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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  October 13, 2012 2:00am-3:00am EDT

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all it's work has worked better than alternatives. we fight but in the end, shake hands and hundreds of results. and whatever happens this year, making of american presidents the willis' report is next. >> call it the clash of the running mates. they came out swinging last night leaving the obama campaign preissing bided as the happy warrior. let's ask kirsten powers and a former adviser for george w. bush. who drew blood? >> i saw it was a daw or a
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watch. nobody changed their vote to based on this. in the end it did not change anything. >> maybe not too much ut stylistically biden was terrible. he was weird, all i'd his laughter did not keep with the seriousness and it was rude. i the grimy and scored points and he was less than truthful about libya. gerri: i do want to talk about joe biden said demeanor. it seemed like he thought iran should have nuclear weapons -- weapons what was he doing? >>
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>> is seemed inappropriate but it was said debate sttegy not to attract people like you bu those who were upset against obama for not being strong enough. they wanted him to the dismissive and condescending anit worked. >> he did a great job. [laughter] >> there is some interesting things being said today about the intelligence community. >> we were not told it wanted more security >> he meant the white house. in over four hours of testimony know when he
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testified said the request for additional curity was made to the white house. >> the american people have it right. this white house has changed stories. first the youtube video, then egypt, then not a terrorist attack. then it is. jay carney said two weeks afterwards it is evident it was a terrorist attack. when did it become evident? easy to understand. gerri: last night he said we did not give permission we don't know but today ty said he speaks for himself. who is right? >> he said we didn't know.
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i think it sounded like the administration which is not true. which is not true. there is the possibility was the unaware there was sworn testimony? because he was saying the administration not meet joe biden. the adr president obama would have known about indices security, who cares. it is irrelevant. did the state department note? i think they tried to walk it back. meaning that nobody knew about. gerri: i thought paul ryan did a great job just to get
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a sense. >> we are from similar chance he is from scranton pa. i am from janesville wisconsin. do know the unemployment rate? 10 percent. of the day you came into office? 8.5%. that is how would is going all over america. >> it is going down. >> he did very well. on medicare/medicaid security jobs for grow to go to toe with the vice president on the military and foreign policy. he could hold his own. considering good demeanor of joe biden and interrupted 82 times. gerri: he had the hardest time drilling down the
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pacific's he orrected himself four times on numbers then with the war on afghanistan he could not go there. i was shocked at his performance. >> i thought it was typical except the hyper aggressiveness. he got a specific where he was specifically wrong saying raising thelevel of the tax cuts $1 million which is not the administration's position and it still is not. sometimes he plays fast and loose with the facts of the veal obama campaign calls them alive with net romney. i think paul ryan's should
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have pushed back. he was behaving in the rude manner the he should have been prepared he looked weak >> the moderator was explicit she did not give the vice president the scolding he deserved. had she done that it could have ended it. gerri: i hate to win best peop complained about the moderator. [laughter] great job. you made fantastic points. the smiling, other grimace, laughing, smirking. joe biden not making any effort to hide his emotions. it is great to have you here.
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the smiling the ridiculous laughing it seemed like a put down. >> condescension. child, young one. i ow what i talk about. he came across as stronger and more dominant. gerri: what do you make of when they walked out? to show the very beginning. >> the handshake was good. you can see from both positions. they're doing the same thing. they come out even they both look strong. gerri: here it is slow motion. >> that it is power and domination. whoever is touched first
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year you could see both angles. gerri: what about joe biden calling paul ryan my friend. >> i don't understand what my friend is talking about. my friend. >> i fundamentally disagree with my friend. >> my friend is insisting on it. >> i love my friend. >> my friend. my friend. my ffiend. >> let me tell you what my friend said. >> what would my friend do different eight? >> my lose friend of my friend governor romney. gerri: 14 time. >> that is condescension. do you hear the difference? he changes his pitch and tone people take to it.
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they're attracted to it. gerri: it sounds like a lot. >> is condescension. he wants to come across i am in charge. i have power. gerri: there was a lot of water drinking with paul by an. i thought he would have to run off to the bathroom. >> joe biden did not take a sip of water at all. that is a signal somebody feels anxiety. seven the gets very thirsty bet is not look like it but it was constant. >> fight or flight. >> >> both candidates speaking on their faith.
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there views on abortion. >> biden: with regard to abortion i accept my churches' position that life begins at conception. that is that churches doctrine. id refuse to impose it on christians, muslims, and choose to impose on others i'd like my friend, the congressmen. gerri: his a boeing great? >> you have seen a okhotsk thought. you actually see him live off the chair. said change of mindset. he feels the pressure. one of the few times his going great is going up.
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gerri: is the telling the truth? >> you cnnot tell there. it hit a motion. gerri: paul ryan looks at the camera to deliver his final statement. give me your analysis. >> you want to talk to the people. he builds a report. the only thing i did not like here was his mouth was a little too tight it made a little weakness but he had a much stronger close. more than two by 10. i would say joe biden barely pulled it out. go back to kennedy and nixon on the radio but watching it come with the blade he came
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across even though as a bully he came across more dominant. gerri: i felt the opposite. >> depends what you are looking for. dominant, powerful, what does his voice sound like? gerri: so much fun. california on the verge of financial ruin will offer up private pension plan. by the state cannot get its act together. >> the steadies point* witty will give another 200 -- 29 of a $2,000. >> the doughnut hole with $600 more. the bush tax cuts, 800 million -- billion -dollar. >> 1.7 -- 1.6 trillion dollars of wealth lss.
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gerri: numbers confusion. joe biden could not get his facts straight. the truth behind his outrageous claims.
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gerri: when it comes to the fact that matter the most the jobs market debt and deficit in his easy to of this gate and we saw lot of at last night with the vice-presidential deba. i want to set the record straight. vice president biden use the word fact 26 times the hard pressed to deliver any. over tax policy bden: the
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only way to find $5 trillion of loopholes is to cut the mortgage deduction, health care deduction take away the ability to get a tax break to send kids to college. ryan: he is wrong about that. you can preserve the purposes for middle class taxpayers. biden: has never been done before it. ryan: it has been done a couple of times. jack kennedy, ronald reagan. biden: now your jack kennedy? gerri: that was a cheap shot. bided was wronwhen he claimed lower tax rates never had higher revenues. 1920's were slashed from 70%
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down a 20%. there rose 60%. kennedy cut across the board with the top rate down at 70%. tax revenues jump. ronald reagan proposed sweeping tax rate reduction and the result revenues up 99%. biden: we made sure we cut taxes for the middle-class. gerri: not even close to trooper release seven taxes from obamacare ball directly on the middle class. the tax for not having health care insurance. obacare taxed the many in the name of flexible spending account in those to
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deduct from taxes. i could go on and on. joe biden scored big points claiming hedge funds would benefit. biden: 90% of small business america make less than $250,000. others are hedge funds making $600 billion per year that counts as the small business. gerri: hedge fund? the irs says they fall within the household of the top two brackets that the administration wants to raise taxes. and more than half of americans. vice president wants to raise taxes on small business. paul ryan does not. beau biden says the plan
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worked anybody knows the numbers knows it is not true. the federal deficit on track to hit $1 trillion for the fourth year in a row. the administration does not have a lot of bragging rights. 15% on food stamps. middle-class income has fallen 5% since the recession ended. joe biden is rendition? malarkey. let me know what you think. >> california makes history with the first state run retirement project. is this a problem in the long term? winning the nobel peace prize how can the region
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come out smelling like a rose? >> the day to shop till you drop by some call black friday a mess. we're on the case.
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gerri: 10 chin is brewing in california without of control 10 shin cost. a move finex cast says hitting taxpayers hard. we have matt welched.
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talk common-sense. a projected to fall of $50 million. unfunded pension liability 400 million and they think people want them to run their money? >> welcome to california. [laughter] not just that but think of the public pension problems it is driving city's bankrupt. stockton, of vallejo, riverside, san bernardino, under the weight of the public pension obligations. now the ste says get into private. >> the state says there is no logic. that these problems with
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public pension funds. people need help managing their money. >> california has the paternalistic attitude even against medical marijuana. [laughter] fewer people in a private sector have defined benefits pensions because they are a terrible deal. it is better to have defined contribution. the ada is businesses are not stepping up to the plate we need a mandate 3 percent goes into the state managed ivate pension pool you have to opt out every two years. this will not have been unless the enlightened view.
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gerri: one state senator says workers in small firms are disadvantaged. 84% but they have a personal responsibility. maybe california could find money they don't have. >> is t opposite. they allow people to take more money to say we will tax more. so for example, the public sector pension. >> california could not manage its way out of a paper bag.
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[laughter] fascinating story. frustrating. midnight sales and/or buster prices. should you be lining up? taking home the nobel peace prize. what is so funny?
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gerri: mitt romney to give a major policy speech next friday the national debt is a big campaign iss. we have for the deficit is 1.1 trillion dollars.
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washington has run four straht years of trillion dollar deficit he has not cut the deficit in half of the was an office the gap between the revenue it took in 2.5 trillion of taxes but spent 3.5 trillion it is now going to hit the limit before the year is out. the each of $51,000. debt ceiling debate anybody? look at those numbers. of the nobel peace prize has done it again. none other than the european union. despite the debt crisis and poor fostering peace and democracy. joining me now is john browne he believes they do not deserve the award.
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we also ave the opposing view. richard, i will read the review of the european union for over six decades continue to the event apiec and reconciliation and human-rights in europe. why do you think they chose the e.u? >> first, you and i are young but if you look back 70 years they only had the balkans war. europe has been saved and pay it -- peaceful. is a little aspiration all. that the european union do more. >> should you have the economies that were also? >> piece was insured by nato
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and the deterrent combined with the united kingdom is very complex. it has the elected parliament but has no power. it did is ruled by a appointed bureaucrats. even this has been highlighted with democratic the efficiency and then give sovereignty away to europe they have never given people a referendum. human-rights stifles free-speech they will make any dissension illegal. they find the leader in britain coming up to be the
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second party a tremendous fine for his personal view. gerri: something that shocked and surprised me angela merkel went to greece to talk to people as they try to help them to bail out from their problems and met with nazi protesters. there has been so much violence. how does the you deserve this award? >> exactly. >> greece is one country out of 27. they never said it was entirely responsible. had its share. >> share? it is one of%. >> nato has not been one 90%
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and is about reconciliation. >> let's take a look at the previous winners. what i would say the previous winners this prize has lost all respect with yes, sir. arafat to he had done nothing how does this get any respect? >> absolutely. the north atlantic assembly was the parliamentary backing the european union has is zero and nato was 100% and you mentioned president obama ecap don
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fruitless and expensive wars i cannot believe he was given the peace prize angela merkel goes to athens delivering austerity in return for control of greece >> he talks about hifalutin and ideas when you look at the market and as te reconciliation and peace building. what they have encouraged the european union has done a lot. >> people are on the streets protesting. >> they were never given a choice. >> they're scapegoating the duo. gerri: here we go we will leave it there.
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>> that is so typical of the left. gerri: may well agreed to disagree. clearly something we will not agree. did the european uni deserve the nobel peace prize? what wl get investors investing again?
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gerri: at 1010 shoppers closed-door busting deals maybe anything but. it could be significantly less. here to break it down of i thought this is the cae for me things it may be the most expensive day? >> we crunched the the data. looking at the low was prices bottom-line bratman -- black friday is a myth. the best deals could be found before and after. gerri: they just jack up the
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prices? we will look at actual gifts. start with tems to avoid. >> looking at luxury items like into jewelry they will rise dramatically throughout the season. by that in advance. his starkly they rise. the best time to buy is in march. but avoid the holidays. those boots are so popular. every year. they will rise to the holidays. inventory levels shrink. buy them now. gerri: flat screen tv? >> is great right now. if you miss the holidays
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when the new models come out and did deals lead up to thee super bowl. gerri: the best time is october. black friday cost almost $1,500. kids' toys? >> looking at the most popular, led by now. number one, the price rises but then they go out of stock. you don't want to be the parent who did not get their gift. pulled the trigger now. one i am is the leapfrog tablet. toys 'r' us says it is a top gift. buy it now. gerri: what about video game
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consoles? the x box? >> yes. looking at years of data consistently black friday was a good time to buy. al video-game is a good time. wait for black friday. gerri: by eight kitchen aid mixer. by now? >> black friday/cyber monday. that is the best time. small kitchen appliances consistently drop based on historical data. gerri: what about the ipad or the iphone? >> very, very popular items. right above world peace and family are tablets and smart
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phones for wishes for the holiday. on black friday last year they dropped the price on the ipad by $50. you mawant to hold out the seven fascinating. keep an eye on the retailer's. a strange sight andlos angeles.
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gerri: is stockmarket seen the worst weekly loss since june even after blowout earnings from jpmorgan chase and wells fargo both posted record third quarter profits. now the dow was down 2%. let's ask it gary kaltbaum. we have bet talking a lo about individual investors. why are the leading the market? >> nasdaq is still down bsn be is still down 10%. all the settlements between wall street and the justice department they don't believe thre is a level
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playing field. the typical secular bear market is 14 they are making a mistake i thi we will take off the next couple years. gerri: from your lips to god's ears. what is the most pressing issue? what is it? >> 16 trillion. everybody talks about what it does. the tax on the economy. six years of taxpayer dollars and 40 been spent by the government that is the worry. gerri: in your honor we maybe you a full screen of gen -- ben bernanke addis mr. bubble.
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has the federal reserve chairman live with the bond bubble? is the at fault? >> i believe greenspan greenspan, bernanke part of housing, now he tries to correct the bond bubble which is the biggest. creating trillions of dollars to buy the blige interfering with the biggest market in the long term. and the day when the market decides we will not listen. gerri: gerry? gerry? [lghter] gerry?
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i just want to ask you the question you brought up the bond bubble. pc and individual investors buying the blinder directly. what would you say? >> parents had a great article between 50 and 70% that is the definition of a bubble to get yield you just have to realize what you get into. i am buying 23 year bonded duration if we do get a bad market this 78 or 9% will turn to dust quickly. gerri: it is dangerous.
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>> and it is caused by the fed corporations are issuing bond at ridiculous leave the yields investors will lose money because of it. gerri: we will send you a picture as mr. bubble. thank you for coming. we will be right back with a question of the
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he. gerri: some europeans must be beaming with pride after the european union won the nobel peace prize, there are skeptics saying come are you kidding me?
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what do you think? did the you deserve the nobel peace prize? if we ask don, and 3 percent said yes, 97 percent said forget about it. a beautiful piece of americana. will last few weeks e space shuttle endeavor has made its way across the country for all to see as it has to its back -- final resting place and now. the shuttle kicked off the 12--mile drive to its new home. but it travel that the nail's pace of two miles-per-hour and will take today san. on top of taking its own sweet time it will cost $10 million or nearly 1 million per mile. i appreciate that. i love the space stuff every bit as much as the next person, but i am a spot -- astonishes defect ripping millions upon millions if just to move the thing. at this rate why not just keep


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