because i cry every time, every time a photo of a hero who died flies on facebook, i cry over every photo, i thought that i'm not ready yet, i'm not ready, that's how i thought. and i was advised a lot, and
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i thought about adopting or fostering a child, but mine the doctor says: until you adopt yourself, yourself, you are not ready. when you are already well on your feet, this may be a very strong helper and change you, or on the contrary, you may not be able to give this child anything that you could, find your resource, love yourself, embrace yourself, there are even such. psychotherapy sessions, you hug yourself, feel yourself and feel sorry for yourself, or look in the mirror at yourself and talk to yourself, to your self, to feel yourself, feel sorry for yourself and understand that life was given to you by god, and you have no right to waste it, yes it happens people leave, people come, people leave again, and my psychotherapist also said: take
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the way madonna held her child and imagine that this child is your child, do you have the right to harm her, you don't. you have to treat your life in the same way, i'm trying to understand it now and live with it, feel it and be, be like that. maybe you can advise... you have something else to our viewers who have experienced grief, and maybe you know some other practices, or what helped you, movies, books that you read, write posts, on facebook, write, don't be ashamed, don't be ashamed, do a moral striptease, don't be ashamed, don't be ashamed to show your steadfastness, your pain, don't be ashamed to show your despair, don't keep it to yourself. choose a hashtag and
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every day write a post, write about your husband, write about your child, write about your brother, tell stories, share, let the whole world know and hear and be proud just like you are proud. tell me, please, look, what are the next steps, someone told you, maybe some government bodies, maybe the military, telling you what your next steps should be, what to do, nothing, wait, wait, i passed the dna, my ex- husband passed too. dna sample analysis. we did everything we could. now we just have to wait. the territory where mykhailo and bananchyk disappeared is under occupation. no one will dare to go there. if suddenly they, the wounded, are taken
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prisoner, that side never gives any lists, although it is supposed to give lists according to all the rules. the un, they should give lists, they don't, except that you can use some of them telegram special channels to fish out, search for, which i do from time to time, but to no avail, because, well, what else can be done, i would have already gone there, i would have already crawled there and i would have kissed that land of bahmut and i would have waited for my son and looked for would his i don't know what can be done. i did everything possible, by the way, i remember this idea of ​​yours, when you talked about how you wanted to go, but i came as close as possible, through druzhkivka to kostyantynivka from kramatorsk, i heard it every morning in
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kramatorsk you wake up and hear only bangs, bang, bang, bang, you can hear how the war is going on, and as close as possible to me, my brother... classmate mykhailo, who also serves there, felix, he took me as close as possible so that i could launch helium balloons with a letter to mykhailo and bananchik . i wrote them a letter that i was waiting for them. oh, and we also laughed a lot that there would be an incomprehensible object in the sky that would hit him like that. well, nothing, he flew, and when i looked at him, he disappeared right out of my sight. i brought these jelly balls from lviv, we drove in a bus with volunteers and shook everyone with all the property and these balls traveled with us all the way, the war continues, and surely
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my next question to you will be difficult, very difficult, because it seems to me that i am no longer afraid of anything in this world, even death i am no longer afraid, look at you... sometimes women and mothers are looking, whose sons are alive, thank god, but would you let your son go, knowing what would happen exactly like this, i didn't let him go, i did terrible things that i only i didn’t do it, i begged him, his company, where he works, he works as a business analyst, in a well-known american... it company, is engaged in in the banking business, his salary was much more expensive than the 100,000 he received at zero, there was much more, he knows languages ​​perfectly, he is an excellent specialist, his it people
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collected and bought everything for him, so that only he i had everything, everything was the best, only i, i restrained him at the beginning of the war, he was still a schoolboy, then ... a freshman, he was eager for a great war, i, what i did not make up, i even sinned by what i told terrible diseases about myself, i deceived him, and this time, well, how about you you can stop an adult boy that i didn't tell him, that i didn't ask him, that i didn't beg him, he said: mom, one day i will have children, maybe a second and a third, and these children will one day be forced to do the same... to go to war against moskal, if we don't finish this matter now, we will pass on a very bad thing to our children, we will pass on the war as an inheritance, yes , the inheritance is bad, that's what he thought, well, maybe
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it was also the wrong construction of the sentence, because really, how can don't let go of a real man when he's made up his mind. we are not they let me go, i understand those mothers who bury their sons, i understand them, i understand everyone, and people are afraid, and not everyone can, well , he was like that, brothers, what about him? they said, he says: this is the guy with whom you can not talk about fishing or zhiguli, with whom you can talk about roman law, with whom you can talk about all the world wars, about everything you want, he was an intellectual, he is, i will talk about him in the present tense, plus, this is the person who when, so the guy said verbatim, when we were in a terrible situation, and already it seemed that everything, we will not get out of here, mykhailo is a joke. and lifted everyone's spirits and laughed, and we, looking at him, were charged
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with this positivity, and it was easier for us, he emotionally kept the whole team, and the second tells, says: we too have said goodbye to life, here you are walking in the footsteps to help us too, and we persevered, and we left, he went first, as a commander, the commander must go at the end, he went first and left last, and another one of his comrades said: that mykhailo saved several dozen lives, that's how fast he was coming in lviv with my wife, and i am trying to find free time and go to them in zaporizhzhia, and i also want to visit my parents , honey, and maybe there are words that you would like to say to all wives, mothers today, words that i really want to tell everyone, speak and love. already and now, don't put anything off for later, because then it might not happen, say that
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you love, say that you are proud, say everything that you think is the best, never put it off for later, because then it might not happen, but i want to thank you and say the book, you can still order, buy, the book can be ordered everywhere on the internet, everywhere about... by typing the name lembertsenu do not cry, or my last name, the name olena cherninka, it can be ordered everywhere on the internet, and you can also buy it in a store, bookshops, cafes of stary lev in the bookshop and many others. olenka, i thank you for your son, thank you for this interview, that you agreed, and you know, i still believe that lemberg will return to us, we all believe, and that we will... remember this
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and that soon we will win, thank you, thank you you're welcome, there are discounts until independence day on carsyll tablets, 10% at psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. fm: galicia. listen to yours. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. due to the natural ingredients feminost uro helps. urination under control, there are discounts until independence day on baniocin 20% in
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right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess and analyze the events. them modeling our future every saturday at 1:10pm with a repeat at 10:00pm. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, me called mykola veresyn. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresen had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head. but beyond it. and then who is china? me, my heart hurts. all this in the informational marathon with
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mykola veresnym. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. illegitimate ministers of the occupied donetsk region. on the territory of the dpr there is a state one constitutional guarantors. how do traitors build political careers under the auspices of the kremlin? i express my support to the commander-in-chief. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, at the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the russian occupiers. in today's edition, i will continue to talk about the bubble ministries that russia is creating in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine and about those who manage them. in the donetsk region , the rashists created 17 illegitimate ministries. some of them are under control russian tourers who moved to
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the temporarily occupied territory, and some are controlled by local traitors. they proudly call themselves as ministers of the dpr, one of them is zhaltyakov mykhailo vasyliovych, born in 1961, a native of kryvyi rih, he is an honored worker of culture of ukraine. we hope that all events planned by the ministry of culture of russia and the ministry of culture of the donetsk people's republic will work for the benefit of our republic, for the benefit of the entire great country. mykhailo has two higher educations, but... why? in advance, i will say that they did not add intelligence to him. well, can an educated person thank the russian soldiers? i would like to express special words of gratitude and support to our soldiers who defend donbas and the whole of russia in advanced positions. we are confident that by joining forces under the wise leadership of our leader, we can achieve victory. in
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1982, zholtyakov graduated from the kharkov institute of arts named after kotlyarevsky with a specialty. theater and film actor. he received his second education in 2004, when he graduated from donetsk state university management and business administration staff. in parallel with his studies , since 2003, mykhailo was the chief specialist of one of the departments of the donetsk city center of social services for youth. and in 2006 , he took a position in the department of culture of the donetsk regional state administration, was a leading specialist in the department of arts and education. institutions in general, mykhailo devoted his whole life to culture. it would seem that this should instill in him a love for ukrainian national traditions and raise a patriot. but something went wrong. after all, when in the 14th year, donbas was occupied by the russian army, zhaltyakov did not leave the occupied territories, but stayed in the region, so to speak, to study another culture - russian. although, what
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to study there? however, zhaltyakov really liked her . here is from. where he, stammering with delight, thanks the russian singer shamanov and invites him to perform in donetsk. on behalf of all residents of the republic, residents of mariupol, residents of donetsk, we hope that you will be with us in donetsk in the near future. we wish you creative success, and just like you, we feel like russians. for recognizing himself as a russian, mishka received a thank you in the form of. gardens of the first deputy minister of culture of the so-called dpr. he organized numerous celebrations in honor of the invaders, rolled out the red carpet and, taking a full chest of air, loudly blew fanfare to personally pay tribute to the murderers. on behalf of all cultural workers of our republic, i express my support to the supreme commander-in-chief, the president of the russian
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federation. with such a striking initiative , zholtyakov did not stay long as a deputy, he began to implement. responsibilities of the minister of culture of the fake dnr, the seat is higher, accordingly , the tasks from the kremlin are more, the complete destruction of ukrainian culture in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. russification of libraries, theaters, promotion of the russian military as heroes, and this is far from a complete list of his urgent tasks. we want these events to end as soon as possible. and we were all under a peaceful sky, and felt that we were under a reliable one. for his services, zhaltyakov received the title of honored worker of culture of the donetsk people's republic. there is a distinction from the rashists, now the most important one remains from. a sign of suspicion from our law enforcement agencies. another traitor with a mandate, who believed in the russian peace and its prospects, oleksiy serhiyevich shamav, is from
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donetsk, he is 51. the ministry of justice of the donetsk people's republic is also involved in law-making activities, implementing the state information system. oleksiy has a law degree. in 2003, he graduated from the donetsk institute of internal affairs at the donetsk national university , majoring in law enforcement. activity since 2006 led an individual law practice, provided his services not only in donetsk, but also throughout ukraine, was a member of the council of advocates of the donetsk region. shamov also worked in the law enforcement agencies of the donetsk region in the positions of deputy prosecutor and prosecutor, and in the 14th year he opened his own law firm. when the donetsk region was occupied, oleksiy quickly retrained, studied russian laws and began working according to the rules of the russian federation. i recommend contacting the donetsk people's chamber of notaries for notary issues of the republic, or to notaries who carry out their activities on the territory of the donetsk people's republic. at first, the traitor provided
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his legal services to the occupiers and ringleaders of the dnr terrorist organization, for which he was appointed acting director of the department of registration of normative legal acts of the puppet ministry of justice, later shamov was promoted to the position of deputy minister of justice, so-called. dnr after years of blind and devoted service to the kremlin, in 2023 he finally earned the chair himself the pseudo-minister of justice of the dpr. the ministry of justice will be entrusted with the authority to introduce the register of municipal normative legal acts of the dnr and several other new powers. in addition, the seller also received a russian lawyer's license on the telegram page of the so-called ministry shamov tells the public how to cancel. marriage, how to get a work book in the allegedly liberated territories and how to register a legal entity, all this, of course, according to the laws of the russian federation. we, for our part, advise oleksiy not
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to forget ukrainian laws, especially criminal procedural code, according to which sooner or later he will be tried for treason . and finally, i will tell you about one more minister in the dpr, who in a peaceful life did not achieve anything in particular, that is why he decided to realize himself at least... under the occupiers, using all the talents of an adaptor. meet denys ihorovych strelchenko , born in 1976. born in donetsk. the state constitutional guarantee of the russian federation, the minimum wage, is in effect on the territory of the dpr. almost nothing is known about strelchenko's pre-war life. forget it the russian media began to promote him when in 2022 denyska was appointed as a fake minister of labor and. of social policy of the dpr, as a minister, he of course glorifies the bloody murderer, talks about how the region declined during the time of ukraine and popularizes russian state programs among
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the local population. cash payment is made on the basis of lists submitted by the pension fund and ministries and departments of law enforcement agencies. on the contrary, denysko got himself a harsh prison sentence. we hope they were purchased in feykova republic of na. will help his social adaptation in the ukrainian prison. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin traitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. tired of the mess in the kitchen, constantly having to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one, you need a set of savory pro, unpack the tv.
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12:00 pm
we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on the air of spresso news, khrystyna works in the studio. fight. a 60-year-old man died due to an enemy attack in beryslav, kherson region. in the morning , the occupiers dropped explosives from a drone on the city. oleksandr prokudin, the head of the region, informed. also, at dawn, the russians struck the karabal district of kherson, targeting residential areas. information about the victims and destruction is still being ascertained. anti-aircraft ballistics are in charge.


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