tv [untitled] September 6, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST
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survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. we go back and remind ourselves that our collection is going on, every time the qr code appears, it's such a small reminder that our defenders are out there on the front lines doing... the hardest and hardest part of this job, this of ours of the struggle for independence, for our land, this is where the qr code actually appeared, our share, those who are in the rear, those who can sleep peacefully, go to work, which we are used to, be in team, in a relatively peaceful team, go out for coffee sometimes, send children to school, i.e. live a more or less normal life, that is our share... this is the actual
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and financial 3.5 million for drones and slaves that need to be collected for the three ukrainian units, please join, because this money will not appear in the account by itself, drones and slaves will definitely not fly to the front by themselves, we must do it together, almost 2 million still need to be collected in order to accumulate all the necessary amount, gentlemen, now we will talk a little about the economy. member of the economic discussion club joins us, mr. oleg, we welcome you, good afternoon, i just listened to your presentation, a vivid example of, you know, how to fight or work, as mr. schmegel said, so approximately the same logic, and the only thing that really worries me in this situation is that you and i have to solve those problems by and large. which should be carried out by the state,
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which is actually responsible for the security of the defense, it happened historically that the state cannot provide in full funding for soldiers, and you and i are now on all the airwaves where i go, in fact, everyone is asking, everyone is offering, everyone is showing qr codes and people are reporting, by the way, i will remind you that president zelensky... promised that we will produce 1 million drones this year, and the situation is such that everyone needs drones, drones are desperately needed at the front again, have we already managed to use a million drones, look, since september 1 this kind of trouble has happened, probably, we are still that not everyone is very involved in it yet, but i think that in the near future it will happen, the chinese have sharply limited the sale of components for drones. at the request of coleba, let me remind you, because
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when he was in beijing, he asked them not to sell these drones, now they will just quietly transport them across the border with russia, yes, to the russians, he asked not to sell to the russians, but they officially limited at the state level, the sale of components has been officially limited, that is, we are not talking about ready-made drones, that is, let's be careful that everything that... today is assembled in ukraine, it is assembled from the elemental base of components that goes, well, including through aliexpress, we are aware, yes, uh, at the moment, you and i do not have a huge number of productions on the element base, engines, supports, guidance systems, well, there is no such thing, well, we are in by and large, we are assembled here from those components that are imported elsewhere, ugh, and if those... assembling, and we understand,
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90% of those components are produced in heaven, whether we understand it or not, ugh, and if they start there problems, then with a million drones in quotation marks, will begin to be similar problems, and here you have to be absolutely conscious, by the way, the americans in the production of their drones, they tried to focus on their own elemental base, specially deployed, but they spent tens of billions of dollars for deployment in... clapping, production, and they placed them in most of the time in southeast asia, everything is very simple there, they just count the economy, and there is a lot of manual labor, in america , manual labor is extremely expensive, so they usually place it all, and what about iphones, sorry, are gathering in china, well, why all of a sudden, and because there is manual labor, you do not automate there in any way, in any civilized country, manual labor costs sky-high money. this
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iphone is assembled, for example, stupidly in europe, it will be diamond, well, we understand you, the diamonds will be there from above, or rather from below inside, that's why it's all south-eastern. asia, china, the only thing that now actively began to develop india, because there are great dangers with china, and india as an alternative, well , let's see how it all ends, but all the same, you have to understand that we are very dependent on components, extremely, and there is a huge question, i'm sorry, i just diverted the topic to another one, but no, it's actually very important, because actually i wanted to summarize what we have in the end. .. not a million drones, no components to make something further, in russia and chinese supply, because we understand that there are ways, and india is the same, and these are their neat arrangements, you know, because those rupees for themselves, for which indians buy gas , well,
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the russians have to use them somewhere, and that's it we already know, they buy oil, oil, oil, oil, i’m sorry, yes, i’m sorry, i said gas, i wanted to return to us now and besides... we need drones, we have a permanent one too, i wouldn’t say pressure, but control from the imf, their constant advice, and now it is said that there should be higher taxes in ukraine, we understand that in the west, a little further west, the level of taxes is significantly higher, incomes are higher, but taxes are also higher, in us, when there is up to 20% tax, then everyone is already shouting that it is a lot, but there is even more to come. promotion somewhere even in some in the discussions on social networks, i saw that they said that people simply do not know their way around, but we have such insanely high taxes, there are no such taxes anywhere in the world, and when the opponents gave arguments about almost 50% in germany, then some kind of new vision opened up in people. so, how do you
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see this gradual transition to higher taxes, this process of raising taxes in ukraine and even in the conditions of war, how realistic is it now? a little retort, before what you said, i can remind you of a very interesting country in europe, france, where they introduced a progressive tax on the income of individuals, there is a certain category of citizens who began to actively flee the country, where after a certain amount the tax begins to be calculated at 90%. well, that is, on the highest incomes. after a certain amount of annual income, you will be taxed at 90%. why at the moment most of the french millionaires have changed their jurisdiction and moved, some to
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switzerland, some to italy, such an odious mr. depardieu, do you even remember, he used to flee to russia. ugh. but yes, the logic is wrong. see you and i treat the international monetary fund in a deeply wrong way, the international monetary fund is not a friend, it is not an enemy, the international monetary fund is a creditor, well, look, we always think that the international monetary fund helps us somehow, no, there is a completely different level of relations there, no, we cha, we sometimes think that the international monetary fund owes us something, even, i would say so, and even more so, look, the international monetary fund, they are interested in only one thing in relation to ukraine : tell us, dear ukraine, how are you going to return the money, everything, as a creditor i am not interested in anything else, i am not interested in the income of your citizens, this is your mingit, i am not interested in the development of your industry, this is your hemorrhoids, i am sorry,
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i am interested in how you will accumulate money in the state budget in order to timely return the amounts that? i am a fence to you, you owe me, and for this year there will be absolutely lovely, well, ways , including tax increases, and you are telling me, dear ukraine, that the verkhovna rada does not want you supported the raising of the war levy in the first reading, so i want to tell you that this war levy will absolutely not save us, and we absolutely do not care that you did not support it, and in general we believe that the war levy of 30 billion with a deficit of half a trillion, this is childish babbling, uh, but please, let's raise the value added tax, and you say that it will hit the poor, well, listen, these are your problems, not mine, and one more thing, quickly devalue the hryvnia, what
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is it you, excuse me, please, 41 hryvnias for dollar, we calculated that if you have, for example, 55-60 hryvnias per dollar. with the fact that you freeze social spending for the next three years and freeze social standards, you will get by with much less money, huh. you can accumulate to give me back, i am the international monetary fund, huh, and you say that people will forget, that they will have nothing to live for, but these are your problems, they are not mine, when you took money from me, you they didn't tell that you were taking that money in order to make everyone around you happy, you were taking it money under the memorandum, under certain obligations, in these obligations there was not a single word to raise the incomes of the population, however, there were obligations on the contrary, there was an obligation... the energy carriers that you sell to the population up to the market level, that is, to put pressure
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on the population, on the contrary, not to give them money, that is, on a large scale, i say again, and the whole discussion with the international monetary fund, and i have now named the main directions on which they categorically insist, first of all, they insist on the devaluation of the hryvnia, they they say absolutely correctly, look, you have a certain amount of borrowing, but they are made in currency, you have a certain amount of social obligations. but you perform them in hryvnias, if for one conditional dollar you will receive not 41 hryvnias, for example 60 hryvnias, then with the freezing of social standards you will be able to save more money in the budget, i.e. it is as if you have formally settled with people, and there is money left over more, but there is one thing, there is one thing, but to me... it seems that the prices will jump for everything anyway, 100%, yes
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i say to him, the international monetary fund doesn't care, ugh, you know how it is, there is such a good phrase, the one that the problems of the sheriff's indians don't care at all, ugh, well, this is actually the sheriff's version, the one who is watching that's all, and the problems of the indians don't bother them at all, so in this situation, the fact that one dollar will feed more people, it does not mean that these people will be fed, it means that you will formally give them social benefits, and what with these social payments you can buy 30% less, well, this is the problem of the indians, huh, that's why once again, look, when considering our relations and relations with the international monetary fund, it is necessary to clearly understand from what i started, they are not friends, they are not enemies, they are... and this approach fundamentally changes the relationship, well, in
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the end each of us sooner or later had a relationship with a bank from which you took some loans there. tell me, please, bank friend, bank enemy? no, the bank is the creditor. and he doesn't care how many loaves of bread or pieces of bread you ate for breakfast today. he cares, but when will you pay off the debt? ugh. it the only thing he cares about. count international currencies. fund, this is a bank, conditional that gave you money, so relax and have no illusions that it was. how close is this prospect, because you painted such a picture, which is actually realistic, and we understand that according to this scenario everything should develop, and now i am convinced that our viewers are wondering when to prepare for all this, because something that the dollar, on the contrary, has become cheaper today. by 19 kopecks, that is, a serious jump, and tears prevent me from speaking, me
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in agreement, i burst into tears, eh, look, there is a budget declaration, where the expectations of what the government has done for itself are drawn, eh, by the end of this year 42.5, the average annual rate, the average annual rate for the 25th year is 45, that is, somewhere at the end of 20 ... in the fifth year, there will probably be 47, 47.5, this is what the government dreamed of, but, uh, those dreams, they directly depend on the macro-financial assistance of our partners, so that no one has any illusions, look, you and i have just talked about donats, right, huh, that is, everything that we collect in in the form of taxes and fees, everything goes to the war down to a penny, and it is not enough, because we will donate, and... it is already half a trillion not enough for the wages of the soldiers, this is without donations, it is donations, there are drones, on
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wages are not enough for living money, and the international monetary fund says: wait, you have an economy, and you are at war, let's raise taxes, listen, you are a fool , and i say once again, taxes must be raised unconditionally, well, that is, not conditional taxes, well... you do this and you 'll pay money then, and you won't do that, so as not to pay, and unconditional tax is value added tax, you came to the store, you paid it, uh, m, yes, he will hit. for all categories of the population, absolutely, but yes, the devaluation of the hryvnia is an unconditional tax, we understand it, yes, it is , in fact, in the 22nd year, you and i had, from 26 to 40 hryvnias per dollar, a drop in the hryvnia exchange rate, this there was an unconditional tax on us, all our savings became cheaper by 25%. actually,
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uh, uh, in order for you and i to find money now to cover the deficit of our... budget, yes, probably, taxes are not will cover all those needs, even if they increase the vat, and the amount of domestic borrowing will increase, i have already seen the national bank of ukraine there, gathered the banking structures and said, guys, let's look for money in your pockets, you will buy from the vdp, because there is no other option no, what does this mean, it means that less will be loaned. business, well, because all the money will be in domestic state loan bonds, the discount rate will be stable, but the loan will be expensive, we also understand that, another moment when we talk about macroeconomic financing provided by the social welfare system, i.e. we said about military expenses, the social welfare system is financed exclusively from borrowings,
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for the next year, and these are the statements of both our government officials and the minister of finance, which has not yet been reviewed, in the order of 15 billion dollars, i.e. look, we are in in the 23rd year, we received 41 billion (41.5) from our partners, this year we plan to receive 37, next year we asked for 32 billion of macroeconomic assistance in order to ensure the financing of social expenses, 42 million, we asked for 32 billion, of those 32 billion 15 so far can't be seen, i'm speaking clearly, right? and the international monetary fund knows this very well, and it is also sitting on the hook, or rather will be on the hook, and says, if you do not come to our meeting now, then the 1.1 billion dollars that we promised to give you , we would still think about whether to give or not to give, and 1.1 billion dollars is a social security, pensions
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until the end of this year, these are the same moments, so actually, when we talk with you about... the prospects of these relations, i think that in any case you and i will go along realistic-pessimistic scenario, that is , we will raise taxes in any case, whether someone likes it or not , huh, and for sure, i think that they will raise the value added tax, instead of 20 we will pay 23-24, it will automatically increase by 3 -4% goods in all our stores, well, it's very easy to do, well, we understand how it looks. we will pay more excise duty on fuel, we have already started, tobacco alcohol too, but there are 30-40 billion pennies a year, this is tears, but the value added tax is worth paying there up to 100 billion, gentlemen, we don't have time, in fact, your opinion is very, very, very short, and i don't know what kind for business, i don't know
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, there will be plushies, some kind of gingerbread or whatever it's called, well, there should be not only a whip. national cashback, hug and cry, yes, okay, this, this, this is a good answer, mr. oleg, thank you, oleg penzyn, economist and member of the economic discussion club, was with us, and we immediately run to our next guest, because the family doctor waited vitalina oleshchenko, mrs. vitalina, thank you for waiting, forgive me for having to wait, because you see, those economic issues and money issues really worry everyone, we will ask you about what worried... us all, probably the most before the start of the war, i am talking about the coronavirus, the pandemic, and now it's like a new wave, who is not currently flirting, so to speak, with this virus, in general, ah, yes, of course, at the beginning of august
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, the incidence of covid began to increase in us, the day we began to diagnose from five to six cases only in... in my small clinic, for example, among my colleagues as well i note that the morbidity rate has become high, very high, and the symptoms are as usual there are seasonal, but there have indeed been cases when we have to hospitalize the patient, that is, in some cases we even had to connect to a shevel, what it depends on, what it's still, it's still a deadly covid that can kill, of course, of course, look, we have a period where people... stopped vaccinating, meaning they stopped reminding their immune system that the virus exists, the virus hasn't gone anywhere, yes just like the polymyelitis virus, it i didn't go anywhere, my dear. gerotitis, all these terrible infections, they all have it, and only collective immunity can stop it, and of course, the season is now, the flu will start soon, which i would also like to remind you of,
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because last year few people were vaccinated against the flu and we had a big outbreak in january, march and this year of influenza type a and type b. influenza is also a bad infection that has bad consequences for the body, it's pneumonia, it's joining. superinfections, that is, when we have two or three bacteria join, causing bacterial pneumonia on the background of viral pneumonia, therefore prevention is mandatory. regarding vaccination, if you have two doses of the vaccine, be sure to be vaccinated with a revaccination dose, one more against covid. if you are in a risk group, that is, you have diabetes or cancer, or you simply have certain diseases that reduce your immunity, you should be vaccinated against. covid also, if you just want to take care of your health, you already have three or four vaccines, no one will refuse you get vaccinated again in order to
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increase the level of antibodies in your body and improve your immunity. regarding the flu, the flu vaccination is given once a year. why so? because every year the influenza institute submits data on the vaccine, there are four different strains, strains. not type b and type a staffs, that is, the influenza institute studies all the flu that people have had during the year and begins to put these e components into the vaccine, that is , every year it changes, once phuket, once california, once victoria, once austria and everything else, so vaccination should be mandatory to protect yourself in winter, the winter promises to be hard, we just listened to pa... oleg with such news regarding taxes, it will also affect our psycho-emotional state, the psycho-emotional state is very high it is connected with the immune system, so
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it can be taken care of with the help of vaccination, the money you will spend on flu vaccination, because it is paid in our country, there is no state, the state does not provide flu vaccination, it is 50 times less than you will you pay for treatment if you get sick for the flu vaccination takes place from six months, if you just started vaccinating your little baby, you have to inject the vaccine, for example, a month from today, just once a year yourself, your children and all your relatives, acquaintances, then there will be collective immunity to the flu virus there will simply be nowhere to live, such a fantastic world can be, we literally have a minute left, i'm just clarifying, if you allow, that is, if a person has contracted covid, had two'.
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we, given that we have survived this pandemic, yes, of course, now we have something to compare with the war, but the pandemic was something that happened to us, that is, we live in a worse time now, unfortunately, but then the mask regime... avoiding these mass gatherings, that is, going to the store wearing masks and all that, it protected people, people got sick less, of course, now we have forgotten all about it, covid has already been transferred to a series of just ordinary herpes, that is, it is no longer a pandemic disease, but you just need to observe all these limits, observe mask mode if you go somewhere mass gathering and where they can cough and sneeze at you in...
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thank you for telling and warning ukrainians, vitalina oleshchenko, the family doctor was with us, we have a short break, yes, next, do not miss the news with kateryna shirokpoyas, after that andriy and i will return to our analysis. tired of the mess in the kitchen, constantly having to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one, you need a set of savory pro, unpack the tv. savory pro pans fold into one another and take up so little space, and the price is only from uah 999. set saivory pro is 5 pans from one to 9 liters with lids for any occasion, use them on the stove and... even in the oven, made from damage-resistant stainless steel. savery pro pans will serve you for many years. from now on, food heats up evenly,
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