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tv   [untitled]    September 1, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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those who really make decisions there, that is , you go to the diplomatic adviser there, you communicate perfectly there, you ask, like, well, what are the plans there, so what will be the position, or so and then you only guess what they are really preparing an alternative approach, are all these initiatives necessary and the weight of these initiatives, mr. valery, the chinese chinese peace was there since... on february 24 , 2023, they had a vision about what was happening in ukraine, then brazil joined there is some plan when one of of the parties waging an aggressive war against ukraine, the main one is russia, their peace plan for ukraine is a capitulation plan, about this putin directly said that give us four oblasts, withdraw the armed forces of ukraine from there, these are basically our proposals. and
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lavrov says: two or three months have passed since putin announced this peace plan, and we have not received any reaction from kyiv, and what kind of reaction are they counting on, that is, their peace plan in their understanding is a plan for our capitulation, in the positions of brazil and china are become the foundation of this surrender, right, i understand? well, you and i understand the ukrainians that this is capitulation, for example... outsiders think that this phrase means that the ukrainians are deciding, you know what is behind it, behind it is a very simple question, we do not want to be part of the war, although the ultimatum was not given to kyiv, to washington and to brussels, the official letter of russia on december 15, 2021, it was an ultimatum, withdraw the troops there, there, this will be an ultimatum, because of the non-fulfillment of this ultimatum, they attacked ukraine, that is... well, this
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of course we are lucky, what is called in this historical life, because there is no logic here, the usa issued an ultimatum, attacked ukraine, and of course in the usa they understand that this is a war by putin, it is not a war against ukraine, if, as he wants to position himself, although in fact, well, in fact, it happens like this, here the second task is purely domestic political russian, but basically he says that we are there with the usa, we are with nato, and they avoid, well, this, so as not to play along him, on the one hand, so that he does not fight the usa with nato, and on the other hand, it is very a convenient position, because let the ukrainians decide how many regions they want to give up, how much they want to fight there, this is especially so when jake salevan's phrase was now: the war in ukraine, that's what he said in china, well, to be beautiful, so that, well, i heard english only that there was a war in ukraine, what war in ukraine? hell it's a russian war on
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the european continent until we can get them to tell the truth, they don't want to tell the truth, they don't want to call it, no i'm not saying the us, it's called there periodically and biden calls it and putin is called by different words, but in the diplomatic discourse all this is beyond us, if it is not known, they are among themselves, you see, as they say, the war in ukraine means to find a way that the ukrainians will... fight to the point of exhaustion there, i one ambassador said, who is present here, who held very high positions, well, a friend of ukraine, he says: you know, we are calm, because you will fight everything equally, they will go further, you will be a partisan struggle, i say, what do you guerilla struggle, well, first of all, it can be raised in the same way as they go to your homes immediately, this is the first period, and there is still, you know, this fervor of resistance in... everything, and if it
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is stretched out for years, then tanks and planes will solve the issue, even if no partisans came out, it is clear that ukraine will simply survive , as you like, but people will simply move here, what a partisan, what are they for, i say, what are you, you will simply have plus 15 million ukrainians will move, people will remain here, yes, they will kill these occupiers, but mainly it will be with vaska, so they have their own picture, until we bring our picture with theirs, connect the strategies and not let's agree on what escalation is, where it leads, that is, there will be no point here, and we, unfortunately, well, not because we are guilty of this, no, because they don't want, you see, they don't even want to admit the crossing of the border by aircraft or drones by russian-recognized objects, well, in general, it comes to a frenzy, that is, an unidentified lethal object or something, as they said in the polish parliament, it's some kind of me... higher meteorological, well, poland
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should really thank them, they are many provided everything, but it is necessary to understand, once again, this not a gift from poland to ukraine. ukraine closes poland, because of the fact that our people die, poles do not die, because of the fact that ukrainians die, lithuanians do not die. i can't say the same about the americans, literally yesterday they were handing out orders to families in washington, ambassador markara was handing out a volunteer to the dead americans, well , to volunteers and those who help the armed forces, these are only volunteers, yes, well, let's say, no troops or some engineering, or some auxiliary, or instructors, or some... ship to the seas, well, they all jumped out of here for a month before that, that is, i, you know, well, you can say that, i understand them, and we say, they have their own interests, nothing like that, not here, we just need to show them on the table that
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dear, this is a common interest, you don't refine him, and such pressure was correct on the one hand, and so was zelenskyi, remember, and he continues, give, give... it is correct, but it must be packed, not so publicly said as not publicly, with concrete arguments, why didn't you provide this weapon now, you will receive 10 times more then spend more, maybe not even here in europe, but maybe over there in taiwan, that is, the argumentation should be this kind of pragmatic, practical and pragmatic, and now it has become even more difficult to do it, because it has become more difficult, you see... the narratives are external, internal, they need matification, greater unity, and as far as i know, our institutions of power have only thought about how to do it inside ukraine, something is wrong, we need unity again, let's unite,
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the ministry of unity, well, such, well, i don't want to comment, if you want something with will destroy, fill up, create a ministry. that's all simple, and here we can explain that this is a ministry right away, because the ministry that will deal with the return of our 7.5 million ukrainians who are currently abroad, well, it looks very strange, considering the fact that we will not only return, but work with with them, to be with them, in what way, no, on the one hand, it is good that there is attention to this category of ukrainians, it is good, but on the other hand, excuse me, but where is yours, mr. president zelenskyi? where is your adviser from the diaspora, who works, how does he work, andrew, forgot how he works in washington, ah, a former lobbyist diripaska, by the way, thank god, hendry mack, a good ukrainian family, a good person
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, andrew mack, only andrew mack, you know, until the light bulb of the diaspora, he solves some issues, lobbying, or business there. or he brings actors, he helps to bring them to kyiv, but he does not deal with what the president has now said that we need to do, so our toolkit is the ministry of foreign affairs, and why do you want the ministry of foreign affairs to deal with the diaspora, and the ministry of foreign affairs was reduced by the cabinet of ministers in 56 up to 56 million work program, 56 seems like a big number, well, just to be clear, this is for all work around the world, yes 56 million hryvnias. at the same time a little more than 1 million dollars, well, there is a little more, and at the same time they allocate for a cooking show for four months, which is made in a studio in english , a cooking show, it is done well, by the way, there is a professional team, they allocate more than 64,
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it seems like a million, with funds of which taxpayers, who went to a single marathon, so that you understand, yes, what kind of unity is this? please unite domestically now please show justice show that you unite here, and then we will unite there, that's what i'm saying, but the positive thing is that the president paid attention and his advisers paid attention to the problem that exists, the distancing of a significant category of people from the outside, namely the voters, they will sit there, they will vote in the elections, everyone will be in the same place until... until the moment everyone will be in the reserve plus the action there, even i don't know if you are giving birth to a child, too, the child will be registered now he telegram raised a slightly different topic but the telegram raised a fool yes u in france, but in our country, everyone is forced into one world virtual where there is no protection, what
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is it for, elections, elections, when will the elections be held, that's why i believe that in general, the priorities that... are voiced are correct, but a lot of actions are aimed at completely different priorities that we are not told about. friends, i would like to remind you that we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on... on our youtube and facebook platforms, throughout our two-hour broadcast today, we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about the following: are you satisfied with the president's communication of ukraine with society? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, please write your own opinion in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote by calling 0800 211 381. if the president's communication with society satisfies you, if not 0.800 201 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up
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the results of this vote. dmytro kuleba, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, for following the results of the meeting of the heads of foreign affairs of the eu countries, stated that the eu will speed up the provision of weapons and energy equipment to ukraine. the high representative of the eu, jose borel, before yesterday's meeting of the eu foreign ministers, called for the lifting of restrictions on ukraine's use. of western weapons, let's listen to what borel said, well, actually, while our directors are preparing the synchronization for the broadcast, i will also say that already on borel's statement and on the call, please, borel. regarding the abolition of restrictions on the use of weapons
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against military targets in russia, in accordance with international law. over the summer, we issued a statement supporting this decision. the weapons we are sending to ukraine must be used to their full extent, and all restrictions must be lifted. to allow ukraine to hit places from which russia strikes, otherwise such weapons... hungarian foreign minister peter szijártó criticized this position of josep borel, who supports the lifting of restrictions for ukraine on long-range weapons that will strike on the territory of russia, who said sijarto. the dangerous frenzy of the supreme representative follows stop, we don't want more weapons in ukraine, we don't want more deaths, we don't want an escalation of war, we don't want an expansion of the crisis in the middle east, today we continue to advocate for common sense. and the mayor, said peter szijártó, and as far as i know, flew to st. petersburg to resolve
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some of his issues, here is the position of hungary in all issues that concern ukraine, it is clear to the europeans themselves, why they are behaving like this, well the europeans have already warned, not the europeans, the eu countries are there, and hungary, part of it, they already are. warned that the abuse of this right, no, no, it is not a right veto, but still, if the country does not vote, the ls rules in many bodies, there, if not consensus, then well , consensus, here we are talking about consensus, but there is also there are already opinions that we need 3/4 or 2/3 of the voters, because statements, you know, there is another moment, statements of this kind, er, the minister of law. the affairs of one of the countries, in fact , in such an offensive way, puts pressure on
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the head of the foreign policy of the european union, now this structure was created, while not fulfilling its obligations, hungary plays to his own advantage, well, it is the governor orbán and szijárta, but when we start listening to the pressure on hungary, it is so verbal, and then we sit down and... and they say, these are 11 points immediately, and we have so many, this, this it hurts us, it hurts us, it cannot be done there, that is, it will be against the interests of ukraine, we think that when orban is replaced by someone else, that will be the case, but we are talking about joining the eu in the near future , so we will have a hard time with hungary, they will use it in negotiations, they will put us right away. what are the spokes of the wheel of european integration, that is, we understand it, that is why it is not our
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question with you, it seems, yes, it is a question of brussels, but, but ukraine, for example, the common foreign policy of the european union in its time has already made a decision, we will voluntarily try to comply and not go through the eu, we are getting closer to joining, well , if we do it, if we have an association agreement, if... we take these steps there, then why does hungary have a unique mission, i.e. we can ask questions, what do you have has changed, we are negotiating with you about admission. give it to us, by the way, i would do it, let deputy prime minister stefanyshona make a request or the ministry of foreign affairs, an official request, that you have changed the joint foreign policy and security policy, that you have such a hump, maybe we can do the same, when we discuss this item for negotiation, well , it is clear that it
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will be a little trolling, but we cannot afford trolling with the friendly european union, brussels, but in fact, in fact. at some stage it may be necessary to use such a tool, therefore that when talking about certain nuances, you can ask questions, frameworks, and so on, so this is from a pragmatic point of view, and with hungary you have to act rather harshly, because they will now squeeze out, talk a lot, and then there will be problems, and this position is cynical , into putin's narrative that we just need to stop shooting, that is, and surrender everything. i don't know what they want if ukraine capitulates, how they would defend themselves further, they don't understand what would happen, to be honest, i think we should honestly say to our neighbors, not only hungarians, if putin would occupy ukraine, then at least 3,000 more ukrainians would join these occupying forces,
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unfortunately, not because they are so warlike. and because you see what methods they are using in zaporizhzhia, kharkiv, how much kharkiv is already there, so and so and so and so already there, well, i have how many they captured, and there they are already planning a military coup of some kind, such as zaporizhia, kherson region, donetsk, luhansk, they already have, well, i’ll say it casually, more than 180 military commanders, where they simply take everyone, send them away, that is, all these people would go to where, to hungary, they know that as long as it stands in... the country of siart can exercise, excuse me, in such a word, and when it ends, that is, if it ends, god forbid, then they would be the first to run and ask for help , that is why we need to remind more often who is currently the guarantor of hungary's security, the guarantor of hungary's security is ukraine, and this must be said at all
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platforms, and we need to poke the nose of this diplomat, two, szijárt and orbán, one orbán is not needed. he is the prime minister, we need to be more careful with him. mr. valery, september 3 vladimir putin flies to mongolia, this is the country, the first country that signed and ratified the rome statute and is accountable to the community by the world community, within the framework of the international criminal court, putin has an arrest warrant from the icc, and the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine has already called on mongolia to fulfill its obligations. according to the roman statute, but today piskov said that everything has already been agreed with mongolia, putin will fly there, no one will touch him, in this way putin is simply trying to show the whole world that he sneezed on all these warrants and is already creating a pool of countries , who will join mongolia, if mongolia becomes the first
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state that does not fulfill its obligations, that is, this entire legal framework, which was related to the international criminal court. will it just fall apart? an important question, because there is a decision of the international criminal court, and there is one about putin, and there is the implementation, yes, the implementation of this decision. when there was a situation with a trip to brics in par, south african republic, south african republic, they said: we invite, we cannot refuse the invitation, we want to invite, but we will comply if we need to arrest the obligations, but what to do? and putin didn't go, of course, well, i... that there were skirmishes, and peskov was declaring anything, and medvedev was jumping his pants, in my opinion, there was a nuclear attack on the south african republic, well, in general , a set of them from peskov to medvedev , in general, there are lies, there are lies, only in the end they did not succeed, now they are closer to implementation, and somehow this issue slipped by,
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it seems to me that we did not pay enough attention, i say we, i and the ministry of foreign affairs, and ukraine. the authorities and even in the discussions there commentators have very little of this attention was paid, you say the ministry of foreign affairs applied, i saw it as a message, as a statement or whatever, in what form it was there, in my opinion it was a statement, well, the statement is not enough, that is, we need, look, there are a few days left, what needs to be done , the point is that we have to apply officially, convey, i am the best... still, in this case , we do not declare, i think, i think, it has been done, mr. ponorenko, the ambassador of ukraine to mongolia, as far as i understand , for part-time work, he is in korea. but this moment is very important, i i think we should give him an order to fly to mongolia, or go there, well, fly, and
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it will work out that way, there should be a note, yes a note, a note by a note, well, it is also necessary for the ambassador to come and officially inform, it does not happen so often part-time, they rarely go to this country, but it is necessary, it is necessary to come there, deliver it personally, say: that this is an important issue for mongolia, mongolia shows its consistency and reputation, that is, it is very serious, now they will raise the degree, otherwise, if this happens, if we will start after that, and then we will start talking about mongolia, we need to go there exclude it, we will come up with something else there, and it will be too late, that is, our activity, well , it should not just end with one statement, of course it is not like that, in parallel, of course, you can also... also jerk the ambassador of mongolsky in warsaw, but this should be conveyed by volonbater, as our representative. next, appeal to the international
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criminal court, fixation of this situation, that is, ukraine should raise the issue of implementation, in case of implementation, in case of such a step, immediately call on mongolia by all members to implement. i have never heard these discussions anywhere, when there was spar, there was always someone there expressed a position, now silence. i am very alarmed, very alarmed, because this is the one, this will be the president, and he will still be like that, it is very beneficial for russia to get out of isolation. it is clear that there are few such countries in the world that are ready to accept on such terms, to the point of being ready to be withdrawn, it seems that brazil at one time declared that they would not execute and would not arrest, this is a separate topic, the rome statute was not ratified very many countries only ratified after. usa, brazil, i.e. all major military powers in the world, they won't do it, well, we have our own history, i don't want to comment on it now,
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there are two attitudes here, but the positive is specifically in this situation, that now we can apply more seriously about attracting implementation, as a country, well, as far as i know , we haven't gone through all the procedures yet, there are nuances, but everything is fine, well, we ratified it, but for them it's not yet... not the final story, but nevertheless, we have to raise this issue now and to the elders, well, i i don't know, i don't have much time, i've been here for two or three days, but in a good way, as it should have been to do it, it was necessary to gather people, i don’t know where foreign policy is managed in our country, but at least gather somewhere, that is, whether at the banking or mykhailivskyi, gather people who can join this process, not only even in state institutions, but... first, such a meeting is extended, who does what, let's do it, so we do it, it had to be planned for four months before, well , for two, well, and for each day, what we do,
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what is the next scenario , how do we react, but there is definitely no such thing, after all, we are so russians, you see, we will lose to the russians in this way, if we don't uh tell us to prepare more carefully, and we'll see. will such a call be enough for mongolia? for mongolia, this would be a step, of course, minus the reputation, but frankly, i will tell you honestly, i have recently been doing something about mongolia in terms of some international initiatives, i have not seen it, they are doing it, realizing their interests, probably in they have more economic or military interests than russia. thank you, mr. valery, it was valery chaly to fly such a diplomat, friends, we are completing the first part of our program, we will look at the results of the television poll, these are intermediate results, we
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ask you about the following: are you satisfied with the communication of the president of ukraine with society, 94% no, 6% yes. there are discounts until independence day at edem, 25% at psaryznyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. an unusual look at the news, good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, how would mykola veresin do this, he would sit down prison, a special view of the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, who is china then, i, i had a heart. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts
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new laws, but how these changes affect our lives, we analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that worry ukrainians, the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to
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use, let's say, the resources there. of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: read the entire condemnation. thank you, it was difficult, but i was just curious, but it is absolutely not edible. they help to understand the present and predict the future. they offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the very point snake the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly. and not
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biased. you draw your own conclusions. congratulations, friends, live on the tv channel. the second part of the verdict program. my name is serhii rudenko, and in this part we will talk about the following. an hour and a half with the press. zelenskyi's emotional words. about his team were overshadowed by important messages about the war. why media experts call the president's press conference a communication disaster. case of tatarov. the story about the deputy head of the president's office, who killed chechens, turned into a meme of ukrainian politics. causes and consequences. a battalion of fugitives.
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many officials. deputies were able to escape from the investigation abroad during the war. who should bear political responsibility. that's all, for the next 45 minutes we will talk with my colleagues, with journalists, and this is a traditional journalism club, which in we are there on fridays. well, before actually introducing our guests, i would like to remind you that throughout our broadcast we conduct a survey and ask you about such things. are you satisfied with the communication? of the president of ukraine with society, yes, no, if you have a separate opinion, you can write in the comments under this video on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on the numbers 0800 211 381, if the president's communication society satisfies you, if not - 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program we...


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