tv [untitled] September 29, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST
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here in white stone, sobieski was born here in olesk, there is another third one who was born directly in the city of leva, in lviv, in the latin cathedral, then he was baptized, this is stanislav lyshchynsky, this king is very interesting because he is the oldest of all the kings, he dies at the age of 80, he had two terms of office, two came to power, and probably the most important thing about him, which ukrainians should know, is that he was friends with ivan mazepa and pylyp morlyk. that's how deep their cooperation was and how did it turn out that mazepa and lyshchynsky ended up in the same camp, well, these were the realities, strictly speaking, of the great northern war that lasted in the first decades of the 18th century and when in fact there were two camps in the commonwealth, so that is one was loyal to her swedish king charles xix, and the other cooperated, strictly speaking, with his opponents, that is...
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primarily with the moscow state, lyshinsky, strictly speaking, during his first tenure, as we would say, now, the royal tenure , he was a protege, a protege of sweden, although at the beginning he seemed to insist that he was not going to be king, that he was only going to hand over the throne of sobesky to someone from the royal family, because it was then about jacob sobesky, but it did not come to that, he was finally in the crowned, well, but his reign was completely dependent, actually , on the geopolitical situation, as soon as charles 12 lost, his him as well as mazepa and... his, his case was decided, yes, that is, but nevertheless he collected great popularity in the common sense, perhaps not even due to some of his personal qualities, or rather, against the background, as a matter of fact, of the fact that his competitors did not like him very much, yes, that is, this augustus the strong, and after his death he was an undisputed candidate, but neighboring states, including russia the empire did not allow the monotron to sit down, i just thought of another such moment, you said that he had before... to give
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one of the sobetsky princes, but i remind myself of the 55th year of the flood, and if my memory serves me well yes, jan sobetsky, he swore an oath then one of those noblemen who swore allegiance to the swedish king and not to jan casimir, i.e. this kind of pro-swedishness, even in subetsk, they were also felt, it is more often situational, yes, that is, the flood is real, when the whole thing the polish-lithuanian commonwealth is oppressed by its enemies, so, that is, what to do in this situation, die in the struggle or somehow... survive and eventually get out of the situation, as we can see that for sobieski this oath, as well as for the majority of the elite of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, is not it turned out to be long, i don't know if radzivil lasted the longest, but jan kazimir stood then, and stood without a doubt, but it can be called a miracle, yes, that is, you can immediately recall his oath in lviv that he would improve the lives of the inhabitants of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth there, and actually speaking, this is where his return began, it is such a miracle maybe only the 50s, the 17th century, well, for
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people it was normal, a miracle for them is a usual element of their, their life, and therefore i would not look for any special sympathy for sweden there, rather a situational ally, which, well, maybe in some way better than the eastern neighbor, yes, that is, because, because they one way or another, they were looking for a place between these neighboring countries. in conclusion, here is the gpt chat, usually we ask artificial intelligence, today we asked it to imagine itself as prince konstantin vasyl ostrozky. how would he answer the question: you call him the uncrowned king of russia, what prevented ostrogsky from becoming a full-fledged king of the commonwealth of nations? and here the answer of the artificial intelligence is as follows: i, prince konstantin vasyl ostrozky, believe that my role is to influence the state affairs of the commonwealth of nations beyond the simple title of king. although mine is ancestral line and has a claim to the royal title, i believe that my service to the people consists in devotion and the development of the country, and not in a formal coronation. the goal is to help
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the commonwealth prosper and become stronger than ever before. this is the answer of artificial intelligence. to what extent did ostrotskyi have ambitions, that is, he could have really been such a ukrainian ukrainian king on the throne of this state, but it didn't work out, or he didn't want it? well, here is the case, probably, when artificial intelligence did learn something, and he gives the right answer, but did ostrogsky need it, because the royal throne is a common thing, it is not a royal throne, absolutely. monarchy, where you really are the undisputed ruler and your word is law, no, it's a bunch of restrictions, starting even with who you marry, yes, that is, control over your finances, a lot of duties that are symbolic, yes, that is, ostrovsky doesn't wanted, he was already, he was rather like that, you know, a man of old, old tempering, old tradition, yes, that is, he was more comfortable much more in his possessions in volyn than if he had to go to warsaw to participate in the diet. er, listening to these endless
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conversations and so on, of course, they often say that the obstacle was his, was his orthodoxy, but as we can see, in the ostrozhsky family it came to naught quite quickly, yes. that is, one of ostrozsky's sons has already accepted the catholic faith, and i think that if ryd and ostrozki were to continue in the male line, one of them would become king. well, after all, if you think of mykhailo vyshnyvetskyi, then he is also on his mother's side he is related to the ostrozkys, so even in the first years after his birth, he was raised by his grandmother kateryna ostrozka, that is, konstantin's granddaughter. friends, today we talked about the kings of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, who are originally from ukraine. of the lands of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth is a state that existed from the 16th to the 18th century, and accordingly, at that time its rulers were various nationalities, various representatives from various great houses of europe at that time, and in particular vyshnevetsky, sobesky and lyshchynsky, these are those who were born on modern territory
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of ukraine. we talked with our guest, oleksiy vinnychenko, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the ivan franko university of lviv and researcher of the nobility of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. thank you for the conversation, i remind you, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel, like, watch new videos and don't forget to comment. friends, my greetings, today we will start not only with culture, but also with information hygiene. because, firstly, the issue is relevant and important every week, and secondly, we have an absolutely wild case of yazalina grossa, when everyone at the beginning of the week, i think, like everyone, almost all the media people, our colleagues in social networks, were talking about the fact that, they say, the ministry of foreign affairs
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has already reached the point of appointing alina grossa to the position of the official ambassador of ukrainian culture in new york. i think you 've heard this news, well, i'll tell you... why did it cause such a loud reaction, because alina grossu, well, let's put it this way, is not the singer that many people see as the right person for this position, and so such was the indignation, and what is most regrettable for us, for me, that there are many the media wrote about it without verifying the information, without sending a request to the ministry of foreign affairs, and therefore... it spread to everyone everywhere that our state has already reached the point where it appoints anyone, not such important positions, to represent ukrainian culture in in such an important place, in such a possible place, in such an important country, but of course everything became clear
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quickly enough, and if you look at the reaction of the ministry of foreign affairs, it is obvious that she was a little irritated, although we know that diplomats know how to... hide it your annoyance, in particular, but let's hear let's see, let's remind ourselves, what was the reaction of the ministry of foreign affairs already in the evening, when it was introduced during the whole day? we do not know where the information came from that the singer alina grosu received a diplomatic post in new york, given the resonance of this information in zma, we must officially clarify that alina grosu is not... on any permanent or freelance positions in the system of bodies of the diplomatic service of ukraine regarding the performance of diplomatic or consular functions. somehow so well, many people who then began to make excuses or explain why, why
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they accepted this information as reliable, they began to say: "listen, we are already so used to some completely wild appointments that have been going on for a long time, that we have simply become accustomed to it, and we will not settle for absolutely anything. on the one hand, yes, there is a kind of such an explanation, but on the other hand, we must always understand that no matter what someone out there teaches us, we must always check the information, especially when it concerns us, the media, and therefore it is our responsibility , of course, and i 'll just say that the case is also wild because, well, when to dive into it. and to understand who exactly appointed alina grosa in new york as the ambassador of ukrainian culture, then it becomes a little tricky, because she was really appointed, well, in a peculiar way, but it is important to understand who exactly did it, it
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was done by a certain doctor sima karetnaya, now we can look at her, which, well, photos from her instagram i... which she regularly posts there herself, the fact is, here she is now in a green jacket, the fact is that if you look at sima karetnaya's social networks, this is the same woman in red which is in the video which was published by alina grosso, stood with her on the stage and nominated her, did she offer to give her this position of ambassador of ukrainian culture, you see, ms. sima is standing with another ambassador of culture from another country, if you look at her social networks, you will get the impression that that this lady just goes to many different events, takes pictures with different people. and they are photographed, for example, against the background of something, for example, we saw how she was against the background, behind
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the tribune, taking pictures, you know, quite often i observe such people who, for example, they like to take photos with various celebrities, and with not very famous people, just more or less public, often they ask to take a joint photo with those whom they do not know at all, it just seems to them that this is some kind of more or less ... a famous person, let me take a picture with him, and then we will see how it can be used, and then we see some posts in the social networks of these people with the publication of this photo for absolute friendship with there, for example, they took a picture with svyatoslav vakarchuk, so a person can write: "look, here i am, here is my friend, svyatoslav vakarchuk, we went somewhere there with him, he told me something, and then these people in such a way..." can create some kind of public reputation for themselves and further
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use it and enter to some events, for example, and to introduce yourself as an official person and so on and so forth. but of course i saw such people here, they are tolerated a little less here than, for example, in the united states, where ms. sima was invited, she even went on stage, and what she announced. ambassador of gros of ukrainian culture in the united states, it doesn't mean exactly anything, it's just some kind of half-freak act, yes, which is most likely at this party, and it was, it was such a reception of the mayor of new york, at his house, that this it didn't mean anything, but we 've sorted it all out, let's make it more clear to you that this is zasima karetnaya, let's listen to an excerpt from her letter, which one is she on... salina, my colleagues and i sent her several questions asking her to explain , and what
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it was at all on this stage, she also confirmed that she did not give it to alina gros does not have any official diplomatic status, but she simply believes that gros's music is so brilliant, so wonderful, that she is such a powerful singer, that it was simply a crime not to appoint or offer her to be such an ambassador of ukraine. culture, because who, who else but her? let's listen to how ms. sima introduces herself and i will say in advance that there she lists a lot of regalia, and we checked and it is not true, at least in the un, she does not represent anything at all, and all the other positions are quite strange positions that exist in organizations that, for example, we and our film crew can simply... today we want to create, call it, for example, the organization of
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kanaluso lovers and give out some titles and introduce ourselves, somewhere it's about the same, but let's listen , as dr. sima karetneya herself says about herself. i am ambassador dr. simakatneya, the us chair for diplomacy and negotiations at the g100, and the ambassador for human rights and sustainable development at the economic and social council. un, i am also a certified health expert of the world health organization and a certified manager of biomedical research at harvard university. you know what we've all gotten into this crazy, it's, it's just horrible, it's all very embarrassing, we need to draw some conclusions from all of this because, you know, we've had some, like, pseudo-experts out there for a long time , yes, who constantly give some kind of expertise, and then it turns out
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that they are not experts at all, and we remember the loud story with spartok on saturday, we remember how they criticized various, for example, military, military, military experts, yes , who were called very often by our media, but now they have stopped, because the military themselves began to speak, listen to whom you call on the air, these people are absolutely nothing. they don't understand what they say, remember, we also have oleksiy aristovych, who was he, he was not only an expert, he was an expert in everything, let's say, he was also an expert in women's psychology. figured it out, and he is a military psychologist, a military translator, and a pilot, and whoever else, yes, and for a long time many people, too media people believed in what he was telling, i think that if aristovych had said that he had flown from mars with an important mission to save ukraine, surely some
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would have believed that, regarding alina grosu, finally, about her, closing this one. .. topic, i will say that she is quite a person, you know, now of course she loves ukraine, but she obviously did not have such feelings before, she spent a lot of time in russia, in particular during the war, and we can note that she was at this party in new york with her husband or boyfriend, i don't know what to call it, whose name is roman polyansky, here he is standing in glasses and... she, well, next to her, and roman polyansky, a russian actor, who is said to live in russia, continues on, and here you can imagine himself, he goes to parties, to events together with the ambassador of ukrainian culture in new york, how do you like it, and well, in general, alina grossu said different things, well, in
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the tabloids, at least the ukrainian ones wrote that here, they seemed to have parted ways, but as we can see, probably not, it's well... the most strange situation, yes, and to the fact that romana we can't even call polyansky a good russian, because he supports all these, well, russia in general as a country, a little more than even those good russians, who we often don't like, but well, we can draw a conclusion from this story just one: let's check the information better, let's not immediately believe what... maybe what we want to believe, what seems likely to us, especially if it's some kind of emotional or shocking information for us, and we want to either be happy or to be indignant, well, on the one hand, it's nice to be indignant, to write to yourself in social networks, something damn, they did some bullshit again, but before doing that, you need to
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pay a little more attention to the history of this one. for information, and this is in our own interests, because this story was not created by the russians, here we cannot say that it is some kind of ipso, it is some kind of russian throw-in, no, we did it with our own hands, unfortunately, due to our inattention, well, now we will move on to other news that will interest you, one of them will interest you for sure, well at least i would really like it, because well, it's already december far. in december, what will happen, in december morena's film will be released, it is the first in the history of ukraine, i think, an erotic comedy trash-horror, well, that is , there has never been such a thing, it was when we remember some tapes there, for example, yes, which 10 or more years ago appeared in the ukrainian film industry, when
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our filmmakers had not yet learned how to make a good film, and here they were their first attempts, and they were training. in many respects exactly on the horrors, they were so creepy enough, and we all remember them, this tunnel, sinivir, chongul there is some one, here we see morena, and morena, unlike previous trash horrors, she speaks honestly, i am a trash horror, comedic, why comedic, because this is a very funny movie, because of this trashiness and rather badly filmed scenes , it all turns into... because the audience really enjoys watching some short cuts, dialogues or very badly done make-up or special effects that you could see somewhere in the 90s, i think or the early 2000s, i 'm saw the movie at the mykolaychuk open festival, there was a festival premiere there, and the hall simply
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received this film incredibly, everyone laughed, everyone discussed, gave it the highest marks. and he even recently won an award in japan, and the japanese know how to evaluate exactly trash horror and whether horror films are horror, and we are, so i personally highly advise you to go to this tape, but first you need to understand that children there, for sure , which you can't take, i don't know if they put some kind of marking there, because we see tyzar, yes, tyzar came out this week, there are enough erotic scenes, they're also very funny, there's... a sex scene and it's really funny, well, i 've never seen such a funny sex scene in a movie in my life, and there's nudity, it's totally wow. actresses, too, i have almost never seen this in ukrainian cinema, because they are still a little shy, although less and less, but still, you can not see such a thing so
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often, let's see, so if you want to take children, then think about whether your children should see all this, but let's watch an excerpt from the trailer, which was released quite recently, it certainly does not convey all the wonderfulness of this film. but at least you'll have an idea now, get ready to die bitch you keep bothering me call the police better sweat it bitch i love dix that's the kind of movie i think we'll remind you about. before the rental, and you, as the audience, must remember what kind of film this is, because if you think that this is the kind of horror that will scare you, then
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no, if you think that this there will be some there is a high-quality horror film, then probably not either, you just need to tune in to the comedy, to the fact that you will be funny and to the fact that you will have to go there with a large company, and even better... if there is a full hall of people who will just as regutat as you. i will say that, for example, i once had great pleasure when i went to the first part, the movie 50 shades of gray, which was not positioned as a comedy, it was a serious romantic movie, and it turns out that i went with a company, and all the people , who came to the hall that evening, they came with with the intention of just laughing, and for this absolutely not very good one, a little bit too. stories, and we all got together and had a good laugh, it turns out that a film that is not a comedy can quite possibly serve as a comedy for a large audience, and if we are talking about
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horror films, then it must be stated that so far in ukraine they don’t really want to shoot them and can shoot them, now we can watch and remind ourselves of the tapes, and what kind of horror films we had, of course, these are not all the tapes, but somewhere they are ... about all in the same keys, it's a tunnel, we can see, it's one of the first such modern ukrainian films that we could discuss so widely enough, because the director lubomyr levytskyi, he then shot the third crazy wedding, he now shot a documentary about the third stormy, he's enough a good marketer, made a good advertisement, remember, the song was about something... the company came to the lake and
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some monster started attacking them there, and they somehow ran away from it or tried to kill it too or identify what it was and we also had, now we will watch an excerpt from chungol, this film is interesting in that it was sponsored by an entire film in which he will appear and get his next moment of fame, but in general, well, horror films are often taken for them because they're relatively cheap, they can be removed cheaply, and the main thing to focus on there is the sound, because it's the sound that can scare us, it can stir something up there, but even so, so far we don't have any large amount or there are a few
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horror movies out there that could be considered successful, except of course the witch of konotop, which is still at the box office, for now it has been almost no, it has been more than a month, and it received a sufficiently high box office, it is gaining popularity among ukrainians from the point of view of... this is also a film not very well filmed , to say the least, but his idea turned out to work well enough, and the creators calculated well enough that this is the desire of the ukrainians and the request of the ukrainians for revenge, because i will remind you in this film that the witch, in whom the russians killed her lover, turns, actually speaking with an ordinary girl for a witch who has been sitting inside her for many years, and yes... she begins to take revenge on the russians who are running around the forest and all kinds of grief befalls them there, and the ukrainians liked it, and this is of course,
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absolutely predicted. and they will take pleasure in contemplating such and such revenge. well, this week we also had another scandal with humor, with comedians, forgive me, because we constantly have scandals breaking out because of bad jokes, after which comedians have to apologize, this is absolutely not our kind a special ukrainian story, because... all over the world we constantly see such scandals, scandals with comedians, and especially in stand-up it is customary to joke often, rudely and on some rather sharp topics, and authors do not always manage to find this balance between courage and insults, or rather, not to cross the line between insults and courage, and this
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week anton steniuk excelled at us, i think that no one would have seen his performance, if not for ryfat chobarov, who was obviously watching something somewhere in his spare time, and he came across on the passage where anton talks about muslims and their relationship with his imaginary anton, the relationship of muslims with christians, with orthodox, i don't know, and he decided to make a joke about this topic and... it turned out that anton not only had to apologize, let's we will remind ourselves, we will remind ourselves of this joke of his and we will show it, he has already cut it from youtube from his speech, but we will show you the passage that rafad chubarov himself posted to himself on facebook, warns that this passage is absolutely offensive, not only for muslims, in general for everyone, as it turned out now.
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everyone, and in particular anton himself, let's listen to him so that you understand what it is about, and then there will also be a comment by refat chubarov. this war is just nonsense, i don't know how it happened that some orthodox are killing other orthodox, when there are still so many muslims in the world. i am not saying, i am not saying that muslims should be killed, i am an adequate person. i understand that this is not the time now, but even more so, the jews are already doing this, but you are no less, what the hell, don't try to convince me that i allegedly did not catch the meaning this joke, which is not actually here, but there is an open attack against people on a religious basis, it is a pity that in this case it is up to me, a new
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ukrainian who professes islam, to point out this scoundrel who allows himself to cynically insult his fellow citizens. anton has already apologised, well, this is also our tradition, if someone is offended, then you must record a video with an apology, and many people, by the way, don't like it, but i know, we are so fond of naming everything that they the komsomol does not like to appeal constantly to some soviet experience, but i don't think so, because i constantly see such moments and apologies. in other countries, so this is not our original experience either, but let's have anton here, let's listen to what he said. hello, my name is anton steniuk, and i sincerely apologize to everyone who may have been offended by my words during my solo stand-up concert that was published on youtube, one of my jokes was inappropriate and unacceptable, and i deeply
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regret... that could offend many people, in particular representatives of the muslim community community it was not my intention to humiliate anyone, or to offend on religious grounds. i have already removed this video from social media and we will also remove this part from the video performance that was posted on youtube. i am aware of my responsibility for my words and promise to be more balanced in my work in the future. i hope for your understanding. and mercy thank you. uh, well, anton has mercifully gone too far, i think. but i will say that, well, in general, such situations seem normal to me, from the point of view that we have a sense of humor did not develop long enough, especially when this kvn entered the market, we had such a solid kvn, where there were no sharp jokes.
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