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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  October 4, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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when i voted for obama and l8i became broke, poor, unemployed, laid off, and a republican. i hope everything improves for you. i hope everything improves for millions like you in this country. good night from new york. neil: ladies and gents, did you feel that? don't look now, but his campaign has just been enhanced. welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. that was fast. the day after the debate, it is the president who is on defense. critics who say he has lost his fight in that his own supporters to my he was the election. ninety minutes of merciless pounding a chance of an otherwise very amenable mormon will do that. game not over. obama reelection not done. and mitt romney not toast. weeks to go. came on. a wall street that had dismissed his chances now saying all bets off.
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good for the challenger, not so good for a president that many argue looked more like a chump after the debate, now suddenly no debate. the president's. >> the people out there who are working every day you're not getting a tax cut, and you want to give them more. stock like you want to close the loopholes. you just want to add an additional tax cut over the loopholes, and that is a problem. neil: that was then. four years later clearly not as energized now. >> let's talk about taxes because i think it is instructive. now, four years ago when i stood on the status said that i would cut taxes for middle-class families. neil: the president is losing steam on stage. already fragile base. this is the basis that if you think about a, already arranged its inaugural in bites. what happens now?
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>> well, i talked to a couple of liberal voters last night. they said they were really disappointed in the president because there were opportunities , or at least they believe there were opportunities for the president to be aggressive and she back. egested not take advantage of them. so as a result of this debate as you mentioned earlier the race has changed a little bit. we will see there are three more debates left, two between the president of between the vice-president. there is still time to go. right now not only are undecided voters a little more confused about which way they're going after last best debate, but the president on the left as some people very angry. neil: i have a different spin on this. i think the president might be built on a hill of sand here. not all of it, but a good chunk of it. and number of people are voting with their fingers over there knows because they just think the alternative is worse or depending on the press.
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they see it in your face. otherwise fairly amiable, if not direct. mitt romney, and i'm not comparing it to 1980 and ronald reagan being an appealing alternative, but jimmy carter, not a bad alternative. i think that could eat into the president's support and more than just the undecided voter support. what do you think? >> not necessarily. because what voters too often and we see this and a lot of data. they complain and gripe, especially well as down in the polls. when it comes down to it on election day they usually hold their nose, suck it up and vote for their party leader. that is why we have undecided voters. usually if you're a member of your party by election day you aren't going to vote for the guy neil: i know you do this in far more exhaustive detail that idea, but i am old and remember 1980 and to remember that the undecided voters at the time, jumped either ronald reagan or jimmy carter. it turns out a lot more did.
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i'm not saying that there is some truth to what you're saying. those who are leery of that party or the candidate of that party would jump, could jump if they are disenchanted enough with their own who choice or intrigued enough by the other to jump. and in german romney in that performance. the freefall that was happening. that was overstated by the press. and giving people a chance to reassess. >> it has. it has stopped this free fall. i cannot overstate how bad things were in boston these last couple of weeks. very frustrated. this morning the advisers feel like this got them back on track. a word of caution. we will see a lot of polling in the next few days, will be all over the place. wait until monday. it gives voters a couple of days to digest what this happened and think about it and then, the
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pollsters. wait until monday, and that is when we will really see how much impact this debate will have on the next couple of weeks. neil: see where that money goes. meanwhile, the guy who brought you this. >> the feeling those people did when they hear a barack obama's beach. i don't have that. seriously. a dramatic event. neil: already. take a look. is the last stop kicking president obama in addition. >> he was in during the debate rather than fighting it. what was he doing tonight? he went in there disarmed. in hour-and-a-half in a thicket through this thing. neil: he was not the only one feeling left out. it seemed like all the liberal media, last night was mitt romney's night. one of the governor's biggest supporters predicted this. a performance even the
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mainstream media cannot tonight. now they are picking it apart. i was watching a couple of your appearances. i am a huge fan. and now they are saying, it was jim lehrer who did such horrible job. he let the governor run away with it. on and on and on. >> the tyndale is back in the leg. that is the most sickening expression. >> this morning and this afternoon, there are packing it with people who are trying to explain that this was just a one bad night and the president is still cecilia's he was before. neil: the thin air in denver, a mile high. >> blaming it on altitude. the president revealed last night why the country has over 8 percent unemployment.
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23 million people unemployed and underemployed. it is because he is incompetent and incoherent and has not functioned in the white house. it was, i think, pretty clear that he has been propped up for four years by a mainstream media that has tried to make him look better than he really is. last night the public discovered the emperor has no clothes. they looked at mitt romney. he came in and talk to detail about what he was going to do, i understood the issues, understand the facts, could put them together in more than bumper sticker fashion, could address the kinds of problems we have, knows why we don't have jobs and what we have to do to fix it. oh, my gosh. this is not the romney of the hate adds that obama has put on television. this is really the guy as governor who fix massachusetts. neil: i will disagree with you on the incumbent. but i will --
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>> maybe it is incoherent and incompetent. neil: i do find this interesting. did in an altercation with somebody. after failing last night i got a sense it was like a bowery boys. i'm going to do this to him in this to him. this is a president today the day after the debate, all loaded for bear. of what your reaction. >> mitt romney we all know invested in companies that were called pioneers of outsourcing jobs to other countries. the guy on stage last night, he said that he doesn't even know that there are such laws that encourage outsourcing, never heard of them. never heard of them. neil: he never heard of them because they don't exist. >> they don't exist. this president, admits his
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ignorance. neil: let me ask you about this sort of bravado the day after when many of his supporters were even hearing this today on the very, where was this yesterday? >> this president likes three things. he likes to go and campaign amongst his hand toes and democrats that come there to give him the echo chamber. he likes to raise money amongst people who are willing to pay to listen to him speak, and he likes to play golf. he was in one of those menus today. neil: we talk about moving the meal -- moving the needle. people cross these numbers and say overnight. obviously it's too soon. no discernible switch going on, although we are getting indications that there is no more falling of support. to use think in the end this is how allowing people who might have had a predisposed nasty view via commercials, adds, attacks on governor romney to reassess him.
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i was trying to use that ron reagan analogy. a little apples and oranges, i grant you, but in the end hit reagan looked like an appealing alternative. now so possibly mitt romney. >> well, i think what it does is it says that the romney of the ads, the $250 million worth of eight ads that obama has put on television, that is not mitt romney. they now have a chance to watch him for 90 minutes. i saw a guy who really cares about people, the country. is compassionate and is willing to work hard to make things better and knows how to make things better. i think they have a different view of the candidate now. they have to go back and do the evaluation all over again. at least it will make the evaluation again. neil: i know you are a friend and confidante of the former governor. could you let me in on a secret, i suspect. did you introduce and to kathy last night?
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>> i think it would have been extirpate the butter and jelly sandwiches. neil: either that a red bull. but it also could be that this guy is really that smart. neil: his bain capital days. anyone who gets an m.b.a. and a law degree from harvard at the same time and graduates of the top of your class, game over. it was interesting to watch. really fascinating. >> a man to be respected and the man that will fix america. he's going to get elected. neil: we shall see. good seeing you again. he is a pleasure to watch. anyway, why you might be feeling better about the economy. guess what? your boss is not. when it comes to keeping your job, that might be a problem. then is mitt romney winning the middle class? coming at the extent of potentially losing the upper class?
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and why charlie gasparino says after last night the romney camp can win over millions of people, millions without spending a dime. you see us, at the start of the day. on the company phone list that's a few names longer. you see us bank on busier highways. on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank are helping grow our economy. lending more so companies and communities can expand, grow stronger and get back to work. everyday you see all of us serving you, around the country, around the corner. us bank.
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neil: why would you go out on a limb? jared, you repeated that before, and to whatever they do with the money is there, and play it out
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for me. what happens? >> the fine print taking it away. confidence is on the rise, the consumer level, but the financial services, just in the sector by itself lost 9,000 jobs of q3 this year. there's record high margins because they are scared as heck. they are not growing organically. they are growing by laying off employees, and, you know, we hear in wall street, i run a trading service that revolves around earnings, four times a year, we hear the truth of what's happening in a company, and the examinations of the current quarter are negative. in other words, we make 3 #% less. that's the expectation at s&p, 3% less made than last year.
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in the fourth quarter, magically, we have to increase 9%. that's where the problem lies. i don't see the imptous for the growth that revenues come down, earnings down, margins topped out, meaning companies can just lay people off. i'm at a point now where, all right, we are buying because of romney's strength today. that was the imptous today, but there's a lot of risk to the upside moving beyond q3 after the earning season. we are just starting, by the way, with earning season starting next week. neil: i would guess, lori, you and melissa talk about the numbers starting to reverse, and that would be disruptive, and that normally is a harbor of not so fun things to come. >> the bar is low. not huge comparisons from this quarter to last year. again, the economy's been slow,
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and earnings held up, but they are nowhere near -- neil: what's that tell you? the bar is so low and people don't sink as much? >> absolutely. it's the new normal. again, we talk about this all the time. this is interesting example. see, target, reported a 2% sales increase the last month, it is an increase, not a decline. because of uncertainty they have, they are not willing to make big bets, and they said we're not going to report on a monthly basis because it's just -- there's too much going on. neil: saying that, but they telegraph it's too embarrassing. jared, final thoughts, and i left the retailers, but they are saying that they share the concern about the future. do you? >> yeah, totally. by the way, everything needs to be put in context. statistics work on either side. we saw that last night in the debate. neil: yes, indeed. >> yeah, target saw sales
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increase 2.6%, but last year, the increase was 5.3%. by the way, check out this number, 14%, that's the picture of retail sales we will get after january 2013 means every month's retail sales, seeing 14 #% of the whole picture, and, by the way, q4? 40% of retailers' earnings are earned in q4 alone. this coming quarter is where it count, and, again, there's a lot of unknowns here. neil: they are hiring over 100,000 temporary workers. they are seeing something. >> holding pocketbooks close, ready to explode for the holiday. that's the best case scenario at this point. neil: we'll see. guys, thank you very much. well, if mitt romney wants to win, time to break away from the rich friends, and he's doing so rapidly, but is he cavorting with the commonnists?
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>> high income people are doing fine in the economy. the people having the hard time right now are middle income americans. under the president's policies, middle income americans have been burieded. they are being crushed. neil: i want you to think about what was going on there last night. instead of pitching to the rich, mitt romney pivoted. he's now trying to win over the middle class. these folks have been slammed by this administration, mark talking about, of course, the middle class. he's the president of citizens for self-government. he was the ultimate tea partyer, the first tea party. good to have you. >> it is an overstatement. we'll let you fly with it. neil: i make many. you and i talked in the break, mark, that he, on many levels,
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disappointed you, that is, governor romney, not being a die hard tea party devoter, but in the core, he's a business guy, principles more lined to yours any, and you saw more or less of that last night in >> more of that last night. i heard things that were exciting. business people are fiscal conservatives. they like rule sets. we say the constitution is the ultimate rule set. neil: you guys and that constitution. >> he quoted it last night. it was incredible. free markets, we believe in free markets, those align with mitt romney. historically, not like the stuff he's done, but i heard good stuff last night. neil: he was prague -- pragmatic about it last night. to rule massachusetts, but he said something interesting, mark, on these great big tax cuts 245 -- that a lot of fans are looking forward to, don't get excited about it. the 20% tax cut, but i take
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deductions away. it could be a wash. for some, it could mean paying more. do you think that was a jolt to a lot of folks who thought this guy will be from help for me or calculate that as governor romney, the rich guys are not going to president obama, they will go to me. i had a chance to win over a broader base. >> i can't say what was in the head, but i think it was the right pitch in general, and certainly, what the tea party is looking for. i never heard them say i want massive across the board cuts. neil: i have. a lot of the colleagues, not as honest as you, last year, i said, close the tax loopholes, they said no, no, no, when you do that, people pay more taxes. what if you remove loopholes prevented them from paying any taxes like reagan in 1986. no, no, no, that's a tax increase. mitt romney says, no, it's not.
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paul ryan said, no, it's not. that was a quiet game changer. >> it might be. i don't know who you talk to in the tea party -- neil: your tea party. >> you say "your tea party" like i know -- neil: i talked to many of the 83 newly collected congressmen in 2010, many of whom were tea party, many of whom nixed the budget deal last year because it included closing tax loopholes and credits because they deemed that a tax increase. you do not. >> first of all, not to say that toes -- say those 80 are tea party -- >> i didn't say that. you're treating me like president obama. >> maybe 20 # of them. neil: okay, a good many saw it as a tax increase, but you don't. >> i don't. those are politicians, not tea party.
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neil: way are you? >> i'm just a citizen. you -- neil: there we go. okay, do you get a sense here that this is all going to fly well with the entire, say, conservative movement? including tea parties, everything else, might hold their nose because he's better than, let's say, the president. >> i think that's true. there's really only one thing heard that bothered me last night when he said the federal government has an important role to play in education. i mean, i really -- i had to choke when he said that. other than that, i thought what he said is going to play well across the entire base. neil: he didn't put a limit on it, but he did -- >> he said less regulation, which is the right language. i mean, how much less? i question what happens when he gets to dc. i don't have -- neil: turn on him in a second. >> that's the point. our job is to keep guys like mitt romney in line when they actually sit down in the seat. neil: i'll give you credit, mark, you are consistent, don't
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waiver, and like the little worms and, oh, man. you're not like that. >> thank you. neil: all right. campaign cash spent, $233 million. 30 days of debate prep, 60 million. winning by a mile in the mile high state? priceless. ♪
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learned anything from mitt romney last night is that a debate for which he didn't pay a penny is nothing short of the prices. cash might be king, but you can't be king if you don't get your butt before voters. your fat cat handlers will understand. they want you elected. just say you elect to stay away from them, as far as possible, until you are. charlie, what he makes of all of this because, think about it, more bang for the buck, that is governor romney on a free night with 60 million people potentially watching. >> right. it's ironic his big money people, reported on your show, i believe, last week, they were imploring him to get out more and do -- neil: stop talking to us. >> fundraise, get out there, get paul ryan out there. paul ryan denied it. i believe he was muzzled. i don't care. he should be out there more. mitt romney should be out there more.
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neil: how are they feeling now? >> today? neil: today. >> off the charts. they are doing fairly significant in the campaign, off the moon. i don't think they'll have a problem raising money. they were worried about people defecting possibly, and maybe not just defecting, but reneging on promises. neil: were they telling you, look, too much time hat in hand, and a lot of the guys have to go, you know, take hundreds of pictures, one at a time, takes hours. >> by the way, paul ryan goes to a fundraiser, you know, a huge event, he's locked up for four hours; right? secret service running around. they say do less of it and more of last night, more arguing, make the points. neil: it's a catch 22; right, charlie? >> right. neil: my argument, you know where the money's going. i don't know what you do with the money you had because it was not spent in the congress venges, more bang for the buck
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not paying a penny for the debate performance. does it restrategize, do both campaigns restrategize what? >> i think what you'll see now, based on my conversations with fairly significant people, is that you're going to see romney be much more strident, okay? i think they're going to take a different tone now. neil: was he strident last night or in your face? i don't call you strident. you are in the face. >> what's the definition of "strident?" neil: being an as. >> okay. sometimes you have to be [bleep] neil: he called him president, and he -- that's when you get nasty, but it was not nasty. >> what i like about mitt romney and paul ryan, they are opposed to the policies, but they treat him with the respect dedeserves. too many conservatives, the attacks are demeaning because they attack him as a person and
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not his policies. neil: a zero-sum game. >> you never win that way. last night was fascinating. i was into it because it was about numbers, facts -- neil: a game changer to you? are you hearing people -- >> now, who knows any poll results, but inside the campaign, they tell me, okay, he's not strident, but turning it on. i think mitt romney is at his best when he's arguing the facts. neil: this is the stuff he knows. >> i know. neil: forget about the basis, undecided or independent voters, but i think last night, he was going after the soft obama voters. >> yeah. i think that as well. you know, here what was interesting about last night. okay, finally, he's not campaigning. he's arguing the facts. i think when president obama has been spending a lot of time campaigning, a lot, like, some people say he's been campaigning the minute he got in office. neil: that's the wrap presidents always get though. >> i watched him last night, you
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know, reagan turned in a flat performance in that first debate against walter. neil: ruered back in the second, maybe the problem roars back in the second. >> he was 73, survived colon cancer, and he was shot. you have to ask what a 50-year-old healthy guy, went before the camera, did not have command of facts. neil: i know the theory here. i know we have to go, but you're a runner. three hours a day, whatever, that's the length of a typical dinner for me. >> hour and a half. neil: the air is thin in denver, charlie. it's very thin, and, you know, mitt romney's from, you know, the utah area. the whole area -- it's not an excuse, but it wears you down, and the president's been going all over. i don't think he -- he underplayed, mailed it in. i don't think in the second one he's going to do it. >> people who know the president tell you, democrats tell you, he's not a guy for details.
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neil: right. and that he's lazy. >> i'm not going that far. he's not a guy for details. neil: problem saying strident, but lazy's not okay or not? i think he's lazy. >> do you really? neil: i do. i think he's very smart. i do. i think he just thought i have a lead, i'm going to sit on it. i know this stuff. it's romney, it's kind of flapping around in the wind. he underplayed it. >> intellectually lazy, maybe. >> no, just lazy. >> he did not have command of stuff last night. i was blown away by it. he's been in office for four years, you should know more. neil: you're a tough judge. >> what did you think? neil: that's what i said. glad you waved the coverage. that's what i said. all right. focused on the economy was what the poll doctor ordered from one mitt romney? wait until you hear his new offense on defense.
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♪ these fellas used capital one venture miles
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for a golf getaway. double miles you can actually use... but mr. single miles can't join his friends because he's getting hit with blackouts. shame on you. now he's stuck in a miniature nightmare. oh, thank you. but, with e capital one venture card... you can fly any airline, any flight, any time. double miles you can actually use. what's in your wallet? alec jr? it was a gift.
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neil: it's the year that mitt romney is not telling all or how he paid for it all, just that he's throwing more money at defense than even defense contractors want. >> if you believe that we can cut taxes by $5 trillion and add $2 trillion in additional spending that the military is not asking for, $7 trillion, just to give you a sense, over ten yearings, that's more than our entire defense budget. >> the president's re-elected, you'll see cuts to the military. the secretary of defense said these would be devra devastatin- devastating. i will not cut the commitment to the military. neil: tori clark says america cannot afford defense cuts at a time like this. secretary, good to have you. >> nice to be with you. neil: the $2 trillion and what the president said more than even defense contractors or anyone in the defensive staff asked for, is that true?
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>> i don't think it's true the military has said they do not want increased spending, but mitt romney thinks 4% of gdp is a good number to spend on defense. i happen to agree, and i think that would be a really good thing to have in one of the future debates, a long discussion debate, about the appropriate role of the federal government in the national defense and how much should be spent on it. that's a great idea. what is very, very clear, and the military and the secretary of defense said very clearly, they cannot tolerate devra devag across the board cuts to occur as a result of the fiscal cliff. that happened on -- neil: i know it's actually money off ten years worth of increase. you still have more going to defense in ten years than you do now so -- >> because. neil: cuts are is pa seniortive in washington, but why is it handy? >> the way in which they are doing it. it's not thoughtfully saying here's national security goals
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and how to protect the american people and what it takes to get the job done in terms of human assets and technology and all of those things. they advocated responsibility on that, can't figure out how to have that debate, and so they say, okay, we'll take a broad cut approach off the top. that's a terrible way to do it. the very assets you care about the most will be the ones lost in that. how can you argue with your own secretary of defense and say those cuts are devastating. it's clear and consistent. that should come out in future debates. neil: in the next debate for the presidential candidates, foreign policy will be front and center. libya comes up, commitment to the region and how much we spend will come up, the administration's already talked about, i think, an initial payment of $165 million to $300 million to go to the very government where the acting president says we throw good money after bad, and we're evil people, paraphrasing, but why do
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we do that, secretary? why not just call it a day or reassess the day? >> we should always be reassessing, and, again -- neil: we don't. >> if you and i had this conversation six months ago, i would have said the national security debates will not be interesting or find a defense between -- neil: careful. we are covering them, we never say stuff like that. i understand, but continue. >> he reviled the policies and critiqued when running for president, but he adopted those policies. things in the last few months changedded dramatically. there's a tax on the embassies throughout the middle east and leading plo mats killed and no reasons given for that. iran is closer every day to nuclear capabilities, really serious potentially dangerous things are happening, than they are not being addressed. neil: by that definition, the upcoming debate could be a
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problematic one for the president than this one? >> it absolutely could be. that's a total surprise. to get to your question, you know, i always talk about my relatives in pittsburgh and how they think about things, and they asked why are we spending the money in the countries like libya and egypt and say and do terrible things. well, it's not all the people in the countries, and while sometimes you question the amount of money spent or what we get in return, i think sometimes we have to be there. it's better to be there and be engaged and be on the playing field than seat it entirely to the people who want to do harm to us. neil: secretary, thank you. very good seeing you. >> thank you, sir, take care. neil: you too. a huge deal last night, but after all of this, does either guy get it? >> small business. >> small business. >> small business. >> small business. >> small businesses. >> can small business -- >> small business. >> for small businesses. so, we all set?
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i've got two tickets to paradise! pack your bags, we'll leave tonight. uhh, it's next month, actually... eddie continues singing: to tickets to... paradiiiiiise! no four. remember? whoooa whooaa whooo! you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? happier than eddie money running a travel agency. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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>> regulation is essential. you can't have a free market work if you don't have regulation. as a business person, i had to -- i needed to know the regulations. i needed them there. you can't have people opening up banks in their garage and making loans. i mean, you have to have regulations to have an economy work. every free economy has good regulation. at the same time, regulation can become excessive. neil: i swear he had caffeine last night. i don't know. still trying to figure that out. that was myth -- mitt romney on fire. we bring back a couple of the small business friends, and you notice, we were doing this throughout the recession and the recovery, and then we just bring them back, and they are always very kind and they come back and jeep --
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generously share their time with us and give perspectives on economic issues. i'm talking about the bakery owner, david mcarthur. >> good to be here. neil: thank you very much. dave, last night, mitt romney, your thoughts? >> well, you know, it was good to hear him talk like he knows what he's talking about when it comes to being in business and not someone that's never been there or been through the actions of actually writing checks and going by the rules and regulations. you know, as he talked about regulations being a good thing, no doubt. when regulations are in place that promote business, that's a good thing. when regulations, like we've seen over the last few years compound, demise your ability to do business on a free market, you know, that's a whole different story, and that's what we've been faced with under this administration. i almost thought last night i would have heard the president start to say you built that, but he told me about all the tax
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breaks. neil: you know, i think dave raised a very good appointment. one of the things noticed in the discussion is reframing it. we hear a lot of the sort of the heated words on hiking taxes on so many people, 3% of businesses. mitt romney flipped that around saying very true, mr. president, but that's 25% of all the employees on all the workers. it seemed like a news alert to the president, and that -- i don't know if he was tired of listening, or it genuinely was a stunner to the president, which would scare me. >> looked surprised, i believe so. i'm just happy to see mitt romney came out, nailed it last night. especially to me as a small business person. he's right about regulations. you need them to run business. neil: he didn't specify how many or where to draw the line. i thought he'd say we don't need a hundred added a day.
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there's no number. >> he didn't be specific on what the federal government's regulating or take away from you as far as regulations go, but he hit it good with the taxes. the part i listened to and hit it home, talking about on the campaign trail, ran into somebody, i believe in ohio, explain the that 50% of the business sales go towards taxes, federal taxes. payroll tax, real estate tax, gas tax, on and on and on. the president raises the rates to 5%, most businesses work on 5% or 8%. how much more can they sustain? that reduces jobs, kills us. neil: that's your point; right, dave? >> exactly. you know, there's no 5% there. our goal is 2 #.5%, neil. our goal -- >> if we're lucky. neil: goal is 2.5% -- >> in a good economy. 2.5% net in a good economy in the business we do today. add 5% there --
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>> you're done. >> 2.5% in the red, that's right. neil: if you hear mitt romney saying i'm going to essentially get off your back, going to roll back regulations. he was not specific which, make sure the government cools it on taxes, didn't say to the degree of what allowances and writeoffs and deductions he limits, were you either troubled by the fact it might be a wash? that you, for example, in your case for your catering business, you might see, butch, no tax savings at all, but you might have a lower rate, but can't deduct as much. >> that will kill us. without disposable income for me to spend or grow, why would i want to grow? that doesn't help me. i need deductions or ways to save money to continue to maintain the profit margin and grow. neil: dave, from butch's perspective, if it's a wash in taxes, and mitt romney says 20%
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slash in taxes, it might not be; right? >> the tax side, one thing you heard me say is be profitable to pay taxes. okay. one way i can afford to pay taxes, take some of these regulations out of place and then allow me to do business at a lower rate so that i can make money. i'm not so, you know, inclined to not pay in taxes. look, i wish i was paying tax right now. i have to make money. real quick, a butcher shop, seven employees, fda comes in, two and a half days going through the place. the last thing they wanted was the written policy for the safety and sanitation of the meat and the event of a nuclear attack. neil, that's absurd. >> it's absurd. neil: you think about it, though, everything hits the fan, you want meat set aside. p >> oh, sure. neil: dave, bush, seriously, we love monitoring things with you. you are the salt of the earth, but you also have a better sense of what's going on than any of the academics. we'll have more after this. >> thank you.
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neil: that should be interesting. joe biden against paul ryan. event. you're going to get on basic cable. then the one, the president and mitt romney. this time foreign-policy. right nearby year. outside the city. new york.


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