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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  October 17, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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presidential debate. lexes day 20 days away. last night was intense, but did it change momentum for either candidates? let's ask the founder and chairman of laffe rerks associates. welcome to the show. >> thank you very much, gerri. gerri: let's talk about the most important issue to americans out this, and that is the economy. the president last night describing mitt romney's plan as a sketchy deal saying you can't cut taxes 20% across the board, get rid of deductions and have a hope of balancing the budget, and you say? >> i think it's wrong, the president's incorrect. in 1986, gerri, we cut the rate from 50% to 28%. good enough cut for you? raised the lowest, broadened # the base, and we had a boom, and
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almost every democrat voted for it. biden voted for it, chris dodd voted for it, teddy kennedy votedded for it, brought in huge revenues and prosperity. it's the easiest thing in the world to do, broaden the tax base, make had revenue neutral, and you'll see a boom. from what i see, that's exactly what mitt romney's proposing. you can't balance the budget on the backs of the unemployed. you can't. gerri: half the american people are not paying federal income taxes making it hard too right now. i want you to hear sound from last night, a question the president took from the audience. i want you to hear the exchange. >> mr. president, i voted for you in 2008. what have you done or accomplishedded to earn my vote in 2012? i'm not that optimistic now. most things needed for everyday
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living are expensive. >> four years ago, i told you i'd cut taxes for middle class families, and i did. i told you i'd cut taxes for small businesses, and i have. romney: i think you know better and that the last fourrs have not been so good. gerri: so you look at the economy as we've experienced it. face it, the recession was over in the spring of 2009, what do you make of the economy's performance now? >> well, it is the single worst we rover ri in the history of the u.s.. it's an awful recovery. it's as far below the next worst as the next worst is below the best. gerri: we got a long way to go. when you have 7.8% unemployment, when you have 24 million americans not working, you got to question what's going on. one of the big issues, taxes. now, the president said in that exchange, if you heard it, that he lowered taxes for small business, but when you look at
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it -- >> excuse me, sorry! gerri: bless you. >> thank you, what can i tell you. i've never done that befooe. gerri: unfortunately, i have. [laughter] we learned the small business tax as the president talked about is actually a tax deduction for health care, and it's so complicated that most small businesses don't want to take it. the irs talks people into taking the deduction so when you look at the performance, it is just not up to snuff, is it? >> no, it's not, no. the president claiming he's cut taxes is ridiculous. he has not. he has also proposed very sharp tax increases. there's obamacare coming on january 1st, 2013. the elimination of the bush tax cuts, the payroll tax cut to be eliminated on january 1st, 2013,
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the deductions for capital expenditures, that's gone. if we get to january 13th, and he allows that all to happen, you'll see a very serious down turn in the u.s. economy. this economist's view of the world. it's a very serious problem. gerri: respond to obama's comments directly on romney's tax plan. listen to this. obama: what he says is he's going to make sure this doesn't add to theedeficit, and he's going to cut middle class taxes, but when he's asked how are you going to do it, which deductions, which loopholes will he close, he can't tell you. we have not heard from the governor specifics beyond big bird and eliminating funding for planned parenthood in terms of how he pays for that. gerri: how do you respond to that? >> just like the 86 tax agent. congress goes through the
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legislation, deductions and exclusions and choose what to do. romney would limit deductions for every single person. that's the ceiling. if you do that ceiling and lower the rates the way he suggested, it will not cause any increase in the deficit whatsoever and will bring back prosperity. romney laid out the broad outline without going into every little detail, and i don't know what obama's plans are over the next four years or what they have been over the last four years since this economy's gone -- gerri: we're not seeing what the other plans might be. another piece of sound from romney on the middle class being crushed. listen to this. romney: the middle class is crushedded under the policies of a president who has not understood what it takes to get the economy working again. he says, look, i created 5 million jobs. that's after losing 5 million jobs. the entire record is such that the unemployment has not been reduced in this country.
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gerri: what do you thiik of that? >> it's true. it's correct. i mean, we've had a huge drop in the participation rate of people who just dropped out of labor force because they can't find jobs. they no longer consider themselves in the labor force. we have a part-time labor force who want to be full time, and we have high unemployment. this is the single worst recovery in the history of the u.s., and why obama says he created jobs is nonsense. the labor force should have grown more than the jobs he's created. that would be higher unemployment rate, but people have left. gerri: growth is the answer. >> only answer, and it's the answer to poverty to. the best form of welfare is a high paying job. gerri: i agree. i hope you feel better. >> oh, i'm fine, never done that, thank you, gerri. gerri: thank you, good to have you on. >> thank you. gerri: what do you think? is it possible to lower tax
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rates and raise revenue? log on to, vote on the right side of the screen, and i'll share the events at the end of the show. almost a town brawl when they got in a heated exchange over the attack on the libya consulate. moderator candy crowley jumped in. with more, bill crystal, editor of the weekly standard. bill, welcome to the show. >> hi, gerri. gerri: what was your response to the exchange? it was pretty heated. >> it was heated. i don't think romney took advantage of the fact that president obama is vulnerable on his -- the way he's managed the situation in terms of security september 11th, and, of course, the misleading statements, senior administration officials like himself made for two or three weeks after september 11th, but mitt romney got distracted in one sentence of one thing he said in the rose
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garden and didn't lay out the case comprehensively both as to what the obama administration did wrong and what the meaning of that is. whyfuls the obama administration obsessed about a video that had nothing to do with what happened. you have to explain that to voters. you can't just say, you went to las vegas. that's inprompt. lay out the argument why it was indicative of the failure. gerri: listen to the sound here. it's prate amazing. romney: you said the day after the attack it was an act of terror, not a spontaneous demonstration, is that what you're saying? obama: proceed, governor. romney: i want to get that for the record because it took the president 14 days before he called the attack in ben bengha. obama: get the transcript. >> moderator: he did -- obama: say that louder. >> moderator: he did call it an act of terror.
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gerri: she got that wrong, but is it too late? >> she was half wrong. people for romney shouldn't kid themselves. it's a stupid way to conduct a debate. it's not high school where you get temperature points for tripping up the opponent. you explain to the voters why you should be president and why president obama should be removed. it's foolish to turn to the president in that way. he set obama up. obama knows what he said in the rose garden, mentioned terror, but what's damaging is he said it was a spontaneous demonstration. he got the video six times at the u.n. two weeks later, ect., ect., and everybody was watching. million different places should have been able to lay that out. i do think, to be honest, i think governor romney, i don't think the issue goes away. the facts are the facts. an ambassador was killed.
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how does obama explain what happened? gerri: you have to agree they have not stepped up to talk about it. >> totally. totally. gerri: hillary clinton saying it was her fault is not enough. the president says the buck stops with him, but it took the debate for him to say that. if you were hoping to win over undecideds, people on the fence, you department do it with the slamming, the nastiness, the vindictiveness on both sides. >> well, i think president obama does not want to win over undecideds. he wants to terrify them about mitt romney. i think he thinks he did a little bit of good, but i think i agree with you. i think romney is in the driver's seat. he just needs to persuade and reassure undecideds that he has a plan to deal with the economy and that he's sober and serious enough to have a better way forward in foreign policy. i think he held his own fine. i agree with you that both preebl got into it too much, but it makes sense for obama base
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he's the one who has to destroy romney as romney said months ago, didn't he, mrs. romney said they want to kill or some obama adviser said the plan is to kill romney. romney's plan can go positive. people have their doubts about obama. gerri: i think what appeals more is a positive spin. >> i agree. gerri: we can solve the problems, here to make it work, not here to beat you up. >> i totally -- gerri: they said they needed lib light sabers last night. women after women trying to get the women's vote. listen to this. >> right. romney: 3.5 million more women living in poverty today. >> women's groups. >> women in the work force. >> including millions of young women. >> more young women in leadership positions. >> young women can compete in the market place.
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>> help women get work by a stronger economy. >> that's not the kind of advocacy women need in any economy. >> women. >> it's an economic issue for women. >> so many good women to be a part of the team. gerri: all right. you get the point. going after women. who wins, bill? >> they care about you, not me. gerri: you are already decided. >> exactly. you're undecided, you typical woman, can't make up your mind. i think it's ridiculous in patronizing on both parts. mitt should pay less attention to the advisers saying focus groups, pay less attention in the weeds and snapping at obama at every little thing and calmly lay out the plans for the future. i think a majority of the voters are willing to fire president obama, but need to be reassured mitt romney has strong plans at home and abroad. that's what he did well in the first debate. i think he can do it monday night, and if he does, he wins.
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gerri: someone said they were over prepared and that's why they were ready to, you know, beat each other up. bill, thanks for coming on tonight. >> thanks. gerri: appreciate the ttme, come back soon. >> happy to do it. gerri: well, also today, federal authorities stopping a potential terrorist attack on the new york federal reserve building. now, that is locate just blocks from the world trade center site where the 9/11 attack occurred 11 years ago. authorities, like the fbi and the new york police department, say a 20-year-old man from bang bangladesh was arrest after a sting operation. the suspect parked a van filled with what was believed explosives outside the building, but the people that gave him the thousand pound bomb were undercover officers, and the bomb was not real. the potential attack comes weeks after terrorists killed an ambassador and three others in libya. new york fed employs 2700 people, base of communications of federal regulators and largest investment banks and
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financial institutions. serious stuff. still to come tonight, a lot more on last night's debate like the favorite body language expert to see what the candidates really were thinking, and president obama said the administration did wonders for the economy, but what's the really story? i'll break it down next. ♪
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ally bank. why they're always there to talk. i love you, james. don't you love me? i'm a robot. i know. i know you're a robot! but there's more in you than just circuits and wires! uhhh. (cries) a machine can't give you what a person can. that's why ally has knowledgeable people therfor you, night and day. ally bank. your money needs an ally. gerri: last night, we talked about howmy shelly obama being in a huge recovery. last night, the president made the same point. >> losing 800,000 jobs a month
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when i started, but we have been digging our way out of policies that were misplaced and focused on the top doing very well and middle class folks not doing well. we've seen 31 consecutive months of job growth, 5.2 million new jobs created, and the plans that i talked about will create more. gerri: i have to tell you, that's not enough job creation. we need more. i can think of no credible economist who believes our economy is thriving. here's why. when you compare this recovery, the one that started in june 2009 way back then, with every recovery since world war ii, this recovery is stinko. last night, romney compared obama's track reagan to reagan who faced a monster of a recession entering office in 1981. out of control inflation, high unnmployment, sky high interest rates.
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romney: you say, well, is there an example of one that works better? yeah. in the reagan recession, unemployment at 10.8%, between that period, end of that recession and equivalent period of time to today, reagan's recovery created twice as many jobs as this president's recovery. five million jobs doesn't keep up with the population growth. the reason the unemployment rate is lower today is because of all the people that dropped out of the work force. gerri: digging into this. investors business daily compared the obama recovery with the reagan recovery. this is what they found. when it comes to household income, urn reagan, incomes up 4%. under obama? down more. keep in mind reel median incomes in the recovery are down $3,000. that's a lot of money. let's talk about payroll jobs. talk a lot about this under reagan they went up 11%, under obama, up 2.3%. that's lousy.
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fewer people working today than when the president took office. think about that. all right. let's talk about the long term unemployed. a big problem in the economy. we talk about this all the time, impacts people over 50 typically. long term unemployed reduced under reagan by nearly 50%, and under obama, up 11%, and now the jobless are increasingly young people. that's the truth about that. food stamps, 15% of americans on food stamps in this country. reagan, however, reduced it by 8%. up 34% under obama. now, we get to the big one of economic numbers, gdp growth, look at this. under reagan, the economy expanded almost 20%, and under obama? it's expanded just this amount. you see when romney says we don't have to settle for the punk economy, sky high unemployment, huge debt and deficits, he's right.
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there's a way out. reagan shows us that cutting taxes, lifting regulations, cutting federal spending, not raising it, can propel growth. we don't have to settle for this. america's best days are not behind her. that's what i think. i want to know what you think. e-mail me, coming up on "the illis report," he says the social welfare system in europe is not working at all, but is the u.s. next to fall in the dangers of this? we'll ask an economist and grand master of global markets next. round two of obama and romney face off last night, but what did the body language say to voters? we'll examine every smirk, smile, and frown as our expert gives her take. also, soon skyrocketing airline fees will be the least of your worries. find out the new travel expenses that may impact your next trip. we're on the case next on "the
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willis report." ♪
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gerri: record number of americans getting government assistance, what's that mean for the future and will the america we know be gone? next. and waiting in line. i don't have to leave my desk and get up and go to the post office anymore. [ male announcer ] with, you can print real u.s. postage for all your letters and packages. it gives you the exact amount of postage you need the instant you need it. can you print only stamps? no. first class. priority mail. certified. international. and the mailman picks it up. i don't leave the shop anymore. [ male announcer ] get a 4-week trial plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again.
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gerri: at last night's presidential debate, mitt romney put forward a stark choice for america. elect him and he'll get america on track. re-elect president obama, and we're on the road to greece. with dependence on the government now at an all-time high, massive spending paid for by borrowing is a defining issue in the campaign. joining me is the ceo of saxo bank, a danish investment bank. lars, welcome to the show. >> thank you.
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gerri: start with food stamps, a big program in the country, now 15% of americans on food stamps, and we got news more are dependent on it. 47 million americans on food stamps compared to 32 million in january of 2009. what do you make of this? >> it's not surprising because the nature of entitlement programs is they grow and grow. there's so many dynamics pulling that direction, you know, the people that want, entitlements, people making money from administering entitlements, people benefits from creating those dependent on the state and not least. that's dangerous. there's socialists who want voters that way. gerri: you say "socialist" in the country, and everybody denies it in this country, but, of course, there are. you make a point that there's vested interest in keeping the programs. one of the things that amazes me is they pay money to advertise food stamps which mystifies me. doesn't everybody know about
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them? why tell them? >> that's the nature of government. it's like any other organization. it likes to grow, most of the time, not necessarily at the top, but the organization itself so you have vested interests, people living from administering the program. lots of people have an interest in the government getting bigger. there's bigger in denmark where, you know, more than 65% of the voting population is on some kind of public payment. gerri: wow, unbelievable. >> yeah. gerri: take a look, facts here that shocked me, and you're from denmark. tax revenue as a percent of gdp, that's 49%. france, 44%, germany 40%. the u.s. looks like we're on the road to being like the other countries. >> well, if you're not careful, you will be. you have to think that one thing is the direct tax, and the other is what is the deficit rate.
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in effect, the deficit is tax pressure coming later on. you're probably higher up the list already; right? with the current deficits. think that the 49% sounds a lot, but think about who pays that for an upper middle class citizen, pays 80% of his income in taxes in denmark, not just income tax -- gerri: how much? repeat that. >> 80%. think income tax is 60%, capital gains is 42%, sales tax at 25%. car tax is 200%. it all adds up. gallons gasoline is $10. gerri: you have 20% leftover. >> that's the middle class citizen. gerri: why do people say? >> it's a nice country apart from that. gerri: you can get money from the government; right? >> when you add it up, it runs fast. gerri: you are here to warn us we're on the road to greece, change our ways.
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>> i'm here to point out, i'm doing a speaking tour at the moment on european socialism and what it implies. some of the stuff i mentioned here, and what's sad is it employs building entitlement programs creating vick tips, people that other side would have had productive good lives get convinced by the government -- gerri: the problem is not just the money, but the people living under the government. >> absolutely. gerri: we have to leave it there. i apologize for cutting you off. thank you for being with us, a fascinating story, one we cover a lot lately, thank you so much. >> thank you, thank you for having me. gerri: still to come, another obama pet project bites the dust. what that says for the future of electric cars. seems like the candidates last night were close to blows. the body language from the debate and what that says about the candidates. ♪ from local communities to local businesses.
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i've been a superintendent for 30 some years at many different park service units across the united states. the only time i've ever had a break is when i was on maternityeave. i have retired from doing this one thing that i loved. to explore something different. able to have the time it's like another chapter.
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gerri: well, maybe there should have been a referee rather than ad moo rate -- moderator last night. the debate full of tense moments, and even when they were not talking, they didn't like each other. here to break it down, our body language expert and author of "the power of body language: how to succeed in every business and social encounter." i love that idea. i thought it was so tense it was off the charts. i want you to hear this exchange over drilling. romney: production is down on government land down 14%. obama: governor, what you say it's just not true. romney: absolutely true. gerri: what do you make of that? >> such a great spot. it was like a primal man on man, romney is chasing him down to
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kind of engage him. gerri: the president turns his back. >> he did and looked down. he turns back, looks down, and romney gained appointments and obama lost points baa he didn't face him, the chest to chest, duke it out. he walked away. gerri: other exchange getting attention is the one over libya so i want you to check out the video of this. you know, we were debating this, benghazi, what did the president know, why did he say it was a result of a video, why didn't he say, you know, it was a terrorist attack, clearly, that didn't happen. hillary clinton apologizing for the president. look at the two of them and how they interagenting, what do you make of it? >> the interaction switched. romney was angry and obama came across as relaxed. sits here, and doesn't get up. he feels powerful he doesn't need to stand. what happens, obama stands up, and he'll walk towards candy,
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and that's when the real interaction starts. here, obama won for sure. gerri: he was bailed out by the moderator who took up his position and turned out to be incorrect. let's talk about the tax plan. now, to me, all the economic issues are the most important issues. >> right. gerri: most important for the viewers and americans across the country. here is obama going after romney on the tax plan. >> governor romney was a successful investor. if somebody came to you, governor, with a plan that said, here, i want to spend $8trillion, and we'll pay for it, but we can't tell you until maybe after the election how we're going to do it, you wouldn't have taken such a sketchy deal, and neither should you, the american people, because the math does not add up. gerri: you're the expert, and i know where you are doing because i was like don't stand like that.
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>> exactly. you have to be able to differentiate people's baseline behavior. we watch the candidates over the last few months especially, but we know them from the last few years as well. one of the things i know about romney is that's not a normal stance for him. he stands with the hands at a side. this position is the fig leaf position, one of insecurity, vulnerability, i don't feel confident in what's going on. the president, engaging, talking to everyone, and romney is in this state, it makes him look like the person of insecurity. gerri: i agree. you know, last time we talked about romney and obama, you really made a lot about romney's closing statement thinking it was strong, you liked it. what did you think this time around? >> still very strong. he's great. he engages. the only thing is, and this forum, obama wins because that's his natural setting. he has that swagger, charisma.
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romney behind a podium, he looks presidential, but when he's walking, he's stiff, arm movements not big like obama's are. he doesn't look as confident and natural as obama does. gerri: at the podium, he was commanding. >> agree 100%. takes control. on that stage, though, obama won. gerri: tough for people not used to that. >> turn off the volume and watch. gerri: you're exposed. >> the lower half is where vulnerables come out, the feet and legs. gerri: thank you for helping us. always a pleasure. thank you so much. in tonight's tech connect, last night's debate was a hit on social media. the lab that studies social media reaction, the debate generated 12 million comments on twitter and facebook making it the most talk about political event of all time. the third of any kind of event saying immigration produced the
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biggest spike in conversation with posts from women, but it was the phrase "behinders full of women" jumping # # -- 200,000 on facebook. 66 million people watched debate on good old-fashioned tv. stay with us.
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gerri: obama's green scheme takes a turn for the worst.
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electric battery car maker, a123 systems filing for bankruptcy protection after receiving $250 million in loan guarantees. do taxpayers have hope of getting the money back? joining me now is kenneth green, environmental scientist and resident scholar at the american enterprise institute. great to have you here. talk about what went wrong, they went public, raising $380 million, an ipo. what went wrong? >> that the market for the their product failed to appear. people are not buying the electric cars in the numbers necessary to support technology, and they had problems getting the technology into the market and not having problems with the technology as well. gerri: look at the stock chart, i don't know if it's up yet, but it's dismal. it tanks like a stone. we have that? yeah, there it is. that's not what yes want to see as a ceo of the company. the obama administration's defense is that the factories are not disappears, but taken over by johnson control.
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feel better about that? >> no. the question is what's important is whether or not taxpayers get the money back. johnson control takes them over, but they will not be buy k them at the -- buying them at the full markkt price. they get a freebie here. that's part of the venture socialism where the government invests taxpayer money. things go well, profits privatized, if not, risks are socialize. johnson gets a freebie. gerri: a bush grant in 2007 of $6 million, in 2009, a obama grant of $209 million. where do you draw the line? what should you fund and not fund? >> a lot of literature on this, and it's agreed that the government has a legitimate role of funding basic university research and development, chemistry, physics, biology, things like that, not how to scale up a technology to bring it to market. it's not how to deploy new
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technologies in the market. it's very much further back on the development chain. when the government gets into the valley of death thing, things go there to die. gerri: that's what we've seen with all of the department of energy companies. so many of them and in bankruptcy now. they had ties to the obama administration so not only do you have the government in there doing what it does least well, but you have crony capitalism. is that just a necessary by function of having the government involved in this thing that at the end of the day you end up giving money to people you already know? >> pretty much, yeah. you give money to people you know or if you don't know them, the prospect of money when saw on the horizon, they ensure you learn who they are, hook up with you, and there's a deal where you give money to you, steer money to you, and everybody is happy other than the taxpayers funding money to both of you. gerri: four of the 26 companies in the program are bankrupt. a123 systems, solyndra, beacon
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power, and abound solar. people out there make the point that the government got involved at just the wrong time, and if they got involved earlier or later, the fortunes of the company would have turned around. what do you say to that? >> that's always the excuse. we've seen cycles like this before. the electric car mandate in california, the exact same promises from california politicians that they were going to build the next generation battery technology plants in california, the next great california renaissance in the 1990s, billing batteries for the electric cars politicians mandated on the road. years later, all in ruins, gm destroyed all electric cars, and ten years pass, and we forgot the whole things. gerri: talking electric cars since the 20s. will it take off? >> doesn't look like it. robert bryce says electric cars are et great thing and always will be.
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they chased it since the early 1900s. batteries are not dense enough in how much energy they store to compete with an engine powered by gasoline. that's amazingly high in energy content not matched with batteries, and consumers want a range in performance. gerri: not all energy sources created equal. some better than others, others a lot better than others. ken, thank you, appreciate your time. >> my pleasure, thanks. gerri: still to come, two cents more on a plan to ban homework. forget airline fees, cruises and rental car companies nickel and diming you. what to look out for next. i'm an expert on and tea parties. i'll have re awkward conversations than i'm equipped for
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because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about theconomy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. massmutual. we'll help you get there. gerri: getting from point a to b never more expensive. the outrageous fees companies slip under your bill in two minutes.
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gerri: in focus tonight, travelers fed up with fees, me included. the airline industry raking in $22.5 billion from consumers, me and you, last year. just getting to the airport can cost you. in fact, from the moment you walk out the front door, there's a mountain of extra charges, charges you don't realize you pay until after you get the bill. founder of shouldn't they be nice to consumerrers? >> what's happening is the base fares and base cruise fares and hotel rates are low. in fact, give them breaks because adjusted for inflation, airfares are lower. it costs $1800 minimum -- that was the only fare between new york and los angeles in 1959,
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adjusted for inflation. gerri: all right. we mentioned airlines raked in $22 billion in fees. what's going on with spirit. they are hiking on the fees. checking carry on bags at the gate, $100, carry-ops paid at booking, i mean, you know, it costs you more to have a bag than to buy the ticket. >> if you were to fly between oregon and dallas recently, a new spirit route, i don't own airline stock, and i'm not an aficionado, but costs $77 round trip on spirit, $700 on american airlines, same route, same day. even with the fees, you save money. now, cruise lines -- gerri: you know, i think people in the back of their head are doing that, and once they are over the limit, people sign off. >> what happens is the fees are hidden. there's even booking fees to use the online websites that you don't see until you actually go and pay your money so there's a
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lot of hidden fees. the cruise line does this too, the cruise industry. i've seen $29 extra charges for filet mignon in the main dining rooms. you paid to go into the specialty restaurants, but now you're seeing on the main dining menu $29 extra fee. gerri: just to drive the point home. carnival got $936 billion in fees last year. unbelievable. it's not just cruise lines, but hotels got in $1.68 billion in fees in 2011, fees to hold the bag, make money from that, parking is atrocious, look at this. in room safe. never saw a fee for that. oh, my lord, ridiculous. >> wifi charges. stay in a hilton garden inn or a mid range. they don't charge for parking, sometimes have free breakfast. i drove across country a couple
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months ago staying in the fairfield ins, free parking, and the beds just as comfortable. gerri: i think they are a fantastic deal, those chains. they give you so many extras, and you tend not to pay for them, they are clean, brightly lit, not what you expect, very comfortable. big advocate. car rentals. this is one of my favorite things to complain about. if you return the car early or late, you get fees, fuel charges, always have that, extra drivers charge more if the wife drives too, goes on and on. >> absolutely. that's how they make money. the thing about rental car companies is they charge a lot for the base rental fees. the rental car prices are outrageous. without the fees, they have gone up and up and up. the airlines are charges less than they charge many, many years ago, and hotels and cruises, you can go on a cruise for, you know, $39 a night, but
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when you drink and gamble -- gerri: helps to eat. costs an arm and a leg. george, thanks for coming on tonight. a pleasure to talk to you. i have 20 say you pick your colors well. thank you, you look great too. gerri: thank you. all right, we'll be right back. [ male aouncer at scottra, you won't just find us online, you'll also finds in person, with dedicated support teams at over 500 branches nationwide. so when you call or visit, you can ask for a name you know. because personal service starts with real person. [ rodger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. our support teams are nearby, ready to help. it's no wonder so many iestors are saying... [ all ] i'm with scottrade. i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, n easy to find, but worth it.
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>> and jim from pennsylvania, i work for for a refinery, obamad his regulations almost shut us down, we need romney for fracking and pipelines, and depend less on foreign oil, we have the resources to be self self-dependent on oil and gas. gerri: france's president, wants to ban homework. not because kids want to play outside or enjoy school. he wants to ban home work because it benefits the rich. saying that privileged kitted have smarter -- kids have master parents. they need to stop worry about rich people leaving because they are leaving anyway because of
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the taxes, he should balance the scales. and focus on fact that students in france do not even get in the top 20, that is my two cents, have a great night, come back tomorrow, see you then. lou: good evening, two network polls one from cbs the other cnn showing president obama as the winner of the second presidential debate, by a margin. and they offer support for governor romney on principle issues, last night's debate was often contentious, and the moderator seemed unable to flow of the debate to facilitate the flow of the


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