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tv   [untitled]    September 10, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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well, this is already kindergarten, and about what kirby said that 90% of the russian aviation is outside the range of their missiles, well, he told the whole truth, only he meant 90% of all russian aviation, and not that, and not those directly involved in the russian-ukrainian war, because russia can and, well, that’s almost certain, they have, well , relatively speaking, more than 200 different planes, in the russian-ukrainian war, about...
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300 were involved , that is, somewhere around 10%, that is, 90% of the planes are away from the russian-ukrainian war, but we say, but here are your numbers, that these 10, 300 planes, they go up and make these attacks, which the analyst there the guy did, well, he did it correctly and he calculated everything clearly , so we are not saying that we want to destroy all the russian aviation that is in the far east. china, there is south korea, there is eventually australia and japan, there they will deal with them if something like this happens there, and china, of course, we also understand, it has claims from 853, if i am not mistaken, there are certain agreements and certain territory china wants to return, at least they are talking about it, they have already started a conversation, we want to destroy the aviation that is at the distance that your missile can reach, if you want
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to make fools of us, then let's sit down, look at the analytics, and let's do it, well, there's no need to hide any secrets here, let's sit down so that everyone can see, to see in europe, here we show where their resort is, we we show where do they take off from and in what quantity, and then kirpis 100 g comes out and starts and he doesn't know who else will come out there and then he will tell that it's not the same 90, well, let's let you know it like that. so that they, these people who say such nonsense and such lies, that they would receive such a beating from the citizens of their own country, because the people there, they, well, they will not tolerate it, you know, you are deaf among us you do, well, we understand that we are dependent on you, well, when you start doing mischief, forgive your citizens, then i think that they very quickly explain to you that they somehow do not agree with that, but in the context of this, how do you comment on that? that iran
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has actually delivered, well, again according to the reports of the wall street journal, with the report of the times, that is, we receive information from foreign sources that iran has actually delivered ballistic missiles to russia, that is, delivered not delivered, we will really see now, but this , by the way, can also be characterized in the context of what we are talking about, the impossibility of striking with long-range weapons on the territory of russia. yes, for example, but at the same time, iran is quietly supplying alleged missiles to russia, north korean missiles, by the way, we have recently been a place of storage, but in the context of this, the first question, if possible briefly, is how dangerous these missiles will really be for ukraine, for at least the ukrainian border will be dangerous, and the second question is whether it is considered, again in your opinion... the possibility of supplying more
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telecobian missiles, let's say there are 400, 500, 600 km, well, this is zelfiharfa tex, i think that considered, well, first of all, well, iran argues for these deliveries by the fact that the west supplies us with weapons, which they cannot supply weapons to russia, that is, the arguments, well , the difference is that we defend ourselves, russia is aggressively stooping, but that’s the way it is, well, no attention is paid to it, it seems like this a war that just started. by itself, and yet, the west supplies weapons to ukraine, so we can quite well supply weapons, well, this is such an eastern trick, everything is sewn with white threads, why are these missiles dangerous? yes, they are short-range, but they are highly accurate, we are short-range, but high-precision missiles , not the antoniv bridge, for example, these are important things, and why is it dangerous, it is not dangerous from the point of view of the long-range of others.
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missiles, when the russians launch mass attacks, well, it’s about 100 times a month, well , you can count it approximately how much they calculate, one and a half months is one and a half hundred, well, we saw on august 26-27 and... s-300, but they are not very accurate , and in order to destroy something not far from the borders or from the demarcation line, you need to use the same ones iskanders are relatively accurate missiles, if there are other missiles that accurately shoot at a short distance, then iskanders can be used on the territory deep into our country, that is, an attack on some objects in the depths of, well... our country can be more intense, because they don't need to spend their ballistics on the border, on the border, there are other ballistics, that's why these missiles are dangerous, they are even more dangerous than those zulfikars and fotexes that can be placed, although i think that no one will understand them will be, there is a certain problem
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with launchers, there are few of them, there are missiles, but few installations, iran is unlikely to send missiles with launchers there, well, they are wheeled, but there are not many of them and they cannot be launched from other places. from other platforms, mr. oleksiy, one more news of today: another 17th, if i am not mistaken, package from sweden, the swedish government allocates its support to ukraine, in particular, we are talking about six combat boats combat boa 90, manpads robotsim 70, camouflage equipment for previously transferred equipment, many, many interesting, but the most interesting thing is that, based on the official announcement, half of this swedish package will go to spare parts. to gripens, which in the future may be transferred to ukraine, let's just remind you, well, they are not bad planes, they are such partisan planes, they are called because they can get on an unprepared plane, well, remember the f-16, which is some kind of super-duper there should be
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a job line, and these can sit there in the field if you want, well, relatively speaking, that is, they don’t need it, and it’s quite possible that we’re all like that... it’s easier and faster to get from already from sweden with the missiles that sweden will give us, here we will use air -to-ground or air-to-air, it is logical for us, well, these are fighters, but they will be used more, as i would say, more like attack aircraft. most of all, mr. oleksiy, we are very grateful to you for joining the air of tv channel uso, for your thoughts, your analysis, oleksiy hetman, military analyst, reserve major. everything to you, well, let's move on and remind you about the wonderful, thank you, mr. oleksiy, so thank you our survey, today we ask you whether do you listen to russian
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music at least sometimes, if so, please dial absolutely free 0800 211 381 if you think not. 800-21382 from your smartphones, phones, i remind you once again, all calls are completely anonymous, free of charge, and we will definitely talk to you about this, it is really important for us to understand , you know, the trend, so we ask you to be honest, we understand, that the answers may be different, but we emphasize once again that this is an anonymous survey, let's move on, ihor lytvyn, co-leader of the ukrainian-chinese business council, former ambassador... in china in 1999-2001, is now in direct contact, mr. igor, we are glad to welcome you to the espresso airwaves. good evening, good evening. well, probably, let's start with the hopes of the countries of the simi group,
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that china and india can play their own, you know, role in the settlement of the conflict between russia and ukraine. in particular. italian prime minister george meloni, after a meeting with the president of ukraine at the amrozetti forum, also said that china and india can become mediators in negotiations to end the war in ukraine. give her let's listen i believe that china and india should play a role in resolving the conflict. the only thing that cannot happen is to think that the conflict can be resolved by leaving ukraine. actually, mr. igor, do you now see the desire and resourcefulness on the part of the global south to play the role of resolving the conflict, the conflict that the russian federation
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unleashed against ukraine, this is a bloody war that has actually lasted not three years, but 10 can the global south in a healthy sense of the word join the settlement? i i believe that it can and i believe that i should, but there are some practical signs that it can be. expression, then i don't see it, because china and india, they talk a lot, uh, put forward plans to settle this, as they call the conflict, although in reality it is the same, the same conflict in quotes, as well as the nanking massacre of 1937, when the japanese soldiers killed. 300 to 500 thousand civilians, well we don't call it
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a conflict, although they call it, i don't believe that china or india, they are determined to become real mediators in ending this bloody war, unleashed unmotivated by the russian federation, or rather , by the russian federation. against ukraine, you can say a lot, you can put forward a lot of plans, you can talk about diplomacy, as marendra says, modi, and dialogue, you can call, as china does, to all parties, it calls to stop the escalation of the war, but no one does not say, wait, the aggressor must cease its aggression and... get out of the territory of a sovereign state, given that it
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an absolute violation of the un charter, from and by whom, it is from the current, that is, a member of the un security council, therefore, efforts to make russia stop its aggression against ukraine, ukraine is one thing, but real actions are another.. . another, well, if we take, let’s say, xi jinping, yes, he can be credited with the fact that he visited russia for the first time since his appointment as the head of the people’s republic of china in march of last year, and the fact that he joint political statement laid out china's vision regarding... application, or threats to use nuclear weapons, especially
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against a non-nuclear state, and even when he came to france not so long ago, and heard that he was being called upon to use his influence on russia again to stop the bloody aggression, he said: "lord, i already so he did everything possible and impossible, bearing in mind precisely what concerns..." the threat of using nuclear weapons, so my answer will be negative, if we are talking, mr. igor, about sino-russian relations in general, then many , of course accuses china of being finances many russian projects, actually feeds the russian economy, but at the same time, russian propagandists claim that china is reducing financial transactions in russia, in particular,
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there is a russian military propagandist named aleksey zhivov, who complains that china continues to actively sabotage foreign trade with russia, putting russian exporters and importers in a difficult position, let's look at this quote now, sorry for the russian language, this is the original, the problems have long been massive and avalanche-like nature, now it is possible to say with confidence that china, under the pressure of the usa, is simply strangling our economy - said this russian propagandist. in addition, let's add more information, the day before reuters reported that russian commodity companies have started cash gaps due to china's refusal to make payments. well, there are such things, and in particular, including on... invited a meeting with xi jinping to discuss russia's problems, in particular in
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bank payments and the construction of the power of siberia-2 gas pipeline, here is such information it is different, how does mr. igor correlate with this support of china, china, russia, and whether china is really starting to at least lobby and at least try. as they say, it is no longer wrong to directly support russia, to sit here on two chairs, please, let me start with the statement of the mass media that... against the background of these, so difficulties with payments, putin urgently invited a meeting with the sinping, this not so, forget about it, it is not, therefore, correct information, because it is implied that putin is in a conversation with the vice president of china, hanzhenim, said,
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taking into account the relevant norms of the protocol, that it would be good, because he was... he would be glad to see the head of the people's republic of china xijin pinh in kazan in a month and a half. of course, this is completely within the norms of the protocol, uh, believe me, who organized, at least for president kuchma, six state visits to those countries that i managed as the head of the asian and african region of the middle east. and africa of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine that everything is absolutely agreed and that's it provided for of course, xi jinping, as the head of a country that is a member, a member of brics, will come to kazan, and of course, for a bilateral meeting, where they will discuss all those issues that they believe should be discussed,
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so there is no need to "to make statements, means putin's." to ah the vice president of the prc with payment problems, payments, or rather payment problems, they are, and the right propagandist you mentioned that china under pressure from the us is happening, uh, when biden signed the corresponding the law that it is possible to introduce secondary sanctions against those financial institutions that violate. sanctions are imposed on russia, it turns out that 98, imagine, 98% of these payment transactions, they do not work, chinese banks and financial structures are involved in the calculations, they do not accept the so-called dirty yuan from russia, this is of course a huge problem, but one
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more important thing should be kept in mind: china... is considering this and this, and this just lies on the surface, that is, russia, as a western state, is said by chinese analysts and experts, and on confirmation of this thesis, just yesterday i read the statement of the racist propagandist zakhar prilepin, he is an ideologue and who else, i don’t know, but who said, well, let’s be honest with ourselves, if the west turns its face to us, point a finger, then we will run into everyone's arms, that means the west, everything is clear here, that's why china is doing everything that it is profitable to do, as it has always done, never in its life has china pursued anyone's
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interests, only its own, its own national interests , and this is what is happening now in our... uh, that means taking a risk, falling under the secondary sanctions imposed by the united states of america, when it will harm the economy of china itself. here's the whole answer for you. in the end, china turned the situation around very, very successfully, in which it actually stuck the russian federation on the appropriate needle. naftofinansova, let's say so. and now it is methodically dosing through this... regiment, everything that is needed, and i would like to remind you that the russian federation almost did the same with the whole of europe as a whole, with all those northern streams and energy resources that they were directed and did not begin to direct for objective reasons, and thank god, as we understand, as we see, europe
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will get along perfectly one way or another and without russian gas, but that's the way it is, look... i would also like to ask you a question , which refers to the rhetoric of the candidate for the presidency of the united states, donald trump, where he intended to impose sanctions on russia and iran in order to prevent china from making its national currency, you know, the main dominant in the world, but that does not stop putin from quite interesting and playful, as for me, rhetoric, in fact he, i don't know if he's joking or not, but... supports kamalo garis, the candidate from the democrats in the elections in the united states. let's listen, god forbid, to putin on the topic, who does the russian federation support in these elections? i said that our favorite, if you can say so, was the current president, mr. biden, but now he was removed from the race,
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but he recommended to all his supporters to support ms. garis, that's what we will do, we will support her, it's - first, a secondly, and secondly, she laughs so expressively and infectiously, which indicates that... here it seems to me that psychoanalysts should analyze to a greater extent, but mr. igor, we will ask you whether russia is really betting on kamala garis and why? and you know what else is so clarifying, and don't you think that in this way putin also wants to give trump a pass, well, relatively speaking, in the information space of the united states of america? if i wanted to give the pass to trump, then... it wouldn't have turned out the way it did, because trump said that this, so, putler's rhetoric that he supports camilo garis, so she offended him very much, how can this be considered
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a positive pass, i don't understand, well, but let's not forget that both and that, that's all, so , talking to the public, there are races in the states, uh, not all of those who support the other candidate are deep people, so i understand that he is deeply versed in analytics, and there is simply an appeal to the public, of course, trump does not want , so that the dollar ceases to be the main currency in the world, it is clear, and here it can be absolutely understood by everyone, not even to analysts, yes, and he at all... does not want the dollar to be replaced by the chinese yuan, and here, then, the statement that the lifting of sanctions from russia can, well
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, be some kind of negative message for china, instead of strengthening the yuan and transformation of his world politics, i do not see a particularly meaningful connection here. and let's not forget that butler, too, will never say what the russian federation really wants, because trump, when he said that his support was sent by butler to harris, she offended him, and he said that he did not want he, for russia to interfere in the american elections, he said so that you will not interfere in the american elections, well then... that's why it's understandable, here i think. well, thank you for these important comments, and it is really important to understand how
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much the global south has the opportunity to influence the russian federation in general, and how much it coincides with, well, probably our interests mr. igor, thank you, igor lytvyn , co-chairman of the ukrainian-chinese business council, former ambassador of ukraine to china in 1999 and... 2001, our survey traditionally we remind you, do you listen to russian music, at least sometimes , you can take your smartphones or phones absolutely free of charge, vote, if so 0800 211 380 1, if not - 0800 211 382 and in 15 minutes we will see the first results, in our volodymyr omelyan is now on direct call. good evening, good evening, agreed,
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let's simplify all my titles, because i sound like some kind of emperor or king, just a major , it's great to see you, agreed, do you ever listen to russian music, you you know, since i was a child, i was never a fan of hers, so i could guess some mega, some well-known melodies. remember, but that's all, well , we didn't doubt mr. volodymyr, but this is such a rhetorical question, but mr. volodymyr, if we're already starting a conversation with you, the first topic is the elections in the united states america, i would like you, i would like to ask you, on september 10, there will be a presidential debate, the first debate between harris and trump, the candidate for... president of the united states, from the republican trump's party stated that if he wins the elections, he plans to ease sanctions against russia, well, there
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was a bit of a plus-minus question, that is, he allegedly... stated, but allegedly justified himself that in a different context, but less with that, nevertheless, if we are talking about these debates that will take place, and about these statements of trump, and about the first full-fledged interview of kamala hariy regarding ukraine. first, how do you generally assess the possibility of changing a certain schedule of ratings after the debate? and the second question, how do you evaluate the current one the rhetoric of both candidates regarding ukraine? please? well, you know, i 'm watching the political races in the united states with interest, because biden really turned the tables by agreeing to withdraw his candidacy. some even say that it was all planned for a long time, and it didn't just happen that way, yes, but nevertheless, kamala
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is very unhappy now. chances to win, she is doing very well in this race, and what my friends tell me is that she listens carefully to political consultants, has her own point of view, and succeeds successfully combine for now, we will see, because there is still a lot of time before the elections themselves for the ukrainian political reality, it is generally an eternity, here in three months in ukraine new... candidates may appear and the old ones who were leaders disappear, in the united states the picture is a little another, but it is obvious that trump's main weapon that he has insisted on is ageism, so that biden is old and infirm, he is young and handsome, now it is simply turned against himself, he looks quite pale, the team that previously stamped such rather strange statements no longer receive this
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favor from a moderate. and it 's a very difficult situation for him, but again, let's keep a close eye on the race, what we need to be sure of is that a victory for either side doesn't give us some fantastic breakthrough, and both the united states and the west are increasingly in the direction of pragmatic relations, and now our key decision, as for ukraine, must be, we must... convince our partners that we are not just situational friends, but friends for many years, decades we will always be the west, we are part of the west, and the main result of this war is the accession of ukraine to nato and the eu. if we can convince biden of this at the end of his term, it will be great, if not, we have to work very hard.
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powerful force with the president-elect of the united states, that in his or her next term, we acquire membership in these two organizations, this is a key approach for us to guarantee our security, and i hope that we together as a society, despite the efforts some ukrainians, ukrainian politicians to stop it, they still achieved it. here , it would be good to get permission from the united states to use the appropriate weapons on russian airfields, not to mention membership in nato or the eu in the near future. well, that's another question, mr. volodymyr, and the fact that putin openly supported, i don't know if it's a joke or not, but kamala harris, he's trying to bring her down in this way, because frankly , the candidate that putin supports is adds some toxicity or is it me? with
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the position of the ukrainian woman, it seems, i agree with your reasoning, at the same time this is a traditional game of the kremlin, such a bribe for trump, yes, everyone knows that the sympathies of the kremlin were on the side of trump, they are trying to compromise some kind of kamala in this way, because trump also sometimes uses in the pre-election campaign rhetoric, anti-kremlin slogans, although they are very weak, then he forgets himself, says other things, he says that... without sanctions is important, and many such unpleasant things for us, but remember how putin took a dog with him to the meeting with merkel, and, that is, this is a way to throw the opponent off balance, and it was clearly mockery, and that biden asked everyone to support kamalo, well, we support that kamalo, he hates biden.


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