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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  October 9, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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but completely silent on benghazi. i thank you for noticing. we will continue this weekend. jim wrote to say, unemployment is at the level where obama took over, would like get my $1.84 gas? we will keep looking. thank you for being with us. good night from new york. neil: when brokers get the skinny on fat ts, fat chancee3 they will be payin up from barack obama the slowdown. welcome, everybody. i am neil cavuto. if money talks, i think the financial issues can take a walk. goldman sachs is doing the opposite of what it did four years ago. i'm puing its money on hope and change in 2008, despairing no money to make a big change in 2012. this race would be putting in
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the financial crowd than the president of the united states, the wall street journal" reports $136,000. at is down for more than a million dollars years ago. a lot of these guys don't like it and it's a b reason. it is far from the only reason. talk of a white house tha doesn't like them and often vilified them. it's not helping matters any. wall street has a single digit answer. talk about a somatic turn of events. the very day that we learned of the 18-point event is done as well. four weeks of the day, americans go and vote. it is like there ishis big financial that going oall road.
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we have chlie gasparino. charlie, first on the bolts of wall street. >> in january of this year, i wrote the story the first time. the goldman -- the question is would they ever do without face? a question that you thought they were spineless worms. neil: disingenuous. >> the journalist is cathing up to the reality that i reported in fox business and others -- is that they have nowhere to go. even if they were as spineless as they are. and they probably aren't.
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they d know that when they turn around and give a lot of money to obama -- he would ge nothing out of it. ama is not going to repeal dodd-frank. >> they can't be any worse off. an 18-point advtage that just disappeared? >> it's coming down to the women's vote. it is very important. neil: the vification that they have seen of mt romney prior to the debate, he doesn't quite
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seem that way now. in other words, he not so bad. >> are you askg me? neil: yes. because i don't care about charlie. [laughter] >> i'm having a little trouble hearing what this you are talking about with his earpiece. i think the debate was obama's worst nightmare. and everybody knowshat the women's vote is going to be very popular and not a lot of the candidates are sure how to ach out to him. >> go ahead, i'm sorry, nicole. >> they could do something radicaby having one of their surrates. which is the vp candidate, paul ryan, he could do a ladies
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night. [laughter] >> yeah, ty could try that. we have secrets. [talking over each other] [talking over each other] >> i'm not one to speak for won. a lot of women that i speak you know, they have told me that this whole notion of a war against women, it wa such an insult to their intelligence. mitt romney is looking to just destroy anything that women have made. neil: onto your thoughts on this. >> for his upcoming you came back across this subject. think about some of the war against women. this guy wants to take away everything that women have achieved over the last 30 or 4 years.
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on the other hand, you have a president at was one of the most striking debates i saw, was to notave his hands around basic facts and figures about the economy. people are saying in the business community isthat a guy that's unconnected -- this detached could ruin another fou years for the country. neil: you reminded me at things could change in politics. a week ago at this time, mt romney couldn't win. are we to treadarefully here making statents? >> you know, here ishehe deal. the romney campaign is on an upsurge. fundraisers, super pac razors, everybody on the gop is going to take advantage of that. because we never know what's into bon the flipside. we don't know what's coming around after the next debate. so everybodys taking advantage of it. yes, your answer is we are on a roll right noo an we are taking advantage of it and we are going
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to do everything that we can. we don't know. you know come the next flip back and it can be obama. this is a very volatile race and it's tight. >> there is no doubt a couple of weeks ago and it looked like he was losing -- there was no doubt that his contribution -- they were sayinthat we are going to divert a ton of money to house d senate candidates in that debate proves so. [talking over each other] neil: thank you both very much. coming up, goldman sachs on how to keep the economy from getting sacked. telling lawmakers how th can stimulate business and it won't st taxpayers a dime. anif the president is getting a kick in the can, leave it to this day bring home the oint. the first of what is expected to be a whole bunch of earnings fuel in what could prove an even
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bigger jolt and not a family one to he president if earnings start contracting as expected, art laffer is not expecting a great november 6, for the president of the united states. >> this is an election about onomics. if the economy doesn't perform well, he has a real proem, as you can see in the debates be one but you know the numbers that we wod get from corporate america, and alcoa today, even though these were better numbers than expected, they were still about numbers. we got some penguins, ironically, from china, it is the forecast we worry about, the voters responded dismal forecast on their bs? >> i don't think that voters do, but i ink that shareholders do. i think that the stock market is down a lot in anticipation of attacks with taxmaggedon and
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that would affect the market substantiall neil: what do you make of money ming in overwhelmingly. they are not hedging. >> thing that amazes me, if i can really b honest with you is why is anyone giving a money to obama? what segment of the economy is better off today than they would have been before. >> and. neil: they are not like you. a lot of them follow the guy they think will win. they even go against their own dna to throw money at at them, as they did with four years ago. they didn't want tbe on the other side of theoss. >> i wonder if they are happy with what they did four years ago. did they like the outcome? neil: clearly not. >> well, i think that we are going to read that mitt romney finally has a real chance. that debate was so interesting. i heard one guy unfairly say that mitt romney, other an obama did even worse in his
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bate against clinton used one. [laughter] it is unfair saying that, but you know, obama has not be doing well and he performed very poorly and he is clearly a president who has not done any of the work himself, all the ti he is federalized teleprompters andhe doesn't have enough time to memorize the answers and he is out of touch with the economy and out of touch with what is happening. it is sort of sad. neil: i'm just wondering, if you're mitt romney, you get to cocky? d if you're the president, more to the point, do you completely change your strategy? you almost look like al gore with a different guy showg up for each debate. you almost can't win. >> yes, it's very tough. the president is in a tough position. -e is not well prepared. he has got to be teibly despondent. is has been a huge it to his
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o and i don't thik he is sleeping well either. he has a short period of time to catch back up, and i wouldn't be surprised and kick and aggressive stand. that takes a lot of downside if he gets angry and mad and screams and haulers. neil: you think the damage is already done? >> y. neil: rean and carter onl had one debate. it wasn't that carter had a chance come back. there was no opportunity. >> i don't think the is much of a chance of obama coming back i think we are probably goi to keep the house for sure now, neil, and i think there is a slim chan. and who knows, mitt romney might even win the presidency. neil: leading b three points in massachusetts. hope springs eternal. thank yo my friend.
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neil: paul ryan and joe biden are ready to go at it. we will be all over that. remember, we go through the night, so if anything can happen, anybody can stop by. meanwhile, big bird and big problems, nnis the menac part two. the obama ad that has one dennis matt. vary.
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>> the evil genius that towered over them? onman s the guts to speak
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his name. >> it's big bird. >> it's me, big bird. >> big a yellow and a menace to our economy. mitt romney knows it's not wall reet have toorry about, it's sesame street. neil: this new dvertisement mocking mitt romney. i know big bird, my children grew up with a bird. even now, i have watched big bird with my grandchildren. in my opinion, our president should focus his attention on turning around the economy and creating much needed jos and leaving me in big bird alone. >> yeah, fired from the ratings debate. neil: would he make of all this?
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>> starts off withresident obama saying i approve this ad and it turns into a jimmy kimmel sort of thing. the campaign messages melding with comedy television. >> but what i'm saying is that they can't -- they get stopped by the facts. every time the obama administration trieso attack him, this 5 trillion-dollar thing, which has now been denied by the people that obama said satuay. princetouniversity professor who they saylaimed it would cost $5 trillion. >> i never said any such thing. he can't focus on the facts. so, of course, they can't focus on the fts and they pulling these numbers. what it comes down to is, it's interesting on that issue all these crooks and then they show romney, and they are doing it as guilt by association.
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neil: we knew what he was saying in a lighthearted see. >> you almost look tone deaf doing that. >> do not have talked about it before. the fact is that they tried to make ronald reagan look like te devil. that he was going to start a war, that the economy would be even worse. when the people saw him in that debate, they aid oh, i don't believe whatthese guys are saying about him. he seems to be a nice, reasonable guy who is making a clear statement based on what appeared to behe facts. and all the charges made gainst him don't seem to be true. neil: this is not a one-shot deal. jimmy carter didn't get a chance for another debate. folks were of the notion that he was a little serious. there are a couple of more debates. one for the vice president. there isime for th to make up ground to the argumt. >> if the president can prove that the fact that he comes out
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with when he spes among his friends, which i don't think he can. again, even the ele that they say verify the facts are saying that the facts are being misused. >> where is mitt romney coming from? >> i think the dependent. >> i have anher crazy point. think people who give lukewarm support for the president becae they didn't trust what they were hearing fer point about the alternative, they don't think he's that awful and they are going him. >> the one thing that mitt romney seldom have is a big chunk of the democrats. who knows whether the polls are true. if you give th any kind of credence at all, he said only about 3% of the registered democrats are going even after thh debate with reagan, of course, got that whole horde of reagan democrats. it might happen. the election is still a ways away. it might happen. but at the very least, he does
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have a much bigger percentage of inpendents than he did before. i want to get back to this adveisement. iteally is the epitome of class warfare saying that capitalism is just about crooks and bad guys. and romney is one of them. the america -- thy have tried this before in the american public didn't buy before, the associatedll the class warfare with the occupy movement. all of the socialist and marxist involved in that. so that didn't work. if they are trying to get the independent votersthis may work with their base come but it's not going to work with independents and those are precisely the people that somehow ama has to get back in his corner. this is not going to do it. neil: you are very sary smart. it is likewicked. >> thank you very much by the way, what is german for showing some guts? when a german chancellor decides to kick some athens, eece in
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athens, greece. i can assure you no good not at all. that i is later. but first, how romney stays on a roll. this transition is all about reminding americans howuch more so barack obama's costume right now @a
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ne: this just in, 10% more. the urban institute warning that is how much midsize companies will be paying at the present health care law is passing this
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year. well, it is sort of like the information we have been given about a coming into close he was right. the more we discover it and maybe regret it. premiums going up, and now likely foridsize businesses from going up a lot. we think of this? >> the is little question that we will see substantial increases in the cost of health insurance driven by many of the regulations that were put together. we are seeing tuitions going up for college students because of policies tt have been implemented. were seeing 23 million unemployed pple and many hers have just given up hope because of the president's policies. >> you know, even bein an objective reader, from the perspective of a patient, most
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patients are neither left nor right. when you gsee the doctor, you are desrate or inclined to hope that the doctor, regardless of political persuasion, says i hope you're all republicans today. but to that point, the doctor's office is more crowded, your insurance premiums have gone up. those who are uninsured who now are insured, we are the only es happy. everyone was happy. >> well, i think that governor romney has made it very clear point of tthe fact that one of the things that obamacare did take more than $750 billion on medicare. the reason that that is a problem is because now doctors and hospitals and others that we count on for access are indicating that they are not going to be prepared to teat new medicare read mecaid patients. neil: but michael, you and i have chatted about this before. lieve me, i culd have told
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you that before the law fully kicks in, f you are asking insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions, to have your kids on the policy, they're going to charge more for that. you may not like it, you might not ultimate, but they will charge you more to te the prilege of including them. i don't knowhat the shock is on the pt of the administration and others to do just that. >> actually, it is not as one of those. it is the combinion and the way it was constructed. the whole thing was designed in ways that if you give consumers access to good information and ansparency can they make good decisions for themlves. that doesn't mean that don't need government, we do, we don't need as much of it, and we can't
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afford the remarkably large subsidies that obamacare created in a deficit. neil: ist fair to say that should he be elected president for weeks from now? >> he has made clear he will repeal obamacare. for whatever reason, that's not possible on a legislative basis, then he will begin minimizing the negative impacts that obamacare is clearly having on those who have to acquire health care, which is all of us. neil: pilates or if you have the republican senator structure th process? >> indeed. neil: senator cummins was a pleasure. >> thank you, neil be one remember wh they were raking bulld over the coals by serving up remember how he looked?
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i think e shirt out of. >> today with my friends, we'll do almost anything. out for drinks, eats. i have very well fitting dentures. i like to eat a lot of fruits. love them all. the seal i get with the super poligrip free keeps the seeds from getting up underneath. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinicay proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. a lot of things going on in my life and the last thing i want to be thinking about is my dentures. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. music is a universal language. but when i was in an accident... i was worried the healthare system spoke a language all i own with unitedhealthcare, i got help that fit my life. information on my phone. connectiono doctorwho get where i'm from. and tools to estimate what my care may cost.
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so i never missed a beat. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for more than 70 million american that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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[beep] [speakg foreign language] [heart beating] [heartbeat continues] [faint singing] [heartbeat, music playing louder] ♪ i'm feeling better since you know me ♪ ♪ i was a lonely soul, but at's the old me... ♪
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announcer: this song was created with heartbeats of children in need. find out how it can help frontline health workers bring hope to millions of children at neil: have time. lloyd boeing plant ready to the throttle. showing who is the boss. forget about blaming that cats. you fix the the fiscalmess or ttere goes this country. i am exaggerating a bit, ut ke no mistake about wht the wall street titans says must be done and done now the only way to stimulate america is for leaders to g clue nd start hammeri out a long-term budget deal that at least shows ogress from erica. investors and non investors alike, something to look forward to in amerca.
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at the very least slowing down. we could do worse. take a lookaround. west virginia congress want. now the question becomes whether you guys do a thing. >> that is a ig question. a lot of it ill depend on what happens in the election. what kind of spynd they want to have. the order. very low expectations. he alwa wants to douse expectations. that's what he's doing.
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going to fix the fiscal clef and to tax reform at the same time. >> he is what i could see happening. some of your clleagues have mentioned this. you punt forsix months. you delay thetugh decisions, whether barack obama as read elected or mitt romney is for next year. >> i think their is a high likelihood that we extend the tax relief. this tax -- well, -- neil: the bush rates for everyone. i do believe that what happened. >> he boughtt last year. neil: yap. no way now. >> we need him to lead, we don't need them to throw cold water on what could be i think the something where we do get together. the best timeo get together is presidential election. i think there will be a bigger appetite for it. neil: an appetite for the more
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conservative members of your party? closing loopholes. not a tax hike. pan more taxes. there might be an appetite on the part of your democratic colleagues. in other words, after the elections dogmatic bygones are bygones. if you look a that looming debt and deficit, as far as the eye can see, i think we a realize that in negotiated settlement is going to have to be reached. we have a spending problem in washington. we are cutting as much an even more bad, but at some point i think we are going to realize that the revenues areoing to need to us match the -- to come up a bid to match -- neil: some revenues and taxes in that equation. >> of eliminating some of the loopholes and special interests were government is forging the
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behaor and punishing bad behavior, is that we want to do? no. i think we can simplify and make it fair. by that we would give greater revenues. >> it sounds like it does commission point of view. enough of us know we have to pony up and get over ourselves and so the bg problems. neil: whenever you do or a la-duck session does, we won't be here deember 301st. >> is heavilyope not. i think that leads -- we already have uncertainty. this brings more. lack of faith. possible downgrade. i don't hink we consummate that and i don't think we should. we at least but to next year and figure out tax reform and a larger sensend deawith the debt and deficit and the entitlement. neil: bunting is better than nothing. to that point in the covers woman's good point i will be live i ashington for a special
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edition. we have been looking at this to the congresswoman's pnt ife they do nothing unless it is a catastrophe. in the middle of this very heated election this is the other trauma. after this thing is settled this is the thing that is front and center. meanwhile, firms greek still treats. riding over big cus. but he top member of the deficit commission says, unless we cut we could send be looking at maybe even worse year. next.
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neil: the leader, right now the world's greatest in the country that everyone seems to agree is not the world's greatest byfar. the german chancellor, showing
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their anger. protesting against too much disparity and what ty think is all at the hands of the germans. looked at our books. at the rate were going i dot think it can. seems to think that the way we avoid the fiscal clifford ross talked about. a sixmonth expansion and everything for a new president are reelected president to deal with. >> it can't be just taking it doon the road for six months. a lame-duck session has got to do to other things. one is put in place of planned that would issue instructions to the regular committees of congress.
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within six months. give them some numbers to shoot for. have a default positn it would cover into effect automatically if the congress did not succeed. a little more of a longevity. the first two parts are really important. you can't just take i down the road. think what the market reactions would be if we just take it down the road. we've done that before. neil: which makes me consider what you're talking about now -- hopes springs eternal that this would be a different time rame. if you think about these automatic sequestration cuts
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this is what they agreed to as a fallbbck. they did not have the spine. now what they are effectively saying, let's push the spine back six months. you hoe that in the meantime they do something, but history suggests invariably they do no. >> that is why i haven't a fallback position that actually solve the problem. aor attractive option than a fallback position which gives you a fizzle clifford nobody wants to go over. i think it will be quite disastrous for the near-term economy. apparently to cover would ptly be back in recession. that is not what we ought to do. the congresswoman had it right. we need to focus on the long-term.
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bring us together retire gradually. neil: the first debate between e candidates, the argument that mitt romney made for his aggressive 20 percent tax cuts across the board is there were not $5 trillion. when you phase out a lot of exemptions and deductions it wod be a lot -- okay. that think we lost there. we have lost there. is it really 5 rillion? here rid of exemptions and specific reaks. something that will probably come up in the vice-presidential debate. might be a wash. revenue neutral. we shall see. my apologies. in the meantime, safety regulators miss the deadly damage done because they were gulang it too much other stuff that was not. ♪
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♪ neil: all right. first off, we don't do that deliberately. this satellite thng, the crash and go down. we have no control over that. honest. we hope to bring her bac tomorrow. certainly within or throuout the debate covers a we are planniig. see is a great guest. apologies to her and to you, but we plan to get her back. in the meantime, out of control 13,000 could be at risk. more than 100 cases of meningitis reported in at least 11 deths. an outbreak the come regulators
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by surprise because there were issuing regulations. instead of splitting the rules that count we are getting lost in ts silly ones that don't. two former bush 43 white house aide and a reason magazine's senior editor, explai >> well, i think that prsident obama has had a problem with perris. his entire presidency has been about hollywood, with the catchy phrases are, what will give him the attention, e, you know, the byine. unrtunately these really serious issues, the things that affect americans and afect them in a way that is very important, he does not like getting into that, the details. he just wants the star power. neil: in not laming the meningitis outbreak on him. >> to a certain point i am because he has a problem. neil: these kind of things happen under republican and democratic. just the sheer weight of regulation. i think so.
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we have seen problemafter problem of serious issue because he does not want to deal with them.3 neil: peter. >>hat i would say is that there is always an incentive for any bureaucracy, any bureaucrat to try and do more. when bureaucrats try and do more they end up being less effective the at the things they're supposed to be doing. i think we sight in the bush administration in a suy think we have done in the obama administration. a significant increase in regulation the first couple of years of the obama administration. aid is adding on, piling on. and what happens is they miss the forest for the trees because they are not very good at prioritization. what the end up doing is focusing on every little detail rather than on setting the rules of the road for markets to work. neil: mitt romney. you talkow they're is a need for regulation. don't go into overkill on tis.
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you could buy extension in the killing people. but i was realizing that a number of health regulators were looking into things like the distance food carts in manhaan fr the streets curve. >> showed it to the soda is. >> my point is they getcaught up in silly stuff. stuff like this i would imagine is a touch more important. >> that as well as trying to say. the catchy thing, the interesting thing. i think he should just go to llywood. he really likes to be entertaining and find out -- find out what people find intesting. mitt romney, he showed that at the last debate. very much into detailed,very much into being a good manager. these are things he is going to take a look at. we know things are going to be organized, but he will get the job done and make sure these crazthings are happening. he bucket the important work done.
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neil: the rap against mitt romney is that he might just keep a lot of the regulation that a lot of folks don't like. he my slow that process down, but even on the republin presidents, reagan or george bush senior engineer, they invariably leave office with more regulations. >> i don't think you have to make this aartisan issue. when it comes to mitt romney in particular he should not have done what he did, but that he should have done it better. if you look at what mitt romney said about tart, what he really set a lot of cases is romney would have done better than obama has, but in the case of the health and safety regulations will we be generally are not more regulations, not stronger reulations, but more efficient and effective
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regulations. caught up in a lot of silly stuff. food trucksnd a regulating things like obamacarethere is a provision that suests that the health a human services secretary shoud take a look at standardizing a lot of menu items. this kind of thing goes on. they et really caught upin the details. neil: a hand in it. scary how unbelievable. we have heavy handedness with obamacar. it's killing jobs. it will cost millions of dollars. irs agents on our doorstep redy to regulate. if you're not payin for insurance what are they going to do? irs. >> people asking for more regulations. neil: i understand what you're saying. you'd think the opposite happens? >> with mitt romney.
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that is his managerial and no nonsense. neil: got you. thank you both very,very much. meanwhile, the recovery is real. growing doubts are even more real. the real problem for us, bigger the real problem for us, bigger problem for the g with the spark cash card from capital one, olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business crit card! pizza!!!!! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, everday! helium delivery. put it on my spark card! [ pop! ] [ garth ] why settle for less? eat businesses derve the most rewards! awesome!!! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capitalne. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cashack or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? oh, hey alex. just picking up some, brochures, posters copies of my acceptance speech. great! it's always go to have a backup plan,
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>> i am amazed. the negative guy who shockingly never gets the promotion. who goes to the smart friend who does. we're dened by how we think as we do. how we think determines what we do. if we are optimistic we tend to do more. it is nothing profound but it gets back to the essence of our problems in this supposedly recovery. we're not buying it. those suit are, are not buying like crazy to celebrate. the definition of fear and greed. some are afraid and about greedy. there are ew souls that will make big bets to pan out later.
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real-estate investors that will look brilliant ift is right or stupid if they are wrong. but so few are venturing into more are hoarding their cash and holding the expansion plans tighter. the corporate cash that is still sitting on the sidelines and the eager home buyers are sitting on the fed's. the recovery is happening. but not enough to convince americans they should be buying. they sit if there s a president dead even in the lls that one week ago was considered lucifer. now growing doubts about president who is not delivering the goods


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