tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business September 30, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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the vast majority of the taxes collected in fact. we can talk about the tax rate, but it should be noted how close we are getting that rate in the country. that's my two cents have a wonderful evening and terrific weekend. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. the obama administration tonight is embroiled in a widening controversy with new questions asked of the president and white house of the murder of ambassador christopher stevens and three others. john kerry is rumored to be the president's choice to be hillary clinton's replacement. all 18 members of which, republicans and democrats, have signed a letter acceptability to the administration asking for a full accounting of the benghazi
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terrorist attacks and the events in yemen and egypt. the white house continues to give every appearance of stone walling, both the congress and the press. almost three weeks have passed since those attacks, and leaked from within the white house, an intelligence community suggests the obama administration has been involved in an outright cover up. there are reports tonight that officials within the administration were concerned from the very beginning about the message the white house chose to push after the attack. the attack that was spontaneous they said, and not at all the work of terrorists. here's white house spokesman jay carney back on the 14th of september. >> the incident in benghazi, as well as elsewhere, but these are all being investigated, what i'm saying is that we have no evidence at this time to suggest otherwise, that there was a
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preplanned or alterior investigation behind the unrest. my point was that we don't have and did not have concrete evidence to suggest that this was not in reaction to the film. lou: he's referring to the almost car toonish anti-islam youtube video that the president and his administration have blamed from the outset despite the claims by intelligent sources that the obama administration knew within a matter of hours that the assassination of am ambassador stevens and three other americans was carried out by terrorists with ties to an affiliate of al-qaeda. now, two weeks after jay's initial denial of what the white house knew, some high ranking obama officials are beginning to contra digit the story that the president and his administration tried to sell the american public. defense secretary, leon panetta,
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secretary of state hillary clinton now conceding it was an act of terror. still no word, no correction from the man who steered the false narrative, president obama himself. we take up all of this here tonight with the republican strategist who served in the bush white house, and also, negative economic reports having little effect on the market today. lou joins us as does the head of the catholic league, bill donohue on where the obama administration funds anti-christian art, if you can call it art, and the fight with planned parenthood. we begin with the obama administration still trying to put forward a narrative that matches facts. terrorism is a foreign word for this administration whose lack of transparency is further qomp kateed by a complete lack of
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security in the consulate in an unstable, violent, muslim nation. we have the latest in this live report. katherine? >> well, thank you, lou. associate for the director of national intelligence issued a statement that seemed to give cover to the administration while at the same time acknowledges the benghazi terrorism by those affiliated with al-qaeda. there was information that led usthe intelligence community, to assess the attack began spontaneous following protests earlier that day in cairo. we provided the initial assessment to executive branch officials. as we learned more, we revised the initial assessment to reflect new information indicating that it was a deliberate and organized terrorist attack. administration officials, including ambassador susan rice, stated that benghazi was a demonstration prompted by the video clip that spun out of crock. fox news, first to report, there
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was no ongoing demonstration at the consulate when the attack unfolded. the rso who worked for the state department in the middle east tells fox that the u.s. consulate in benghazi had to be classified as a, quote, "critical threat, terrorism, or civil unrest posting," and what fall follows the classification are specific security requirements including reenforced windows and doors. grading is only acceptable for the ambassador residents and not where official business is done. as for the perimeter security, walls have to be three meters in height and buildings set back 100 feet. the enhanced security is designedded to create an hour of safety or golden hour when class fied documents can be burned and emergency evacuation called in. we have asked the state department tonight whether the consulate met the security requirements, and if not, if approved, the state department spokeswoman said they had nothing to add until their own
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internal investigation is complete, lou. lou: thank you. outstanding reporting throughout. >> thank you. lou: on this story. is there anyone in the nation's capitol now ready to call this an outright cover up by this administration? >> i think what we're starting to see play out now, lou, is that this narrative of fact that we laid out at fox news channel has begun to get traction. the day after the attack, we were first to report based on the interview with the head of the house intelligence committee that it was a command doe style attack premeditated with direct and indirect fire and also first to report that there was no demonstration going on outside of the consulate. we are now seeing other major media outlets pick up this narrative, which i believe explaps why we've had the statement tonight by the directer of national intelligence which was, i think, in many respects, worsens the situation. it gives the administration some potential cover saying they were
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given initial assessments, and they were revised, but what it does not explain is why we had jay carny at the white house podium and ambassador rice going beyond what the intelligence community provided to them by saying that benghazi was a demonstration that spun out of control and led to that attack when we know now that was not the case. lou: and president obama, if i may add, continuing through a two week period to assert that the youtube video, the anti-muslimed view, less than 14mens in duration, amateurs, cartoonish, was to blame for this and the events in yemen and egypt. thank you for the excellent job of reporting. >> you're welcome. lou: eli lake at the daily beast, outstanding. well, joining us now to discuss this unfolding story and how it will affect the presidential race, former specialist assistant to george w. bush, ron
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christine joining us, and freedom watch president, bush staffer, brad blakeman. brad, good to have you with us. brad, starting, if i may, with you. this is becoming an unwieldy weight for the administration. surely, they understand how urgent it is that the record be set straight and soon. >> well, here's where the cover up begins. they are trying to cover tracks by saying initially the intelligent services told them it was a spoon tape yows attack, but the key questions, lou, is what did the president know? when did he know it? when did the narrative change? did the president ask questions? was he briefed in person? or rely on paper reports? one thing is for sure, lou, and that's this. if this happened in new york, if one of the ambassadors picked off the streets in new york and the consulate in new york to the u.n. was damaged like in libya, there would have been hell to pay. what's the difference between
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where our ambassadors picked off by terrorist terrorists whether the votes of new york or benghazi. how is it possible the administration and the president, who should have superior knowledge, allows so board nants to tell multiple stories to the american people over a period of time? i believe the congress is fed up. the dni report suggests this was a terrorist attack, the white house has a lot of answers, and thank god for fox news being tenacious enough to cause the mainstream media not to ignore this. lou: ron, turning to the issue that brad is laying out before us, and that is now we have the dni correcting, if you will, unspecified initial impressions or at least a view, but at the same time, that contradicts recent assertions in 24 hours that it was a terrorist attack. it seems this is beginning to
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compound this administration -- this administration is being -- it seems to be compounding the mistakes of judgment or the outright misrepresentation of reality to the american people. >> i think that's exactly right, louings and it's not starting with the director of national intelligence, but our counterterrorism directer who testified on capitol hill saying it was a terrorist attack. it was a coordinated attack. it was an indirect fire, direct fire, and now you have the ndi with this statement. to me, the most porn and significant thing learned today, lou, is all the members of the senate foreign relations committee, kerry, the chairman, allegedly doing debate preparations with president obama this weekend, but in a bipartisan and unanimous show of support said the american people deserve and demand to know answers to what happened, and this administration has been less than forthcoming at best, misleading at worst, and lying if you want to get down to it, to the american people to make the president's political fortunes look better over the
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tragic death of the ambassador and three other americans. lou: john kerry spent -- set to spend the next three days with the president outside las vegas preparing for that debate. one can only imagine the attention that might exist between the two. brad, let's turn to the issue of what the republicans are doing, what specifically governor romney is doing, and why there is such a -- it is a grievance lack of coordination of interest in the issue amongst governor romney, john boehner, mitch mcconnell, and the other leaders in the republican party including, of course, rnc chairman, reince. >> we need a united front. the administration lied because they didn't follow the narrative that bin laden's dead and gm is alive. bin laden is dead, great thing, but al-qaeda is alive and well
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and its affiliates killing u.s. ambassador and the three americans. where is the outrage, the legitimate outrage on the part of the republicans to come out to get to the baht dome of this? i think the story is going to have legs because it gets worse every day, and we should be dodging kerry now at every move saying what are you doing as a member of the senate in order to get to the bottom of this? you signed a letter. now, mr. kerry, what are you doing about itings and the president has to be held to account at the debates. even though this is a domestic debate wednesday, romney should question him on it. lou: your thoughts? you get the last word. >> i've been in des moines, iowa there, and people there are frustrated about what's going on in washington. they believe the administration's covering this up. they don't want white wash, but want answers. president's phenomenontures could tumble if they are not forthcoming and honest about what happened in benghazi.
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i think president obama's fortunes go lower opposed to up in the next days to come. lou: thank you very much. >> thank you. lou: much more on the obama administration's involving narrative, if you will, later, we take that up with the a-team. governor romney is a clear underdog right now, so why won't the liberal media call him just that? an underdog. could it be because voters love an underdog? we'll take a look at histories november surprises. the prints presses running over time. wall street loves it. the economy, apparently, needs it, and with the easy money, we couldn't poly did over the cliff, could we? wall street legends say, oh, yes, we would.
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lou: stock market closing out a terrific third quarter as ben bernanke's easy money policies make investors feel good. we take that up with lou, neant money line, stocks finishing lower on the day, but posting the third best quarter since 2010. the dow jones industrial's dropping 49 points. s&p is down six and a half, and nasdaq down 20, but still well off the lows of the day. dragging the market today, consumer spending, up just half
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a percent, increase because of higher gasoline prices. oversea, bank of spain releasing an audit showing seven of the countries failed stress tests despite anxiety about the eurozone. the big three indexes up 44% for the quarter. a federal judge today delivering a blow to the future trading commission and its effort to implement portions of the dodd-frank financial reform law. the judge rejected regulations that would have capped the amount of positions a trader can hold and the size of that position in various commodities. the chairman of the cftc says he's disappointed by the ruling and the agency is looking for new ways to get their way. well, my next guest says the dismal economic news of the week remits no significant -- represents no significant change, just more of the same as the economy continues to slip. joining us now, wall street legislate, his tore your, lures
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lerman. lou, i'm looking at the number, and the dow jones industrial, and this is stunning stuff. up almost 10%, 9.8%, year-to-date. the s&p up 14.56%. the nasdaq up almost 20%, up 19.62%. these are incredibly glorious numbers. aren't you happy? [laughter] >> well, i'm happy about the results. of course, for everybody who profited by it, but unhappy about the techniques by which the market has been floated into, you know, 10%-15% increases in value. this is a federal reserve system money machine blowing lots of liquid air calmed feedbacks into the market. lou: you should be used to this. it's been a multiyear process now. monetary easing of one form or
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another, qe1, 2, 3, it is, but they don't call it 3. >> that's right. this has been what the fed's been doing since the beginning of the federal rereceiver act in 1913, and, however, it's never been done on the unprecedented scale that the federal reserve practices now since obama took office. >> would you agree, perhaps, even concede that we have known what in the world to do as economist, philosophers, or politicians, since october of 2008 to stave off disaster and to restore the economy, that the federal reserve, however unpopular it may be, and i understand your version to it and your misgivings, but the facts of the matter is not much of anything has been working other than monetary policy led by ben bernanke. >> there are two ways out of an economic recession, even an economic depression.
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you either depreciate the currency and export unemployment to the world by cheapening your currency and lowering the value of the exports in order to steal market share from countries around the world, pretty much the way the chinese have done it for 20 years, or you undertake a program of fiscal balance, tax rate reduction, simple deregulation, and stable stabilizing the value of the dollar. lou: how long do you think it would take to have a significant -- be able to report significant progress on all of that to the american people? is there, again, i always ask you this, is there a short term solution to what is now long term pain for the american people 2 million of bhom remain under employed or up employed. >> the short term solution is electing a new president. lou: say we do that -- >> yes. lou: what happens? >> them people are policy.
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we have to count on the clarity of mind of president obama to choose cabinet officers as well as bring with him enough congressman and senators to reorient the entire american economic policy. it's budgetary policies and monetary policies. >> okay. lou: we've got a lot to talk about it. we'll continue that in the next sit down, if you will, but it seems to me it's important that if governor romney is in an interesting position, at least in economics, finds himself in the unique position having the same disadvantages of senator mccain, and governor romney is still running against george w. bush with economic policies. >> yes, but that was -- that's been true in the past, and many presidential changes -- for
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example, think about president reagan, he was running against the catastrophic effects of nixon's wage on price controls lasting up to 1980 and carter. the "new york times," i have to remind you, the "new york times" on the eve of the election between reagan and carter had it too close to call. lou: the third debate? >> that is right. lou: i know it's right. up next, governor romney trailing in the polls, but does history show come from behind wins are possible? as we disused, there -- discussed, there is history here. we'll have the report. are taxpayer dollars -- they call it art, but looks like obscenity to me, but there we are. we'll look at the ways in which the obama administration
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>> history shows september the its kid evaporate. hubert humphrey was down 15 points to nixon. nixon won by less than 1%. carter had 33% bid over ford. after the debate he cut -- could data five points. carter seemed to have a consistent advantage although the final debate changed everything. no obama is showing a lead over romney the pollsters say finding the right sample can be tricky. >> we know from ex polls republican respond less from new or -- news organizations and democrat. >> gallop had michael
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dukakis leading by 17 points but lost by 17.5%. he was tied with clinton in october although he one. one pollster questions the assumption made from today's polls. >> they assume you have the same high level of african-american, latino, yo ung people from 2008. >> david axelrod said polls are widely different in the methodologies so to think they are all wrong. but this is a close race. as we have always predicted. >> the race is not over. it can go back and forth 34 times.
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met romney half's to create the moment of. >> in the past races were the lead was cut or flipped it is roughly 5% and some cases it was the debate that moved the nidal. lou: our congressional correspondent. thank you mike. 1992 in depended candidate ross perot entered the first of october and ended up 19% of the vote. and special prosecutor decided to influence the outcome to take caspar weinberger with the iran contra affair to lead the way for william jefferson clinton.
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>> this is called art and to be funded it. we will talk about art to and religion and money and politics. two weeks of cover-up of the murder of our ambassador in the be a. is it taking a toll in the polls? next the "a team." and hollywood's brave new world energy independence is not a noble pursuit. but can righteousness be but can righteousness be corrupted? want to try to crack it? yeah, that's the way to do it! now we need a little bit more... a little bit more vanilla? this is great! [ male announcer ] at humana, we believe there's never been a better time to share your passions...
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city and on display. depicting christ hanging on the crews of the list -- chris of dix in his year-end he has decry aid the movie about muhammed but has not of this are some religions deserving of more sensitivity? phil donahue and karen handel are here and she has written a terrific new book planned boyhood her account of the war waged by planned parenthood. but i will start with you.
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what is your reaction to the idea that seems like an obscenity as a sacrilege to put art next to this? >> it is absolutely appalling, beyond offensive even more outrageous our tax dollars had anything to do with this. the president was on his apology tour on the muslim faith but has said nothing about this that is so offensive to many americans. lou: you were in a battle. where are you with the people? you have condemned it and criticized it. >> i had a conference
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outside of the gallery. to complaints. it is the menu. this is high price. 57th between 672. bringing us back from when they unsold us in the '80s. the president and others have heightened sensitivity to muslims but not about us? i ask people if you took a picture of your mother and put her in a jar of urine is that a love letter? i could not be incurred last night. mrs. and example. if their religion is liberalism this is a jar of the cs?
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-- feces. no. it is brown plato. they got the point*. but in all seriousness i need to be censored for my first amendment right but they are not? i know the real fascist. i should put this on e-bay and make a fortune. lou: free-speech. but what one does not like is more speech. bad art is more bad art. >> they were offended. actually. lou: you are being modest.
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i think this is masterful art to. >> and honestly say i have not seen a piece of art like that before. the president is at the height of hypocrisy with his actions. it is deplorable. lou: with religious preference and sensibility the president has steamrolled with contraception, abortion, rel igious preference, unless you happen to be muslim. >> certainly there is a tremendous double standard. this president picks and chooses. he showed no hesitation with
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his rules to force religious organizations to cover contraception which it is in opposition of direct teachings of the catholic church. lou: looking at the polls, which despite everything even the conflict of the catholic church, president obama leads among catholic voters by 15%. conducted september 12th obviously eight the week after the events in benghazi >> it is a sterile conversation. romney was up about nine points one month ago.
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remember their reelection with governor walker? he won by seven. is a stale conversation. it is not that it would. 25 points and one month? >> obama every election campaign knows they are in trouble with catholics. individual calls are going out telling blatant bias about the president's position saying he does not support abortion. is the most extreme president on that issue this country has ever seen. lou: thank you for your voices. angry liberal bill more is added again. he hates republicans republicans, president obama
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but because of business people like you, things are beginning to get rolling. and regions is here to help. making it easier with the expertise and service to keep those wheels turning. from business loans to cash management, we want to be your partner moving forward. so switch to regions. and let's get going. together.
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billionaires' and all financial transactions carbon emissions, airline tickets she suggests she is on board with some of that earlier this week. >> one issue i have been preaching about is collecting taxes in the equitable man o' war -- manner especially around the world from the e.u. the of every country are making money. there are rich people everywhere yet to they3 there are rich people everywhere yet to they do not contribute to the growth of their own country. lou: there are rich people everywhere. she is worth over 100 million. what is she thinking about? and just have to give them our national sovereignty?
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what an absurd concept. we are ready to contribute 22% of the when budget almost $8 billion to the united nations. our favorite angry liberal on a quest to offend more people. taking shots at almost everyone on the online talk-show bill maher said president obama on civil liberties is just as bad as bush. and insulted every american saying they are not very bright. angry liberal phrase is getting to be a little redundant. the liberal like coming to a theater matt damon star's in
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promised land focusing on natural-gas producers based on the documentary but the false premise the company engages in frcking causing cows to drop dead and poisoning water sources is an issue also financed in part by the united family of the united arab emirates. how investors are they and energy independence? the uae would benefit usually from a less hydraulic fracking. the press relies on the white house leaks now the white house accused of a quote -- cover-up and stonewalling. will the voters take notice? there they are.
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>> absolutely not. i do not believe the this is a runaway. why will be trust these guys now? should i say it is a ploy to get people not to vote to? >> 9 million americans said they will not go to i think we should be trying to get people to go. >> she brings up of point* even among women and they think president obama will win they will not show up. it is a disservice the first to tell the truth that they start celebrating now, so celebrate please.
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lou: this is an interesting theory. are you that mock the belly and and clever? >> no. [laughter] all both the romney campaign could use some of that. some polls are distorted because of the sample. so many are based on a sample of voters that is even more than 2008. i think mitt romney is a little bit behind but he needs a and intervening event to move ahead and the debate this a good time to achieve one. >> that is when you will start seeing things moved
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after that bourse debate mitt romney will talk about factual information with the media does not want americans to no-space expectations are so low he does not have to win in order to win. we need to pull outside of urban america. everybody is not skewed in one direction or the other i don't think obama will win this blown away. lou: will it get tighter with the benghazi murders and terrorist attacks that the white house tries to cover up stonewalling the press and congress is a
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dangerous strategy? >> a more facts that come out is a tragic stage travesty. the ambassador to the wind sent us a video now we know al qaeda was involved. >> did we really know? >> the president said before the u.n. general assembly. >> six days after the event event, five days after they knew from american intelligence it was done by outcry that affiliated group nothing to do with the video it did not help but that is not what happened in egypt egypt, tunisia, other countries, a tax on american embassies.
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>> spending $70,000 of pakistan to run a commercial with hillary clinton apologizing for that video? >> i was doubtful all along. nobody wants to talk about the brave americans killed and ambassador stevens and the killing of president of the. lou: there was no connection our intelligence says without equivocation which is rare at the early stages stages, he was murdered in a terrorist attack affiliate's of al qaeda. >> he was killed in a safe house. had you get into this eight house? lou: precisely the point*. >> it was planned.
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