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tv   [untitled]    September 23, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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and the officer who did his job all the time, he should receive an award, well, look, andrii logovy, the person who was found guilty by the british court of murdering litvinenko, he is also a member of the state duma of the russian federation, a very active deputy, this is not the federation council for you, this is an active public activity, because he worked well, he worked, he correctly completed all the tasks that were, now he works in the parliament, gets access to certain financial flows, i generally think whether andriy was an agent of the russian special services all his life, i do not know how his father's ex the head of the sbu, it's just a good question, but he is sure, the fact is, you mention that he was a member of the verkhovna rada, who all the time advocated pro-russian narratives, no, he was the owner. era television company and era radio, these
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were the main voices, as you remember, next to the fifth channel of the orange revolution, he was then a close deputy from the motherland, well, maybe it was necessary, well, you don't think that he has such suddenly changed political, as they say, you understand how to say it correctly, image or task can be different, and then i will tell you, here i was. with andriy derkach in the studio in kyiv, there were not many of us there, four people, savik shuster invited us on his own initiative, when there was a story with tuzla, that is, there was a moscow studio, there were people from this side with a patriotic view, so andriy derkach was then the main patriot of all times and people, he defended all this then, if you find this program in the archive, you will see how andrii dorkach, but we understand that it was all just a game. and he needed then
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the escalation of this conflict to put in the awkward position of kuchma, that is, he was first in the national-democratic camp all the time, and then, when they decided that they already had everything in their pockets, he revealed himself early, then in the regional camp he performed tasks, but his most important task was the history of comprehension biden and poroshenko, and it was once again a hook, but they were trying all the time to catch the russians... the completely inexperienced ukrainian authorities on some kind of hook so that they would like it, but they knew there, let's say, that zelensky had a personal hatred for poroshenko, this is not a special secret, i think that i am not revealing any secrets here, that zelensky trembles when he mentions poroshenko, i do not know why, it is difficult for me to understand, because i believe that the succession of power in a democratic country excludes such and such behavior, but on the other hand, trump did not come to biden's inauguration, we no longer live in such conditions, therefore... this is
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zelensky's right, but we are not talking about it now, so they understand that if someone makes public some tapes that will give opportunity for zelenskyi and his entourage to say something bad about poroshenko, they will definitely take advantage of this, despite the fact that poroshenko's interlocutor is biden, which means they will compromise biden and, on the one hand, create problems for the relationship between zelenskyi and biden, if biden will become the president of the united states, this is also part of the preparation. before the war, that is , he needs to say something bad about biden, he needs to take advantage of all this himself, because the moment the war starts, biden will in any case feel i personally dislike him, who can perform such a difficult task, not some agent dubinsky, you know that, it’s all a trifle, but a real officer with a good education, you understand, he graduated from the fsb academy there,
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so he was taught all this, you understand, they teach all this, and if we look at all the forms of how they teach, they, let's say, study all their previous operations, they just pass the exams, here's the trust operation with savink, do you remember this story when borys sayenko was lured into the soviet union, creating a special organization abroad, it is ready to fight against a regime like the fbk, the current one, it is very, very similar, but when you look at the activities of the fbk, from, i don’t want to say anything about the fbk, ugh, but it is absolutely similar to this organization created by arbuzov and other chekists borders of soviet russia in order to lure savinkov here and in general to compromise the
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opposition ... opposition, which was stronger than it seems to us. because we also live in the soviet narratives of history, until now, and in this regard, here is a wonderful story with a jerk, well, if he did all this, they evaluate, you did this, this, you did this, in principle, biden is possible i would have a better attitude towards ukraine if there wasn't this story, i would have more, i would say, more personal contact with the president of ukraine, if there wasn't this whole wonderful story, or something else, sumy oblast, ugh, he was actually his their. the curator is also a position, remember, as the mayor deaf michel tereshchenko, well, he was shouting what was happening to the sumy region under the people of derkach, and that there was not even an opportunity to somehow stop it,
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because everyone thought that the situation was stable there, well , yes, well, derkach, well, the regionals , he was not a regionalist, he was just a statesman, and andriy always tried to make it so in... on his, so to speak, interlocutors that this is not a question of political views, it is a question of statehood, he is such a senator, sorry, roman, not russian, because he is a son the head of the security service of ukraine, this always causes respect in our conditions of the political elite, you know that we have hereditary politicians, hereditary and there are people who are absolutely professional, absolutely skillful, and there are people who use this sociability for the right. the question here is simply that in reality there are such jerks, well conditional ones, there are small or big ones, if we are talking about the sumy region, as an example, then we can also talk about the same year 2022 and about the kharkiv region and about the kherson region , and about the mykolaiv region, and about the zaporizhia region, about
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donetsk, let it be good, and 2013 is the year luhansk region, comrade, well, we are talking about such a very recent retrospective, and why, look, yefrimov now lives in moscow. the truth is, here is the leader of the former faction of the party of regions, he was the curator of the luhansk region, he was, he actually trained the cadres that contributed to its support for the russian invasion, right? but what happened to ephraim? after the 2014 maidan , nothing, he headed the faction of the regions until the end of the convocation, do you understand? in principle, he could continue his activities as an agency protection of the interests of russian. of the federation, directly from his office in kyiv. he continued to perform his duties until the last day of his term as a deputy. well, he's not the only one, there really are. there were actually many of them, i say again, from a small cog of some kind to very large ephraims, right? but here
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the question arises whether it was or is. that is, we have to understand the level of infiltration of russian agents in ukrainian political, military, and security. structure is absolute, that is, it is clear that a large number of people have already disappeared, but we do not know how many agents and most importantly, sleeper agents of the russian federation, given that there was never an actual rupture of the umbilical cord, still continues to perform its functions and wait for its time, uh, here you are about this, i had a question five minutes ago, you mentioned that derkach, he was at one time so democratic, supposedly a person who provides platforms for freedom of speech in ukraine, yes, we mentioned the same era, and yes, well, supposedly the era television and radio company at that time it was hard to blame the because, i'm sorry, there's some kind of very heavy
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censorship or they don't allow opposition politicians there, i remember that too, but you said one thing really, that this is a person who... for a moment at least demonstrated that she was a democrat, considering to this, the following question arises: could there be such jerks, including in the national-patriotic forces, at that time and not only at that time, a certain number, that is, conditionally, as you say, dormant agents, who, conditionally speaking, simply performed their patriotic role, since the late 80s, early 90s, well our representatives at... the national patriotic forces are usually very reluctant to talk about this, it is an unpleasant thing for them, but taking into account the fact that in those countries where the kgb archives were actually opened, it suddenly turned out that in the leadership of the same sayudis in gaining independence, other organizations, there are so many former agents of the state security committee
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of the soviet union, we can conclude that such people were also there, the only thing is that they were not so much needed there for one simple reason: sayujis came to power, the people's movement did not come to... power, and in order to really exert some influence on the situation, as you understand, it was necessary to be near the levers of power, so all these tobacconists, who could also play the role of national democrats, but.. . they immediately got their bearings and understood that you need to continue your agent activities where, firstly, you have access to financial flows, and secondly, where you can influence the decisions of the ukrainian authorities, and what you can steal from the popular movement. , some things, relatively speaking, that is, no such and such there was no interest, but it is actually a very interesting topic, and here i think, maybe in the future we will learn something. and of course, unfortunately, still in ukrainian
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politics, we observe those people who are even now in the verkhovna rada, who promoted russian narratives until 2014 and until 2022, but they are still in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, but this is already another topic, we have a little break and we will be back with some more... extremely important topics, please wait and don't switch to espress channel. get closer to victory, together with the central security service, the sbu. join the one of the best special forces of the country. we are expanding and announcing recruitment. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training and education. fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most
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effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. we are coming back, the saturday political club, pryamiy yater, and we will speak now. about international events, those that affect the situation in the world, well, in ukraine, of course, also the war in the middle east, the pager attack, so that's what we're going to have as a topic, actually, you all watched what happened in lebanon earlier this week, all of a sudden, hundreds of pagers, hundreds of different gadgets, then a few days later they started explode into various representatives of the terrorist hezbollah. 37 dead, well that's
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the minimum, that's the minimum, we can't really know because the lebanese authorities can hardly even theoretically report the real number, more than 3,000 wounded, there in particular, there are also representatives of iran, among the wounded, in particular the ambassador, right? and other gadgets were waiting for this team, some media reported that such an operation was being prepared for about 15 years, whether it is true or not, it is already... either we will never find out, or we will find out only after some time, but from some other books about massads,
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maybe, but on the other hand, well, this is something new, this is some completely new level, this is something that was not expected, that was expected in general, rockets, drones, some explosions, what actually happened here is basically today check the whole idea of ​​modern warfare, modern security, modern modern security, particularly in the middle east, but i would say here that it's not just about the middle east now, it's about the whole world now, and now everybody, well, a terrorist and not only a terrorist will pick up his gadget and be afraid, every terrorist, you also have a gadget, yes... and not only a terrorist, any person will now be afraid, by the way,
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this is actively discussed in number on russian television, now i'm already me saw, if we talk about at least this block, no, not yet, let's not rush into a full-fledged war, but this block of what happened in lebanon, this special operation, these explosions, these pagers, these gadgets. in your opinion, how much will this generally affect the general security system, the general fear of different representatives of different. and what will it change in our world and in world politics? well, by the way, we need to start talking about this from a technological point of view, because what you have drawn is to some extent a utopia, and here you are producing an iphone what, this iphone you have is made in china, but one way or another it
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is controlled by the manufacturing company, and it is responsible for your safety and... this is an american company, well, in principle, now this american company should think about whether should it transfer the production of iphones to india and taiwan, well, as far as i understand, some of the parts have already been transferred to india, there somehow it is half for half, because it is a huge risk now for it, because in principle the chinese special services, as it turns out, can to install in such a gadget anything, if, if you can't find explosives, then you can't find anything. whatever, just imagine, we understand that it’s not just that hezbollah bought some pagers and walkie-talkies for their fighters and just brought a box to the new post office and let’s go boys, come, ahmet, here’s to you, abdullah, here’s to you, mahmud, here you go, and so on, no, there is a special service there, by the way, which
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works with the iranians, there are very strong special services in iran, which checks all this. 150 thousand times before giving it to someone eavesdropping, for the existence of bugs, for the existence of explosives, for everything, and they found nothing, nothing, it is not even clear where they bought it from, some say from hungary, others say from bulgaria, others say from taiwan you can't find ends, it's like with the iphone, where it was installed, in china or in america, so the first thing we have to do is we have to transfer. and now everyone will think about it, i think that now the cia and the pentagon will meet with the owner of apple, tell him: listen, and you want it yourself explode, do you want us to explode, let's choose, we're all going to explode here together, let's move the production, because sooner or later it will happen, it's not a matter of one day, but in a couple of years, you have to
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do it once in a couple of years, but imagine , that you do not have an alphonse guard. you will definitely be with him, if you have such a specific democratic position, or you are an employee of the special service of some democratic country, and you took this android made in china, i will not give a hryvnia for your life and safety, so what are we approaching, we definitely understand that if we are in this part of the world, we can only use equipment made in the west or with the allied countries of the west gives full. yes japan, south korea, if we are in this part of the world where russia and china is, that means that any iphone can either explode at any time or transmit some information about you, you don't know now until the end, what can be inserted there? this means that we are getting closer to a world where,
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ideally, each country should use technologies of its own production, and all production. process should happen within the same country or block of countries, that's the only possibility, not that there's some compromising files being passed on you, that's the possibility of survival, you know, because someone, if someone some photos that your wife won't like, will your mother-in-law be transferred to the television screen, as was the case with the prosecutor general skuratov, russian, then of course it is unpleasant, but after that they do not die, they retire, they live, and if you are torn. a leg or an arm, this is somehow a different situation, and you do was this the general prosecutor or the ambassador? here's a great example, i'm an ambassador, and i don't have an eye, because i was using a walkie-talkie, i didn't violate any security rules, which in principle should apply to a diplomat of my rank, well, it's just an ordinary disaster in this regard, the israeli intelligence services, if it's them, let's say so, because
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they don't admit it, they opened a really new new chapter in the history of mankind, which means uh... technological separation, and it will go, we will live in such a dystopia in the next 5-6 years, because first there will be walkie-talkies, pagers, then there will be mobile phones, other devices, some kind of technology that is in the headquarters of special services, all this will explode, burn, it will simply be part of a completely different war, so this is the first moment, the second point... well, by and large , there is a question now, how the situation will develop, because everyone is always afraid of a big war in the middle east, which is not only hamat. but hezbollah will also be a real part of this war and everyone will fear that now it will happen. well, you have to understand a simple thing. we already talked about it at the beginning of our
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program. hezbollah can say as many times as it wants that it will take revenge on israel. but in order to take revenge, you need to have the potential. this is exactly the same story as with the strikes on iran. we understand that, in principle , hezbollah is not the most numerous terrorist organization in the world, because there is not so much population, the fact that it has so many people disabled, it is us people, where else to get them, their it is necessary to recruit, teach, give imratsionov, without fearing that they too will explode, this is also not clear, and this is all a huge problem, so to say that there will be an urgent response is difficult to say, now regarding israel's position. well, we were already waiting for one urgent answer, and in fact, maybe it is precisely israel who would like to finish off
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hezbollah politically at least, you understand, because there is of course a need for hezbollah to stop terrorizing the north of israel, from the north of israel, from cities like kir' barley, but also smaller ones such as... well, an ordinary district center, well, a smaller district center, there is no population there at all, those people who are there live, these are people who did not want to leave, but they are a significant minority, it is, in principle , a developed city, with highways, with enterprises, with hotels, well, a city, well, it is a typical, typical, relatively speaking, urban-type village. of the european model, well, it is no different in europe, we understand well, a village or a small city in many parameters from a large one, well, i just
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think, i, i, i was in kiryayat chmon, i lived next to it for several weeks, so i imagine the dimensions, i just want to understand what it is, but now let's see what it compares to scale, well, i think. not with a regional center, probably a ukrainian one, we have large regional centers, not with, well, with a city like a bearded man, well , that’s about it, i don’t know, it’s possible, well, sokali, probably, that’s the kind of city, and imagine that all residents of this city, well , we have such a thing, by the way, we have such an evacuation from glukhovo, these are absolutely parallel things. glukhiv is such a city, they tell me that the population is 22,000, so here it is, that is, it is a typical, typical district center, yes, and here are all the people who live there, there are 20,000, relatively speaking,
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they live now in hotels, with relatives, with acquaintances, this is not very good for the israeli government, because it is not the gas sector, next to it, next to lebanon, and this means that they cannot provide a normal life for these people, i remember very well i remember that during my first trip... to israel in 96, it seems like a year, if i'm not mistaken, and in 96, uh, where is the mini, representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs of israel specially drove me with colleagues to the borders of israel, and one of these borders was the border with lebanon, and they they said that, as you can see, it's absolutely peaceful here, but as i said... listen, it's a conditional peace, because the israeli army is in south lebanon. what does a peaceful border mean? you can cross it, and there will be peace there too, because there is an army there, if you remove the army from here, but then the army left, and the peace continued, i already
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came, relatively speaking, to drink coffee in metula, on the very border of lebanon and israel, already when there was no lebanese israeli army in lebanon at all, and this part was already controlled in fact by hasbbola, now in metul, as you understand, you won't drink coffee, it doesn't matter. still drink coffee in kupinsk, well, in kupinsk, maybe even yes, well, in kupinsk, yes , good, good comparison, your city is literally on fire, so it must be stopped somehow, because you still understand that it is not just about safety, there is a certain symbolism , all these cities and brooms and the towns of kiryat shmona are one of the first settlements on the territory of kolya. mandated palestine, the museum of the israel defense forces, where it was born, is 10 km from kirya chmona, that is, it
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was that territory. on which they began to ensure the institutional durability of power structures and the security of israel. joseph trumfeldor, the man who created the first jewish self-defense units on the territory of former mandatory palestine, is buried next to kiryachmana in kibbutz geladi. and the fact that battles are going on next to the strumpeldorov grave, and people cannot live there, is a blow to the prestige of the israeli government, and by the way, nasrallah knows this very well, because he, as you understand, we are all history we know the near east by heart from everyone's point of view symbols, the people who monitor it, and when he says netanyahu, you will not return the people to the north, that is what it means, you will not be able to save face, i will not give it to you, of course, i think he has, it is his
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duty as prime minister of israel. to protect the face of their state, and that's why we need to destroy the capabilities of hamas, and that's why this war has been going on for how long, 351 days today, and that's why we need to destroy the capabilities of hezbollah, how realistic that is, that's another question, because we understand that hezbollah - it is a much more serious structure than hamas, because hamas relies exclusively on the infrastructure of the gas sector, and hezbollah relies on the infrastructure of the lebanese state, it is more serious than the gas sector, and... hezbollah is influence on the government, influence on the armed forces, drug trade, mafia activities, welfare of the poor, whom they themselves made poor, but they help them, that is, this is a huge conglomerate of interests, iran with the help of hezbollah, so you understand, just destroyed the lebanese statehood, that's it we are talking about something, but who are we talking to in
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lebanon, when we... are trying to understand who is responsible for this state, there is an acting prime minister, for many years, this person has been performing the duties , this is an illegitimate prime minister, a prime minister who has already resigned, but continues to perform his duties, because the government cannot, the parliament cannot elect a new one, and the entire government does, and in lebanese official documents this a person is not called the prime minister of israel, this is lebanon, we call it that, and they call it that called... in the arabic wording, the one who leaves the post, uh, the prime minister who leaves the post, and they are always so clear, the minister of foreign affairs who leaves the post, not the former one, but the one who resigned, because they are all retired, they don't have a president, they haven't been able to elect a president for many years in a row, and even before the elections, there is a big question about theirs, about the legitimacy of these elections, which supposedly
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took place there, maybe they are taking place. but again, this election results in them not being able to agree, so effectively all institutions, they are completely destroyed, that is, the state does not function, there is an army, but this army is weaker than hezbollah units, but we talk about hezbollah all the time, as if to fly, that it is a political party, but how does a political party have its army, well this is also a very strange thing, and this army uses under... the holding of the head of the lebanese parliament, who is currently one of the highest officials in the absence of the president, because the head of the parliament is a political ally from another shia party, but a political ally, and this is such a catastrophe, you understand, and as long as this catastrophe continues, it is absolutely obvious that there can be no question of any peace in the middle east, and iran is interested in this catastrophe, but that is not all, we are
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already watching... later, after this pagergate, after the israeli armed forces, the tzahal attacked beirut, that is, there were actually hit all over lebanon, not only in beirut, dozens, and maybe even hundreds of different objects, mainly military entities related to hezbollah, and we see that aviation was also used there. we saw that ballistic missiles were also used there, that is, in fact, we can even say that as of now, israel and lebanon are in such, if not a direct state of war, then a pre-war one, can a full-fledged war break out, well, look, lebanon for sure there will be no war with israel, israel can only fight with hezbollah, lebanon does not even have the strength to go to war with israel, but in...


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